Home Soups Useful properties of bread. All the best for you

Useful properties of bread. All the best for you

Many people believe that a healthy diet is essential for modern society. But the frantic pace of life suggests that there is simply no time to do this. Therefore, it is necessary to try to replace at least some of the harmful products with useful ones. One such product is bread.

It is believed that it contains a huge amount of artificial additives, and yeast is also added to it, which does not bring anything good to the human body, only harm. Despite this, it is quite difficult for a person to refuse such food, which is tightly entrenched in the diet. It would seem, what can replace the usual bread? Basically, nothing. But naturopaths have a different opinion and argue that there is a great alternative to ordinary bread, and besides, it’s also healthy. These are special breads.

On the shelves of shops you can see a large number of breads of various brands. Among all the variety, one type stands out, which has an unusual round shape - these are Dr. Corner.

Someone will say that they are again trying to impose imported goods. So, it should be noted that, despite the name, this is a primordially Russian product. Their production is carried out by JSC Khlebprom. Among the entire range of products, Dr. Korner are not the only products dedicated to healthy eating. But in this article we will talk specifically about bread.

What is so special about them and how do they differ from others? The manufacturer approached the production of loaves with special creativity.

The entire line of this product can be divided into 3 main types:

  • classic.
    This group includes the following types of product: "Buckwheat", "Corn", "Rice", "Wheat", "Seven cereals" - all types are endowed with a rich complex of vitamins. The Cereal Cocktail belongs to the same group, but in addition to vitamins? it contains various minerals.
  • sweet.
    These include the "Cereal Cocktail", which is presented in five types of performance due to the variety of taste characteristics: lemon, blueberry, honey, cranberry and pineapple. True, their calorie content is slightly higher, but more on that later.
  • salty.
    Among them are the same "Cereal cocktails", only with the addition of iodized salt and the taste of cheese, this also includes the "Borodinsky" bread.

Each product contains Dr. Korner includes exclusively natural raw materials. Moreover, they are prepared in a special way, in which the time allotted for heat treatment is minimized. Now it takes 5 to 8 seconds.

This approach to production makes it possible to preserve the health benefits of cereal crops. It should be noted that additives that give taste to bread are also of natural origin. Instead of sugar, fructose and sucralose are used here.

The benefits of bread Dr. Corner

The benefits of cereal-based products are invaluable to the human body. First, due to the very properties of cereals. Secondly, due to the absence of components such as yeast and artificial additives of various kinds in the composition.

Cultures are a real storehouse of vitamins (in particular group B), fiber and minerals. All vitamins belonging to the B group make a positive contribution to the health of the body. Mainly, they have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, and also strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Thanks to this group of vitamins, the blood begins to circulate better.

The rich mineral composition is also beneficial. Cereals, especially buckwheat, contain such important elements as calcium and phosphorus, thanks to which bones and teeth become strong, iron, which is necessary for optimal blood formation, and magnesium, which helps in the work of muscle tissues.

The product contains coarse fiber, and in a significant amount. Once in the body, it contributes to the favorable functioning of the intestines and removes harmful toxic substances that accumulate due to the ingestion of not very healthy food. Additionally, fiber is involved in the fight against excess weight. It happens quite simply. Fiber, even in small amounts, allows the body to get enough, thereby preventing it from overeating.

Therefore, Dr. Korner make it possible not only to replace bread, but also to become healthier. It should be noted that buckwheat bread is a rich source of iron, in addition, the level of their glycemic index is extremely low. Due to this composition, this product is recommended for patients with diabetes and anemia by doctors themselves.

Wheat products help get rid of certain types of stomach diseases. Rice helps fight sleep problems and improves the functioning of the nervous system. Of course, the inclusion in your diet exclusively of Dr. Korner will not give the desired results. Of course, everything should be carried out in a complex.


Of course, like any product, Dr. Korner have some contraindications. True, products that include cereals are not capable of harming health. But by the way, as elsewhere, there are some situations in which the consumption of this product should either be completely abandoned, or gradually introduced into your daily diet in small portions. And then after going to the doctor.

These situations are associated with an exacerbation of diseases associated with digestion, as well as the fact that the body cannot digest fiber. Determining this is easy enough. Enough to eat food of plant origin? and if after that pain and bloating occur, as well as an increase in the level of gas formation, then you can’t eat bread regularly.

If a person does not tolerate cereal protein, that is, this product is categorically impossible for him. Otherwise, terrible diarrhea is inevitable. If the rule is neglected, the benefits of eating bread will turn into harm.


In one hundred grams of the product, the calorie content is 300 kcal. Despite the fact that the figure is quite large, you should not be upset. Included in the loaves Dr. Korner complex carbohydrates in the form of fiber can make the body feel full.

The dimensions of the product are quite voluminous, but their weight is negligible. Daily consumption of 3-5 pieces of the product will in no way harm your figure.

Vieingly shouting about the dangers of "ordinary" bread. Say, it contains artificial additives and yeast, which do not bring us any benefit and can even harm. But for many, bread is a familiar component of nutrition and an important part of the diet. Is it possible to replace it with something? Naturopaths happily nod their heads at this question. As a "daily bread" they recommend the use of special breads, which are now presented in a huge variety of brands. Dr. Korner is one of them.

Crispbread Dr. Korner: what are they like?

Despite the “non-Russian” name, these are domestic-made bread rolls, they are produced by Khlebprom OJSC. In addition to them, the company produces several other types of products for a healthy diet. But the topic of our conversation is bread. So what's special about them?

The manufacturer offers a fairly wide range of bread, dividing them into 3 groups: classic, sweet and salty.

The classic group includes 6 items: "Buckwheat" with vitamins, "Rice" with vitamins, "Wheat" with vitamins, "Corn", "Seven cereals" and "Cereal cocktail" with vitamins and minerals.

Salted ones are “Cereal cocktails” with iodized salt and cheese, as well as “Borodinsky” bread rolls.

The group of sweet breads is represented by 5 types of "Cereal Cocktail" with different flavors: honey, lemon, cranberry, blueberry and pineapple. (Hmm… Pineapple bread? Interesting…)

All products are made only from natural raw materials in a special way, in which time heat treatment is only 5 - 8 seconds. This allows you to maximize the preservation of all the useful properties of cereals. Flavoring additives also have an exclusively natural origin - these are extracts of fruits and berries. And as a sugar substitute for sweet breads, fructose and sucralose are used.

Who is treated by Dr. Korner? The benefits of bread

The health benefits of cereal bread consist, on the one hand, of valuable properties the cereals themselves, and on the other hand, from the absence of yeast and artificial additives in the composition of the product.

Cereal crops are known as a rich source, especially of group B, as well as minerals and.
B vitamins are beneficial nervous system, as they improve the conduction of a nerve impulse, and blood vessels, as they help strengthen their walls and improve blood circulation in the capillaries.

Of the minerals in cereals, the content of phosphorus is quite high. We are well aware of the need for calcium and phosphorus for the strength of our bones and teeth, iron for normal blood formation, magnesium for muscle function.

Coarse fiber, contained in large quantities in bread, contributes to the full functioning of the intestines, and also “collects” and helps to remove toxic substances from the body that are formed during the digestion of food, especially not the healthiest.

Fiber is also important for the fight against excess weight, because in addition to the listed properties, it gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness, thus preventing overeating and exceeding the required calorie content of the diet.

In general, bread rolls can not only be a complete substitute for regular bread, they also help us become healthier.

By the way, buckwheat bread, as sources of iron and owners of low, is recommended to be consumed for anemia and diabetes. Wheat helps with some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. And rice will be useful for diseases of the nervous system and sleep disorders. But, of course, their use alone will not allow you to recover from these diseases. As the saying goes, man does not live by bread alone...

Contraindications for the use of Dr. Korner

Whole-grain bread will not cause significant harm to your health, however, in some situations it is better to refuse them or introduce them into the diet carefully, after consulting a doctor. These situations are diseases of the digestive system in the acute stage and problems with the digestion of fiber.

If after plant foods you have pain, bloating and increased gas formation, then it’s not your destiny to eat bread regularly. And people with gluten enteropathy (intolerance to cereal protein) can not even dream of eating them regularly. Anyone who dares is threatened with nightmarish diarrhea.


The calorie content of bread is on average about 300 kcal per 100 grams. At first glance, this is quite a lot, but do not rush to be disappointed. The fiber contained in the bread belongs to complex carbohydrates and gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness. In addition, they are very light, although quite voluminous. So 3 - 5 loaves of bread will be enough for you per day, and this will not in the least interfere with the struggle for harmony, if you are currently leading it.


All reviews about Dr. Körner of an exceptionally benevolent nature. People like literally everything about them, and first of all, the real taste of bread, which is rarely found in whole grain bread from other manufacturers. In addition, a wide selection of flavors impresses, and sweet bread successfully replaces high-calorie pastries, which are so loved by sweet teeth. Also, buyers are satisfied with the low price and availability of the product in retail chains. In a word, the reviews are so good that the author of the article is also not averse to tasting these wonderful breads at the moment.

So, Dr. Körner is a product that, when used correctly, will bring health benefits and even slightly help in. In addition, they are tasty, cheap and from a domestic manufacturer. And the latter, as you know, must be supported!

What kind of bread is really useful?

Product of the day: Bread

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A. Venediktov:
Mr. Ambassador, today is Friday and today is Mr. Surkov's birthday. What gift did you prepare for him?

Kurt Walker:
I have not prepared a gift, but I wish him a happy birthday and wish him health and well-being, and I also wish peace for everyone.

A. Venediktov:
Is he a good negotiator? Are you satisfied that it is he who is negotiating Ukraine with you?

Kurt Walker:
The most important thing is that the person representing Russia in any negotiations should enjoy the trust and authority of the decision makers. In this case, that person is President Putin, and I believe that Mr. Surkov undoubtedly enjoys his confidence, and this is good. I also think he is a very, very smart person and a true professional. He has a good sense of humor. It is reliable in terms of communication. In my opinion, he is reliably conveying to us the wishes of President Putin, and I think he is also reliably communicating to the Russian leadership what he hears in our discussions, which is the best we can hope for.

A. Venediktov:
You haven't seen him for a long time. You haven't met him for a long time. Is everything frozen?

Kurt Walker:
Recently, we have several times entered into written contact. In terms of communication, there was indeed silence during the campaign for the re-election of President Putin and the subsequent formation of a new government, after which Mr. Surkov was reappointed to this position. After that, we communicated several times, however, it seems that our positions did not converge much in terms of the possible nature of the deployment of a peacekeeping mission. So we had a correspondence on this topic. I would like to know a little more about Russia's considerations on how this can be done in a productive and efficient manner, and based on that, I hope we can meet again and have a productive meeting.

A. Venediktov:
You remind me of my doctor, who speaks in a quiet voice, says: calmly, everything will be fine. So here's my question, Dr. Walker: Is the Minsk Agreement patient more alive or more likely dead?

Kurt Walker:
The patient is very much alive. The Minsk agreements have some critical aspects. In particular, this is a document according to which Russia confirms that Donbass is a part of Ukraine and that it agrees with the restoration of Ukrainian control over this territory. Another important point is that the Minsk agreements are the basis on which the United States and Europe and Russia and Ukraine have come together to state what exactly should be implemented. The problem with the Minsk agreements is that they are not being implemented, and I believe that this is a fundamental disagreement: Russia insists that Ukraine must take several political steps, such as holding elections for local authorities or assigning a special status to the territory before security can be established there and before Ukraine can regain access to the territory.

The Ukrainian authorities insist that security must be ensured and that they must gain access to this territory before they can organize elections, grant special status, grant amnesty, and so on. Therefore, together with France and Germany, we have proposed the deployment of a peacekeeping force under a UN mandate to the region, which will independently provide security, create time and space so that these political steps can be implemented, which, I believe, are the goal of Russia. We believe that this is a very reasonable proposal, which, in my opinion, would close this gap between security measures and political measures.

A. Venediktov:
Let's talk a little about peacekeepers then. Did I understand correctly that these should be UN peacekeepers?

Kurt Walker:
Yes, with a UN mandate. How this will be organized is subject to discussion. How the peacekeepers will be deployed, at what stage, is subject to discussion, but from a fundamental point of view, after full deployment, it should be a genuine peacekeeping force in control of the security situation.

A. Venediktov:
So you say that the mandate is being discussed. And you could have your vision, your vision, Kurt Volker, of the mandate of the peacekeepers: who, how many, with what mandate do you think it would be right?

Kurt Walker:
Again, I think these points can be discussed. We don't have a hard formula here. It simply needs to be effective enough to allow peacekeepers to control security throughout the area, oversee the withdrawal of heavy weapons, and ultimately control the Ukrainian side of the international border so that the border is not used as a means to move arms and troops in both directions. . An important point here is the status of the so-called People's Republics. They were created by Russia inside Ukraine. They do not have local legitimacy. They are completely illegitimate under the Minsk agreements.

According to the Minsk agreements, this territory passes under Ukrainian control. There is no place for these formations in the constitution of Ukraine. This is a complex issue and we are committed to negotiating with Russia, which is ultimately the decision maker in this regard, to find a settlement to restore security and then restore constitutional order.

A. Venediktov:
I once...

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Kurt Walker:
And the implementation of the Minsk agreements.

A. Venediktov:
I once told Secretary of State Colin Powell how much I hate diplomats. He said: just as I hate them. I'd rather be a general. Therefore, I ask you as a diplomat, and I ask you to answer as a general.

Kurt Walker:

A. Venediktov:
What should be the number of peacekeepers to ensure security, from which countries would it be ideal for them to consist?

Kurt Walker:
Again, I'm not a general, so I can't answer the question about the number of peacekeepers. In terms of countries, a number of States have already indicated that they will be ready to contribute. This was stated by Sweden, Finland, Austria, Belarus, Serbia and Turkey. In my opinion, this is a good range of countries, including several states that are considered in Russia more as part of the West, and several states that are considered in the West more as part of the CIS space, and I believe that a sense of balance would be logical.

A. Venediktov:
And yet, do I understand correctly that we are talking about tens of thousands of peacekeepers, and not thousands throughout the entire territory of military territories?

Kurt Walker:
We are talking about the occupied areas because that is where Russian forces are operating and that is why there is a war going on. If we can get Russian troops out of Ukraine before Ukraine sends its troops to take the territory back under its control, a UN-mandated force will arrive. They will take control from Russia. They will establish security, ensure that the people there are protected and taken care of, and then we would implement these political steps within the framework of the Minsk agreements. So we are not talking about the entire territory of Ukraine, but about the entire region of the conflict.

A. Venediktov:
You said that there were Russian troops there. But I don’t really have any information that there are Russian troops there. Military advisers - probably, yes. But what about military units? Do you have such data?

Kurt Walker:
Yes. Whatever I say, I will immediately be objected by someone who does not like this or that number, but let me say that we have studied this issue very carefully. We have very good information about the commanders, the chain of command, types of troops, their funding, the number of regular Russian military personnel, the number of specialized units, and most of the forces are contract soldiers. I'll be very frank: the US has done the same in other places where we've used contractors as an adjunct to US military operations, and in this case it's the same situation. There is direct Russian command and control through a chain of command that includes regular troops, regular officers, but most of the forces are contract soldiers who are paid by Russia.

K. Volker: Let's not abuse the label of terrorism to fight political opponents

A. Venediktov:
See. I know that approximately the armed forces of the separatists are from 30 to 50 thousand people. These are Ukrainian citizens. What to do with them?

Kurt Walker:
Some of them are citizens of Ukraine, also hired on a contract basis. Many of them are not. Some of them are Russian citizens, some are Serbs, some are from Belarus. As you know, they come from everywhere and are hired and organized by this company. But ultimately, these are illegal armed formations on the territory of Ukraine. So if we are talking about the implementation of the Minsk agreements, in accordance with the terms of the Minsk agreements, these illegal armed groups must cease to exist.

A. Venediktov:

Kurt Walker:
Yes, this is also part of the Minsk agreements, and Ukraine has tentatively passed an amnesty law for those who are considered to have committed crimes within the conflict. This law was not implemented because there was no ceasefire, there was no withdrawal of heavy weapons, there was no withdrawal of Russian troops. And so, again, we proposed to bring in these forces with a UN mandate to create conditions under which the implementation of the amnesty, the assignment of a special status, and so on would be ensured.

A. Venediktov:
Does the murder of Alexander Zakharchenko somehow change the configuration of negotiations in Ukraine? He was also the person who signed the Minsk agreements.

Kurt Walker:
Yes, and it's also about another person; and I should add: if you look at the Minsk agreements, it's a very interesting document. There are representatives of Russia and Ukraine, then there is an empty space, and then there are signatures of two people from Donbass, one from the Luhansk region, and one from the Donetsk region. The Lugansk representative was removed by Russia last winter, and as far as I know, he returned to Russia. Zakharchenko is now dead, so he's not there either.

Fortunately, the security situation remains relatively stable. The fundamental dynamics of what's going on there are also pretty stable, nothing really changes, and it even looks like Russia has a little more direct or firmer control over the structures in the area. So in theory this should actually make the negotiations easier, given that Russia is now committed to peace.

K.Volker: The US is not involved in resolving religious issues in Ukraine

A. Venediktov:
But you criticize the scheduled elections in these self-proclaimed separatist republics. If there are no elections, there are no people to talk to.

Kurt Walker:
I would say it's quite the opposite. We strongly support elections in these territories. Elections of legal subjects that exist should be held - the mayor of Lugansk, the mayor of Donetsk, regional administrations. The so-called People's Republics have no local legitimacy. They are not consistent with the Minsk agreements. They are not consistent with the Constitution of Ukraine and were created in conditions of occupation and lack of general security. It is a broader principle of international law that it is impossible to hold an election.

For example, under these conditions it is impossible to conduct an election campaign for people who oppose the existence of the so-called People's Republics, people with different points of view who want to campaign safely, have freedom of movement, feel safe, not get under fire and not step on mines. . Thus, this is a fundamental problem: it is not possible to hold elections for these entities under the current conditions, but we strongly support the holding of local elections in a secure environment – ​​the elections of legitimate structures that are part of the constitutional basis of Ukraine.

A. Venediktov:
Responsible diplomat Kurt Volker. And again as a general. You say: Ukraine should talk directly with the separatists. You always spoke. And where to get the representatives of the separatists, if they do not choose?

Kurt Walker:
No, I'm saying that we should negotiate directly with Russia. The Russians are currently in control of the security situation. They control the military forces. They control political structures. This conflict takes place entirely on the territory of Ukraine. Only the citizens of Ukraine who live there are deprived of their homes and normal lives, and only they are affected by what is happening. It should be added that most of these Ukrainian citizens are Russian speakers who are victims of this conflict, and they deserve the opportunity to restore normal life. Therefore, I note that we must negotiate with Russia to end its support for this military force, to end its support for the conflict, so that Russia will allow peace to be restored and the Minsk agreements to be implemented.

A. Venediktov:
And how to hold elections if 1,200,000 refugees from these conflict territories came to inner Ukraine and 700,000 to Russia, that is, 2 million voters out of 5 do not.

Kurt Walker:
And this is a very real problem, a very difficult moment. This demonstrates why it is impossible to hold elections for these structures today. That would be crazy. It is necessary to return to the original voter lists that existed in Ukraine before the war. It is necessary to determine who has the right to vote. A registration process needs to be established, which will likely need to be overseen by the United Nations or the OSCE, one of these organizations, to carry out voter registration in order to create conditions for legitimate elections.

Otherwise, any elections that are held will always raise questions. And as for the displaced people, it is necessary to allow them to return, and also to allow them to vote before returning, through consulates, embassies and so on, and this will be normal in accordance with international practice, but it is very difficult to ensure.

A. Venediktov:
And this is the main problem?

Kurt Walker:
And I should also say that some of them are in Russia, some are in Ukraine, some are in Belarus, some are in Germany, some are in Russia.

A. Venediktov:
Is it in the foreseeable future? A year, two, three - how long does it take for new elections?

Kurt Walker:
Most likely, in my opinion, it will take six months of peace. I think it will take six months of peace to check the voter lists, determine the mechanism, create the conditions under which people can safely conduct an election campaign.

A. Venediktov:
Kurt, explain to me the calendar, the roadmap for these 6 months. How do you see her?

Kurt Walker:
I will say the following. Everyone knows that it is impossible to deploy military forces in an entire area of ​​this size in one day. It's physically impossible. You have to start somewhere and end with something. In my opinion, we should start with some of the most sensitive areas where the negotiations in Minsk and the negotiations in the Normandy format have stalled. For example, there is the Donetsk filtration station. Both sides have heavy weapons too close to the station, even in accordance with the agreements. There is sniper fire. There is shooting on video cameras. Brigades of station employees come under fire.

Therefore, it would be reasonable, for example, to start from this area, where international forces will arrive, somewhat expand the zone of control and create local security conditions that will help ensure the supply of clean water to the population. Another such site is around Stanytsia Luhanska. There is a border checkpoint there. It's very dangerous there. Again, the troops are too close. People are dying crossing the border between the occupied zone and the rest of Ukraine, and therefore it makes sense to send international forces there and defuse the situation. I can cite as an example two other places, perhaps in the Mariupol area, where peacekeepers could benefit the local population in terms of providing some security.

Then the next step could be taken. At this stage, it would be possible to extend the coverage of the peacekeeping force to a wider area, perhaps not densely populated, but to start with creating a security zone, demining if necessary, expanding freedom of movement, and then possibly moving to populated areas, after which, perhaps finally reach the international border. This is how the process should be done, and it will take some time.

K.Volker: We must negotiate with Russia to end its support for this military force

Nobody can do it overnight. Appropriate capacity should be built and, at the same time, an electoral commission, which will be necessary for the conduct of the elections, should be established. Ukraine could be preparing the legislation necessary to give the area a special status. A law has already been passed there, but it is not being implemented. Thus, there are steps that would allow moving this process forward.

A. Venediktov:
I was told that you spoke and discussed the possibility of creating an interim external administration, as in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It's true?

Kurt Walker:
I think it would be too cumbersome, because in my opinion it should be a rather temporary and rather lightweight structure. Its purpose is simply to ensure the implementation of the Minsk agreements, which, in part, say that this territory is transferred to Ukrainian control, and Ukraine regains control of the international border.

So if we put in place a peacekeeping mission with a UN mandate for a certain period of time, we are talking only about the period of time necessary to ensure the implementation of the Minsk agreements. Thus, a ceasefire, the withdrawal of heavy weapons, elections, special status, amnesty, and then the border passes under the control of Ukraine. Therefore, one should not create a huge administrative structure, which will then be difficult to disband. No doubt some structure will be needed, but I think it should be modest in size.

A. Venediktov:
That is, you think that the creation of an interim external administration is less effective than the rapid holding of elections?

Kurt Walker:
An interim administration is necessary because there will be a period of time from the moment the Russian troops withdraw until the moment when Ukraine implements all the stages of the Minsk agreements that it needs to implement, and Ukrainian control over this territory is restored. So during this period of time some kind of structure is needed. She is necessary. It just shouldn't be blown up.

If you remember, in Bosnia for about 20 years there was an Office of the High Representative - a massive administration that controlled everything, and our experience is that when huge structures are created, they take on a life of their own, and they can be difficult to disband. This would be contrary to the goal of ensuring full implementation of the Minsk agreements. So a temporary administration is needed. It should be lightweight and be a transitional mechanism.

A. Venediktov:
Is this temporary administration also made up of Swedes, Finns, Turks, Belarusians?

Kurt Walker:
This will be the office of the UN High Representative, who reports to the UN Secretary General. It will probably be a joint structure with the OSCE, and they have their own capacity building mechanisms in this area.

A. Venediktov:
Many of our listeners ask: what does the United States have to do with Ukraine? Well, the Germans and the French are still the Minsk agreements. Americans are not inside the Minsk agreements. And roughly speaking: what did you lose there?

Kurt Walker:
That's a great question, because discussions about this conflict always overlook humanitarian issues, people. It was a prosperous part of Ukraine. Its population was about 4.5 million people, which were part of the fabric of Ukraine. Many leading politicians, leading industrialists and businessmen, leading cultural figures are associated with this part of Ukraine. But as a result of Russian intervention, and now the occupation of this territory, more than 10,000 people died. This is the largest number of war casualties in Europe since the Balkan wars, since the war in Bosnia. At least one and a half million people have been displaced from their homes as a result of this conflict, and they have ended up in all these places that we have talked about. This is the largest number of war-displaced people in Europe since World War II.

And we support a lot. First of all, we support the security of all citizens of Ukraine and want these people to start living normal lives again. Secondly, we support the law, and if we take into account all the obligations that the United States, European countries and Russia are part of, starting with the Helsinki Accords, we are talking about the principle of the inadmissibility of changing borders by force. We are talking about respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states. We are talking about the freedom of countries to choose their own security structure, political and economic systems. These are the principles enshrined in the agreements concluded by the US and Russia, together with other European countries, under the Helsinki Final Act, under the NATO-Russia Founding Act, and therefore we are interested in ensuring that these principles are respected. Therefore, from a humanitarian point of view, from a security point of view and from a legal point of view, we are directly interested in restoring peace in Ukraine.

A. Venediktov:
Look, President Putin said that the most stable situation was during the Cold War, when the world was divided into spheres of influence and each great power had its own responsibility. I know that he suggested this to President Obama and President Trump: areas of responsibility. And Ukraine, in his understanding, is part of Russia's area of ​​responsibility. Let's divide the world - and there will be no war. What do you think about it? I think that he said this to Mr. Surkov.

Kurt Walker:
This reflects a fundamental difference in outlook. Russia holds the view that it has the right to decide the fate of neighboring countries and other peoples, whether they are Ukrainians, or Moldovans, or Georgians, or anyone else. The United States and Europe adhere to the position enshrined in all these legal frameworks that I spoke about. It lies in the fact that these people have the right to make their own decisions. Let the Ukrainians decide the fate of their own country, let the Georgians decide the fate of their own country. There is no doubt that there are problems in these countries, and within Ukraine there are political problems that need to be addressed. In Georgia, it is necessary to solve ethnic and political problems, but they must be solved with the help of the legitimate constitutional means of these countries, and not through outside interference and occupation of their territory.

A. Venediktov:
Tomos, autocephaly of the Ukrainian Church. I interviewed Patriarch Filaret here a few days ago. And yet we understand, both he and I, that autocephaly is a new crisis between Moscow and Kiev. Exacerbation of the crisis. How do you look at it?

Kurt Walker:
First, the US is a secular power; we are not a religious structure. Therefore, we do not participate in resolving religious issues in Ukraine. Secondly, our country is founded on the principle of freedom of religion. We believe that all people have the right to choose their religion, to find their way to God, and we defend this principle within our own country. Our country is made up of orthodox Catholics, Orthodox Christians, Protestants, Muslims, Jews, Hindus and others; we have representatives of all faiths. And everyone is free to do whatever they want. And in this case, a situation has arisen where many believers, many citizens of Ukraine believe that they are being denied their own interpretation of their religion, the affirmation of their own path to God and self-realization as believers. And we support the right of every person to have their own beliefs and their own respect for those beliefs. So, again, we are concerned about the situation when some external force restricts the exercise of religious freedom. And we will always take the side of supporting the believers themselves.

A. Venediktov:
But the patriarch and I agreed that this is a political issue, not a religious one. And in this regard, this will become one of your conversations with Surkov, one hundred percent.

K.Volker: The problem with the Minsk agreements is that they are not being implemented

Kurt Walker:
I do not think that this will be one of the topics of my talks with Surkov, because we have nothing to do with this issue. I believe this is being treated as a political issue because Russia is making it a political issue because they don't want Ukraine to have an independent church. This is a very political decision coming from the Russian side. As far as I understand, this issue should be considered by the religious authorities, in particular, the Ecumenical Patriarch and his Synod, which deal with religious issues.

A. Venediktov:
But do you understand that this complicates your task as a special representative for the settlement in Ukraine?

Kurt Walker:
No, I do not think so. Firstly, I do not think that my task was initially simple, because we are dealing with a situation in which Russia continues to deny that it has a presence in Ukraine, that it has invaded this country and is occupying its territory, that there are her troops, and that she controls events on the ground. As long as Russia denies this, it will be very difficult to reach any real agreements because it denies the obvious. In addition, in my opinion, if Russia really wants to fulfill the terms of the Minsk agreements, it needs to make a fundamentally different decision compared to all the previous ones. Without this, we will not succeed. Earlier we talked about a peacekeeping mission with a UN mandate - but, of course, there will be no peacekeeping mission with a UN mandate if Russia does not agree to this. So it all depends on whether Russia changes its mind about this.

I think there is a reason why Russia should do this. It lies in the fact that Russians and Ukrainians should not fight each other. There must be peace, and the Russian-speakers of eastern Ukraine deserve the opportunity to live in peace and live a normal life. And if Russia seeks a positive relationship with Ukraine in the future, it poisons that opportunity by occupying part of Ukraine's territory and continuing the fighting that kills Ukrainians every week. So I think there are reasons why Russia should change its position and really position itself to promote peace, restore good relations between Ukrainians and Russians, and restore good relations between countries. I think there are good reasons for this, but we haven't seen it yet.

A. Venediktov:
When my interlocutors who are involved in politics say “I believe”, it means “hopeless”. What is the basis of the belief that Russia can change the fundamental approach?

K.Volker: Let Ukrainians decide the fate of their own country

Kurt Walker:
Let's just look at what's going on. I believe Russia hoped that the Ukrainian government and society would again become part of the extended family of Slavic civilization, along with Russia. The Russian invasion and occupation of the territory of Ukraine and its attempted annexation of Crimea removed Ukraine from Russia. Russia has created a more united, more nationalist, more anti-Russian, more Western-oriented Ukraine than ever before. It should not be.

A. Venediktov:
A few short questions. Sentsov: why is it important?

Kurt Walker:
He is in a very critical condition due to a hunger strike. He was taken out of the Crimea; he was forcibly granted Russian citizenship, which he denies; he has been charged with terrorism, which he denies, and the evidence presented against him is not very convincing; and I believe that, at the very least, as a humanitarian gesture for him and his family, Oleg Sentsov should be released given his condition.

A. Venediktov:
Putin says he is a terrorist. Why is America protecting a terrorist? And he is a Russian citizen. This is our internal business.

Kurt Walker:
But he doesn't want to be a Russian citizen; he was never a Russian citizen and Russia forced citizenship on him in order to claim he was a Russian citizen. As for terrorism, yes, we are very concerned about terrorism at the global level and we share this concern with Russia, but let's not abuse the label of terrorism to fight political opponents, when the authorities say: they are terrorists, so we will arrest them.

A. Venediktov:
I take a step aside, I remembered: first there are terrorists, they become politicians. Yasser Arafat, Taliban. Shouldn't the Ukrainian authorities talk to the separatists after all, to the leader of the separatists, in order to solve the problem? Or only with Russia, and these are puppets?

Kurt Walker:
Since the decisions are made by Russia, I think it makes sense to talk to Russia.

A. Venediktov:
MH17. There is an investigation. What do you think about this story? What do you know about this story?

Kurt Walker:
Everything is pretty obvious here, and the investigation was very thorough, very detailed. The anti-aircraft system that shot down the plane came from a regular Russian military unit. It was delivered from Russia to the territory of Ukraine, used to launch a missile from Ukrainian territory that shot down a civilian plane, and then this anti-aircraft system was returned to Russian territory in a Russian military unit. And the question of who exactly pressed the trigger, if you will, was it a Russian by nationality, a Ukrainian by nationality, a Ukrainian citizen from the Donbass, or an officer of the Russian Armed Forces, frankly, is less important than the fact that this is a Russian unit military equipment transported to another sovereign country under Russian control, used there to launch a missile that killed all those civilians, and then taken out of Ukraine. Russia is responsible for its invasion and occupation of this part of Ukraine.

A. Venediktov:
To what extent do such events as МН17, as Sentsov, freeze negotiations on the conflict all the time? To what extent does randomness freeze the possibility of a solution?

Kurt Walker:
I think this is another reason why we should find a solution. We cannot afford to risk a repetition of such events. This conflict should not continue as it does on a daily basis, and let me be clear that the fighting is taking place on Ukrainian territory and there is no fighting on Russian territory; fighting is only on the territory of Ukraine. The fighting is under Russian command and control, and it results in deaths, in the deaths of Ukrainian civilians. If I'm not mistaken, about 80 Ukrainian civilians have been killed this year. As a result of hostilities, Ukrainian servicemen are dying. They defend their country, their homeland, just as the Russians would defend their homeland. Ukrainians defend their homeland and in doing so lose one soldier every three days. The Russians are also dying. They fight on the territory of Ukraine; Russian soldiers are killed, Russian soldiers are captured and then returned to Russia, and it makes no sense. There is no reasonable basis for continuing these hostilities.

A. Venediktov:
One last question: we're sitting at the Senator McCain Institute. What role do you think he played in the settlement or in the ideology of the settlement of this conflict?

K. Volker: First of all, we support the security of all citizens of Ukraine

Kurt Walker:
First, we're in the Arizona State University building, and the McCain Institute is on one of its top floors.

A. Venediktov:
But McCain is from Arizona.

Kurt Walker:
Yes, you are right, he is from Arizona. I can say the following about Senator McCain: he has always stood for honor, honesty, basic human values, freedom, democracy, human rights, the rule of law; he believed in people. He is often credited with anti-Russian views, but this is not true. He was very pro-Russian, but believed that the citizens of Russia deserved as much freedom and as much opportunity as everyone else. And so he very strongly opposed the Russian government, but supported the people of Russia.

As for his role in Ukraine, he realized early on that this conflict was imposed on Ukraine by Russia. And he defended Ukraine's right to self-defense. He was seen in Ukraine as one of the few people who actually stated this position directly and frankly, because many other Western leaders deliberately tried to smooth reality and not talk about these things in such frank language, but Senator McCain always spoke. And I think that helps the cause, because we need to have the facts in front of us and be honest about them in order to analyze the problem and determine what we can realistically do to solve it.

A. Venediktov:
You speak directly, this is not diplomacy.

Kurt Walker:
You're not right. Diplomacy is talking instead of conquering. You are trying to find a solution that suits everyone, and you must speak honestly and frankly about it.

A. Venediktov:
You have just met with President Poroshenko. When is your meeting with President Putin?

Kurt Walker:
I am not sure that President Putin is interested in meeting with me and I would like to have a productive basis for such a meeting, but in the end he makes the decisions. And if there is an opportunity to enter into a dialogue with President Putin so that we make a decision together in support of peace in Ukraine, let's do it.

A. Venediktov:
Thanks Kurt Walker.

Kurt Walker:
Many thanks. And thanks for your time.

Recently, the commitment to a healthy lifestyle is gaining popularity and proper nutrition. And this means that you have to exclude or look for a replacement for many products. Since there is a demand, then there will be a supply, so on the shelves of stores today you can see a huge number of various dietary products. “Bread is the head of everything,” says a Russian proverb. But adherents of a healthy lifestyle have found an alternative to him: bread. Rye, wheat, oat, with and without additives. Bread rolls of domestic production of OAO Khlebprom under the trademark Dr. Corner.

What do they taste like?

The manufacturer divides the line of bread into three types: classic cereal, sweet and salty.

The first group includes six items:

- Rice cakes Dr. Korner with vitamins. Rice improves digestion, replenishes the body's energy reserves and is considered the best grain for fasting days.

- "Wheat with vitamins." Wheat prevents fatigue, stimulates metabolic processes, helps to restore and rejuvenate the skin of the face.

- Buckwheat with vitamins. Buckwheat improves the functioning of the immune system, lowers cholesterol levels and is an auxiliary material for strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

- "Cereal cocktail with vitamins and minerals." They combine the valuable components of the cereals that make up the composition, contain vitamins belonging to group B, and vitamin PP.

- Seven Grains. We collected the beneficial properties of grains of wheat, millet, rice, as well as barley, oatmeal, corn and buckwheat.

- Cornbread Dr. Corner". Corn helps to eliminate toxins and harmful substances from the body, has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, increases stress resistance and prevents aging of the body.

Salted bread

Salted bread combines cereals with cheese, iodized salt, as well as "Borodinsky". "Dr. Korner cheese "are very popular. They are rich in calcium, phosphorus and zinc. Protein, which is part of cheese and is almost completely absorbed by the body, is necessary for it as a building material for cells. The cheese itself is rich in vitamins A, B 2 , B 12 , D. Cereal cocktail "With iodized salt" is rich in iodine and contributes to the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Bread "Borodino" is the taste of real Borodino bread. Made from rye and wheat with the addition of herbs - coriander and cumin.

Sweet breads are presented more extensively than salty ones - five types of "Cereal Cocktail" with different tastes: lemon, honey, cranberry, pineapple and blueberry. Lemon contains a lot of vitamin C, which is absolutely indispensable for normal metabolism in the body, and also participates in the nutrition of tissues and, of course, strengthens the immune system. V healing properties there is no doubt about honey - this is a well-known truth, proven by centuries of history and experience. Cranberries are one of the healthiest berries strongest natural antioxidant. It is necessary for the digestive and cardiovascular systems. Pineapple is a natural "fat burner" containing organic acids. In addition, it contains bromelain, a plant enzyme that speeds up the absorption of proteins. Blueberries have no analogues in terms of beneficial properties for vision: it reduces eye fatigue, normalizes eye pressure. In addition, it removes salts of heavy metals from the body. Crispbread Dr. Korner caramel tastes amazing.

The composition of the loaves

Cereal loaves Dr. Korner, according to nutritionists, are tasty and healthy:

- "Rice with vitamins": crushed and steamed rice, a mixture of vitamins and minerals "Spikelet-1", including vitamins PP, B 1, B 2, B 6, as well as folic acid and iron.

"Wheat with vitamins": wheat, "Spikelet-1" - a vitamin and mineral mixture of iron, folic acid, vitamins B 1, B 2, B 6, PP.

- “Buckwheat with vitamins”: buckwheat kernel, vitamin-mineral mixture “Spikelet-1” (vitamins PP, B 6 , B 1 , B 2 , iron, folic acid). The composition of Dr. Korner is listed on the packaging.

- "Cereal cocktail with vitamins and minerals": wheat, buckwheat, rice, mixture based on vitamins and minerals "Spikelet-1" (vitamins PP, B 6 , B 1 , B 2 , iron, folic acid).

- "Seven cereals": buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, corn, pearl barley, wheat, millet.

- "Corn": corn grits, popcorn corn.

Salted bread Dr. Kerner:

- "Cheese cereal cocktail": buckwheat and rice groats, wheat, natural "Cheese" flavor, yeast extract, food fiber based on citrus fruits.

- “With iodized salt”: rice, wheat, buckwheat, food iodized salt.

- "Borodinsky": rye, wheat, whole cumin, whole coriander, fermented rye malt, peeled rye flour, iodized table salt.

The benefits of bread are of interest to many.

Sweet bread

Sweet breads are presented in the following lines:

- "Cereal cocktail lemon": buckwheat, rice, wheat, lemon juice, fructose, natural lemon flavor, sweetener sucralose, iodized salt.

- “Honey cereal cocktail”: rice and buckwheat groats, wheat, honey, fructose, iodized salt, natural honey flavor, sucralose sweetener.

Also on sale are Dr. Korner cranberry.

- "Cranberry cereal cocktail": wheat, buckwheat and rice groats, fructose, cranberry juice, natural cranberry flavor, sucralose sweetener, iodized salt.

- "Pineapple cereal cocktail": wheat, buckwheat, rice, fructose, edible salt, natural pineapple flavor, pineapple extract, sweetener sucralose.

- “Blueberry cereal cocktail”: rice groats, wheat, blueberry juice, buckwheat groats, fructose, sweetener sucralose, natural blueberry flavoring, iodized salt.

Reviews of nutritionists

Bread is a useful product. They contribute to effective weight loss, improve metabolism and, in addition, help cleanse the body and remove toxins and toxins from it.

The composition of the bread, unlike bread, does not include yeast, which can sometimes cause digestive problems. In addition, they are a good source of fiber and slow carbs, contributing to the rapid saturation of the body and a long absence of hunger. It is noted that the composition of many breads of this brand includes vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, and also does not include salt, which retains water in the body.

Nutritionists say that how consciously and intelligently a person approaches the use of bread, the benefits of using them in their diet depend. They advise not to consume more than five to seven pieces per day. The benefits of bread rolls are described below.

Useful properties of bread

The health benefits of cereals and grain breads are hard to dispute. This is the value of the properties of the cereals themselves and the minerals they contain, the B vitamins that are part of many species from this product line, the absence of artificial additives, fiber.

B vitamins benefit the nervous system and help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and blood circulation.

Cereals are high in calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. The benefits of phosphorus and calcium for bones, teeth and hair are widely known; iron - for blood, magnesium - for muscle work.

The fiber contained in bread helps the intestines to work fully and removes various toxic substances from the body that are formed during the digestion of food.

Another useful property, one might even say, the advantage of bread rolls, is low calorie. In one loaf Dr. Korner, according to nutritionists, contains four times fewer calories than a slice of bread (two hundred to seventy to three hundred and twenty kilocalories per hundred grams of product), while the feeling of fullness comes much faster than from bread.

Contraindications to the use of bread

Bread rolls, like any other product, have contraindications for use. Great harm health loaves of the Dr. Korner, of course, will not be applied, since the composition does not contain artificial additives that can cause allergies, but in some cases it is better to either refuse them completely or consult a doctor first. With caution, it is worth introducing this product into the diet for diseases of the digestive system, problems with the digestion of fiber, as well as individual intolerance to certain products.

With the appearance of pain and bloating, increased gas formation after the consumption of plant foods, you can not even think about introducing this bread substitute into your daily diet. It is also worth forgetting about them for people with intolerance to cereal protein and fiber. People with hypertension should not eat salty types of bread, so as not to cause an exacerbation. But since, in addition to salty, there are also classic and sweet ones, you can choose from these groups.

It should be remembered that there is no such product that you can absorb in large quantities and lose weight. And Doctor Kerner bread is no exception.


The price of these products for a 100-gram package varies from forty to seventy rubles. It depends, first of all, on the type of bread. So, sweet ones will cost a little more than classic or salty ones. Shopping centers / supermarkets also give their extra charge. But in general, we can say that for bread rolls this price category (when compared with other brands) is acceptable.


Calorie bread Dr. Korner, according to nutritionists, averages about three hundred kilocalories per hundred grams. You might think that this is quite a lot, but do not be upset without understanding. Fiber, which is found in large quantities in bread, refers to complex carbohydrates, that is, it is slowly absorbed by the body and gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness. In addition, with a fairly large volume, they are very light, so four to six pieces will be enough per day for a person to get enough, and this will not interfere at all, but, on the contrary, will help to lose weight and cleanse the body.

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