Home Vegetables Meat in French with zucchini and potatoes. Recipes for cooking from different types of meat. Note to the owner

Meat in French with zucchini and potatoes. Recipes for cooking from different types of meat. Note to the owner

1. You can buy minced meat ready-made in the store, but it is better to cook it yourself. So it will be better, tastier and fresher. To do this, rinse the meat under water and cut into pieces so that they fit into the neck of the meat grinder. Insert the middle nozzle into the appliance and pass the meat through the wire rack. Season the minced meat with salt and pepper and mix well. You can also grind the meat in a food processor or blender. Well, its variety can be done by anyone, from dietary chicken to fatty pork.

2. Wash the zucchini, dry and cut into rings of 5-7 mm. Grease a baking sheet with a thin layer of vegetable oil and place the zucchini rings tightly. Season them with salt and pepper.

I advise you to use young zucchini, because. they have few seeds and a delicate skin that can not be cut off.

3. Put minced meat on each zucchini ring. Take a portion of it, about a dessert spoon, roll a ball out of it, which you press down. Lay the resulting cake on the vegetable.

4. Wash the tomatoes, cut into rings no thicker than 5 mm and put on the meat. Lightly salt them.

5. Grate the cheese and sprinkle the tomatoes on it.

6. Heat the oven to 180 ° C and send the snack to bake for half an hour. If you want the cheese to be stretchy, then put it on a baking sheet 10 minutes before the dish is ready. According to my recipe, it turns out to be baked with a crispy golden brown.

7. Serve the finished dish hot to the table. Before serving, you can decorate it with fresh herbs.

As you can see, preparing the dish is quite easy. Decorated with a cheese crust, the rings whet the appetite and look very elegant. In addition, the food is very tasty and satisfying. Well, you can diversify the taste of snacks with various spices and spices.

The month of June is in full swing and soon summer will come to France! Already, the French are leaning on vegetables. French zucchini recipes are simple and delicious, so I want to introduce you to some of them, who in France love to cook this both as salads (entree) and main courses (plat). How they differ from our Russians you will understand when you read this article and try to cook.

Salad of fried zucchini with sweet pepper sauce

(Salade de courgettes glacées à la crème de poivron rouge).

3 young zucchini

a few basil leaves

some parsley,

two sprigs of thyme

small bulb,

olive oil,

2 tablespoons pine nuts,

for the sauce, choose to your taste: lecho, tabasco sauce, any thick sauce with red pepper.


Cut the zucchini into strips 10 cm by 2 cm. Fry for a few minutes in a pan with olive oil. Add chopped onion, salt and ground pepper. The zucchini should remain slightly firm and crispy. Put in a cool place. Roast the pine nuts in a frying pan.

Before serving, mix the zucchini with chopped greens, sprinkle with nuts on top, add a thick red pepper sauce (lecho, tabasco, etc.)

Zucchini and melted cheese casserole

(gratin aux courgettes).

This dish is often made by my cousin, and I, who previously did not like zucchini dishes, now love them with all my heart! True, I found the recipe on the Internet and it differs only in that my cousin simply chopped the zucchini finely without using a grater, and the rest of the ingredients and preparation are the same. So let's get started!

600 g zucchini

1 large onion

2-3 processed cheese, or 2 jars of cream cheese

3 tbsp vegetable oil

1-2 garlic cloves


Coarsely grate the zucchini, add a pinch of salt, mix, leave for 10 minutes.

Cut the onion into very thin, almost transparent, half rings.

Cut the curds into thin slices (the easiest way is to cut with a wet knife). If you have cream cheese in jars, spoon it out.

Pour vegetable oil into a heavy bottomed saucepan.

Squeeze the zucchini with your hands from all the released liquid, transfer to a saucepan.

Add onions there, put cheese slices on top.

Heat over low heat, with continuous stirring.

Cook until cheese is completely melted.

Salt, add the garlic squeezed through the garlic press, mix.

Cool until warm.

Beat eggs thoroughly until airy.

Add the beaten eggs to the squash-cheese mixture, mix gently.

Grease the form with oil (I have a form of 20 cm in diameter).

Put the mixture into a mold, put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

Bake for approximately 50-60 minutes, until browned.

Zucchini casserole is very tasty when warm.

Pies with zucchini

(beignets aux courgettes)

Ingredients (for 4 people):

For the pie dough:

  • 130 grams of flour
  • 1 large egg

    1 sachet fast french yeast

    200ml milk

For filling:

  • 600 grams of zucchini

1 pinch of salt

1 pinch of pepper


Pour the flour into a salad bowl, add the egg, salt and pepper.

Then add yeast, mix the ingredients with a whisk.

Add milk, continuing to knead the dough until smooth.

We leave it for 1 hour.

At this time, we are preparing the filling for zucchini pies.

Wash and clean the zucchini. Cut into slices 1-1.5 cm thick.

Dry with a towel and fry on 2 sides until soft in a preheated pan (if you have a deep fryer, even better!)

Then we take our batter (it should not be thick otherwise, we dilute it with a little cold milk)

Using a slotted spoon, dip the fried zucchini discs into the batter, then fry the pies (I would call them deep-fried zucchini) in a skillet after frying the zucchini. Cook until golden brown and flip. Then put on paper towels to drain excess oil.

chicken thighs - six pieces;
one young zucchini;
hard cheese - 150 grams;
garlic - three cloves;
salt to taste;
mayonnaise - 4-6 tablespoons;
a pinch of ground pepper.

Delicious meat in French style with zucchini. Step by step recipe

  1. Cooking delicious meat in French, of course, we begin with the preparation of meat. I use chicken thighs in this recipe as they are juicier when cooked and I like their flavor. But you can use any other meat you want.
  2. So, chicken thighs must be freed from bone and chicken skin. For this we need a sharp kitchen knife.
  3. We cut meat on a kitchen board.
  4. Lay the chicken thigh skin side down on the cutting board. We make an incision along the bone, push the meat apart and carefully cut the bone on both sides. Try not to cut through the meat. So you get an excellent piece of clean meat without bones.
  5. Then we turn the thigh over, cut off the skin and, if necessary, excess fat.
  6. Bones with small remnants of meat should never be thrown away. Of course, it will not work to cook something meat out of them, but they can be used to make chicken broth, various soups and stews.
  7. Put the prepared chicken thighs on a plate, salt and pepper them to your liking.
  8. We press each piece with our hands with force so that it starts up the juice.
  9. Wash a young medium-sized zucchini and cut into thin rings. It is not necessary to peel the zucchini from the skin. If you have an overripe zucchini, then, of course, it is better to cut off the skin from it.
  10. Grate a piece of hard cheese on a coarse grater.
  11. Cut the garlic into small cubes with a knife.
  12. We cover the baking sheet with parchment paper. We put meat on it.
  13. Lay zucchini rings on top of each piece of meat. I needed three rings of zucchini for each piece of meat.
  14. We take salt and add a little salt to the zucchini.
  15. Then sprinkle homemade meat in French with chopped garlic.
  16. After that, generously sprinkle everything with hard cheese.
  17. The final layer is mayonnaise. Squeeze out a small amount of mayonnaise for each serving. Adjust the amount of mayonnaise yourself. Someone likes a lot of mayonnaise, and someone - just a drop.
  18. Advice. You can use store-bought mayonnaise, or you can make your own. On our site "Very tasty" there are recipes for various ways to make mayonnaise at home. Also, instead of mayonnaise, you can use sour cream.
  19. We send our baking sheet with delicious meat in French to the oven for 35-40 minutes: until a golden crust appears. The oven temperature is 180 degrees.
  20. We shift the finished meat in French into plates and serve.
  21. Bon appetit!

Delicious meat in French style with zucchini can be eaten as an independent dish, or served with new potatoes and vegetable salad. After spending a little time, you can cook a great and very tasty dinner or lunch for your family. Homemade meat in French with zucchini, cooked according to this recipe, is juicy and fragrant. And the golden crust of the cheese gives a special piquancy.

Why in French? The history of the dish dates back to the 19th century. According to legend, a hot appetizer was prepared for the arrival in France of the favorite of Empress Catherine, Prince Orlov. It was called "Veau Orloff", which translates as "Veal for Orlov".

Yes, the original version of meat in French implies the presence of veal. But over the past centuries, the recipe has changed a lot and has acquired a large number of additional ingredients.

Now meat in French is prepared from chicken, pork or beef. French-style chicken meat is baked in the oven (classic) or slow cooker (modern trend).

The French-style chicken recipe in the oven also has its own options. You can cook with mayonnaise or cheese. But traditionally, only cheese is used in French chicken.

Due to the peculiarity of the preparation of the dish - the chicken is stewed, not fried - it turns out to be very easy and healthy. To dietary chicken meat as a side dish.

In this recipe, French-style chicken is baked in the oven along with zucchini. Vegetables secrete plenty of juice, so the meat is very tender. The taste of zucchini does not overshadow the main notes of chicken, cheese and spices. The dish is harmonious and balanced.

  • 0.5 kg chicken fillet
  • 1 small zucchini
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 tomato
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • 2 tbsp mayonnaise
  • salt, seasonings, spices to taste

Cooking chicken in French style with zucchini

Peel the chicken fillet from the skin, wash and cut lengthwise into small portions. Dry with paper towel. As a rule, two layers are obtained from a fillet of a small size. Very large pieces can be cut even into three.

Mix salt and spices in a small bowl. Roll chicken pieces in them.

Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil. Put the seasoned fillet on it.

Lubricate the chicken with mayonnaise.

Peel the onion and cut it into half rings. Sprinkle each fillet with onions.

Cut the tomato into slices. Put 1-2 pieces on each serving of chicken.

Cheese grate on a coarse grater.

Sprinkle cheese on top of the fillet.

Cut the zucchini into small cubes. Salt, add seasonings and put it on a baking sheet with chicken.

Preheat the oven to 190 C. Send a baking sheet with chicken and zucchini to bake for 30 minutes.

Serve French style chicken with zucchini on serving plates. You can sprinkle the side dish with fresh chopped herbs, garnish with thyme or basil leaves.

Dry white or rose wine goes well with chicken fillet and zucchini. You can serve apple or grapefruit juice with the dish.

French-style chicken with a side dish of stewed zucchini is perfect for a festive feast. Ease of preparation, bright taste, nutritional value and low calorie content make this dish an ideal option for a celebration!

Bon appetit!

Pork, baked in the oven with cheese and mayonnaise, received the names of meat in French. No one knows which recipe should be considered a reference. Some housewives consider potatoes to be an obligatory component of the dish, others - tomatoes, others - onions, but almost everyone believes that the presence of a vegetable layer is desirable. In its quality, zucchini may well act. Meat in French with zucchini can be prepared according to different recipes, taking pork or poultry as a basis, including other vegetables in the composition or refusing to use them. There are so many food options that almost every gourmet will be able to choose the one that best suits his gastronomic preferences.

Cooking features

The general principles of cooking meat in French with the addition of zucchini are the same as when cooking this dish according to classic recipes. However, there are still a few nuances, and it is advisable to know about them, as well as about the rules for roasting meat in French in general.

  • It is better to choose meat for baking not frozen, but fresh or chilled, otherwise the risk of overdrying increases. If you still decide to use a frozen product, let it thaw naturally without exposing it to sudden temperature changes. Trying to speed up the process with a microwave or warm water can cause the meat to dry out.
  • For cooking in the oven, it is advisable to choose meat with a sufficient amount of fat (pork neck, chicken thighs). Then the food will come out much softer and juicier.
  • When roasting fatty meat, you can leave the pan or baking sheet with oil, but if you want to cook meat in French from veal or chicken breast, it does not hurt to grease the base so that the food does not burn.
  • Before laying out on a baking sheet, it is recommended to beat the meat, although sometimes this step is skipped, especially when it comes to cooking chicken. So that the splashes do not scatter during the beating of meat, it is recommended to put it in a bag or cover it with cling film.
  • Zucchini for cooking meat in French, it is advisable to use young ones, with seeds that have not yet ripened. If you have large vegetables, they will first have to be freed from coarse peel and pulp with seeds. It is better to cut them not in circles, as is usually recommended in the recipe, but in half rings or quarters of rings.
  • Potatoes, if included in the recipe, are also better to choose young, as they cook much faster than the old one.
  • The taste of the finished dish will depend on the quality of mayonnaise and cheese, you should not save on these products.
  • If you want the dish to be covered in cheese, sprinkle it with cheese after it has been brushed with sauce. A more delicate and soft coating will turn out if you first sprinkle the products with cheese, and then grease with mayonnaise.
  • If the dish contains several layers, at the first stage it is baked, covering the form with foil. This will keep the meat from drying out and burning during long cooking.
  • The duration of cooking meat with zucchini with mayonnaise and cheese depends on the specific recipe, it can vary from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

There are several recipes for meat in French with a zucchini layer. Sometimes they involve the use of different cooking technologies. In order to avoid mistakes and get the expected result, you must follow the recommendations that accompany the selected recipe.

A simple recipe for French meat with zucchini

  • pork loin - 0.5 kg;
  • zucchini - 0.2 kg;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • tomatoes - 150 g;
  • mayonnaise - how much will go;
  • semi-hard cheese - 100 g;
  • salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the meat, dry with a kitchen towel. Cut across the fibers into pieces about 1-1.5 cm thick. Beat the meat by placing it in a bag.
  • Rub the meat with salt and black pepper, place the pieces on a baking sheet close to each other.
  • Free the onion from the husk, cut it into thin half rings, put it on the meat, grease with a small amount of mayonnaise.
  • Wash the zucchini, let it dry, cut into thin circles, cover the meat and onions with them.
  • Lightly salt and pepper the zucchini.
  • Washed and dried tomatoes cut into thin circles. To do this, it is best to use a special knife with thin teeth, which allows you to cut the skin of tomatoes without squeezing the juice out of them.
  • Cover the zucchini with tomato circles, grease them with mayonnaise.
  • Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, put a baking sheet with meat in it, cook it for 35-45 minutes. 10-15 minutes before cooking, sprinkle the dish with finely grated cheese.

Meat prepared according to this recipe can be served with or without a side dish.

Meat in French with potatoes and fried zucchini

  • pork tenderloin - 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes - 0.4 kg;
  • zucchini - 0.4 kg;
  • tomatoes - 0.2 kg;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • semi-hard cheese - 0.3 kg;
  • mayonnaise - 150 ml;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • refined vegetable oil - how much will it take.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the zucchini into circles about 7-8 mm thick and fry them in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  • Cut the meat into thin plates, beat them off, salt and pepper.
  • Lay the pieces of meat slightly overlapping in a baking dish.
  • Onion, freeing from the husk, cut into thin half rings and pour over the meat, distributing as evenly as possible.
  • Peel the potatoes, cut them into thin round slices, put in the form of the next layer. Lightly salt and pepper the potatoes.
  • Put the fried zucchini on top of the potatoes.
  • After washing and drying the tomatoes, cut them into thin circles with a sharp knife. Cover the products in the form with them.
  • Coarsely grate the cheese, sprinkle it with tomatoes.
  • Lubricate the cheese with mayonnaise.
  • Cover the form with foil and send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees. Cook the dish for 50-60 minutes, 15 minutes before cooking, remove the foil so that the top layer is browned.

A side dish for an appetizer prepared according to the above recipe is not required, it is beautiful and satisfying in itself.

Meat in French from chicken with zucchini

  • chicken thighs - 1 kg;
  • zucchini - 0.25 kg;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • mayonnaise - 150 ml;
  • salt, seasonings for chicken - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash and dry the chicken thighs with a towel.
  • Lay the thigh skin side down on a cutting board. Make an incision along the top of the bone. Part the meat and remove the bone. Turn the thigh over, remove the skin.
  • Prepare the remaining chicken thighs in the same way.
  • Rub the chicken with salt and spices, put in a baking dish.
  • Place sliced ​​zucchini on top.
  • Mix mayonnaise with garlic passed through a press, brush vegetables with it.
  • Sprinkle the dish with shredded cheese.
  • Place the mold in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake the snack for 35-40 minutes.

Chicken prepared according to this recipe is best served with a side dish of rice.

French-style meat is prepared with various vegetables; in the summer, it is advisable to include zucchini in its composition. You can cook an appetizer of meat with zucchini under cheese according to several recipes, each of which is good in its own way.

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