Home Vegetables Canapes with salmon. Canapes: recipes with photos Lightly salted salmon canapes

Canapes with salmon. Canapes: recipes with photos Lightly salted salmon canapes

There are a huge number of homemade canapé recipes, so they can surprise even the most capricious gourmet. Canapés were created by French chefs and served on skewers. Thanks to the ease of preparation and serving, these small sandwiches have earned the love of many housewives around the world. Almost everyone knows how to cook them, and anyone, even the most inexperienced cook, can cook them. After all, creativity and brightness are more important here than culinary abilities. Small colorful sandwiches will come in handy at any feast, be it a regular picnic with family or a special event. Canapés are very versatile due to the choice of products and their combination.

Canapés are prepared due to their elegant appearance, and their small size allows the use of the most expensive products. Preparing canapés is very simple and does not take much time, but here you need to be able to combine products. In addition, canapés often use various sauces and pates, which you also need to know how to cook, but they often play a key role. The canapés themselves are served on a skewer, for greater convenience, and eaten whole.

Often the term "canapé" is associated with a reception or buffet table, where such light snacks and drinks are usually served. Canapé recipes are always simple and you can prepare a huge amount of them in an hour. Moreover, you can come up with your own product combinations and experiment with flavor combinations.

Today we will talk about recipes for canapés with red fish, which will appeal to many lovers of this wonderful snack. Everyone knows that red fish is undeniably healthy due to the huge amount of vitamins and microelements. But it is unlikely that it is ideal for preparing canapés. In combination with fresh vegetables or delicate cream cheese on crispy toast, canapés will become the center of attention at the feast and will not stay there for long. Try the recipes below and appreciate the beauty of these little sandwiches.

How to cook canapés with red fish - 15 varieties

A very simple and satisfying recipe due to the availability of all ingredients makes this recipe very successful and always suitable for any feast.


  • Half a baguette
  • 150 g salmon
  • 50 g hard cheese
  • 1 tomato
  • Butter
  • Greenery


  1. Cut each piece of baguette in half and brush with butter. Cut the salmon into square pieces and place each on a piece of bread.
  2. Also cut the cheese into small square pieces and place on the baguette with the fish.
  3. First cut the tomato into rings, and then each ring into triangles or squares and place them on top again.
  4. Secure each sandwich with a skewer and decorate with herbs.

A classic recipe for delicious and satisfying canapés with delicate cream cheese and spicy salmon will deserve a place at every feast.


  • Brown bread, crispbread or crackers
  • Lightly salted salmon
  • Cream cheese
  • Dill
  • Garlic


  1. Cut the bread into slices of a thickness convenient for you, and also cut the fish into thin slices.
  2. Chop garlic and dill and add to cheese. Spread the mixture onto each loaf of bread and garnish with a slice of salmon. If desired, garnish with a sprig of parsley.

Every picky little one will love these very cute “ships” - canapés made from onions and salmon, and they will also attract the attention of adults.


  • Black bread
  • Smoked salmon
  • Cream cheese
  • Canned peas
  • Onion


  1. Cut the bread into small square pieces and spread butter on each piece.
  2. Also cut the salmon into small pieces and place each piece on top of the bread.
  3. Peel the onion and cut into 4 parts. Disassemble each quarter into petals, which will become the “sails” of the boats. Place onion petals on toothpicks and garnish with peas.

If desired, green onions can be replaced. It will turn out just as tasty and beautiful.

Small and cute canapés with delicate red fish and creamy avocado will not leave anyone indifferent and will delight the eye with their lovely appearance!


  • Any red fish (salmon, salmon)
  • Avocado
  • Fresh cucumber
  • Greenery
  • Lemon juice
  • Black bread
  • Olives
  • Toothpicks


  1. Cut off the crusts from the bread and cut into small squares.
  2. Peel the avocado, remove the pit and remove the pulp. Stir everything into puree and add lemon juice.
  3. Cut the fish into small slices, finely chop the dill. Chop the cucumber into thin slices.
  4. Spread avocado puree onto the bread squares, add pieces of fish and beautifully attach cucumber slices with toothpicks, and string olives on top. Serve chilled.

A very ordinary, but very tasty recipe for canapés with red salmon, where potato pancakes are used instead of bread, will delight all members of your family.


  • 400 g potatoes
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp. l. flour
  • Lightly salted salmon or trout
  • Mayonnaise
  • Dill


  1. Peel the potatoes and grate them on a medium-sized grater. Add egg, flour, salt and pepper, form small pancakes and fry in a frying pan.
  2. Place a little mayonnaise on each pancake. Cut the fish into small pieces and place each piece on top of the mayonnaise. Garnish with a sprig of dill.

A fairly simple recipe, but the beautiful design makes these canapés stand out from others due to their appetizing and pretty appearance.


  • White bread
  • Parsley
  • Salmon
  • Butter
  • Saffron


  1. Mix the softened butter with saffron and mix thoroughly. Place the butter and saffron in a pastry bag.
  2. Cut the bread into portions and cut out small pieces in a round shape.
  3. Cut the fish into thin slices and roll each slice, placing it on bread toast. Decorate each with greenery.
  4. Squeeze the oil on top and insert a skewer.

A wonderful snack for kids in the shape of wonderful ladybugs will not only be a healthy snack, but also just an unusual table decoration.


  • White bread
  • Butter
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Olives
  • Lightly salted salmon
  • Parsley
  • Mayonnaise
  • Greenery


  1. Cut the bread into portions and spread with butter. Also cut the salmon and place on top of each piece.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into halves and cut each one halfway through to create cow wings.
  3. Make a ladybug's head using an olive cut in half and make eyes with mayonnaise. Make dots on the body with small pieces of olive. Place each cow on bread and decorate with herbs.

Very beautiful little canapés will decorate any feast thanks to cute red fish roses and unusual cucumber slices combined with the most delicate cream cheese.


  • White bread toast
  • Cream cheese
  • Cucumber
  • Smoked salmon


  1. Cut out round pieces from the toast and toast in a toaster or dry in a frying pan.
  2. Cut the cucumber on a special grater into small chips.
  3. Spread each piece of toasted bread with cheese and place cucumber shavings on top in the shape of a ring and lightly add salt.
  4. Cut the salmon into small pieces and roll into a rose shape. Insert each rosette into the center of the toast.
  5. Garnish with herbs and serve.

Delicious and moderately spicy canapés with tender red fish and spicy paprika will be appropriate both as a separate dish and as an addition to the main course.


  • Black bread
  • Lightly salted red fish
  • Salad
  • Hard cheese
  • Ground paprika
  • Olives
  • Butter


  1. Cut the bread into squares and spread each with butter.
  2. Place lettuce and a piece of red fish on each piece.
  3. Cut the cheese into cubes and roll in paprika, place on top of the fish. Insert a toothpick and place an olive on top.

Creative canapés in the form of pancake rolls with cream cheese and salmon - sounds good, right? A juicy cucumber and salad will add freshness to this tasty and unusual appetizer.


  • Pancakes
  • Salmon
  • Cream cheese
  • Salad
  • Olives
  • Cucumber
  • Dill


  1. Cut the salmon into thin strips, finely chop the dill.
  2. Spread each pancake with cream cheese, sprinkle with herbs and roll into a roll. Cut the rolls, decorate with salad and salmon “roses”.
  3. Cut the cucumber into halves and stick the olive half onto a skewer onto each roll.

Very refined and delicate canapés will please every gourmet thanks to the combination of tender red fish, sweet grapes and spicy cheese.


  • red fish
  • Hard cheese
  • Italian seasonings
  • Dried tomatoes
  • Grape


  1. Cut the fish into thin slices, the cheese into cubes, place in a bowl and sprinkle with oil.
  2. Chop the tomatoes and add to the cheese.
  3. Place a grape on a skewer, then a slice of red fish and then a cube of cheese.

Grapes can be replaced with lychees, raspberries, cranberries and any other berries. Here the meaning of this ingredient is to add sweetness to the dish.

Wonderful tartlets filled with smoked salmon, soft cheese and chicken eggs will appeal to both adults and children.


  • 120 g mayonnaise
  • 2 pcs. processed cheese
  • Bunch of dill
  • 200 g smoked salmon
  • 3 eggs
  • Tartlets

Canapes with salmon They always look very festive on the table. Firstly, the color of the fish itself is joyful - red-orange, and secondly, it is combined with several bright foods (cheeses, herbs, vegetables and fruits), and our canapés look inimitably picturesque.

Canape recipes with salmon, which are easy to prepare for a home buffet, not so much. There is a great variety in the design of small sandwiches.

I don’t want to deprive you of creativity when creating canapés with salmon, so I list simple and affordable options for preparing your own masterpieces:

Basis for canapés:

  • white or brown bread without crust, cut into squares, triangles or circles using a glass
  • chips
  • crackers
  • pillows of ready-made frozen puff pastry baked in the oven


  • salted cottage cheese, whipped in a blender with or without herbs
  • ready-made curd cheese
  • just butter
  • lightly salted cheese


  • olives
  • lemons
  • cucumbers
  • parsley, dill, lettuce

Naturally, we choose only one base and filling for canapés, but decorations can be used in a variety of combinations, even all together.

Now about the fish itself. It can be cut very thin and rolled in the most elegant way. If the salmon pieces are thicker than 5 mm, it will also be very tasty and suitable for multi-layer canapés.

A separate description of these simple sandwiches on skewers not required. I will publish canapé recipes in full only for complex and unusual options. And now I propose to simply take a look at what combinations the products I have listed are used and how to give the canapes festive look.

Salmon on potato pancakes

Peel 1 kg of potatoes and grate them on a coarse grater. Now you need to squeeze out all the liquid well! Finely chop three green onions and add to the grated potatoes. Heat 5 tbsp in a frying pan well. spoons of vegetable oil and 3 tbsp. spoons of cream. Place pillows of potato mixture and press lightly with a spoon. Fry for 4-5 minutes on each side, place on a paper towel.

Now for each pancake we put 1 teaspoon of sour cream and a roll of lightly salted salmon (recipe: 300 g)

Tartlets with salmon and avocado

Grind 2 ripe avocados in a blender, add a tablespoon of lemon juice, and season with salt and pepper. Place a little curd cheese, a slice of tomato, avocado paste, and a piece of salmon on the bottom of the finished tartlets.

Canapés with salmon are considered to be quite an elegant, if not aristocratic, dish. This dish can often be found in all kinds of restaurants and cafes. It is worth noting that in such catering establishments it is quite expensive. So why pay extra money!

When preparing canapés with salmon, it is worth remembering that it should not be served under anything. This dish is best suited as a snack with alcoholic drinks. Moreover, it can be used for both strong and weak alcoholic drinks. The refined taste of salmon will not overpower the aroma of champagne or wine, and its sufficient fat content will help protect against rapid intoxication.

Every housewife who decides to prepare canapes with salmon should remember that this is a seafood product, and therefore it is not worth combining it with all products in a row. Salmon is not combined with meat and sausage products, overly salty cheeses and fruits.

How to prepare canapés with salmon - 15 varieties

Such canapés with salmon can be called “classics of the genre.” To prepare them, only bread and butter are used, which will only slightly highlight the taste of the salmon.


  • Butter - 70 gr.
  • Saffron - to taste
  • Loaf - ½ pcs.
  • Salmon - 250 gr.
  • Curly parsley - for decoration


Melt the butter until mushy, add saffron to it and mix them thoroughly. We cut the loaf into slices and make identical figures out of them using a culinary mold. Wash the fish and cut into thin layers. Now we tie each piece of fish into a knot and place it on a figure made of bread. Decorate the finished canapé with butter and a parsley leaf. At the end of cooking, insert a skewer into each canape.

Cheese and salmon are two products that go well together and can be safely used to prepare canapés.

The most important thing is not to make a mistake with the choice of cheese. It shouldn't be too salty.


  • White bread - 3 slices
  • Lightly salted salmon - 120 gr.
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr.
  • Olives - ½ small jar
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.


Cut the bread into rectangles. Drain the excess liquid from the olives and cut them into two parts. We cut the cheese and salmon into the same rectangles as the bread. Cut the cucumber into elongated rectangles. Now let's assemble the canapés. To do this, we stick the products onto toothpicks in the following order. First bread, then cheese, then fish, then cucumber and finally olives. Canapes can be served at the table.

Norway is a maritime power that is a leader in catching and distributing salmon throughout the world. It is quite natural that in this country such fish is present on almost every table and is used in the preparation of a wide variety of dishes. In the classic version, canapés with salmon in Norway are prepared exactly according to the recipe described below.


  • Hard cheese - 70 gr.
  • Bread - 3 slices
  • Olives - ½ jar
  • Lightly salted salmon - 120 gr.


Cut the cheese, salmon and bread into squares of the same size. We put an olive on a skewer, then a square of cheese, then salmon and a piece of bread. The canapes are ready.

Pineapple is considered a versatile exotic fruit. It is often used in preparing all kinds of salads and pizza. Canapes with this product also have the right to exist.


  • Canned pineapple - 1 can
  • Black olives - 1 small jar
  • Salmon - 300 gr.


Drain excess liquid from pineapples and olives. If the pineapples are cut into rings, they should be cut into cubes. Cut the salmon into elongated rectangles. We wrap the olive with a piece of salmon and pierce them with a culinary skewer. Then we put a pineapple cube on a skewer. That's all the preparation!

These canapés cannot be called standard; they are more like small one-bite sandwiches.


  • Loaf - 4 pieces
  • Butter - 50 gr.
  • Lightly salted salmon - 150 gr.
  • Dill - for decoration.


Cut the loaf into small triangles and spread them with butter. Cut the salmon into pieces and place them on bread triangles. We decorate the canapes with salmon on top.


Preparing these canapés will take a minimum of time, but their taste will amaze anyone. It’s worth preparing this dish at least once.


  • Salmon - 200 gr.
  • Processed cheese “Yantar” - 120 gr.
  • Greens - to taste
  • Cracker - 1 pack


Cut the salmon into squares. Wash the greens, finely chop them, combine them with processed cheese and mix them thoroughly. Now generously grease one side of the salmon with cheese and roll it into a roll. Place the roll on a cracker.

To ensure that such a roll is well fixed, the surface of the cracker can be slightly greased with cheese.

Quite specific products are used to prepare these canapés.


  • Crab sticks - 150 gr.
  • Philadelphia cheese - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Lightly salted salmon - 120 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Toast bread - 5 pieces


In a deep container, combine the cheese and mayonnaise and mix them thoroughly. Roll out the bread and place it on cling film. Then this bread should be greased with a cheese-mayonnaise mixture and placed on cling film. Place a crab stick on one edge of the bread, and then tightly and neatly roll it into a roll. We do the same with salmon. Place the prepared rolls in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. After this time, take them out, free them from the cling film and cut them into pieces. Now we pierce each piece with a skewer. On some skewers we thread two pieces of roll, one with salmon, the other with crab sticks.

Canapés with salmon and lemon are perfect as an appetizer with dry fortified wine. They will highlight its taste and prevent you from getting drunk quickly.


  • Salmon - 200 gr.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Black olives - 1 can
  • Soft processed cheese - to taste


Cut the salmon into strips. Spread one side of each strip with cheese and roll it into a roll. Wash the lemon and cut into slices. Drain excess liquid from olives. We put a circle of lemon on culinary skewers, then an olive and finally a roll of salmon and cheese.

These canapés are perfect for a festive table. Cranberries, greens and salmon combine simply flawlessly in both appearance and taste.


  • Rye bread - 1 pc.
  • Cream cheese - 200 gr.
  • Lightly salted salmon - 300 gr.
  • Herbs, spices, cranberries - to taste


We cut out figures from bread and rub them with our favorite spices. Then spread each piece of bread with cream cheese. Place several sprigs of dill on top. Cut the salmon into pieces and place one piece on each canapé. Place one cranberry on top of the salmon.

These canapés differ from others in their rather impressive size and very attractive shape. It’s not for nothing that they are called “Sailboat”. In appearance they really look like him.


  • Rye bread - 1 baguette
  • Avocado - 1.5 pcs.
  • Salmon - 250 gr.
  • Olives - 1 jar (small)


Cut the bread into pieces. It should be cut at an angle to make the pieces more voluminous. Cut the salmon and avocado into slices. Place a slice of avocado on a piece of bread. Place salmon rolled up in the shape of an envelope on top of the avocado. Pierce the resulting sandwich with a toothpick. Decorate the canapes with olives on top. Bon appetit!

These canapés got their name solely because of their appearance. A plate with such canapés will resemble a rose bush.


  • Lightly salted salmon - 300 gr.
  • Bell pepper - ½ pc.
  • Dried greens - to taste
  • Curd cheese - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil - for frying
  • Puff pastry tartlets - 12 pcs.


Wash the pepper and cut into small cubes. Then lightly fry it in olive oil, remove from heat and let it cool. Wash the salmon and cut into thin slices. In a deep container, combine cheese, herbs and bell pepper. Mix everything thoroughly. The filling is ready! Fill the tartlets with the prepared mixture. Roll each piece of salmon into a roll. We place one such roll in each tartlet.

These canapés are very similar in the manner of preparation to the “Sailboat” canapes, however, they have certain differences.


  • Salmon - 200 gr.
  • Black bread - 5 slices
  • Mayonnaise - to taste
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Canned green peas - for decoration


Cut the bread into squares and coat with mayonnaise. Cut the salmon into squares the same size as the bread and place it on top of it. We clean the onion, wash it and cut it into wide slices that would resemble the sails of a ship. We put a pea on a toothpick, then an onion and, finally, bread with salmon. The onion should be pierced with a toothpick in two places to create the appearance of a sail.

These canapés will be a real treat for any gourmet. It’s not difficult to prepare them, but you will need a lot of money to purchase food.


  • Cream cheese - 300 gr.
  • Lemon zest - 1 tsp.
  • Lemon juice - 2 tsp.
  • Chopped greens - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - ¼ tsp.
  • Black pepper - ¼ tsp.
  • Rye bread - 6 slices
  • Smoked salmon - 220 gr.
  • Red caviar - 50 gr.


Combine cream cheese with lemon zest, lemon juice, salt, pepper and chopped herbs. Mix everything thoroughly. Cut the bread into rectangles and grease them on one side with the cheese mixture. Place a piece of salmon of the same size on top of the spread side. Then we repeat the layers. At the very end, we grease the canapés with red caviar.

Canapes are a universal appetizer, because you can use a wide variety of ingredients to prepare it, the main thing is to be able to combine them. Today we will prepare canapés with red fish. This is not only an appetizing, but also a healthy snack, because red fish is rich in vitamins and microelements. Small and bright sandwiches will definitely become the most expensive decoration of your holiday table.

Thanks to French chefs, canapés appeared. These tiny sandwiches have taken the whole world by storm, and you don't need to be a professional chef to make them. The main thing here is creativity, imagination and brightness. Miniature canapés with noble fish and exotic avocados will delight you and your guests with their original look and taste.

For a snack you need to take any red fish, fresh cucumber, avocado, black bread, herbs, lemon juice, olives, and of course skewers.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the black bread into small squares.
  2. Divide the avocado in half, remove the core and scoop out the pulp with a spoon, put it in a bowl, pour over citrus juice and grind until creamy.
  3. We cut the fish into slices, finely chop the dill, and cut the green vegetable into thin slices.
  4. Now let's assemble our canapes. Spread exotic fruit puree on a square of bread, put a slice of fish, use skewers to beautifully thread a cucumber, place an olive on top and transfer to a dish.

Festive appetizer with caviar

Canapes with red fish and caviar are not a cheap pleasure, but on a holiday it’s worth pampering yourself with a tasty and healthy snack. For canapés you will need white bread, any lightly salted red fish, butter and caviar (black or red).

Preparing canapés is quite simple. You need to make blanks from white bread in the form of circles or squares. Grease each piece of bread with butter. Cut the fish into thin slices, place on bread in the shape of a flower, fill with any caviar and garnish with parsley leaves.

Cooking with cucumber

A canapé appetizer with delicious fish and cucumber will decorate any holiday table with its elegant and bright presentation. For an appetizer, we will also take cream cheese (Mascarpone, Philadelphia or Ricotta), which goes well with the taste of fish and fresh vegetables. You can salt red fish to your taste, but if this is not possible, then buy a ready-made product in the store.

So, for the recipe you will need bread (white or black), cucumber, red salted fish, soft cheese, olives and herbs.

Let's start preparing the appetizer from the base; for this we take bread and make round or square shaped pieces from it. Mix the cheese with chopped dill and apply the resulting mass in a thick layer to each piece of bread. Place a slice of fish on top, then a slice of fresh green vegetable, then put an olive and carefully pierce all the components of the canapé with a skewer.

Canapes on skewers with red fish and cheese

Creative and tasty canapés can be made from red fish and cheese; for piquancy we will add a little hot paprika.

So, to decorate your table with an exquisite appetizer, you need to take black bread, red lightly salted fish, hard cheese, butter, lettuce leaves and ground paprika.

Let's start cooking by cutting the bread into small squares and greasing them with butter. Then put a small leaf of lettuce on each piece and a slice of fish on top. Now cut the cheese into squares and sprinkle with ground paprika. Place cheese on top of the fish, insert a skewer and an olive on top.

With olives

Red fish goes well with many ingredients, so for canapés you can use vegetables, cheese or Pancake week. In addition to olives, you will also need pieces of light bread, red fish, and cottage cheese.

Cut white bread into squares and spread with cottage cheese. We cut the fish into the size of bread squares and place it after the cheese, now we put in the olive and decorate the canapes with a skewer.

Simple feta cheese recipe

You can also make bright and appetizing miniature sandwiches with feta cheese. To do this, take butter, lightly salted red fish, a loaf and olives.

We make blanks from bread in the form of circles or rectangles. Grease the base with butter and place the fish pieces on top. Cut the cheese into squares, place it on top of the fish, then add the olive and carefully pierce the ingredients with a skewer. Place the finished canapés on a plate with lettuce leaves.

Delicious canapés with smoked red fish

Canapes with smoked red fish are not a complicated appetizer recipe for the holiday menu. For the recipe, take smoked salmon, white bread, crab sticks, butter and herbs for decoration.

For the recipe, take any delicacy fish, lemon, any cheese and skewers. Cut the cheese into squares and insert a skewer or toothpick in the center. We cut the red fish into long strips and put it on a skewer so that one edge remains free and the other ends on the cheese. We take the citrus and cut it into small slices and string it on a skewer on top of the fish.

Now take the free edge of the fish strip, fold it over and thread it onto a skewer. You should end up with something like a sail. We put the products on a dish, decorate at our discretion and serve on the festive table.

To prepare canapés you don’t need to be a great cook, you just need to show a little imagination and allocate very little time. All recipes are simple and in just one hour you can prepare a large amount of tasty and original snacks.

Canapes with salmon They always look very festive on the table. Firstly, the color of the fish itself is joyful - red-orange, and secondly, it is combined with several bright foods (cheeses, herbs, vegetables and fruits), and our canapés look inimitably picturesque.

This dish is best suited as a snack with alcoholic drinks. Moreover, it can be used for both strong and weak alcoholic drinks. The refined taste of salmon will not overpower the aroma of champagne or wine, and its sufficient fat content will help protect against rapid intoxication. Every housewife who decides to prepare canapes with salmon should remember that this is a seafood product, and therefore it is not worth combining it with all products in a row. Salmon is not combined with meat and sausage products, overly salty cheeses and fruits.

Canapes with salmon and curd cheese

Canapes with salmon and curd cheese will be an excellent appetizer at a buffet table. It cooks quickly and looks nice. The taste is quite mild. Instead of salmon, you can also use trout, but it is better to take lightly salted fish. We take cream cheese, curd cheese, any brand. The main thing is that you like it. So let's get started.


  • leaf salad,
  • lightly salted salmon,
  • curd cream cheese,
  • Rye bread,
  • parsley.


  1. Cut the bread into small squares (about 2x2 cm).
  2. Cut the lettuce leaf into the same squares.
  3. Cut the fish into long, but not wide, slices. The width should be approximately equal to the side of the bread square. Place about 1 teaspoon of cheese on a slice of salmon.
  4. Roll the fish into a roll.
  5. Place the fish roll on a piece of bread with a lettuce leaf.
  6. Stick a parsley leaf and a canape skewer on top.
  7. Salmon canapés with curd cheese are ready.

Canapes with salmon and cream cheese


  • cracker cookies
  • salted or smoked salmon, thinly sliced
  • 120 g cream Philadelphia cheese
  • 2-3 tbsp sour cream
  • 1/4 tsp freshly ground. white or black pepper
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 green stem onion, finely chopped
  • 1 tbsp finely chopped dill
  • lemon juice and zest, optional


  1. Heat the cream cheese slightly in the microwave (15-20 seconds), the cheese should become soft, but not liquid (or beat the cheese with a mixer). Stir well until smooth.
  2. Add remaining ingredients.
  3. Stir well and transfer to a bag (or a cornet with a curly attachment). Cut off the tip of the bag and squeeze the cheese onto the cracker cookies. Or just spoon it out. Place a piece of salmon on top and garnish with a sprig of dill or green onions.
  4. Serve immediately or in advance, the crackers will quickly become soggy from the filling. You can make the filling in advance and keep it in the refrigerator, this is even better, it will be better to put the cold filling on the cracker.

Canapes with salmon and quail eggs

Canapés are intended to serve as an aperitif, that is, to warm up the appetite before the main meal. They can be made with almost any ingredients you have in the refrigerator. This little appetizer is made from quail eggs, salmon and cream cheese.


  • Quail eggs - 8 pcs.
  • Lightly salted salmon or trout - 80 g
  • Almette curd cheese – 70 g
  • Rye bread - 50 g (4 slices)
  • Dill - 2-3 sprigs


  1. Prepare all the ingredients for the salmon and cream cheese canapes. If you can't find cream cheese, you can use soft feta or ricotta.
  2. Boil the quail eggs.
  3. How to prepare canapés with red fish:
  4. Place the cream cheese in a small deep container, and finely chop the washed and dried dill into it.
  5. Mix cheese and dill with a spoon.
  6. To make the process easier, you can mix the cheese and dill directly in the package.
  7. Boil the eggs in boiling water for 6-7 minutes and cool. Remove the shells from quail eggs.
  8. Cut the salmon into small squares into 8 pieces, according to the number of canapés.
  9. Cut the rye bread into thin squares and dry in the oven. It is better to cut off the crusts.
  10. Place a piece of lightly salted salmon or trout on each piece of bread.
  11. Next, carefully add the cream cheese and herbs with a spoon or a cooking syringe.
  12. Secure the top with a skewer with a quail egg.
  13. Place all salmon canapés on a beautiful plate lined with fresh lettuce leaves.

Salmon appetizer on skewers


  • 200 g salmon
  • 100 g Philadelphia cheese
  • 2 sprigs of dill
  • 1 lemon


  1. Line small ramekins or coffee cups with cling film so that it hangs 2cm over the edges.
  2. Cut the fish into thin slices so long that you can line the cups with them and the edges of the fish hang down a little. Finely chop the dill and mix with cheese.
  3. Fill the cups with the resulting mass and cover with the hanging ends on top.
  4. Place lemon slices on a plate and carefully invert onto each cup. Remove the cup and film.

Smoked salmon with cream cheese


  • Cream cheese (room temperature) - 200 g
  • Horseradish (white, pasty) - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Smoked salmon - 300 g
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • Salt (preferably sea salt)
  • Ground black pepper
  • Rye bread - 3-4 slices
  • Lettuce leaves - to taste
  • Lemon slices - to taste


  1. Mix cream cheese with horseradish and squeezed lemon juice. Add salt and pepper.
  2. Cut the smoked salmon into thin, wide rectangular layers and place on parchment. Brush evenly with the prepared mixture.
  3. Roll the salmon and cream cheese into rolls, starting with the narrower side. Wrap the rolls in parchment and fold the edges tightly to form a “sausage.” Refrigerate for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Cut the bread slices into squares. Cut the fish rolls into small rolls and place them on pieces of bread. Serve salmon with cream cheese, lemon wedges and green salad.

Canapes with salmon on skewers


  • lightly salted salmon - 150 grams
  • fresh cucumber - 1
  • soft cottage cheese - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • mustard - half a tablespoon
  • salt and pepper to your taste
  • green onion feathers - according to the number of salmon rolls

How to cook:

  1. For rolls you need thinly sliced ​​pieces. It’s best if it’s a ready-made cut. If not, try to cut it as thin as possible.
  2. Wash and pat dry the cucumber. Cut it into small cubes. Place soft cottage cheese in a small bowl. Add mustard to it. Add cucumber slices, salt and pepper. Mix well.
  3. Place the curd and cucumber filling on the edge of the fish slice. Roll it up and tie it with a green onion to keep it in shape.
  4. Before making salmon rolls, be sure to taste the fish, and if it is too salty, do not add salt to the cottage cheese.
  5. For preparation, you can use either soft Dijon mustard or mustard with grains.
  6. If you like spicy dishes, add half a crushed clove of garlic to the cottage cheese.

Appetizer with red salmon fish


  • Tartlets - 10 pcs.
  • Processed cream cheese - 100 grams;
  • Lightly salted salmon - 100 grams;
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 piece;
  • Dill - a small bunch;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste.


  1. As a big fan of red fish, I want to offer you the option of a delicious snack in tartlets. Red fish goes well with melted cream cheese and fresh cucumber.
  2. This appetizer can be prepared for any holiday or just for a bachelorette party. My tartlets were being prepared for my daughter’s birthday, so I decided to decorate them in the shape of a flower.
  3. To prepare the appetizer, we will need ready-made tartlets, red fish (I have lightly salted salmon), creamy processed cheese, dill, fresh cucumber and a little mayonnaise.
  4. Cut the salmon into large cubes and the cucumber into small ones
  5. Mix processed cheese with finely chopped dill. You can add a little mayonnaise.
  6. Place a piece of salmon in the center of the bottom of the tartlets and place slices of chopped cucumber around them.
  7. Cover the top with cream cheese and use cucumber slices to make a flower shape.
  8. Place strips of red fish in the center of the tartlets.
  9. Tartlets filled with red fish, melted cheese and cucumber are ready - you can serve them to the table.

Canapes with avocado and salmon

Exquisite fish appetizers will be the decoration of the evening, a complement to champagne or wine at the buffet table, a small decoration of a big holiday. In order for these snacks to be remembered not only for their amazing and slightly exotic taste, but also for their unusual shape, prepare the perfect canapés with red fish; recipes with photos will help you act consistently and prepare all the components. Canapes with olives, avocado and cucumber - a natural and healthy snack in a miniature version.


  • 5 slices of rectangular black bread;
  • 250 g lightly salted trout (or salmon);
  • 1 ripe avocado;
  • 1 large cucumber;
  • 20 pickled black olives, pitted;
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice.


  1. Trim the crusts from the black bread. Prepare even squares or rectangles measuring about 2 x 3 cm (20 servings in total).
  2. Cut the washed avocado. Only the soft part of the fruit will go into the red fish canapé recipe.
  3. Set the pit aside and scrape the pulp from the skin with a spoon into a separate bowl.
  4. Pour lemon juice into the pulp and add a pinch of salt. Stir in avocado paste.
  5. Cut the red fish into thin square slices approximately the same size as the bread.
  6. Cut the washed cucumber into thin longitudinal slices for “sails” on a canapé with olives. This is best done using a single-blade shredder, vegetable slicer, or special knife.
  7. Spread each loaf of bread with avocado paste. Place a piece of red fish on top.
  8. Place cucumber slices on wooden toothpicks (or disposable decorative skewers for canapés) in the shape of a sail. Insert each toothpick into the bread base with the fish and top with an olive.
  9. Ready-made red fish and avocado canapés are not only attractive and unusual in appearance, but also very tasty and healthy. Even if you have never prepared canapes with red fish, recipes with photos will tell you the secret of the simplest buffet option.

Canapé sandwich with salmon and radishes


  • 8 slices white bread
  • 60 g butter
  • 300 g lightly salted salmon fillet
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • 3 radishes, greens


  1. Cut the white bread into thin slices with a sharp knife, cut off the crusts and shape them into a rectangular shape.
  2. Grease each loaf with butter. Make an envelope from salmon, putting a circle of egg and parsley leaves inside. Garnish with radishes. Secure all layers together with a skewer.

Canapes with salmon in Norwegian style

Norway is a maritime power that is a leader in catching and distributing salmon throughout the world. It is quite natural that in this country such fish is present on almost every table and is used in the preparation of a wide variety of dishes. In the classic version, canapés with salmon in Norway are prepared exactly according to the recipe described below.


  • Hard cheese - 70 gr.
  • Bread - 3 slices
  • Olives - ½ jar
  • Lightly salted salmon - 120 gr.


  1. Cut the cheese, salmon and bread into squares of the same size.
  2. We put an olive on a skewer, then a square of cheese, then salmon and a piece of bread. The canapes are ready.

Canapes with crab sticks and salmon


  • Crab sticks - 150 gr.
  • Philadelphia cheese - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Lightly salted salmon - 120 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Toast bread - 5 pieces


  1. In a deep container, combine the cheese and mayonnaise and mix them thoroughly. Roll out the bread and place it on cling film.
  2. Then this bread should be greased with a cheese-mayonnaise mixture and placed on cling film. Place a crab stick on one edge of the bread, and then tightly and neatly roll it into a roll.
  3. We do the same with salmon. Place the prepared rolls in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.
  4. After this time, take them out, free them from the cling film and cut them into pieces. Now we pierce each piece with a skewer.
  5. On some skewers we thread two pieces of roll, one with salmon, the other with crab sticks.

Canapes “Roses”

These canapés got their name solely because of their appearance. A plate with such canapés will resemble a rose bush.


  • Lightly salted salmon - 300 gr.
  • Bell pepper - ½ pc.
  • Dried greens - to taste
  • Curd cheese - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil - for frying
  • Puff pastry tartlets - 12 pcs.


  1. Wash the pepper and cut into small cubes. Then lightly fry it in olive oil, remove from heat and let it cool. Wash the salmon and cut into thin slices.
  2. In a deep container, combine cheese, herbs and bell pepper. Mix everything thoroughly. The filling is ready! Fill the tartlets with the prepared mixture. Roll each piece of salmon into a roll. We place one such roll in each tartlet.

Canapes “Pearl”

To prepare such canapés, skewers and toothpicks are not used. And in general, it has a rather interesting appearance, since it consists of several elements that can be eaten at will.


  • Salmon - 200 gr.
  • Black olives - 1 jar (small)
  • Grapefruit - 1 pc.
  • Processed cheese - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic, mayonnaise, herbs - to taste
  • Loaf - ½ pcs.


  1. Cut the loaf into slices. We peel the garlic, wash it and pass it through a garlic press. Grind the processed cheese on a coarse grater. Wash the greens and finely chop them.
  2. In one container, combine the cheese, herbs and garlic. Mix everything thoroughly and roll cheese balls from the prepared mass. Cut the salmon into thin slices.
  3. We wrap one olive in each slice. Wash the grapefruit and cut into thin slices. On the loaf we place an olive wrapped in salmon, a cheese ball and a slice of grapefruit. “Pearl” is ready to serve!

Canapes with avocado and salmon

To prepare these canapes, you will most likely need a special culinary tool that will help you cut the cucumber into perfectly thin and neat slices. If you don’t have one, then you can use a regular kitchen knife.


  • Black bread - 3 slices
  • Lightly salted salmon - 200 gr.
  • Avocado - 1 pc.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Olives - 1 jar (small)
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - to taste


  1. Cut the black bread into squares of the desired size. Scoop out the pulp from the avocado with a spoon. Then mash it with a fork, sprinkle with lemon juice and salt.
  2. Cut the cucumber into thin slices along its entire length. Cut the salmon into squares the same size as the bread. When everything is prepared, you can begin to form the canapés.
  3. Spread the bread with the avocado mixture. Place a piece of salmon on top. Place cucumber slice on a skewer. It should be pricked in several places. And then use a skewer with a cucumber to pierce the salmon and bread. We decorate the top of the canapes with olives.

Salmon with capers


  • 1 baguette, cut into thin slices
  • butter, softened
  • 3 tablespoons chopped fresh dill
  • salmon or smoked salmon
  • jar of capers, drained and rinsed


  1. Fresh and canned salmon are perishable.
  2. Canned salmon is an affordable alternative to fresh salmon.
  3. If you use canned salmon, make sure there are no bones.
  4. Flavors that work well with salmon are lemon, chives, dill, fennel, and tarragon. Try the oils with different herbs to change the flavor of the main canapé.
  5. Salmon and salmon are very healthy fish because they contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

Preparing canapés with salmon is a win-win culinary idea for organizing buffets and other types of collective celebrations. These small bright sandwiches will decorate the table; your family and guests will definitely appreciate them. The amount of ingredients depends on how many canapés you need to make.


  • lightly salted salmon (fillet);
  • baguette (preferably rye) or buffet bread;
  • fresh cucumbers;
  • natural butter;
  • dill;
  • skewers.


  1. Cut the bread into small pieces, remembering that a canapé is a “one bite” sandwich. Cut off the crusts, lightly dry the slices of bread, on a dry baking sheet in the oven, in a toaster or electric sandwich maker. Read more:
  2. Cut the salmon fillet into pieces of a suitable configuration. Chop the cucumber crosswise into ovals. Let the bread cool and spread butter on each piece. Place salmon and a slice of cucumber on top of each piece. Decorate with dill and secure the canapés with a skewer.
  3. Place the finished canapés on a serving plate. An excellent snack to pair with light wines, vodka, gin, berry bitters or dark beer.

Recipe for canapés with salmon, olives and cheese


  • lightly salted salmon;
  • white baguette or buffet bread;
  • processed cheese;
  • pitted olives;
  • fresh red hot pepper;
  • fresh greens (basil, cilantro);
  • lemon.


  1. Cut the salmon fillet into slices in such a configuration that you can fit a lemon on a piece of bread next to the fish. Cut the lemon into thin slices, olives - in half lengthwise, hot pepper - into the thinnest rings.
  2. Prepare the bread as in the previous recipe. Spread each of the dried and cooled slices with cheese. Place a piece of salmon on top and a lemon wedge on the side. Place a pepper ring on top of the fish, and half an olive on it.

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