Home Preparations for the winter Which bottle is easier to break on your head? Tricks from airborne demobilization. Fortune telling by numbers

Which bottle is easier to break on your head? Tricks from airborne demobilization. Fortune telling by numbers

How beautifully and effectively bottles crash on the heads of actors in films! And viewers, having seen enough of the heroic deeds of television and film characters, begin to repeat these tricks at home. And only after having suffered one failure after another, they begin to look for information on how to break a bottle over their head correctly!

It's bad for your health

If you have this idea - to hit you on the head with a bottle, then perhaps nothing will harm you... But still, keep in mind that hitting you on the head with a bottle without stunt skills is very dangerous. You can, at a minimum, get a huge bump, and at a maximum, get a concussion and ruptured head tissue. A concussion takes about a month to be treated, but its consequences last for years! Think very carefully before you start swinging a bottle.

How paratroopers do it

Hitting the head with a bottle is a form of entertainment for paratroopers. They have developed their own technology for this process, which is as follows. You need to start training with a hat on; it’s better to take a thin knitted cap. It is recommended to hit strictly on the frontal bone. If the hand slips below the forehead into the nasal area, there is a risk of serious injury. And if the bottle hits your temple, you can say goodbye to your life. You must aim firmly at the middle of the forehead, where the bone is the strongest. If you are afraid to hit, then it is better not to do this; from fear you can jerk your hand or head and cause injury. So the paratroopers’ technique is simple - hit hard and in the center of the forehead.

Amateur technique

Those who like to amaze their friends with such a trick also recommend starting training in a thin hat. To make it less painful, you need to put an iron ruble or pebble in the bottle, then shake it for an hour or two so that the inside of the bottle becomes covered with microcracks. They will not be visible from the outside, and it is much easier to break such a bottle. Creative trick lovers have come up with another way to reduce the strength of a bottle. You must first peel off the label from the bottle, then heat the bottle properly over a fire, then cool it, and for clarity and plausibility, stick the label back. From the point of view of the laws of physics, all destroyed molecular compounds will be restored upon cooling, but practitioners claim that the bottle loses its hardness.

And in fact

But in fact, in movies they use special bottles made of sugar! They are cast using complex technology so that they are transparent and look like glass. For a stuntman, being hit on the head with a bottle is easy and almost painless. The only thing that can stop fans from using such a bottle for home tricks is its high cost. One bottle of sugar will cost you from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles.

No offense to the paratroopers, but often, in an effort to demonstrate their toughness, they resort to spectacular, but still stunts. Let's look at one of them - namely, smashing alcohol bottles over the head.

For the airborne forces? Or against?

One must think that the founder of the airborne troops, Vasily Margelov, who died in March 1990, turned over well in his grave, looking from other spheres at the eccentricities of his followers. What the hell, tell me, makes the owners of blue berets break bricks with the edge of their palms year after year, causing injury to themselves. Or tell me honestly: how many people who served in the Airborne Forces press the edge of their palms onto a hard surface, as is required for such a trick? By the way, we’ll talk about the brick as soon as we deal with the notorious bottle. So, let's get started.

Let's say right away that it is possible to break a bottle on your head. The most ordinary one, manufactured at the factory. And for this you don’t need a “cast iron” forehead at all - the most ordinary one is enough. You just need to know the laws of physics and be able to apply them to a specific case. Many bottles are made by welding glass sheets and then shaping them. This seam is the weak point. Almost any glass container shatters along it in the first place. And it seems to the audience that the inflexible “Vedeveshnik” easily slammed the first bottle he came across onto his skull.

The main secret is to spot the seam on it. And they found it, despite all the efforts of master glassblowers. But most often, of course, the trick is prepared in advance. There are known cases when brave paratroopers agreed that the chosen drink would be served to them in a bottle they had chosen ahead of time. If this is not possible, then you need to adjust and place the container just above the beret’s badge. There (under the beret, of course) is the thickest frontal bone in the entire skull, on which you can somehow knock a not too thick bottle. For example, from mineral water or (which is almost the same thing) Zhigulevskoe beer. Such are the things...

All that remains is to decide: the warrior who performs such miracles is working for the glory of the army, or is it they who say about them that “The more oak trees in the army...”

How to avoid cutting yourself?

Such an outcome is quite possible. In 1996, on Airborne Forces Day in Tashkent, an ambulance hospitalized three former paratroopers with wounds to the head and eye sockets. The poor boys hit themselves over the head with vodka bottles. It was possible to break it, but only the hand with the resulting “rose” went lower.

They say that the older comrades (those who served in the landing force long before our heroes) laughed for a long time. It turns out that the signature trick of experienced sensei is simple. Take a bottle, put a heavy pebble or coin inside and practice meditation. I mean, you shake the bottle for an hour, or even more. What's the point? The problem is that the glass becomes covered with microcracks during this time. The bottle will scatter over them “like clockwork.”

Another option is to thoroughly heat the bottle in the oven. It’s also possible on a hotplate, but there the hot spot is too localized and you’ll need to turn the bottle back and forth for uniform heating. Then we put it in cold water. From such treatment, the bottle will become covered with cracks, along which it will shatter when it hits your head. The main thing is to close your eyes so that the fragments do not get into your eyes. The public who came to enjoy your prowess will not see any cracks.

By the way, the paratroopers, according to rumors, learned this trick from karatekas. The brave followers of the eastern sensei, before the competition, strongly heated the bricks and threw them into the snow or cold water. As a result, the fragments effectively scattered throughout the gym are obtained without much effort. Let us note in parentheses that it is much more difficult to perform such a number with boards. Not only do they need to be carefully filed, but it is also necessary to disguise the place of the cut. Therefore, a putty made of sawdust, gypsum and paint is used, which also needs to be carefully selected to match the color of the wood. I would never have believed in such “fraud” if I had not heard about it from a man who worked as a karate-do trainer for many years.

Circus! Circus! Circus!

And finally, here is a very cheating way to impress others. More precisely, a circus, which the author saw more than once being used by traveling performers. Take clay, bottle and sugar syrup. There is probably no need to talk about how to make a mold for casting - our ancestors knew this at the dawn of the Copper Age. A bottle made of frozen syrup looks no different from a glass one. And if there are differences, then again they are not visible to the audience. Such a lollipop can not only be smashed on your head in style, but also eaten with gusto. The main thing is not to forget to stick the right label. In general, the trick, given the appropriate surroundings, turns out to be spectacular and as safe as possible for the performer.

By the way, the Terminator of all times, actor Schwarzenegger, flew through a similar candy glass that depicted a department store window. In general, if you really feel the urge, you can also do figure casting with sugar syrup.

So it’s fitting to repeat after the hero of the famous film: “They are fooling our brother, oh, they are fooling us!..”. And last but not least, a tragicomic incident told by the author’s former boss, a retired lieutenant colonel of the Airborne Forces. If anyone remembers, in the early and mid-90s of the last century, a sea of ​​bottled counterfeit alcohol appeared on the markets. It was with them that the “blue berets” celebrated the next anniversary of the Airborne Forces. When the brave guys reached the required condition, one of them performed the “head + bottle =...?” trick. It is unknown whether the container was fake, but it successfully broke. But the second contender for the record (or is it for the Darwin Award?) was unlucky. The bottle with a long neck that fit so comfortably in the palm turned out to be real French cognac spirit. A blow, another blow, a swing... no, something is wrong here! Bourgeois glass containers did not yield to our soldier’s forehead. And if so, then well, go to such and such a mother. Against her wall, infection, against the wall! But this did not bring the expected result with a hail of fragments. As it turned out later, these particular bottles were made of unbreakable glass. Thus, the manufacturer insured its products against damage during transportation.

Bottles broken on the heads of movie characters in imported and Russian blockbusters and TV series look very impressive. How? Break a bottle on your head? Its cool! An impressionable viewer, having seen enough of these heroic deeds, immediately tries to repeat these feats at home, so to speak, with his own hands (more precisely, with his head)! And only having failed one or more times, he begins to look for instructions and recommendations on this point in informative sources. Our article is devoted to the question of how to break a bottle on your head correctly.


Let’s make a reservation right away: we do not advise anyone without proper experience to repeat such actions, especially in a drunken state, when the sea is “knee-deep.” Without stunt skills, you risk at least getting yourself in trouble. The maximum is to get a concussion as a gift, as well as ruptures of the skin tissue on the head. After this, you will have to undergo treatment for months, spending a lot of money on purchasing medications. So think carefully before hitting yourself over the head with a bottle!

A bottle on the head (the Airborne Forces give a master class)

If, for some reason, you have firmly decided to carry out your plans (to prove your coolness to your friends or thus win the heart of a friend), you can take a master class from those who served in the Airborne Forces (who doesn’t know, the airborne troops). After all, hitting your head with a bottle is a favorite pastime of paratroopers when celebrating the day of the same name (along with swimming in fountains and smashing expensive cars). How to break a bottle over your head requires training and one little trick. You must definitely hit the bottle in the middle of the forehead bone. This is where the strongest part of the skull is located, and with certain skills, breaking a beer bottle, for example, is not particularly difficult.


Wondering how to break a bottle over your head? Start training in a thin knitted cap to reduce pain at first. Then the cap can be removed and broken without the shock absorber. Yes, you need to take the bottle empty, after drinking (or pouring out) all the contents from it. Otherwise, a full, clogged container may not break, but it will certainly cause injury to your body! So, the airborne technique is simple: hit the middle of the frontal, the most durable, bone with an empty bottle. At the same time, you should not be afraid, because from fear you can jerk your hands and hit the temple or nose area, which is undesirable and can lead to a cut in the soft tissues of the skull.

Tricks of amateurs

How to break a bottle over your head in a more gentle way? To do this, place an iron ruble or a pebble with sharp edges in an empty container. We start shaking and do this for at least a couple of hours. During this time, the empty bottle will become covered with microcracks inside, which will not be visible to the spectators who have gathered to watch your experiment.

Another method was invented by real magicians. Actually, apart from the laws of physics, there is nothing complicated about it. The label peels off from the empty bottle (try to do this as carefully as possible). Then the dishes need to be heated over a fire for some time and cooled sharply. Next, stick the label in its place. As a result of these manipulations, the bottle significantly loses its strength, while maintaining its original shape.

How they do it in the movies

In fact, in movies they use another little trick - special bottles cast from sugar. They remain transparent and look like glass, but break very easily. So before you hit a bottle on your head, remember this trick and don’t hurt yourself in vain!

We make a choice only once. We choose to be a warrior or to be an ordinary person. There is simply no other choice. Not on this earth.

It turns out that at least a thousand times a month people ask search engines “how to break a bottle on your head?”

That is, it turns out that every day at least thirty people a day ask this wonderful question. And it was you, dear reader, who followed the direct request “how to break a bottle on your head” and this article was written - how to correctly and safely break a bottle on your head and emotionally, so to speak, amaze yourself and those around you.

In general, we can say that this is a meaningless, useless and traumatic skill - well, why and under what conditions might the same paratrooper need it? Probably only for one almost incredible case - a collision with a paratrooper in the desert, for example - when one of them had a glass bottle on hand. Then yes - this skill may turn out to be more important than ever - break a bottle on your head and get a ready-made cutting weapon (popularly called -.) Although, on the other hand, in the desert it is also reckless to break a bottle - especially if it contains water.

And of course, the main question of “bottle breaking” will be considered - why do bottles break at once and with a spectacular splash of fragments, while ordinary people, as a rule, only get a dull and unpleasant sound of an empty bottle hitting their head?

To begin with, I think it’s worth looking at all these bottle breakings by both paratroopers and ordinary people.

As you can see, paratroopers are most good at breaking bottles.

And it’s especially good at various demonstration performances.

It’s just that the paratroopers break bottles over their heads - also quite quickly.

Another paratrooper breaks three bottles in a row - although he doesn’t seem to hit that hard - and why do they all stubbornly put on their beret?

A drunken paratrooper quite confidently breaks a beer bottle - one might say an experiment in the possibility of breaking bottles in their pure form.

Beginning paratroopers are unsuccessful at the beginning, but then they succeed.

Breaking bottles in America - people also get carried away and study best practices

Even girls try it - but probably the bottles are real - they really grab their heads.

But the funniest thing, of course, is how ordinary people do it. (The only thing you can hear is this “glass sound” of an empty bottle hitting your forehead. But some still manage to break it sometimes.) Moreover, “bottle breakers” can be conditionally divided into two large groups: the curious and the drunk. But they are trying.

People drank beer and decided to experiment, but preliminary preparation and training are needed - if you just try it, there will only be a “glass sound” - but it can be seen as a person, it’s still quite painful.

Another funny video - a man persistently tries to break a bottle on his head - but it turns out that it is actually not so easy - only a “glass clink”.

People also experiment with breaking a bottle on their own forehead - but the person only gets a bump.

A more successful attempt is breaking a bottle on your head - so people are experimenting.

Girls breaking bottles over their heads on Airborne Forces Day

And it seems that “breaking a bottle with your head” is the same obsession as putting a light bulb in your mouth and then pulling it out - every eccentric can’t wait to check it out for himself. (A lot of people are also checking - is it possible to stick out the light bulb or not?)

In general, it’s scary - breaking a champagne bottle - in the first case it didn’t work and it’s hard to believe - such a “glass” sound of an empty bottle.

In the second: the first time, the champagne bottle is shattered - anything can happen, but most likely it’s just a trick - it’s obvious that you still can’t break it.

Moreover, as it turns out, the topic of breaking bottles on the head is quite popular on the YouTube channel - people make various videos of the most comical moments that arise in the process of breaking bottles on the head. (Which, accordingly, negates the whole pathos of the situation with the breaking of bottles - not everyone manages to look like paratroopers. In general, the plot is simple = idiots or drunks hit themselves over the head with bottles - the audience laughs - and it’s funny that there is no delight or admiration for the actions of these people who are truly brave in some way - everything is turned into a circus.

So how can you learn how to break bottles effectively:

Firstly, you need to ask yourself why I need this - for self-improvement or to surprise others. Which, accordingly, suggests two fundamentally different approaches to breaking a bottle. But in any case, breaking a bottle is still a kind of trick - to a greater or lesser extent.

Text: ABS

April 1st is for fooling around a little. On this day, even top managers armored in corporate ethics are pleased to find a sticker on their back with the inscription “Kick me.” However, this year April 1 luckily fell on a Sunday, so you will have to entertain mainly your loved ones. the site offers P 10 tricks and tricks with which you can capture the attention of those present or even earn a couple of large bills by making stupid bets.P

1. MetabolismP

Pour whiskey or cognac into one glass and plain water into the other. Bet someone that you can swap liquids in glasses without using a third container, a straw, or even your mouth. Having made a bet of five hundred rubles, take a plastic card (laminated driver’s license, discount card, etc.) from your pocket and cover a glass of water with it. Now turn it over and place it on the second one so that the card is between them. All that remains is to slightly move the card to the side so that the liquids come together along the very edge of the glasses. You can sit back in your chair and watch the whiskey itself move into the top glass, and the money into your pocket.P

Secret: pure physics. Water is heavier than whiskey, its specific gravity is higher, so it simply displaces whiskey to the top. Don’t use vodka for the trick; it’s clear. Well, maybe after and with the money won.P

2. Fortune telling by numbers P

Hand your friends a notepad and ask them to write 4 four-digit numbers. Let them write one by one. After this, take the notebook back and ask the fifth friend to calculate the sum of the written numbers. He loudly calls the result, you take a piece of paper out of your pocket, and everyone sees on it the same number that you just heard.P

Secret: While you are carrying the notebook to the fifth person, just turn the page of the notebook. The numbers you need are written on the next one. Put a piece of paper with the answer in your pocket in advance, and practice four different handwritings. If you have to perform a trick in a bar or restaurant, you can distract the attention of your drinking companions by trying to ask to go to the toilet in the middle of the trick, and while they are yelling at you, turn the page.P

3. Guess the cardP

Here you will need a deck of cards. Give it to someone and have them shuffle it thoroughly. Count out five cards from the top of the deck and give them to your counterpart. Let him choose one, remember and mix these five cards as desired. Get them back, put them on top of the deck, put your hands under the table and lay out five cards on it. Ask if that card is there. If there is, point your finger at the correct one. If not, play five more cards, and more, until the answer is yes. Repeat the finger poking operation.P

Secret: Since the intended card is in the top five, you take out cards under the table in this order: three from the bottom, one from the top, one from the bottom. Thus, in a laid out five, the intended card can only be the fourth.P

4. Calculator ManP

Ask two people to write two ten-digit numbers on a piece of paper. Give the paper back to yourself, write down your ten-digit number and instantly write the sum of all three numbers. Moreover, the correct one.P

Secret: each digit of your number should add up to the corresponding digit of the first P of the numbers already written to give a 9. Thus, three ten-digit numbers turn into two, one of which consists entirely of nines. After this, the result is ready instantly; you just need to rewrite the second number, putting one in front of it and subtracting one from the last digit. If someone especially gifted starts one of the numbers with a nine, assign your number to the other. If you both start with nine, go to a monastery, this world is clearly against you.P


5. Grip of SteelP

Promise to squeeze the empty glass bottle so hard that air begins to escape. After making sure that everyone has taken the bait or at least prepared to see something interesting, take a coin, wet it with anything and put it on the neck of the bottle instead of a cork. Grasp the bottle with both palms and begin to push and roll your eyes ominously. After a minute or two, the coin will begin to bounce on the neck of the bottle. The air is coming out!P

Secret: the wet coin seals the bottle, and with your hands you heat the air in it so that it expands and begins to escape. You can artistically rub your palms before performing a trick.P

6. Egg in a bottle.P

Despite the name, this trick is quite humane. Bet someone that you can fit a boiled, unpeeled egg into a bottle without breaking both items. Choose an egg without cracks, and take a bottle with a wide neck, like a Soviet milk bottle. The egg, however, should obviously not fit through.P

Now just throw a burning paper flagellum or five matches into the bottle. As soon as they burn through, place the egg against the neck of the bottle. He will be pulled inside!P

Secret: atmospheric pressure, what kind of secrets are there.PPPP

7. Sticky FlowerP

Take a flower in your hand and squeeze it in your fist. Grasp your wrist with your other hand and slowly unclench your fist. The rose doesn't fall. A crowd of especially savvy people will immediately scream that it’s “accordion” and that you are holding a flower with your index finger. They asked for it themselves. Take your hand off your wrist and the flower still doesn't fall!P

Secret: press the stem of the flower with a pen or pencil tucked under the watch bracelet.P

8. Indecent questionP

This is a male focus. It is considered indecent to ask a girl about her age. No need to ask. Ask her to multiply her age by 7 and the result by 1443. Then tell her age instantly.P

Secret: in the resulting number the girl's age will be repeated three times in a row. For example, 21*7*1443=212121. If the girl is under ten years old, the trick will not work, and in general in this case you are extremely suspicious to us.P

9. Day of the Paratrooper

Break an empty champagne bottle with your fist? Lighter than easy. You swing and hit. Those present can pick their jaws off the floor and say that there is no point in arguing with you. The trick looks especially impressive when performed by a fragile girl wearing leather gloves (so as not to cut her hands).P

Secret: Focus requires preparation. Take two champagne bottles and carefully remove the stickers from them. Place the bottlesP in the fire and when one of them bursts from the heat, take out the second. Now it is in the right condition, because it is completely covered in microcracks. Wash it off the carbon deposits and stick the labels in place. The props are ready. A bottle prepared in this way will break even from a slight blow to the side.P

10. Wave without looking P

Place seven cards on the table and ask someone to wish for one of them. Now take the cards, put your hands behind your back and say that you will now remove the card he chose. When you place six cards on the table, the subject will be very surprised not to find his own among them.P

Secret: prepare a pack of seven cards and a pack of six. When you put your hands behind your back, simply change the packs. Naturally, the hidden card will not be in the new pack. And who remembered the rest? The trick will be more guaranteed if you don’t take “pictures”.P

11. “Do you want me to guess your name?” P

We have already guessed the girl’s age, all that remains is to guess the name (you can do it the next morning). Ask P her to write the name in the center of the piece of paper and fold it into quarters (the piece of paper). Then ask if she wrote her full name or a diminutive. Whatever the girl answers, say the opposite and tear the paper. While she writes again, go to the bathroom, and when you return, sprinkle cigarette ash on your palm and blow it away. Oh, miracle! The girl's name is clearly imprinted on your palm!

Secret: When you tear the folded paper, hold the central corner in your palm. Go with him to the bathroom. Expand it, read the name (Flyura, hmm). Write the name on your palm with liquid soap and return to the girl with a cigarette in your mouth. Yes, if you don't smoke, ashes from aromatic "stinkers" will do.

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