Home Products Technical and technological map on the topic of creamy ice cream. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products. Necessary raw material base

Technical and technological map on the topic of creamy ice cream. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products. Necessary raw material base

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cold soufflé, but it should be used with great care: an excessive amount of gelatin leads to the dessert becoming hard and rubbery, and an insufficient amount of it and the dessert crumbles. For desserts. In which gelatin is fundamentally important as the main ingredient, it is best to use the purest, smoothest and richest-tasting gelatin obtained from veal feet. As a rule, 3-4 veal legs boiled in 2.5 liters of water yields 1 liter of thick jelly, which can thicken another 0.9 liters of liquid. The jelly must cool so that all the fat can be easily removed. Then it should be reheated, sugar added and lightly seasoned with spices and citrus peels to neutralize any remaining meat flavor. Then boil the whipped whites and eggshells in it and strain through a piece of cloth. Small solid particles in the jelly stick to the egg whites and shells and remain on the fabric with them. The remaining clean liquid will be the base. This will make the jelly transparent. If sheet or powder gelatin is used, the preparation technology is different.

Dissolving leaf gelatin. Place the gelatin sheets in a bowl of cold water; when softened and softened, place them in a small saucepan with a little water.

Place the pan over low heat and wait for the gelatin to melt and the liquid to become clear.

Dissolving gelatin powder. For every 15 g of gelatin, pour 3 tablespoons of water into a small bowl. When the gelatin swells and begins to dissolve, place the bowl in a pan of hot water for 3 minutes.

1.2 Compilation of assortment, classification of dishes

People have been eating sweets since ancient times, but the idea of ​​a separate sweet dish served at the end of a meal is a relatively new idea. As early as the 15th century, a French banquet might include sweet wheat porridge, as well as fruit jellies and deep-fried dishes, laid out next to venison and dishes of lamprey and sturgeon: guests could take whatever they wanted at random. The history of some modern desserts reflects earlier traditions, when there were no clear distinctions between different categories of food. Blamange, or Bavarian cream, which is made from almond milk, gelatin and whipped cream, once served as a sweet sauce for shredded almond chicken breasts.

One of the reasons for such a chaotic mix of sweet and savory dishes was the desire to flaunt one's own wealth. The table, laden with various dishes, made an impressive impression. In addition, sweets and seasonings were an expensive pleasure, so if the owner treated the guests to sweet dishes at every opportunity, they had no doubt about the wealth of this person.

The global ice cream market turnover is estimated at approximately $50 billion per year. In the world, the ice cream market is one of the most saturated in terms of the number of participants and in many countries there are a large number of players in the market. Almost half of the global ice cream market is in the United States, and this figure is growing steadily. According to official statistics, in 2005, the average annual consumption of ice cream per capita in Russia did not exceed 2.77 kilograms, while in Europe in 2004 it was 12 kilograms, in the USA - 25 kilograms.

In many European countries, ice cream markets are almost entirely owned by two global giants: Unilever and Nestle. Local producers occupy insignificant market shares.

The Russian ice cream market is actively developing. Since 2001, the growth rate of ice cream production in Russia has been about 6%, but in recent years the market has slightly slowed down its growth rate. The volume of ice cream production in Russia in 2007 increased by 6.1% and amounted to 412 thousand tons. The largest increase in production was in the Volga region - 117.3%, Siberian - 108.8 and Central - 104.8%. Large companies, such as Talosto, Inmarko, Russian Cold, have an increase in production of 20 to 30%. In recent years, the volume of ice cream consumption per person has increased slightly, amounting to 3-4 kg per year. Although this is significantly lower than in European countries (6-8 kg), USA, Australia (10-12 kg).

Ice cream production in Russia is carried out by about 250 enterprises. Among them are 60 ice cream factories at cold storage plants, 100 factories and ice cream workshops at dairy and other food enterprises, 10 factories newly built specifically for the production of ice cream. Features of the Russian ice cream market are the virtual absence of foreign companies (with the exception of Nestlé and Baskin Robbins), a large number of product manufacturers, and even distribution throughout Russia.

Consumers are not only children; a large group consists of adults from 25 to 35 years old. Ice cream is a seasonal product. Specialized Ice Cream stalls have the largest share of sales in the summer; in winter, the share of shops increases (Fig. 2). The volume of production changes significantly: during the recession - in winter - it accounts for 30-40% of summer volumes. However, market experts claim that there has been some growth in the popularity of ice cream for home consumption, as well as varieties that are appropriate to eat at home both in winter and summer, with a simultaneous decrease in ice cream consumption on the street. During the cold season, manufacturers reduce their assortment by two to three times, producing only the most popular varieties and more so-called “family” ice cream in plastic containers.

Since 2005, the industry has had a national standard “Ice cream, milk, cream, ice cream,” which is the basis for improving product quality. A new brand is appearing on the market - ice cream according to GOST, made from more expensive raw materials. Its price should differ significantly from the price of ice cream made according to specifications with vegetable fats.

The purpose of this calculation task is to draw up a project for a technological line for the production of ice cream in a creamy glaze using functional components. During the design task, it is necessary to design a production line, choosing the optimal technological scheme, modern, highly efficient, economical equipment that best suits the characteristics of a particular production.

Ice cream is a sweet whipped frozen product produced from liquid mixtures prepared according to special recipes, containing in certain proportions the components of milk, fruits, berries, vegetables, sucrose, stabilizers, in some recipes - egg products, flavoring and aromatic substances.

1.1 Ice cream assortment

The range of products from all manufacturers is almost the same. In winter, the number of ice cream items reaches 45, and in summer, manufacturers reduce the assortment to 10-20 items, the most recognizable and purchased. .

According to production methods, ice cream is divided into hardened, soft and homemade.

Hardened ice cream is a product manufactured under production conditions, which, after leaving the milling machine, is frozen (hardened) to low temperatures (-18 ° C and below) in order to increase shelf life. It is kept in this form until it is sold. Seasoned ice cream is highly hard. Soft ice cream is called ice cream, which is produced mainly in catering establishments and is eaten immediately after leaving the freezer (at a temperature of -5...-7 0 C). It resembles a cream in consistency and appearance. Homemade ice cream is made at home using a compression refrigerator or freezer.

Hardened ice cream is classified by type of product and filler (composition) and by type of packaging. Based on the type of product and filler, it is divided into basic and amateur types. Amateur ice cream is produced in relatively smaller quantities than the main types of ice cream.

Main types:

· dairy;

· creamy;

· cream;

· fruit and berry;

· aromatic.

Amateur species:

· milk-based ice cream;

· ice cream produced on a fruit, berry or vegetable basis;

· ice cream made from fruits, berries and vegetables with the addition of a milk base;

· ice cream produced using chicken eggs;

· multi-layer ice cream;

· special purpose ice cream;

· ice cream containing confectionery fat.

The main types of ice cream are named depending on their composition and the additives (fillers) introduced into the product.

Based on the type of packaging, hardened ice cream is divided into weighted, large-packed and small-packed.

· in cardboard boxes with liners made of polymer film;

· in sleeves.


· large packaged - in cardboard boxes, cakes, muffins;

· small packaged - cylinders in plastic film, briquettes (glazed and unglazed with and without waffles), in waffle cups, cones (cones), tubes, cakes, glazed cylinders, figured (glazed and unglazed), in cups (paper and from polymeric materials), boxes.

1.2 Ice cream quality indicators

Ice cream must have high taste qualities, achieved through successfully selected quantitative combinations of components contained in certain ratios recommended by the balanced nutrition formula.

Ice cream should be characterized by sufficient overrun, homogeneity of structure, not cool the oral cavity too much, and melt slowly.

In accordance with the current technical documentation, the taste and smell of ice cream must be pure, characteristic of this type of ice cream and the raw materials used for its production, without foreign tastes and odors.

The consistency should be uniform throughout the entire mass of ice cream, quite dense. A slightly snowy consistency is allowed in milk, fruit and berry ice cream, as well as in low-fat (up to 5%) or low-fat amateur ice cream.

The color must be characteristic of this type of ice cream. Uneven coloring is allowed in ice cream made using fruits, berries and nuts (both whole and crushed), as well as in marbled ice cream.

In accordance with the “Sanitary Rules and Standards” (SanPiN, the microbiological indicators of hardened and soft ice cream, as well as liquid mixtures for soft ice cream, must meet the following requirements (see Table 1.1).

Table 1.1 Microbiological indicators of ice cream

*KMAFAnM - number of mesophilic aerobic anaerobic microorganisms;

**CFU - number of colony-forming units;

***Coliform bacteria - coliform bacteria;

****S. aureus - Staphylococcus aureus Ice cream that has a flaky and sandy consistency, with organoleptically noticeable lumps of fat and stabilizer, as well as contaminated or with foreign inclusions is not allowed for sale.

Permissible deviations in the net weight of ice cream in metal sleeves and cardboard boxes with liners are ±0.5%. The deviation of the mass of one portion during piece-by-piece weighing should not exceed ±3% for manual weighing packaging, and ±6% of the established nominal mass value for volumetric mechanized or manual packaging.

Permissible deviations of net weight for large-packaged ice cream, g: with a net weight of 500±10; 1000±20; 1500±15; 2000±20.

Ice cream is delivered to the retail chain by refrigerated or thermal transport; during transportation, the temperature of the ice cream should be kept as stable as possible, corresponding to the temperature of the product upon shipment. .

1.3 Raw materials used for production

For the production of ice cream with cream glaze, the following main types of raw materials are used. For the ice cream according to the recipe: whole cow's milk (3.2% fat), unsalted cow's butter (82.5% fat), whole condensed milk with sugar (8.5% fat), whole cow's milk powder (25% fat) , granulated sugar, agaroid, vanillin, drinking water. To produce the glaze, unsalted cow's butter (82.5% fat), granulated sugar or powdered sugar, whole cow's milk powder (25% fat), food flavoring, vanillin, and drinking water are used.

Milk for the preparation of ice cream must be fresh, good quality, without foreign tastes and odors. Milk contains milk fat, proteins, carbohydrates, lipoids (fat-like substances), salts of organic and inorganic acids, minerals, vitamins, and enzymes.

The density of milk at a temperature of 20° C, depending on various factors, varies within the range of 1027-1034 kg/m 3 (on average 1030 kg/m 3). The energy value of milk, depending on its composition, is 2720-2930 kJ/kg.

In the emulsion state, milk contains 2.7-6.0% milk fat. The content of protein substances in milk is 2.4-4.8%, including 2.7% casein, 0.5% albumin and 0.1% globulin. Milk also contains milk sugar (lactose) in an amount of 4.8-5.1%. At the enterprise, when receiving milk, its quantity, density, acidity, temperature and fat content are determined. Acidity should not be higher than 21ºT, 16-18ºT is optimal.

Condensed whole milk with sugar is obtained by evaporating part of the moisture from pasteurized cow's milk and preserving it with sugar. It is a homogeneous white mass with a creamy tint without perceptible organoleptic milk sugar crystals. The product has a sweet, clean taste with a pronounced taste of pasteurized milk.

Whole milk powder obtained by drying normalized pasteurized cow's milk. In the production of ice cream, only the highest grade whole milk powder is used.

Depending on the fat content, whole milk powder is produced with 20% and 25% fat content. The acidity of reconstituted milk containing 12% solids is 20-22° T. It is recommended to use spray-dried milk powder, which has the highest solubility.

For making ice cream use only unsalted butter: premium cream, amateur, peasant and sandwich. These types of butter are made from pasteurized cream. In addition to fat, butter contains water, proteins, milk sugar and some other components of cream. The oil has a high energy value, is highly digestible, and contains fat-soluble vitamins A and E and water-soluble vitamins B1, B2 and C.

Sucrose (sugar), produced from beets or sugar cane, is a disaccharide. In appearance, these are homogeneous crystals with pronounced edges. Crystal density is 1587.9 kg/m3. The mass fraction of sucrose in granulated sugar in terms of dry matter should be at least 99.55-99.75%, and the moisture content should be no more than 0.14%.

By grinding granulated sugar, powdered sugar is obtained, which is used to prepare glaze, as well as in the production of dry mixes for soft ice cream. Sugar gives the product a sweet taste and also lowers the freezing point of ice cream, thereby preventing the formation of large ice crystals during freezing and ensuring a delicate and uniform consistency of the finished product. and other sweet foods.

To improve the taste and smell of the product, various ingredients are added to ice cream. flavoring and aromatic additives - vanillin .

It is a solid, needle-shaped crystalline substance. The molecular weight of vanillin is 152.6. Vanillin melts at a temperature of 80-81° C and forms a transparent and colorless solution in hot water (1:20), and also dissolves in alcohol (2:1). Synthetic vanillin differs little in quality from natural vanillin. It is obtained from guaiacol and other organic compounds. A vanillin solution (alcoholic or aqueous) is added to the ice cream mixture in the same way as vanilla essence, at the rate of 0.1 g of vanillin per 1 kg of ice cream. Vanillin is stored at a relative air concentration of no higher than 80%. .

Lactulose. Currently, the creation of ice cream that meets the needs of consumers in the field of healthy nutrition is a promising direction in the frozen dessert industry. This direction can be implemented by reducing the amount of fat and carbohydrates, using functional components such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, as well as prebiotic ingredients. The introduction of the prebiotic lactulose into the ice cream recipe helps to increase the effectiveness of probiotic cultures in the human intestine.

An important characteristic of ice cream that determines stable consumer demand is organoleptic evaluation. The results of studying the organoleptic characteristics of the studied samples showed that ice cream with lactulose had a pleasant, soft fermented milk taste and aroma, more complete and balanced than samples without lactulose. The consistency of all samples was uniform throughout the entire mass without noticeable lumps of fat, stabilizer, or ice crystals, and was quite dense.

A mandatory ingredient in all types of ice cream is stabilizers- colloidal hydrophilic substances, which, by binding free water and increasing the viscosity of mixtures, thereby contribute to the structure formation of ice cream. Stabilizers also improve the consistency of the finished product and increase its resistance to melting. They are used as stabilizers in the production of ice cream. agaroid. It does not dissolve in cold water, but swells in it, binding 4-10 times the amount of water. After cooling, the agaroid forms jellies (gels).

Agaroid is produced in the form of sheets no more than 0.5 mm thick, plates, porous plates, flakes, powder or grains without foreign impurities or inclusions.

The moisture content of agaroid should not be more than 18%. The melting point of jelly containing 2.5% dry agaroid should not be below 50° C, and the gelling point should not be 20° C. Agaroid is added to the mixture in an amount of 0.3-0.7%.

Emulsifiers are classified as substances that, in low concentrations, contribute to the formation and stabilization of emulsions due to the presence of hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions in the molecule. Emulsifiers serve several functions in ice cream. First of all, they stabilize the fat dispersion in the ice cream mixture, and during freezing they accelerate fat agglomeration and coalescence of fat globules. They also increase the dry weight of ice cream and have the ability to bind water.

Currently, vegetable fats have increasingly begun to be used in the production of ice cream, and complex stabilizer-emulsifiers (CSE) have appeared on the market, making it possible to simultaneously solve the problems of not only emulsifying fats, but also binding moisture in mixtures.

Currently, several types of complex stabilizers-emulsifiers are used in Russia for the production of ice cream. For the production of ice cream, we will choose the complex stabilizer-emulsifier “Ingresan G-17/A”.

Ice cream glaze is a sweet food product made from fats, oils, sugar with the addition of dried dairy products and other sugar ingredients or substances, with the addition of flavorings and stabilizers.

Creamy buttercream icing is a glaze made from butter with the addition of flavors and colorings.

As a rule, ice cream is produced predominantly using one technology. It includes the following operations: depending on the available raw materials, recipes are selected or the mass of components is calculated taking into account the chemical composition of the raw materials and the finished product, the quality of the raw materials is checked, a mixture is made for ice cream, it is filtered, pasteurized, homogenized, cooled and the mixture is ripened, frozen (freezing) ), molding, hardening and packaging of ice cream. This calculation task examines a line for the production of ice cream briquettes in a creamy cream glaze. Therefore, after hardening the ice cream, it is glazed. If necessary, after pasteurization, additional filtration of the mixture is performed.

Noting the high nutritional value of ice cream traditionally produced in our country, one should take into account the need to develop new varieties of this product that meet the requirements of modern nutrition trends. An important area of ​​industry development currently is the creation and production of ice cream for a healthy lifestyle, low in fat and sugar, containing functional ingredients. For this purpose, the dairy industry mainly uses probiotic cultures and prebiotics.

An analysis of the scientific literature showed that until recently there were no specific recommendations for the use of probiotic cultures in ice cream technology. In 2008, based on experiments, the following technology for the production of ice cream with the addition of probiotics, in particular lactulose, was developed. It includes receiving, preparing raw materials, dosing, mixing components, filtering, homogenizing the mixture, pasteurizing the mixture, cooling, fermentation and ripening, stirring and cooling the mixture with the addition of sugar syrup, freezing, adding encapsulated forms of crops, molding, hardening, glazing, packaging, labeling and storage.

Since in the current conditions of a market economy, the introduction of achievements of scientific and technological progress is the basis for ensuring the competitiveness of production, the flow-mechanized ice cream production technology is considered the most rational.

The main equipment used for the production of ice cream in a flow-mechanized line is a cream-maturing bath, a filter, a homogenizer, a pasteurization-cooling unit, a heat exchanger, a tank for maturing the mixture, a plate cooler, a freezer, an extrusion-molding apparatus, a quick-freezing apparatus, and a glazing unit.

2.1 Mixture preparation

The mixture is prepared in container pasteurizers with a stirrer. The components are first prepared and weighed. First of all, liquid components are loaded - water, milk, cream, they are heated to a temperature of 35-45 ° C, which ensures the most complete and rapid dissolution. Granulated sugar is added in dry form after sifting (through sieves with a cell diameter of 2-3 mm) or in the form of syrup. Dried dairy products are mixed with granulated sugar in a ratio of 1:2 and dissolved in a small amount of milk until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Condensed dairy products are introduced directly into 6 container pasteurizers. Butter or plastic cream is cleared of stuffing and cut into small pieces or melted on coil melters.

With the flow production method, the process of preparing the mixture is completely mechanized. To do this, all components are pre-dissolved with a strictly maintained concentration of fat, sugar, and SOMO.

2.2 Processing of the mixture

Processing includes filtration, pasteurization and homogenization.

Filtration removes mechanical impurities and undissolved particles of components. To prevent secondary bacterial contamination, filtration (installation of filters) is best done before pasteurization. Typically, pasteurization-cooling units are used, which also include a filter and a homogenizer.

The mixture is processed in a thin layer and in a continuous flow, without air access, which ensures high efficiency of pasteurization, preservation of aromatic substances, as well as vitamins. Pasteurization is carried out at a temperature of 85 ° C with a holding time of 50-60 s. Such high heat treatment regimes are explained by the fact that ice cream mixtures have a high content of dry substances, which, by increasing the viscosity of the mixtures, have a protective effect on microorganisms.

Dairy-based mixtures must be homogenized, especially if butter is used as an additional source of fat. Thanks to homogenization, the fat globules are crushed and evenly distributed in the mixture. In addition, small fat globules more quickly perceive cooling and hardening temperatures, a greater degree of hardening of milk fat glycerides is achieved in them, which contributes not only to obtaining a homogeneous consistency of the product, but also greater overrun, which varies directly depending on the amount of hardened glycerides. As the dispersion of the fat phase increases, the distance between the fat globules decreases, which facilitates the formation of small ice crystals during freezing and improves the structure of the finished product.

In a well-homogenized mixture, the diameter of fat globules should not exceed 1-2 microns without the presence of fat accumulations. Homogenization must be carried out at temperatures close to the pasteurization temperature, but not lower than 63 °C. At temperatures below 60 °C, increased aggregation of small fat globules occurs, the viscosity of the mixture sharply increases due to the formation of fat accumulations, which leads to a decrease in whipping ability during the freezing process.

The homogenization pressure should be higher, the lower the fat content. Filling mixtures are homogenized at 7.5-9 MPa, depending on the raw materials used. With increasing homogenization pressure, the size of the fat globules decreases, but the number of fat accumulations increases, which during freezing destroy air bubbles, worsening overrun. Violation of homogenization regimes leads to destabilization of fat during freezing and deterioration of the consistency of the finished product - the appearance of grains of milk fat, etc.

2.3 Cooling and maturing of the mixture

The homogenized mixture is quickly cooled to a temperature of 0-6°C and sent to a container with a stirrer for maturing and storing the mixture. The use of agar, agaroid and other equivalent stabilizers as stabilizers allows the cooled mixture to be processed without holding it for physical maturation.

When using gelatin and some other substances as a stabilizer, physical maturation of the mixture is necessary. It is carried out at a temperature of 0-6 ° C for 4 to 24 hours, during which hydration of milk proteins and stabilizer occurs, further adsorption of various substances contained in the mixture on the surface of fat globules; hardening of milk fat glycerides in the form of mixed crystals in the volume of fat globules. The degree of hardening reaches approximately 50%.

Thanks to the solidified fat, the ripened mixture absorbs and retains air bubbles well as the mixture freezes and hardens the ice cream. The more solidified fat, the higher the degree of absorption (beating) of air bubbles. The finished product, made from the ripened mixture, has a high overrun and a delicate structure without grains of ice crystals. The duration of physical maturation depends on the composition of the mixture, its temperature and the hydrophilic properties of the stabilizer.

Before freezing, aromatic substances (vanillin, vanillon, arovaillon) in an amount of 0.005-0.15% and essences are added to the mixture. Vanillin is added in the form of a water-alcohol solution (300 g of vanillin, 200 g of alcohol and 500 g of water at a temperature of 30 ° C) or powder, ground with powdered sugar.

2.4 Freezing the mixture

During freezing, the mixture is saturated with air while partially freezing. As a result, a new phase (ice and fat crystals) is formed, separated by layers of the liquid phase. The structure and consistency of the finished product depend on the correctness of this process.

During freezing, a phase transformation of water occurs; when freezing milk-based ice cream mixtures, from 45 to 67% of the total moisture content freezes. To obtain ice cream of good consistency, it is necessary that the crystal size does not exceed 100 microns. The more water that is frozen during the freezing process, the less time it will take to harden and the better the quality of the ice cream will be. The temperature at which the mixture begins to freeze ranges from -2.2 to -3.5 °C, depending on the type of mixture.

The structure of ice cream also depends on the amount of air introduced and its dispersion. In good quality ice cream, the average size of air bubbles should be no more than 60 microns. Ice cream with a high overrun melts more slowly due to the low thermal conductivity of the air. If the whipping is insufficient, it turns out to be too dense, with a rough consistency and structure; if it is too high, it will turn out to be snow-like, with a flaky structure. Overrun is a very variable characteristic and depends on many factors: the composition of the mixture (solids and fat content), the properties of the fat and stabilizer, the efficiency of homogenization, the freezing mode, the design of the freezer, and the condition of its knives. Mixtures that use fresh cream whip better than mixtures with butter. As the sugar content increases, the overrun decreases, and the time required to obtain maximum overrun increases.

Fat makes overrun worse because the fat globules weaken the barriers between the air bubbles. But the presence of fat prevents the growth of ice crystals, thereby ensuring the creamy consistency of the ice cream. At 100% overrun, 1 g of ice cream contains about 8.3 million air bubbles with a total surface of 0.1 m 2. For creamy ice cream and ice cream, an overrun of 70-100% is achieved.

In ice cream after freezing, most of the fat turns into a solid state; liquid fat remains 11-12%. The ice cream temperature at the end of freezing is from -4.5 to -6 °C.

The ice cream coming out of the freezer is quickly packaged and immediately sent for hardening, since if delayed, part of the crystallized water may thaw, which subsequently leads to the formation of large ice crystals.

During the hardening process, the temperature drops to -15 -18°C. In this case, 75-85% of the total amount of water contained in the ice cream is frozen. Complete crystallization of water is impossible, since the concentration of salts and sugar in the unfrozen part of the solution increases greatly, as a result of which the freezing temperature sharply decreases (below -50 ° C). During hardening, milk fat glycerides almost completely turn into a solid state, leaving only a fraction of a percent of liquid fat.

The hardening process proceeds much slower than freezing, and without mechanical mixing, so conditions are created for the formation of large ice crystals and their fusion into a rigid crystallization frame. The presence of a finely dispersed hardened phase of fat and numerous air bubbles prevents the formation of large fused water crystals. In ice cream at a temperature of -20 °C, the crystallization structure predominates. This ice cream has a dense consistency and fairly high strength. The duration of hardening depends on the composition of the ice cream, the ambient temperature, the equipment used (freezers, brine generator, refrigerators, etc.), type of packaging, etc.

Portions of ice cream weighing 50, 80 and 100 g are produced in the form of briquettes with and without waffles, popsicles of various types, in paper and wafer cups, waffle cones, in laminated foil, in cardboard boxes with parchment. Portions of 250-1000 g are produced in boxes in the form of cakes; 8-10 kg ice cream is packaged in stainless steel sleeves.

The temperature in the hardening chambers is maintained at -22-30 °C.

Typically, the process of packing and hardening ice cream is completely mechanized: production lines are used, consisting of an FND, an automatic dispenser and a freezer, connected by a conveyor system. Thanks to intensive mixing of air cooled to -30 °C in the freezer, hardening lasts 35-45 minutes, the resulting ice cream has a temperature of -12-18 °C. This rapid hardening promotes the formation of small ice crystals with a delicate ice cream structure.

2.6 Glazing of ice cream

Ice cream glaze is produced according to recipes that include chocolate couverture, cocoa butter, cocoa powder, powdered sugar, and premium unsalted butter. To make the glaze, the butter is slowly heated at a temperature of 35-38 ° C in boilers with steam or water heating, cocoa powder or chocolate couverture is added to the melted butter (cocoa powder is pre-mixed with powdered sugar). The whole mass is thoroughly mixed and poured from the boiler in small portions into glazing baths. At temperatures above 40 °C, the mixture separates into its component parts and the oil floats. This overheated icing doesn't sit well on the popsicle. Repeated heating gives the glaze a greasy taste, so it is prepared in quantities not exceeding daily requirements.

Hardened ice cream is packaged in cardboard boxes (preferably corrugated cardboard, 2.4-6 kg net, depending on the type of packaging) and sent to storage chambers with a temperature of -18-25 ° C and a relative humidity of 85-90%. Temperature fluctuations in the chamber should not exceed ±3°C, and during long-term storage of ice cream they are not allowed at all. Packaged ice cream, depending on the type, can be stored for up to 2 months. When leaving the enterprise, the temperature of dairy ice cream should not be higher than -10 °C, fruit and berry and aromatic ice cream should not be higher than -12 °C.

As noted above, ice cream production is carried out using a single technology using various equipment and modes. This design task examines a line for the production of ice cream sundae in a creamy glaze using functional components.

Ice cream is a shelf-stable product, so it is necessary to increase the survival rate of lactic acid probiotic cultures during the production and storage of ice cream, as well as in the gastrointestinal tract. It is known that one of the ways to increase the effectiveness of probiotic products is to use functional ingredients such as prebiotics in their composition.

The most studied and produced prebiotic currently in Russia is lactulose, therefore, when drawing up a technological scheme, we will use a partial replacement of sucrose in the ice cream recipe with a prebiotic - lactulose. In this regard, we will change the following stages in classical ice cream technology.

The slow development of probiotic cultures is due to the fact that high concentrations of sucrose in standard formulations increase the osmotic pressure in ice cream mixtures. Therefore, it was proposed to introduce sucrose in stages: at the first stage, add some of the sucrose, which does not reduce the intensity of development of the starter cultures during the fermentation process, and at the second, add the required amount of sucrose in the form of syrup to the fermented mixture as required by the recipe while stirring the ice cream mixture.

The next most important technological operation in the production of ice cream is the freezing process, during which the mixture is partially frozen and saturated with air.

This is the main technological operation that leads to the death of a significant number of viable cells of probiotic cultures during the production of ice cream. The data obtained indicate a slowdown in the fermentation process of ice cream mixtures to 11-12 hours and the achievement of a titratable acidity of 70-80ºT when using an encapsulated form of probiotic bacteria compared to free cells (6-8 hours). However, when freezing mixtures with encapsulated cells, their number remained almost at the same level as before freezing. Therefore, it was proposed to introduce encapsulated forms of prebiotic cultures directly after freezing when forming ice cream bars.

Ice cream made from a fermented mixture has a slower melting rate than a product made from a mixture that has not undergone fermentation. The melting rate pattern for ice cream made from a mixture fermented with free and encapsulated cells was similar.

Let's determine the leading equipment. It usually refers to equipment on which raw materials become finished products or semi-finished products with a high degree of readiness, or where basic technological processes are carried out. Taking into account the production technology, we select the following equipment as the leading one in the production of ice cream in creamy glaze with probiotic additives. These are a cream maturation bath of the VGSM brand, a filter of the A1-OShF brand, a homogenizer of the A1-OGM brand, a plate pasteurization and cooling unit, a plate heat exchanger of the A1-00Ya-1.2 brand, a tank for maturing the mixture of the RMVTs-6 brand, an OFI brand freezer, an extrusion- molding machine WN055, quick-freezing machine APS-450, glazing machine AGSh.

4.1 Description of host equipment

Cream ripening bath(Fig. 4.1) has a semi-cylindrical shape, surrounded on the outside by a jacket. The jacket is filled with water and heated with steam through bubbler 1. Steam pressure is 0.05 MPa. Overflow pipe 2 maintains a constant water level in the jacket. The cream maturing bath has a lid 18, which is closed using a manual worm mechanism 15. The bathtub is installed on the foundation with a slope towards the drain valve 8.

The pipe mixer 10 located inside the bath 9 is also a heat exchanger. The ends of the mixer pipes are connected to collectors through which coolant or coolant is supplied and removed. The branch pipes from the supply and discharge manifolds are semi-axles - axles, which are placed in self-aligning bearings 6. Curved branches with stuffing box devices are attached to the axles swinging in the bearings. The outlets with flanges 4 on the other side are connected to fixed lines through which heat or coolant is supplied and removed.

Rice. 4.1. Cream maturing bath VSGM

1 - tubular perforated bubbler; 2 - overflow pipe;

3 - body; 4 - flange; 5 - bends; 6 – p7 bearings; 7 - bends;

8 - drain valve; 9 - working bath; 10 - stirrer; 11 - drain pipe; 12 - electric motor; 13 - wedge temporary transmission;

14 - gearbox; 15 - worm mechanism; 16 - traction;

17 - crank mechanism; 18 - cover; 19 - handle; 20 - pipe for water supply; 21 - legs; 22 - plate.

The stirrer makes a pendulum movement, deviating from the vertical axis by 60-100°. The number of stirrer swings is 12 per minute. The rocking motion of the mixer is imparted by the crank mechanism 17, which is driven from the electric motor 12 through a V-belt drive and gearbox. Electric motor power 0.6 kW. The swing angle of the stirrer is adjusted with a special finger.

Technical characteristics of cream ripening baths are given in table. 4.1.

To reduce the labor intensity of operations for adding dry and condensed raw materials into mixing baths, a number of enterprises use special devices for lifting and tipping barrels. The power consumed by such devices is only 1 kW, and the operating cycle does not exceed 4 s. Hoists and lifting and unloading devices are used for the same purpose.

Table 4.1 Technical characteristics of cream ripening baths

Filter A1-0ShF(Fig. 4.2) consists of two interchangeable chambers that operate alternately. As clogging occurs, one chamber is turned off for cleaning, and the second one is turned on. The chambers have the shape of a cylinder and are located horizontally on both sides of the distribution device 1, mounted on a support post 7. Each chamber consists of a housing 5 and a mesh filter cylinder 6. The distribution device 1 includes a housing and a plug valve 2.

The mixture for filtration is fed into the upper opening of the distribution device and passes into the housing of the filter chamber. Flowing around the filter mesh cylinder from above, the mixture leaves the chamber and enters the lower part of the distribution device. From the lower branch pipe of the distribution device, the mixture is directed into the pipeline for further processing. The filter capacity varies from 2500 to 4600 kg/h depending on the type of mixture. The mixture is supplied under pressure of 0.2-0.25 MPa. The area occupied by the filter is 0.4 m2, its weight is 62 kg.

Rice. 4.2. Filter A1-0ShF for ice cream mixtures

1 - switchgear; 2 - plug valve; 3 - nut;

4 - key; 5 - filter housing with handle;

6 - cylinder filter mesh; 7 - stand.

Homogenizer OGB-M (Fig. 4.3) of horizontal type with a single-stage homogenizing head consists of a frame 6, a drive, a crank mechanism 8, a block 5, a homogenizing head 4 and a pressure gauge device 1.

The drive is located at the bottom of the frame. From the electric motor 2 through the V-belt drive 3, the crank mechanism 8 is driven, which ensures the reciprocating movement of the plungers. The plungers (3 of them) move in a three-chamber block 5 installed on the front upper part of the frame. Each chamber has suction and discharge valves.

The homogenizing head (Fig. 4.7, b) consists of a housing 3, a homogenizing valve 2, a valve seat and a spray nozzle 4. Manometric device 1 has a housing that houses a pressure gauge with a tube filled with transformer oil.

The hot mixture (60-80°C) is filtered (the filter is located on the suction line in front of the homogenizer) and enters the homogenizer. During the return stroke of the plunger, the mixture lifts the suction valve and passes into the working chamber. When the plunger makes a discharge stroke, the mixture is pushed and, lifting the discharge valve, passes into the discharge manifold of the plunger block. Through an opening in the discharge manifold, the mixture enters the homogenizing head. Homogenization of the heated mixture is carried out when it passes through the annular gap between the valve and the seat under high pressure.

The main factors that ensure the fragmentation of fat globules include changes in pressure and flow rate of the mixture as it passes through the homogenizing head.

Rice. 4.3. Homogenizer OGB-M

1 - handle for regulating pressure; 2 - electric motor;

3 – V-belt drive; 4 - homogenizing head;

5 - plunger block; 6 - bed; 7 - slider;

8 - crank mechanism; 9 - crankshaft

Table 4.2 Technical characteristics of homogenizer type OGB-M

Automated plate pasteurization and cooling unit(Fig. 4.4) consists of a plate heat exchanger 6, an equalization tank 2 with a float regulator, a pump 1 for supplying the mixture from the equalization tank to the regeneration section, a boiler 10 for hot water, an injector 11 for heating water with steam, a pump 9 for supplying hot water from boiler to the pasteurization section, bypass valve 3, cylindrical holder 7, control panel 4. The installation is connected by pipelines to the necessary fittings and is equipped with electro-hydraulic control valves for steam and brine supply. The installation diagram includes a homogenizer of the A1-OGA-2.5 brand, located between the pasteurization and regeneration sections. The installation occupies an area of ​​13.5 m2.

Heat exchanger 6 consists of four sections: pasteurization, regeneration, cold water cooling and brine cooling. Heat transfer plates (type P-2) are threaded through the upper and lower rods and are collected in bags in each section. Each plate has a serial number stamped on it. The package is a group of plates that create the same direction of fluid movement. The sections are separated from one another by intermediate plates. At the corners of the plates there are fittings for the passage of liquids. A rubber gasket is glued to the edges of each plate to tightly clamp the plates in all sections to the pressure plate using screw devices located at the ends of the upper and lower rods.

The surge tank 2, through which the mixture enters the plate heat exchanger 6, must always be filled with the mixture to a certain level. To automatically maintain the mixture at the required operating level, surge tank 2 is equipped with a direct-acting float regulator.

Holder 7 is a large-diameter pipe, passing through which the pasteurized and homogenized mixture loses speed and, thus, is maintained at the pasteurization temperature for another 20-50 s.

Rice. 4.4. Automated Plate Cooling Plant for Ice Cream Mixes

ice cream technological packaging hardening

1- rotary pump; 2 - equalization tank;

3 - bypass valve; 4 - control panel;

5 - resistance thermometer; 6 – plate heat exchanger; 7 - cylindrical holder;

8 - homogenizer (not included in the installation kit);

9 - hot water pump; 10 - boiler; 11- injector.

Bypass valve 3 serves to automatically return the under-pasteurized mixture to tank 2.

Before starting, the plates in the plate heat exchanger are pressed against the rack. Then pipelines for the mixture, water, steam, and brine are connected. The installation is washed and sterilized.

Table 4.3 Technical characteristics of pasteurization and cooling units for ice cream mixtures

Currently, the Voronezhprodmash plant offers pasteurization and cooling units for OOL brand ice cream mixture. For this line, an OOL-3 grade installation with the following technical characteristics is suitable (Table 4.4)

Table 4.4 Technical characteristics of pasteurization and cooling units for OOL-3 brand ice cream mixtures

Automated plate cooler grade A1-OOYA-1.2 is designed for rapid cooling of the mixture in a closed flow in a thin layer.

The cooler (Fig. 4.5) is designed as follows. Two horizontal rods with screw clamping mechanisms 6, together with the main 1 and supporting post 7, form the frame. Heat exchange plates, separation plate 3 and pressure plate 5 are threaded through rods and tightly pressed to the main rack by clamping devices 6. The cooler has two sections: a cooling section with artesian water 4 and a cooling section with cold brine 2. It is equipped with automation equipment for maintaining and regulating the temperature of the mixture at the outlet .

Rice. 4.5. Plate cooler A1-00Ya-2.5

1 - main rack; 2 - brine cooling section;

3 - dividing plate; 4 - water cooling section;

5 - pressure plate; 6 - clamping devices; 7 - support stand; 8 - heat exchange plate; 9 - resistance thermometer.

Plates 8 (type P-2) are corrugated, stamped from stainless steel grade X18N10T. The heat transfer surface of one plate is 0.2 m 2. Rubber gaskets are glued to the plates so that they can be pressed tightly against each other and create a kind of fluid flow. The total number of plates in the device is 72 pcs.

In addition to the plate cooler, the set of the installation for cooling the mixture also includes a surge tank with a float regulator for the mixture level, a pump for supplying the mixture from the tank to the device and a control panel.

Table 4.5 Technical characteristics of plate cooler A1-00B-2.5

Vertical tank RMVC-6(Fig. 4.6) is installed on three supports 13. The body has a cylindrical shape. In the lower part of the body there is a hatch 5 for internal inspection and washing, which is closed with a hinged lid. The cantilever shaft of the paddle mixer passes through the hatch cover. The electric motor and gearbox of the mixer are attached to the manhole cover. Below the hatch there is a tap 3 for taking samples. A frame for thermometer 6 is mounted above the hatch. In the upper part of the housing there is a lamp 7 with a control lamp and an inspection window. The upper and lower bottoms of the tank are spherical. On the outside, the tank is covered with insulation 11 made of wood fiber boards or foam plastic and a metal casing 12.

The mixture is supplied to pipe 8 located in the upper bottom and poured into the tank through a defoaming pipe. In the center of the lower bottom there is a drain valve 1, which is equipped with a device 2 for opening it from a distance. The amount of mixture in the tank is measured with a float-type level gauge with a maximum level indicator. As float 9 floats up, it acts on the microswitch, resulting in the warning light being activated. Technical characteristics of milk tanks are given in table. 4.5.

Rice. 4.6. Tank RMVC-6 for storing milk

1 - drain valve; 2 - device for opening the drain valve; 3 - tap for sampling; 4 - stirrer drive; 5 - hatch;

6 - thermometer frame; 7 - lamp; 8 - inlet pipe;

9 - level indicator float; 10 - tank body;

11 - insulation; 12 - casing; 13 - tank supports; 14 - foundation.

Table 4.6 Technical characteristics of the RMVTs-6 tank

Freezer OFI(Fig. 4.7) consists of a frame, a freezing cylinder with a stirrer and knives, pumps, a supply tank for the mixture with a float valve, and a drive. Designed for the production of various types of milk-based ice cream, including those with fillers (in the form of powder, puree, syrups), as well as fruit and berry.

A freezing cylinder 7 is located horizontally on the frame 3. The outer surface of the cylinder jacket is covered with insulation and a steel casing. At the front, the cylinder is closed with a lid that has an outlet pipe for ice cream with a three-way valve 6. In the outlet pipe there is a back pressure valve, which can be used to regulate the pressure of the product in the cylinder.

The cylinder mixer consists of an outer body with windows, an inner blade, a beater and two knives. The beater consists of rings connected by four rods. The beater pin is inserted into the front cover of the cylinder and thus ensures immobility of the beater. The knives are put on pins. The stirrer body is connected by its neck to the drive shaft with a safety brass pin. The stirrer shaft neck at the exit from the rear cylinder cover is sealed with an oil seal.

Gear product pumps 10 consist of a housing, two covers (front and rear), two gears. The drive gear shaft is sealed with a cup and ring seal. Inside the cup there is a rubber ring gasket that rests against the spring. The supply tank 9 is mounted on a bracket to the crankcase wall. The air gap between the walls of the supply tank acts as thermal insulation, reducing the heating of the ice cream mixture. The tank is equipped with an automatic float valve, through which the mixture enters and its level is regulated. At the bottom there is a tap for taking the mixture. The tank contains a mesh for filtering the mixture.

In the internal cavity of the frame there is an electric motor - a drive for the mixer and freezer pumps, transmission systems and a variator mechanism.

Rice. 4.7. OFI brand freezer

1 – liquid ammonia battery; 2 – liquid ammonia pipeline; 3 - bed; 4 – variator regulating flywheel;

5 – three-way ammonia shut-off valve; 6 – three-way ice cream release valve; 7 – cylinder; 8 – double-row sprocket for driving the mixer; 9 – supply tank for the mixture; 10 – product pumps; 11 – nozzle for releasing ice cream; 12 – control panel.

The refrigeration system of the OFI freezer is ammonia, circulation. Under cylinder 7 there is an ammonia accumulator 1. It is a vessel that always contains a supply of liquid ammonia. There is an injector located at the bottom of the battery. Liquid ammonia under condensation pressure (0.8-1.0 MPa) passes through the filter and, branching, enters the injector and the battery. Liquid ammonia, coming out of the narrow injector nozzle in the form of a jet, enters the battery, while its pressure decreases to evaporation pressure, and the speed increases sharply. Acquiring high speed, this jet captures liquid from the battery and lifts it up the supply pipe into the inner cavity of the cylinder jacket.

Washing the walls of the cylinder, liquid ammonia boils due to the heat of the mixture and ice cream located in the cylinder. Ammonia vapor is directed into the suction line through an ammonia evaporation pressure regulator.

The freezer is started in a certain sequence. Open the shut-off valves on the ammonia suction line, then on the liquid line. Open the liquid shut-off valves in front of the freezer and fill the battery halfway with ammonia. Fill the supply tank with the mixture. Open the evaporation pressure regulator slightly, for which the springs are released by unscrewing the pressure screw by the handwheel. Allow the mixture to reach the product pumps. The electric motor is turned on, and the variator handle is turned to the lowest speed position. As soon as the mixture flows from the freezer cylinder, open the ammonia supply to the injector, switch the three-way ammonia shut-off valve to the operating position (turn the handle so that the mark on the valve rod is positioned vertically). At this point, ammonia feeds the cylinder jacket.

Then the necessary adjustment of the freezer is made, and as soon as the ice cream of the required quality comes out, the three-way outlet valve switches to supplying ice cream to the packaging nozzle.

The ice cream mixture is fed into the freezer supply tank by gravity or by pump through a float valve. It is taken from the supply tank by the first stage pump and supplied to the second stage pump. The second stage pump has a higher capacity and operates under underload, so it sucks in air through a special air valve. The air-saturated mixture is continuously fed under the pressure of the second stage pump into the working cylinder, and under the influence of this pressure the finished ice cream is dispensed.

The cylinder mixer body, its inner blade and knives rotate in one direction, and the beater is stationary. When the mixer rotates, the blade throws the product onto the beater rods, the knives are pressed against the walls of the cylinder and continuously cut off a thin layer of frozen ice cream from them. As the ice cream exits the cylinder, the pressure drops and the air bubbles expand, increasing the overrun of the ice cream.

The ice cream is forced out of the cylinder with a continuous stream by the second stage pump. It flows through the outlet pipe through the open three-way product valve, overcoming the resistance of the backpressure valve spring.

Stopping and turning off the freezer is carried out in the following order. Stop supplying the mixture to the supply tank and switch the three-way ammonia shut-off valve to the non-working position. Then close the shut-off valves on the injection line in front of the float level control.

As soon as the liquid mixture comes out of the freezer, set the variator to the middle position and turn off the electric motor. Close the main liquid valve of the freezer. After stopping, the freezer is disassembled and washed.

Table 4.7 Technical characteristics of the OFI freezer

Extrusion molding machine from RHEON, model Cornucopia® KN135(Fig. 4.9) is capable of working with various types of food materials, ranging from confectionery masses to minced meat and fish. Cornucopia® KN135 is equipped with a new patented type of diaphragm, thanks to which it is possible to obtain superior quality products. The machine produces products weighing from 10 grams to 150 grams. It is also possible to use a variety of additional options, such as “Device for introducing whole filling”.

Product size (10~150g)

Filling to shell ratio (1:0 ~ 0:1)

Length of the product

Rice. 4.8. Rheon automatic molding methods

Rice. 4.9. Extrusion molding machine Rheon Cornucopia® KN135

The product molding process occurs in the following way: the product is loaded into special bunkers. Next, the ingredient is gradually pumped into the molding unit of the machine, where the precise dosage of the product is carried out. Then, the extrusion is deposited using a diaphragm. When using the filling, the diaphragm does not cut, but rolls the product and the filling is evenly distributed inside.

Table 4.8 Technical characteristics of the Rheon Cornucopia® KN135 extrusion molding machine

Extrusion molding machine Rheon WN055(Fig. 4.10) easy to handle, easy changeover from grade to grade is possible. It has precise dosing of components (the machine has a memory block for up to 100 recipes, you only need to enter the product code), an exact ratio of filling and shell, which can vary depending on the selected recipe. It is possible to produce products both with and without filling, the size of the products is easily adjustable over a wide range. The machine operates quietly and can be washed with regular running water. It is possible to use fillings of different consistency and dispersion.

The following ingredients are suitable as filling: jam, jam, fruit and berry mass; nut mass with solid particles; nougat; chocolate, candy and poppy masses; boiled condensed milk; fish, meat, cheese, vegetables and much more.

With the basic configuration of nozzles, the machine produces products: spherical and cylindrical, as well as continuous extrusion (roll shape). Additional options can be used to expand the range.

The Rheon WN055 extrusion molding machine produces products in two rows. In terms of its capabilities, the machine corresponds to the work of two single-row molders “Cornucopia™ KN135”.

Rice. 4.10. Extrusion molding machine Rheon WN055

The advantages of the machine are its compactness and the presence of a modernized and more advanced control panel. The machine has more control components, as a result of which the products produced on this equipment are of impeccable shape and of the highest quality.

The machine's control panel includes a Touch Screen monitor. By tapping the screen, you can move from one program to another, from one function to another. There is no doubt that you will have incredible fun operating this ultra-easy-to-use and obedient automatic machine.

Table 4.9 Technical characteristics of the Rheon extrusion molding machine WN 055

Belt freezer APS-450(Fig. 4. 11) is intended for freezing small-piece food products, such as berries, fruits, dumplings, pancakes, meat products, ice cream, etc. The product enters the apparatus and moves through it using conveyor belts. The speed of the belts is adjusted smoothly and over a wide range. The tapes are made of fabric-polymer or rubber-woven materials approved for contact with food products. The frozen product is removed through the receiving hopper to be supplied for packaging.

Rice. 4.11. Belt freezer APS-450

The product, while on a conveyor belt, is blown with streams of cold air under high pressure directed at its upper and lower surfaces, resulting in rapid freezing with minimal damage to the structure of the product and minimal shrinkage of 0.4% on average.

Transport systems can have different designs: mesh (straight or spiral) or stainless steel belt conveyor, cradle or spatial conveyor. Tunnels are convenient for integration into a production line (preparation, processing, filling, freezing, packaging) and are characterized by constant productivity, measured in kilograms of frozen products per hour. The tunnel design is usually optimized for a certain type (size) of product and switching to another product results in a loss of productivity.

Thermal insulation of the devices is made of sandwich panels using polyurethane foam and painted galvanized steel. Metal structures are made of stainless steel.

Table 4.10 Technical characteristics of the APS-450 belt freezer

Glazing unit Designed for uniform, complete coating of products with glaze during their continuous transportation.

The AGSh body is made of painted metal or stainless steel (the material is chosen by the customer). The body contains a tempering container with a built-in pump for supplying chocolate glaze. A mesh conveyor is installed above the tempering container, consisting of two parts: a receiving part - for receiving products, and a working part - for glazing or decorating products. A lower filling unit is installed inside the conveyor, which is used to glaze the bottom of the product. A thermal chamber is installed above the conveyor, which contains the working area. Inside, above the working conveyor, there is an upper filling block used to apply a uniform layer of chocolate glaze to the product across the entire width of the conveyor mesh. There is also a nozzle installed in the work area to blow off excess glaze.

Table 4.11 Technical characteristics of AGS glazing units



Productivity, kg/h

Working mesh width, mm

Mesh movement speed, m/min

Productivity for glaze, thickness 1.5-2.0 mm, m 2 /min

Volume of loading thermal container, m 3

Volume of water in the thermal jacket, m 3

Maximum product height, mm

Voltage (3-phase with isolated neutral), V

Installed power, kW

Width, mm

height, mm

Weight of AGSh, no more, kg

On the control panel installed in the upper part of the AGSH there is a meter-regulator that controls the temperature of the chocolate glaze and water.

OMRON inverters regulate the speed of the conveyor, the glaze supply pump and the power of the air flow to blow off excess glaze.

Horizontal Packing Machine "Linepack FA"(Fig. 4.13) is intended for packaging piece goods in three-seam Flow-Pack bags. The packaging machine can be used to work with dairy products (curd briquettes pre-packed in parchment, cottage cheese, ice cream) in conditions of high humidity and be part of a line of glazed curds.

Especially for working in conditions of high humidity, the line is made of stainless steel. In order to automate the production process, the line is equipped with an automatic product stacking system (stepping conveyors), which ensures a continuous supply of product from the production line to the packaging machine. Both right-handed and left-handed execution, as well as double-sided, are possible. The line is equipped with a thermal printer dater, a film unwinding unit with two roll holders and a film roll centering device.

Packaging material used: biaxially oriented polypropylene with one or two heat-sealable layers, combined materials based on polypropylene.

Standard equipment of the packaging machine: feeding horizontal chain conveyor; packaging module with a universal bag former; photo-tag mechanism; roll unwinding and centering mechanism; dater in the transverse seam (stamping method); outflow belt conveyor; cycle counter; security sensors; two-position welding jaws; two roll holders.

Rice. 4.13. Horizontal packaging machine "Linepack FA"

Table 4.12 Technical characteristics of the packaging machine

The machine and hardware diagram is shown in Appendix 2.

4.2 Calculation of productivity and quantity of equipment

Assuming a work shift of 12 hours, we calculate the productivity and amount of equipment in the line per 2.5 tons of finished products. At the same time, we take into account that molding will take place within 8 hours. Let's take the tank and plate pasteurization-cooling unit as periodic equipment, and the rest as continuous equipment.

Let us take the following dimensions of the molded bars: length 0.12 m, width 0.03 m, height 0.025 m. The mass of the bar will be 98.6 g. The glaze coverage area will be 0.0147 m 2. Then, with a productivity of 360 kg/h, 3652 bars per hour will be molded. The required glazing area will be 3652∙0.0147=53.68 m2/h. The productivity of the AGSH-600 glazing apparatus (for glaze) is 19.8-142.8 m 2 /h with a glaze thickness of 1.5-2 mm. Then we take the number of enrobing devices n=1. In total, 0.644 m 3 of glaze will be needed per shift. With an overrun of 10 kg/m 3, the density of the glaze is 941.97 kg/m 3. Then for glazing you will need 941.97∙0.644=606.62 kg of glaze. The mass of the entire bar is 0.1193 kg.

Then we will calculate the amount of equipment for the production of finished products of 236.7 kg/hour. Let's take into account the size of defects and losses in the amount of 15% of the quantity of finished products. Then a production output of 272.2 kg/hour is required.

Productivity of the extrusion molding machine kg/h; number of devices in the line PC. We accept n=1 and the device will work with maximum performance.

Freezer productivity kg/h;

Number of freezers in the line pcs; We accept n=1.

Plate cooler kg/h,

Number of plate coolers in line PC; We accept n=1.

Reservoir for ripening and mixing the mixture

Number of tanks in line PC; We accept n=1.

Plate pasteurization and cooling unit kg/h

Number of installations per line PC; We accept n=1.

Homogenizer kg/h, where (5.2)

Where is the density of the ice cream mixture.

Number of homogenizers in the line PC; We accept n=1.

Filter kg/h.

Number of filters per line PC; We accept n=1.

Cream maturation bath kg/h;

Number of baths in the line pcs; We accept n=1.

Quick freezer kg/h;

Number of devices in the line pcs; We accept n=1.

Table 4.13 Results of calculating the amount of equipment

Name Equipment

Processed weight raw materials, kg/shift

Productivity, kg/h

Quantity of equipment

Overall dimensions, mm

Creamy bath



Plate cooling unit

Storage tank


Plate cooler


Freezer coming soon


Enrobing machine



Linepack FA

It is a very common belief that to get good quality ice cream, it is enough to know its exact recipe. Meanwhile, the quality of ice cream depends not only on its composition, but also on other factors: the quality of raw materials and sanitary conditions for preparing the mixture; type and quantity of stabilizers and aromatics used; processes of freezing (freezing), hardening and storage of the product.

Table 5.1 Recipe for ice cream sundae

Table 5.2 Characteristics of the finished product

Ice cream glaze is prepared in boilers with steam or water heating and water cooling.

Butter and vegetable fat are melted directly in boilers or in oil melters. Before melting in boilers, it is recommended to cut butter monoliths into pieces weighing from 1.0 to 1.5 kg using butter cutters.

Preliminary mixing of dry components is carried out in tinned steel tanks with special metal or wooden spatulas.

Table 5.3. Recipes for buttercream glaze (in kg per 1 ton)


Unsalted butter (fat 82.5%)

Granulated sugar or powdered sugar

Cocoa powder (solids 94.0%)

Whole milk powder (fat 25.0%; SOMO 68.0%)

Food flavoring

Red dye

Drinking water

The production line described in this design task is designed to produce 2.5 tons of finished products per shift.

6.1 Calculation of production recipes and raw material costs

When calculating the production recipe, it is necessary to take into account that the ice cream is made with the addition of lactulose. The amount of prebiotic added should be 9-13.5% by weight. That is, for processing 1693 kg of raw materials it is necessary to add 152.37-228.55 kg of lactulose. The fermentation and maturation time of the entire mixture will depend on the given amount of lactulose. The amount of prebiotic added can only be determined experimentally. Therefore, we will set the average value of 200 kg of lactulose required to conduct the production process. The total mass of the mixture will be 1893 kg.

The mass fraction of the stabilizer-emulsifier added to the mixture is determined by the proportion of fat in the mixture. For ice cream, the milk fat norm is 12-15%. In this case, the amount of stabilizer-emulsifier “Ingresan G-17/A” will be 0.20%, or 3.786 kg per 1893 kg of mixture.

Glazes are delivered to the enterprise in 25 kg boxes and melted at a temperature of 45 - 50ºС. In this case, it is necessary to avoid getting moisture into the glaze. 606 kg of glaze is processed per shift, therefore 25 boxes of glaze are needed per shift.

The production recipe will look like this (Table 6.1)

Table 6.1 Production recipe for ice cream seal

Raw materials, kg per 1893 kg of product (excluding losses)

Value, kg

Whole cow's milk (fat 3.2%; SOMO 8.1%)

Unsalted cow's butter (fat 82.5%)

Whole condensed milk with sugar (fat 8.5%; SOMO 20.0%; sucrose 43.5%)

Whole cow's milk powder (fat 25.0%; SOMO 68.0%)

Granulated sugar

Drinking water

Stabilizer-emulsifier “Ingresan G-17/A”


The era of undervaluing packaging and its secondary nature has ended. Ice cream packaging has a special meaning and significance, as it preserves its quality, presentation, facilitates transportation and helps increase sales.

The introduction of a national standard for ice cream should improve its image in Russia and increase sales.

Packaging is a mirror of the brand. A product cannot be released for sale until there is confidence that “outwardly” it looks impeccable. An important factor in packaging is also its barrier properties. The selection of packaging material for ice cream is determined by the biochemical composition of the product, its storage conditions, as well as the barrier, sanitary, hygienic, physical, mechanical and technological properties of the material itself (maintaining flexibility and elasticity at low temperatures).

There are problems associated with packaging printing and ink selection. The image must be moisture resistant, the paint must not peel off due to condensation and, most importantly, must not come into contact with the product. An equally important role is played by lamination technology, which is necessary to obtain frost-resistant packaging material with high barrier properties.

The last few years have seen a steady increase in the production of flexible polymer packaging, according to some estimates, up to 15% annually.

Officially, the ratio of imported and domestic packaging today is characterized as 40x60. However, there are no accurate reports from Rosstat and the Customs Committee, so it is difficult to determine the volume of production of these products today.

Ice cream packaging is of particular importance because... it not only preserves its quality and presentation, but also facilitates transportation and promotes sales volumes.

The selection of material for this purpose is determined by the biochemical composition of the product, its storage conditions, barrier, sanitary, hygienic, physical, mechanical and technological properties of the material itself (maintaining flexibility and elasticity at low temperatures). In addition, ice cream packaging should be bright and colorful to promote its successful sale.

Traditional materials for ice cream packaging are mainly combined and laminated materials based on paper in combination with various polymers, as well as foil. The most widely used laminated materials with a given adjustable set of properties are conventionally divided into two large groups: film, consisting only of polymer layers, and combined, which include non-polymer materials such as paper, foil, etc.

The paper included in this packaging provides increased strength and opacity. Thanks to its good ability to accept multicolor printing, it gives the packaging high aesthetic properties. Using paper reduces packaging costs. For elastic package packaging, high-quality printing paper with a density of 40-120 g/m2 is used.

One of the most remarkable properties of polymers is their high grease resistance. The use of polyolefins, which include LDPE, HDPE, PP, HDPE and their modifications, in the production of packaging always significantly reduces its cost. In addition, polyolefins have a powerful raw material base and developed production capabilities both for the synthesis of polymers and for their processing into various materials and products. They are characterized by the lowest density (up to 1000 kg/m3) compared to other polymers, a fairly high level of optical and physical-mechanical characteristics, excellent processability on technological equipment, high modification ability, excellent weldability, frost resistance (except for non-oriented PP). The foil included in the combined packaging provides its barrier properties, i.e. impermeability of the packaging to the external environment.

BORR 30-35 pearl from various manufacturers with surface printing and topcoat varnishes for various purposes (gloss, heat resistance, high abrasion resistance, ensuring the required coefficient of friction);

MOPP 20-35 - metallized bi-axially oriented polypropylene with a co-extruded heat-sealable layer 20-35 microns thick with full-color printing and coating varnishes for various purposes (gloss, heat resistance, high abrasion resistance, ensuring the required coefficient of friction);

BOPP 20-40coeh - transparent bi-axially oriented polypropylene with a co-extruded heat-sealable layer 20-40 microns thick with full-color printing and coating varnishes for various purposes (gloss, heat resistance, high abrasion resistance, ensuring the required coefficient of friction);

BOPP 15-20coeh/BOPP 15-20coeh - a composition of transparent bi-axially oriented polypropylene with a co-extruded heat-sealable layer 20 microns thick and full-color interlayer printing.

BORR 15-20soeh/MORR 15-20 - a composition of transparent biaxially oriented polypropylene with a co-extruded heat-sealable layer 20 microns thick and metallized biaxially oriented polypropylene with a co-extruded heat-sealable layer 20 microns thick and full-color interlayer printing;

BOPP 15-20soeh/BOPP30-35 pearl - a composition of transparent bi-axially oriented polypropylene with a co-extruded heat-sealable layer 20 microns thick and pearl bi-axially oriented polypropylene with a co-extruded heat-sealable layer 30-35 microns thick and full-color interlayer printing.

These compositions combine the high strength and barrier properties of a laminated material and add the “necessary richness” to packaging through combinations of pearl and metallic shades.

A wide range of requirements and packaging functions corresponding to them necessitate the selection or development of packaging design options that ensure the most complete implementation of these functions.

Protective function. Consumer packaging must withstand mechanical stress transmitted from the transport container, and must also withstand the pressure created inside the transport container, impacts when it is dropped and stored. The main task of the protective function of packaging is to preserve the quantity, composition, quality of the product until the moment of consumption and prevent the possibility of changing its consumer properties.

Dosing function. The packaging must ensure dosing of the packaged product, that is, standardization of the amount of contents of the box.

Warehousing and transportation function. The container must be stackable, suitable for manipulation, must also keep its shape, be sufficiently impact-resistant; the ability of cardboard containers to absorb shock is low.

Marketing function. Provides a container design that is cost-effective, advertised, identifiable, distinguishable, and requires minimal space.

Ecological function. The material must be environmentally friendly both in relation to the product and the environment.

Operational function. This function is associated with the possibility of re-sealing, convenient removal of contents, stability, the possibility of automated production of containers, the possibility of high-quality printing with the correct selection of material (since the packaging is a gift), the ability to automatically fill with material.

As noted above, the Linepack FA horizontal packer is used for packaging ice cream. Its description and technical characteristics are given in clause 4.1.

7.3 Labeling development

An integral part of any product is its labeling - a carrier of up-to-date information both about itself and about items associated with its circulation (for example, its containers and packaging).

This can be either information required by law, or additional information transmitted voluntarily, based on its need for manufacturers, consumers and other parties involved in the process of circulation of a given product.

In general, marking is a complex of information in the form of text, individual graphic, color symbols (symbols) and their combinations, applied, depending on specific conditions, directly on the product, packaging (container), plate, label (tag) or label.

It should be emphasized that, taking into account the ever-increasing volumes of international trade, signs become of particular importance as special means of transmitting information, usually not based on a textual basis or still using some of its elements to ensure their understandability for users. This is due to the ability of signs in a compressed figurative form to provide certain information about an object, standing out among the monotonous mass of textual information.

The marking must be resistant to climatic factors.

The marking must be preserved throughout the entire permissible period of use of the product, for which the methods of applying and manufacturing labels (tags, plates) must take into account the characteristics of the product being characterized and ensure the required image quality.

Food products sold in Russia must be accompanied by the following basic information placed on the packaging, label, insert sheet for each unit of product or in another way accepted for certain types of goods: name of the product and its type; country, manufacturing company (the name of the company can also be indicated by letters of the Latin alphabet); mass or volume of the product; names of the main ingredients included in the product, including food additives; nutritional value (calorie content, presence of vitamins - for products intended for children's, medical and dietary nutrition); storage conditions (for products that have limited shelf life or require special storage); expiration date (end date of use or date of manufacture and shelf life); method of preparation (for semi-finished products and products intended for baby food); conditions of use, including contraindications for certain types of diseases; other information in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the requirements of state standards, sanitary rules and rules for the sale of food products.

These general requirements are detailed in GOST R 51074-97 "Food products. Information for consumers. General requirements" depending on the type and characteristics of food products.

The Government of the Russian Federation has approved the following list of goods, information about which must contain contraindications for use in certain types of diseases (brought to the attention of consumers using labeling or package insert): biologically active food additives; food additives and food products containing these additives; food products of non-traditional composition with the inclusion of protein components that are not characteristic of them.

Based on this information, we present a sample labeling of ice cream produced using the above technology.

1. Product name and its brief functional purpose :

Ice cream sundae in creamy cream glaze

2. Data on the consumer properties of the product (composition, calorie content, content of individual substances, etc.) :

Ingredients: Whole cow's milk, unsalted cow's butter, whole condensed milk with sugar, whole cow's milk powder, granulated sugar, agaroid, vanillin, drinking water, stabilizer-emulsifier "Ingresan G-17/A", prebiotic lactulose, creamy glaze -cream (unsalted cow's butter, granulated sugar, whole milk powder, food flavoring, vanillin, red dye, drinking water). Calorie content: 230 kcal. Contains a prebiotic additive - lactulose.

3. Data on the quantity of the product (weight, volume, dimensions, completeness): Net weight 120g.

4. Standard (technical specifications) and compliance with safety requirements: GOST R 52175-2003

5. Data on production and use times :

Shelf life: a month at a temperature of -4ºС. The production date is indicated on the packaging.

6. Data on storage and transportation conditions :

Shelf life: a month at a temperature of -4ºС.

7. Data on the origin of the goods (manufacturer, packer, exporter, manufacturer’s trademark, etc.)

Manufacturer: Yumo LLC, 214000, Smolensk, Dzerzhinsky St., 55

Optional marking elements are

1. Packaging information (material, design, environmental friendliness, recycling, etc.)

2. Decorative and advertising elements

For decoration, you need to choose bright, eye-catching packaging. Since the main consumers of ice cream are children and working adults, you can place a drawing of a cartoon character on the packaging. The development of artistic design should be carried out by a technologist in conjunction with the enterprise's marketing group to increase sales of a new product and attract attention to this product.

3. other information :

Since the developed ice cream contains lactulose, an important prebiotic additive, I consider it necessary to display this information on the ice cream packaging. The consumer should know that he is buying the best ice cream in terms of quality and composition. You can also indicate that ice cream is recommended for children's, medical and dietary nutrition.

Safety is a scientifically based set of technical and organizational measures aimed at the creation and implementation of safe equipment, safe production processes, automatic communication and signaling equipment, protective and safety devices, as well as personal protective equipment, etc., preventing the possibility of occupational injuries .

In accordance with the existing situation, ministries and departments are developing industry rules and safety standards, which are coordinated with the industry central committees of the trade union, and for facilities under the control of Gosgortekhnadzor, also with Gosgortekhnadzor.

In the system of the Ministry of Food Industry of the Russian Federation, each industry sector develops its own industry safety and industrial sanitation rules.

8.1 General requirements for production and auxiliary premises

Reception of milk, depending on the profile of dairy enterprises, their capacity and location, should be carried out indoors or on an unloading platform with a canopy.

The preparation of solutions of food components from flour, sugar, protein additives, etc. should be carried out in a separate room.

Pedal bins with lids for waste, as well as containers made of polymer materials for collecting sanitary waste, must be installed in production premises. Tanks and containers for rejects should be cleaned daily, washed with detergents and disinfected with a 0.5% solution of bleach.

Storage of waste, as well as inventory and equipment not used in the technological process, in production premises is prohibited.

Floors in production areas should be cleaned using a wet method as needed during work and at the end of the shift. In workshops where floors become contaminated with grease, they should be washed with hot soapy-alkaline solutions, followed by disinfection.

After washing and disinfecting, floors should be freed from water and kept dry.

8.2 Requirements for process equipment

All machines and units must be secured on solid foundations to prevent arbitrary movement, overturning, vibration, and shocks. When placing machines and units, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of convenient and safe servicing during inspection and routine repairs.

Adjustments, lubrication and repairs of machines are carried out only when the machine is not in operation. At the same time, a warning sign “Do not turn on” is posted. To ensure safe servicing of machines, free access to them is necessary. To do this, the main passages in places where workers are permanently located must be at least 1.5 m wide; passages near window openings must be at least 1 m wide.

Pressure gauges and vacuum gauges installed on cooking machines must have seals certifying the period of their inspection. These devices must be installed in well-lit areas accessible to observation. Open digesters must have lids to protect workers from splashes of boiling mass. The distance from the digesters to the wall must be at least 0.8 m, and the distance between the boilers must be at least 1.0 m.

The heat-generating surfaces of devices and pipelines are covered with insulation, which eliminates the risk of burns to workers. The insulation surface temperature should not exceed 45°C.

Equipment that is a source of intense heat, moisture and harmful substances must be equipped with local exhaust ventilation systems.

Electric motors, starting and protective fittings must comply with the environmental conditions of the premises. So, in a damp room where cooking equipment, sinks and showers are located, moisture-proof electric motors should be used

8.3 Environmental issues

Environmental safety of enterprises and industries is a set of states, processes and actions of enterprises and industries that ensures an ecological balance in the environment and does not lead to vital damage (or threats of such damage) caused to the natural environment and humans. The assessment of the degree of safety can be comprehensively assessed during an environmental assessment. Many production processes in the confectionery industry are accompanied by the release of harmful impurities in the form of gases, vapors, dust or heat.

The spread of these emissions throughout the premises leads to changes in the composition and condition of the air environment, which in turn can cause undesirable deviations in the health of workers or adversely affect labor productivity.

In order to protect the environment and public health, dairy processing industry enterprises must comply with the requirements for sanitary environmental protection in accordance with the following main regulatory documents: SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the protection of atmospheric air in populated areas”; SanPiN “Sanitary rules and standards for the protection of surface waters from pollution”; SanPiN “Sanitary rules and norms for the protection of coastal sea waters from pollution in places of water use by the population”; Sanitary rules “Procedure for accumulation, transportation, neutralization and disposal of toxic industrial waste”, etc.

Dairy processing industry enterprises must take measures to prevent environmental pollution due to emissions of aerosols and gases into the atmosphere, the entry into wastewater of separator sludge, wash and rinse waters containing fats and protein waste, waste chemicals, disinfectants and detergents, etc. .

Solid waste should be collected in metal bins or containers with lids and transported to designated areas at an organized landfill.

Environmental protection measures should be developed by the administration of enterprises together with the territorial centers of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision on the basis of an inventory of production processes and equipment that are sources of release of harmful substances.

Responsibility for the implementation of environmental protection measures developed at the enterprise rests with the administration of the enterprise.

High-tech and non-traditional methods of food processing include membrane processes, electrophysical methods of food processing, such as processing in a high-frequency current field, processing using IR rays, and ultrasound processing.

Passing an electric current through conductive liquids and other materials causes them to heat up and can find application in food technology.

Emphasizing the comparative novelty of these processing methods, they are now called unconventional technology processes.

If a material is placed between two plates to which a high-frequency current is supplied, then under the influence of an alternating electric field the molecules of the substance making up the material are entrained in an oscillatory motion. The movement of molecules causes uniform heating of the material throughout its entire thickness.

Molecules of biological origin interact with electromagnetic fields of ultrahigh frequency (microwave) in the frequency range above 10 9 Hz. These interactions can lead to changes in the protein molecules of cells and microorganisms. Microwave fields are used in drying, frying, baking and other processes.

Ultrasound can also be widely used in ice cream production.

Acoustic vibrations, which we perceive as sound, have a frequency from 20 to 210 Hz. Ultrasound is not perceived by us, and its frequency lies in the range of 210–10 Hz. Sources of ultrasonic vibrations are various oscillating systems that convert electrical or mechanical energy into elastic vibrations.

The propagation of an ultrasonic wave is not associated with the transfer of matter. The total energy of the wave is equal to the sum of the potential and kinetic energies. In different media, the speed of propagation of ultrasound is different and depends on the frequency of vibration and the viscosity of the medium. Ultrasound propagates well in liquids and even better in solids.

The main parameter characterizing the properties of the medium in relation to the wave passing through it is the product of the density of the medium p (kg/m3) and the speed of sound c (m/s):

Sound intensity is assessed by sound strength (energy of sound vibrations).

A high-intensity sound source operating in a liquid causes ultra-high particle accelerations and cavitation in the liquid.

The forces that arise in a liquid at high accelerations and pressure gradients cause fragmentation of particles in the processes of emulsification and dispersion. They promote the separation of contaminants when washing glass containers and metal parts, and can produce a number of other useful effects.

Another phenomenon that accounts for the vast majority of known effects of ultrasound is cavitation. This phenomenon is accompanied by the formation of microvoids, instantly filled with steam and gases dissolved in the liquid. When steam condenses, the voids “slam shut,” causing high-pressure shock waves that have a destructive effect on particles in the liquid.

To date, many technological processes have been studied in which the use of ultrasound gives a significant effect. First of all, we note the increase in the speed of processes and, consequently, the possibility of increasing the productivity of devices. In addition, the use of ultrasound can improve the quality, especially homogeneity, of the final product.

In some cases, ultrasound helps prevent the formation of scale and encrustations on the surface of heat exchangers.

Packaging machines are equipped with ultrasonic irradiators for welding polymer films.

Ultrasonic treatment is also applicable in the technology of making halva. In particular, when preparing syrup, the process could be activated by ultrasound.

During the course project, the production scheme for ice cream with prebiotic additives was reviewed, the technology, and the machine and hardware design of the line were described. Issues of packaging and labeling of a new product, and the use of packaging equipment were considered. Safety and environmental issues in ice cream production were also discussed.

Taking into account the analysis of the Russian ice cream market, the line productivity was chosen - 2.5 tons/day.

Since in the current conditions of a market economy, the introduction of achievements of scientific and technological progress is the basis for ensuring the competitiveness of production, I consider it necessary to develop flow-mechanized technology and eliminate its main drawback - the high cost of the modern equipment necessary for it.

The work carried out technological calculations: the recipe for ice cream “Plombir” in milk-cream glaze with prebiotic additives was considered, the necessary recipe calculations were made for 1 ton of the finished product, i.e. the daily norm of raw materials has been determined.

Currently, the production of ice cream with prebiotic additives is in great demand and relevance, since the product is environmentally friendly and can be used as a dietary food, as a healthy food that meets the modern concept of nutrition development in the Russian Federation.

1. Magazine “Food Industry” No. 3 2008

2. Olenev Yu.A. Technology and equipment for ice cream production, 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: DeLi, 2001. – 323 p.: ill.

3. A.V. Onopriyko, A.G. Khramtsov, V.A. Onopriiko; “Production of dairy products”, Rostov-on-Don, “March” 2004, 411s

4. Arsenyeva T. P. Directory of dairy production technologist. Technology and recipes. T. 4. Ice cream - St. Petersburg: GIORD, 2003. - 184 p.

5. Tverdokhleb G.V., Dilanyan Z.Kh., Chekulaeva L.V., Schiller G.G.; Technology of milk and dairy products, - M.: Agropromizdat, 1991 - 457 p.

6. GOST R 52175-2003

7. http://www.taurasfenix.com

8. Olenev Yu.A., Tvorogova A.A. Kazakova N.V., Solovyova L.N. Ice cream production guide. – M.: DeLi print, 2004. – 798 p.

9. Golubeva L.V. Design of dairy industry enterprises with the basics of industrial construction. – SPb.: GIORD, 2006. – 288 p.: ill.

10. Magazine “Empire of Cold”, No. 7 2005, No. 7 2006.

Item : Extracurricular activity “Young chemist”

Class : 4th grade

Lesson type : learning new material



Carbohydrates as one of the main components of ice cream


Study the history of freezing sweets by humans, the technology of ice cream production at enterprises, the composition and types of ice cream

Formed UUD

Personal : development of motives for educational activities,

Regulatory : goal setting, planning, control, evaluation

Cognitive : ability to construct statements, reflection of activities

Communication : asking questions, the ability to express one’s thoughts, the ability to organize educational cooperation

Basic Concepts

Ice cream production technology, proteins, carbohydrates, glucose as a representative of monosaccharides, dyes, citric acid, qualitative reactions, functional groups


- basic

- additional

Basic: computer, projector, screen, presentation, kits for collecting molecular models and for practical work

Additional: instruction cards for practical work, ice cream packaging, coloring book blanks with a drawing of an ice cream cone and colored pencils, cards with photographs of various types of ice cream, booklets as a gift at the end of the lesson

Chemical vessels: 4 test tubes, porcelain cup

Substances: alcohol solution of iodine, baking soda, silver nitrate and sodium hydroxide; fruit ice and ice cream; piece of waffle cup

Chemical equipment: universal indicator, alcohol lamp, matches

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activity

Materials for students that will lead to the achievement of planned results

Planned results



I . Self-determination for activity


Involving children in activities at a personally significant level

Hello guys! Today we continue to study our course “Chemistry around us”

The children greeted the teachers, sat down and listened carefully to the teacher.

Personal : development of cooperation skills with the teacher and peers in different educational situations

II . Updating knowledge


Repetition of studied material necessary for the “discovery of new knowledge”

To determine the topic of the lesson, please guess the following riddle

Children name the correct answer

Slide 1

Personal : ability to manage one's cognitive activity

III . Setting a learning task


Formulating the lesson topic

What questions do you think we can discuss in this topic?

Shows a slide with a lesson plan

The guys offer their options

Slide 2

Cognitive : conscious and voluntary construction of a speech utterance in oral form.

Communication : the ability to express one’s thoughts in accordance with given tasks.

IV . “Discovery” of new knowledge by students


Introduce the historical aspect of the topic; stages of ice cream production; types or varieties of ice cream

Guys, I ask you to think about how long ago a person came up with the idea of ​​freezing sweets? What products were these?

And today, how does the production of your favorite delicacy take place, for example, at our DAKGOMZ

(dairy processing plant)?

In front of you are photographs of various types of ice cream. Let's try to combine them into groups. Name them.

Which varieties of them do you like?

Let's compare ice cream sundae and fruit ice, using packaging from them.

What other substances are needed to create our delicacy?

Students together with the teacher reveal the history of frozen sweets.

Students together with the teacher reveal the stages of ice cream production

Students lay out photographs (work in groups)

Write down the composition of ice cream and fruit ice, compare, find similarities and differences

Slides 3

Slide 4

Photos of different types of ice cream

Slide 5

Packaging for ice cream and fruit ice

Slide 6

Slide 7

Cognitive : searching for information using the suggested resources; establishing cause-and-effect relationships

V . Primary consolidation


Strengthen knowledge of the structure of carbohydrates; concepts of “functional group” and “qualitative reaction”

Practical work

One of the essential components of ice cream is sugar - a representative of carbohydrates. Build a model of the monosaccharide glucose.

On the model we saw the composition of the glucose molecule. It contains functional groups that have their own characteristics, their own qualitative reactions to certain reagents. Let's use practical work to get acquainted with the qualitative reactions to carbohydrates and proteins of cow's milk, and check how dyes behave under the influence of heat.

Experiment 1. Effect of temperature on fruit ice dyes

Experience 2.Detection of citric acid () in fruit ice

Experiment 3. Detection of carbohydrates in milk ice cream

Experiment 4. Detection of cow's milk proteins

Experiment 5. Detection of carbohydrates in a waffle cone

Guys, having completed our practical work, tell me what are the differences and similarities between ice cream and fruit ice?

The guys, using a constructor for modeling molecules and a slide, assemble a model of glucose

Children do practical work using cards and a slide

They do the work and come to a conclusion about the durability of the dye.

They do the work and draw conclusions about the presence of citric acid in the fruit ice and its absence in the ice cream.

They do the work, observe the blue color and conclude that there are carbohydrates in the ice cream and the absence of carbohydrates in the fruit ice.

They do the work, observe a bright purple color in the ice cream and conclude that there is protein in it (biuret reaction)

They do the work, observe the blue color on the waffle cone and conclude that it contains carbohydrates, namely starch.

Do children call the presence of citric acid and the absence of milk protein in fruit ice?

Slide 8


Slide 9

Set for practical work,

practice card with instructions

Carbohydrates, monosaccharides

Structure of the glucose molecule

Qualitative reactions to carbohydrates and proteins.

Lemon acid

Functional groups

Cognitive : Search for information using suggested resources

Communicative: ability to organize joint activities with partners

VI . Incorporation of new knowledge into the knowledge system and repetition


Enabling new
knowledge into the system of the studied material.

Summarizing everything we learned today, let's try to discuss several existing myths about ice cream

Summing up our lesson today, let's try to develop recommendations on how to choose the right ice cream and consume it without harm to health

Children express their opinions about myths and justify them based on the knowledge they have acquired.

Slide 11

Slide 12

Personal: ability to manage one's cognitive activity

Communicative: the ability to enter into dialogue and participate in a collective discussion of a problem, to argue one’s position

VII . Reflection


Students’ awareness of their educational activities, self-assessment of the results of their own and the entire class’s activities

At the end of our lesson, I ask you to color the picture of the cup in the colors that characterize your opinion about our meeting today.

Please accept our booklets as a reminder of the lesson!

Thanks for the work! Well done!

Color the drawing and attach it to the board

Drawing of an ice cream cone and colored pencils


Regulatory: skillcorrelate your actions with planned results; mastery of the basics of self-analysis and self-esteem

Technical and technological maps (TTK) are developed for new and branded dishes and culinary products - those that are produced and sold only at a given enterprise. The validity period of the TTK is determined by the enterprise itself.

TTK includes sections:

  • 1. Product name and scope of application of TTK. Indicate the exact name of the dish, which cannot be changed without approval; provide a specific list of enterprises (branches) that are given the right to produce and sell this dish.
  • 2. List of raw materials for making a dish (product).
  • 3. Requirements for the quality of raw materials. Be sure to make a record that raw materials, food products, semi-finished products for a given dish (product) comply with regulatory documents (GOST, OST, TU) and have certificates and quality certificates.

Norms for laying raw materials by gross and net weight, norms for the yield of semi-finished products and finished products.

  • 4. Description of the technological process. They give a detailed description of this process, the cold and heat treatment modes that ensure the safety of the dish (product), give the food additives used, dyes, etc.
  • 5. Requirements for registration, submission, sale and storage. The design features, rules for serving the dish, the order of sale, and storage should be reflected (in accordance with GOST R 503105-08.
  • 6. Quality and safety indicators. Indicate the organoleptic characteristics of the dish (taste, smell, color, consistency), physicochemical and microbiological indicators that affect the safety of the dish.
  • 7. Indicators of nutritional composition and energy value. Provide data on the nutritional and energy value of the dish (according to the “Chemical Composition of Food Products” tables, approved by the Ministry of Health), which are important for organizing nutrition for certain consumer groups (dietary, therapeutic and preventive, baby food, etc.).

Each technical and technological map receives a serial number and is stored in the enterprise file cabinet. The responsible developer signs the TTK.


Director __________





This technical and technological regulation applies to children's ice cream made from cottage cheese with bananas.


Food raw materials, food products used for the preparation of children's ice cream from cottage cheese with bananas must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary-epidemiological report, safety and quality certificate, etc. ).



  • 1. Place ingredients in a blender: cottage cheese, chopped bananas, 1/2 cream, vanilla sugar, powdered sugar. Mix everything well in a blender until smooth. If the consistency of the mass turns out to be very thick, then add more cream and mix well again. The consistency should be similar to very thick sour cream.
  • 2. Place the ice cream in a container and put it in the freezer.

After about 3 hours we get soft ice cream, and after 5 hours it’s possible to serve full-fledged ice cream.


Children's ice cream made from cottage cheese with bananas is sold immediately after preparation. The permissible shelf life of ice cream before sale is no more than 10 minutes at a serving temperature of 14°C. According to the company's corporate standard. The shelf life of ice cream according to SanPiN is 12 hours at a temperature of (-4;- 2) °C.


Appearance - ice cream is placed in ice cream bowls and can be sprinkled with chocolate chips.

Color - cream.

Taste and smell - a pleasant smell of banana and vanilla, the taste is sweet, without any foreign tastes or odors.

  • 6.2. Microbiological indicators of ice cream must comply with the requirements of SanPiN

Cottage cheese ice cream with bananas for going out - 150 g

Production manager ________ ______ Full name

Responsible for registration of the TTC ______ _______Full name.


Director __________





This technical and technological level applies to the dish of curd donuts.


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for the preparation of curd donuts must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological report, safety and quality certificate, etc.).



Preparation of raw materials for the production of dishes is carried out in accordance with the collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for catering establishments.

Flour, egg yolks ground with sugar, beaten egg whites, salt are added to the pureed cottage cheese, dissolve citric acid in water, mix everything, the resulting mass is divided into pieces weighing 79 g, shaped into balls and fried in fat at t = 160, at within 10-15 minutes. When ready, donuts are sprinkled with powder.


Ready-made donuts are used as dessert and served with hot non-alcoholic drinks. The shelf life of the Curd Donuts dish according to SanPiN is 8 hours at a storage temperature of +2°C to +6°C.

  • 6.1. Organoleptic quality indicators:

Appearance - product of correct shape, without kinks, dents or torn parts

Color: golden, uniform

Consistency - porous, not sticky, without traces of unmixing or foreign inclusions

The taste and smell are pleasant, without foreign impurities, when adding yeast to the recipe - with a light, pleasant aroma of fermentation.

  • 6.2. Microbiological indicators of “Curd donuts” must meet the requirements. SanPiN, index

Curd donuts -150g.

Responsible for registration of TTC in the diner ______________

Head snack bar production _________________

In this article:

Everyone loves ice cream: both adults and children. And this has been the case at all times, and its history goes back more than 5,000 years. The ice cream business is characterized by seasonal profits. Large factories consider this business to be very profitable, like any properly organized production.

Organization of ice cream production includes the investment of capital and variable costs.

For a potential owner of this type of business, it is important to purchase an inexpensive and at the same time high-quality production line. Depending on the production method, ice cream is divided into hardened (creamy), soft and homemade.

The process of producing ice cream on an industrial scale consists of the following stages:

  • preparation and mixing of raw materials;
  • filtration;
  • pasteurization;
  • homogenization;
  • cooling;
  • storage and final maturation;
  • freezing;
  • packaging;
  • hardening;
  • package.

The technological flow chart for ice cream production is as follows:

Also, if you wish, you can buy a line for the production of sticks (Fig. 3), or purchase them from suppliers.

Rice. 3. Popsicle stick production line

Necessary raw material base

The main raw material is milk(whole, skim, dry whole and skim, condensed with sugar) and dairy products (cream, whey and butter).

It is also necessary to add sugar, vegetable fats, aromatic fillers, stabilizers and emulsifiers. The latter are responsible for the fluffy structure of the product even during the melting process.

Today, many large manufacturers use a more modern and convenient component: an emulsifier stabilizer. It increases viscosity, distributes fine air bubbles evenly throughout the mixture, and adds a creamy feel to the finished product.

An equally important ingredient is the glaze. It comes in chocolate, white or fruit. For its production, cocoa butter, vegetable fat, powdered sugar, cocoa powder, emulsifiers, milk powder and various flavorings are used.

Ice cream production technology

All necessary ingredients (according to the recipe) should be mixed using a blender, dispersant or turbo mixer. You must first heat the water component to a temperature of 40 - 45°C (milk or ice cream). This can be done using a variety of container equipment: long-term pasteurization baths, cheese-making baths, tanks for heat treatment of milk. Such containers with a thermal jacket can subsequently be used for pasteurization and cooling of mixtures. Now the prepared mixture should be filter– removal of undissolved particles or clots of stabilizers occurs.

IN pasteurization process Enzymes are destroyed and pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed, which can worsen the taste and aroma of future ice cream. It is produced in a pasteurized-cooling machine at a temperature of 80°C with a holding time of 50 seconds (or at a temperature of 95°C without holding).

Now it's time homogenization stage– large particles of fat are crushed, and accordingly the homogeneity of the mixture increases. At a temperature of 85°C, this process occurs in two stages. The first stage is characterized by pressure from 7 to 12.5 MPa, and the second - from 4.5 to 5.0 MPa.

After this, the resulting mixture needs cool down to a temperature of 3°C using a cooling unit. You can also use ripening containers, and cool them first with cold and then with ice water.

Now the mixture follows send to tanks, and in the process of slow stirring, the future ice cream will ripen at a temperature no higher than 6°C for 3 to 24 hours (or no more than 48 hours at a temperature of 0 - 4°C). The fat globules will harden, the stabilizer will swell, and the mixture will gain viscosity and the ability to bind air during the freezing process.

It is important to note that the higher the concentration of solids and the freezing speed, the finer the crystals and the more delicate the structure of the produced ice cream.

The next stage of the ice cream production process is freezing. Here the mixture is frozen and beaten with air, subject to continuous stirring. Small bubbles saturate the resulting mass and an ice cream structure is formed, which is finally formed during the subsequent freezing of the product. The mixture that comes out of the freezer should have a thick (creamy) consistency.

Now you can start packaging– it can be produced on automatic or semi-automatic lines. Dosing into cups or waffle cones occurs on universal conveyors, and subsequent freezing takes place in hardening chambers (from -25°C to -37°C). This is a short-term process, otherwise the ice crystals will significantly increase in size. Sometimes, in order to save time, packaging is combined with hardening thanks to universal equipment that combines a conveyor, an extrusion line and a popsicle generator. After hardening, the temperature of the ice cream should not exceed -10°C.

Finished products are packaged in cardboard boxes or corrugated boxes. Then they should be stored in refrigerators at a temperature of -20°C. To move ice cream to the warehouse, various conveyors or transport systems are used.

Hardened ice cream is distinguished by appearance, filling and type of packaging. Depending on the type and filler, there are basic and amateur types. The first include milk, cream, ice cream, aromatic and fruit and berry. Amateur species are distinguished by a smaller production volume and a variety of species (about 50 options).

Here is an example of some of them:

  • citrus(due to chicken eggs in its composition, it has an increased biological value);
  • honey - with the addition of natural honey;
  • penguin- fruit and berry base in chocolate glaze and much more.

Technological process for the production of soft ice cream

Soft ice cream differs from hardened ice cream in that it is made under different conditions. This variety is already ready after leaving the freezer and is not subject to further freezing. Often it is prepared immediately before use and in the presence of the buyer - in freezers. The raw materials are special dry mixtures, water and juice.

The temperature of soft ice cream is not as low as that of hardened ice cream (4-6°). And even with the naked eye you can notice the delicate and creamy consistency.

Due to the small amount of frozen moisture content and the presence of air in the form of bubbles, soft ice cream has a specific taste and aroma. An interesting feature is that the raw materials are practically no different from the ingredients of hardened ice cream. And thanks to the technological features of preparation, it is much better absorbed by the body.

Making homemade ice cream

If you have insufficient financial resources, it would be preferable to create a small ice cream production plant right in your kitchen. The absence of rent is the main advantage of this way of doing business.

To do this, you will need a spacious refrigerator, a food processor, plastic dishes and the raw materials themselves. And according to the recipe, you can proceed to making the first batch of the product. Of course, there are currently a huge number of recipes. Let's give an example of one of them - milk ice cream with vanilla.

Required components: 1 liter of milk, 300 grams of sugar, 2 vanillin powder, 6 eggs.

Milk needs to be boiled with sugar. Add hot milk to the beaten eggs, stir, and pour in a thin stream into the boiling milk, stirring the mixture continuously. Reduce heat to low and beat until soft bubbles form. Cool, stir and add vanillin. Pour into molds and place in the freezer for 3-4 hours.

Ice cream production business plan

Equipment and premises

To accommodate production facilities, a room with a total area of ​​150 m 2 is required, where ice cream and packaging production lines and refrigeration equipment will be located.

This room must be electrified, and have water supply and sewerage. For transport there is convenient access.

We will purchase a production line with a productivity of 250 kilograms per shift, which consists of:

  • component mixer – 350,000 rubles;
  • filter – 25,000 rubles;
  • butter melter (butter and coconut) – 195,000 rubles;
  • homogenizer – 80,000 rubles;
  • pasteurizer – 400,000 rubles;
  • containers for maturing the final product - 400,000 rubles.
  • shut-off valves – 200,000 rubles;
  • 3 pumps – 200,000 rubles;
  • freezer – 900,000 rubles.

The total cost of such a line will cost 2,750,000 rubles.

In addition, it is necessary to purchase equipment for packaging the produced ice cream - 600,000 rubles.

And for storage - 1 refrigerator for 110,000 rubles.

The total amount of capital costs is 3,460,000 rubles.

Working capital (costs of raw materials and their delivery) – 450,000 monthly.

The average monthly rent will be 30,000 rubles (per year 360,000 rubles).

Utility payments - 10,000 rubles every month (per year - 120,000 rubles).

Complete a package of documents (for registering a business activity or organizing an enterprise) - 50,000 rubles.

Total – 200,000 rubles.

We are recruiting staff

Minimum number of personnel 6 people:

  • technologist – 30,000 rubles;
  • production manager - 25,000 rubles;
  • head of the sales department - 25,000 rubles;
  • 2 workers – 15,000 rubles each;
  • loader – 10,000 rubles.

The annual wage fund will be 1,440,000 rubles.

Let's calculate the annual profit

The average cost of 1 kilogram of ice cream is 250 rubles/kg.

Output: 250 kg. x 22 working days = 5500 kg. x 250 rubles/kg = 1,375,000 rubles, and for the year, respectively, 16,500,000 rubles.

Gross annual profit (revenue-cost) – 11,100,000 rubles.

Total expenses (capital + working expenses) – 1,920,000 rubles.

Profit before tax (gross profit - total expenses) = 9,180,000 rubles.

Profit after payment of single tax (15%) – 7,803,000 rubles. This will be net profit.

Profitability (net profit/revenue) will be 47.3%.

Sales of finished products

It is important not only to make ice cream, but also to be able to sell it. Due to the low cost, the trade margin is sometimes more than 50%. Therefore, the ability to create a commodity distribution network practically guarantees impressive profits.

The most important thing is to choose the right point for implementation. An appetizing appearance is also important.

You can supply finished products through wholesale companies or supermarket chains. Also a good option is to sell finished products through your own sales representative, who will personally cooperate not only with large stores, but also with small ones.

For students of universities and food technical schools, you can organize excursions with a detailed visual demonstration of the entire hardware circuit.

To sell soft ice cream, you can set up a retail outlet in the most crowded place - a park, supermarket, market, etc. The main advantage of such a product is its non-waste nature. After finishing the working day, the remaining ice cream can simply be poured into a bowl and put in the refrigerator. And in the morning, refill the mixture into the freezer, and after a few minutes start trading with renewed vigor.

Homemade ice cream can be supplied in bulk to cafes and restaurants. First you need to make a small test batch and dilute it for testing at potential places of sale. Surely there will be more than one establishment that would be willing to enter into a supply agreement with you.

Advertising will also help increase sales. If you do not have the required amount to create an advertising video, you can limit yourself to an advertisement in a local newspaper. Promotions and discounts at the very beginning of entrepreneurial activity will help the business quickly pay for itself and bring only positive results.

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