Home General issues What spices are needed for homemade sausage. What spices are used in making sausages? Ascorbic acid in homemade sausage

What spices are needed for homemade sausage. What spices are used in making sausages? Ascorbic acid in homemade sausage

Tender, aromatic, homemade, they are not only a table decoration, but also a healthy alternative to store-bought delicacies. If you choose the right spices for homemade sausage, you will have an excellent opportunity to play with the taste of your products, expanding the range of your culinary masterpieces. Today we will learn about the right combination of pungency and spices necessary for meat to acquire an individual, excellent aromatic shade.

Speaking about spices, we need to clearly separate them according to typical and characteristic features, since this term refers to certain products, both synthetic and plant origin. Among them are salt, granulated sugar, citric and other acids, vinegar and glutamate, which is harmful but in demand by modern manufacturers. The role of these additives is to give the dish a certain taste: spicy or salty, sweet or sour.

However, dried aromatic herbs and plant powders, which we are all so accustomed to thinking of as spices, actually belong to the category of spices. These additives, in ideal proportions, can radically improve the taste of your meat products, but excess and indiscriminate use of these fragrant treasures of Mother Earth can lead to a depressing result.

Therefore, often spicy seeds, herbs and dried vegetables are collected by specialists in ideal proportions into excellent collections, where the assistance of three to 24 different plants in the required doses turns into a magical tandem, which together gives a riot of aromatic colors.

The most popular spices include bay leaf, black and red pepper, and cloves, and among the aromatic fruits in the list of leaders are: onions, garlic, paprika, horseradish, celery and parsley, but other specific elements are also widely used in sausage production.


These are nothing more than cilantro seeds, but in their characteristics there is not even a hint of the peculiar “bug” aroma from weed. The large balls, which are sold both whole and ground, have a sweet, spicy aroma with a woody undertone.

The popularity of this spice is literally off the charts and it’s safe to say that almost no recipe for homemade sausages can do without it. But coriander found its most abundant use in Thuringian sausages and spicy mixtures “Berbere” and “Offak”. The most ideal is its combination with chili and garlic.

Ground chili with peppery notes is just a godsend for those who like “hot things”.

With pepper you can create wonderful hot sausages for grilling and frying, hunting, spicy, liver, smoked and raw smoked sausages, the main thing is the selection of proportions, and even better, use a special mixture with garlic, coriander, laurel and basil.

Marjoram is an integral component for heavy, fatty foods, bacon, and pork products, as it has excellent quality and stimulates digestion.

In Germany, the country of sausages, this herb is rightfully considered the main component in meat production, and the Germans even called it “sausage grass.” Its slightly bitter taste with a sweet camphor spirit is perfectly emphasized in combination with thyme; in addition, marjoram is often used in mixtures for sausages, sausages and their larger “brethren”.

Thyme, also known as thyme, is a carrier of a pungent spicy taste with a caraway-anise aroma. To make this spice, dried leaves of the shrub are used, because they are the ones that can make meat products unrivaled, especially in the company of garlic.

The use of caraway thyme will be an excellent solution for poultry and veal sausages, and the lemon variety - for smoked, pork, lamb culinary masterpieces, as well as for liver.

This “comrade” is simply a storehouse for any minced meat. These round pieces are capable of imparting the finest, sweetish, rich flavor to the meat, but do not overdo it; 0.1 g of this spice for homemade sausage is more than enough for 1 batch.

The only thing more popular than black pepper is ground black pepper; it can easily be called the “black gold” of cooking. It goes everywhere and with everything, and the most important thing is that it is difficult to overdo it.

You can safely add it to boiled, vegetarian, smoked, liver and all other types of sausages, except perhaps confectionery and chocolate.

Allspice is the happy owner of a whole cocktail of aromas, among which one can distinguish clove, cinnamon, nutmeg, mustard and black pepper, which is why it is commonly called the “universal spice.” Needless to say, he, like his relative, is suitable for any sausage production.

White mustard in the seeds gives the dish the most delicate piquant relish; it perfectly adds its characteristic aroma and a hint of spiciness to pork and beef products.

Cumin, cumin, cumin - these three look different, but similar in taste and smell, seeds with a spicy sweetness and slight bitterness are based on caraway and anise-dill notes.

The combination with garlic is appreciated in Czech and Prussian cuisines, where this bouquet of seasonings is used for fatty sausages, for grilling, frying and smoking.

Anise fruits are a favorite spice for culinary experts in preparing various dishes, including homemade sausage production. Sweetish, spicy, refreshing relish improves the taste characteristics of boiled, liver, boiled-smoked, fried and smoked products.

Since ancient times, ground ginger has been considered the most sought-after eastern spice, and in some places, and in the East, they know a lot about spices and meat dishes; it is these two aspects that make ginger one of the common ingredients in sausages, mainly from lamb and horse meat, giving to them the pungency and astringency characteristic of this root.

All these aromatic seeds and herbs are included in almost all combined spices for homemade sausage, along with the usual garlic, onion and laurel. However, many chefs, in an effort to improve the taste of deli meats, resort to using such aromatic additives as:

  • Basil, reminiscent of a mixture of cloves and nutmeg, and perfectly enriches smoked, boiled-smoked and liver sausages;
  • Fennel leaves and seeds with a combination of the smell of anise and dill, they will be an excellent seasoning for boiled, smoked and coarsely chopped meat products;
  • A frequent guest in spicy mixtures - rosemary, with camphor notes and hints of pine aroma. It is simply created for all types of meat dishes from lamb, mutton, beef and poultry, in particular minced meat for filling casings and further heat treatment on the grill;
  • Sage The pungent, bitter amber dominates over many other spices, so it must be used in strict proportion so as not to overdo it. It is typically used for Bavarian, hunting and hot sausages;
  • Saffron also found itself in the sausage world and, with its characteristic bitter-spicy taste, fits into many spice mixtures for various types of lamb products.

As already mentioned, herbs, seeds and vegetables have even greater aromatic power for one or another type of sausage in special combinations, which is why, when starting culinary activities, select the necessary spice compositions for homemade sausage in order to create a real masterpiece.

In order for the sausage product to have a pleasant spicy taste and smell, special products of plant origin, the so-called spices, are added to its composition during its production.

The lion's share of spices known to mankind contains essential oils, which irritate special human olfactory and taste receptors, causing the body to produce an increased amount of saliva.

Some spices, such as pepper, have the property of causing an increased secretion of digestive juices in the body, which improves its ability to digest food. Essential oils contained in nutmeg and cloves, as well as in a number of vegetables such as parsley, dill, onions and garlic, have similar properties.

Basically, spices used in sausage production are classified according to the plant parts that are used to impart flavor to the product.


plant seeds – nutmeg;

fruit part of plants - star anise, cumin, cardamom, pepper, coriander, anise;

flowers or some parts thereof - saffron and cloves;

plant leaves - marjoram and bay leaf;

plant bulbs - onions, garlic.

Now let's look at some of the most common spices in sausage production and their brief characteristics.

Nutmeg grows in tropical climates and has fruits that have a fairly pleasant aroma. Often, nutmeg fruits are treated with a lime composition to protect them from damage by pests. Since the nutmeg fruit contains a large amount of fat, it is difficult to grind. To do this, before grinding, you need to add granulated sugar or powder to it.

Star anise - the fruit of the magnolia tree, which consists of six or eight carpel leaves fused together, inside which there are small seeds that have a pronounced anise smell. The taste of star anise is pleasant, slightly hot and sweet.

Cardamom , which is especially often used in the production of hard smoked sausages, is the fruit of a perennial plant from the ginger family, which grows in the tropical part of the world.

Pepper is a whole class of spices that, with their sharp and fiery taste, cause an increased appetite. Peppers can be roughly divided into white, black, capsicum and clove peppers. Black pepper itself is an incompletely ripened fruit that has been subsequently dried. And white, on the contrary, is a ripe fruit, which was simply then freed from the protective shell.

As a rule, spices are not used in their pure form, but only in the form of mixtures made in certain proportions.

Spices and herbs are added to sausages to give them a specific aroma and taste. Spices are products of plant origin. These include pepper (black, white, allspice, red), nutmeg, cardamom, coriander, cinnamon, cumin, pistachios, bay leaves, etc. Spices should be stored in dry and well-ventilated areas at a relative humidity of no higher than 60-75 % and temperature 5-15°C. When storing, use hermetically sealed containers or clean, dry wooden boxes with tight-fitting lids. It is not recommended to store them in warehouses with a strong odor. Typically, spices are used in the form of mixtures; spice extracts are also used.

Black pepper is a spherical grain with a diameter of 3-5 mm, dried, wrinkled, black in color with a brown tint, with a characteristic aroma and a pungent peppery taste. Ground pepper is a dark gray powder. The moisture content of pepper should not exceed 12%, and its total ash content should not exceed 6%. Peppers are packed in two-layer paper bags of 0.5-5.0 kg and in plywood boxes of up to 20 kg.

White pepper is obtained from mature black pepper fruits by separating the outer dark shell from them. Its color is slightly yellowish-gray, its shape is almost spherical with a smooth surface. It contains 1.5% volatile oils.

Allspice has round fruits with a diameter of 3 to 8 mm. The fruits should be well dried, have a strong spicy aroma and a sharp, pleasant, slightly burning taste. The grains should be round, slightly flattened, with a rough surface, dark brown and reddish in color. or a blackish tint. Humidity should be no more than 12%, total ash should be no more than 6%.

Ground red pepper is obtained by grinding dried red capsicum. Pepper can be hot, medium hot or slightly hot (sweet). The color is red in different shades, the smell is spicy, characteristic of red pepper, without a moldy or musty smell, the taste is hot or slightly hot, respectively, moisture content is not more than 10%. Foreign impurities are not allowed.

Nutmeg. It is allowed to use no more than 5% of fruits damaged by pests, including spoiled fruits - no more than 3%. Contains 10-15% essential oil.

Coriander contains 0.8-1.15% essential oil. No more than 10% of split fruits are allowed, 10% of unripe fruits, 3% of weeds, 6% of essential oils (anise, dill, nigella seeds).

Cardamom. The seeds are used as a spice. To do this, they are stored in their own boxes, since essential oils are very volatile and when the shell is removed they quickly lose their aroma. The seeds contain 4-8% essential oil. It is allowed to use no more than 0.5% of fruits affected by pests.

Cumin is a flattened, brown fruit with an aromatic odor and spicy taste. The content of essential oil in fruits is 3-7%. Weed admixture is allowed no more than 2%, damaged seeds no more than 4%,

Pistachios are nuts with a greenish kernel and a reddish skin. Powdery fruits are not allowed. Class I nuts must have at least 17 mm in greatest diameter, II - at least 12 mm. The opening of the shell in a batch of grade I must be at least 60%, grade II - at least 30%. Kernel moisture is no more than 10% for both varieties.

Cinnamon can be in the form of tubes or in powder form (ground). Must contain moisture up to 13.5%. Color brown, different shades. The smell and taste characteristic of cinnamon.

Bay leaf has a characteristic aroma, spicy, slightly bitter taste. The leaves contain 3% volatile oils. It is not allowed to use leaves with a moldy, musty or other foreign odor unusual for a normal bay leaf, as well as leaves that do not have their characteristic aroma and are infected with pests and affected by sooty fungus. Its humidity should not exceed 14%.

Spice mixtures. Depending on the composition and amount of spices and sugar, seven different formulations are produced.

Mixture No. 1, %: granulated sugar, powdered sugar, crystalline glucose - 50, black pepper - 30, nutmeg or cardamom - 20; mixture No. 2,%: granulated sugar, powdered sugar, crystalline glucose - 50, black pepper - 25, allspice - 25; mixture No. 3,%: granulated sugar, powdered sugar, crystalline glucose - 40, black pepper - 40, coriander - 20; mixture No. 4,%: granulated sugar, powdered sugar, crystalline glucose - 40, black pepper - 30, allspice - 20, nutmeg or cardamom - 10; mixture No. 5,%: granulated sugar, powdered sugar, crystalline glucose - 50, black pepper - 25, coriander - 25; mixture N° 6,%: granulated sugar, powdered sugar, crystalline glucose - 45, black pepper - 30, allspice - 25; mixture No. 7,%: granulated sugar, powdered sugar, crystalline glucose - 40, black pepper - 40, coriander - 20 (full or partial replacement with cumin is allowed).

In terms of physicochemical and organoleptic indicators, spice mixtures must satisfy the following requirements: appearance - homogeneous finely ground powder; smell - pungent, peppery, characteristic of this type of mixture; taste - burning, characteristic of the composition of the components included in the mixture, humidity not more than 7%.

Spice extracts. It is recommended to use spice extracts that are free from microorganisms to avoid contamination of meat products with molds. In addition, the use of natural crushed spices has a number of disadvantages, which can be avoided by using extracts.

There are three types of spice extracts: essential oils obtained by steam distillation; CO2-extracts; spicy extracts - oleoresins and microns. Essential oils do not have the taste of the original raw material, so oleoresins containing bitter and pungent substances are used simultaneously with essential oils. Microns are a mixture of oleoresin and essential oil. Spice extracts increase the utilization of aromatic substances. Soluble extracts are true natural spices, but more aromatic than ground ones containing woody fibrous materials. A negative feature of the extracts is their high volatility, as a result of which it is not recommended to store them for more than 90 days.

Extracts are used taking into account the replacement rates of natural spices, and for a more uniform distribution of them in meat products, it is necessary to first mix these preparations with other natural spices, sugar, or prepare aqueous emulsions.

Garlic is widely used in the production of sausages. It gives a pleasant taste due to the presence of garlic oil. Garlic bulbs should have a clean, dry and intact surface with short roots and remnants of trimmed leaves 2-5 mm long. Fresh garlic bulbs must have a diameter of at least 3 mm. According to quality, garlic is divided into grades I (whole onion with outer shell) and grade II (damaged onion). Fresh garlic is stored at a temperature of -0.6 to 1.5 ° C and a relative air humidity of 80-85%. For dry storage, tin containers are used in which dry garlic is hermetically sealed.

To store it in salted form, peeled garlic is crushed on a grinder, passed through a grid with holes 2-3 mm in diameter, and mixed with 5% salt.

The mixture is packaged in dense barrels, lined with parchment inside, tightly closed and stored at a temperature of -5 to -6 "C. It is not recommended to store garlic in brine, since some of the essential oil is extracted into the brine and the garlic loses its aroma. Frozen garlic retains its aroma, so it should be stored at a temperature of -8 to -10 ° C and not defrosted before use.

Onions are classified according to taste as hot, semi-sharp and sweet. The bulbs have flat, rounded-flat, round and oval shapes. Color ranges from white to red-violet (depending on variety). Onions are well preserved at a temperature of -3 °C or frozen at -10 °C. Dried onions are best preserved when packed in a sealed tin container.

Meat sausage is one of the most popular products. It is eaten for breakfast, used as a snack on the holiday table, and is an ingredient in many dishes.

A store-bought product raises doubts about its quality, so it is best to prepare it at home.

To make the sausage fatty and nutritious, but at the same time tender and juicy, pork is used as its basis.

You don’t need to buy a huge amount of ingredients for sausage; even a beginner can repeat the recipe.

You will need:

  • Pork meat pulp - 1.5 kg;
  • Thin pork intestines - 5 m;
  • Pork lard - 500 g;
  • One head of garlic;
  • Cognac - 36 g;
  • Spices: coriander, thyme, dried basil - all 1/2 tsp;
  • Salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. The first step is to process the intestines. If they were in the freezer, they need to be defrosted, freed from mucus and dirt with a knife, turned inside out and rinsed thoroughly under the tap. It is best to cut the five-meter intestine into several smaller pieces. After processing the intestines, soak them in a salty water solution for 60 minutes. Salt will remove microorganisms and bacteria.
  2. Let's start with the lard. You need to cut off the skin from it and chop it into small square pieces. If the pork itself has a high percentage of fat content, then use less lard in the recipe.
  3. Pork must be prepared by removing bones or veins. Cut into medium-sized squares. (2^2 cm)
  4. Place lard and meat in a common bowl. Sprinkle pepper and all other spices on top.
  5. Process the garlic using a garlic press and add to the meat mixture.
  6. Pour cognac into the sausage base. It will give the dish a specific aroma and juiciness. You can do without it.
  7. Now it's time to stuff the guts. Using a tablespoon or a meat grinder attachment - a long tube - you need to push the meat inside the intestine. Don't forget to tie the end. Don't stuff too tightly.
  8. After the intestine is filled with filling, tie the other end and put it in the freezer for 4 hours to marinate.
  9. The future sausage can be rolled into rings for easier baking. Pierce in several places with a needle to avoid damaging the sausage casing.
  10. Place a 5 liter pan of water on the fire and wait until it boils.
  11. Add salt and place the raw sausage into the pan. Cook for 40 - 60 minutes over low heat.
  12. After cooking, the sausage must be placed in the oven. Don't forget to coat the baking sheet with vegetable oil. We put boiled sausage on it.
  13. Oven temperature - 180 degrees. Baking time - 40 minutes. During the baking procedure, you need to turn the intestine with meat several times.
  14. You can eat ready-made homemade sausage immediately, or you can eat it cold.

Chicken sausage

Chicken is a dietary product. So chicken sausage will appeal to people on a diet, those who monitor their health and young children who are just learning to eat regular food.

Grocery list:

  • Chicken fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • Milk with 1.5% fat content - 0.1 l;
  • One egg;
  • Carrots - 0.1 kg;
  • Three cloves of garlic;
  • Spices to taste.

Preparation steps:

  1. Make minced chicken using a meat grinder. You can process it in a blender, then the meat mass will be more homogeneous.
  2. Break an egg into the prepared minced meat, pour in milk, add salt and mix everything.
  3. Boil the carrots and chop into small cubes along with peeled garlic.
  4. Take special sausage molds or milk cartons and cut off the lid. We put a lot of minced meat in the first layer, sprinkle carrots and garlic on top, the third layer is minced meat again. And so on until the box is full.
  5. Do not add 1 cm to the top of the sausage base.
  6. Wrap the box of minced meat with cling film.
  7. Pour water into the pan and put it on gas; after the water boils, place the box with the future sausage in the pan. Water should not get inside the package. Cook in this form for 60 minutes with the lid closed.
  8. After cooking, cool the sausage and cut the box. The dish is ready.

Beef recipe

Beef is the middle tier. It will make the sausage not too fatty, but not lean either.


  • Beef - 2 kg;
  • Lard - 500 gr;
  • Salt - 0.05 kg;
  • Four cloves of garlic;
  • Ground nutmeg - 5 g;
  • Spices - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Process the meat by washing it and removing small bones. Cut it into small cubes and pass through a meat grinder with a large grid.
  2. Cut the lard even finer and process using a meat grinder. Combine meat and lard in one bowl.
  3. Add spices to your taste. This could be coriander, basil, ginger or red pepper. Salt the minced meat and put garlic in it.
  4. Mix everything well. If the minced meat seems a little dry, you can add a little water or milk.
  5. Process the intestines and stuff them with ground beef. Tie the ends with a string.
  6. Place the intestines filled with meat in the refrigerator for 5 hours.
  7. After this, you can bake them in the oven, after making holes with a needle along the entire length of the intestines.

Homemade boiled sausage

Recipe Ingredients:

  • Pork meat - 1 kg;
  • Lard - 0.3 kg;
  • One egg;
  • One onion;
  • Two cloves of garlic;
  • Sunflower oil - 17 g;
  • Spices to taste;
  • Gelatin - 15 gr.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The pork must be washed and cleaned of foreign objects: films, small bones and chopped together with garlic and onion using a blender.
  2. Pour the egg into the resulting minced meat, add your spices and gelatin. Mix everything well.
  3. The sausage base can be prepared in special molds, pork or beef intestine, or in a baking bag if you don’t have anything else on hand.
  4. Fill a baking bag with minced meat, tie the ends and the middle with a rope.
  5. You can start cooking. Cook for two hours over medium heat.


The liverwurst recipe is very simple. It doesn't require a lot of expensive ingredients, and the result is an amazing tasting dish.

Product set:

  • Light - 0.8 kg;
  • Liver - 0.6 kg;
  • Lard - 0.3 kg;
  • Heart - 0.4 kg;
  • Garlic - 2 heads;
  • Onion - 0.4 kg;
  • Cream - 0.3 kg;
  • Spices and salt to taste.

Recipe for homemade sausage in intestines:

  1. The liver should be washed under the tap, the meat of the heart and lungs should be cut into pieces and placed in a pan. Boil for 60 minutes.
  2. Chop the lard and liver and grind it through a meat grinder along with pieces of garlic.
  3. You can fry lard and onions in a frying pan with vegetable oil.
  4. We also process the cooled liver and lungs in a meat grinder.
  5. Combine all the ingredients into minced meat, pour cream on top and sprinkle with spices.
  6. We fill the intestine with ready-made minced meat and tie its ends.
  7. Cook for 40 minutes. Don't forget to pierce the shell with a needle.

Homemade dry-cured chicken sausage

This recipe does not involve boiling or baking in the oven. But here you need patience, as you will have to wait about two weeks for the sausage.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • Chicken fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • Pork intestines - 0.4 m;
  • Two cloves of garlic;
  • Coriander - 8 g;
  • Black pepper - 0.5 g;
  • Nitrite salt - 4 g.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Cut the chicken into thin slices.
  2. Add pepper, salt and coriander to the bowl with the chicken pieces.
  3. Mix everything and knead the minced meat.
  4. Process the intestines in the manner described above and place the meat in them, tie the resulting sausage with a ring and put it in the freezer for 2 hours.
  5. It's time for drying. For this purpose, it is necessary to hang the product in a well-ventilated area for three days. Temperature - 15 degrees Celsius. It is best to freeze in the refrigerator overnight.
  6. Over the next two weeks, the sausage should constantly hang in the fresh air.

Sausage without guts - in foil

A quarter of the time in preparing homemade sausage is spent preparing the intestines. This is an unpleasant and painstaking task. But you can do without the womb.

What you will need:

  • Pork meat - 1 kg;
  • Lard - 0.2 kg;
  • Four chicken eggs;
  • Six cloves of garlic;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Spices;
  • Foil for baking;
  • Starch - 40 gr.


  1. The meat and lard should be washed and cut into small squares.
  2. Break the eggs into a separate bowl and beat, adding starch, salt, pepper, chopped garlic and other spices little by little.
  3. Mix everything well, making sure that no lumps form.
  4. Make the minced meat, place it on foil and roll it up, tightly bending the edges of the foil.
  5. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and insert the baking tray with the sausage. Baking time - 1 hour.
  6. Remove the finished sausage from the film and cut into circles.

Proper homemade sausage for children

The children's body is very fragile, so spices or garlic are not added to food for babies.


  • Chicken meat - 1 kg;
  • Pork pulp - 0.3 kg;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Water;
  • Pork intestines.

How to cook:

Grind both types of meat in a meat grinder. Pour salt into the minced meat and pour water. Knead everything thoroughly. Prepare the casing properly. Push the meat into it and tie it. Cook for an hour over medium heat. After the dish has cooled, put it in the refrigerator.

Pork and beef recipe

If pork is too fatty and you prefer dietary products, you can add lean beef to the main meat.

Product set:

  • Pork meat - 1 kg;
  • Beef meat - 1 kg;
  • Three cloves of garlic;
  • Water;
  • Guts;
  • Spices and salt to taste.

How to make sausage at home:

Chop pork and beef into small pieces. Mix the minced meat with finely chopped garlic, salt and spices. If the meat mass is too thick, add two tablespoons of water. After that we deal with tripe. Place the minced meat into the cleaned intestines and bake in the oven.

Seasonings, herbs and spices are used not only to improve the taste of dishes and to give a spicy taste, but also when preparing sausage.

Spices and herbs for sausage are products of plant origin that contain essential oils or pungent flavoring substances that promote the secretion of digestive juices.

Spices and herbs include pepper, nutmeg, cardamom, cumin, ginger, bay leaf and other seasonings.

Spices are classified according to the plant parts from which they are obtained:

  • seeds;
  • fruit;
  • flowers and their parts;
  • leaves;
  • bulbs.

Pepper is a range of flavoring spices that are pungent in taste and cause sweating. There are black, white, clove (allspice) and capsicum (red) peppers.

Black pepper represents invisible dried fruits, white - mature fruits, freed from the outer fruit shell of a tropical creeping plant. Before being used in sausage production, pepper is ground.

Allspice represents unripe dried fruits. It does not have the heat of black pepper and has a pleasant aroma (pepper, cloves and cinnamon).

Cardamom- these are the fruits of an evergreen plant from the ginger family. They are brown or light yellow oval-shaped boxes containing 9-18 seeds.

Thyme, also known as thyme, is a carrier of a sharp spicy taste with a caraway-anise aroma. To make this spice, dried leaves of the shrub are used, because they are the ones that can make meat products unrivaled, especially in the company of garlic.

The use of caraway thyme will be an excellent solution for poultry and veal sausages, and the lemon variety - for smoked, pork, lamb culinary masterpieces, as well as for liver.

Nutmeg represents the seeds of the nutmeg tree. The nut has a pleasant aroma. It contains a lot of fat, so it doesn't wash out well.

Just to grind the nutmeg, granulated sugar is added to it. The dried seed coat of nutmeg is called nutmeg and is a substitute for nutmeg.

Anise fruit are a favorite spice for culinary experts in preparing various dishes, including homemade sausage production.

Sweetish, spicy, refreshing relish improves the taste characteristics of boiled, liver, boiled-smoked, fried and smoked products.

Coriander- these are nothing more than cilantro seeds, but in their characteristics there is no hint of a peculiar “bug” odor from weed.

Small balls, which are sold both whole and ground, have a sweetish, spicy aroma with a woody tint.

The popularity of this spice is literally off the charts and it’s safe to say that almost no recipe for homemade sausages can do without it.

Ripe pistachios have a dehiscent shell, a white kernel with a greenish skin. Greenish pistachios are not ripe enough, but their color is more beautiful.

For this purpose, green, not yet ripe pistachios are mainly used, because... they decorate the cut sausages.

Cumin, cumin, cumin- these three seeds are similar in appearance, but differ in taste and smell, with a spicy sweetness and slight bitterness, based on caraway and anise-dill notes.

The combination with garlic is appreciated in Czech and Prussian cuisines, where this bouquet of seasonings is used for fatty sausages, for grilling, frying and smoking.

Ground ginger Since ancient times, it has been considered the most sought-after eastern spice, and in some places, and in the East, they know a lot about spices and meat dishes; it is these two aspects that make ginger one of the most common ingredients in sausages, mainly from lamb and horse meat, giving them a spiciness and the astringency characteristic of this root.

Pepper, nutmeg (or cardamom) are used in ground form. The powder must be dry, without impurities, the pistachios must be well dried, without mold or other types of spoilage

This is a list of spices and herbs that are most often used when preparing sausage, but at home you can experiment and use rarer types of seasonings.

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