Home Second courses Salting caviar at home or how to salt the caviar of carp, silver carp, pike and other fish. We cook sea gobies correctly - the best fish dishes on your table! Properly making caviar from gobies

Salting caviar at home or how to salt the caviar of carp, silver carp, pike and other fish. We cook sea gobies correctly - the best fish dishes on your table! Properly making caviar from gobies

No matter what dieters and fans of asceticism say, caviar on the table is a sign of good taste, especially when the table is festive. But if black caviar is a symbol of a luxurious Russian feast, then red caviar is a sign of economic prosperity in the family. Meanwhile, even on prosperity, you can save a lot if you do some things yourself. For example, salt the same red caviar at home. Let's study.

How to choose red fish for pickling caviar

Red caviar at home begins with choosing the right fish in the store. For our purposes, we will need fish with red meat, such as salmon, such as trout, salmon or pink salmon. You need an ungutted carcass of a female of any size, which will definitely contain caviar (and it will be in any, because such fish are caught only when they go to spawn).

Distinguishing a female from a male is not a problem. The fact is that the female salmon is... “more feminine”: she has rounder outlines, a more delicate and softer color and a short, rounded head. No points or predatory appearance (like the male). If you are choosing for the first time, following these instructions, try to do it yourself, and then consult with the seller. You will find that your opinions are likely to coincide.

How to pickle red caviar at home correctly

Since you bought frozen fish, defrost it. It is recommended to do this in natural mode, that is, first transfer it from the icebox (freezer) to the refrigerator, and then let it thaw at room temperature.

The process of salting caviar itself consists of two stages of action. First, you need to clean the caviar from the film in which it is located, and then place it in a salt marinade, that is, pickle it. Each stage has its own subtleties. Let's start with cleansing.

Cleaning eggs from caviar

The caviar is in two film bags (bags) - you need to get rid of them. The work is painstaking, but necessary. This must be done extremely carefully so as not to damage the caviar itself. (Unless there is another goal).

Using your hands, carefully separate the caviar from the film.

Next, place the caviar in a bowl and fill with cold water. Using a wooden stick, we begin to mix intensively in one direction. Periodically we take the stick out of the water and remove the remaining film, which wraps very well around a wooden skewer. In this way, we will sufficiently clean the red caviar from the film.

Now line the colander with gauze, folded in half, and place the caviar on it. And let the liquid drain.
Next, we will move the caviar in a colander over dry gauze. Small particles of film and crushed eggs will stick to the fabric.

Preparing salt marinade - brine

For brine we need water, salt and sugar. How much water should I take? I take enough so that it completely covers the caviar, that is, approximately twice the volume of the caviar.

How much salt and sugar? For a glass of water - 2 tablespoons of salt and 2 teaspoons of sugar. This is “according to science”. A popular way to determine the correct salt concentration is also quite popular: place a fresh egg in the amount of water that will be used to prepare the solution. And start adding salt. As soon as the egg floats to the surface, stop - there is enough salt for red caviar.

So, let's prepare the marinade. Pour salt and sugar into the water and boil. Then we cool the water a little, because we don’t need boiling water, but so that it’s “enough for your finger.”

Salting red caviar

Pour brine over the caviar and leave... For how long? I leave it for about 20 minutes, because I need the caviar to stand in the refrigerator for 2-3 days (more is still not possible). If you plan to serve it to the table right away, 7 minutes is enough.

Place the caviar on cheesecloth and let dry. It can dry up to 2 hours. Then transfer to sterilized jars greased with olive oil. And put it in the refrigerator.
Caviar is ready to eat in 3 hours.

Every fisherman, at least once in his life, faces a problem - what to do with caviar? The simplest answer is on the surface - fry it! But fried caviar, despite the fact that it is very tasty, is still discarded caviar.

It is correct to salt caviar: it has more benefits, tastes better, and lasts longer. But here a problem arises. How to salt? The usual fishing recipe: “Pour salt to taste into a jar of caviar, stir, let it brew and eat to your health!” is not suitable for everyone.

Secondly, after salting, caviar will still smell like raw fish, which most of my friends don’t like.

Over my long fishing life, I have tried every recipe that was available to me and that I learned about from other fishermen. As a result of analysis and synthesis, a recipe was born, gained through trial and error and which is actually worth a lot. This is what I will share with you today.

So, the caviar is taken. Not necessarily pike, but any kind. (The most delicious, in my opinion, is roach caviar.)

1. Caviar is placed in a bowl.

2. Using a sharp, fishing knife (with a narrow blade), with frequent movements, cut the films as best as possible.

3. Now you need to prepare the brine and bring it to a boil.

4. Without cooling, pour it into a bowl with caviar.

5. Mix the caviar as thoroughly as possible with a fork for about three minutes.

6. Drain the brine, prepare a new one and pour in the caviar again.

7. And stir again with a fork for two or three minutes. In this case, part of the films will be wound around the fork.

8. Drain the brine, select small pieces of films that cannot wrap around the fork. They look like curled up dark lumps. There are surprisingly few of them, so this process is not labor-intensive.

9. Prepare the brine again and bring to a boil.

10. Pour brine over the caviar for the third time.

11. Mix thoroughly again. This time the brine should be light and transparent, in any case, much more transparent than during the first two pours.

12. Now you need to throw the caviar into a fine sieve and let the water drain. This procedure will take 10-15 minutes.

13. If there is no sieve, the caviar is placed in a thin (3-5 cm) layer on an inclined surface, the water drains no worse than through a sieve.

14. Two tablespoons of sunflower oil are poured into a clean liter jar. Now you need to fill the jar 75% with caviar, add a heaped teaspoon of salt and mix with a fork.

16. Cover with a plastic lid and let stand for at least 2 hours, or better yet, put in the refrigerator overnight.

The result is crumbly, lightly salted, delicate yellow caviar. When I cook it at home, other dishes are not prepared until the caviar runs out. Therefore, do not deceive yourself and the next day buy two loaves and a pack of butter at once. Then it’s simple: fold the bread, a layer of butter, a layer of caviar. Unification!!!

With minimal practice, at home, such preparation does not take more than half an hour.

If you sterilize a jar, spoon, and sieves, then the caviar sealed in this way can stand on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for months.

(Brine - saturated saline solution)

A few more articles from the section "

Recipe from the Eye of the Planet website.
Very similar to pollock caviar in jars. Only tastier.

And free the fish of carp, pike, pike perch, catfish, and pelengas from the films by passing it through a meat grinder or winding the films on a fork (simply scraped off the fork with a fork).
I had what I bought at the market. The caviar is already in the eggs - assorted - from which fish is unknown. But fresh, not frozen.

Prepare brine at the rate of 50-70 g of salt per 1 liter of water (I have 70 g), bring it to a boil and cool to 60-70 degrees. C. Pour brine over the caviar for 20-30 minutes (to be safe - 1 hour), then strain through a sieve or cheesecloth.

After an hour, the caviar became saltier than it should be.
Correction is simple - rinse with a small amount of cold boiled water and check to taste. If you need even less salt, repeat.

Before serving, season the caviar to taste with vegetable oil and chopped green onions (I did not add it).
This caviar can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2-3 days (ours disappeared within a day).
NOTE. Sturgeon or salmon caviar that is not intended for storage is also salted in this way - salted for the table. This caviar is the most delicious.

I add an addition from Rita - Ryarya, how they made such caviar on the Dnieper.

The yastyki were freed from the films as you describe.
But the brine was prepared according to the test “for potatoes” - the brine should be such that a potato the size of a large chicken egg is almost completely immersed in the brine, and a “bald spot” with a diameter of 1.2-1.5 cm remains on the surface. Pour hot water over it, almost boiling water, and until it cools, and then on a sieve, as you write.
I placed the finished caviar in liter jars on the floor, and carefully poured sunflower oil on top half a centimeter. And they stood in the refrigerator - well, at most, we made one and a half to two kilograms, enough for a couple of weeks.

Another addition from the same site especially for Ira - Cherries.
I haven't tried this myself.

Free the caviar of fresh piece fish or pike perch from the films, put it in a bowl, loosen it, pour boiling water over it and after 10 minutes, when the caviar turns white, drain the liquid.
Place the caviar in a porcelain bowl and season with salt, vinegar, ground pepper, finely chopped onions and vegetable oil. Stir the caviar and let it stand for an hour to improve the taste.
When serving, sprinkle the caviar with green onions.
Caviar of partial fish, pike perch, pike, whitefish, carp 90 g, vegetable oil 5 g, 3% vinegar 5 ml, onion 10 g, green onion 5 g, pepper to taste.

And the third addition from our forum member Tatta

When we lived in Kazakhstan, there was a lot of fresh fish there.
So, caviar was considered everyone’s favorite: peel fresh caviar of any fish from the film, chop the onion very, very finely, mix everything, add salt and add vinegar essence (the amount depends on the amount of caviar, but pour in a little, especially if you don’t like sour things) .
Stir (the color will change to almost white) and leave for at least an hour (even better - for a day). All!

Bon appetit!

From these monsters.

They eat each other along the way. Either because they are hungry, or because their essence is so... monstrous...
One way or another, but after one mouth they are filled with their own kind, and when cleaning in every third, these similar ones are found in a semi-digested form. So it goes.
From three kilograms of promoted bulls,

randomly selected, this much caviar is extracted. Gram 300.

You take it.
Rinse thoroughly.
It's tedious to remove films.
You drain the excess liquid that has accumulated during the tedious cleaning of films.
Salt to taste. Imagine salting some other product, being sure that it is absolutely bland. Did you imagine? Now add salt to taste.
You stir.
Add refined vegetable oil. Preferably sunflower. If you are afraid of refined, you can use some cold-pressed artisanal type. It doesn't smell or taste as bad. You add as much as you would dressing a salad. Taste.
You stir.

You put it in the refrigerator. You've been waiting for half an hour.

You're ruining it. Enjoy well with frozen water.

Now forget everything. Because you can’t do that, otherwise you’ll become a little goat.
You will become like that. But I won't have anything to do with it.
In a good way, you need to look at these bulls, get scared and go on your way. For...
They are from Azov. And even though they are from the Black Sea.

In the nineties of the last century, we once received a dear guest from Nemechchina.
And it was in Kyiv. They covered the clearing. All things. We're sitting well. The conversation either flows smoothly or abruptly jumps from one topic to another. Everything is as always when you sit well.
We started talking about Chernobyl. This and that. The German gradually and progressively has a naturally reasonable question: where exactly? And then someone blurts out: and eighty kilometers from here. Well, not a bastard, huh? The German was sharply warped.
It must be said that Europeans at that time were just like children, uncomplicated like unafraid sparrows. Somewhere we heard something vaguely about the existence of Ukraine, just in the context of Chernobyl we heard it, but it would be difficult to find it on the map. In a word, they are not geographically savvy in relation to us.
Moreover, I recently heard from a very highly educated, highly intelligent, respected elderly man, PhD, that the British and the Americans won the Second World War. Oh how.
In a word, in geographical, historical, social and probably in some other ways they were arch-virgin, and therefore arch-trustful. Until we taught them not to relax. We are not alone of course. There are enough teachers, especially in the last fifteen to twenty years. Let them see the light slowly, otherwise they’ll get too greedy.
Here you go. And this German, on top of everything else, was one of those snobs. For bread, he drove a car to one end of the city for 30 kilometers, for fish to another for 40, for meat to a third for 50, for vegetables... well, of course. At the same time, he took 300, 400, 500 grams of all these items in order to repeat the same thing tomorrow.
I think everyone has similar periods in their life when you can allow yourself to relax to some degree. It is likely that some people have only one period, but it lasts a lifetime. Don't know. I have never had contact with such people. I can’t say with 100% certainty.
This German had one of these periods. But that's exactly what he was. And the German became warped.
But the Slavic soul has a habit of not getting drunk for a long time or getting drunk unnoticed by others. And here is one such soul, God bless her, and he says: like, they’re kidding, they’re stupid, what can we take from them. Chernobyl is such a laughing stock!!! And the German believed. He probably believed it also because he was the owner of a soul that had the habit of getting drunk faster than the Slavic and more noticeable to others.
This German was important, important in particular for the period in life that we were experiencing.

So about caviar. It's better not to eat it. And bulls. It’s also better not to breathe the Donetsk air and the air of the cities surrounding Donetsk. Not a minute, not a second. And it would not be advisable for vegetables, fruits, and meats to breathe this air either. And they breathe. And they don’t really have a choice. Where they are planted, they breathe. That's bad luck.
So here it is. If you are a vegetable, fruit, or meat, or... then you should prepare overseas bull caviar at least this way.
Pour boiling brine - a strong salt solution - into the washed and cleared caviar and stir for five minutes. Rapa should be a quarter - a third more in volume than caviar. Then place it on cheesecloth and let the liquid drain. Add vegetable oil, place in the refrigerator and wait at least three hours.

kerescan - Sep 29th, 2015

When there is a large catch of river fish and it is discovered that it has a lot of caviar, then when processing the catch the question arises: “What to do with the caviar, how to preserve it for food for a longer period?” And if you do not yet have experience in salting such a preparation, then you need to use a recipe that will tell you how to salt river fish caviar at home.

For delicious salting you will need:

fish caviar – 1 kg;

salt – 85 grams;

aspirin or food potassium nitrate – 1 gram.

How to salt river fish caviar at home.

Remove the caviar from the fish.

When the caviar is on the outside, there will be films (egs) on it; you can pickle it and remove it together. In this case, the finished caviar can be served as a fish appetizer in slices.

But if you carefully tear the films and no less carefully pass the eggs through a sieve, the cells of which are no smaller than the size of the eggs themselves, then you will get rid of the films and, as a result, you will have crumbly salted caviar in finished form. Which option to prepare is up to you.

Place caviar tightly into jars and close with lids. When choosing a place to save, control the temperature there; it should not be higher than 0°C.

It will take 2-3 months and the caviar will be ready.

Ready-made salted river fish caviar is good with white bread and butter or with fresh hot potatoes. In addition, you can sprinkle onion greens on top. Bon appetit!

See also the video with a quicker salting recipe: pike caviar is a proven method of salting.

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