Home Soups Cottage cheese ice cream. Homemade curd ice cream: diet dessert recipes How to make curd ice cream

Cottage cheese ice cream. Homemade curd ice cream: diet dessert recipes How to make curd ice cream

What child or adult doesn’t love delicious desserts, but, you see, today it’s very rare that store-bought sweets are good for the body.

Those that you prepare yourself are healthier, for example, cottage cheese ice cream is easy to prepare at home; you can also add ingredients to it to taste. This will not happen with store-bought sweets, and besides, the preservatives and flavorings in the product do not make it healthy.

Homemade curd ice cream


  • Cottage cheese – 500 g;
  • Condensed milk – 1 can;
  • Vanilla sugar – 1-2 sachets;
  • Carob (cocoa) – 1-2 tbsp.
  • Canned peaches – 2-3 pcs.

How to make ice cream from cottage cheese

This is a fairly simple recipe, the ingredients of which are accessible to everyone. To prepare a delicacy, it is advisable to take fat cottage cheese, without grains. Then the dessert will turn out soft and tender.

  1. Mix condensed milk, vanilla sugar, and cottage cheese in a container or bowl of a food processor. Grind everything into a homogeneous mass.
  2. Transfer the third part of the resulting cottage cheese paste to another bowl and mix with cocoa (carob).
  3. Cut the canned peach into small cubes.
  4. We prepare containers for forming ice cream in advance. The best option would be to use silicone molds, but you can use others, just cover them first with cling film (then it will be easier to remove the ice cream). If you have bowls, you can put them in them and then serve them like that.
  5. Place a layer of white mass on the bottom of the container.
  6. Next, lay out the cubes of peaches (not very many).
  7. Then comes a layer of brown curd mass.
  8. Repeat layers until the container is full. If the selected containers are small, then the layers will not have to be repeated.
  9. Place the prepared ice cream in the freezer for three hours.

After the time is up, take out the ice cream and decorate it to your liking. For this you can use any fresh or frozen berries, fruits, chocolate. Ice cream should be served chilled.

Banana ice cream with cottage cheese


  • — 250-300 g + -
  • — 150 ml + -
  • - 2 tbsp. + -
  • Bananas - 2 pcs. + -
  • Vanilla extract- 1 tsp. + -

In this cottage cheese ice cream, the recipe for which is quite simple, you can put powdered sugar (vanilla) instead of honey and vanilla extract.

Cottage cheese for delicacies should be chosen fine-grained, with a dense consistency. Choose bananas that are ripe, but not darkened. The fruit should be a good yellow color.

How to make homemade cottage cheese ice cream

  1. Peel and cut the banana into slices. Place them in the bowl of a blender or food processor.
  2. Pour the cream in there too. To start, add a small portion (50-70 grams). The fact is that you may need more or less cream depending on the structure of the cottage cheese you bought.
  3. At the very end, add cottage cheese, honey and vanilla extract.
  4. Grind all the ingredients into a mass whose consistency is similar to thick sour cream. In the process, add more cream, adjusting the amount yourself.
  5. We transfer the future ice cream into containers and place it in the freezer.

In just two hours you will have soft ice cream, and in four hours you will have hard ice cream. It should be placed in bowls or bowls and served with berries or syrup (natural).


  • Yogurt – 75 g;
  • Cottage cheese – 150 g;
  • Cocoa – 1 tbsp;
  • Banana – 50 g;
  • Strawberries – 50 g;
  • Stevioside - to taste.

How to make homemade curd ice cream

A recipe for curd ice cream for those who want to lose weight most often includes various berries and fruits and a non-fat base. The cottage cheese used in this recipe is creamy, and steviside must be added if you want sweet ice cream.

For softer and airier ice cream, you can add non-fat and always natural yogurt.

Tip: If you took grainy yogurt, then rub it through a sieve with the rest of the ingredients before whisking. This way the finished ice cream will be more tender and homogeneous.

  • Place cottage cheese and yogurt in a mixing bowl. Grind everything into a homogeneous mixture (you can use a whisk or blender).
  • Peel the banana, cut it into cubes and add to the curd mass. Peel and wash the strawberries, cut them and add them to the rest of the ingredients.

Tip: You can use frozen strawberries in the recipe, but if you don’t have them, you can add other berries and fruits, fresh or frozen (for example, raspberries, peaches, apples) to the ice cream.

  • At the very end, add cocoa powder and, if desired, stevioside into the container. Mix carefully.
  • Beat the ice cream until smooth, transfer to small containers and place in the refrigerator (freezer).

To keep the ice cream soft, leave it in the freezer for no more than three hours. During the process, you can stir it several times or beat it again with an immersion blender. Then the dessert will be very airy.

The benefits of homemade cottage cheese ice cream

  • As you know, cottage cheese contains many useful substances and vitamins that have a positive effect on the human body, especially useful for children. After all, their growing organisms require quite a large amount of “building material”.
  • Even a child who doesn’t like cottage cheese will eat delicious ice cream. And since it is usually served not frozen in ice, but frozen, the kids will not be able to get sick.
  • Homemade dessert, prepared with your own hands, has less calories than a store-bought product, so it can be eaten if you are on a diet.

Curd ice cream at home is a very tasty and healthy delicacy that even those who don’t like cottage cheese will eat. This delicate and airy dessert can be topped with berries and fruits, topped with syrup or liquid jam, and sprinkled with chocolate chips.

You can also fill waffle cups with ice cream. Bon appetit!

Ice cream is the taste of joy, childhood and happiness. I propose to embody this taste by making cottage cheese ice cream.

The history of the origin of this delicious dessert is unknown, however, the first mention of it dates back to 5000 BC. Ice cream was prepared always and everywhere, in all countries and on all continents. And every country had its own amazing ice cream recipe.
In China, for example, pieces of fruit and pomegranate seeds were added to the mixture of snow and ice. Frozen fruit drinks and smoothies were highly respected in the Middle East. In India, chopped exotic fruits were mixed with ice and were considered the most delicious delicacy. But the Arabs were very fond of freezing fruit juices.

Ice cream first came to Europe from Greece and immediately gained immense popularity. However, recipes for good ice cream have always been kept under seal. Perhaps it was this fact that played the role of a catalyst - new recipes for a wonderful dessert were constantly emerging and tested in the culinary world. What was it not prepared from? Today there are a huge number of ice cream options. As soon as culinary specialists are not sophisticated, in the hope of attracting new customers. In addition to traditional cream, milk and butter, tuna, beer, carrots, tomatoes, shrimp and even, oh my God, pork cracklings are used for cooking. And this is not the entire list of ingredients!

However, we will adhere to traditions, and primordially Russian ones, because Rus' also had its own “signature” recipe for a milk delicacy. Usually on Maslenitsa they made the following version of ice cream - they mixed cottage cheese with dried fruits, sour cream, and honey. It is precisely this, but slightly modernized recipe that I suggest you cook today.

  • Total cooking time – 4 hours 10 minutes
  • Active cooking time – 10 minutes
  • Cost – 6 $
  • Calorie content per 100 g – 231 kcal
  • Number of servings – 600 grams

How to make ice cream from cottage cheese


  • Cottage cheese – 250 g(soft 20% fat)
  • Condensed milk– 250 ml(boiled)
  • Milk – 75 ml
  • Nuts - to taste
  • Raisins - to taste
  • Dried apricots - to taste
  • Mac - to taste
  • Chocolate - to taste


First of all, I advise you to rub the cottage cheese through a fine sieve, then the consistency of the ice cream will be more uniform and without lumps.

Then place all the ingredients in a blender bowl - cottage cheese, milk and boiled condensed milk.

It is unlikely that anyone would consider it an exaggeration to say that everyone loves ice cream. Some people like it more, others less, but no one will refuse a portion of the sweet, cold delicacy. And there are those who are completely crazy about ice cream, but cannot eat it for some reason. For example, because it has a lot of calories.

Still, what an amazing culinary people! They are able to find a way out of literally every situation. You can’t eat ice cream in unlimited quantities, but still want to treat yourself to a cold dessert? No problem! Make cottage cheese ice cream! This way you will kill not two, but three birds with one stone. First, significantly reduce the calorie content of the product for yourself. Secondly, you will be able to feed your children such healthy, but not always beloved, cottage cheese. Moreover, you can disguise it in such a delicacy that the child will not even understand that, it turns out, this is the third time he has required the addition of such a hated dairy product. And thirdly, having prepared it from cottage cheese, you will be completely confident in its quality. After all, to be honest, today this delicacy does not always meet the requirements of the recipe and sometimes contains a bunch of all kinds of harmful fillers. It’s not for nothing that all kinds of dishes and delicacies that have a “taste from childhood” are so popular these days.

Basic cooking principles

Cottage cheese is known to have a grainy consistency. In addition, quite often you can find large lumps in it. Therefore, when making ice cream from it, it is advisable to have a blender available. It is this kitchen assistant that will help turn the dairy product into a homogeneous mass. If there is none, you will have to arm yourself with a strainer to thoroughly grind the cottage cheese. This is a necessary condition and mandatory procedure when preparing homemade delicacies.

As for the fat content of cottage cheese. This question is somewhat ambiguous. On the one hand, in order for cottage cheese ice cream to be as similar to the real thing as possible, it requires that it have some buttery consistency. This is precisely what fat gives. On the other hand, if the main concern is not the issue of identity, but the problem of calorie content, then it is better to take a dairy product with a minimum fat content. So it's up to you to decide. As for the ideal option in terms of taste, homemade cottage cheese is most suitable for cooking. Although it will take longer to tinker with it.

As for additional ingredients. There are no restrictions here anymore. You can prepare, for example, simple ice cream from cottage cheese with vanilla, or you can add yogurt, cream, condensed milk, berries, bananas and other ingredients to it. In general, the composition can be varied at your own discretion and taste.

The same goes for the shape of the dessert. It can be cooked in a large container and then placed in balls on a plate, or it can be served in portions. No one is stopping you from making cottage cheese ice cream on a stick or even a whole cake. In general, imagination is not limited by anything. However, now you will see this for yourself.

Simple curd ice cream: ingredients

To prepare this dessert, the housewife needs to stock up on a bag of vanillin, a glass of cream, a few tablespoons of sugar or one powdered sugar and, of course, cottage cheese. It will be enough to take four hundred grams. In addition, it is advisable to have molds (for example, yogurt jars) or small bowls.

How to cook

Everything is very simple. Place the cottage cheese in a container, add all the other ingredients (except vanillin) and beat with a blender until you finally get a creamy mass. Then carefully add vanilla and beat quickly again. After that, put it in molds and put it in the freezer. Minimum 5 hours.

Making the task more difficult

True, not due to the cooking procedure itself, but by introducing additional components. Let's try to make ice cream from cottage cheese and condensed milk. Why do we need half a kilogram of dairy product and a jar of condensed milk. You can take both regular and boiled.


First, thoroughly grind the cottage cheese with a blender. If there is none, then pass it through a sieve. Then add condensed milk to it and use the blender again (if not available, replace it with a mixer). Then we take small molds in the shape of stars, hearts, etc. and fill them with the resulting mass. Important! If the molds are not silicone, they must be lined with something, for example, cling film. Otherwise, it will be quite difficult to get dessert. After this, we put the molds back into the freezer. After five hours (possibly more, since the freezing time depends on the “advancement” of the camera), we take it out and wrap each figure in foil. And put it in the freezer again. Immediately before serving, the figures must be freed from the foil and placed on a plate. If desired, you can pour some syrup or sprinkle with grated chocolate.

By the way, if you think that there is too much condensed milk (due to sweetness or, say, calorie content), feel free to replace half of it with the same amount of regular milk. Ice cream made from cottage cheese and condensed milk, the recipe for which, as you noticed, is extremely simple, it won’t get any worse.

Apple-curd ice cream

To prepare such a dessert, the housewife needs to stock up on a bag of cottage cheese (a standard package usually weighs 250 g), vanilla sugar and powdered sugar (one teaspoon each), cinnamon (one pinch will be enough) and a large sweet apple. The latter must be peeled and pureed using a blender. After this, add cottage cheese, vanilla sugar, cinnamon and powder to it and mix everything thoroughly again in the same blender. Then traditionally distribute into molds and place in the freezer for four to five hours. Important: before serving, it is advisable to keep the dessert for a little while, at least ten minutes, at room temperature, so that it does not taste like frozen ice.

Curd and banana dessert

Peel three ripe large bananas, cut them and puree them using a blender. Then add half a kilogram of homemade cottage cheese and one hundred grams of sugar to them. Stir everything thoroughly again. After this, the ice cream needs to be put into molds and placed in the freezer. It is advisable to stir it at least several times during the first three hours. By the way, this technique is applicable to almost every option for preparing curd ice cream with fillings. Stirring (at least once for an hour) helps this wonderful dessert harden more evenly.

Option for a festive table

Originally designed, this dessert can become a real decoration of the holiday table. We invite you to familiarize yourself with one of the cooking options. Combine half a kilogram of real homemade cottage cheese with a bag of vanilla sugar and a can of condensed milk and mix thoroughly in a blender. Transfer a third of the resulting mass to another container and mix with a few spoons of cocoa. Then take the bowls. Place white ice cream on the bottom as the first layer, sprinkle with cherries (fresh or canned - it doesn’t matter). Then place a layer of cottage cheese with cocoa on the berries, and again the white mass on top of it. Decorate with cherries. In general, the principle is clear. The number of layers depends on the size of the bowls, so repeat the procedure until the dishes are filled to the top. It is desirable that the top layer be white. Decorate it with berries and sprinkle with grated chocolate. Place the bowls in the freezer.

and fruits

Grind a kilogram of cottage cheese through a sieve or process in a blender. Pour a can of condensed milk into it, add a tablespoon of starch and beat the mass with a mixer. Choose a mold that is suitable in size (you can take a plastic one from an already eaten cake), cover it with cling film. Then cover the bottom with a layer. Place chopped peaches tightly on top of it. Next comes another layer of cottage cheese. Place a layer of grapes on it. Then again cottage cheese + peaches + cottage cheese + grapes. Well, so on to the top of the form. Make the last layer from and you can decorate it with anything - chocolate, berries, jelly sweets. Keep in the freezer for six hours until ready.


Now you know what homemade ice cream with cottage cheese is. We told you in detail how to prepare it. In principle, as you may have noticed, the process is simple. But there can be many options for dessert. You just need to turn on your imagination.

The recipe for this homemade ice cream is sure to win the hearts of everyone who loves sweet children's curds. The taste of the dessert is just as delicate and rich, and the texture is creamy and smooth. The curd ice cream does not melt too quickly, but at the same time it is moderately soft. Even those of you who don’t like cottage cheese are unlikely to remain indifferent to this delicacy.

Ice cream prepared according to this recipe is fertile ground for flavor experiments. You can give preference to a simple vanilla version, and then it will complement pies and pancakes. Or you can prepare ice cream as a separate dessert - and then feel free to use your imagination: add jam, pieces of fruit, chocolate, caramel or chocolate sauce, nuts, dried fruits, berries. And I suggest you try a dessert that resembles an ice cream cake, where cookies are used as an additive. The delicacy will not give you the usual strong coolness of ice cream, but a softer one, smoothed out with pieces of baked goods. You will have the complete feeling that you are enjoying a chilled cake.

Cooking time: about an hour plus freezing time / Yield: almost 800 grams


  • milk 300 grams
  • cottage cheese 200 grams
  • heavy cream (33%) 100 grams
  • sugar 80 grams
  • eggs (yolks) 3 pieces
  • cookies to your taste 5-6 pieces (about 60 grams).


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    Mix the yolks with sugar.

    Stir until smooth – no whisking required.

    Pour milk into the mixture of yolks and sugar.

    Place the mixture on the fire and cook until the syrup thickens slightly. Do not bring the mixture to a boil (temperature 82-85 degrees).

    The liquid will not become like custard, but will only become denser.

    Place the milk mixture in a cold water bath to cool it faster, and when it has cooled to room temperature, add the cottage cheese.

    Blend the mixture thoroughly with a blender until the mixture is completely smooth. To be sure, you can then pass this mass through a sieve.

    Then add cream to the base and mix well. You can use a mixer.

    Transfer the mixture to the ice cream maker, and meanwhile chop the cookies. Try to make pieces of different sizes - it will be more interesting.

    When the mixture in the ice cream maker thickens, pour it into a container and add the cookies.

    Stir, close the container and put the ice cream in the freezer for another couple of hours, then serve, arranged in ice cream bowls, beautiful glasses or just small paper cups.

Today we are preparing an unusual and delicate dish - cottage cheese ice cream at home with condensed milk.

By the way, you can also add to your culinary collection by choosing interesting recipes for this cold dessert from our website:

You probably won’t argue with me if I say that almost everyone loves this dessert. But many cannot eat it for various reasons, but mainly because it contains a lot of calories (and now we all love to diet so much...).

There is an exit! What a resourceful people, our cooks. They came up with the idea of ​​making ice cream from cottage cheese at home - yes, yes..., you heard right, from cottage cheese...

By preparing this cold dessert, you will kill 3 birds with one stone.

Three reasons to make ice cream from cottage cheese

  • Firstly:

The calorie content of the dessert is significantly reduced, and this is huge

  • Secondly:

The cottage cheese in the ice cream is so disguised that your children will not even understand that they are asking for more of this dairy product, which they hate so much, and this, again, is a big plus - after all, cottage cheese is necessary for a young growing body.

  • Third:

If you make cottage cheese ice cream at home, then you are completely confident in the quality of your product. After all, now in stores, who knows what, they mix this cold dairy product in order to enhance its taste.

Principles of making cottage cheese ice cream at home

  1. As we know, curd has a grainy consistency and quite a lot of large lumps.

Therefore, when preparing cottage cheese ice cream at home, you must have a blender in your kitchen to turn this dairy product into a homogeneous, smooth mass. Otherwise, you will have to grind the curd thoroughly through a strainer - this is a mandatory procedure in making homemade cottage cheese ice cream.

  1. Now, as for the fat content of this dairy product. The question here is a little ambiguous.

If you want cottage cheese ice cream to look like the store-bought kind, then you need to take thicker cottage cheese, then this cold dessert will have a more buttery consistency, like the real thing. Well, if identity is not your first priority, and you need a low-calorie dessert, then take cottage cheese, where the fat content is minimal. You decide.

  1. Now, about the additional components.

Here your imagination and improvisation are limitless. You can mix whatever you like into cottage cheese ice cream - either vanilla, bananas or berries. Today we will focus on. The ice cream will turn out a beautiful creamy color. You can add simple condensed milk, then the dessert will look like a real ice cream.

  1. As for the dessert molds.

You can knead cottage cheese ice cream in a large bowl and freeze. Then, put it in balls on plates or cut into portions. And also, you can make ice cream from cottage cheese, in an original way, in the form of a whole cake, while decorating it beautifully. For example, I make this dessert in silicone molds (see below)

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