Home Second courses Warmth in a glass: tasty and healthy winter drinks. The best warming drinks for cold weather Warming drinks for winter recipes

Warmth in a glass: tasty and healthy winter drinks. The best warming drinks for cold weather Warming drinks for winter recipes

Winter has come - a time for frosty walks, skiing and skating, and evening gatherings at home with friends and loved ones. In winter, the question is more relevant than ever: how to keep warm? Naturally, without alcohol and with health benefits! Our recipes will come to your aid. These drinks will not only warm you up, but also give you vigor, a boost of energy and vitamins.

1. Warming smoothie with ginger and cinnamon (serves 2)

The creamy and spicy taste of this smoothie will not leave anyone indifferent.

small piece of ginger

100 g soy or nut milk

2 tbsp. hemp seeds (they contain all the amino acids, but you can take other seeds, or even do without them)

pinch of cinnamon

1 tsp honey / coconut sugar / Jerusalem artichoke syrup

Beat everything in a blender.

2. Non-alcoholic mulled wine (for 2 servings)

Every connoisseur of real mulled wine will like it

0.5 l dark grape or cherry juice

Spices: cinnamon, ginger (the more of it, the more hot the drink will be), star anise, cloves, orange zest, honey (optional).

Pour the juice into a saucepan, add the zest, grated ginger, cinnamon sticks, star anise, cloves and heat, but do not bring to a boil. At the end, if desired, you can add honey or Jerusalem artichoke syrup. When serving, garnish with star anise and orange slices.

3. Non-alcoholic punch (for 2 servings)

Warm sweet warming drink with hints of mint

0.25 ml cranberry juice or juice

0.25 ml orange juice

Cinnamon, grated ginger, mint

1 tbsp. honey

Heat both juices in a saucepan, add spices, but do not bring to a boil. Add honey at the end.

4. Non-alcoholic sbiten (for 2 servings)

The original Russian drink can be not only non-alcoholic, but also very tasty

0.5 l apple juice

1 tbsp. black tea (dry)

A small piece of ginger

1 tbsp. honey

Pour the juice into a saucepan, add tea and grated ginger. Heat, but do not bring to a boil. At the end, if desired, you can add a spoonful of honey.

5. “Coffee-caramel latte” (serves 2)

This drink will become for you an analogue of tasty and aromatic coffee, and, by the way, it invigorates just as well!

400 g brewed chicory

Coconut sugar

200 g nut, coconut or soy milk

Add coconut sugar to taste to the brewed chicory and stir. And pour in the milk in a thin stream. You can take coconut cream and beat it well in a blender before serving.

6. Anti-cold smoothie with chyawanprash (for 2 servings)

This smoothie will be a great start to a cheerful morning!

2 royal dates

Juice of ½ lemon

2 tbsp. chyawanprash

Peel the dates, peel the bananas, and remove the peel and seeds from the apples. Beat all ingredients in a blender.

7. Chocolate smoothie (serves 2)

For all sweet tooths and chocolate lovers

2 tbsp. cocoa

2 tbsp. nut butter (such as cashew)

1 tbsp. honey or Jerusalem artichoke syrup

400 g soy or nut milk

Pinch of cinnamon

Beat all ingredients in a blender.

8. Berry juice (for 2 servings)

Traditional fruit drink according to grandma's recipe

½ package of frozen berries (cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, raspberries)

Pour the berries into the pan, heat, but do not bring to a boil. At the end add honey.

9. Hibiscus with ginger and lemon (serves 2)

A unique drink that warms you in the cold and cools you down in the heat

Hibiscus (hibiscus, Sudanese rose)

A pinch of chopped ginger

3-4 lemon slices

Honey or Jerusalem artichoke syrup - to taste

Brew hibiscus in a teapot, add ginger and lemon slices. Sweeten with honey or Jerusalem artichoke syrup.

10. Masala tea (serves 2)

Traditional Ayurvedic drink in a vegan version

1 tbsp. black tea (dry)

0.3 ml water

0.3 ml soy or nut milk

Spices: cardamom, ginger, star anise, cinnamon, cloves

Honey, coconut sugar or Jerusalem artichoke syrup - to taste

Pour water and milk in equal parts into a saucepan, add black tea and spices. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and let steep for a while.

11. Non-alcoholic grog (for 2 servings)

Strong, invigorating, aromatic - for real heroes

0.3 l strong black tea

0.15 ml cherry juice

0.15 ml apple juice

Spices: cinnamon, cloves, ground nutmeg, star anise

Honey or Jerusalem artichoke syrup - to taste

Mix tea with juices and bring to a boil, add spices and simmer for another 10-15 minutes and let it brew.

Anya Kirasirova

Winter is a great reason to warm up. It’s so nice after a winter walk to wrap yourself in a warm blanket, turn on your favorite movie or read an interesting book. Warming drinks for winter will help you feel pleasantly warm. Here are recipes for five of the most famous and winter drinks.

This is most often an alcoholic drink that is drunk hot. It not only helps to keep you warm, but also has a positive effect on the digestive system.

How to make hot toddy

This is perhaps the most classic of winter drinks. It is prepared with red wine and cloves. In order to prepare excellent mulled wine, pour half a liter of red wine into a pan, add 100 g. sugar, a cinnamon stick, 4 cloves and the zest of half an orange and a lemon, then stir.

Place the saucepan over moderate heat and bring to a boil, stirring with a wooden spoon. Let everything simmer for a few minutes. Remove the drink from the heat and let stand for about 20 minutes. Pour mulled wine into glasses and enjoy.

Another mulled wine recipe

3. Warming drinks for winter - hot chocolate

This drink will warm and make children and those with a sweet tooth happy. It's easy to prepare.


— 150 ml whole milk;

- 50 gr. dark chocolate;

- 2 tablespoons potato starch;

- 2 tablespoons of bitter cocoa;

- 2 tablespoons of sugar;

- 1 teaspoon of cinnamon;

- nutmeg;

- ginger powder;

- whipped cream;

- cinnamon sticks.


Mix potato starch, cocoa powder, sugar, cinnamon, a pinch of nutmeg and a pinch of ginger in a saucepan. Then pour in the milk and stir with a whisk to avoid the formation of lumps. Place the saucepan on the fire, adding to all the ingredients. While preparing the drink, stir it constantly with a wooden spoon. Wait until the chocolate is completely melted. Simmer for a few minutes: the longer you leave the chocolate on the heat, the denser it will become. When the drink reaches the desired consistency, pour it into cups, adding a cinnamon stick to each cup. The final touch is to add a little whipped cream and enjoy.

This is the recipe for hot white chocolate.

4. Ginger with lemon

This delicious spicy drink will warm you up even on the coldest winter evenings and protect you from colds. It's easy to condemn him. Pour water into a saucepan, add a little lemon zest and the juice of half a lemon. Then add chopped ginger and bring the drink to a boil.

5. Cinnamon tea

Cinnamon has a spicy, sweet taste. This is definitely a winter spice. And preparing such tea is not at all difficult. To brew, mix classic black tea with dried orange peels, a couple of pinches of cloves and ground cinnamon sticks. Mix all ingredients. Brew tea and enjoy its rich taste.

What are your favorite warming drinks for winter?

Winter is coming, and we're not talking about Game of Thrones at all. Frosts and cold weather will soon begin, and with them colds, drowsiness, lethargy, apathy and vitamin deficiency. In order not to focus your attention on your health, but to notice only the positive aspects of the cold season, learn how to prepare special drinks.

Namely non-alcoholic warming drinks, recipes And cooking methods come included. It’s so nice after a whole day in the cold to spend the evening in good company with a cup of something warm and cozy! Non-alcoholic and intoxicating, with herbs and spices - there are ideas for every preference. Shall we get started?

Non-alcoholic warming drinks: recipes, preparation methods

Mexican coffee

Let's start with invigorating coffee for lovers of aromatic exotics. This drink is just for you! Drink it in the morning, and then the hot South American sun will settle in your heart forever.


  • Nine tablespoons of coffee beans, finely ground
  • Liter of water
  • 150 g brown cane sugar
  • A teaspoon of molasses
  • cinnamon stick
  • Five star anise
  • A saucepan or ladle with a thick bottom


  • Combine water with sugar and molasses in a saucepan, add cinnamon and star anise.
  • Cook until boiling.
  • Pour coffee into boiling water.
  • Cover with a lid and let steep for 5-6 minutes.
  • Strain before serving.

Masala tea

Let's go to India to try local drinks! Masala tea is the hallmark of this country. This revitalizing and spicy drink with spices is sure to slightly raise your temperature and mood.


  • Two glasses of water
  • Half a liter of milk
  • Two teaspoons of black tea
  • 3-4 centimeters peeled ginger root
  • Collection of spices: cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, black pepper, fennel seeds
  • Three pieces of allspice
  • Granulated sugar to taste
  • Saucepan or stewpan


  • Combine water with milk and bring to a boil.
  • Add sand and ginger root and boil for 3-5 minutes.
  • Add a combination of spices to the masala and cook for a minute.
  • Add black tea and cook for another 5-7 minutes.

Hibiscus with ginger

Hibiscus is considered a unique drink, cooling in the summer and warming in the cold season. It all depends on your wishes. The instructions and preparation are the same except for one point: just add ice! Remember the main thing that cold hibiscus reduces pressure, and hot one increases it.


  • Liter of water
  • 4.5 tbsp. hibiscus (Sudanese rose, hibiscus)
  • 2-3 pcs. carnations
  • Caramel or honey
  • Lime, apple or orange wedges
  • Nutmeg, vanilla, cinnamon, ginger optional


  • Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • Add all elements except fruit, cook for 10-15 minutes.
  • Serve with pieces of fruit.

Sea buckthorn tea

Sea buckthorn is a unique and medicinal plant. Perfectly warms and enriches the body with vitamins. It is recommended to try this delicious tea at least once in winter.


  • A handful of sea buckthorn berries
  • Art. spoon of black leaf tea
  • Honey, mint, vanilla for flavor


  • Frozen sea buckthorn must first be thawed.
  • Pour boiling water over sea buckthorn berries and black tea.
  • Add vanilla spice and honey.
  • Cover the kettle with a towel for 17-20 minutes.
  • Pour into cups and serve warm.

Currant sbiten

Non-alcoholic warming drinks, recipes And cooking methods varied. For example, the traditional Slavic sbiten, which our ancestors used to warm themselves in the freezing cold.


  • A tablespoon of currant and raspberry leaves
  • Half a liter of boiling water
  • 1-2 tablespoons honey


  • Collect and chop raspberry and currant leaves, pour boiling water, close the lid and leave for at least half an hour.
  • Strain the mixture, add honey.
  • Drink sbiten warm.

Ginger tea

This composition will help you warm up and get rid of the first signs of a cold and ARVI, charging you with energy and a decent dose of vitamins.


  • 0.5-1 l. water
  • A teaspoon of finely chopped ginger
  • Table spoon of green tea
  • A couple of lemon or lime slices
  • Bee honey or refined sugar
  • Cloves, cinnamon


  • Place all the elements in a saucepan and cook for 12-15 minutes.
  • When serving, garnish with citrus fruits.

Classic mulled wine

The article is devoted to non-alcoholic options, but mulled wine is a classic, the main thing is to know when to stop! What would winter be without warmed up wine? This drink is considered an integral attribute of both the New Year's table and a romantic evening. But, for true connoisseurs, there is an alcohol-free alternative.


  • A liter of dry red wine, grape or cherry juice can be used as a substitute
  • A quarter glass of water
  • Tablespoon of sugar
  • 7 carnation flowers
  • Nutmeg for scent.
  • Turk
  • A saucepan with a thick base


  • Mix nutmeg and cloves in a pot. Pour in water and gently bring to a boil, then keep the broth on the fire for a little longer. Forget about him for 8 minutes.
  • Pour wine into the pan and heat it up.
  • Add a decoction of spices to the wine, then add sugar.
  • Cook, stirring and tasting over medium heat for 11-15 minutes. Do not bring to a boil under any circumstances!
  • Remove from heat, strain, pour into tall mugs, garnish with orange slices and cinnamon.

Egg Punch

This punch is prepared on the basis of rum or cognac, so it, of course, is very warming, but at the same time it is also very intoxicating. So be prepared for a dizzying experience.


  • 200 g refined sugar
  • Peel from half a citrus
  • 3 eggs
  • Half a liter of water
  • Tablespoon of wine
  • A quarter (0.25) liter of cognac


  • Boil water with sugar for 5-8 minutes, add lemon peel.
  • Let the resulting syrup cool and strain.
  • Beat the eggs.
  • Place beaten eggs into the syrup, heat gently and beat the mixture until it turns into foam.
  • Pour cognac into the foam, beat well again.

Pear smoothie

Pear smoothie is delicious, practical and filling. Quenches the feeling of hunger, saturates the body with useful microelements. An excellent dinner replacement for weight watchers and dieters. The spices included in the composition will help fight extra pounds by activating metabolism. Oatmeal is valued for helping improve complexion and normalize digestion.


  • Large pear
  • 25-30 g oat flakes
  • 230 ml. milk
  • 130 ml. yogurt
  • 0.5 tsp grated ginger
  • Art. spoon of honey
  • Ground cinnamon for taste


  • The milk needs to be heated in a small saucepan on the stove or in the microwave.
  • Fill the oatmeal with warmed milk, cover with a lid for 15 minutes.
  • Blend the pear, grated ginger root, yogurt, oatmeal with milk, and honey in a blender.
  • Pour the smoothie into prepared containers and sprinkle with a pinch of cinnamon according to your mood.

Apple cider


  • Liter of apple juice
  • Grapefruit, lemon, pear
  • Cinnamon sticks (per serving)
  • Ginger, cloves


  • Bring apple juice to a boil.
  • Fill the boiling cider with slices of fruit and spices.
  • Cook for 9-10 minutes, then let it brew for 35-40 minutes.
  • Pour into cups, adding seasoning stick.

Cocktails that fill you with warmth are found in all cultures and peoples. Enjoy the warmth of hot mugs and warm wishes!

The weather this year is pleasing with sunny days and lack of snow, but winter is already very close, and colder temperatures are inevitable. We've put together a selection of hot drinks to welcome December with alacrity.

Pumpkin tea latte

from the head bartender of the Hong Kong restaurant Vasily Zheglov


Pumpkin puree - 100 g

Milk for tea - 200 ml

Coconut milk - 50 g

Maple syrup - 10 g

Vanilla extract - 1 ml

Cooking method:

To make tea milk, you need to pour two spoons of tea with milk and let it brew for a couple of hours.

Next, take the pumpkin puree; if it is frozen, then it must be placed in a bag and placed in a container with boiling water. Then mix the puree with the remaining ingredients and heat. Ideally, of course, whip the drink into foam in a pitcher, but this is not suitable for home preparation.

Spiced Orange

from head bartender of Madame Wong Nazir Iskhakov


Freshly squeezed

orange juice - 100 ml

Spiced rum - 50 ml

Raspberry puree - 20 ml

Water - 50 ml

Cooking method:

To prepare raspberry puree, you need to take raspberries, first freeze them and let them melt in order to destroy strong bonds at the molecular level and get, perhaps, a less aromatic, but at the same time richer in taste berry. Pour 500 grams with 500 milliliters of sugar syrup in a ratio of 10:8 (ten parts sugar and eight parts water), beat everything in a blender and strain through a sieve.

Take the required amount of puree and orange juice, add hot water in the correct ratio and bring to a boil. Then, after letting it sit for a couple of minutes, add a splash of spiced rum. Serve with orange slices and fresh raspberries.

The drink is perfect for transporting in a thermos for a planned or casual picnic.

Cherry mulled wine based on stout

from the bar manager of the “Heroes” bar Maxim Zhuravlev


Dark beer (stout) - 100 ml

Cherry liqueur - 15 ml

Honey - 10 ml

Lemon juice - 10 ml

Apple - 1 pc.

Orange zest - 2 pcs.

Lemon zest - 2 pcs.

Cloves - 3 buds

Cinnamon - 1 stick

Ground cinnamon
(You can also use mulled wine mixture.)

Cooking method:

Blend the apple in a blender to a puree consistency. Heat the stout with clove buds, lemon and orange zest, stirring slowly and without bringing to a boil. Mix applesauce with lemon juice and add to beer. Stirring slowly, add honey and ground cinnamon. Pour in cherry liqueur.

"Scandinavian Christmas"

from Bloom-n-Brew chef barista Daniil


Black filter coffee of any convenient preparation method - 250 g

Grape pekmez (sounds scary, but it's just syrup) - 25 g

Star anise - 2 stars

Cloves - 3–4 pcs.

Cardamom - 3–4 pcs.

Cinnamon - ½ stick
(All of these spices can be replaced with a mulled wine mixture.)

Orange and lemon for decoration - 2 slices

Cooking method:

Prepare coffee in any convenient way. Mix all the ingredients in a kettle and stir thoroughly until the grape pekmez is completely dissolved. Pour into cups and garnish with citrus slices.

"Vitamin Champion"

from brand-chef “Drinkit” Nastya Nikitina


Turmeric - ¾ tsp. (you can try ½ tsp to start with)

Honey - ½ tsp. (sweet tooth can have more)

Milk - 300 ml

Cooking method:

Pour milk into a saucepan, add turmeric and honey, stir. Place on medium heat. Heat to a temperature that is comfortable for you. I heat until hot, stir, remove, wait a bit for it to cool, and enjoy.

This drink comes from India. Local residents also add ghee (or just butter) to it and drink it. Especially good at night.

Hot cranberry

from the co-owner of the Laflafel lunchroom Olga Kib


Frozen cranberries - 1 cup

Honey - 2 tsp.

Cloves, star anise, cinnamon - to taste

Cooking method:

Wash 1 glass of frozen cranberries, crush them, add 2 teaspoons of honey, cloves, star anise, a cinnamon stick, pour boiling water over them, pour into glasses and add a couple of apple slices for decoration.

Lingonberry tea

from the chief bartender of “Hungry is Angry” Stas Kireev


Lingonberry puree - 200 g

Black tea - 400 ml

Mint - 2 sprigs

Spices and star anise - to taste

Cinnamon - 1 stick

Cooking method:

Make sugar syrup: melt sugar in water in equal proportions. Then puree the lingonberries in a blender with sugar syrup in a ratio of 6:4. Combine all ingredients and heat over low heat.

Coffee with pomegranate juice

from the chief barista of the Espressium coffee shop Murad Chikhinov


Pomegranate juice - 250 ml

Cooking method:

Brew about 100 milliliters of coffee in a Turk. Warm 250 milliliters of pomegranate juice without bringing to a boil. Add coffee, stir.

Coffee "Caramel Jack"

from MiKO Premium Tastes and Jura barista Pavel Erofeev

What do they drink in winter in different countries of the world to keep warm and lift their spirits? We have compiled a rating of 10 drinks that are usually prepared in winter. When it's cold, you want nothing more than to stay warm, no matter where you are. Hot drinks become popular during this period, and each country has its own traditions and preferences in this regard. Let's figure out what they drink in different parts of the world in winter. And what to take note for the long winter.

Chicha Morada / Bolivia

English Chicha Morada

This is one of the most popular drinks in Bolivia. Not only in winter, but at any other time. It is made from pineapple and purple corn with the addition of aromatic spices like cinnamon, cloves and lemon zest. Sometimes I add apples and quince to the drink. Cook everything together over low heat until tender. Then it is filtered and at the very end spices are added to taste. The morada is rich and thick. As a rule, it is served for breakfast. Sometimes, instead of purple corn, they can make it from regular corn - in this case, milk is added instead of water.

Atole / Mexico

Spanish Atole

A traditional Mexican drink served at Christmas. It is prepared from corn puree with the addition of sugar, water, cinnamon, and vanilla. Then add fruit and chocolate as desired. The drink turns out thick, like real porridge. In Mexico, it is consumed for breakfast in cold weather and drunk at Christmas.

Hot chocolate / France

Franz. Chocolat chaud

Chocolate is traditionally drunk in winter. It's very easy to prepare. Add dark chocolate to hot milk and stir until it dissolves. You can add sugar and vanilla to taste.

Grog / Finland / Sweden

English Grog

Grog (or hot wine) is a favorite drink of sailors. It is a traditional Christmas delicacy in Sweden and Finland. There are two versions of grog: non-alcoholic and, accordingly, with the addition of alcohol. Both drinks are served with spices - the richer their color and taste, the better. Most often they add cardamom, cinnamon, raisins and almonds, and sometimes cloves and mint. The grog is sweet and thick to the point that sometimes you have to eat it with a spoon.

Mulled wine / Austria / Germany

German Glühwein

Another popular option for hot wine is enjoyed in winter in and. Traditional mulled wine is made from red wine with the addition of citrus fruits (usually orange and lemon), always with cinnamon. Sugar is required to taste.

English Mint Green Tea

This warming drink is part of Moroccan culture. Drink it instead of water throughout the day. In Morocco, the day begins and ends with it. It is prepared by brewing fresh mint leaves with the addition of green tea and sugar. Green mint tea produces an unusual taste due to repeated brewing.

Masala / India

English Masala

This is also tea, but with plenty of spices. One of the favorite drinks in Asia and India in particular. Masala is an explosive mixture of black tea, hot milk, water and spices. The latter would include cloves, cinnamon, grated ginger, and pepper. In addition, this tea has an extraordinary aroma, which is given to it by nutmeg, vanilla, and anise. This is the incredible amount of spices that an Indian winter drink can boast of.

Salep / Türkiye

Tour. Salep or Sahlep

Salep is one of the most delicious drinks! He is adored in Egypt and Iran. However, our compatriots most often try salep in, somewhere on the streets of Istanbul. It is made from crushed orchid bulbs mixed with boiled milk and sugar. I also add starch to thicken and decorate with cinnamon.

Punch / UK

English Punch

Punch is a warming alcoholic drink. What is noteworthy is that it was not invented by freezing northerners, but by Indians completely relaxed from the heat. However, the drink came to Europe thanks to the British colonialists in the 17th century. And since then it has taken root in the territory of Foggy Albion. Classic punch is made from black tea, sugar, citrus juice and alcohol - a small amount of wine and something stronger, like rum or cognac.

In our country, punch is a curiosity. We suggest you try making it at home, perhaps it will become a festive drink for your winter evenings!

  • How to make punch at home

    For homemade punch you will need alcohol, a few citrus fruits, sugar and tea. Necessary ingredients in portions: 2 bottles of dry red wine with a capacity of 0.7 l; a bottle of rum with the same capacity; 3 tbsp. strong and fresh black tea; 1 large orange; 1 lemon; 400 g of sugar - better than brown.

    1. Squeeze juice from lemon and orange. Then mix it with wine and strong tea in a large saucepan. Place it on the fire and heat it slowly until bubbles appear.
    2. Pour the heated mixture into a large ceramic or glass bowl. Mix a small amount of sugar and rum in a metal ladle, set it on fire and pour it into the mixture straight away with the fire. Add the remaining sugar and rum, stir thoroughly until the sugar dissolves.
    3. Using a ladle, pour the punch into ceramic mugs. You can serve it in glasses, but in mugs the drink will stay hot longer. You can decorate with circles of lemons or oranges and insert a beautiful straw.

Colada / Ecuador

Spanish Colada

This warming drink is hot oatmeal jelly with added fruit and sugar. This is an unusual delicacy for the inhabitants of Ecuador.

Drinks for winter walks

If you don’t try to wait out the cold season at home, but go for walks, ice skating or skiing, then winter can be very bright. And to stay warm, you can take a thermos with a hot drink with you. This can be not only traditional tea, but also more interesting options.

We've collected recipes for winter drinks that are perfect for a walk. Hot apple cider, exotic hot toddy, spicy tea latte - each of the proposed options can be prepared with your own hands and surprise your friends.

This wonderful aromatic drink will appeal to all family members. To make the cider real, use freshly squeezed apple juice.

Ingredients for 3-4 servings: apple juice - 2 l; pear, lemon, orange - 1 pc. each; cinnamon stick - 1 pc.; ginger - 1 pc.; cloves - 1 pinch.

  1. Bring the juice to a boil. Cut the fruit into slices and add to apple juice.
  2. Add cinnamon, grated ginger, and cloves to the cider.
  3. Brew the drink for about 10 minutes, then leave for about 1 hour.

2. Hot Toddy (with alcohol)

This is a classic hot cocktail that is quick and easy to make. In addition, you can experiment with the main ingredient - whiskey. It can be replaced with any elite dark-colored drink. For example, or brandy.

Ingredients for 1 serving: flower honey - 1 tbsp. l.; alcohol - 30 ml; lemon juice - to taste; tea bag - 1 pc.; boiling water - 200 ml.

Place honey in a bowl, pour whiskey, add lemon juice. Brew tea in a separate container, pour into a thermos, add the alcohol mixture.

3. Spiced chai latte

This spicy drink is loved all over the world. An amazing drink for winter. A little nutmeg and ginger will add a warming flavor.

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