Home Porridge Sterilize cucumber salad in the microwave. Cucumbers for the winter - salads, recipes - salted, pickled and... in the microwave. Pickled cucumbers for the winter

Sterilize cucumber salad in the microwave. Cucumbers for the winter - salads, recipes - salted, pickled and... in the microwave. Pickled cucumbers for the winter

In summer and autumn we are in full swing preparing supplies for the winter and there is a lot of work! But in winter, a jar of jam or pickles will remind us of the sultry summer and delight us with its taste! I offer a quick microwave recipe. This will take a little time; preparation for action takes longer. The markets are not yet empty and you can find ripe and aromatic vegetables on the shelves. We buy tomatoes and go to the kitchen to can them in the microwave for the winter.


  • For canned tomatoes we need our favorite spices - I have 2 buds of cloves, a bay leaf, 6-8 peas of allspice and black pepper, 1 teaspoon of coriander, 2 - 3 cloves of garlic, a small rosette of dill. If you don't like something, don't put it in. If desired, you can add a small piece of hot pepper. It would be nice to add a cherry and blackcurrant leaf, but I didn’t have any!
  • You also need the tomatoes themselves, as many as will fit in the jar.
  • Salt - 1.5 teaspoons, sugar - 1 teaspoon and vinegar essence - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Product costs are given for one liter jar. I have 0.9 liter jars with screw caps, so I put a little less salt and sugar, but this is a matter of taste.

How to can tomatoes in the microwave:

1. Prepare food and spices. Take small, ripe and firm tomatoes, wash them and pierce them with a toothpick from the side of the stalk.

2. Place spices in a clean jar (peppercorns, coriander, chopped garlic, dill and bay leaf).

3. Place the tomatoes tightly. Sprinkle measured salt and sugar on top of the tomatoes.

4. Boil water and immediately pour it into a jar of vegetables. Be careful with boiling water!

5. Cover with a lid and place in the microwave for 5 minutes at full power, mine is 800 W. Many people will ask, how does an iron lid behave in a microwave? I answer!

Now they sell lids with different designs, painted, and that’s what we need! They do not spark and are perfectly suitable for the microwave oven.

For those who are afraid to do this, place the jar without a lid in the microwave oven, and simply sterilize the lid in water on the stove.

6. Take out the tomatoes, pour in the vinegar essence and immediately screw on the lid. Turn over onto the lid and leave until cool.

7. Canned ones are ready! Really fast?

I’ve been cooking this way for several years now, the recipe has been tested, the jars are great in the pantry in the apartment. Of course, I prepare vegetables in the classic way, but sometimes I don’t have enough time, there are too many vegetables, or my mother’s laziness takes over - that’s where this express method comes to the rescue!

Good luck with your preparations!!!

Microwave oven Panasonic. Total power 800 W.

We bring to your attention our proven .
The recipes differ from each other in the different composition of the filling,
various processing methods, we even tried canning in the microwave!

But you can always approach the process creatively - if, for example, the recipe states to sterilize, you can do it by pouring it, and there will be no harm from it! All the best recipes for preparing cucumbers for the winter – at the end of this article.

Pickled cucumbers for the winter

The pickling method gives an excellent taste; they can be used as lightly salted cucumbers, and for future use, so that pickles do not become over-acidified, it is necessary to take into account some pickling rules.

And in our opinion, a good way to prevent peroxidation of pickled cucumbers is... sterilization! Great taste, no vinegar. Read more in specific recipes for pickling cucumbers.

By adding various components, you can achieve different specific taste qualities of pickled cucumbers. Your choice - choose the recipe to your liking.

Cucumbers for the winter - canned

Pickled or canned cucumbers are our favorite. There are many options for pickling, with and without sugar, but vinegar is present almost everywhere. Despite this, it turns out very tasty!

How to replace unhealthy vinegar? It is possible to replace acetic acid with some natural one, for example - a recipe for cucumbers in currant juice, in tomato juice.

Canned cucumbers can be prepared in two ways - sterilization method and boiling water pouring method. This is more convenient for everyone.

Cucumbers for the winter. Method of pouring boiling water, our experience

The main point is that the jars must be thoroughly sterilized beforehand. I do this steamed or in an electric oven. I put the dry jars in the oven, turn them on and leave them there for 15 minutes. The main thing is that you should not rush to take out hot jars - the glass overheats very much and easily bursts upon contact with cold objects. In a word, it’s better to let it cool right in the oven. So, in one fell swoop, you can sterilize many jars at the same time.

I pour boiling water over it three times, 2 times, and leave for 10 minutes. The last filling is with boiling brine. I roll it up, turn it over and wrap it well for self-sterilization.

Cucumbers for the winter using sterilization method

This method has its advantages:

  • no need to steam cans;
  • can be filled with non-boiling brine;
  • You can generally fill it not with brine, but with water, after adding a measure of salt, sugar, and vinegar.

The main point is not to overexpose it, i.e. sterilize exactly the specified time. Otherwise, the cucumbers will be overcooked and the product will be spoiled. There are no such troubles when using the pouring boiling water method, but there is a danger of underheating - then the lids will inevitably swell.

Cucumbers for the winter in the microwave

I really liked the cucumbers in the microwave.
To be honest, I had to resort to this method in conditions of full employment.

  • Place spices, herbs, and cucumbers in small jars.
  • Fill with brine. Naturally, we don’t cover it with iron lids; we can cover it with glass ones.
  • Turn on the microwave at full power.
  • I don’t remember exactly how many minutes are needed, but I looked at the jars - when the brine inside starts to boil, I time it and hold it for about 5-7 minutes.
  • It’s better to use screw-on jars for this method, small ones, of course, and take small cucumbers too.
  • There is no need to pre-steam the jars.
  • Filling can be absolutely any, see any recipe you like.
  • I seal the jars, turn them over and wrap them.

A great way for absolute lazy people ;) and very busy people.

Each housewife finds her own method and approach, I hope our recommendations are useful to you.

1 Components:
  • cucumbers,
  • pickling herbs and spices.
  • For filling:
    water, salt, vinegar.
2 Components:
  • cucumbers,
  • pickling herbs and spices.
  • For filling: salt, water
3 Components:
  • cucumbers,
  • pickling herbs and spices.
  • For filling:
    water, salt, sugar, vinegar.
4 Components:
  • cucumbers,
  • pickling herbs and spices.
  • For filling:
    water, salt.
5 Components:
  • cucumbers,
  • pickling herbs and spices.
  • For filling: water, salt
6 Components:
  • cucumbers,
  • salt, sugar, vinegar, water.
7 Components:
  • cucumbers,
  • garlic
  • salt, sugar, vinegar, mustard, water.

The canning season is in full swing, but I’m so tired of standing endlessly at the stove, doing a useful, but time-consuming and labor-intensive task... Is it possible to reduce the cooking time? A regular microwave will come to the rescue here! Using such a useful kitchen appliance, you can easily and quickly stock up on pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, salads and even jams for the whole winter. There is no doubt: having tried canning in this way at least once, you will no longer want to cook according to other recipes.

Tomatoes "Appetizing"

Preparing such preservation is quick and does not cause much trouble. The only thing is that it is better to cook tomatoes in small jars, 1 liter in volume. Microwaves for home use are rarely large, which is why recipes are designed for such containers.


  • dense tomatoes (meaty);
  • 5 g each of mustard, allspice, bay leaf, cloves;
  • 30 g garlic;
  • 18-20 ml vinegar;
  • 20 g salt;
  • 35 g sugar.


  1. Pre-sterilize glass containers or simply rinse with boiling water
  2. Place all the seasonings and garlic at the bottom of the containers.
  3. Place well-washed tomatoes (cut large ones into pieces) into containers tightly, but without compacting them.
  4. Sprinkle granulated sugar and salt on top of the tomatoes.
  5. Pour water up to the shoulders of the vegetables.
  6. Microwave the cans of tomatoes. Turn on the highest power for a few minutes.
  7. The jars should be kept in the microwave just until they boil. In order not to overdo it, you need to open the door several times and check the condition of the liquid.
  8. Immediately after boiling, remove the containers with vegetables (do this carefully, using a towel or oven mitt), immediately pour in vinegar and seal the containers with metal lids.

Cool under a warm shelter, with lids down.

Zucchini "Memories of Summer"

It’s easy to cook not only tomatoes, but also zucchini in the microwave. You can, of course, sterilize in a pan, but it will take much longer. Preservation is perfectly stored even at room temperature.


  • 15-20 g allspice;
  • 10 g black pepper (peas);
  • 400 g carrots;
  • 800 g tomatoes;
  • 120 g garlic;
  • 500 ml vinegar;
  • 900 g zucchini;
  • 100 g dill umbrellas;
  • 170 g sugar;
  • 140 g salt;
  • 4 liters of water.


  1. Place seasonings in glass jars prepared for preservation (at the bottom).
  2. Fill the container to the very top with vegetables cut into rings. It is better to lay them out in layers: zucchini, carrots, tomatoes, garlic, dill umbrellas.
  3. Cook the marinade and cool to room temperature. Pour vegetables into jars.
  4. Place the container filled with vegetables in the microwave. Turn on full power for 4 minutes, then for another two minutes at half power.
  5. Immediately after sterilization, remove the container, seal it, place the lid down and wrap for a day until completely cooled.

Cucumbers “Spicy”

A wonderful recipe for lovers of spicy and spicy foods. Cucumbers pickled in the microwave are no different from those prepared by sterilization in a pan - they are just as crispy and hard. The only difference is that they only take a few minutes to prepare.


  • 80 g hot pepper;
  • 15 g citric acid;
  • 2 kg 800 g cucumbers;
  • 200 g granulated sugar;
  • 6 dill umbrellas;
  • 10 g peppercorns;
  • 100 g salt (without iodine);
  • 90 g horseradish leaves;
  • 70 g garlic;
  • 9 pcs. bay leaf.


  1. 7 hours before canning, pour cold well or filtered water over the cucumbers.
  2. Place seasonings, pieces of horseradish and garlic leaves, dill umbrellas, and hot pepper strips at the bottom of liter jars.
  3. Place the cucumbers in dense rows (use a sharp, clean knife to cut off the ends first).
  4. Pour sugar, citric acid, and salt into each jar (there will be 6 of them).
  5. Fill up to the shoulders with cold water.
  6. Place containers of cucumbers in two jars (if the microwave capacity allows, more can be added) to the microwave.
  7. Turn on maximum power, setting the time to 6 minutes.
  8. Carefully remove the jars and roll them up immediately. Cool by inverting onto the lid.

Apricots "Sunny"

The structure of this preparation is more reminiscent of syrup than compote. This has its advantages - in winter you can use apricots to prepare a delicious aromatic dessert, or you can just eat them.

The syrup will make a beautiful, amazing drink, original jelly or sauce for your favorite pancakes. By adding water and starch, you can quickly prepare a healthy and appetizing jelly that children love so much.


  • 900 ml water;
  • 4 kg 500 g apricots;
  • 480 g granulated sugar.


  1. Remove the pits from washed, ripe apricots. Place the halves in a small container, sprinkle with half the sugar. Leave overnight (preferably in a cool place).
  2. Make syrup from the remaining sugar and water. You can do this in the microwave, or you can do it in a saucepan on the stove.
  3. Fill a glass container with apricot halves, without filling to the very top.
  4. Set the microwave power to 800 and put in a few cans. After 10 minutes, turn off the microwave, set the power to half as low and let the containers with apricots sit for a few more minutes.

Be sure to wrap it up after capping.

Aronia jam

Black rowan is a real storehouse of elements useful for the human body. It is in the winter that you feel a lack of vitamins, so this jam will come in very handy for tea on a cold frosty day, especially after a long walk.


  • 30 g lemon;
  • 500 g chokeberry (black rowan);
  • 420 g cane sugar.


  1. Wash the chokeberry fruits well, separating them from the branches.
  2. In a special container, mix the berries with sugar, put in the microwave, turn on low power, and cook for 25 minutes.
  3. Finely chop the lemon without peeling it. Place it in a container with almost finished jam and cook at medium power for a few more minutes.
  4. Place in small glass containers and seal immediately.

If desired, you can sterilize, but even without that the jam is perfectly stored.

Jam "Citrus"

If you make such jam, then there is no need to prepare something tasty for tea: just buy a fresh loaf or roll. Having spread a thick layer of thick, aromatic jam, brewed a fragrant strong drink, you can safely invite guests. None of them can remain indifferent to such an orange miracle!


  • 490 g sugar;
  • 500 g oranges;
  • 200 g lemons.


  1. Carefully peel the oranges, leaving not even the white fibers.
  2. Using a blender, blend until the mixture is smooth.
  3. Pour the thick, aromatic liquid into a microwave-safe container. It is better to take a tall container, since the jam will boil and rise strongly.
  4. Add sugar and lemon juice to the orange pulp.
  5. Place the container in the microwave, turn on the highest power (800). After 7 minutes, take out the jam, mix well and send back for a few more minutes, without reducing the power.
  6. Place the finished jam in small glass containers, seal while hot and send to the basement.

Express canning of cucumbers in the microwave (video)

You can preserve using a microwave according to any recipe, adhering to a few basic rules. The most important thing is that glass containers must be thoroughly checked first: without the slightest chips or cracks. Even if the jars go through the preparation procedure normally, they may burst when sealed. Also, cooking some vegetables in glass containers should not exceed 10 minutes. (tomatoes, cucumbers), otherwise you will end up with vegetable porridge. Completing canning requires mandatory wrapping.

Sterilizing jars with blanks is a rather lengthy and not always the most pleasant process. It’s summer, it’s hot, there are a lot of cans, you want to do it quickly, you’re constantly looking - “it’s going to explode, it’s not going to explode.” But the family also distracts!

Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at the proposed option, which should save time and nerves: sterilizing jars with blanks in a microwave oven.

There are two ways to sterilize jars in the microwave: with and without blanks. Let's look at both in order.

Microwave sterilization of jars

First, wash the jars thoroughly (you can use soda or soap, as you prefer). Then pour a little water into the bottom of the jars - about 1-2 cm. Turn on the microwave oven at a power of 700-800 W and set the jars to steam for 2-3 minutes. During this time, the water boils, and the steam sterilizes the jars. If you have a lot of jars, you can increase the sterilization time. It is better to sterilize the lids on the stove by immersing them in water.

We place three-liter jars (bottles, as they used to say) on their sides. Although they say that you don’t have to pour water at all (they say the jars are sterilized by radiation), it’s better not to risk it. We don't mind water!

We take out the cans very carefully so as not to get burned by the hot steam! Place it on a board, towel, or other stand. The jars are hot too!

We put as many jars as we can in the microwave. If there are a lot of them, increase the sterilization time to 5 minutes. If there are 2 or 3 cans, then two or three minutes will be enough.

Microwave sterilization of workpieces

We put the jars with the preparations inside the microwave, turn it on at full power and watch the process.

When the jars boil, switch the oven mode to minimum. After that, we wait another 2-3 minutes, after which we take out the jars and seal them with lids.

If you want the workpieces to be softer, sterilize longer - up to 5 minutes. The tomatoes will simply “melt”.

They rolled up the jars and wrapped them warmly, leaving them to cool.

Here is another interesting recipe on the same topic, from an old magazine.

Before placing vegetables or fruits, pour a little filling (marinade or syrup) into the prepared jars. In a liter jar - 3 spoons, in a half-liter jar - 2. Fill the jars with blanks and cover with glass lids.

We put it in the microwave and turn it on to maximum. The steam scalds the jar, heating the fruit, and microwave radiation completely sterilizes the contents.

We take out the jars, fill them with boiling liquid up to the level of the rim and immediately seal them.

Leave the jars to cool. In total, you can prepare up to 6-8 cans in 10 minutes. Place the sealed jars upside down on a dry towel and leave to cool.

A 0.75 liter jar takes 1.5 minutes. Three of these jars will take up to 4 minutes. After turning off the microwave oven, you need to wait up to half a minute so as not to get burned when removing the jars.

The methods were personally tested; not a single jar burst or exploded during the steaming process. Everything was prepared perfectly, which is what I wish for you too!

In the microwave! It will be useful to modern housewives who do not stock up for the winter. The result of your work will be just one half-liter jar of cucumbers. Sliced ​​cucumbers are pickled. First, the vegetables are sterilized in a marinade, then they are placed in jars and processed in them. Since they are cooked in the microwave, this is all done in a few minutes.

Pickled cucumbers in the microwave for the winter have a spicy, sweet and sour taste.

For a 0.5 liter jar you need the following set of products:

- 350 gr. fresh cucumbers,
- 50 ml water,
- 1 onion,
- 1 teaspoon dried dill,
- 0.3 teaspoons mustard seeds,
- 0.3 teaspoons of cumin seeds,
- 3 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar,
- 70 ml 9% table vinegar,
- 1 teaspoon of table salt.

Wash the cucumbers thoroughly in cold water. Leave on kitchen towels to drain any remaining water. Cut off the ends and chop into thin round slices. You can use a special shredder.

Peel the onion and rinse. Shred in the shape of rings or half rings.

Season the vegetables with vinegar, salt and sprinkle with sugar. Add dry dill, cumin and mustard.

Stir everything.

Place the cucumbers in the microwave. Set the time to 9 minutes. Turn it on at full power. Stir the cucumbers every 3 minutes. Thus, we must stir them 3 times. As a result, the vegetables will become soft.

Transfer the vegetables to a sterile jar. The jar can also be sterilized in the microwave. To do this, pour a little water into it (2 centimeters) and put it in the microwave for 5 minutes. We drain the water.

After transferring the vegetables into a jar, put them in the microwave and continue cooking. To do this, set it to 3 minutes. We sterilize at full power.

At the end of the time, open the oven and remove the jar using oven mitts or a thick towel.

Roll up the prepared sterile lid. (It can be boiled).

To be sure that the jar is closed tightly, turn it over and leave it like that until the workpiece has cooled completely. If the jar begins to leak, it will have to be re-rolled, since a loosely closed blank will not last long. For such a case, it is advisable to place a towel folded several times under the lid.

When the jar has completely cooled down, put it away for storage in a cool place.

Good luck with your preparation!

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