Home Products How long does it take to cook beef for soup? How to properly prepare meat broth

How long does it take to cook beef for soup? How to properly prepare meat broth

Broth is an amazing product. It is good both as an independent dish and as a basis for preparing soups, some cereals, risotto, jellied meat, sauces, gravies and other culinary masterpieces. Myasnov offers several tips to help you prepare the perfect broth - aromatic, clear, nutritious and incredibly tasty.

Delicious broth - made from quality meat!

The taste of the broth directly depends on the quality of the meat used. Depending on what type of meat you use, it is important to pay attention to the following nuances:

For beef broth, Myasnov recommends using the meat of young bulls - this is high-quality beef up to 3 years old. Young bulls have meat that is more tender, juicy and lean than that of an adult animal. Plus, it cooks much faster. Unlike veal, the meat of young bulls has already accumulated all the useful substances necessary for adequate human nutrition.

As for pork, the meat of bacon pigs is considered the most valuable. This is lean, tender meat with a thin layer of pink bacon. Bacon pork cooks quickly and produces a very tender and tasty broth.

For chicken broth, choose poultry raised in environmentally friendly conditions without antibiotics or growth stimulants. It is important that the chicken is not frozen and that chlorine is not used to cool it. This chicken produces the right broth: transparent, rich, moderately fatty, without any foreign odors.

When choosing meat for broth in Myasnov stores, it is impossible to make a mistake, since the products we offer meet all the listed quality criteria.

Choosing the right piece

For broth, it is best to choose pieces of pulp or meat on the bone, rich in connective tissue. When cooked for a long time, such meat releases the most extractive substances, and, accordingly, the broth from it turns out tasty, aromatic and rich.

Different manufacturers cut meat carcasses differently, so when choosing a piece of meat for broth, rely on the seller’s recommendations. For example, the culinary cutting of Myasnov takes into account the nutritional characteristics of each piece and identifies the following parts of the meat carcass suitable for cooking: for pork it is; for beef – , ; for lamb – , . Pay attention to the “Recommended for Boiling” signs located next to the price tags, and your choice of meat for broth will always be successful.

As for poultry, almost all parts of the carcass are suitable for cooking, and there is no consensus on which part makes the broth tastier. Some people think that the most delicious broth is made from wings and necks, some prefer broth made from lean chicken breast meat, and others prefer a whole chicken broth.

Vegetables and herbs

Vegetables and herbs are designed to enrich the taste and aroma of the dish. Onions, carrots and celery are best suited - this is a classic “vegetable composition” for meat broth. For a two to three liter pan, one onion, a small carrot and 2-3 stalks of celery are enough. Also in perfect harmony with meat broth are leeks, parsnips, bay leaves, turnips and other roots - add them to the broth to your taste.


The water for the broth should be clean (well, spring, bottled or at least filtered) and, preferably, soft - in hard water the meat will not be able to release all its juices.

As for the amount of water, depending on how rich and concentrated the product you want to get, 1 kilogram of pulp or meat with bones will require 2 - 3 liters of water.

The longer you plan to cook the broth, the more liquid will evaporate from it - take this into account when determining the required amount of water. It is better to add more water in advance than to add it as it boils, otherwise the taste of the broth will not be as rich and saturated.

Preparation: 6 simple steps

1. Prepare the food: wash the meat, vegetables and herbs thoroughly. There is no need to chop the meat for the broth; it should release its juices gradually, slowly - then the broth will turn out clear and tasty. If you cook chicken broth, nutritionists recommend removing the skin - it can make the dish too greasy.

2. Fill the meat with cold water and put it on fire. Our goal is broth, not boiled meat, so it is important to use cold water: when the water is gradually heated, flavors and nutrients are released from the meat and transferred into the broth. If you put meat in boiling water, its surface will immediately be “sealed” with a protein film, which will prevent extractive substances from escaping into the broth (but the meat itself will remain juicy and tasty).

Before boiling, you can cover the pan with a lid and cook the broth over medium heat. As soon as the water boils, you need to reduce the heat and continue cooking over low heat without a lid so that the evaporating water does not drip back into the broth and spoil its taste.

3.When the broth boils, foam will begin to appear on it. It must be removed immediately with a slotted spoon as it appears. If this is not done in a timely manner, the foam will soon settle to the bottom of the pan in the form of flakes, which will ruin the appearance of the dish. Remove foam adhering to the walls of the pan with a damp cloth. If a lot of fat appears on the surface of the broth, it should be removed with a paper towel, as it gives the dish an unpleasant greasy taste.

4. 30 minutes before the end of cooking, add vegetables and spices to the broth to taste - with them the broth will be more aromatic. A little secret: you can put a little onion peel into the broth, then it will acquire a pleasant golden hue. Carrots, turnips, celery and other roots can be lightly fried in a frying pan without oil or baked - their aroma in the broth will be even stronger.

5. The time to cook the broth over very low heat after boiling depends on the size of the piece, the toughness of the meat, the age of the animal and the desired strength of the broth that you want to achieve. So, for example, the broth will reach readiness in 1-1.5 hours if you use 1 kilogram of meat from young bulls, and in 2.5-3 hours if the meat is from adult beef. After boiling, pork broth is cooked for 1.5-2.5 hours, lamb broth - 1.5-2 hours, chicken broth - 1-2 hours.

If you want to use boiled meat from the broth in another dish, keep in mind that it will cook faster than the broth itself. You can check the readiness of the meat as follows: pierce it with a knife - the knife will go into a fully cooked piece without effort. The cooked meat can be carefully separated from the bone and used, and the bones can continue to be cooked until the broth is ready.

6. After finishing cooking, you need to remove the meat and vegetables from the broth and strain it through a fine sieve or a linen napkin soaked in water and wrung dry so that the broth is transparent and to prevent small fragments of bones from getting into the dish. Vegetables and bones can be thrown away, because they have already given all their taste and aroma to the dish, and they no longer have any value.

Important nuances

The best broth is made from fresh or chilled meat. But if you have to use frozen food, it is very important to defrost it properly. Do not use a microwave or hot water for this. The optimal way is to wash the meat with cold water and place it in a closed container for 2-3 hours.

It is advisable that the pan for cooking broth have a thick bottom and, if possible, thick walls. This will ensure gradual and uniform heating of the broth, which means that the meat will release the maximum amount of extractive substances.

The broth should not “boil” - the movement of the liquid should be barely noticeable. If your stove is difficult to adjust so that the desired temperature is maintained, try placing the pan with the broth in the oven, preheated to a temperature of 100–110 degrees.

It is better to add no more than a pinch of salt to the broth or not at all: when cooking, more liquid may evaporate from it than you expected, thus the broth risks being oversalted. It is better to salt the dish that you plan to cook using broth.

Did you know that...

...The French add a “bouquet garni” to the broth - a bunch of herbs consisting of thyme sprigs, bay leaves, parsley stems and leeks. If you wish, you can add celery, garlic, cloves to this bouquet - whatever you like. At the end of cooking, the bouquet is caught and thrown away.

...The broth can be frozen. If you often prepare broth-based dishes, then it will be convenient for you to do the following: cook the broth once every few weeks, then divide it into portions and freeze it. Cool the broth, remove all fat from it. Line a deep rectangular container with a large piece of cling film, allowing the edges to overhang. Carefully pour the broth inside, close the container with a lid and place in the freezer. When the broth is completely frozen, remove the resulting “briquette” along with the film and wrap it in the overhanging edges. You can also use paper juice bags or clean plastic mayonnaise buckets to freeze broth. Frozen broth can be stored for up to 6 months.

It would seem that what’s so difficult about cooking meat? Just throw a piece into the water and wait until it cooks... but no, it’s not that simple. If you put meat in cold water, you will facilitate the transfer of some of the valuable substances from the meat into the broth. If you put meat in salted boiling water, you will prevent the transfer of beneficial substances from the meat into the liquid.

In addition, before cooking, the meat must be cleaned and washed. After this, bring the water to a boil (over high heat) and collect the foam that appears with a spoon. It is best to cook the broth with the lid tightly closed, this way you will not allow the fat in the broth to oxidize (avoid contact of oxygen and steam).

How long to cook meat for soup?

How many chefs - so many opinions. If you cook pork, the time will depend on the size of the pieces of meat and the age of the pig. Large pieces should be cooked for 1 hour or more, but small pieces can be ready in half an hour or even 20 minutes. If you cook pork in the form of meatballs/minced meat, 15 minutes is enough. It should be understood that the younger the pig, the faster the meat will cook.

If you are boiling beef, it is advisable to drain the first water along with the foam (after boiling for about 10 minutes), after which you should rinse the meat, rinse the pan, and let the meat finish cooking in new water for about two to two and a half hours. In general, meat can be considered well-cooked when it is easily pierced with a fork.

How long and how to cook pork?

Two methods of cooking meat have already been briefly described above (in cold or hot salted water). Regardless of which one you choose, you should pay attention to such parameters as water quality and quantity. So, having washed and cleared the pork of veins and films, we place it in a pan and fill it with water so that the water covers it all. When the water boils, you can add spices, seasonings and salt to taste to the pan. Salt will protect the transfer of meat juices into the broth.

If you want to reduce the fat content of meat, you can add basil, rosemary or marjoram to the pan. By using saffron, ginger, or turmeric, you can give the meat a more piquant taste and the broth a pleasant golden hue.

According to the culinary specialists we interviewed, meat should be cooked from one and a half to two and a half hours, and this time depends on the age of the meat and its freshness.

Little tricks to follow:

  • Adding water to the pan during the cooking process will ruin the taste of the broth and meat;
  • By leaving the meat in a closed pan for 10 minutes after cooking, you will make the meat more juicy and tasty;
  • Boiled meat is the best filling for pancakes, pies and casseroles.

How long to cook mussel meat?

As you remember, mussels are bivalve mollusks, the meat of which is distinguished by both excellent taste and beneficial properties. Their protein is rich in essential amino acids, they contain more than 30 different microelements and biologically active substances, vitamins E, B and D. They surpass all existing animal products in glycogen content (which is extremely beneficial for humans).

Regarding cooking mussels, you need to firmly understand: they spoil quickly. Therefore, if they are fresh (freshly caught), they should be cleaned, cooked and eaten on the same day. If you use peeled frozen mussels from the supermarket, you can defrost them only once. At the same time, it is easy to understand one simple and logical thing: if, when buying mussels, you see that they are stuck together, and you can see streaks of liquid in the container, or the meat is covered with a crust of ice - this indicates that the mussels have already been defrosted, and This means that consuming them can lead to food poisoning.

If you have unpeeled shellfish in front of you, you need to rinse them under cold running water and remove algae, silt and sand with a knife. After this, you should remove the bundle of threads that allows the mussels to attach to the support, discard all open or cracked shells (they are completely harmful). If the shell is slightly open and the leg of the clam is visible through the crack, tap on it; if the flaps begin to close, the mussel is ready to eat.

Cooking time for mussels to open shells

The mussels must be placed in a large amount of boiling water for 2 minutes, and then pour in cold water and repeat the heating cycle until boiling. This way, you will retain the maximum amount of vitamins and get rid of some toxic substances. Upon completion of cooking, the shells will open and the meat can be removed using a knife.

Meat cooking time

Freshly frozen or processed in the manner described above, pour the mussels into a pan of salted water, then bring the water to a boil and wait until the foam appears to cover the surface of the mussels. If you overcook shellfish, you will get tasteless “rubbery” meat, so they must be periodically checked for readiness by tasting.

Of course, you can eat boiled meat “as is,” but it will be much better if you use it when preparing a salad, pate, or other savory dish.

How long to cook crab meat?

Sometimes people mistakenly believe that it is necessary to additionally boil already boiled meat; this is not necessary if you want boil a live crab - it will take you no more than 20 minutes. Take into account their weight: for every 10 grams of crab weight, cook for 2 minutes. On average, it takes 10-15 minutes to cook crabs.

We will share with you one of the options for cooking crab meat: separate the meat from the shell, then fry the latter in melted butter for 10 minutes, and strain the oil. Fry the onion in this oil, sprinkle it with flour, and pour in the broth, then cook for 15 minutes, add crab meat to the resulting sauce, sprinkle with herbs, pepper and salt, pour in tomato paste, cook for about 10 minutes until fully cooked.

How long to cook beef?

Beef meat can be boiled either in plain water or in a decoction made from vegetables. If you put meat in hot, boiling water, the top layer of protein will almost instantly coagulate and protect the substances contained in the meat from passing into the broth. By placing the meat in cold water, you will, on the contrary, facilitate the transfer of soluble proteins, mineral salts and some other components of the meat into the broth. It is the proteins that go into the broth that create foam under the influence of high temperature. By the way, the foam should not be skimmed off - it is a valuable food product, the removal of which significantly reduces the nutritional quality of the broth.

Cooking time depends on the size of the pieces of meat, the average duration is 50 – 60 minutes. If you add a couple of teaspoons of mustard when adding meat (1-2 tablespoons per 1 kg of meat), the meat will become softer, and the smell and taste of mustard will become invisible after 40 minutes of cooking.

The richness of the broth, as well as the quality of cooking the meat, also depends on the ratio of the amounts of water and meat in the vessel. It is for this reason that it is necessary to correctly select the size of the utensils used.

Interesting fact: more than 35% of the liquid contained in raw meat goes into the broth, most of it in the first fifteen minutes of cooking. This leads to a decrease in the volume of meat and an increase in the volume of broth. For this reason, covering the meat with water at the beginning of cooking is completely optional.

It is necessary to cook beef meat with a tightly closed lid at a minimum boil - so that the steam remains inside and the fat does not oxidize. It is unacceptable to add water during cooking, as this will lead to a deterioration in the taste of the meat and broth. It is interesting to note that French cuisine even provided a seal in the form of batter, which is used to brush the edge of the pan before closing the lid.

Note to hunters: how long does it take to cook a wild animal?

Roe deer meat. If you don’t want to spend time on any preliminary preparation (for example, marinating), but simply cook it, cutting it into pieces, then 3-4 hours. In addition, it is recommended to pre-soak roe deer meat (like any other wild animal meat) for 3-4 hours in cold water, and only then chop and cook.

Moose meat. Elk meat is cooked in almost the same way as beef meat, although it is recommended to allow 3-4 hours for cooking. The most delicious meat is considered to be elk meat aged 1.5-3 years. Old moose's meat is more fibrous and tough, and therefore is much less valued by hunters. The meat of females is more tender and tasty. It should be noted that elk meat is suitable for preparing almost all dishes that can be prepared from beef. The meat is usually marinated before cooking.

Boar meat. What are its features? Firstly, it should be used when preparing main courses. Secondly, care must be taken to remove odor. So, in males, and especially in old cleavers, the meat is tougher, and during the rutting period it also has a not very pleasant smell. To remove the smell, you should soak the meat in a 1-2 percent vinegar solution for two to four hours (depending on the size of the pieces we are dealing with). Such processing is unnecessary if you are preparing meat from a young male or female (except during the rutting period).

Regardless of how you plan to cook the meat, it is advisable to boil it. This especially applies to areas of the carcass that contain muscles with hard connective tissue layers.

The cooking time depends on the size of the pieces, but it is better to check using the “poke method” in direct and figurative ways: take a knife or fork and check for readiness. If you want to get a good broth, you should start cooking the meat in cold water; if it is important for you to process only the meat, put the meat in boiling water.

Note to housewives: how long to cook pet meat?

Turkey meat. If you are boiling individual pieces of turkey, this should be done for about an hour and a half. If you are preparing turkey for jellied meat or soup, you should allow two hours for cooking (this makes the broth more saturated and fatty). The value of turkey lies in the fact that while it is rich in vitamins, minerals and protein, it at the same time contains much less calories and fat.

Chicken meat. First, you should understand that the meat of a healthy chicken should be white or light pink, the skin should be thin and tender. Young chickens have the most delicious meat. In a young chicken, the breast has a soft spring; in an old chicken, if you tap on the breast, the bone will be hard and tough. It is best to buy chilled rather than frozen poultry, this way you will get the healthiest and cleanest meat. The cooking time depends on the heat and the size of the chicken pieces - 20-50 minutes (they should be fried for the same time). Chicken wings usually cook for 20-25 minutes.

Rabbit meat. Cooking time depends on many parameters. These include the size of the pieces, the fire on which you cook, and the age of the rabbit. Speaking in very general figures, a whole rabbit should be cooked for about two hours, but if the rabbit is cut into pieces, 30-40 minutes should be enough (for a young rabbit, about an hour or more for an old one).

And finally, remember that meat must be properly stored and carefully processed. You can only eat well-cooked meat. You can almost always determine readiness by piercing it with a fork or knife. Good luck to you and bon appetit!

All over the world, cattle meat is considered the most popular. In Rus', honored guests were treated to boiled beef. Despite its satiety, this product is easily absorbed by the body, and when properly prepared it turns out tender, juicy and soft.

Composition, benefits and harm

Beef on the bone takes pride of place on the list of must-eat foods. It should be on the table at least several times a week. The biological and nutritional value of meat became known many millennia ago. It was valued by the ancient Romans, Greeks, residents of the British Isles, our ancestors, and other peoples. Not everyone could afford to put this delicacy on the table. This was the prerogative of the upper strata of the population.

Perhaps India is the only country in which the consumption of beef is strictly prohibited due to the sacred status of cows. Almost every state has pastures for raising cattle. Not only large but also small farms are engaged in breeding.

What nutrients is this product rich in?

Beef has been studied quite thoroughly by scientists. It was research that made it possible to identify what nutrients and elements this type of meat contains:

  • B vitamins;
  • iron;
  • proteins;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • vitamin PP;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • fats;
  • vitamin E.

Beef also contains other important micro- and macroelements.

Calorie content, depending on the part of the carcass, varies from 15 to 500 kcal per 100 g of meat.

Why should you include it in your diet?

Dietetics considers beef shank to be the best source of animal protein. It contains the entire set of amino acids necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Who else can benefit from beef and when:

  • people with low hemoglobin;
  • those involved in sports and physical work;
  • people with weakened bodies;
  • for those who have digestive problems.

Beef is a product that helps the body remove “bad” cholesterol. Also, its use has a beneficial effect on memory, the nervous system, and helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, muscles and bone tissue. Soups and broths prepared with cattle meat promote wound healing and improve blood clotting.

Despite beef's huge track record, it's worth understanding that everything is good in moderation. The main thing is regularity and moderation. It is better to eat 200 g of such meat daily (or every other day) than rarely, but in large quantities.

What does abuse lead to?

Beef can be harmful to the body. It has a very interesting property: excessive consumption can reduce immunity and increase cholesterol. Harm to the body can be caused not only by a large amount in the diet, but also by low-quality meat, as well as improper storage and preparation. Two situations where beef is more harmful than beneficial.

  1. Improperly cooked meat. This is primarily a product fried in oil. This cooking method saturates beef with carcinogens, which makes it hazardous to the health of people suffering from digestive and heart problems.
  2. Meat from artificially raised animals. Nature dictates that cattle should eat a lot of grass, walk through fields and pastures. And if animals do not see green meadows and eat exclusively mixed feed, then you can almost forget about the benefits of such meat.

If you want to benefit from beef, follow the proper selection and preparation guidelines. The health of those who eat this dish depends on what meat you choose and how you cook it.

How to choose meat: requirements for appearance and smell

It is better to buy beef fresh, this makes it easier to choose and consider the meat. It is also advisable to bring it home and cook it immediately after purchase. No need to wait for it to defrost. However, don't be afraid of frozen meat. If the technology was followed during freezing, such meat is in no way inferior in its properties to fresh meat. Here are five metrics to pay attention to.

  1. Color. Fresh quality beef is red in color. If the offered piece is brownish, this indicates the venerable age of the animal. Old meat will be rougher, it will take longer to cook, and you can forget about the juiciness of the dish. If the flesh has an uneven color, interspersed with dark shades (for example, greenish), such meat is not worth buying.
  2. Smell. Not all sellers allow you to smell meat, especially in supermarkets. But if you are lucky enough to get approval, feel free to use this opportunity. High-quality beef does not have any foreign aromas; it smells only of raw meat. If you still feel the presence of any odor, it is better to refrain from purchasing.
  3. Fat. Beef is a dietary meat, but it still contains fat. It should be dense and have a pale white color. In the meat of young animals, the fat may crumble - this is normal. If we are talking about marbled beef, which is most valued, then it contains a lot of fatty layers. The piece seems to be permeated with them. This meat is ideal, it is easy to cook, and it turns out extremely tasty.
  4. Elasticity. If possible, test the meat for elasticity. This is done like this: you need to press your finger on the pulp and watch what happens to it. Fresh meat will smooth out its surface almost immediately. If the pressure mark does not go away for a long time, the meat is no longer very fresh.
  5. Surface. It is quite acceptable to have signs of weathering on the surface of the piece. But only small ones. If the surface has crust and spots, then the carcass was cut up not a few hours ago, but much earlier. The beef should be dry and firm. If there is a choice between wet meat lying in the blood and leeward meat, you should give preference to the latter.

Proper freezing

If you purchase frozen beef, only buy the one that is labeled. Be sure to check expiration and release dates. Frozen veal can be stored for eight months, beef - ten. Manufacturer's indication is required. It is worth making a choice in favor of domestic meat, as there is a greater guarantee of freshness and absence of transportation violations.

The packaging should not be damaged, so inspect the piece from all sides. Pay attention to the color - it should be uniform, it is better to choose something that is lighter. Properly frozen beef should not be covered in ice or snow. If any are visible, most likely the storage or freezing rules have been violated.

Division into varieties and categories

Beef has varieties and categories. The division occurs depending on the part of the carcass, the age of the animal and the fat content of the meat. It is not necessary to use the best quality meat for broth, but for steaks and barbecue it is better to choose a softer cut. There are three varieties and three categories of beef.

  1. Top grade. Sometimes it is called the first. May contain three to four percent connective tissue (or veins). This includes the following parts of the carcass: breast, back, loin. Another rump, sirloin, rump. This is almost pure meat without fat.
  2. Second grade. This is four to five percent veining. This variety includes the shoulder blade, shoulder part, neck, and flank.
  3. Third grade. May contain from ten to 23% connective tissue. These are shanks (front and back), butt.

Beef of the highest category has a lot of subcutaneous fat and well-developed muscle tissue. But meat obtained from young animals may contain no fat deposits at all. The second category of meat includes those that have poorly developed muscles and a small amount of fat. There is another category - lean beef. However, such meat is used only for industrial processing.

The meat must have a purple mark on it. By its shape you can determine the category. The mark “M” is placed on the head of young cattle. Round indicates that the meat belongs to the highest category. A square-shaped mark indicates that this is beef of the second category.

The choice of beef should also be based on what exactly you are going to cook from it. Each part is good for certain purposes. For example, sternum, neck, sirloin, shank, shank, flank and shoulder are better suited for boiling.

How and how much to cook beef: tips for the housewife

It is important not only to know how to eat cattle meat, but also how to cook beef correctly. Here are three secrets that will be useful to every housewife.

  1. Choose the right pan. A pan with a thick bottom will do; enamel or cast iron will also work. The main thing is that the piece of meat fits freely into the dish, leaving room for other ingredients.
  2. Thaw the meat in advance. If you are going to cook frozen beef, be prepared for the meat to be tough. The piece must be defrosted before putting it in a pan on the stove. Ideally, it should be defrosted at room temperature.
  3. Use the microwave. If you urgently need to cook soup from frozen meat, you can soak the piece in water or use the microwave. Then the thawed pulp should be washed with cold running water.

A mandatory step after soaking or defrosting is drying the piece. The final stage is cutting into portions to speed up the cooking process.

For the broth

We prepare delicious meat for borscht. To make the broth tasty, you need to boil the beef with the bone. The piece should be immersed in cold water. That is, rinse it, put it in a pan, fill it with cold water and put it on the stove. Turn on the heat as high as possible and wait for it to boil. When the surface of the water begins to become foamy, remove it. You can do this using any utensils convenient for you - a slotted spoon, a spoon.

There is also an opinion: there is no need to remove foam from the pan. That is, you just leave it and it dissolves during the cooking process. Foam is nothing more than released protein, that is, it is not dangerous. But it's up to you to decide.

If you prefer soups with a second broth, then after boiling you need to wait about five minutes. Then drain the broth, rinse the meat and fill it with water again. This cooking option is usually recommended by nutritionists.

It is advisable not to let the broth boil too much; a low boil is enough. You need to add salt at the end of cooking so that the salt does not “pull out” all the juice from the meat. Beef for soup should be cooked until the meat is cooked, then the broth should be strained and used further. If you cook ribs, then one and a half hours of cooking will be enough for them.

Pour in as much water as you need later to cook the soup. Add a little more than needed to allow for boiling over. Never dilute the broth with water.

For second courses

If boiled beef is prepared for adding to salads, appetizers, the cooking method will be slightly different from preparing broth. Here's a four-step sequence.

  1. Fill a saucepan with water (approximately one and a half liters of water per kilogram of beef) and put on fire.
  2. When the water is almost boiling, you need to add onions and carrots, parsley and celery if desired.
  3. Then you need to put in a piece of meat and wait for it to boil. As soon as foam begins to appear, remove it.
  4. When the foam disappears from the surface, reduce the heat and leave to simmer at a low simmer.

How long you need to cook beef until it becomes tender depends on the age of the meat and the size of the piece. Young meat will be ready within 40 minutes after boiling, but old meat will have to be boiled for two and a half hours, or even more. You can tell if it’s ready by cutting the piece with a knife at the thickest point. If there is no red juice, the meat is ready.

Does brisket cook quickly in a slow cooker? A multicooker is a real salvation for many housewives. You can also cook beef in it, either in small pieces or in large pieces. There are no special differences from cooking in a saucepan. If there is a film, veins, or excess fat, they are removed. Then the meat is washed, placed in a bowl, and poured with boiling water so that the piece is completely covered with water. Set the appropriate program (“Cooking”, “Soup” or another) and close the lid.

When the meat boils, you need to get rid of the foam, add roots, bay leaves or your favorite spices if desired. You need to add salt at the end. After boiling, beef should be cooked until tender - from 40 minutes to three hours, depending on the age of the livestock.

In a steamer

Steamed beef is considered juicier and healthier. This cooking option is ideal for feeding babies or for people on a therapeutic diet. There are two ways to cook beef in a steamer.

  1. Cut into portions, place in a steamer bowl in one row, add salt and turn on the appliance for one hour. After this time, turn over and cook for another half hour.
  2. Salt the beef and rub with your favorite spices. Place the piece in a cooking bag, place in a thicket, and cook for an hour. Add time if necessary.

Be sure to monitor the presence of water in the tank. Most likely, you will have to add boiling water during the cooking process.

In a pressure cooker

A pressure cooker greatly speeds up the process of cooking beef. To cook beef in a pressure cooker, you need to wash it, put it in a bowl, and fill it with water. Then put the pressure cooker on the fire and wait for it to boil. Remove any foam that has formed, reduce heat, cover and cook for 50 minutes.

If the pressure cooker is electric, you need to set the appropriate program and cook in the same way, for 50-60 minutes. This meat is perfect for a child, especially if you use tender entrecote.

Beef is very healthy, so don't neglect to eat it. Feel free to include it in your diet, because now you know how many minutes to cook beef until done. Properly cooked meat will appeal to all household members, even the most picky ones.

Beef contains a lot of vitamins, useful elements and has excellent taste. It is used for preparing first and second courses, and as a result, it is subjected to heat treatment each time.

Today we will look at how to cook this type of meat and preserve all its properties to the maximum, as well as obtain an excellent soft structure of beef fibers and determine the cooking time for each specific case of using this meat product.

How long does it take to cook beef for soup?

If you use beef to prepare soup, borscht, or any other first course, then before determining the required cooking time, pay attention to the quality of the meat. Young beef will be ready in about an hour, but meat on the bone takes longer to cook than sirloin and should be kept at a moderate simmer for two and a half hours. In any case, and regardless of which meat you prefer, a few minutes before the start of boiling and for another five minutes, be sure to remove any foam that has formed from the broth. This procedure will allow you to obtain the most transparent broth without any flakes.

How long does it take to cook beef before it's ready for salad?

Unlike portion-wise cooking of meat for soup, for salad, as a rule, we take a whole piece, which, depending on the required portion, can be quite large. Therefore, here you need to adhere to some simple rules and then the result will always be excellent.

So, when starting to boil the meat for the salad, we choose a pan that is only a little larger in size than the piece of beef. After all, the less water is used to cook meat, the tastier and richer its taste will be. In this case, the liquid should cover the product in the pan by at least one centimeter.

Fill the meat in the pan with boiling water rather than cold water, and only then put it on the fire to cook. The cooking time for a piece of beef weighing approximately one kilogram is an average of one and a half hours. But you should always check the readiness with a sharp knife, piercing the slice with it and checking for softness. It should “enter” easily and also “come out” of the meat without difficulty. If necessary, extend the process until the desired soft result is obtained.

When cooking meat for salad, thirty minutes from the start of the process, add salt, black and allspice peas, bay leaves, onions, and, if desired, carrot roots, parsley and celery to the water.

How long to cook beef tongue?

To boil beef tongue or other interesting dishes, fill it with water and, after boiling, cook over low heat for three and a half hours. If the product weighs more than one and a half kilograms, extend the cooking time by half an hour. Just as in the case of meat for salad, add salt, spices, onion and roots when cooking the tongue.

Upon completion of the cooking process, the tongue must be immediately dipped into ice water and immediately peeled off the skin by prying it off at the base with a knife.

How long should you cook beef or veal until it becomes tender?

The cooking time for beef depends on the maturity of the animal that became the source of the product and on the size of the meat slice. Cooking young beef, the so-called veal, will require much less time, because the structure of its meat fibers is much more tender and softer. So, for example, if it takes about an hour and a half to boil a piece of beef, then one hour will be enough for veal.

As a result, we note that the cooking time in each individual case must be determined experimentally using the softness test method.

The simplest, at first glance, option for preparing meat is to boil it - put the piece in water, put it on the stove, and let it cook. But you need to at least have an idea: how long to cook beef.

How long to cook meat of different categories and varieties

The category and grade of beef meat affects the duration of cooking, as well as the age, degree of fatness of the cattle, features of feed, slaughter, size of the meat piece, design, etc. The nutritional qualities and taste of different parts of the carcass have distinctive characteristics.

When contemplating the desired dish, you should pay attention to the type of meat (the lower it is, the higher the percentage of veins and the longer the boiling time):

The meat of a young animal of category M is dietary and very tender. This affects how long to cook the veal. Usually 40 is enough 50 minutes to finish cooking.

Cooking rules

In addition to taking into account the category and type of meat, the time depends on the desired dish. There are cooking rules that affect this:

  • For a rich broth, the time must be increased to 2 hours. Therefore, the meat is sent not to boiling water, but to cold water.

Tip: meat that has a larger number of tendons is suitable for broth - category II (grades 2 - 3). It's better to cook it whole. It’s good to add salt at the beginning, this will create richness and flavor.

  • To reduce the loss of beneficial qualities and time, meat should be cooked immediately in boiling water.

Tip: the prepared (thawed and washed) piece of beef is placed in a pan slightly larger than the piece itself. Then it, cooked in a small volume of water, will acquire a very delicate taste. After the water boils, reduce the heat to low and do not open the lid. Add salt here at the end of cooking, about 10 minutes before completion.

    • To make the meat cook faster, large pieces are cut along the grain.
  • Many cooks fry the beef before cooking it in butter with salt and seasonings until lightly browned. Then cook, skimming off the foam, over low heat for 3 hours. The beef becomes soft and tasty.

How much to cook for different dishes

When beef meat is intended for the first course, you need to know exactly how long to cook the beef for soup. This depends on the quality, since meat on the bone takes a long time to cook - from 2.5 to 5 hours over very low heat.

Tip: to achieve transparency of the broth, before boiling and for 5 minutes after that, foam is removed from it. This will clear the broth of any foam that forms. It will acquire a beautiful golden taste when you add to it during cooking an unpeeled whole washed onion in the husk, which is removed after cooking.

Another option for obtaining a clear broth: trimmed meat, passed through a meat grinder, pour colder water - 1:1, leave for two hours. After this, salt, raw meat juice and chicken egg white are added. This results in a so-called pull-out. It is added to the broth, from which, after boiling, the foam is removed. Then the roots are added, and all this is brought to the result over low heat for about an hour and a half.

If the moment to remove the foam is missed, and as a result of boiling it breaks up into flakes that cannot be collected, there is a way to save the situation. Cold water about 250 - 500 g is poured into the pan to stop the boiling process. Now close monitoring of the broth is mandatory. When boiling begins, foam appears again, which can now be collected with a slotted spoon. This is a guarantee that the broth will become clear and tasty when cooked.

There is a simple option that allows you not to waste time collecting foam: 7 minutes after the water begins to boil and boil vigorously, drain the water completely and rinse with cold water. Set the “second broth” to cook again to obtain a dietary dish.

Tip: it’s good to pour the right amount of water or a little more so that it doesn’t boil away. It will not be possible to top it up, otherwise the meat will become tough.

Beef for the salad is one of the main ingredients. In order for it to correspond to the idea, a fresh piece of meat, weighing half a kilo, is placed in a cooking vessel and completely covered with very hot water. When it boils, it is drained, and the meat is again immersed in boiling water. Cook for about 50 minutes until the beef is tender.

Tip: to preserve the juiciness of the meat, it should not be removed from the broth until it has cooled. Only after cooling, cut into pieces. When the salad is not prepared immediately, but the meat is already boiled, it is advisable to lightly grease it with mayonnaise or vegetable oil. As a result, we get a pickled piece that has become even more tender.

Cooking with household appliances

Cook the beef in the microwave until soft, depending on the quality of the meat and the recipe, for 40 to 120 minutes in the “Soup” or “Stew” mode.

It is better to cook young meat in the microwave. Knowing how long to cook veal, first cook it for 20 minutes on medium, then low power.

Tip: check doneness with a fork. If in the thickest part it sinks into the meat easily and there is no release of reddish juice, then the boiled piece is considered ready.

Knowing how much it costs to cook beef on the stove or using household appliances, following simple rules and using the tips, you can be sure that the beef will delight you with its taste.

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