Home Nutrition The most delicious and nutritious cheesecakes. Calorie content of cheesecakes from cottage cheese: benefits and harm, dietary recipes Cheesecakes calories 1 pc.

The most delicious and nutritious cheesecakes. Calorie content of cheesecakes from cottage cheese: benefits and harm, dietary recipes Cheesecakes calories 1 pc.

Fragrant sweet fried cheesecakes are a taste familiar to all of us since childhood. For many, this dish has become part of the daily diet and has become one of their favorites. It is generally accepted that any desserts that contain cottage cheese are healthy and low-calorie. Is it really? You will learn about this, as well as how many calories are in cottage cheese pancakes, in this article.

Curd cheesecakes: benefit or harm?

Say what you will, but classic cheesecakes prepared with wheat flour and sugar. And this, in turn, already casts doubt on the benefits of the dish. Cottage cheese is truly a healthy and nutritious product that contains amino acids, vitamins, iron and calcium. Cottage cheese is also valued for its high protein content, as much as 16 g per 100 g of delicacy. However, during heat treatment, most of these properties are lost. Classic cheesecakes are usually fried in vegetable oil. That is why it is a mistake to consider this dish 100% healthy.

Of course, eating a few cottage cheese donuts with jam as a dessert is much healthier than eating, for example, a cake. But if you are on a diet and want to lose extra pounds, it is best to reduce the consumption of the dish to a minimum.

Calorie content of cheesecakes: how many calories in one serving

The calorie content of any prepared dish depends on the nutritional value of all the ingredients used. There are a lot of recipes for delicious curd donuts. Mandatory in most of them is use of eggs, sugar, salt, flour. Very often, housewives add chocolate, raisins, dried apricots, candied fruits, lemon and orange zest, coconut flakes, bananas, or, for example, finely grated carrots to curd donuts.

Calculating the calorie content of a dish is easy. Let's consider how many calories are in classic cheesecakes without additives according to this recipe: 600 - 700 g of fresh cottage cheese, 160 g of eggs (two medium ones), 5 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 5 tbsp. spoons of premium wheat flour, half a packet of vanilla sugar (teaspoon).

In 600 g of cottage cheese - 795 calories, in eggs - 172, in 5 tablespoons of sugar - 398, in flour - about 430. A teaspoon of vanilla sugar - about 40 calories. Thus, for the entire quantity we get approximately 1830 calories. Per 100 g serving – 2-3 crumpets depending on size – 216 calories. In general, considering the daily diet of an ordinary person (2 thousand kilocalories), this is quite a bit. But for those who are losing weight, there are still too many calories. Moreover, curd donuts are usually eaten with sour cream, all kinds of jams, condensed milk, marmalade - all this increases the calorie content.

Do not forget that calorie content largely depends from used cottage cheese. The recipe given above uses cottage cheese with a fat content of 9%, 1 kg of which contains 1590 calories. Very often, housewives use homemade cottage cheese for cheesecakes, the fat content of which can reach 18%. The calorie content of such cottage cheese per 1 kg is 2320 calories. When using such cottage cheese, the calorie content of the curd donuts will increase accordingly. For those losing weight and those watching their figure, it is best to use cottage cheese with a fat content of 0.1% to 5%. This will not greatly affect the taste, but the calorie content of the cheesecakes will be reduced several times. Let's look at the calorie content of another recipe that is loved by many:

  • Cottage cheese 5% fat – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 150 g.
  • Chicken eggs – 4 pcs.
  • Semolina – 80 g.
  • Raisins – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Dried cranberries – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Candied fruits – 1 tbsp. l.

So, for 1 kg of cottage cheese 5% fat - 1210 calories, eggs - 345, sugar - 597, vanilla sugar - 40, semolina - 262, raisins - 198, cranberries - 157, candied fruits - 60. Total is 2870 calories for everything or 178 per 100 g serving. Based on this, we can conclude that the calorie content of cottage cheese donuts becomes much less if you use less fat cottage cheese and semolina instead of flour. It should be noted that the curd donuts with semolina are more tender and soft, literally melting in your mouth.

Another ingredient that can affect the calorie content of cheesecakes is vegetable oil. In order to make the dish less calorie and healthy, you can use olive, corn or coconut oil. The ideal option is to fry the cheesecakes in a non-stick frying pan or bake in the oven. You will learn about dietary recipes for cottage cheese donuts below.

How to make cheesecakes dietary: recipes for losing weight

Of course, the main ingredient of dietary curd donuts is skim cheese. As we have already found out earlier, the calorie content of cheesecakes made from low-fat cottage cheese is much lower. By the way, you can degrease it at home. There are also several basic secrets that will help make cheesecakes dietary:

  • Use whites instead of whole eggs;
  • Instead of wheat flour, you can use corn, oat, rice, coconut flour;
  • Instead of sugar, you can use sweeteners; a good alternative is stevia;
  • It is not at all necessary to fry the cheesecakes; they can be baked in the oven.

In order not to add sugar to the dish, you can add more dried fruits or a ripe banana.

Recipe for dietary banana cheesecakes without flour

You will need:

  • 0.5 kg low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 1 ripe banana;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 30-40 g oatmeal;
  • Vanillin.

To get started, mash the banana with a fork or puree it in a blender. Then beat the eggs, add vanillin, prepared banana puree, and cottage cheese. It is best to grind oatmeal into flour using a coffee grinder and then add it to the curd dough. You can fry in a non-stick frying pan, after greasing it with a drop of oil, or bake in the oven. For the second method– Roll each crumpet in oatmeal and place on a parchment-lined baking sheet. These cheesecakes should be baked for 25-30 minutes, until golden brown. You can also use silicone molds. The calorie content of cheesecakes prepared according to this recipe is 140 kcal per serving.

Please note that when preparing dietary cheesecakes it is very important to use the right cottage cheese. Too dry, crumbly, grainy will not work. If you buy cottage cheese at the market, make sure that it is not too wet. For a dietary version of the dish, an excellent option is creamy cottage cheese in briquettes.

Recipe for dietary cheesecakes with rice flour and dried fruits

To prepare these cheesecakes use:

  • 300 g. cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 3 tbsp. rice flour (if you can’t buy it, make it yourself from rice using a coffee grinder);
  • Raisins, dried apricots, dried fruits to your taste;
  • Vanilla extract.

To prepare, mix cottage cheese with egg, add flour and vanilla extract. It is best to pre-soak dried fruits in hot water, and then rinse well and add to the rest of the ingredients. The dough needs to be refrigerated for 15 minutes. Next, roll each cheesecake in flour and fry in a non-stick frying pan without oil. The calorie content of such cheesecakes is 155 kcal per 100 grams. You can serve with natural yogurt without additives or with honey.

If you don't like rice, use rice flour instead. you can use corn. Then the donuts will turn out to be an appetizing golden color. Using these diet recipes for making cheesecakes, you don’t have to worry about calories. Eat your favorite dish for breakfast or as a snack and stay slim!

    If the stomach accepts it well and there is no discomfort, then there is no harm. It's just that some people get heartburn from cheesecakes. For me, for example, it depends on where I eat cheesecakes. Those that I cook myself do not cause any discomfort at all. I fry them in butter and make them not very tight. For some spice I add cinnamon. Very tasty with sour cream and jam.

    The benefits of cheesecakes are beyond any doubt, because the main ingredient is cottage cheese, which is rich in calcium and vitamin D. Cheesecakes also contain vitamins such as A, E, B1, B2, B9 and the minerals magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. All this has a beneficial effect on the health of the brain and heart, hair and skin, teeth and bones. There are a huge number of options for preparing cheesecakes, as well as possible additional components in the recipe. The healthiest cheesecakes will be those without frying in a frying pan in oil, but baked in the oven with the addition of dried fruits.

    It seems to me that cheesecakes do more good than harm.

    After all, this dish contains healthy ingredients. Cottage cheese is especially useful for children and adults. Not all children like to eat cottage cheese in its pure form, so in this case, cheesecakes are just a great option.

    When cooked (heat treated), cottage cheese does not lose its beneficial properties. So feel free to cook it. Bake your favorite culinary masterpieces from it).

    For example, my family loves cheesecakes, so I cook them for breakfast from time to time.

    Sometimes I bake sochniki, but this hit is rarely cooked well).

    In general, a lot of different dishes can be prepared from cottage cheese.

    Cottage cheese is a fermented milk product, and if it is, of course, not fatty, it can be beneficial to a person. Vitamins, microelements, calcium for bones, easy digestibility - all these are advantages. But once in the dough, becoming an ingredient for cheesecakes, cottage cheese can also cause harm, because cheesecakes are high in calories, they are solid protein, and if they are overcooked, then we are talking about harm to the liver, heart and other internal organs.

    Cheesecakes are harmful those that are fried in a frying pan in oil. It’s better if you don’t fry them to a crisp, but it’s even better if you bake them in the oven or make a casserole.

    Cheesecakes are healthy because they consist of cottage cheese. And it’s easier to feed children cheesecakes than regular cottage cheese, even with sweet fillings. The bulk of the vitamins in fried cottage cheese will be retained. They contain calcium and vitamin D, which are necessary for children's bodies. Cottage cheese is easily digestible.

    If you take full-fat cottage cheese, then there are as many as 300 calories per 100 grams, but they will be healthier than cheesecakes made from low-fat cottage cheese.

    From 5% cottage cheese you will get cheesecakes that contain 230 calories.

    Therefore, those watching their weight should not overuse cheesecakes.

    Of course there are benefits, cottage cheese contains calcium and phosphorus, these components are very useful for strengthening the skeletal system of the body, they say that after heat treatment some of the beneficial enzymes are lost, but they are still there and only benefit the body.

    There are a lot of benefits from cheesecakes. Firstly, the content of the cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is calcium, it won’t hurt anyone. Secondly, positive emotions. Well, how can you not start enjoying life if in front of you are ruddy cheesecakes, so tender and delicious! And if it was not you who cooked, but you, then it would be doubly enjoyable!

    Well, what could be harmful in cheesecakes? Except fried butter. But if it's fresh, it's okay. Moreover, you can also make steamed cheesecakes.

    Therefore, I personally don’t see anything harmful in cheesecakes. Of course, if we talk about calories and diets, then cheesecakes are not a dietary dish in the classical sense, but they can also be adjusted to fit your diet by slightly changing the ingredients.

    The only harm from the cheesecakes can be if they were fried too much in a large amount of oil or the cottage cheese was of poor quality and not fresh. If the cheesecakes are made from good cottage cheese, they have a golden crust, they were stewed under a lid, then it seems to me that the cheesecakes are healthy, especially since they are usually tasty and bring pleasure.

Syrniki is a traditional dish that has long been one of the most beloved among Slavic peoples. It is a cake made from cottage cheese with the addition of flour, eggs and sugar, fried in butter. It got its name back in ancient times, when the word “cottage cheese” did not yet exist, so this product was also called the word “cheese”. The technology for preparing this dish makes it easy to make even for those with little experience, and it is also very tasty and satisfying. That's why cottage cheese is still popular today.


The main component of the dish is cottage cheese. This fermented milk product is a source of substances necessary for the body. So, it contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus, which strengthen bones and teeth. When these minerals enter the body together, they are absorbed much faster, so the benefits will be much greater. In addition, cottage cheese contains a lot of iron and magnesium, which is necessary for the smooth functioning of the heart muscles.

Cottage cheese contains many vitamins. It is especially rich in B vitamins, including A, E, and D. In addition, this fermented milk product contains a high concentration of protein, which is not inferior in its nutritional properties to meat proteins. But such protein is absorbed much faster and easier, which is why the product is popular among athletes involved in strength sports, as it promotes rapid muscle mass gain. The use of this product is also indicated for physical exhaustion.

A particularly valuable quality of cottage cheese is that after heat treatment its beneficial properties do not disappear.

Cheesecakes contain many valuable amino acids, so they are useful for adults, children and the elderly to eat. The dish also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, promoting its rapid recovery and lower susceptibility to stress.

Sour cream, with which the dish is usually served, has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and also contains many vitamins and minerals.


Cheese pancakes are prepared in vegetable oil, so during frying, carcinogens are formed that negatively affect health. It is these substances that can cause the appearance of malignant cells that provoke cancer. In addition, this is a very high-calorie dish, so if you abuse it, you can quickly gain excess weight. Sometimes they also provoke digestive problems. Also, cottage cheese, which is the main ingredient, causes allergies in some people; this should also be taken into account before trying cottage cheese pancakes.

The nutritional value

Those who want to diversify their menu with cheesecakes will be concerned about how many calories they contain. So, in 100 g of a dish with sour cream, the main indicators are as follows:

  • calories - 275 kcal;
  • fats - 9 g;
  • carbohydrates - 39 g;
  • proteins - 11 g.

It is equally important to know calorie content of cheesecakes with sour cream 1 serving. This figure is approximately 250 kcal.

Weight of one cheesecake depends on its size, but on average it is 50-70 g, so it will contain about 100 kcal.

For those on a diet

This is a very high-calorie dish, so it is not recommended to abuse it while on a diet. However, there are diets in which it is recommended to eat these curd pancakes for breakfast. You can also prepare a dietary option that will not harm your figure.

How to reduce calories

You can reduce the number of calories if you use sour cream and cottage cheese with the lowest percentage of fat content. In addition, it can be replaced with fruit or jam.

If you do not fry the curds, but bake them in the oven, the energy value will be even lower, and the taste will be no less bright.

You can also add grated carrots or pumpkin to the dough (see recipe).

By replacing fiber, it gently cleanses the intestines of toxins, which promotes weight loss and normalization of digestion.

Cheesecakes are one of the favorite dishes in every home. This curd dish is very popular and healthy for all people of different ages, starting from childhood. There are a huge number of recipes for making cheese dessert, but people who are watching their figure are better off choosing a recipe with the lowest calorie content.

To do this, you need to consider how many calories are in cottage cheese pancakes of different fat contents with different constituent ingredients.

How many and what products are needed to prepare cheesecakes from cottage cheese, what is their calorie content

ProductsWeightCarbohydratesFatsSquirrelsApproximate calorie content
Flour75 g (3 tbsp)56 0,9 6,9 255,5
Egg45 g (1 piece)0,34 5,13 5,96 73,8
Cottage cheese 1.7%1 pack (250 g)8,23 4,3 45 250,5
Granulated sugar75 g (3 tbsp)74 0 0 298
Olive oil10 g (1 tbsp)0 9,95 0 89

The calorie content of this product ranges from 180 to 210 kcal per 100 g of finished dish, but the data depends on the fat content of cottage cheese, eggs, and vegetable oil.


  • pack of cottage cheese, unseal, mash well with a fork;
  • add the egg (holds the finished product together);
  • flour is added to thicken the mass;
  • at the final stage of preparing the mass for the future dish, sugar is added;
  • After thorough kneading, flat cakes are molded and fried in vegetable oil.

To make the finished dish light and airy, the cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve before cooking. There is no need to overdo it with flour, this not only increases the calorie content, but also makes the cheesecakes tight.

To prevent the product from sticking to the pan during frying, you need to lightly roll it in flour. After one side is fried, turn it over to the other and cover the dish with a lid. Then the cheese dessert will cook faster inside.

Cheese pancakes are served hot.

Number of calories in cheesecakes made from 9% cottage cheese

The calorie content of the finished dish largely depends on the calorie content of the main ingredient - cottage cheese. The 9% product has the following composition:

  • carbohydrates – 19;
  • proteins – 14, 1;
  • fat – 7.3.

It turns out that 100 grams of cheese dessert contains about 200 calories. Cottage cheese with this fat content is most often used to prepare the delicacy in question according to the following recipe.

In order not to wonder how many calories are in cottage cheese pancakes, choose a fermented milk product with a minimum percentage of fat content

For 8 people you need 400 g of cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 4 tbsp. l. flour, granulated sugar and salt to taste. The cottage cheese is initially ground with sugar, then the remaining ingredients are added to the resulting mass.

How many calories are in cheesecakes made from 5% cottage cheese?

Cheesecakes made from 5% cottage cheese, due to the low fat content of this product, have a low calorie content - 160-212 kcal per 100 g of the finished dish.

This is an excellent alternative for people who care about their health by maintaining a balanced diet.

If you use vegetable oil for frying, the calorie content will be higher (280 kcal); cooking with olive oil reduces the percentage of fat in the dish (170 kcal per 100 g of cheesecakes).

If you add other ingredients (fruits, nuts, raisins), the calorie content increases. Therefore, for adherents of a low-calorie diet, you should limit yourself to a simple classic recipe with low-fat 5% cottage cheese.

Number of calories in cheesecakes made from low-fat cottage cheese

Low-fat cottage cheese is an alternative for a low-calorie diet. If you use a small amount of butter and flour, the calorie content will be minimal. How much oil do you need? Only the frying pan needs to be oiled.

Tricks for a low calorie product:

  • cheesecakes need to be cooked over low or medium heat;
  • cottage cheese dessert, after frying the product on both sides, must be covered with a lid, having first removed it from the heat (so that the cheesecakes in the pan are steamed from the inside);
  • Instead of wheat flour, it is better to add corn or oatmeal.

It is important to remember: corn flour contains fewer calories in a curd product than wheat flour, but it continues to plump even in the finished dish, so you don’t need to overdo it, otherwise the cheesecakes will be tight because of it.

You need to add as much flour as indicated in the recipe.

Preparation of low-calorie cheesecakes:

  • low-fat cottage cheese 0% fat (125 g – 104 kcal);
  • granulated sugar – 1 tsp. without slide (15 kcal);
  • olive oil 1 spoon (79 kcal);
  • corn flour – 18 g (62 kcal);
  • egg (72 kcal).

To reduce the calorie content of cheesecakes, use corn flour instead of regular flour.

These ingredients make 8 cheesecakes with a total calorie content of about 300 kcal. One product contains 36-37 kcal, and a serving of four pieces contains 150 kcal.

It is better to make a delicate curd dessert in a small size; large cakes are difficult to turn over. Place the cheesecakes on a hot frying pan with a spoon, without leveling the top part (the product will settle during the cooking process). You need to watch the dish carefully, otherwise the cheesecakes will burn.

Cheesecakes with raisins: calories

Raisins are a healthy but high-calorie product, so cheesecakes with raisins have a high energy value:

  • squirrel – 25;
  • fat – 38;
  • carbohydrates – 37.

The total calorie content of the finished product is 240 kcal per 100 g of the finished dish.

Recipe with raisins:

  • low-fat cottage cheese – 380 g;
  • raisins – 45 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • semolina – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • corn flour - 3 tbsp. l.

Combine the products into one mass, mix, roll up cheesecakes, dip in corn flour, fry in olive oil.

Please note: before cooking, steam the raisins with hot water, and mash the cottage cheese thoroughly with a fork or beat with a blender.

Calorie content of cheesecakes fried in a frying pan

Few people know how many calories are contained in cottage cheese pancakes prepared in different ways.

The calorie content of cheesecakes cooked in a frying pan is always higher than that of a baked dish in the oven. This is due to the use of vegetable oil, which adds calories to the finished dish.

Cheesecakes in a frying pan are higher in calories due to the use of vegetable oil for frying.

For example, cottage cheese pancakes prepared according to the same recipe: in a frying pan - 220 kcal, and baked in the oven - 170 kcal.

Cooking cheesecakes in a frying pan also requires dexterity. A finished dish on the outside may be completely raw on the inside. Curd products sometimes spread out or stick to the pan.

Here are a few rules for frying cheesecakes:

  • The dish requires the use of a fresh, semi-dry curd product. Excess acid should not be masked by sugar.

If the cottage cheese contains excess whey, you will have to add more flour, and the product will turn out rubbery.

  • Excess eggs make the cheesecake runny. To prepare a dietary dish, you can use only protein.
  • To prevent the cakes from sticking to the frying pan, they need to be placed on a hot dish, first dipped in flour (preferably corn).
  • In order for the dish in the frying pan to be fully cooked, it must be steamed under a closed lid.

Calorie content of cheesecakes cooked in the oven

A dietary dish baked in the oven is not only low in calories, but is also better absorbed by the body. A dish cooked in the oven has less calories (50 kcal) than cheesecakes fried in oil.

It is important to know: When cooking in the oven, nutritionists still recommend paying attention to the fat content of the cottage cheese; the less fat content, the more dietary content. Cottage cheese 18% has 240 kcal, product 9% – 170 kcal, low-fat – 109 kcal. The absence of eggs and flour also reduces the overall calorie content.

Cheesecakes cooked in the oven are not only dietary, but are also better absorbed by the body

Recipe for a dish without eggs in the oven: rub a pack of cottage cheese (250 g) through a sieve, add 2 tbsp. l. flour, salt and sugar to taste. Place in silicone molds and bake in the oven for 13-15 minutes at 180 degrees.

  • Instructions and recipe: How to brew beer at home. The benefits of homemade beer.
  • This video suggests preparing tender and tasty cheesecakes, and you will also find out how many calories are in cheesecakes made from cottage cheese:

    Take note of the recipe for dietary cheesecakes recommended for weight loss:

    Cottage cheese pancakes are a long-loved and familiar dish to us. They often become the basis of a traditional breakfast. The classic cheesecake has a round shape, a thickness of 1.5 - 2 cm, a golden color and a delicate aroma. Its taste is determined by the ingredients, which can be vegetables, fruits, berries, seasonings and spices. You can store cooked cheesecakes without any health risks for 1 – 2 days in the refrigerator.

    This delicacy seems simple, but it is very capricious to prepare. The cheesecakes may not cook through, remain sticky inside, spread out in the pan, or become very dry. But, knowing all the intricacies of their preparation, you can avoid such consequences and prepare a tasty and healthy dish for your figure.

    Losing weight with cottage cheese pancakes

    The cheesecakes themselves are made from cottage cheese, calorie content 1 pc. which is approximately 90 kcal(50 g, classic recipe) cannot be called a dietary product. But there are nutrition systems in which the dish is included as a product that helps successfully lose weight. This includes a hypocaloric diet, where it is recommended to eat several cheesecakes at breakfast. At the same time, you can reduce the calorie content of the dish by adding fresh fruit (instead of the usual sour cream).

    What is a hypocaloric diet? This is what doctors now call the familiar term “Table No. 8”. This nutritional system is not just restrictive, but balanced in terms of the amount of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates for a person who does not burden himself with sports.

    The list of foods allowed on a hypocaloric diet includes fruits, vegetables, cereals, low-fat protein sources, and vegetable oil. What is the minimum daily calorie intake? WHO recognizes the mark of 1200 kcal for the female body and 1500 for the male body. It must be taken into account that this refers to office employees who are obese.

    There is also a version of the cottage cheese treat that, if consumed, will make weight loss impossible. These are cheesecakes Burger King caloriesof which – 392 kcal per serving.

    Calorie content and methods of preparing cheesecakes

    To prepare cheesecakes, products with the following calorie content are used:

    • cottage cheese (with 18% fat content) – 236 kcal/100 g;
    • flour – 334 kcal/100 g;
    • butter – 743 kcal/100 g;
    • chicken egg – 157 kcal/100 g;
    • sugar – 399 kcal/100 g.

    All these ingredients are combined in different volumes. The result is cottage cheese pancakes, calorie content which per 100 gramsis about 330 kcal(including sour cream in the amount of 1 dessert spoon).

    The nutritional value of the curd delicacy is reduced by some changes in the recipe. As an option, curds are prepared that do not require frying. Fresh cottage cheese is mixed with grated cucumbers, carrots and radishes. Balls from such a mass are served without resorting to heat treatment.

    You can reduce the calorie content of cheesecakes by cooking them in the oven. As a result, they will be aromatic, rosy, tasty and at the same time less fatty.

    By eliminating sour cream as a sauce and adding fruit (dried fruits) to the dough, you can prepare cheesecakes with raisins, the calorie content of which will be significantly reduced. The curd dish will give a unique and refined taste.

    The calorie content of cheesecakes fried in oil varies from 270 to 370 kcal/100 g depending on its quantity and fat content of cottage cheese.

    Classic cottage cheese pancakes

    Many housewives refuse to prepare this dish from cottage cheese due to an unsuccessful first experience - the cheesecakes either fell apart, were not baked, or spread in the pan. Use the classic recipe and this dish will become a traditional breakfast dish in your family.

    The following ingredients will be required:

    • cottage cheese in the amount of 0.3 kg;
    • flour – 2 tbsp. l.;
    • chicken egg (raw) – 1 pc.;
    • sugar (optional) – 1 tbsp. l.;
    • salt – 1 tsp;
    • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
    • vanillin – 1 small pack.

    How to cook correctly?

    1. Combine all ingredients except flour and butter.
    2. Sprinkle the table with flour and knead the resulting mass on it.
    3. Roll the dough into sausages and divide into equal lumps.
    4. We form balls and press them lightly until the desired shape is obtained.
    5. Roll the cheesecakes in flour to prevent them from burning.
    6. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat it.
    7. Fry the cheesecakes for 2 - 3 minutes until golden brown.
    8. Turn over and fry in the same way as the first side.

    For better baking of the cheesecakes inside, it is recommended to cover the pan with a lid.

    Get calorie content of cheesecakes is less than 200 kcal/100 g you can just cook them from low-fat cottage cheese.

    Diet cheesecakes in the oven

    Calorie content of baked cheesecakes much less than fried ones - 198 kcal/100 g. To prepare this dietary dish in the oven you will need:

    • cottage cheese (low-fat) – 0.5 kg;
    • banana (medium size) – 1 pc.;
    • semolina (raw cereal) – 2 tbsp. l.;
    • egg white – 2 pcs.;
    • raisins or dried apricots – 2 tbsp. l.

    Combine the listed ingredients, mix thoroughly, form balls from the resulting mass and place them on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. The preparation time for cheesecakes will be 15 – 20 minutes. The optimal temperature for baking is 180°.

    Important! When preparing cheesecakes with semolina instead of flour, their calorie content will decrease, they will taste more tender and will get rid of stickiness.

    Cheesecakes "Fitness"

    The calorie content of cheesecakes made from 9 percent or completely fat-free cottage cheese is the lowest. For people who control their weight, this is the best option for preparing a dessert or main dish.

    What will it take to create this unique dish?

    • Cottage cheese – 200 g;
    • buckwheat flour – 50 g;
    • egg white – 2 pcs.;
    • sugar substitute (stevioside) - to taste;
    • rye bran – optional;
    • coconut oil for greasing the pan.

    The ingredients should be mixed until you obtain a mass that has a homogeneous consistency. With moistened hands, you need to form the cheesecakes, after which they need to be rolled in rye bran. Fry in a greased coconut oil and well-heated frying pan with a non-stick coating.

    Secrets of delicious cheesecakes

    Knowing the right recipe for a dish is good. But being aware of all the secrets of creating cheesecakes is the key to their successful preparation.

    • Preparing cottage cheese. In order for the cheesecakes to be airy and soft, the cottage cheese must be rubbed to the consistency of a creamy paste. This can be done using a sieve or colander. Another option is to pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder or grind it in a blender.
    • Adjust the humidity of the cottage cheese. Be sure to get rid of excess whey. Otherwise, the cheesecakes will become rubbery. Reduce the moisture content of the cottage cheese by leaving it in a colander or gauze for a while to drain off any unnecessary liquid. If the cottage cheese is excessively dry, on the contrary, we moisten it by adding low-fat yogurt or kefir. Only if the cottage cheese has the correct consistency will your cheesecakes be tasty and juicy.

    • We fry it correctly. Despite the fact that fried cheesecakes have the highest calorie content, this method of preparing them is the most popular. Not suitable for a weight loss diet, but if you use olive oil, it is acceptable. It is recommended to fry the cheesecakes over medium heat under a closed lid. The secret to creating a beautiful crust is to fry in oil, consisting of vegetable and butter in equal quantities.

    Curd cheesecakes, the calorie content of which can vary significantly depending on the method of preparation and the components of the dough, can be included in the diet when losing weight. During the diet, it is worth experimenting by adding unusual fillings - zucchini, pumpkin, asparagus, cauliflower, herbs, poppy seeds, spices. Dried fruits and nuts will be a worthy addition to this curd delicacy.

    In your family, what place do cheesecakes occupy in the diet? What do you like to use them with? Write in the comments your secrets for making cheesecakes and share new recipes.

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