Home Second courses Moonshine made from rye flour. Methods and rules for making moonshine from rye Rye mash recipe

Moonshine made from rye flour. Methods and rules for making moonshine from rye Rye mash recipe

Hi all!

Today I will tell you how to make moonshine with wheat without yeast. In fact, it doesn’t have to be based on wheat - any grain crops will do (rye, barley, millet, etc.).

And mash, of course, can’t do without yeast and sugar. But we will not use the usual alcoholic or baker’s yeast, but wild ones that live on the surface of the grain.

And although this is still sugar moonshine (since the carbohydrates of the grain are not fermented), the gentle work of wild yeast and the presence of grains in the process give it a special original aroma. Moonshiners call this drink Wild Sam.

Moreover, each type of cereal gives moonshine its own individual taste. One moonshine is made from wheat, and another from barley or rye. You can also collect a blend of different crops in any proportion. In general, there is a lot of room for imagination. Yes, and one more thing - mash can be made with the same grain up to 4 times or more!

If you need a recipe for real grain moonshine, then this is the place for you. simple recipe for moonshine made from flour


In the recipe I will give proportions calculated for a tank with a volume of 30 liters, because... That's what I actually use. You can recalculate it yourself to fit the container you need. The principle is this: take the volume of your fermentation tank and divide it by 7.5. The resulting figure will show the required amount of grain. And then for every kilogram of grain you will need 1 kg of sugar and 5 liters of water.

So, the ingredients:

  • 4 kg of grain (in my recipe and in the photo there is wheat)
  • 4 kg sugar
  • 20 liters of water

The grain must be feed, i.e. that which goes to animal feed. You can buy it at the market, granary, base, etc. Seed most likely will not work, because... it is specially processed for storage. I can tell moonshiners from St. Petersburg where suitable cheap grain is sold.

Making mash

This is the next day. Foam appeared:

On the second day:

On the day when chaos is ready:


  1. We distill the mash as usual - without selecting the heads and tails, to the water.
  2. There is no need to clean anything, nor coal, nor oil etc.
  3. We do the second distillation according to all the rules fractional distillation- with the selection of heads and tails. It is advisable to carry out a 3rd distillation.

Impressions from the recipe

I made moonshine with wheat and barley. I liked it better with wheat - it turns out very soft. Perhaps even too much. On barley it is tougher, but also very interesting.

They say it works very well with a 50/50 mixture of wheat and barley. I really want to try it.

In general, I liked Wild Sam so much that I made special labels for him. Don't judge strictly, these are my first attempts at creating my own labels.

Why boar, you ask? The first time I tried this recipe, water seal on the tank, which stood in the kitchen, made loud grunting sounds. At night they could be clearly heard in our bedroom, and my wife once told me, “You have a pig living in your kitchen that constantly wants to eat.” “But the pig is wild,” I thought. That's why there's a wild boar.

That seems to be all. I hope the recipe was explained clearly. If you have any questions, please feel free to comment.

Bye everyone,

Alcohol made from cereals differs significantly in its qualities from the product obtained from sugar-containing raw materials. Wheat or rye moonshine has a pleasant soft taste, a light aroma of fresh sprouts, and some sweetness. And most importantly, they do not knock you down, as happens with drinks made from sugar-containing ingredients.

Features of moonshine made from rye raw materials

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Rye is not an iconic product like wheat or corn. However, it makes excellent whiskey. Why not try making it at home? To make good natural rye moonshine, you can use either natural grains or store-bought flakes.

Rye contains from 55 to 70% starch, but it is extremely difficult to obtain due to the specific protein-carbohydrate composition of the raw material. So to make moonshine, you will need to carefully process the grains - either germinate them, grind them into flour/shot, or boil them thoroughly. This particular grain lasts at least 3 hours. To get that same “single malt whiskey”, during the preparation process it is advisable to use not ready-made store-bought preparations, but dried or green malt obtained from sprouted rye.

Factory production of alcohol from rye includes the following steps:

To get a decent result at home, you will need to repeat all these procedures.

Sprouting rye for malted milk

Sprouting grain contains substances - enzymes, which greatly accelerate all processes that can be classified as “digestion”. That is, if we need to saccharify starch from cereals, then this can be done without enzymes, but with them everything will happen much faster.

Made from rye is an alcoholic drink with a bready aroma and taste. You can make such alcohol yourself, but the method of making a drink from rye grains will differ significantly from the method of making alcohol from sugar mash. Of course, made from rye at home, it has a pleasant bready taste. Products such as rye flour or malt from this grain are suitable for making moonshine. Rye should be produced using a special technology, which differs significantly from that used for other raw materials.

Cooking principles

Yeast can convert only simple sugar into ethyl, which is not found in flour and grain. However, cereals contain large amounts of starch. Therefore, the raw material suitable for fermentation is sprouted grain, since during the germination of cereals, special enzymes are released, under the influence of which starch is broken down into simple sugars. This is hot saccharification, which is carried out at a special temperature regime.

An alternative method to saccharification for producing sugar from starch is the addition of amylosubtilin and glucavamoria to raw materials containing starch. These components are considered substitutes for rye malt, but many moonshiners believe that using this method allows you to get moonshine, but its smell will not be as pronounced. Therefore, it is necessary to consider in detail the production of malt from grain (in this case, rye).

The preparation of moonshine from rye begins with the preparation of malt. Thus, 1 kilogram of malt can saccharify 5 kilograms of flour. The more malt and less flour, the faster the starch from the grain will turn into sugar. Thanks to this, a large amount of moonshine is obtained from malt. For example, from one kilogram of malt you can get 900 milliliters of moonshine with a strength of 40 degrees.

To increase the yield, many moonshiners add beet sugar to the malt. However, this method of preparing moonshine has one drawback - alcohol does not have such a pronounced aroma.

Experienced moonshiners prepare mash on rye without adding yeast, replacing it with grain starter. But the disadvantage of this method is that there is wild yeast on the surface of the grains, but there is not enough of it to cook quickly.


To make moonshine from rye grains, you will need the following products:

  • rye grain - 6 kilograms (they can be replaced with a kilogram of fermented malt and 5 kilograms of flour);
  • water - 27 liters;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kilogram (added as desired);
  • yeast - 12 grams of dry or 60 grams of pressed yeast.
  • The first step in making moonshine from rye is making the starter. The starter is prepared about a week before the mash is planned to be prepared. First, pour cold water over the rye, soaking the grains for 10-15 minutes. After this time, floating grains will appear on the surface of the water. They should be removed, since they are spoiled rye, the presence of which is undesirable in moonshine. The dirty water needs to be drained, and then the rye should be filled with clean water.
  • You need to take a metal container and spread the rye on it in an even layer. The grain should be filled with water so that its level is 2 centimeters higher than the level of the grain. The container with grain should be covered with gauze and placed in a dark place where room temperature is maintained.
  • After a few days, a sprout should appear on each grain. At this stage, add 50 grams of sugar to the grain and mix everything thoroughly with your hands. If the mass turns out to be too thick, you can add a little water to it. The workpiece is then left for 5 days. As soon as foam and hissing appear on the workpiece, the starter should be placed under a water seal. After this time, it should ferment, but if this does not happen, then wine yeast should be added to it.

Note: to obtain malt, you must take rye that was harvested at least 2 months ago. It is better not to use old grain for the production of moonshine.

Saccharification is an important stage in the production of moonshine from rye. Saccharification is performed using unsprouted rye. It is ground into flour and poured into a saucepan. Then the grain should be filled with water at a temperature of 50 degrees, and it should be poured into the container in a thin stream. The workpiece is heated on the stove until the temperature reaches 60 degrees and maintained in this mode for 15 minutes. Afterwards, the temperature is increased by another 5 degrees and kept at this temperature for 15 minutes.

Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 1.5 hours. At the same time, you need to make sure that the wort does not burn, so it should be stirred constantly.

After 1.5 hours, the fire is turned off, and the workpiece is cooled to 65 degrees. While the malt is cooling, grind it and add water at a temperature of 28 degrees. This produces malted milk, which should be used within 24 hours.

Malt milk is gradually added to the mixture cooled to 65 degrees. Cover the dish with a lid and heat its contents to 63 degrees. The temperature is maintained at 56-63 degrees for two hours. In this case, the contents of the pan should be stirred every 20 minutes. It is important not to overheat the workpiece, since high temperature leads to the death of enzymes - because of this, the entire process of preparing mash will be in vain.

The finished wort has a sweet taste, which is considered a sign that the raw material was produced according to the rules.

In order to make mash from malt, you should take the resulting raw material and dilute it with water in a ratio of 1 to 4. The raw material is heated to 63 degrees, and then the temperature is maintained at 55-65 degrees. This mode is maintained for two hours. To prevent the mash from burning, it should be stirred constantly.

The wort should be cooled to a temperature of 28 degrees to avoid contamination of the raw material with pathogenic bacteria. At your discretion, you can add granulated sugar and water to the mash preparation (for every kilogram of sugar, take 4 liters of water). Add the yeast according to the instructions and place a water seal on the fermentation container. The mash should be moved to a dark place with a temperature of 18-27 degrees. The fermentation period of the mash is 2-14 days.

As soon as the moonshine without yeast is ready, you can begin distilling the moonshine through a distiller. The first distillation is carried out until the strength of the moonshine drops to 30 degrees. After this, you should determine the alcohol content in the output using a special formula and proceed to the second distillation. It is carried out in rectification mode, selecting “heads” and “tails”.

The prepared moonshine, the preparation method of which has been discussed, should be poured into glass bottles and the drink should be placed in a cool place. Before drinking, it is advisable to leave the drink for three to four days.

Among the wide variety of raw materials for mash, not the last place is occupied by flour, be it wheat, rye, barley or others. Moonshine made from flour mash is considered the highest quality; it has long been known that distillate based on grain raw materials is significantly superior to alcohol made from other components.

The process of preparing mash from flour includes a saccharification procedure; this step takes some time, but lovers of homemade alcoholic drinks are confident that these costs will be repaid by the unique taste of the finished product. And you will also be sure that homemade alcohol prepared yourself will be without chemicals and additives, only from natural products.

There are several ways to prepare a flour-based drink at home. Basic recipes involve saccharification of flour using malt or enzymes; some recipes use sourdough. The preparation of moonshine is divided into several stages: preparation of the mash, saccharification, fermentation and distillation. Below are two of the most popular recipes for making flour mash for moonshine.

Rye flour mash recipe

Moonshine made from rye flour has a soft, sweetish taste, with a slight aroma of fresh sprouts. Mild intoxication, not compared to sugar distillates, which knock you off your feet. Rye makes good whiskey if you age the moonshine in an oak barrel. You can use any flour in the recipe. Various malts are also suitable: barley, wheat, green.


  • Rye flour – 4 kg;
  • Malt – 1kg;
  • Dry yeast – 25g;
  • Water – 20 l.


  1. Heat the water in the mash container until it boils, add the flour. Stir thoroughly, avoiding the formation of lumps of flour. An attachment to a drill – a mixer for building mixtures – is well suited for this purpose. Wrap the container in a blanket and leave the flour to steam. It is convenient to make the mash at night; by the morning the temperature of the mash will reach the temperature required for saccharification.
  2. Grind the dry malt in a grain crusher or coffee grinder; for distillate, the smaller the grind, the better. If green malt is used, then grind in a meat grinder or grind in a blender; FYI regular dry malt is less active than green malt, but green malt takes time to brew. How to germinate malt at home is described on the website.
  3. At a temperature of 63-65°, add malt to the flour mash. You can add dry ground milk, you can prepare malted milk and add a liquid solution. Stir the flour mixture with a drill, wrap it well in a warm blanket and leave to saccharify for 2-3 hours;
  4. After saccharification, cool the wort to a temperature of 25-28°. This must be done quickly to avoid contamination of the sweet wort. The fastest way is to use a chiller - a cooling device. Or take PET bottles with ice and put them in the wort, just don’t forget about cleanliness!
  5. Dilute the yeast according to the instructions on the package, add it to the wort and stir. Install a water seal on the container. The desired temperature for fermentation is 25-30°. After about 30-60 minutes, fermentation begins. Wash made from rye flour foams a lot, so it is advisable to use a special defoamer or stir periodically, at first, to settle the foam.
  6. Fermentation lasts 5-7 days. You can determine the readiness of the mash by several signs: the mash has a bitter taste and does not sweeten. The release of gases stops. Partial clarification of the mash occurs. Distill the finished mash using a steam generator or steam-water boiler. You can distill on an induction stove at low power to avoid burning of the thick fraction.

Video recipe for making moonshine from wheat flour

Making moonshine from flour and enzymes

The recipe uses enzymes instead of malt to saccharify the flour. Moonshine made from flour with enzymes is aromatic and easy to drink, despite the high degree.


  • Flour - 4 kg
  • Amylosubtilin – 10g;
  • Glucavamorin – 10g;
  • Water - 16 l;
  • Dry yeast - 20g.


  1. Steam the flour in boiling water, stir the mash thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
  2. At a temperature of 80°, add the enzyme Amylosubtilin, stir the mash until a homogeneous liquid mass.
  3. At a temperature of 63°, add the enzyme Glucavamorin, stir again and cover the container with a warm blanket. Within 2-3 hours, saccharification will occur, the wort should taste sweet. You can verify saccharification by doing an iodine test; if everything is done correctly, the iodine should not change color.
  4. Cool the wort at 25° using the methods indicated in the first recipe.
  5. Add prepared yeast. Stir the wort and ferment for a week in a warm place.
  6. Distill the finished mash in a moonshine still.

Distillation of flour mash

  1. When you are sure that the mash is ready, it needs to be clarified. To do this, take it out into the cold for 24 hours; it will lighten, or use bentonite and drain it from the sediment. This point must be carried out if the distillation will take place on a conventional apparatus with external heating: on gas or using heating elements. Using a PVC or when distilling using a steam generator, you can distill thick mash along with the grounds.
  2. During the first distillation, raw alcohol is selected without selecting fractions. You need to drive the mash until it is “dry” to 3-4 degrees.
  3. After the first distillation, clean the raw alcohol with coal or potassium permanganate. Pour the coal into the raw material, stir thoroughly and leave overnight. Then strain through a gauze filter.
  4. Pour the moonshine into the cube a second time and perform fractional distillation of the raw material. Select the head fraction of 10% of absolute alcohol. Pour out the heads or use them for ignition; under no circumstances should you drink them - it’s poison. Select the drinking fraction “body” up to 70° in the stream. Next are the tails, you can select them and use them during the next distillation, or you can not distill them.
  5. The resulting distillate is diluted with water to a strength of 45°. Let the drink “rest”, ripen in glass and you can start tasting. If necessary, brew moonshine from flour with oak chips or keep it in a barrel, and the result will be homemade whiskey.

Moonshine is a strong alcoholic drink made at home from various types of raw materials. However, not even all experienced moonshiners know that this drink can also be made from flour. Moreover, you can use both rye and wheat raw materials.

The preparation technology in each case will be unique, and the taste of the finished drink will be unusual, but pleasant. The main thing is that such moonshine is inexpensive and completely natural.

The difficulty of making homemade moonshine from flour lies in the fact that the raw materials must be saccharified in advance. Otherwise, the fermentation process itself cannot begin. For this, special malt or specialized enzymes can be used. Below we will describe in detail these two options for preparing moonshine.

The recipe also involves the use of water, sugar and yeast. It is better to take purified distilled water, and regular beet sugar.

Most homemade moonshine recipes involve the use of special alcoholic yeast so that the finished moonshine does not have the aroma and taste of bread. Regular baker's yeast is an ideal choice. They are the ones who will best emphasize the true aroma and taste of moonshine prepared on the basis of flour.

Recipes for making mash at home

Without leaving the walls of your home, you can make moonshine from flour quite simply and quickly, and in several different ways. Beginners should first of all turn their attention to the first recipe. It is extremely simple and does not contain specialized or hard-to-find ingredients.

From rye flour

To prepare moonshine according to this recipe you will need:

  • 100 g yeast;
  • 4 kg flour base;
  • 19 liters of water.

It is best to use a container with a volume of about 20 - 25 liters for initial preparation. This alcoholic drink is prepared as follows:

  • Boil 8 liters of liquid over high heat and pour another 2 liters of cold water into it.
  • Add all the flour in a thin stream with constant stirring and leave for an hour and a half. It is important that there are no flour lumps in the starter.
  • Then pour another 3000 ml of cold water into the dough, mix thoroughly and leave for the final swelling of the gluten for another half hour.
  • Dissolve yeast according to instructions.
  • Slowly pour the remaining water into the container and mix well, then add the diluted yeast.
  • Leave the resulting slurry for 4 days in a warm place for fermentation. It is better to cover the top of the container with a thin cloth.

  • Decant and distill the finished mash. Stop the first distillation when the stream strength is 50 degrees. Cut off 10% of the first and last liquid.
  • Carry out daily cleaning of the primer with activated carbon.
  • Repeat the distillation.
  • Place the finished drink in the refrigerator for a day.

After cooling and soaking for a day, this flour moonshine is ready for use. Removing the first and last 100 ml of moonshine is necessary to rid the drink of particularly dangerous fusel impurities.

This video describes in detail how to make moonshine from rye flour with saccharification with barley malt:

With sugar

Moonshine according to this recipe is prepared quite quickly, due to the rapid preparation of the mash itself.

And the main reason is the sugar content in the recipe.

Reference. It is best to use cornmeal in this recipe, then the finished moonshine will be as close as possible to real bourbon.

Ingredients for preparation:

  • 20 g yeast;
  • 1000 g malt;
  • 4 kg flour;
  • 6 kg granulated sugar;
  • 20 liters of water.

Cooking steps:

  • Pour flour into water heated to 50 degrees in a thin stream and mix thoroughly.
  • After a quarter of an hour, the container is placed on the fire and heated to a temperature of 65 degrees.

  • Remove from heat and leave for 15 minutes. Stir the mixture thoroughly every 5 minutes.
  • Put the mixture back on the fire and cook at low boil for 20 minutes, stirring constantly.
  • While the wort is cooled to 65 degrees, the malt is ground in a blender.
  • Mix the malt and wort and put it away in a warm place for a day.
  • Then add a mixture of sugar and yeast with water to the container.
  • Leave for final fermentation for another week.

Then the container with the finished mash is placed in the cold for 24 hours. After this, the first distillation is carried out without cutting off the heads and tails. The pervak ​​is cleaned with coal, then re-run through the apparatus. Distillation is considered complete when the strength of the stream is 39 degrees. Before use, the moonshine is placed in the refrigerator to stand for at least 24 hours.

On enzymes

This recipe uses:

  • 20 g yeast;
  • enzymes A and D, 10 g each;
  • flour - 4 kg;
  • water - 10 l.

Reference. This recipe does not require the use of any specific type of flour, so you can use any type of flour.

Cooking steps:

  • Add all the flour into boiling water in small portions and mix thoroughly.
  • Remove container from heat.
  • When the dough has cooled to 80 degrees, add enzyme A into it and stir.
  • After reaching a temperature of 63 degrees, add enzyme G and mix everything again.
  • Cover the container with a lid and leave for 4 hours to saccharify.
  • Then pour the mash into a fermentation container, add yeast and install a water seal.
  • Place the container in a dark and warm place for a week to ferment.
  • Pass the finished mash through the apparatus without dividing it into fractions.
  • Clean the pervach with coal within 24 hours.

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