Home Salads and snacks Delicious New Year's salad “Snowman. New Year's snack "Peppa Pig the Snowman - a festive treat for the children's table

Delicious New Year's salad “Snowman. New Year's snack "Peppa Pig the Snowman - a festive treat for the children's table

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

The tasty and “elegant” “Snowman” salad will definitely please your guests, because it is very cute in appearance and attracts attention at first glance, so this salad should definitely be on the list of favorite recipes. The most important thing is the composition of the ingredients, here all the products are chosen just perfectly, here you also have chicken meat, which is often found in salads, potatoes are added for greater satiety, pickled cucumbers and pickled mushrooms add a salty note. “Snowman” salad with chicken, cucumbers and mushrooms is laid out in layers, coated with mayonnaise, preferably. Our recipe with photos will help you cope with the main feature of the salad - the decor in the form of a snowman's face.

- boiled potatoes – 2 pcs.,
- chicken eggs – 2 pcs.,
- chicken fillet – 1 pc.,
- pickled champignons – 150 g,
- pickled cucumbers – 2 pcs.,
- mayonnaise – 3-4 tbsp.,
- salt, pepper - to taste,
- olives, carrots, herbs - to decorate the salad.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Wash the potatoes first and boil until fully cooked, cool the potatoes and peel them, grate the potatoes with medium chips. Prepare a salad bowl or flat dish. Place the grated potatoes in the first layer.

Lightly salt and pepper the potatoes, and lightly grease them with mayonnaise.

Boil the chicken fillet in advance until fully cooked, and to make the meat tender and soft, leave the chicken fillet in the broth for 4-6 hours. After a while, the chicken fillet must be disassembled into fibers, and the chicken should be placed on top of the potato layer. The fillet also needs to be salted and peppered a little, and lightly greased with mayonnaise.

Place pickled champignons on top of the chicken; you can also use any other pickled mushrooms you like.

Select the most delicious and crispy pickled cucumbers. Grate the cucumbers with medium shavings, squeeze out excess moisture from the cucumbers. Arrange the cucumbers on top of the pickled mushrooms.

Boil chicken eggs hard-boiled in advance, cool and peel them. Divide the eggs separately into white and yolk, grate the yolk on the finest grater, place the yolk on top of the cucumbers. Lightly coat the yolk layer with mayonnaise.

The whites also need to be grated on a fine grater, covering the entire salad with the whites.

Make eyes for a snowman from olives, cut out a nose and mouth from boiled carrots. If desired, decorate the salad with sprigs of herbs and mayonnaise.

Bon appetit!

Try also interesting

Products we need to make the salad.

Boil chicken fillet in salted water, cool, finely chop. Hard boil the eggs, cool, peel and remove the yolks. Grate the whites on a fine grater, mash the yolks into fine crumbs. Peel and core the apple and grate on a coarse grater. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

Let's start collecting the salad.
The first layer is chicken fillet, mayonnaise.
Second layer - apple, mayonnaise.
The third layer is cheese, mayonnaise.
The fourth layer is egg yolks, mayonnaise.
The fifth layer is egg whites; we do not cover this layer with mayonnaise.
This is how our salad turned out. Important! This salad must be given time to brew so that all the components “make friends” with each other and are saturated with mayonnaise. It is better to leave it in the refrigerator overnight, or for several hours.

You can leave it in this form, but it’s winter outside, and New Year is coming, so let’s decorate it in the form of a snowman. For this we need one small boiled carrot, 2-3 olives, greens. We cut out the nose, mouth and cheeks from carrots, make eyes from olives (I didn’t have olives on hand, so I cut out the eyes from prunes), sprinkle chopped herbs around. Our snowman is ready.

Funny snowmen made from eggs for the New Year's table


. hard-boiled eggs (chicken - 8-9 minutes of boiling when placed in cold water; quail - 5 minutes)
. carrot
. wooden skewers for shish kebab

We cut off the ends of the eggs to make them stable.

To make a snowman's hat, cut two carrot circles of different diameters. Cut a large circle from the thick end and a small circle from the thin end.

We cut a wooden skewer from one end to a length equal to the height of two eggs placed on top of each other. When cutting, make sure that there are no splinters on the cut. Our prepared skewer has one end sharp and the other blunt.

Using the sharp end of a skewer, make holes in the centers of the carrot circles.

Then insert the skewer into the circles with the blunt end, as shown in the photo. For quail eggs, you can use wooden toothpicks.

We place two eggs on top of each other and vertically stick a skewer with a carrot hat into them on top.

The snowman is assembled.

All that remains is to decorate it with black peppercorns (these will be the snowman’s eyes and buttons on the stomach) and a wedge cut out of carrots to represent the nose.

NOTE. If the snowmen are intended for children, we cut out the eyes and buttons from black olives or from the crust of black bread.

We insert the peppercorns and carrot nose into the indentations made in the egg whites with the sharp end of a skewer.

Decorate the snowmen with parsley sprigs and serve.

A lot of different salad recipes on the New Year theme have already been written. This is the symbol of the year of which they will be. And various ones, symbolizing winter, fairy-tale and literary heroes, a Christmas tree, toys on it, and so on.

All recipes have been tested and prepared in practice, so nuances, features, and taste characteristics will be indicated here. Most of the recipes are original and there are videos on these topics on the YouTube channel.

The recipes in the article were selected the most delicious, among them there are new items that you may like. Therefore, I hope that the materials will be useful and that you will prepare according to them.

Delicate dishes that turn out unusually light and seem weightless are loved by everyone. And this option is just one of those. “Sdrifts” turn out just like real ones, they are fluffy, airy and simply “melt in your mouth.” Which always attracts guests.

Therefore, this salad never sits on the table; it is simply one of the first to be swept off the table.

Today I decided to experiment a little with the sauce, and I’ll tell you what the result will be.

We will need:

  • chicken breast (I used smoked), but you can also boil it – 250 g
  • boiled carrots – 1 large or 2 small
  • boiled potatoes – 2 pcs (medium)
  • cucumber – 1 piece (200 g)
  • cheese – 100 gr
  • eggs – 5 pcs

For the sauce:

  • mayonnaise – 150 – 200 gr
  • canned white beans – 100 g (can be boiled)
  • garlic – 1 – 2 cloves
  • dill – 2 sprigs

To make “snowmen”:

  • quail eggs – 4 pcs
  • cloves – 8 buds
  • green onion – 2 feathers
  • boiled carrots (you can also use fresh ones) – 0.5 pcs.


1. First of all, we will prepare the sauce. This time I decided not to limit myself to mayonnaise, but to make it richer and with a new taste. Although, it is not necessary to do this. If you don’t have time or don’t want to risk the taste, then use regular mayonnaise sauce.

To change the taste, I was advised to add canned white beans, garlic and dill to it. Now I can judge how interesting it turned out, and I’m sharing it with you.

Firstly, it took half as much mayonnaise, which was very pleasing. The beans gave a nice body to the sauce. And garlic and dill were a necessary addition for aroma and taste perception.

This is how I prepared the sauce. First, I pureed the beans in a blender. Then I added garlic there. And finally, I finely chopped the dill. I mixed everything with mayonnaise and left it to steep.

2. The next step is to deal with the eggs. We have them already boiled in advance. Cut them into two halves and remove the yolk. Grind it in a bowl with a fork, lightly salt it and add a couple of spoons of the prepared sauce.

Then fill the reserved halves with the thick egg mixture.

3. Prepare a dish on which we will collect the salad. And our first layer will be potatoes. It should be grated directly over the plate. It is advisable not to crush it, but to leave it as loose as possible.

The loose layers are the secret to the success of this salad. This is what makes it so tender!

4. Add a little salt and carefully brush the layer with sauce. Through loose potato flakes, it will saturate the product to the very bottom, which will make the presence of the vegetable barely perceptible.

5. The next layer will need to be grated carrots. I also do this by weight so that this layer is airy and light.

Smooth the surface with a fork and also add a little salt, then coat with sauce.

6. Place poultry meat cut into small cubes on top of the red layer.

Lay it out not only on top, but also a little on the sides, so that the red color does not subsequently stand out through the snow-white snowdrifts.

Also brush the layer with sauce.

7. Now it’s the cucumbers’ turn. Arrange the cubes in an even row and lightly add salt and sprinkle with the remaining sauce. Or you don’t have to do this, leave a layer with a natural taste.

8. Place the egg halves with the convex side up. It is they who will act as snowdrifts.

Fill the space between them with mayonnaise in the form of small drops. This is the case if we did not smear the cucumber layer with sauce. Also, if necessary, coat the side walls.

9. Rub the cheese directly over our structure as if snowflakes are falling from the sky and lie down as they please. Let’s not forget about the side walls.

It’s okay if “snowflakes” of cheese just fall onto the empty edges of the plate. It will turn out even more beautiful and natural.

It is better to have hard cheese, or you can use suluguni. It is white and also produces good shavings.

10. To be honest, this salad doesn’t particularly need decoration. He is beautiful without any embellishment! But we are still preparing for the New Year. Therefore, let's spend another 5 minutes and create two playful snowmen.

To create them we need 4 hard-boiled eggs. Cut off the pointed edge from the tops, and use these edges to connect the two eggs. The best connector in this case is a toothpick.

Cut a cap out of a carrot and place it on the tip of a toothpick sticking out from one side.

Put eyes and buttons on the coat from clove buds, a nose from carrots, handles from dill sprigs and tie a scarf from an onion feather.

11. Plant them in snowdrifts and serve them to the table.

You can first keep the salad in the refrigerator for an hour so that the layers are better saturated. Guests will be simply delighted with such a miracle, and of course, everyone will happily eat their piece of the “snowdrift”. And there has never been a time when anyone refused the supplement.

By the way, if instead of cheese you make the last layer of yolks, then such a dish will already have a different name “Raffaello”. I also have this recipe in another collection.

Video on how to prepare Snowdrifts for the holiday

This version of the dish, prepared for the festive table, is so tasty, beautiful and good-looking that we decided not to limit ourselves to just the description. We also made a video version of the recipe. Where you can quickly prepare everything without even reading.

I just want to draw your attention to the fact that fresh onions are used in the sauce. I know that not everyone likes its presence in such gentle versions. Therefore, you can omit it, or reduce the amount by half. It cannot be said that its taste is strongly manifested, but it is still present.

So rely on your taste in this matter.

In all other respects, the recipe remains unchanged.

In general, I must say that the recipe is excellent. The dish turns out airy, tender and simply melts in your mouth!!! The snowdrifts not only look so floating and light, but the feeling of trying them is exactly the same. Delight!

If you have never prepared a New Year's cold dish in this version, then be sure to cook it! This is delicious!

Original appetizer salad 2019 Pig in the snow

For the New Year, it has become customary to put on the table at least one of the salads with the image of the animal Symbol of the Year. It is believed that it will bring good luck and prosperity to the home. And this year we will have a pig in charge.

Therefore, there is already a whole blog on this topic, and there are corresponding videos on our YouTube channel. And of course, I can’t leave today’s selection without these recipes.

And here is one of them.

To prepare we will need:

  • boiled chicken fillet – 250 g
  • mushrooms (I have champignons) – 100 g
  • boiled potatoes – 2 pcs (not very large)
  • boiled eggs – 4 pcs
  • onion – 50 – 60 gr
  • walnuts (or other) nuts – 30 g
  • mayonnaise – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt pepper to taste
  • oil for frying mushrooms - 3 - 4 tbsp. spoons

For decoration we will use:

  • boiled sausage for pig parts
  • fruits, vegetables, berries of any kind
  • coconut shavings for snow
  • carnations for eyes according to the number of pigs
  • any fresh herbs


1. Boil chicken fillet in salted water in advance and cool. If you don’t like this dietary, slightly dry meat, then you can take any other parts of the chicken, and also use sausage or ham.

And also boil potatoes and eggs. Do this in advance so that both have time to cool.

2. Chop the onion into cubes, cut the champignons into slices. First fry the onion slices in a hot frying pan in oil, and when it becomes softer, add the mushrooms and simmer all together until the mushrooms change color and become soft. This may take 15 minutes.

It is better to fry them covered.

About halfway through the roasting time, add salt to taste.

Determine the readiness of the mushrooms according to taste. By the way, you can use any of their varieties here, including not only fresh, but also canned. Of course, there is no need to fry them.

3. Mushrooms are able to absorb a large amount of oil in which they are fried. And we don’t need it at all. Therefore, after frying, they should be laid out on several layers of paper napkins.

4. In parallel with frying, prepare other components. Namely, we need to grate the potatoes and separately the whites and yolks on a medium grater. The latter should be rubbed as finely as possible.

Choose eggs with a bright yolk, then the “pigs” will turn out more beautiful, like the entire composition.

This time I was unlucky with it; the yolks turned out to be not yellow at all, but very pale and inconspicuous. Although, the overall picture still turned out to be quite pleasing to the eye.

5. Cut chicken fillet or other meat component into small cubes.

6. We also already have champignons and onions ready. We have freed them from excess oil and now they can also be crushed as finely as possible.

All that remains is to chop the nuts with a knife. This is if you want them to come across in a salad. If you don’t want to, you can grind them into crumbs in a food processor.

7. In a large common bowl, collect all the crushed ingredients, leaving only the yolks for the time being. Salt and pepper them to taste, stir so that the salt disperses and only then add mayonnaise. By the way, it can be prepared

The mass should turn out to be quite dense, such that it can be formed into shapes that look like large eggs. Roll them in the quantity and size that you need. I am cooking for 6 people, so I will have exactly 6 “pigs”.

8. And now the fun begins. Place the molds on a large plate and sprinkle them with grated yolks.

Then cut out snouts, ears and tails from the sausage and place it all in the right places. Use cloves for eyes.

9. Prepare fruits and vegetables.

Arrange them on a dish, place accents in the form of green twigs and sprinkle everything with coconut shavings, as if a random snow had sprinkled the garden, where the snowfall caught our cute pigs.

The finished dish can be served immediately and delight guests not only with its appearance, but also with its taste.

You can make the same salad in the form of one big Piggy. Much like we did in the next recipe.

A simple recipe for a festive treat in the form of a Yellow Pig (will be the first to be swept off the table)

This version of the salad will be even simpler than the previous one. And all because there are few people who haven’t cooked. What could be simpler and tastier than this New Year's treat?!

In addition, many simply cannot imagine a New Year's table without this favorite salad.

We will need:

  • smoked chicken (you can use any meat or sausage) – 300 g
  • boiled potatoes – 3 pcs (not large)
  • boiled carrots – 2 pcs (also not large)
  • boiled eggs – 3 – 4 pcs
  • fresh cucumbers (can be pickled) – 2 – 3 pcs or 200 g
  • hard parmesan cheese – 100 g
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste
  • mayonnaise also to taste

To decorate the dish and pig:

  • boiled sausage (for ears, snout and tail)
  • dark grapes or olives (for eyes)
  • red bell pepper
  • fresh herbs (dill, parsley)
  • fresh cucumber


1. Boil and cool eggs, potatoes and carrots in advance. It is not advisable to overcook vegetables so that they can be easily grated. However, like eggs. Overcooked yolks become gray and not as tasty.

2. Cut all ingredients except cheese into small cubes. Firstly, with such cutting it will be easier to form the desired shape of the animal. And secondly, when the cuts are smaller, the dish itself turns out better nourished with each other’s juices and fats from mayonnaise.

And as a result, more delicious.

3. Combine all the cuttings in one bowl. Salt and pepper the ingredients to taste and only then add mayonnaise. Take your time, first add a couple of spoons, mix gently and look at the consistency.

It should turn out so that it can keep the shape of the Pig.

If the mixture turns out to be dry, you can slowly add more.

4. Place the given shape on a large platter. There shouldn't be any difficulties with this.

The shape will consist of two different spheres, one slightly larger and one slightly smaller. And add paws to the sides of the figure. Make it voluminous, not flat, so that it resembles Piggy.

5. Grind the cheese into small curly shavings. This is exactly what it will turn out like if you use a durum product. And sprinkle our workpiece on all sides. Do not crush the shavings so as not to lose the required volume.

You can even grate the cheese directly over the figure.

6. Now let’s give our still faceless heroine her characteristic features. Namely, we will cut out a snout from a circle of sausage, and ears from the other two. Cut off the tail from the long remains with scissors.

Place the cut out parts in their places. Everything has already turned out beautifully. All that remains is to make the Pig's eyes. For this you can use olives or black grapes.

And now Piggy will definitely not be confused with anyone else.

And finally, decorate the dish with sprigs of herbs, sliced ​​cucumbers and bell peppers. Arrange all this beauty as your imagination dictates.

A delicious new product - the Snow King salad (similar to the Snow Queen)

Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone. It has been prepared for the holidays for several years now. I was thinking that the queen has been bored alone for so many years... And I decided to make a snow king as a mate for her.

Our queen turns out to be light, airy, and almost weightless. And the king, although also light and airy, is still more nutritious and weighty. As befits him to be in his position.

If the queen is prepared using light diet chicken breast, then red fish will add weight to the king. And his decoration will be richer, his fur coat will be embroidered with hailstones of red caviar.

We will need:

  • lightly salted salmon (or other red fish) – 150 g
  • crab sticks (or surimi sticks) – 250 g
  • processed cheese – 160 – 200 g (preferably 200)
  • sweet and sour green apple – 1 piece (large)
  • boiled egg – 6 pcs
  • walnuts – 100 gr
  • red onion – 1 pc (50 g) if desired
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • mayonnaise – 250 – 300 gr

Onion marinade:

  • sugar – 1 teaspoon
  • salt – 0.5 teaspoon
  • water – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • vinegar 9% – 1 tbsp. spoon

For decoration:

  • red caviar – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • parsley dill


The longest part of making this dish is the preparation. Chop and grate everything. I won’t dwell on this for long; I’ll write everything very briefly.

1. First of all, pickle the onions. I use red, it won't be too bitter. And to add some piquancy to it, we’ll prepare a marinade for it. To do this, mix all the ingredients indicated in the recipe, cut the onion into half rings and place it in the liquid (when I cook it again, I will cut the onion into cubes).

Leave for 10 minutes.

After aging in an acidic environment, squeeze the onion thoroughly and taste. And if necessary, rinse in boiled water. The acid should not be felt at all. Otherwise, it will interfere with the perception of taste as a whole. It is important!

If you don’t like onions in such salads, then you don’t have to add them at all. Or you can replace the onion vegetable with a green feather one. It is more delicate and will not be felt in the dish at all.

2. Cut red fish into cubes. Today I have salmon, but in general you can use any kind of salmon.

Chop the crab sticks as well. If the packaging says that these are surimi sticks, then this is welcome. By default, it is assumed that there is actually crushed fish.

3. Grate the processed cheese on a coarse grater. In general, it’s better to have two 100-gram packages, but today I had 80-gram packages. Therefore, a little was not enough to cover the entire bottom with them.

To make them easier to rub, keep them in the freezer for 20-30 minutes.

Also grate three egg whites and an apple on a coarse grater. Immediately sprinkle the latter with the prepared lemon juice to prevent it from darkening. And also stir so that it spreads throughout the entire mass.

Do not add a lot of juice so that it does not turn out too sour.

4. Grate the remaining whites on a fine grater. Grind all the yolks with a fork. It is better to choose eggs with a bright yolk, so the layer will be more developed.

5. Grind the nuts; this can be done using a blender. Or, in order not to dirty the dishes, simply grind them on a cutting board using a rolling pin.

And to reduce litter, first place them in a bag.

6. Mix all ingredients except nuts and finely grated proteins with a small amount of mayonnaise. Don’t use a lot of it; it will be enough to put only a spoonful of sauce on each component, and even less on apples and yolks.

The salad already turns out to be quite filling, so there is absolutely no need to increase its already high calorie content.

You need to mix so that the layers stick better, this is firstly, and secondly, this way you will need much less rich product.

7. We will assemble the salad in a springform pan with a diameter of 18 cm. It should be placed on a flat dish. Arrange the layers in the following order:

  • processed cheese

  • apple
  • red fish
  • onion (you see, it doesn’t look very good. Dices would look better)

  • crab sticks

  • yolks
  • nuts (we have this layer without mayonnaise)

  • egg whites with mayonnaise
  • finely chopped egg whites without mayonnaise

8. Place the resulting structure in the refrigerator for at least an hour. It will be even better for 3 - 4 hours. During this time, the layers will be saturated with juices and have time to cool.

When this happens, carefully remove the mold and decorate the top as desired.

I decided to decorate the center with parsley sprigs and red caviar. And also scatter individual eggs over the white royal “mantle”. They will look like real gems.

Salad ready! You can treat your guests to it and enjoy its appearance and taste.

Friends, we liked the salad. It turned out delicious. Try it too and let me know if you liked the recipe! It's new, so your opinion is important!

New Year's Snow King (author's recipe with video)

When they prepared the Snow King, it was even a pity to cut it, it turned out so beautiful and impressive. It seems like nothing special, everything is simple - lay out the prepared components in layers and decorate.

But, apparently, you put so much soul into the execution that it seems the most beautiful of all those made before it.

In fact, the recipe is not at all complicated, although it is time-consuming. There are many ingredients, and each of them will require attention. And after each of them is already seasoned with mayonnaise in its own bowl, assembling the dish will not be difficult.

I just want to draw your attention to the presence of onions. Be careful with it, especially if you pickle it. It should not give a sour note to the salad. All the ingredients are tender, the red fish is salty, the apple is sweet and sour, and even with lemon juice. Therefore, it is better to rinse it thoroughly after marinating.

Or don’t add it at all if you don’t like the onion presence. By the way, you can replace it with green.

Friends, I hope that you will like the recipe, just as my whole family liked the finished dish. Cook, try and eat it for your health!

Try preparing it in a small proportion to test. And then you’ll know for sure whether it’s worth preparing for the holiday table.

Incomparably delicious Winter mood with mushrooms and chicken fillet

Recently, many have begun to prepare dishes with prunes and nuts for the holiday table. And this is no coincidence. Everyone has tried it and knows how this dry fruit combines with meat. And few would argue that it is incredibly elegant.

So chicken is also meat, and it gets along great with dried plums. And in combination with nuts, mushrooms and fresh cucumbers, and even sprinkled with delicate yolks and seasoned with a delicious sauce, it generally turns out to be an explosive mixture.

And the salad is incredibly beautiful, even in the simplest design.

We will need:

  • boiled chicken fillet – 300 g
  • boiled eggs – 3 pcs
  • champignons – 400 gr
  • onion – 120 – 150 gr
  • cucumber – 180 – 200 gr
  • any nuts – 150 g (I used walnuts)
  • prunes – 150 g
  • mayonnaise – 150 gr
  • yogurt without additives – 100 g
  • salt ground black pepper to taste
  • turmeric – 0.5 tbsp. spoons for sauce color
  • vegetable oil for frying mushrooms - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons

For decoration:

  • fresh herbs
  • boiled egg – 2 pcs

Or you can come up with your own way to decorate the finished dish.


1. Boil chicken breast in lightly salted water. Then cool it and disassemble it into small fibers. It's better to chop it into small cubes. This way the cut on the salad will look more impressive.

2. Grind the onion, also cutting it into cubes. Take a large head to make the salad juicier. And cut the champignons into slightly larger cubes.

First fry the onion cubes in hot oil, stirring occasionally, and after about 5 minutes add the champignons to the limp translucent onion. Fry them with the lid closed for 13 - 15 minutes.

After you open the lid, you should evaporate the juice, if any is present there.

3. Divide the boiled eggs into whites and yolks, and grate each component on a medium grater into a separate plate.

4. Rinse the prunes in several waters and soak for a short time. Then dry on paper towels and cut into cubes.

Cut the fresh cucumber in the same way, or into small cubes. If it has a thick skin, then it is better to peel it first. Although it gives a beautiful positive color in section.

And use a blender to grind the nuts, which you can take of any kind. But I personally prefer the walnut ones here.

5. Prepare the sauce. To do this, mix yogurt with mayonnaise and add a little turmeric for color. If you like Indian spices, you can also add a little curry.

Instead of yogurt, you can use thick kefir or sour cream.

6. To assemble the salad, we will use a culinary ring with a diameter of 18 cm. If there is none, then you can put all the components in a regular deep salad bowl. Lay it out in layers in the following order:

  • prune pieces
  • walnut crumbs
  • fried mushrooms with onions

  • chicken
  • cucumber

  • grated whites

  • yolks

We leave the last layer in its natural form, without any smudging. However, it can be decorated with fresh herbs, egg whites, and cutting out small flowers from them.

The salad should be allowed to stand in the refrigerator for a while so that the layers are better saturated. Then remove the ring and serve.

Original Christmas tree made from vegetables and herring in gelatin

And this recipe will simply blow everyone away! And you will be even more surprised when I say that this is the salad “Herring under a fur coat”, beloved by many. But not simple and ordinary, but in gelatin. And even prepared in the form of a bright, beautiful Christmas tree.

True, it is somewhat art-house, but that makes it all the more interesting. You agree with me.

You can, of course, cook it in the old version, the way it has been cooked for a long time. Make an Olivier-type salad. Collect it on a plate in a heap and place paws of dill sprigs on the heap. Then decorate with pomegranate seeds and corn.

But we’ve cooked this way many times before, and I want something new. So I want to offer you a replacement.

A brief description of the recipe will be given here, although it is quite understandable. But still, if some points are not clear, then go on. There is this recipe, and even with a video, and 10 others. And all incredibly interesting!

We will need:

  • lightly salted herring – 2 fillets or 200 g
  • boiled beets – 200 gr
  • boiled carrots – 200 gr
  • boiled potatoes – 250 gr
  • onion – half
  • gelatin – 14 – 15 g
  • mayonnaise – 230 – 250 gr
  • salt to taste
  • water for gelatin – 75 ml

To decorate the Christmas tree:

  • boiled egg – 1 pc.
  • red caviar – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • parsley – 1 sprig


1. Grate boiled carrots and potatoes on the middle grid of a grater. Do not overcook the vegetables so that when chopping they do not turn into porridge. Also, allow them to cool completely.

Grate each vegetable into a separate bowl.

2. For beets, use a large grating grid. After complete cooking, the pattern of such grinding will appear in the form of darker inclusions and the dish will sparkle with all its colors.

The juice should be squeezed out of the beets. Not much, but in such a way that it does not interfere with the creation of our masterpiece. If the carrots also turn out to be quite juicy, then you should lightly squeeze them too.

3. Chop the onion as finely as possible and pour boiling water over it. Then squeeze and combine with herring fillets, which should also be cut into cubes.

4. To create a jelly coat of herring and all vegetables, we will need gelatin. It should first be filled with cool boiled water and left to swell. Each type of this product has its own time for this. I have sheet gelatin, and for it this time is only 10 minutes.

After it has been infused for the required time, it should be placed in the microwave for 10 seconds. During this time it should completely dissolve. If this does not happen, then set it for another 3 seconds.

6. By this time we should already have a cone-shaped thicket ready. It should be rinsed with cold water and lined crosswise with cling film.

7. Place jelly mayonnaise in equal proportions into each bowl with prepared ingredients. For potatoes, leave a little more of it, since we have prepared it in larger volumes. Mix thoroughly until every particle of the product is coated with the jelly mixture.

8. And start laying out the layers.

  • beet
  • half a potato

  • herring with onions

  • second half of potatoes
  • carrot

Everything must be done quickly enough so that the mixture does not have time to harden.

After laying out the last layer, cover it with the hanging edges of the film and put it in the refrigerator for 6 hours, or overnight.

9. Remove from the refrigerator, remove the edges of the film and cover the bowl with a flat plate. Turn the bowl over and, under its own weight, the salad will jump out of it quite easily (if you don’t forget to wet the walls in advance).

If you forget, pull the contents by the hanging edges so that air gets under the film, and the “Christmas tree” will slide down.

10. All that remains is to decorate it. We won’t be too zealous, she’s already all dressed up in different colors, like tinsel! Let's decorate only its top.

But since our tree is original, we won’t decorate it with a star on top. We’ll just scatter white snow flakes around the edge and put a spoonful of red caviar in the middle.

Well, let’s give some greenery, after all, our forest beauty!

And crumble the yolk along the edge of the plate, as if scattering confetti.

Winter holidays in Nice (recipe without mayonnaise)

Friends, would you like to spend your holidays in Nice?! Well, what kind of question did you ask!?... Who would refuse... I definitely wouldn’t refuse. Everyone dreams of visiting Nice, it’s warm there, there’s the sea. And even in winter there is a steady plus.

However, you will be surprised, but not everyone dreams of spending the New Year holidays on the Cote d'Azur. Once upon a time, the French visited us for the New Year. This is how we stayed all the first days of January - we rode snow scooters, played snowballs and made a Snowman, and also met Santa Claus, sang a song about the Christmas tree, and received gifts from him.

And they taught me how to cook this salad called “Nicoise” (otherwise it is called Nice). This is where it is prepared, both in winter and summer.

And if you haven’t prepared this yet, then I will teach you. I won’t just tell you, I’ll also show you how it’s prepared. The recipe is given unchanged, exactly as the French guests prepared it during our holidays.

Dear friends! If you have never tried this French dish, prepared in its best traditions, then be sure to try it. You will be surprised how delicious ordinary and familiar vegetables can be. And all this thanks to a wonderful sauce of anchovies, capers, balsamic vinegar and mustard with olive oil.

The taste is simply amazing!!!

New Year's clock - 5 minutes before New Year's Eve

On the last night of the year, everyone waits with bated breath for the clock hands to connect at the top of the dial at the number 12. And so as not to forget, they make themselves a reminder in the form of a salad with clock hands.))) Just kidding, of course!

It’s just that this version of the dish, like no other, reminds us of the transition from one year to another, and therefore is very symbolic. Therefore, we cannot do without it.

We will need:

  • boiled chicken fillet or meat – 300 g
  • hard boiled eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Korean carrots – 150 gr
  • cheese – 150 gr
  • mayonnaise – 4 tbsp. spoons

For decoration:

  • boiled carrots
  • fresh herbs


1. Boil everything in advance until ready, cool and peel. Then separate the eggs into whites and yolks, grate the whites, and grind the yolks into crumbs using a fork.

2. Cut boiled meat or chicken into cubes. Place it in the first layer in a cooking ring measuring 18 cm, grease with mayonnaise. If you like spicier dishes, you can sprinkle the meat with pepper.

Carefully level all layers, but do not press down. You should leave gaps where the sauce will seep through.

3. Next we will have layers of Korean carrots. It is juicy and will nourish the dry layer of meat well. Also coat it with mayonnaise.

4. After the red carrots, place a layer of whites, which also need to be salted and coated with dressing. Then spread the grated cheese. If you want, you can also lightly grease it with mayonnaise.

5. Make the top layer from yolks. They are bright and the dial will look beautiful on them.

Although, if desired, the layers can be changed. In this case, place the yolks down, and make the top from grated cheese. It looks especially beautiful when the cheese is hard.

6. From whole, even carrots, cut out circles of equal thickness, then press them with a notch so that they also turn out to be the same in diameter.

7. Arrange them all in a circle. Place the mayonnaise in a pastry bag or regular bag, cut off the tip. Use it to write numbers.

Cut out a large and a small arrow from the carrot. And place them on the dial at 23 hours 55 minutes. Cover the ends with parsley leaves.

And that’s all, our beautiful and tasty dial is ready and with it, the 5 minutes remaining until the New Year will be much more fun!

There is another version of a similar salad, where instead of a carrot layer, a pomegranate layer is made. Therefore, you have a choice of what to cook!

In this case, the dial can also be decorated with garnet seeds. They will look like real precious stones.

And this design also deserves attention. The top coating in this case is made of cheese.

Winter holiday in the tropics - Corn with crab sticks

Not all winter salads should be put on the table to celebrate the New Year. Especially in places where Christmas trees don’t grow. It would be just right to serve this option in the form of corn.

This sunny dish is incredibly bright and invariably attracts the attention of all guests. And you can prepare it in just a few minutes. I’ll tell you a little secret - the basis of the dish is the favorite and classic salad with crab sticks. Now you understand that it cooks very quickly.

However, just like it is eaten!

We will need:

  • crab sticks (or surimi sticks) – 200 g
  • hard boiled eggs – 4 pcs.
  • fresh cucumber – 2 pcs.
  • green onions - a small bunch
  • fresh herbs dill and parsley, half a bunch
  • lettuce leaf 1 - 2 pcs
  • canned corn – 1 can
  • mayonnaise and salt to taste

Pomegranate seeds for decoration.


To be honest, there's not much to describe here. So I’ll tell you everything quickly.

1. Cut cucumbers, eggs and crab sticks into medium-sized cubes. Place all the cuttings in a bowl convenient for mixing.

2. Grind the dill and parsley. The amount of greens can be adjusted to your taste. Some people like to add more of it, while others only indicate presence. We also put the greens in a bowl.

After cutting, green onions are also added to the general mass.

3. If necessary, the contents should be salted and seasoned with mayonnaise.

In fact, this is already a ready-made salad. You can transfer it to a bowl and serve it to the table.

But today we are preparing a dish for the holiday. Therefore, we put the contents on a flat plate and form the shape of corn.

4. Place a lettuce leaf down from the base side. Sprinkle the top of the given form with grains of canned corn, from which all the liquid must first be drained.

Garnish with additional fresh herbs. And scatter the pomegranate seeds.

And this is the beauty we got in the end. It's just so much fun to watch. How delicious it is, you know?! You can probably guess!!! Then be sure to prepare this dish. Even if it’s for the New Year, but for any other holiday. It always becomes the No. 1 dish on the table.

Royal New Year's treat with red fish and caviar

I came up with this salad last year. And once a year we prepare it. This year we made a video with this recipe, you can watch it on our YouTube channel.

I warn you right away, the dish turns out to be very satisfying and nutritious. Therefore, this one salad will replace several at once. If you cook it, then don’t think of anything else. Don't be afraid that your guests will go hungry.

We will need:

  • lightly salted red fish, any – 150 g
  • shrimp – 150 gr
  • crab sticks (surimi sticks) – 200 g
  • squid – 100 gr
  • fresh cucumbers – 250 gr
  • cheese – 200 gr
  • egg – 3 pcs
  • carrots – 200 gr
  • potatoes – 200 – 250 gr
  • red onion – 1 pc.
  • red caviar – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • mayonnaise to taste
  • olives for garnishing the finished dish

Onion marinade:

  • water – 150 ml
  • salt – 1 teaspoon
  • sugar – 1 teaspoon
  • vinegar 9% – 1.5 tbsp. spoons

The amount of ingredients can be adjusted. We have a lot of everything here, that’s why it’s called royal salad. You may not use something. But look how beautiful it looks. How can one refuse something here?!


1. Pickle the onion. To do this, cut it into half rings or quarter rings, mix all the ingredients for the marinade and pour over the slices. Leave to steep for 10 minutes. Then drain the marinade and taste the onion.

If you are satisfied with the taste, then leave it like that; if it turns out to be sour, then rinse it in cool boiled water.

2. Boil all the squid and shrimp, as well as vegetables and eggs in advance.

Then cut the squid into strips, leaving the shrimp whole. Grate the vegetables on a coarse grater. Pass the eggs through an egg slicer, or chop into cubes.

Grate the cheese and cut the cucumber into small cubes.

3. Moisten the inside of a deep bowl with water and line it with cling film. which should be placed crosswise. Then place all the ingredients in this order.

  • squid, do not grease with mayonnaise

  • carrots, lightly salt and add grease
  • red fish, cut into pieces (do not grease)
  • eggs (grease)

  • cucumbers
  • followed by the onion, which also needs to be greased
  • crab sticks

  • cheese, also grease it with mayonnaise
  • potatoes (grease) - this is the last layer

Here he is the last, and when we turn him over, he will be the first. I know that not everyone will be happy with this layer in this case. I make it because it holds the whole salad together.

You don't have to do it. In this case, the cheese will need to be mixed with mayonnaise immediately after grating it. So that it becomes sticky and can hold this entire structure.

4. Cover the layers with the hanging ends of cling film and put them in the refrigerator for 3 - 4 hours. Then take them out, bend the ends and transfer them to a flat dish.

Garnish with whole shrimp and olives. Place red caviar in the middle and add green accents using fresh herbs.

Festive Snowman with beef and mushrooms

If you love the combination of meat and mushrooms, you will certainly appreciate this recipe.

We will need:

  • boiled beef – 300 – 350 gr
  • champignons – 400 gr
  • onions – 2 pcs
  • hard boiled eggs – 6 pcs.
  • carrots – 3 pcs (small)
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste
  • mayonnaise - to taste
  • black olives – 3 – 4 pcs.
  • vegetable oil for frying


This recipe is incredibly simple. And in it, as in some other options today, the longest thing is the preliminary preparation of all components.

1. Cut mushrooms and onions into small cubes. Then heat a small amount of oil in a frying pan and fry the onion in it for 3 - 4 minutes. During this time he should go limp.

Pour the mushrooms into the pan and fry everything together with the lid closed for about 15 minutes, then open the lid and simmer for another 5 minutes until the liquid evaporates. Don't forget to add salt to taste so they don't turn out tasteless.

2. Cut the boiled and cooled beef into cubes, or even better, separate it into fibers.

3. Grate the carrots on a fine grater. Divide the eggs into whites and yolks, and also rub each of them into a separate bowl.

4. You can simply assemble the salad on a flat plate, or you can use a springform pan for this.

  • Place the first layer of meat and cover it with a mesh of mayonnaise. If you don’t want to bother with fresh meat and cook it ahead of time, then you can buy a ready-made product in the store.

  • Sprinkle the meat with yolk shavings, also grease it with a mesh of mayonnaise.
  • Next, send the cooled mushrooms and onions. If there is a lot of oil left in them, then it must be drained, otherwise the salad will turn out very greasy. I even prefer to drain it first, and then place it on a layer of napkins, and only then form a layer with it. Decide for yourself whether to add sauce. This layer is not dry, but with mayonnaise, it will certainly be more tasty.

  • Let's add a red layer to the carrots; it will look beautiful when cut and give a sweetish taste. If you lay out the layers in springform pans, then everything will be fine. If you use a plate for these purposes, then if a hill has formed from the ingredients, then it should be slightly flattened. And after that, trim the walls to give our treat an even round shape.
  • The carrots should be thoroughly coated with mayonnaise, not only on top, but also on the sides.
  • Sprinkle the top and sides with grated egg white, compact slightly so that the layer does not become loose and crumble. It should kind of stick to the bottom mayonnaise.

5. Decorate the top with a picture of a Snowman. From carrots, cut out a nose, mouth, circles of frosty blush and a perky forelock. Use olives to make eyes.

Let the salad sit in the refrigerator for about an hour or two, and you can serve it when your guests arrive.

There is nothing complicated in preparation here, but this design will certainly lift everyone’s spirits. Checked! As they say - “nothing special, but nice!”

Santa Claus hat with chicken liver and tomatoes

Another symbol of the holiday is the magic hat of Santa Claus. Grandfather himself will not be able to come to every family by 12 at night, but we ourselves can indicate his presence in every house with the help of such a dish.

The content of the layers can be different, and today I have already told you about the different ones. But what we haven’t cooked with today is chicken liver.

We will need:

  • boiled chicken liver – 4 – 5 pcs
  • boiled potatoes – 4 pcs
  • soft-boiled egg – 4 pcs
  • boiled carrots – 3 – 4 pcs
  • tomato – 1 – 2 pcs.
  • mayonnaise to taste
  • salt also to taste


1. Boil everything in advance and cool. Then grate the potatoes on a medium grater. On a fine grater, grate the carrots and whites with egg yolks, all into separate bowls.

Also chop the chicken liver on a fine grater. And cut the tomatoes into cubes.

2. Place potatoes in the first layer on a flat plate. Use it to set the shape of the hat. Then salt it on top and grease with a small amount of mayonnaise.

3. Place chopped tomato on potatoes. It will release the juices and the bottom vegetable won't be as dry. First cut one tomato, if it is not enough to cover the potatoes, then cut the second one.

Add salt to the tomatoes and also grease them.

4. Next we'll go with the liver. If you did not cook it in salted water, then also salt it after laying it out.

5. Now it’s the yolks’ turn. Everything is unchanged here, level the layer, sprinkle with salt and brush with sauce.

6. Place carrots on top of them. Lower it onto the walls so that there are no gaps left. You shouldn’t spend it only on the very bottom and top, where we will place the white decoration.

7. Make a pom-pom and a flap for the hat from egg whites. And this is what beauty we got. Now all that remains is to decorate it with mayonnaise and draw figures on it.

To do this neatly, you can place the product in a bag and cut off the tip 1 mm in size. Then you can easily draw any patterns.

Let the finished dish sit in the refrigerator for an hour or two and serve.

Peppa Pig - a festive treat for the children's table

Many children love it when a separate table is set for them for the holiday. And this table, of course, must be special. It should have everything that kids love.

And children love various sweets, fruits, potatoes from McDonald's... And they also love cartoons!

All mothers strive to feed their babies more nutritiously, and they just can’t come up with anything to do this. We also have little ones in our family, and we also try to treat them tastier.

That's why they came up with this salad from what children eat. You can look here. And in today's selection there is a short description.

We will need:

  • boiled chicken fillet – 0.5 pcs
  • potatoes – 2 pcs (small size)
  • sweet and sour apple – 1 pc.
  • egg – 4 pcs
  • juice from fresh lemon – 1 teaspoon
  • sour cream - 3 - 4 tbsp. spoons

For decoration:

  • cheese for the pig's feet, and make another sun out of it
  • olives or grapes for eyes
  • carrots for ears, snout and ruddy circles
  • pomegranate seeds
  • fresh herbs


1. To make a figure look like a cartoon prototype, it is better to find a template on the Internet. Print it out and assemble the salad according to it. That's what we did.

2. Prepare all the ingredients, boil what you need in advance. Cool and chop either on a grater or with a knife.

3. Prepare a large dish and lay out the first layer of grated potatoes according to the pattern. Grease it with sour cream and don’t forget to add salt to taste.

Before lubrication, apply a template and check whether all the shapes have been set correctly.

By the way, if I were to make this salad again, I would make the first layer of French fries.

4. Mix the grated carrots with the apple, which after grating should get lemon juice so that it does not darken. And lay out the second layer. Also apply sour cream on it.

5. Next, chicken fillet pieces, yolks and whites. Grease everything with sour cream except the whites.

6. Cut out parts from carrots and cheese.

Adapt them to their proper places. Decorate Peppa's dress with pomegranate seeds.

Decorate the dish with a cheese sun and egg white clouds. Arrange the greens in the form of grass. Sprinkle the free space with sprinkles.

That's all, our beautiful children's dish is ready to wait for the children at the table.

My kids liked this presentation. And you can put in the salad those ingredients that your kids love.

Friends, you know, the article has already turned out to be so long that it’s time to finish it. There are links to other recipes in the preface, go there too. It's great to have plenty to choose from. You can type the word “salad” into the search bar and you will get a hundred other interesting recipes.

The most important thing is that if you understand the principle of today's selection, then you can create any salad with any design. You can create Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, any cartoon character or a toy. The choice here can only be limited by your imagination.

And since we all have it limitless, it means there simply cannot be boundaries!

Prepare delicious salads and have fun celebrating the New Year! And may the next year be successful, happy and prosperous for you. Happy New Year!

And wish you all delicious holiday salads and treats!

The snowman is one of the favorite winter heroes and culinary “plots” when it comes to the festive decoration of snacks and salads. And all because it is very simple to decorate this or that holiday dish in the form of this wonderful creature.

For many years now, culinary specialists have been preparing salads and snacks in the form of snowmen for the New Year's feast: large, small, in different hats (from cucumber, carrots, dark bread, etc.), in savory and sweet variations. Today we’ll talk about savory options – salads and snowman snacks.
The largest snowman was made from snow in 2008. in the American city of Bothel, Maine. Its height was 37m, and its weight was 6000 tons.
You can make an edible snowman from almost any light-colored food: eggs, rice, crab sticks, mashed potatoes, cheese, etc. The great thing is that, having made a snowman, for example, according to the following recipe, you can decorate any dish with it - cold cuts, salad, sandwiches, etc.
Recipe for making edible snowmen to decorate dishes

You will need: 2 eggs and processed cheese, garlic, sour cream/mayonnaise, salt (also, if desired, grated nutmeg, black pepper), decoration - greens, boiled carrots, peppercorns, canned green peas.
How to prepare a snowman decoration for dishes. Grate garlic, boiled eggs and cheese curds on a fine grater, season with mayonnaise or sour cream, stir until smooth, adding salt and seasoning to taste. Form snowmen by making balls of different sizes from the mass with wet hands and stacking them on top of each other, make “hands” from greenery, eyes from black peppercorns, noses and hats from boiled carrots, and decorations for the body from green peas.
You can make a snowman using sushi rice or regular rice.

To make the figure more fluffy, you can roll balls made from any mass to taste (rice, cheese-garlic) in finely grated cheese.

In the form of such snowmen, you can even serve full-fledged salads - for example, corn salad with crab sticks, rice and eggs.

Or you can lay out the edible snowman in a “flat” version, as in the following recipe.
Recipe for New Year's salad with canned fish and rice “Snowman”

You will need: rice, canned fish, pickled cucumbers, sweet and sour apples, boiled carrots or beets, suluguni cheese, mayonnaise sauce, sour cream, soy sauce, hot mustard.
How to prepare fish salad “Snowman”. Mash the fish with a fork, drain the liquid, grate the cucumbers, drain the liquid from them, also grate apples, carrots or beets, and cheese. Mix ingredients for sauce. Lay the salad in layers on a flat dish in the shape of a snowman, coating each with sauce: boiled rice, fish, cucumbers, apples, carrots or beets, cheese, coat the last layer with sauce. Decorate the snowman like this: make a scarf from bell peppers and green onions, a hat from finely chopped olives, tassels on the scarf from pomegranate seeds, eyes and buttons from olives, a mouth from sweet peppers, a nose from carrots, a broom from dill.
Recipe for New Year's salad “Snowman's Face” with chicken and mushrooms

You will need: 450g boiled chicken fillet, 3 boiled potato tubers, 250g pickled mushrooms, 3-4 boiled eggs, mayonnaise, carrots and olives for decoration.
How to make chicken salad with snowman mushrooms. Cut the chicken into small cubes, do the same with boiled potatoes, separate the whites from the yolks of the eggs, grate the whites on a fine grater, use the yolks for other dishes. Lay out the salad in layers, covering each one with mayonnaise: mushrooms, chicken, potatoes, proteins. Make mouth, nose and cheeks from boiled carrots, eyelashes and eyes from olives, let the salad soak before serving.
Next are a few more ideas for decorating New Year's salads in the form of snowmen.

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