Home Salads and snacks Pilaf with pumpkin and dried meat. Bukhara pilaf with pumpkin. Pumpkin pilaf with bulgur

Pilaf with pumpkin and dried meat. Bukhara pilaf with pumpkin. Pumpkin pilaf with bulgur

We prepare all the ingredients to prepare delicious pilaf with pumpkin. Peel the pumpkin, carrots and onions and wash well.

Cut the onion into half rings, but not too thin. If you don’t really like onions, add them anyway; during the cooking of the pilaf they will become completely unnoticeable, but will add flavor.

Cut the carrots into thick strips.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan or cauldron, add onions and carrots, fry. Add cumin.

Cut the pumpkin into cubes.

Add the pumpkin to the pan with the vegetables.

When the vegetables are slightly stewed, add seasoning for pilaf. Stir.

Rinse the rice several times until the water is clear. Drain the water.

Add rice to the pan with vegetables. Add salt to taste.

Add 2 cups boiling water. When preparing pilaf, the main thing is to observe the proportions of rice and water, you need to take it in a ratio of 1:2, then you won’t get porridge.

Cover with a lid and place on the lowest heat for 20 minutes. Do not remove the lid during this time and do not stir the pilaf. After 7-10 minutes in the kitchen you will already feel the aroma.

After 20 minutes, turn off the heat and open the lid and admire the beautiful sunny pilaf. The pilaf turns out to be brightly colored and uplifting.

I suffered and suffered, but for some reason I couldn’t insert the photo step by step further, although I spent more than an hour, so now only a description, without pictures (which is a pity).
So, the onions are fried, the carrots are chopped (we cut them lengthwise into long slices, and each slice is already divided into many strips; for speed, we place the slices one on top of the other). Throw the carrots into the cauldron, mix and leave to fry over medium heat.
Pour 1 tsp into your left palm. cumin (or cumin), hold it over the cauldron and rub it with the thumb of your right hand - the aroma stands out - you will rock! We gradually tilt our palm so that the cumin falls into the cauldron, in the end it will all fall in there, and let it fry with onions and carrots, and we will deal with the pumpkin.
Cut approximately 400 grams of pumpkin into cubes of about 1.5 x 1.5 cm, maybe a little more or a little less - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that the pieces are not large, since in the end they should be almost completely boiled.
Yes, while we are cutting the pumpkin, do not forget to keep an eye on the cauldron, that is, sometimes we come up and stir so that it does not burn...
We cut the pumpkin - check the carrots - they should bend, but not break - just pull out a couple of them with a block and bend them, if they don’t break - hooray! - the carrots are ready, if they break, mix and fry further.
Throw a tablespoon of paprika into the cauldron - it will add color to the finished pilaf and pumpkin, mix and fry for about 5 minutes, then pour water so that everything is covered on top by about 2 cm, salt to taste, but, as already written, add a little salt , otherwise the finished pilaf will be a bit bland. Place one head of garlic on top, previously cleared of the top scales and washed, add barberries, raisins, cover with a lid and let it simmer over low heat for 20-30 minutes.
During this time, it is quite possible to cut a salad of onions, tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs, and even surf the Internet for about 15 minutes.
Half an hour passed, we opened the lid, there was almost no liquid left, and no pumpkin either - it was mostly boiled. We take out the garlic, cover it with an even layer of rice - about 400-500 grams, you don’t need more onions and carrots for this amount, otherwise it won’t be pilaf, but solid rice. It is good to use steam treated. The rice was poured in, leveled over the cauldron with a spoon, without touching the bottom vegetable layer (in pilaf, in general, after the rice has been added, the layers are not mixed, either with or without meat). And now the main thing is to fill the water correctly.
We hold a spoon over the center of the cauldron, and pour boiling water (or very hot water) from the kettle onto it so that the water flows from the spoon, so that the layer of rice is intact, and there should be about 2 cm of water on top of the rice.
They poured it, sighed (what if there wasn’t enough or would there be too much? If there wasn’t enough, the rice would remain raw, if there was too much, it would be a messy porridge, not pilaf, but don’t worry - everything will definitely work out), checked - the tablespoon should “sink” under the water - The stump is clear - not the whole stump with a handle, but only the part with which we eat.
Turn up the heat to maximum, return the head of garlic to the top of the rice and let it boil very vigorously for about 5 minutes, then turn the heat down a little below medium, close the lid and calmly climb into the “Cook” to look for something tasty for dessert. We can search for 15-20 minutes, during which time all the water should be absorbed into the rice. So set the timer for 15 minutes, what if it gets absorbed sooner?
After 15 minutes we check - open the lid and see if there is liquid or not - if there is a lot of it, it means you have poured too much water - turn up the heat and boil without a lid - let the moisture evaporate (yes, open the window - and there will be no steam, and the neighbors will be jealous , what aroma will go). If there is no liquid or there is little of it, try the rice on top - it should be the fashionable degree of “al dente” today - that is, almost ready, but this is from the very top - if so, we collect it in a mound towards the center, set the fire to the lowest possible level, close the lid and wait another 5 minutes.
If there is no water at all, and the rice is clearly raw, pour boiling water over a spoon, just a little, and let it cook some more.
We assembled the slide, close the lid, wait, as I already wrote, for about 5 minutes and turn off the stove, but don’t put the pilaf out yet - it should sit for another 10-15 minutes. During this time, boil water, brew green hour, set the salad, and only then open the lid, take out the garlic (remember - we had the head on top?) Using a large slotted spoon, mix the pilaf from bottom to top so that the carrots are distributed between the grains of rice - the pumpkin will be almost invisible, she was overcooked. We put it on a large dish (pilaf is eaten from a common plate), decorate the top with a head of garlic, put it on the table and invite the family to “eat the food of the gods.”
That's all, I hope you liked it. Bon appetit! Unfortunately, I couldn’t post all the photos.

Meat One of the most favorite and sought after types of meat is beef. This shouldn’t be surprising, because it’s hard to argue with the outstanding taste of this meat. A little tough in nature, beef can taste surprisingly soft when cooked correctly. In the recipe for beef pilaf, it is true that the ingredients and their quantities are selected, so the dish turns out incredibly tasty, the rice is crumbly and transparent, and the meat is crusty but juicy. Pilaf is perfectly filling, it is suitable for both lunch and dinner, it will certainly make everyone reach for more. The only thing better than pilaf with beef is pilaf with more meat added. Beef 400 g. Rice round. 300 g. Onions 2 pcs. Garlic 5 teeth. Carrots 2 pcs. Water 600 ml. Vegetable oil frying Salt to taste Spices for pilaf to taste Cut the onion into small cubes, and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Fry the vegetables in a saucepan or frying pan for 10-15 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste. Cut the beef into small cubes and add to the vegetables. Mix everything thoroughly. Salt and pepper to taste and simmer for 45 minutes, stirring occasionally. After this time, add the rice, washed until transparent. Pour all the ingredients with water and simmer without stirring for about 40 minutes. Then turn off the heat and add the peeled garlic cloves. Let the pilaf brew for about 30 minutes. After the time has passed, remove the garlic and enjoy the dish. Bon appetit!
  • 1min 60min 648 Meat Pilaf with pork in a pot is a very successful option for preparing this dish. The taste of pilaf is quite special and rich, because it simmers in the oven in its own juice and is not fried, which is very healthy. Pork 500 g. Rice 2 tbsp. Onions 500 g. Carrots 500 g. Garlic 1 pc. Water 4 tbsp. Hot pepper 1 pc. Saffron 1 tsp. Spices for pilaf to taste Salt to taste Ground black pepper to taste We prepare the necessary ingredients for pilaf. We wash the meat, dry it and cut it into small cubes. We also cut the vegetables into small random pieces. Place the chopped ingredients into the pots. Place the pots in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 degrees. After 20 minutes, salt the ingredients and add spices. After the time has passed, add the washed rice and the unpeeled head of garlic. Salt, pepper and pour in hot water (or broth), half a glass for each pot. Let it simmer in the oven for an hour. Pork pilaf in a pot is ready. Place on plates and serve. Bon appetit!
  • 15min 60min Meat Today we will share with you a step-by-step recipe for preparing the dish “Pork pilaf with bulgur”. This is a must try. Onions 2 pcs. Bulgur grains 1 cup. Seedless raisins 500 g. Chop the onion and fry it in a frying pan in sunflower oil. The more oil, the better. You can add 1-2 tablespoons of butter to sunflower oil - this will give a good taste to the whole pilaf. Remember that it is better to take a high frying pan with thick walls - this way the pilaf will steam better (you get the effect of a cauldron). When the onion has become transparent, add the diced meat to the pan. The size of each piece can be made 1x1 cm. Fry the meat on each side, stirring constantly. Be sure to salt and pepper the meat. Rinse the bulgur grains and add them to the pan. Pour a glass of water and leave to dry under the lid for 40 minutes. About 5 minutes before readiness, you can add raisins to the pilaf - just sprinkle them on top of the bulgur and leave under the lid. If you are preparing pilaf in a slow cooker, then lay out all the ingredients in layers, select the “Pilaf” mode and leave for 25 minutes.
  • 15min 60min Meat Today we will share with you a step-by-step recipe for preparing the “Homemade Pilaf” dish. This is a must try. Chilled pork shoulder 300 g. Short grain rice 1 cup. Onions 2 pcs. Fresh carrots 1 pc. Seedless raisins 0.5 cup. Heat the sunflower oil in a frying pan with a thick bottom and high walls. I use a stone frying pan to make the pilaf look like in a cauldron. My mother uses duck meat for pilaf. Add 50 grams of butter to sunflower oil - then the taste of the pilaf will be much brighter. While the oil is heating up, chop the onion. Pour into a preheated frying pan and let it lightly fry over medium heat for 2-3 minutes until the onion becomes transparent. While the onion is frying, cut the meat into cubes. I take pork - a fattier piece. Fry the meat over high heat in oil for about 5 minutes until it is covered with a crust. Rinse the rice and place it in the pan with the meat. You can mix it with meat, or you can just leave it as the top layer. Pour boiled water, bring to a boil, add salt. Cover with a lid and leave to simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Grate the carrots and after 20 minutes place them in an even layer on the rice. Cover with a lid and leave for another 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, rinse the raisins and place them on top of the carrots. Close the lid and leave on low heat for another 10 minutes. Pilaf is ready!
  • 15min 120min Meat Today we will share with you a step-by-step recipe for preparing the dish “My Chicken Pilaf”. This is a must try. Short grain rice 300 g. Chicken 500 g. Onions 300 g. Fresh carrots 25 g. Vegetable oil 600 ml. Spices 1 pc. Salt, pepper 1 to taste Garlic 6 teeth. Water 45 ml. Spices. If I don’t have barberry and cumin, I don’t even start cooking pilaf. My pilaf always includes Imeretian saffron and ground red pepper (they are in the photo). And also sumac and turmeric, but I forgot to photograph them. Zirvak. Zirvak is the basis of pilaf. To prepare it, vegetables are fried with meat in fat. But I cook in a slow cooker in one go, without separately frying the zirvak. Forgive me, a master of pilafing and a guru, but in a slow cooker in one go it’s also very tasty! Peel the carrots and onions. Cut the carrots into oblong cubes. Diced onion. Cut the meat into large pieces. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl. Add onions, carrots, meat, spices. Mix. Place washed rice on top (ideally the devzir variety, which can be bought from Uzbeks at the market). To fill with water. Insert garlic cloves into rice. Set the multicooker to “Pilaf” mode for 1 hour.
  • 20min 1hour.min Meat A detailed step-by-step description of how to prepare the dish “Pilaf with chicken in Burakov style.” Be sure to try it Chicken 6 pieces Long grain rice 250 g. Onion 1 pc. Carrot 1 pc. Garlic 2 teeth. If you have a whole chicken, then start cutting it up. We separate the wings, thighs and drumsticks; these are the ones we will use for pilaf. Next, wash them in cold water and dry them with a paper towel! Set aside and deal with the carrots and onions.
    The rest of the chicken will come in handy too! Filet can be used in so many different dishes! For example, for home-style roast, which I will cook tomorrow) The remaining part of the chicken is good to use for broth!
    We clean the carrots and onions. Grate three carrots and cut the onion into small pieces. Let's get to the fun part! Place a non-stick saucepan on the stove, heat it over high heat, add a little vegetable or olive oil, and lay out our chicken pieces. Fry the pieces over high heat on both sides until white (about 3-5 minutes), then add your favorite spices! I recommend not to neglect them, because it is the spices that give the pilaf its rich aroma and taste! I usually use ground red and black pepper, paprika, cumin, and turmeric. Reduce the heat to medium and add onions and carrots to our aromatic pieces. Simmer for about 5 minutes until the vegetables are soft. Next, add 200-250 grams of rice. If your rice is steamed (manufacturers usually indicate this fact on the packaging), then you do not need to rinse it! So we immediately send it to our saucepan and spread it in an even layer! Do not mix under any circumstances! Now we fill our future pilaf with hot water so that the water is slightly above the level of the pilaf. Add a bay leaf, 2 cloves of garlic and close our saucepan with a lid. Let the pilaf cook over low heat for 25-35 minutes. Every 10-15 minutes you can check the dish and add a little water if it has completely boiled away. After half an hour, open the lid, enjoy the aroma, and get aesthetic pleasure! (You can call your family and friends, let them relax too!) Next, we take out the bay leaf and garlic from the pilaf, they have already played their role and we don’t need them anymore! Mix our wonderful miracle and wondrous wonder, put it on plates, add herbs and enjoy! Our Burakov style chicken pilaf is ready!
    Bon Appetit everyone!!!
  • 20min 120min Meat Real pilaf is prepared from lamb and with the addition of many aromatic spices. But not everyone likes lamb, and it’s not always possible to get good meat. But I want pilaf... So let's make pilaf from our usual pork. And it will also turn out tasty, aromatic and crumbly.
    See how to cook regular pilaf, it's simple.
    Pork pulp 1.5 kg. Rice 1 kg. Onions 1 kg. Carrots 1 kg. Refined sunflower oil 300 ml. Seasoning for pilaf 2 g. Salt 2 g. Hot water 1.5 g. Rinse the meat thoroughly and dry it. Then cut into small pieces, about 4 cm. Peel the carrots and cut them into thin strips, about 0.5 cm thick. Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings or smaller ones. It is best to cook pilaf, of course, in a cauldron. But you can do it in a thick-walled pan. Pour oil into a cauldron or pan and heat over high heat. Throw some onion into the hot oil and fry it until dark brown. Then remove the onion from the cauldron. Place meat in heated oil. After 3 minutes, stir and continue to fry over high heat to your favorite degree. Some people like lightly browned meat, while others like heavily fried pieces. The meat is fried, add the onion and stir. Fry for about 5 minutes - Don’t forget to stir, because we cook on high heat! Now let's add the carrot strips. Mix everything and fry. Cook until the carrots are browned or soft. Again, as you like. Now let’s add about one and a half to two glasses of hot water, a teaspoon of salt and seasoning for pilaf. Let it simmer for 15-20 minutes, covered, over medium heat. Wash the rice thoroughly under running water to remove all the starch from it. To ensure that you get pilaf and not porridge, it is better to take steamed rice. Place the washed rice in a cauldron. Flatten the rice and add hot water. The liquid should cover the rice by about 2.5 cm. Add salt. Cook without a lid over medium heat. When the liquid has boiled away and the rice is on the surface, collect it in a small mound. We make several holes with the handle of a spoon to the bottom of the cauldron or pan. And close the pilaf tightly with a lid. Reduce the heat to low and cook for another 20 minutes. Then turn off the heat and let the pilaf sit for another 15 minutes. Place the pilaf on plates or put it in one large dish. Bon appetit!
  • 20min 50min Meat Carefully study how to cook pilaf with pork in a pressure cooker. This is probably one of the easiest recipes for this dish that I have ever tried. Nevertheless, the pilaf turns out just as tasty as in a cauldron. And by adding barberry, we will make the pilaf even more piquant and interesting. Pork 500 g. Barberry 5 pcs. Carrots 2 pcs. Onions 1 pc. Water 4 glasses. Rice 2 stacks. Garlic 7 teeth. Leek 1 bunch Salt to taste Ground black pepper to taste Bay leaf 2 pcs. Wash the meat and cut into small pieces. Peel, wash and cut the carrots into cubes. Peel and chop the onion. Fry these ingredients in a pressure cooker in oil on the "Fry" setting. Then add barberries, spices and salt. Rinse the rice and place it on top. Level everything out. Place garlic in the center and add bay leaf. Pour in water, set the “Pilaf” mode for 20 minutes. Stir the finished pilaf and add chopped leeks to it. Bon appetit!
  • 20min 120min Meat You can use either traditional lamb or beef, for example, in the recipe for making shah pilaf. As for dried fruits, you can take the ones you like best. There are no carrots in this version, but you can add them too. This interesting way of serving a dish is ideal for a holiday. Meat 700 g. Rice 700 g. Onion 3-4 pcs. Garlic 3-4 teeth. Spices To taste (turmeric, salt, pepper, barberry, etc.) Dried fruits 300 g. Butter 125 g. First of all, I’ll tell you about the preparatory process. Soak the rice for a couple of hours, then rinse and place in salted water with turmeric. Boil until half cooked. Rinse the dried fruits; for greater softness, you can add hot water for a few minutes. Then dry it. Wash the meat, cut into small pieces and place in a frying pan with melted butter. Fry until crusty over high heat. Remove the meat from the pan, add more oil, and add the onion. Fry it over medium heat. If you use carrots in this simple shah pilaf recipe, fry them along with the onions. Grind some dried fruits. Place dried fruits, meat and all the spices you use in the pan with the onions. Mix everything carefully and leave on medium heat for minutes. Add butter during the process. While the filling is being prepared, you can make the pita bread. By the way, you can also use thin dough instead, for example. Cut two circles to the size of the heat-resistant form in which you plan to bake shah pilaf at home. Grease the bottom and sides of the mold with butter, place pita bread on the bottom. Cut the rest of the pita bread into small strips. And cover the sides of the mold with them so that each strip overlaps. 1 Thoroughly brush the pita bread with melted butter. Place about a third of the rice on the bottom and smooth it out. 1 Then - some meat with dried fruits. Alternate layers in this way. 1 When the last layer is ready, pour the remaining butter on top. Lift the strips of pita bread up and cover the rice with them. 1This is the beauty that will result. Place in an oven preheated to 180 for about 1 hour. For the first half hour, you can cover the pan with foil. 1 That’s the whole secret of how to cook shah pilaf. Carefully turn it over and serve.
  • 15min 50min Meat One special component that will make your pilaf incredibly tasty.
    Tasty. I love pilaf very much and try to diversify its taste. In this version of pilaf, mushrooms add their unique taste.
    Chicken breast (fillet) 300 g. Champignons 300 g. Rice 2 cups. Carrots 300 g. Onions 200 g. Dry spices to taste Garlic 1 tooth. Vegetable oil 0.5 cup. Tomatoes 1 pc.
    Wash the meat and mushrooms, peel and wash the carrots and onions. Cut the meat into small pieces, mushrooms into slices, carrots into strips, onions into cubes. Heat the vegetable oil in a cauldron or thick-walled pan. Add meat, lightly fry mushrooms, add carrots and onions, mix. When the carrots become soft, add the garlic and pour boiling water over them. Rinse the rice well and soak in hot water for 10 minutes. Add pilaf spices and salt to the cauldron. Cut a small tomato into small pieces and add to the cauldron. Drain the rice. Remove the garlic from the cauldron, add the rice, smooth it out and pour boiling water over it until the rice is covered with water. When the water is absorbed, turn the heat to minimum, close the cauldron with a lid and simmer for 20 minutes.
  • We prepare all the ingredients to prepare delicious pilaf with pumpkin. Peel the pumpkin, carrots and onions and wash well.

    Cut the onion into half rings, but not too thin. If you don’t really like onions, add them anyway; during the cooking of the pilaf they will become completely unnoticeable, but will add flavor.

    Cut the carrots into thick strips.

    Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan or cauldron, add onions and carrots, fry. Add cumin.

    Cut the pumpkin into cubes.

    Add the pumpkin to the pan with the vegetables.

    When the vegetables are slightly stewed, add seasoning for pilaf. Stir.

    Rinse the rice several times until the water is clear. Drain the water.

    Add rice to the pan with vegetables. Add salt to taste.

    Add 2 cups boiling water. When preparing pilaf, the main thing is to observe the proportions of rice and water, you need to take it in a ratio of 1:2, then you won’t get porridge.

    Cover with a lid and place on the lowest heat for 20 minutes. Do not remove the lid during this time and do not stir the pilaf. After 7-10 minutes in the kitchen you will already feel the aroma.

    After 20 minutes, turn off the heat and open the lid and admire the beautiful sunny pilaf. The pilaf turns out to be brightly colored and uplifting.

    The end of the winter period makes you happy with the future meeting with spring, but disappoints you with the lack of vitamins in your diet. But there is a unique product that is available to almost everyone - pumpkin.

    Pumpkin pulp contains a large amount of fiber and various plant sugars, calcium salts, magnesium, potassium, iron, as well as vitamins C, B1, B2, B5, E, A, PP.

    Therefore, pumpkin dishes are healthy and tasty. Delicious and nutritious dishes have already been mentioned on the blog “The World through the Eyes of Mom” -,.

    Today we present to your attention recipe for Azerbaijani pilaf with pumpkin(for connoisseurs of national cuisine, I would like to clarify that there are many recipes, and even more variations).

    To prepare the dish you will need:

    Pumpkin – 600 g;

    onions – 600 g;

    large apple or quince – 1 piece;

    long grain rice (at the rate of 100 g per 1 serving) – 400 g;

    butter – 100 g;

    sugar to taste (at least 4-5 tablespoons);

    salt - to taste;

    turmeric – 1 tbsp for preparing squash and 1 tbsp. for cooking rice.

    So let's get started cooking pilaf with pumpkin:

    1. Rinse the pumpkin, peel it, and remove all the seeds with a spoon.

    2. First cut into sticks, and then cut these sticks into small pieces no more than 1 cm thick.

    3. Peel and seed the apple, and then cut into slices about 0.5 cm thick.

    4. Cut the onion into thin half rings.

    5. Place all the prepared products in layers in a cauldron or pan (deep frying pan) with thick walls: a layer of pumpkin, a layer of onions, apples, salt, sugar, turmeric, then repeat all layers.

    6. Upon completion, add a piece of butter (30-50 g) and add a little water (100 g) to allow everything to simmer rather than cook.

    And cover the cauldron with a lid, put it on the fire and forget about it for 20-25 minutes - there is no need to stir, you just need to make sure that there is not too little liquid (add a little) or too much (open the lid so that the excess liquid evaporates).

    You can use modern household appliances – a multicooker – to cook pumpkin. To do this, you need to load all the products in the same sequence into the appliance’s bowl, select the “Stew” mode, set the timer for 20 minutes and go about your business. The advantage of cooking a dish in a slow cooker is that you can be away while cooking, the vegetables will not burn or remain raw, and the maximum nutrients will be retained.

    7. While the pumpkin with onions and apples are stewing, place a large saucepan with heavily salted water on the fire.

    8. When the water in the pan boils, pour the washed rice into it and stirring all the time, cook until the rice is half cooked.

    9. As soon as the rice reaches the half-cooked stage, place it in a colander and rinse in cold running water.

    10. Then, at the bottom of the cauldron (pan with thick walls), in which the rice will cook until cooked, place a piece of butter (30-50 g),

    pour a layer of rice and sprinkle a little turmeric and so on, lay out all the rice in layers: rice - turmeric, rice - turmeric.

    Upon completion, use the back of a spoon to make 5-7 indentations to release excess moisture and, tightly closing the lid, place on low heat for 15-20 minutes so that the rice is completely cooked and all the moisture evaporates, which will make the rice more crispy.

    11. Serve the plate - serve the rice with stewed pumpkin, additionally pouring a small amount of melted butter over the rice.

    Azerbaijani pilaf with pumpkin ready, treat everyone.

    Bon appetit.

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