Home Preparations for the winter Apricot kernel paste: benefits and harms. Urbech made from apricot kernels. The benefits of urbech from other ingredients

Apricot kernel paste: benefits and harms. Urbech made from apricot kernels. The benefits of urbech from other ingredients

The nutritious product is made using the ancient technology of grinding seeds in stone millstones. A homogeneous mass is obtained by applying high pressure. Dagestan urbech does not contain refined sugars, which is why it is recommended for lovers of a healthy diet. The natural product does not undergo heat treatment, so all components have great benefits for the body.

What kind of urbechs are there?

The traditional urbech, which has been prepared in eastern countries since ancient times, is flaxseed. This product has a pleasant sweet taste and chocolate color, although it does not contain dyes or cocoa powder. The dark shade is obtained by mixing flax seeds of different varieties. There are other types of thick nutritional paste.

The main ones:

  • cumin,
  • pumpkin,
  • from ,
  • poppy,
  • sesame,
  • nutty,
  • from apricot kernels,
  • hemp,
  • coconut

Nut butter is prepared from, as well as, hazelnuts or. Different Urbechi differ in taste and quantity of ingredients (single-component or multi-component). Their similarity lies in their absolute naturalness, the absence of harmful additives and flavor enhancers. To add more sweetness, flower honey is also added to the mixture. Many manufacturers offer to purchase a product with the addition of garlic, spices or cheese.

Composition and characteristics

Urbech is a useful product that can boost immunity, energize and restore strength after a protracted illness. It is highly nutritious - at least 500 kcal per 100 g of paste (depending on the type). The composition contains carbohydrates - about 40 g, fats - 35 g, proteins - 15 g. A serving (100 g) of natural pasta makes up almost 30% of the daily calorie intake if you follow a diet of 2,000 kcal.

The benefit of the product lies in its saturation with valuable elements. The main ones:

  • amino acids,
  • cellulose,
  • taurine,
  • iron and manganese,
  • carotene,
  • fatty acid,
  • iodine, zinc,
  • biotin,
  • ascorbic acid,
  • phosphorus and potassium.

The energy complex of the paste allows you to feel a surge of strength throughout the day, carotene improves vision, and fiber helps normalize digestion. In addition, urbech is an excellent antioxidant that allows the body to get rid of harmful substances. The only contraindication to the use of the paste is individual intolerance to the components from which it is prepared.

Useful properties and applications

The beneficial effect on the body of different types of natural paste is as follows:

Single- or multi-component urbech helps to cope with many problems. The effective action of the ingredients is due to the fact that they are present in the product in their natural form, that is, they are not subjected to heat treatment.

When losing weight

To get rid of extra pounds, it is recommended to use unsweetened flaxseed paste, that is, in its natural form. The results of adding a product to the menu are saturation of the body with necessary elements, acceleration of metabolism and breakdown of fat cells. Nutritionists recommend flaxseed urbech because of its ability to perfectly satisfy hunger. For several hours after consuming the product, a person can do just fine without food and does not experience any discomfort.

The best time to take is morning. The paste can be eaten in its pure form with water, or used as an additive for yogurt, muesli, and cereals. After a few weeks, you may notice an improvement in your well-being and weight loss.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, natural pasta can be added to your diet. Harm from the product is possible only if a woman has an allergic reaction to the product or intolerance. In other cases, urbech will only bring benefits due to its rich composition. It is best to eat black cumin paste, as the product significantly improves immunity. In addition, urbech made from pine nuts is useful for mother and child. It relieves fatigue well and saturates the weakened body with vitamins. Cedar paste contains arginine, which helps to avoid problems with the baby's weight and promotes its normal development.

During lactation, it is necessary to find out whether the child has an allergic reaction to the components from which Urbech is made. In the absence of contraindications, a woman can eat paste made from walnuts, pine nuts, and flax to improve milk production.

For children

Natural and nutritious paste has a positive effect on the health of a growing and actively developing child. Urbech is an excellent alternative to industrial chocolate spreads with chemical additives. To enhance brain and physical activity, a schoolchild can be given a sandwich with Urbech made from any nut for breakfast. In addition, the product charges you with energy for a long time and makes it possible to exercise with double strength.

It is useful for growing children to eat natural pasta to prevent colds during cold seasons. A product made from nuts or grains does an excellent job of coughing, promoting the rapid removal of phlegm. It is worth noting that you should avoid eating the paste if your baby is allergic to flower honey or any nuts. There are no age restrictions for adding to the diet in the absence of contraindications.

How to take Urbech

Paste made from nuts, seeds or seeds is used in pure form or as an additive to various dishes. It is advisable to eat high-calorie urbech in the morning to recharge yourself with energy for a long time and not gain extra pounds. For a healing effect, you need to take 2 or 3 tablespoons of the product with water. Nutritious breakfast options with pasta are a sandwich, porridge, natural yogurt, cottage cheese or cereal mixture. Urbech goes well with any honey, dried fruits, and fresh berries. The sesame delicacy goes well with fresh apples, apricot kernel paste with peaches, and the sunflower seed delicacy with ripe grapes.

Many housewives use urbech for soaking baked goods, as well as topping for pancakes and pancakes. Pumpkin, sesame and nut Dagestan delicacy are suitable for adding to side dishes, porridges and vegetable salads. Athletes can prepare nutritional cocktails based on urbech by mixing the treat with milk and banana.

How to cook at home?

To obtain a real Dagestan product, you will need to have special stone millstones or makitra (a wide clay pot) at home. However, if such utensils are not available, you can use a pestle and mortar. To make the oil more easily released from the seeds or nuts, you can warm them up a little and then start chopping them. It is worth noting that the release of oily liquid is a mandatory stage in the preparation of urbech. Therefore, you cannot use a coffee grinder to prevent the seeds from turning into flour.

The sequence of actions for preparing a multicomponent paste is as follows:

  • Prepare the necessary ingredients in equal quantities: butter, honey of liquid consistency.
  • Gradually grind the flax in a mortar to release the oil.
  • Mix honey with melted butter.
  • Add seeds to mixture.
  • If desired, you can add your favorite nuts, crushed in the same way, or sesame seeds.

According to the above recipe, a pumpkin, peanut and hemp delicacy is prepared.

How to select and store?

You can buy natural cereal or nut butter without added sugar in special health food stores or in supermarkets that stock dietary and diabetic products. Urbech should have a thick or medium consistency and a strong aroma. It is important to carefully study the composition: a healthy product should not have any foreign additives, and only the seeds can be heat-treated (roasted).

If the product contains no thickeners or preservatives, then it is recommended to store the paste for 2 weeks in a closed container, and after opening - no more than 6 days under a lid in a cool place. If a period of about six months is indicated on the packaging, you can be sure that the composition contains chemical additives.

Urbech is a natural product without added harmful substances, which has a beneficial effect on many vital systems in the body. With regular moderate use, if there is no allergic reaction to the components of the paste, you can strengthen the immune system, increase tone, protect against colds, and also improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Traditional urbech, or urba, is a national Dagestan dish and a real delicacy that restores strength and improves health. “Wife, bring the Urbech!” - such a remark can be heard in almost every Dagestan family.

Urbech's texture is a viscous paste. The colors vary from light to dark depending on the raw materials used. This is a natural product that should not contain artificial additives. Varieties:

  • linen;
  • sunflower;
  • hemp;
  • nutty (based on almonds, walnuts and Brazil nuts, hazelnuts or cashews);
  • from apricot or peach kernels;
  • sesame;
  • from black cumin seeds.

For example, consider the process of preparing healthy flax urbech.

The paste is prepared in stone millstones, which grind fresh or dried seeds until smooth. The process also involves squeezing out the oil. It is not drained, but is given the opportunity to soak the pureed mass. Other versions of Dagestan urbech are prepared in a similar way.

It is problematic to prepare such a paste at home. You can get a homogeneous mass by grinding the seeds in a coffee grinder or blender, but you won’t be able to squeeze out the oil this way. Therefore, the easiest way is to buy a finished product in a store.

Beneficial features

Initially, the Dagestan mountaineers took Urbech with them on a hike. It gave strength and increased endurance in extreme conditions. Also this paste:

  • quenches hunger and thirst;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • replenishes protein reserves in the body;
  • improves skin condition;
  • has a positive effect on the nervous system;
  • lowers blood cholesterol levels;
  • helps in the treatment of diabetes;
  • supports the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • recommended for arthritis;
  • strengthens vision;
  • helps to lose weight.

The product contains:

  • minerals – calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, iodine, magnesium, cobalt, fluorine, sulfur, chlorine;
  • vitamins – A (carotene), E, ​​C, F, H (biotin), PP, K and group B;
  • fatty acids – linoleic, oleic, stearic and others.

This composition makes urbech popular with nutritionists. Due to the optimal ratio of complex and simple carbohydrates, the product has a high calorie content and quickly fills you up. It contains much more protein than meat, and is easier to digest.

The taste of Urbech is special, unparalleled: both sweet and tart at the same time, with an astringent aftertaste of persimmon and nutty notes.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the benefits of the product recognized by experts, we must not forget about the harmful properties.

  1. Nuts and seeds in the paste are a strong allergen.
  2. There are frequent cases of individual intolerance.
  3. Rapid saturation occurs due to the high calorie content, so excessive consumption is harmful to the figure.


Depending on the source raw material, the paste may have different colors and composition. Mixed types with the addition of honey are also popular. But we will dwell in more detail on one-component types of Dagestan paste in order to understand their beneficial properties.

  1. Urbech flaxseed is a source of minerals, vegetable protein and amino acids. Strengthens nails and hair. Restores cellular metabolism, has a positive effect on the nervous system, improves the appearance of the skin, and reduces cholesterol. It is useful to use for gastrointestinal diseases, in particular stomach ulcers.
  2. Sunflower – fights asthma, normalizes blood pressure, treats diseases of the genitourinary system, reduces the risk of heart attack and coronary heart disease.
  3. From hazelnuts – strengthens bones and teeth, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, improves immunity, cleanses the liver and removes toxins. During physical activity, it tones the muscles.
  4. Sesame urbech is a record holder for calcium content, therefore it strengthens bones, teeth, hair and nails. It also strengthens the walls of blood vessels and reduces the acidity of gastric juice. Recommended for coughs and other throat diseases, it will be useful for hemorrhoids and constipation. Read more about the relative of this variety of urbech - tahini paste.
  5. Hemp – saturates the body with vitamins and minerals. Omega-3 fatty acids contained in Dagestan paste reduce the level of bad cholesterol and dissolve blood clots in blood vessels. The product removes harmful chemicals from the body and protects against cardiovascular diseases.
  6. Made from apricot kernels – high in vitamin B17, known for its anti-cancer benefits. Fights respiratory diseases.
  7. Zinc-rich urbech is produced from pumpkin seeds. Eating this paste has a beneficial effect on the health of hair and skin, improves intestinal microflora, and normalizes digestion. A large amount of vitamin E makes pumpkin urbech a valuable source of antioxidants.
  8. Almond paste is tender and sweet, with pronounced nutty notes. Cleanses the blood and internal organs, dissolves stones in the liver and gall bladder, has choleretic properties, and has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

This is not a complete list of species. There are as many of them as there are seeds and nuts in nature. Moreover, urbech inherits the beneficial properties of its ingredients. Recently, Dagestan pasta made from:

  • black cumin seeds;
  • milk thistle seeds (especially popular among raw foodists and vegans);
  • poppy seeds;
  • pistachio;
  • walnuts;
  • cocoa beans

Culinary certificate

Usage options

At home, the mass is mixed with honey and butter, then spread on bread or pita bread and washed down with tea. Try it too: by replacing your usual chocolate spread or butter for breakfast with a mixture of urba and honey, you will bring tangible benefits to your body.

You can dip fresh fruit into the paste. Feel free to add Dagestan urbech to porridges, sauces, and salad dressings. Or use it to make a sweet filling for buns and pancakes.

Classic sandwich pasta


  • 50 g urba;
  • 50 g honey;
  • 40 g butter.

Mix all ingredients and melt the mixture in a water bath until smooth, but do not let it boil. You can limit yourself to stirring while warm.



  • 2 tbsp. l. almond paste;
  • 2 ripe bananas;
  • 1.5 cups whole milk or water.

Place everything in a blender, mix and enjoy the taste.

Fresh vegetable salad dressing


  • 2 tbsp. l. hemp, pumpkin or flax urbech;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. any dressing: soy sauce, lemon juice, mustard, etc.

Mix the ingredients and season your favorite vegetable salad with them.

Urbech made from apricot kernels is not familiar to everyone. Dagestanis prefer to use this delicacy. Urbech is their traditional dish. It is made from flax seeds, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, and hemp seeds. Walnuts, poppy seeds, milk thistle are all excellent raw materials for preparing a sweet delicacy.

Healthy pasta

The article will reveal the benefits and harms of urbech made from apricot kernels. Real Urbech pasta is an almost magical dessert with healing properties. The high calorie content of the product contributes to high-quality and rapid restoration of strength. Urbech made from apricot kernels has a balanced composition. It contains microelements and healthy vegetable fats necessary for the human body.

It must be said that we are talking about the benefits of natural sweetness. One in which the apricot kernels were not subjected to heavy roasting and other not entirely beneficial effects. About a paste that does not contain additional chemical flavors and dyes (even food ones). Therefore, it is considered from apricot kernels, which was created only from natural ingredients using environmental technology.

Are apricot kernels healthy or dangerous?

Many may get worried. How can you eat kernels from apricot kernels, because they contain a certain percentage of a harmful substance - hydrocyanic acid?! However, it's not all that bad. The benefits and harms of apricot kernels depend on the dose. It is quite acceptable for an adult to consume up to twenty grains from the seeds per day. It will not harm a healthy person. A child over six years old can eat up to ten kernels per day. When discussing the harms and benefits of apricot kernels, it is worth noting that with moderate consumption they can also exhibit medicinal properties - this is indisputable.

Poison or medicine?

The kernels contain cyanide, a toxic substance. It was mentioned above. It is this that causes a large number of disputes (among not entirely knowledgeable people) about whether it is generally permissible to eat urbech made from apricot kernels.

But it is worth noting here that this toxic substance actually kills nascent cancer cells in the body. Some suspect that it is precisely because of this action and the frequent use of urbech made from apricot kernels by the highlanders that there are such a significant number of centenarians among them, who feel great and are vigorous in their old age.

For vegetarians and raw foodists

The kernels contain large amounts of calcium, iron, potassium and many other elements necessary for the human body. Thanks to its rich composition, apricot kernel paste helps restore physical strength and improve psycho-emotional background. A great find for vegetarians and fans of a raw food diet, pasta will deliver vital microelements to the body.

Good for the digestive tract

Nerves and heart will be fine

The substances that make up urcheba have a positive effect on the exhausted nervous system. The cardiovascular system will also be grateful for nourishing it with such a healthy treat.

Fighting colds

Urbech made from apricot kernels helps to cope with colds faster. It also has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract. This effect is confirmed by the fact that cough, bronchitis and laryngitis recede before the substances that make up Urbech.

Cosmetological benefits of the product

Skin is the largest organ of the human body. This organ is capable of breathing and feeding. Urbech, which in addition to apricot kernels also contains natural honey, has a beneficial effect on the skin not only of the face, but also of any part of the body. To feed the skin with useful elements, Urbech needs to be applied to it and after fifteen minutes rinsed off with warm water.

Disadvantages of eating apricot kernel paste

Before consuming urbech made from apricot kernels, you need to learn about some of its disadvantages. For example, due to its high calorie content, it promotes very rapid weight gain. In addition to high-calorie apricot kernels, it contains an equally high-calorie product - honey. Therefore, for those who are watching their figure, this healthy treat should be strictly dosed.

If you have a tendency to allergic reactions, then you should refrain from using this product, especially regularly. Otherwise, it may trigger an allergy attack. And those who know that they are allergic to nuts and other components of the finished medicinal delicacy should not even try urbech.

Rules of use

Incessant consumption of natural apricot kernel paste can cause nausea, dizziness and some other unpleasant symptoms. Remember that moderation is needed in everything. This raises a natural and logical question about how to take Urbech in order to get only benefits from it and not harm your body even more. Two teaspoons is the optimal daily dose. For children it should be reduced to one spoon. This medicinal delicacy must be taken very carefully, and then everyone will benefit from consuming urbech.

If your urbech contains honey, you can spread the paste on toast in the morning or eat a small spoon of the product on an empty stomach. If you have pure urbech available (without additives in the form of sugar and oil), dip fruit slices into it. Pure urbech without honey is most useful; it is more easily absorbed by the body.

The paste is added to porridges and even used as a filling for homemade baked goods.

Ready-made urbech is purchased in health food stores. If there are no such outlets in the area where you live, then you can prepare urbech at home. How to do this - read below in the article. You can also always buy pure natural urbech in markets where national products, seasonings and delicacies are often offered to buyers and tourists.

Let's cook it ourselves

Now let's talk about how to cook urbech yourself. In Dagestan it is made using special stone millstones. In these millstones, apricot kernels are ground until smooth. At home, to achieve the ideal consistency of the product, you can use a stone pestle and mortar. Place several grains into a mortar and then thoroughly grind them into a homogeneous oily mass. When the mass reaches the required consistency, add a few more grains. And this continues for a very long time...

As you can see, the process is quite labor-intensive and time-consuming. It will be easier to purchase a ready-made raw mass of apricot kernels and use it to prepare a sweet and healthy treat for your whole family.

Cooking method

To bring to life the recipe for Urbech made from apricot kernels, or rather, a tasty and healthy sweet Urbech paste with a creamy flavor, you need to purchase paste made from apricot kernels. It should be combined in equal proportions with natural honey and butter. Heat all ingredients over low heat. Under no circumstances should the mixture be boiled. Boiling will destroy all the beneficial properties of the product. The paste just needs to be brought to a boil and mixed very hard, turning it into a homogeneous mass. It is necessary to cool the finished product before starting to taste it. Pasta can only be stored in the refrigerator. A similar paste with added oil can be consumed in more generous quantities than the pure product.

Urbech, which contains butter, a child can take four teaspoons per day. An adult can double the norm, then he will receive the optimal amount of nutrients and will not harm his health.

Many people will like such a useful product as urbech. Many people take this Dagestan dish as medicine. Urbech made from apricot kernels is useful, and there is minimal harm, as it helps fight colds, improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and restores strength. The delicacy gives energy, which allows you to overcome increased physical activity, tones the body, gives strength and confidence.

The benefits and harms of urbech from apricot kernels

Urbech is made from apricot kernels with the addition of butter and honey. Toasted and dried apricot kernels are ground until an oily thick mass is formed. It is very important not to turn the product into powder, but to extract the oil from the seeds. This technology, together with maintaining a low temperature during the grinding process, ensures the preservation of all the beneficial qualities of apricot kernels. The resulting delicacy can be consumed with tea, spread on it, or seasoned with porridge. These combinations are useful for skin diseases, colds, and gastritis.

When used, Urbech paste made from apricot kernels has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, improves metabolism, removes cholesterol from the blood and calms the nervous system. It has been proven that the delicacy is useful for strengthening the immune system, for arthritis and osteoarthritis, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Natural urbech, prepared from apricot kernels, is an amazingly healthy raw product that can maintain the energy and health of the human body. Apricot kernels are not subjected to roasting or other thermal or chemical treatment. Urbech has the most valuable nutritional and healing qualities; it contains a balanced combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which is beneficial for human health. Usually, for eating, apricot kernel paste is mixed with butter and honey. The proportions of this dish are adjusted to taste.

The benefits of urbech from apricot kernels

Natural urbech brings benefits soon after consumption: it gives a quick and lasting surge of vitality and allows you to get rid of the feeling of hunger for several hours. This product has a positive effect on the health of the respiratory system. It is recommended to eat it for the successful treatment of cough, bronchitis and laryngitis. In addition, urbech made from apricot kernels can support the health of the kidneys and the entire urinary system. It is recommended for consumption by those who suffer from nephritis.

Apricot kernels contain a significant amount of B vitamins. They are also rich in a special cyanide substance, which in turn can act as a poison for cancer cells. Therefore, Urbech is often recommended to be taken for the prevention of cancer.

Apricot kernels are rich in potassium, calcium, iron, iodine and zinc. All these substances support human life and health. Eating a small amount of urbech allows you to cope with physical stress and easily restore your strength. This sweetness will be an excellent find for raw foodists, because it will help saturate the body with many substances, the deficiency of which is observed with insufficient consumption of animal food.

Urbech is also useful for the digestive tract. It perfectly cleanses the stomach and intestines of toxins, and also treats and prevents constipation well. Its consumption allows you to improve protein, carbohydrate, and fat metabolism, as well as prevent hypovitaminosis and activate the body's defenses.

In most cases, Urbech is eaten together with honey. The combination of such amazing products will bring wonderful taste pleasure and additional benefits to the body.

Such sweetness is surprisingly healthy food for the brain. If you are concerned about a decrease in concentration and memory, Urbech will be a real godsend for you. In addition, it will increase efficiency and add vital energy.

Urbech can be combined not only with honey, but also with fruit. Raw foodists often combine urbech with apples and grapes. Urbech can be spread on bread to get tasty and healthy sandwiches. It is also recommended to use it as a delicious dressing for cereals, sauces and a variety of sweet dishes.

Harm of urbech made from apricot kernels

It is worth noting that Urbech contains only natural ingredients, therefore, it cannot cause significant harm to human health. However, in some cases this product may cause serious allergic reactions. In addition, excessive consumption can cause severe discomfort: nausea, headache, etc.

Urbech, the benefits and amazing properties of which can be discussed for a long time, is an excellent delicacy for the whole family. But you shouldn’t eat it in excess – a couple of teaspoons a day will be more than enough.

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