Home Bakery Peach compote in the heat. Peach compote for the winter - let's replenish our bins with yummy food! Ten recipes for aromatic peach compote for the winter - take your pick! Spicy frozen apricot compote

Peach compote in the heat. Peach compote for the winter - let's replenish our bins with yummy food! Ten recipes for aromatic peach compote for the winter - take your pick! Spicy frozen apricot compote

Everyone knows the small pinkish or red-yellow fruit with a velvety skin that appears on Russian shelves at the height of summer. Of course it's a peach. They love it for its delicate, pleasant taste - moderately sweet, slightly sour. But, unfortunately, this is only a seasonal treat. And in order to be able to enjoy the southern fruit even in the cold season, there are various methods of preparation. For example, you can prepare peach compote for the winter.

Benefits of peach

For those who are new to the history of the peach (or maybe haven’t tried this miracle fruit at all), we must first of all say that China is considered its homeland. In addition, the fruit is actively grown in Europe, Crimea and North America. There are usually two types of peaches: with pale yellow flesh (they are sweeter) and with red-yellow flesh (they are sour). This fruit is high in various beneficial substances and microelements: in addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, it also contains calcium, iron, manganese, potassium, vitamins B, E and C, pectin, carotene, fiber and many others.

Despite its modest size, the peach is a fairly healthy fruit. First of all, it is low in calories (only 39 kilocalories per 100 grams), since it consists of 80% water. Thanks to peach, a large number of various toxins are removed from the body, as it has a mild laxative effect (if you eat more than 5 of them per day). This property of the fruit is well known to nutritionists, so the fruit may well be present in the diet of those who dream of losing weight.

It is recommended to eat the fruit for those who suffer from anemia, arrhythmia and other heart diseases, asthma, and high blood pressure. It is indicated for problems with digestion (but it is better to eat fruit in the first half of the day) and nephritis, has a beneficial effect on stress, can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, improves metabolism, and is good for vision.

Peach has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect - because of this, it is recommended to include it in the menu for bronchitis. Since it has a high potassium content, it reduces memory problems and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. The fruit also supports the functioning of the circulatory system and prevents the formation of blood clots in the vessels. Due to the presence of calcium, it helps improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. It is recommended to consume peach for pregnant women (they relieve symptoms of toxicosis) and for children as they are susceptible to constant colds, as well as for all those who suffer from vitamin deficiency.

And what not to cook from peaches! Preserves, jams, juices, alcohol; they are added to various yoghurts and curds, baked goods, salads... The flight of imagination is simply limitless, because the amazing taste of this fruit will allow you to combine it with a wide variety of products, which means it can be used in many amazing dishes.

Peach is used to make masks for the face and neck, used in scrubs and creams, bath foam, shower gels; This is because peach is able to exfoliate dead skin cells and retain moisture in it - thus, it contributes to its restoration and rejuvenation. And from its seeds they produce oils with an almond scent (because they smell like almonds).

When not to eat a peach

For all its wonderful qualities, the southern fruit is strictly contraindicated for allergy sufferers, diabetics, and obese people. Since peach contains a sufficient amount of sugar and is a tonic, it is not recommended to use it for people with increased excitability, as well as for those who suffer from increased stomach acidity.

What is made from peaches?

In addition to compotes, you can prepare peaches for the winter in other ways. The most common, of course, is jam. Peaches are also frozen, mashed into puree (then it can be used as a preparation for various dishes), and liqueurs are brewed. There is also an option for unsweetened storage of peaches - chutney (a spicy seasoning made from fruits and/or vegetables, very popular in England). The fruits can also be dried.

Pros and cons of peach compote

The advantage of peach compote is its low calorie content (78 kilocalories). It contains many organic acids that are beneficial to the human body: citric, malic, tartaric; it retains all the beneficial microelements present in fresh fruits. Compote promotes the digestion of food, is indicated for kidney diseases, rheumatism, gout, and improves the secretory function of the stomach. It also quenches thirst well.

People with diseases of the thyroid gland, gastrointestinal tract, and diabetics should not drink peach compote.

Selection of peaches for compote

When choosing peaches for harvesting (and just for food), you need, first of all, to find out whether they have been subjected to chemical treatment. This is often done so that they retain their “marketable appearance” longer, and, of course, such fruits should neither be canned nor eaten fresh. And to find out whether a fruit is suitable for consumption is simple: you need to break it. If the pit is dry, it means the peach has been processed.

In order for the compote to be truly aromatic, you need to select only similar fruits. Odorless peaches will not give the compote any fragrance. In addition, the fruits must be ripe; unripe fruits can only be used in jam. However, overripe ones are also not recommended.

When choosing peaches, you need to carefully touch them from different sides - they need to be elastic, only such fruits retain their shape. Fruits that are soft or damaged will become soggy and the compote will turn into porridge.

Having bought peaches, you should immediately put them into use (that is, into compote). The maximum period for which you are allowed to leave them lying is no more than a day.

To ensure that all fruits are cooked equally and do not interfere with the taste of the drink, it is necessary to take fruits of the same size and ripeness.

Preparing to cook

Before cooking compote, peaches must be peeled of their velvety skin, as it is tasteless in compote. Moreover, fruits without peel are more tender. To do this, the fruit is first dipped in boiling water for literally a minute, then cooled in cold water and the skin is removed. As a rule, after this procedure it pulls off quite easily, but in extreme cases, you can help yourself with a knife.

To diversify the taste of the compote, you can pour it with grape, pear or plum juice. Cloves, citric acid, ginger, vanilla, and honey are also added to the compote. Dry or semi-sweet wine, as well as rum, will add piquancy.

Cooking methods and recipes

Like any other dish, you can prepare peach compote in different ways. For example, in a slow cooker.

Peach compote in a slow cooker

Those who have such a phenomenon of technological progress at home know how convenient it is. So many different dishes can be made with almost no effort! And to prepare peach compote in a compote slow cooker you will need just nothing: peaches, sugar and water.

  1. Prepared, thoroughly washed fruits are placed on the bottom of the bowl, sprinkled with a glass of sugar and filled with water to the top mark.
  2. If desired, you can add cloves, ginger, cinnamon or other seasoning.
  3. In the “quenching” mode, the drink is prepared within one hour.
  4. Then the compote must be allowed to brew (to do this, you can turn on the “heating” mode for half an hour).
  5. Pour into sterilized jars and seal with lids.

Peach compote without pits and without sterilization

The ingredients are still the same: peaches, sugar and water.

  1. Prepared and skinned peaches must be pitted (to do this, the fruit is cut in half along the groove).
  2. We put the fruits in pre-washed and dried jars by a third.
  3. Fill with hot water and leave for 40 minutes, covering with a lid.
  4. Then pour the water into a saucepan, add (per 3-liter jar) a glass of sugar (a little more is possible), and boil.
  5. We fill the jars again, roll them up, turn them over, wrap them and let them cool.

You can customize this recipe by mixing peaches and nectarines.

Sterilized peach compote with pits

  1. Place the washed and peeled fruits entirely in clean and dry jars (3-4 pieces per three-liter jar).
  2. Add a glass of sugar.
  3. Pour boiling water on top.
  4. We fill a pre-prepared wide basin or pan with water so that the containers with future compote immersed in it reach at least halfway.
  5. The water in the basin should be brought to a boil, a rag should be placed on the bottom, and a jar of peaches should be placed on top.
  6. Pour boiling water over the lid, cover the container, and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  7. Then we take out the jar, seal it, shake until the sugar dissolves, leave to cool, having previously wrapped it and turned it over.

Video: a simple recipe for pitted peach compote

It is very easy to prepare peach compote using the recipe shown in this video. Peaches are pitted, placed in jars along with sugar and simply poured with boiling water. Immediately close it and put it under the blanket until it cools completely. For a three-liter jar you will need 600 grams of peaches and 300 grams (one and a half cups) of sugar. Watch the video for all the cooking details:

How to store peach compote

Peach compote does not require refrigeration. The main thing is that the place is dark enough (but at the same time with a temperature of no more than +20 degrees). Therefore, a simple pantry will do.

Many people take compote jars out onto the balcony, if it is glazed - it’s cool there, and there is no risk that the jar will burst due to extreme frost. But sudden changes in weather conditions are fraught with the formation of mold in jars.

No matter how you prepare the peach compote, no matter what you put in it, the drink will still be tasty and healthy. Therefore, we can say with confidence that this is one of the most wonderful dishes in the world!

Have you ever tried canning fresh fruits and vegetables at home? It may seem complicated at first, but once you've made a few good quality preserves, you'll find that it's actually a pretty simple process. If you follow a carefully thought out recipe and adhere to all directions, it is a very safe way to preserve food, with the assurance that you know exactly its contents and quality.

These preparations include homemade compotes. Of course, you can buy fruits in light syrup in stores, but their quality cannot be compared with home-prepared preserves. Homemade recipes can be sugar-free, which allows you to keep the fruit as natural as possible. For example, peaches picked at the peak of ripeness are too tasty and aromatic to be treated with sweet syrup.

What can be done?

What is the best recipe? These fruits are highly acidic foods, so they can easily be rolled into jars and sterilized in a water bath. Processing involves only one difficulty - you need to remove the skin from the peaches. To do this the easy way, pour boiling water over them for a minute or two. Then remove and plunge into ice water. This will soften their skin so you can peel it off with your fingers in one or two tugs. As you process the fruit, place the naked peaches in a bowl of water and lemon juice to prevent them from chapping. After that, cut them in half and remove the seeds.

The recipe for peach compote for the winter comes in two versions: hot or cold. In the first case, the fruit is boiled before processing, in the second - not. When cooking hot, you can use plain water as a liquid; when cooking cold, only fruit juice.

How to prepare dishes?

You need to sterilize jars before you can use them, whether they are new or reused. You can do this simply in boiling water, or use the “sterilize” mode in the dishwasher. If you start sterilizing the jars at the same time you process the peaches, your jars will be ready when you need them.

Peaches processing

Place peach halves into clean jars using a canning funnel or spoon. Do not fill the container all the way as you need to make sure there is room for enough liquid.

You can use any type of fruit juice for this winter peach compote recipe. Perhaps the best option would be white grape juice. It doesn't overpower the flavor of the peaches, while the apple flavor can give the fruit a slight apple flavor.

How to cook?

Boil the juice to sterilize it, then fill the jars completely, leaving 2cm empty at the top. Now you need to put something in the jar to stir the peaches. This is necessary because the free space in the fruit halves, which previously contained seeds, can accumulate air, and the fruit will not be completely filled.

Although the jars may look full at first, you may need to add a little extra liquid to the peaches as you release the air. The best tool for this is a small plastic spatula or ceramic knife (don't use metal as you may scratch the glass). Once you've filled your jars, wipe the tops with a clean towel and place the canning lids on them. Secure with a metal ring and then place in a large saucepan of boiling water (with a rack at the bottom) for about 15 minutes.

When this time is up, carefully remove the jars of compote and place them on a towel on the kitchen counter. Leave some space between them to allow air to circulate. Let them cool completely, the raised center on the lid should be firm. It shouldn't sag when you press on it. If the lids are securely sealed, your peach compote can keep for up to a year.

Other options

The list of recipes for preparing peach compote for the winter is not limited to the above method. You can make delicious compote in another way. For this simple recipe you will need:

  • 1 kg of peaches;
  • 1/2 cup sugar;
  • 125 ml water;
  • water with lemon juice.

What does a simple recipe for peach compote for the winter look like?

Wash the jars in hot soapy water. Place them on a rack in a deep pan of boiling water. Turn off the heat and let the jars sit in the boiling water for 10 minutes, then turn off the heat without removing them.

Wash the peaches, peel the skins, cut each fruit in half and remove the pits. Clean off any red fibers around the pits as they may darken the compote during storage. Place the peaches in a deep container with water mixed with lemon juice.

Mix sugar and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil, wait for the sugar to dissolve. Keep the syrup hot. Remove the peaches from the acidified water and pack cut side down into hot jars, leaving some headspace at the top. Add the hot syrup, leaving a 1/2 inch clear edge. Remove any air bubbles with a non-metallic spatula and add additional liquid if necessary. This recipe for peach compote for the winter requires an approximate amount of water, depending on the filling of the jars.

Wipe the necks of the jars with a clean towel. Place the lids on the jars. Turn on the stove, bring to a boil and process for 25-30 minutes. Remove the jars from the hot water and place, without touching them, on a kitchen towel. Refrigerate for several hours or overnight. Check the preservation for leaks.

Cans should be wiped down before opening to prevent dust particles from getting into the jar. This recipe for compote from halves of peaches for the winter suggests that preservation can be stored unopened for up to two years. After opening the jar, the product should be kept in the refrigerator for no more than a week, while the peaches themselves can be removed from the compote, placed in a container and frozen for up to six months.

What fruits should I take?

Peaches intended for canning are harvested at the peak of ripeness, when the vitamin content is at its highest. If you prepare the compote within 24 hours of picking the fruit, all the valuable nutrients, as well as the rich taste and aroma, will be preserved.

It is advisable to follow the recipe for compote for the winter from large peaches. The concentrated compote can be diluted with boiled water to make a pleasant vitamin drink, and can also be used to make jellies and cocktails. Fruits can be simply eaten in their pure form, or you can prepare a lot of delicious dishes from them.

Ideas for Canned Fruits

Most recipes for making peach compote for the winter assume that the fruits will have a sweet, rich taste. While a concentrated compote can be easily diluted before use, fruits that are too sweet may not be to everyone’s taste. What to do with canned compote peaches? You can make many delicious and healthy treats out of them.

For example, start your day with an energizing smoothie. Blend several canned peach halves, 2 cups plain yogurt or kefir, and 8 ice cubes in a blender.

You can also add alternate layers of dry cereal, yogurt, and canned peaches into a large glass. This option is perfect for brunch or for eating on the go.

Canned peaches can be used as a substitute for fresh peaches in a variety of dessert and baking recipes. To do this, the fruit must be removed from the compote, and the amount of sugar in the recipe must be reduced by half.

Compote peaches are also great served with pancakes, soft waffles or white bread toast. They pair well with cottage cheese or yogurt for a healthy breakfast or afternoon snack.

Plus, canned peaches are a great addition to a fruit salad. Cut them into pieces along with strawberries, banana, apples, pineapple and kiwi. Mix in a large bowl and serve with cream or yoghurt.

You can also make a delicious sorbet from them. Place in a container and place in the freezer until completely frozen. After this, quickly pour hot water over the containers to easily remove the frozen product. Break into cubes, place in the bowl of a food processor and blend thoroughly. Serve immediately or freeze for later use. If desired, you can garnish with a sprig of mint.

Compote can be made from any fruits and berries, be they fresh, frozen or dried. This compote has a rich aroma and taste, and it can quench your thirst in the heat or warm you up in the cold.

In this article we will talk about how peaches are a vibrant seasonal drink.

Recipe for peach and cranberry compote


  • cranberries - 500 g;
  • peaches - 500 g;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.


For a richer aroma and taste with a slight bitterness, you can cook compote from peaches with a pit, but we will first remove it and cut the fruit in half. Cut the peeled peach into slices or leave the peach with the pit cut in half. Wash the cranberries thoroughly and place them in an enamel pan along with the peaches. Fill the contents of the pan with water and put on fire. We wait until the water boils, then add sugar to the drink and cook for another 15 minutes. The finished peach compote can be served either hot or cold, or you can even pour it into sterilized jars and roll up the drink for the winter.

How to make compote from peaches and apples?


  • apple - 2 pcs.;
  • peaches - 4-5 pcs.
  • water - 2 l;
  • sugar or honey - to taste;
  • mint - to taste.


We thoroughly wash the peaches and apples, remove the seeds and pits, and cut the fruit itself into slices. Place the pieces of fruit in an enamel pan and fill with water. After the liquid boils, cook the fruit over medium heat for 5-7 minutes, and then add the selected sweetener, which can be sugar, honey or stevia. We catch the fruits from the compote and put them in the blender bowl. Carefully puree the apples and peaches, and for greater uniformity, rub the finished puree through a sieve. Mix with compote and leave the drink to cool. Serve compote with mint leaves and ice.

How to cook compote from apricots and peaches?

The usual fruit compote can be prepared in a completely new way by adding a cinnamon stick or any other spice from the “mulled wine” mixture to the drink. This drink will perfectly warm you up in the cold and fill the entire kitchen with its aroma.


  • apricots - 6-7 pcs.;
  • peaches - 2 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • sugar or honey - to taste;
  • water - 1.5-2 l.


Peel the apricots and peaches, or leave them if you want to make a more aromatic drink with a slight bitterness. We pre-cut the peeled fruits, and simply rinse the whole ones. Place the cinnamon stick, peaches and apricots in an enamel pan, fill with water and put on fire. Cook the fruit for 20 minutes, then add sweetener to taste and continue cooking for another 5-7 minutes. We catch the cinnamon and seeds from the drink, and grind the fruit pulp using a blender. Serve the finished drink cold or hot.

How to make compote from cherries and peaches?

To prepare cherry compote, you can use frozen or dried berries; in any case, the taste and aroma will not let you down. Fans of berry compotes can also dilute the drink not only with cherries, but also with raspberries, blueberries or strawberries, which are also available frozen all year round.



Wash and pit the cherries. Again, you can leave the stone so that the drink comes out slightly bitter. We also peel the peaches and cut them into large slices. Place the prepared ingredients in an enamel pan and fill with water. Cook the compote for 7-10 minutes, then add sugar and continue cooking for another 5 minutes. Strain the finished drink and add sugar and lemon juice to it.

Compote of frozen berries and fruits is a wonderful refreshing drink that will allow you to feel a breath of summer in winter and get a portion of the missing vitamins. Homemade compote, brewed with your own hands, is especially recommended for children: it does not contain artificial colors, preservatives and synthetic flavors, which are full of store-bought juices and fruit nectars. There are no strict proportions for preparing such compote. You can use various types of fruits and berries in any quantity. It is preferable to take assorted fruits and berries to make the taste of the drink more rich and aromatic. Today we suggest making compote from frozen cherries and peaches.

Recipe information

Method of preparation: boiling.

Total cooking time: 30 min.

Number of servings: 16 glasses of 250 ml.


  • sugar – 0.5 cups
  • cherry – 200 g
  • peaches – 5-6 pcs.
  • water – 4 l.


  • Place a pan of water on the fire.
  • When the water boils, place the cherries in the pan. You can use not only fresh, but also frozen berries.
  • Wash the peaches and remove the pits. Cut into slices and also place in the pan.
  • Add sugar. If you like sweet drinks, add more sugar.
  • Boil the compote for 20 minutes after it boils.
  • Berry and fruit compote is ready! If you let it brew for another 30 minutes, the taste of the drink will become more pleasant and rich. In a similar way, you can cook compote from frozen strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, apricots and other fruits. You can use the recipe we offer as a basis for culinary experiments.
  • Note to the owner:

    • At the end of cooking, add 2-3 slices of lemon to the compote. Thanks to lemon, the drink will acquire a richer color and a subtle citrus aroma.
    • Compote of frozen berries and fruits can be an excellent base for making jelly or jelly.
    2015-12-21T06:40:05+00:00 admin beverages

    Compote of frozen berries and fruits is a wonderful refreshing drink that will allow you to feel a breath of summer in winter and get a portion of the missing vitamins. Homemade compote, brewed with your own hands, is especially recommended for children: it does not contain artificial colors, preservatives and synthetic flavors, which are full of store-bought juices and fruit nectars. To prepare such a compote...

    [email protected] Administrator Feast-online

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    3 kg. Peaches;
    - 600 gr. sugar per liter of water;
    - water.

    1) Wash the peaches thoroughly in cold water. Pour boiling water over them and leave for 5 minutes. Drain the hot water and cool the peaches under running cold water. Peel the peaches.

    You can preserve whole peaches, with the pit, or peeled and cut into halves. That's why? Remove some of the peaches from the pit.

    2) Let's prepare the jars. We wash them with warm water and detergent, wipe them from the inside with baking soda, rinse them and scald them with boiling water. There is no need to sterilize the jars. Place the lids into boiling water and leave them to boil.

    3) Place peaches in jars (separately pitted, separately whole).

    4) Prepare the syrup. We put about 4 liters of water in a saucepan, boil it and add sugar (600 grams for each liter). Stirring constantly, dissolve the sugar and bring the water to a boil. Boil the syrup for 3 - 5 minutes, then carefully pour into jars, to the very top. If there is not enough syrup, then at this stage you can add boiling water to the syrup, it is better to have some in reserve. We take the lids out of the boiling water and cover the jars with them. Leave for 5 – 10 minutes.

    5) Pour the syrup from the jars back into the pan and bring to a boil. Place the lids back into the boiling water. Boil the syrup for 2 - 3 minutes. Fill the peaches with syrup to the very top and roll up the lids. Turn the jars over and wrap them in a blanket until they cool completely.

    Your peach compote is ready! Bon appetit!

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