Home Soups Gourmet coffee. Gourmet coffee house franchise What does a franchisee get?

Gourmet coffee. Gourmet coffee house franchise What does a franchisee get?

Additional cities:

  • Russia: Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Samara, Ufa, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnoyarsk, Voronezh;
  • Ukraine: Kyiv, Kharkov


Gourmet Coffee House is a company that sells excellent freshly roasted coffee. The period of work on the market is 16 years. The Coffee House roasts the product in small batches, giving customers the opportunity to receive the freshest product. The company produces mixtures of the best coffee and tea blends for HoReCa (catering) enterprises.

Coffee House GURME is a St. Petersburg coffee company that has been importing green coffee since 1999, professionally roasting coffee beans, producing and supplying ingredients for vending, collaborating with restaurants and other representatives of Ho.Re.Ca., and also developing coffee culture and opening coffee shops under their own brand.

What does the franchisee get?

The idea of ​​selling freshly roasted coffee to customers formed the basis for the idea of ​​opening a chain of cozy coffee shops in a retro style. Here the client can feel how time stops outside the window - to Gourmet restaurant, creates the atmosphere of the beginning of the last century: the font of the sign, the design of the signs, ancient engravings and drawings on the walls in pastel colors correspond to the era. The highlight of the coffee shop interior is the glass tables. The establishment offers coffee, tea, and original alcoholic cocktails.

The Gourmet coffee shop franchise is:

    extensive experience (more than eight years);

    application of various franchise schemes;

    franchisor support;

    monitoring the work of a coffee shop.

Support activities:

    consulting assistance in the selection of premises and their feasibility for opening coffee shops;

    assistance in obtaining permits and documentation for opening an establishment; assistance in selecting equipment and drawing up a technological project.

The following services are provided to employees:

    visit of specialists for staff training;

    assistance from managers when opening a coffee shop;

    advice on carrying out activities.

What is required from franchisee? The space required for work is a hall with an area of ​​at least 120 square meters. m.

Premises requirements Premises from 120 sq.m.

Sale of coffee, pastries and sweets.

Company Description

Coffee House Gourmet purchases selected green Arabica and Robusta coffee beans from different countries and roasts it in small portions, always obtaining fresh coffee.

The range includes premium coffee varieties, 100% Arabica blends for restaurants, coffee shops and other establishments in the HoReCa segment, and Arabica and Robusta blends for vending companies. Over the 14 years of its existence, the company has repeatedly opened its own coffee shops and coffee shops under a franchise agreement. Gourmet coffee shops also sell coffee and tea.

Franchise Description

We purchase selected green Arabica and Robusta coffee beans from different countries and roast them in small portions, always obtaining fresh, aromatic coffee. We took the idea of ​​coffee roasting as the basis of our business when we created the GOURMET Coffee House in 2000.

In our coffee shops, visitors can not only enjoy the taste of aromatic coffee, but also take coffee with them. The main idea of ​​the coffee shop is to create a cozy, democratic establishment that recreates the atmosphere of the beginning of the last century.

At the same time, offering guests the feeling that time flows slower inside the coffee shop than outside the window.
The style of the establishment is intuitively clear right at the entrance:


This trend can be seen in the font design of the inscription, in the paintings on the facade and in the design of the signs. Already at the entrance you notice a barista counter with antique-style scales and bright containers for storing coffee.

A distinctive feature of the coffee shop is stylish glass tables. Wall colors are warm bed tones. On the walls there are ancient engravings, drawings, photographs of the city in which the coffee shop is located.

The range of GURME coffee shops is varied and can satisfy any, even the most sophisticated taste. Along with excellent coffee brewed from freshly roasted beans, elite varieties of tea, original alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails are extremely popular among guests.

Franchise benefits:

  • The positive experience of the franchisee is more than 8 years.
  • Flexibility – availability of different concepts to optimize investments.
  • Low level of risks – proven business model and partner support.
  • Systematic and effective control of the coffee shop.

Financial conditions

Investments: from 1,700,000 rub.

Lump sum fee: 300,000 rub.

Royalty: 3% per month

Training and support

Consulting on the selection of premises, consulting on the optimal location and suitability of premises for the construction of a coffee shop;
- Consultations on issues of obtaining permits;
- Providing technological design and equipment specifications;
- Staff training and provision of training materials;
- Visit of Opening Team specialists to launch the coffee shop;
- Consultations and recommendations on business activities in the field of public catering;
- Continuous operational and marketing support in management and promotion after the opening of the coffee shop;
- Positive franchisee experience – more than 6 years.
- Flexibility – availability of different concepts to optimize investments.
- Low level of risks – proven business model and partner support.
- Systematic and effective control of the coffee shop.

Terms of sale and legal information


Salesman– IP Osipov Alexander Sergeevich

Buyer- an individual or legal entity who ordered and (or) paid for the Product on the Seller’s Website.

Product– a list of goods offered by the Seller to the Buyer on its Website.

General provisions

The Buyer and the Seller are guided in their relationships by ethical standards and the current legislation of the Russian Federation. By placing an order on the Seller’s Website, the Buyer thereby agrees to these terms of sale.

The price of the product

The price of the goods is indicated on the Seller’s Website and cannot be reformulated in relation to orders already placed.

The cost of delivery carried out by companies engaged by the Seller is displayed when placing an order.

Delivery times are specified by the Seller during the ordering process.

Order Processing

All orders, regardless of their content, are processed by the Seller on the day they are received, but only during business hours of the online store (from 9.00 to 21.00) and are transferred to the companies hired by the seller for delivery on the same day. Orders received outside of business hours (from 21.00 to 9.00) are processed by the Seller the next day and transferred to the companies engaged by the Seller for delivery the next day.

Payment for Goods

Payment for the Goods is made by the Buyer either remotely through the Seller’s Website using the services of companies engaged by the Seller to process remote payments, or in cash upon receipt of the order. Cash is accepted by companies hired by the Seller for delivery.

Personal Information

To successfully process orders, the Seller requests from the Buyer a minimum set of personal data necessary for the correct processing of the order. By placing an order on the Seller's Website, the Buyer thereby consents to the processing of his personal data. The Seller undertakes not to use the Buyer’s personal data for any other purpose other than processing his order, and not to transfer it to third parties, unless such transfer is directly necessary, such as in the case of transferring the Buyer’s address and telephone number to the delivery company.

Indication by the Buyer of a mobile phone number to receive SMS notifications about the status of the order when placing an order means his consent to receive text information SMS messages in accordance with the Federal Law of July 21, 2014 N 272-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Communications” "".

If, when placing an order for the first time, the Buyer does not refuse to receive the Seller’s mailings carried out by e-mail, the Seller will send letters that may contain important and useful information for the Buyer. The Buyer can unsubscribe from the Seller’s mailing list at any time by following the appropriate email link or by writing a letter to the Seller at any of his email addresses.


The buyer has the right to cancel the order at any time without giving reasons.

Purchase returns

A return or exchange of a product of good quality is possible if its presentation (packaging, labels), consumer properties, as well as a document confirming the fact and conditions of purchase of the specified product (sales receipt or cash receipt) are preserved. Courier delivery costs are non-refundable. To return goods, an identification document is also required. Returns or exchanges can be made within 14 days of purchase. According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, food products, including coffee, are not subject to exchange or return. Attention! Discounted items cannot be exchanged or returned. If you call a courier to return the goods, the cost of courier services is paid separately.


3% discount on purchases over RUB 3,000.

6% discount on purchases over RUB 8,000.

10% discount on purchases over RUB 20,000.

15% discount on purchases over RUB 50,000.

For Buyers registered on the Seller's Website and placing orders under the same account, a cumulative system of discounts applies. The amount of orders is summed up. The summation of the cost of orders is carried out either at the time of payment for the Goods by the buyer, carried out remotely on the Seller’s Website, or upon receipt of the order from the delivery company.

All texts posted on the Seller’s Website are written by the Seller or third parties engaged by him and are the intellectual property of the Seller. The use of texts from the Seller’s Website for commercial purposes is permitted only with the written consent of the Seller and with a link to it.

Quality guarantees

The Seller guarantees to the Buyer that the description of the Product on the label fully corresponds to its contents.


legal information

The site respects and complies with the legislation of the Russian Federation. We also respect your rights and maintain confidentiality when filling out, transmitting and storing your confidential information.
We request your personal data solely to inform you about the services provided by the site.
Personal data is information relating to the subject of personal data, that is, a potential buyer. In particular, this is the surname, first name and patronymic, date of birth, address, contact details (telephone, email address), marital status, property status and other data related to the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” (hereinafter referred to as the “Law”) to the category of personal data.
If you posted your contact information on the site, then you automatically agreed to the processing of data and the further transfer of your contact information to our site managers.
If you withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data, we undertake to delete your personal data no later than 3 business days.

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