Home Soups Calorie content Smoked chicken breast. Chemical composition and nutritional value. Calorie content of smoked skinless chicken

Calorie content Smoked chicken breast. Chemical composition and nutritional value. Calorie content of smoked skinless chicken

Smoked chicken breast, skinless fillet rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin PP - 53.6%, potassium - 11.7%, magnesium - 21.5%, phosphorus - 21.4%, cobalt - 90%, molybdenum - 15.7%, chromium - 50 %

Health benefits of smoked chicken breast, skinless fillet

  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Insufficient vitamin intake is accompanied by disruption of the normal condition of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • Potassium is the main intracellular ion that takes part in the regulation of water, acid and electrolyte balance, participates in the processes of conducting nerve impulses and regulating pressure.
  • Magnesium participates in energy metabolism, synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids, has a stabilizing effect on membranes, and is necessary to maintain homeostasis of calcium, potassium and sodium. A lack of magnesium leads to hypomagnesemia, an increased risk of developing hypertension and heart disease.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, and is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, and rickets.
  • Cobalt is part of vitamin B12. Activates enzymes of fatty acid metabolism and folic acid metabolism.
  • Molybdenum is a cofactor for many enzymes that ensure the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids, purines and pyrimidines.
  • Chromium participates in the regulation of blood glucose levels, enhancing the effect of insulin. Deficiency leads to decreased glucose tolerance.
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You can see a complete guide to the most useful products in the appendix.

For the stable functioning of the human body, it is necessary to eat meat. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, our ancestors hunted game because they understood that in order to provide themselves with energy, it was necessary to eat nourishing food, and not just plant foods.

After some time, people realized that fried meat is much tastier, and after another couple of thousand years they mastered many interesting and tasty recipes. Today, you can easily cook, smoke, fry meat, stew it, or purchase the finished product in a store.

Smoked chicken breast has an incredible aroma, unusual taste and a relatively long shelf life, and the calorie content of this dish is minimal. Of course, the range of smoked goods today is very diverse, but the most delicious and tender dishes are obtained from the breast.

To choose the right product, pay attention to the color; it should be a uniform golden hue without stripes or stains, and the meat itself should be soft and juicy.

Smoked chicken breast can be either an ingredient for preparing a dish or an excellent independent snack; the meat should be cut into thin pieces and served with a little sauce.

The benefit of smoked meat is that it has a high protein content; of course, during processing, the amount of nutrients decreases, but still, the low calorie content and many recipes attract buyers to this product.

In general, chicken meat contains many substances necessary for the human body, such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. All of the above substances are easily absorbed in the human body from chicken meat.

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Smoke using an air fryer

By itself, chicken breast is considered a dietary meat; it is not without reason that it is highly valued by people involved in sports.

Smoked chicken breast:

  • calorie content 184 kcal per 100 grams;
  • Protein content: 18 g per 100 grams;
  • Fats: 5 grams per 100 grams;
  • Carbohydrates:0 grams

A dish with smoked meat is undoubtedly tasty, but for it to be also healthy, the products must be chosen only of the best quality.

The recipe for smoking high-grade chicken consists only of meat and salt; in the smokehouse, chicken fillet acquires a beautiful color and an unforgettable aroma. You should avoid products of poor quality that are harmful to human health. Unscrupulous entrepreneurs, in order to reduce the cost of the cooking process, may use harmful synthetic dyes or use liquid smoke instead of the natural smoking process.

The most enterprising, but unfriendly people use a large number of chemical additives to smoke chicken fillet in order to increase the shelf life of the product. Of course, the taste of such products will not only be different, but will also be harmful to human health.

Recipe for smoking chicken fillet at home

To prepare a delicious, healthy chicken breast, you need the following ingredients:

  • Several pieces of chicken breasts;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Salt;
  • Black brewed tea (about 30 g);
  • Soy sauce (60 g);
  • Sugar (2 tbsp);
  • Oil, preferably olive (70 ml);
  • Vinegar (3 tbsp.).

Cooking steps:

  1. First of all, let's make a marinade for the meat. It is necessary to combine olive oil with soy sauce and vinegar;
  2. The chicken fillet must be washed under warm water, if necessary, remove the bone and excess film;
  3. Pour the marinade over the fillets and let sit for 2 hours, remembering to turn the fillets every 30 minutes;
  4. Take a large frying pan and line the bottom with foil. Place the dry tea leaves and sugar on the foil, then cover it all with a grate in the shape of a frying pan;
  5. Place the marinated fillet on paper towels, thus drying it a little;
  6. Take another frying pan and heat the vegetable oil in it, then put the chicken fillet there;
  7. Lightly fry the fillet on all sides;
  8. Place the fried meat on the grill and cover with a lid;
  9. Place the frying pan on the stove;
  10. After 30 minutes, turn off the meat.
  11. After cooking, give the meat a little time to cool and you can enjoy the prepared dish.


However, in order for dishes containing this chicken meat to be tasty and healthy, it is necessary to pay special attention to its quality. The product is of high quality, where, apart from the chicken breast itself and salt, there are no more dyes, taste and smell enhancers. Chicken gets an attractive appearance and excellent taste only as a result of high-quality processing. To avoid consuming a low-quality product, you need to carefully read the information on the packaging.

Calorie content of smoked chicken breast

The calorie content of smoked chicken breast is 117 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and beneficial properties of smoked chicken breast

Smoked chicken breast in cooking

Chicken meat can be prepared in a variety of ways. For example, by smoking you can achieve an appetizing appearance of a dish and its exquisite aroma. It is no coincidence that it occupies a leading position in popularity among the general range of smoked products. Smoked chicken develops an attractive golden-brown “skin” and juicy, tender meat.

Smoked chicken breast is used both as an independent dish and as part of salads, appetizers, and casseroles. In fact, the scope of application of smoked breast is limited only by the cook’s imagination.

Ideal health, beautiful figure, active and interesting life - who would refuse this? Of course, no one! How can you make these positive moments part of your reality? As always, everything ingenious is simple!

Essential microelement

The first thing you should take care of is proper nutrition. It’s not for nothing that they say: “You are what you eat.”

What do you mean by proper nutrition? A balanced diet containing all the necessary substances. In other words, to be healthy, you need to regularly get a full complement of vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Protein is the main building material of the human body. The health of internal organs and muscles, hair and nails directly depends on its quantity. The main supplier of protein to our body is meat. There is an opinion that plant protein completely replaces animal protein. But that's not true. It lacks important amino acids, which can only be obtained by eating enough meat and dairy products.

Chicken meat, especially breast, is an excellent source of protein. Due to its low calorie content, it is often included in diets.

The subject of our discussion will be smoked chicken breast: the benefits and harms, as well as the calorie content of this product.

Types of smoking

There are three types of this processing method:

  1. Hot smoking. During this smoking method, the meat is exposed to hot wood smoke. As a result, it turns out very tasty, juicy, beautiful and aromatic. But such a product cannot be stored for a long time.
  2. Cold smoking. This approach also involves treatment with smoke, but with cold smoke. The process is longer (up to several days). The meat is more saturated with natural preservatives and can be stored for a long time without losing its taste.
  3. Liquid smoke. In this case, the smoke is passed through water, which is then purified from harmful substances. Only after this can it be used for cooking. The meat is soaked in a solution with liquid smoke and fried.

Product benefits

Chicken meat is easy to purchase at any store. Its price, compared to other types of meat, is quite low. At the same time, the product is considered dietary, since even smoked breast has a calorie content of only 117 kcal per 100 g.

This meat also contains a lot of vitamins and microelements. It is quickly absorbed by the body, therefore it is an indispensable ingredient in baby food, sports diets, therapeutic diets and simply a healthy lifestyle. Smoking makes the meat very tasty, tender and beautiful. It can be added to salads, pie fillings, and hot dishes, which gives the latter a special appetizing aroma. There are many recipes for chicken breast. Also, when cooked, the meat can be consumed as an independent dish.

Harm to the product

Smoked meats are excluded from the daily diet in the following cases:

  • for gastritis, stomach ulcers;
  • with cirrhosis of the liver;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • in the presence of an allergic reaction;
  • for children under three years old.

A separate danger is posed by the method of smoking with liquid smoke, especially if its manufacturer is unknown. With such treatment, there is a risk of encountering poor quality of water purification. As a result, a considerable amount of harmful substances that enter the meat may remain in it. Therefore, a poorly purified solution is seriously harmful to health.

In any case, even despite its low calorie content, smoked breast should not be eaten every day, much less in large quantities. Overeating is always harmful to health. Everything needs moderation.

How to cook smoked breast?

We offer a simple way to prepare hot smoked chicken.

  • Take a liter of water, add a tablespoon of salt and sugar, a bay leaf and a couple of cloves of garlic.
  • You can add a little black pepper and chicken spices to taste.
  • Boil and cool the brine, then place the meat in it for a day.

  • Rub the chicken breasts with spices (to taste), cut the meat and stick in the garlic. Salt and pepper. Then put the meat in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
  • If the meat was marinated in brine, it needs to be washed off.

We hang the breasts in the fresh air to dry. Then we place the meat in the smoking apparatus. Don't forget to put a drip tray to catch any dripping grease. Turn the heat up to high and smoke for 40 minutes.

Readiness is checked based on the degree of separation of meat from bones. If the process goes easily, then the dish is ready. Don't forget to remove the skin before eating. Bon appetit!

What to cook from smoked breast?

We offer several options for delicious and dietary salads.

Salad with vegetables and smoked breast with a calorie content of 150 kcal per 100 g.

Ingredients: poultry (200 g), 4 lettuce leaves for serving, 1 red pepper, half a can of corn, a head of red onion.

To taste: yogurt, salt, herbs.

Chop all ingredients, add yogurt and mix.

Divide the resulting salad into 2 servings. Place on lettuce leaves.

A salad recipe with smoked chicken breast with only 100 kcal calories.

Ingredients: breasts (200 g), 2 pickled cucumbers, 200 g radishes, green onions, half a can of canned peas, lemon, a teaspoon of mustard, a little olive oil.

Cut the products, add peas.

Sprinkle with lemon juice, salt, season with oil and mustard. Stir and divide into 2 portions.

The low calorie content of smoked breast makes it a universal product, suitable for both those losing weight and those gaining weight, for example, athletes. Moreover, in this form, ordinary chicken meat turns into a real culinary masterpiece.

Use our recommendations for choosing and preparing smoked breast and prepare one of the suggested salads. You will see for yourself how much richer and brighter the taste of a dish that contains this irreplaceable ingredient is.

Smoking helps preserve animal products for a long time. A pleasant bonus is the aroma and taste of the food. But they are prohibited in any diet. Although experts say that you can eat smoked food while losing weight .

Distinguish three types of this technology preparations: when hot, fish or meat is smoked at a high temperature of 34-45 degrees for 12 hours and up to 4 days; when cold, temperatures from 18-22 degrees are used, lasts from 3 to 45 days; “liquid” implies the effect of simulating a mixture of air and smoke, but the products are less tasty.

Useful qualities: there are no harmful and pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms, the product is protected from rotting and early spoilage; do not acquire additional amounts of bad cholesterol and fats; the calorie content of the products remains at the initial level; when smoking at home, a minimum of salt is used; cold processing preserves all useful substances and vitamins; “liquid” smoking does not produce harmful carcinogens.

Harm of smoking: with excessive consumption due to the composition, the appearance of malignant formations is possible; “liquid” smoking saturates with formaldehyde, glyoxal, phenol and other substances (irritate the gastrointestinal tract, negatively affect the liver and kidneys); abuse of smoked meats harms the heart and blood vessels, clogs them, increasing the amount of bad cholesterol; negatively affect the condition of the pancreas; are highly allergenic. Accumulating free radicals and toxins slow down metabolism, which leads to the accumulation of excess weight. Smoked products greatly develop the appetite. Therefore, a person easily overeats.

You can eat smoked, but it all depends on the quantity and quality of the product. Pros and cons of popular products:

  • Fish (mackerel and others). Can be hot or cold smoked. Nutritionists prohibit the product because: too much salt, carcinogens accumulate and penetrate the skin and meat; stale product is often used for cooking. When properly cooked, fish retains protein (protein), Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Smoked mackerel is low in fat. You can eat it, but from trusted manufacturers and in limited quantities.
  • Breast. White chicken meat is one of the healthiest: no fat, lots of protein. The calorie content of the smoked product is only 117 kcal per 100 g, but it contains no carbohydrates. The fats present are not as harmful as when frying or deep-frying. Chicken retains vitamins A, group B, PP and iron, magnesium, zinc and others. You should eat only meat without skin, exclusively white. You can eat it on its own or add it to salads, sandwiches, snacks and casseroles.
  • Salo. Smoked food accumulates carcinogens; it does not have a thick skin that will stop them from penetrating into the meat and fat. In addition, it no longer retains its beneficial properties, since the product undergoes heat treatment. Therefore, when losing weight, it is better not to eat smoked lard, or very little and rarely. And especially it should not be eaten in the evening and at night.
  • Cheese. Sausage cheese is completely absorbed by the body, it contains less cholesterol than hard varieties, is rich in calcium and phosphorus, has a lot of fatty acids and vitamins A, D, E, contains protein and amino acids, and has no carbohydrates. It has a high calorie content - 100 g contains about 200 kcal, while the amount of fat and protein is about 20%. You can eat only in small quantities and preferably in the first half of the day, so that the calories have time to be consumed. It is also recommended to remove the crust. Most nutritionists recommend avoiding this product.

Helpful Tips: It is better to eat with vegetables and herbs; be sure to cut off the skin and skin as much as possible; You can eat smoked meats several times a year, the less often the better.

Read more about smoked meats for weight loss, which ones you can eat and how best to eat them in our article.

Read in this article

Smoking, as a type of heat treatment, has been known to mankind for a long time. It helps preserve animal products for a long time. A pleasant bonus is the aroma and taste of the food. Smoked meats whet your appetite, and it’s very difficult to pass by. But they are prohibited in any diet. Although experts say that not everything is so simple, and you can eat smoked food when losing weight.

There are three types of this cooking technology: hot, cold and “liquid”. The product is treated with a mixture of smoke and air. It is formed by burning wood. Hot means that the fish or meat is smoked at a high temperature of 34-45 degrees for 12 hours and up to 4 days. This is how smoked and boiled products are prepared.

The cold method uses temperatures from 18-22 degrees. But it takes longer: from 3 to 45 days. It ensures the preservation of products for a longer time.

“Liquid” smoking involves exposure to a simulated mixture of air and smoke. But the products turn out less tasty.

To understand why smoked meats are harmful and prohibited on a diet, you can consider their pros and cons.

Useful qualities

This type of heat treatment of products has the following positive properties:

  • There are no harmful and pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms in smoked meats. That is, when fish is treated with smoke, even helminths die in it, if they were there. Smoking disinfects and has antibacterial properties. The product is protected from rotting and early spoilage.
  • As a result of smoking, meat or fish does not acquire additional amounts of bad cholesterol and fats. After all, no additional liquid is required for cooking. Therefore, after smoking, meat or fish retains the same number of indicators as in its raw form.
  • The calorie content of the products remains at the initial level. Because no oil or fat is used in cooking.
  • When smoking at home, a minimum of salt is used. Therefore, the finished dish does not retain water in the body.
  • When processed cold, all useful substances and vitamins are preserved, because no such heating occurs. This means that the products provide the body with all the polyunsaturated acids, amino acids, etc. without changes.
  • Liquid smoking does not produce harmful carcinogenic substances.

Harm of smoking

Despite all the advantages, nutritionists and doctors do not recommend abusing such dishes for a reason. Smoking is characterized by the following harmful properties:

  • First of all, carcinogens. Wood smoke is full of volatile substances that cause malignant formations. They are formed due to the reaction of nitrates and nitrins with amines found in foods. And the former are added for better taste and aroma during production. Nitrosamines are formed under special conditions, for example, at high temperatures.
  • Less harmful from this point of view is “liquid” smoking. But it saturates the product with formaldehyde, glyoxal, phenol and other substances. They do not cause cancer, but they irritate the gastrointestinal tract and negatively affect the liver and kidneys.
  • With the cold method, due to the duration of the process, radioactive isotopes accumulate, which lead to the formation of malignant tumors.
  • Abuse of smoked meats harms the heart and blood vessels, clogging them, increasing the amount of bad cholesterol.
  • Such products negatively affect the condition of the pancreas.
  • Smoked meats are highly allergenic because they release histamine and deliver it into the body themselves. Therefore, a pseudo-allergic reaction can often occur.

Constant abuse of smoked meats negatively affects human health. Free radicals and toxins accumulate in the body, which slow down metabolism, which leads to the accumulation of excess weight.

And smoked products also greatly develop your appetite. Therefore, a person easily overeats.

Thus, when losing weight, you can eat and include smoked meat in your diet, but you need to do this carefully and clearly monitor the quantity. If used in moderation, it will not cause serious harm.

Watch the video about consuming smoked products:

What do nutritionists allow?

Experts have different opinions on this matter. It all depends on the quantity and quality of the product that a person is going to eat. Smoked can be fish, meat and poultry, lard or. Each product has its own pros and cons.

Fish - mackerel and others

Fish can be hot or cold smoked. In the first case, the product is prepared quite quickly, but the shelf life is no more than 3-4 days. And with cold smoking it takes a little longer. They also differ in taste.

Most nutritionists agree that smoked fish should not be eaten when losing weight. There are several reasons for this:

  • There is too much salt in it, so it will retain water.
  • Carcinogens accumulate and the skin is too thin, so they penetrate into the meat.
  • For smoking in production, the product is often already stale, so even if all the qualities of fresh raw materials are preserved, it makes no sense to talk about the benefits.

But if you cook fish according to all the rules and technologies, then it retains the protein that is so necessary for muscles. Protein promotes metabolism and helps produce amino acids. It retains Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Smoked mackerel is low in fat. All this plays into the benefits of losing weight.

Therefore, it is best to purchase the product from trusted brands and include it in your diet in doses.


In fact, fat is important and needed by the human body. Therefore, it must be included in the diet, since it is “fuel” and energy for life. But it must be correct. Moderate consumption of lard when losing weight helps regulate the amount of cholesterol in the blood. If you receive it from the outside, the body itself stops secreting it, thereby not increasing the level or harming the blood vessels.

In addition, lard contains important fatty acids that are necessary for the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system. Thanks to the right fats, immunity is strengthened and metabolism is accelerated.

But all this applies to salted lard, and not to smoked lard. The latter accumulates carcinogens; it does not have a thick peel that will stop them from penetrating into meat and fat. In addition, it no longer retains its beneficial properties, since the product undergoes heat treatment.

Therefore, when losing weight, it is better not to eat smoked lard or very little and rarely. And especially it should not be eaten in the evening and at night. This is a too heavy product that requires a long time to digest and contains a lot of calories.

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