Home Porridge Calorie content Semolina. Chemical composition and nutritional value. Semolina porridge - calorie content and properties. The benefits and harms of semolina porridge Semolina chemical composition

Calorie content Semolina. Chemical composition and nutritional value. Semolina porridge - calorie content and properties. The benefits and harms of semolina porridge Semolina chemical composition

There was a period when semolina was at the peak of popularity. There was also a time when it was vehemently criticized as useless carbohydrates. You will learn about what semolina is, what its benefits and harms are for the body, from this article.

What it is?

Coarsely ground wheat flour is called semolina. Simply put, it is a secondary product resulting from the manufacture of wheat flour. The diameter of its particles is 0.25-0.75 mm.

There are several varieties of this cereal: hard (marked with the letter “T”, made from durum wheat), soft (labeled “M”, based on soft varieties of wheat) and a mixed product, consisting of 20% hard and 80% – from soft varieties (“TM”). Visually, soft cereals can be identified by their snow-white color. The remaining two varieties have a slightly darker, grayish tint.

Soft cereals swell well in liquids, making tasty porridge. Hard and semi-hard varieties cook less well; they are usually placed in casseroles and pies.

Semolina was known even in pre-revolutionary Russia. However, at that time the process of its production was quite expensive, which determined the high cost of the cereal. It is not surprising that it was not widespread at that time and was available only to wealthy citizens.

During the Soviet period, technological processes were automated, which significantly simplified and reduced the cost of semolina production. It is enough to add to this the simplicity and efficiency of preparing the product to understand why semolina literally “poured” into children's institutions and apartments.

Semolina is the basis of many dishes, but the most famous are porridge and dumplings. Therapeutic diets for certain ailments are based on semolina porridge. As a rule, they are aimed at restoring the gastrointestinal tract after inflammatory diseases and operations.

The cereal contains a minimum of fiber, but it cooks quickly and well due to the large amount of starch and gluten. Another feature is that semolina is the only grain that is digested by the lower intestine. That's where it gets absorbed.

Composition and calorie content

Semolina contains a lot of vegetable proteins and starch, but there is almost no fiber in it. The chemical composition of the product is poor when compared with other popular cereals. It is represented by vitamins B, E, A and PP, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron and sodium. These components remain in the cereal even after thermal exposure.

Semolina boasts a record gluten content. This is a type of protein that causes allergies in some people. Thus, semolina is not suitable for those who suffer from gluten intolerance.

The calorie content of the dry product is 328 calories (kcal) per 100 grams. One tablespoon (spoons are usually used to measure cereals when cooking porridge) contains 58 kcal. However, when cooked, the nutritional value of semolina decreases by 2.5-3 times. Thus, a product prepared with water has 80 kcal per 100 g. The energy value of a similar amount of product prepared with milk is 98 kcal.

As you can see, the calorie content of the product cannot be called high, but the addition of sugar, honey and other additional ingredients increases the performance of the dish. If you are watching the amount of calories you consume, then it is better to include semolina in KBZHU, because a serving (300 g) with butter and sugar can “give” you 400-500 kcal.

The BJU of the product is as follows: 10/0.7/68 g. The main component is carbohydrates, which are combined with starch, dietary fiber and sugars. The proteins in semolina are “complete”, that is, they contain amino acids (including leucine, proline), some of which are essential (that is, not produced by the body, but supplied with food). Most of the fats are unsaturated, only about 15% are saturated fats.

Glycemic index

In dry form, cereals have a glycemic index of 60-70 units. If you cook a dish with milk, it will increase to 80 units. This is not much for a healthy person, but if you have type 2 diabetes, you should use the dish with caution. It is worth noting that in case of type 1 diabetes mellitus, semolina should be avoided completely.

The permitted dose of semolina for type 2 diabetes is 100 g of porridge. At the same time, you need to eat it not every day, but 1-2 times a week.

It is better to consume a dish with vegetables, as they will help reduce the rate of absorption of sugars, which will “unload” the pancreas a little.


Despite the poor composition of semolina, its use is very useful. It gives energy and strength and is almost completely absorbed by the body. The high starch content has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa. Cereal-based dishes demonstrate an enveloping and soothing effect. It is no coincidence that liquid semolina is included in therapeutic diets for diseases of the stomach and intestines, as well as after surgical interventions in these organs.

Although cereals do not contain much fiber, they stimulate intestinal motility and remove mucus and toxins from it. This prevents the development of fermentation processes and, as a result, disruption of the intestinal microflora, the appearance of pain and a feeling of heaviness. Due to the fact that semolina is digested in the lower intestine, it is possible to “unload” the stomach and upper intestinal region, which is important after operations on these organs, as well as in case of serious gastrointestinal diseases.

Starch and a number of other components of porridge promote the healing of wounds and cracks in the gastric mucosa, so doctors recommend a liquid dish with milk for exacerbations of gastritis and peptic ulcers. Cereals are also useful for kidney diseases, especially if the patient is prescribed a protein-free diet (refusal to consume animal proteins). Thanks to the potassium in the cereal, it is able to remove excess fluid from the body.

Magnesium and potassium make the cereal healthy for the heart. It helps strengthen the heart muscle and improve conductivity. Antioxidants in the form of vitamin E and protein amino acids, as well as nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) help increase the elasticity of vascular walls and improve capillary permeability. This, in turn, protects the body from atherosclerosis and other diseases associated with insufficient elasticity and partial “obstruction” of blood vessels.

Thanks to the presence of iron, it is possible to maintain hemoglobin at the proper level. This means that the blood is sufficiently enriched with oxygen and carries it to organs and tissues. The periodic appearance of semolina in the diet is one of the ways to avoid the development of iron deficiency anemia.

The large amount of starch and carbohydrates in sweet semolina made with milk and added butter makes it one of the most important products for underweight people. Semolina will help you gain weight, while giving the body energy and strength. It is not surprising that in the Soviet years, semolina porridge was the first complementary food and the dish that was often prepared for the growing population of the country.

Nutritious and high in vitamins B and E, semolina has a positive effect on the nervous system, so its use is indicated for emotional overload, breakdowns, and chronic fatigue. Traditionally, semolina porridge is cooked for breakfast, but if you eat a dairy dish for dinner, you can avoid problems with falling asleep.

In addition, vitamin B is involved in metabolic processes and hematopoiesis. Its deficiency often causes skin problems. Vitamin E is considered an antioxidant and also a “beauty vitamin.” It binds radionuclides and slows down the age-related processes of cell change.


Despite the benefits of semolina porridge, you should not feed your child with it several times a day. Adults are also not recommended to consume this dish too often. A special feature of the cereal is the combination of phytin and calcium, which “oppose” each other when absorbed by the body. The first component binds calcium salts, preventing them from entering the blood. When the levels of the second element in the body become below normal, calcium salts begin to be washed out of the bones. Thus, By consuming semolina in large quantities, a person may begin to suffer from calcium deficiency.

Cereals can also cause harm if you are gluten intolerant. If you are allergic to lactose, you should not consume porridge with milk. Excessive consumption of semolina is fraught with excess weight gain due to its high content of carbohydrates and starch. In addition, porridge “strengthens”, so overeating this dish can cause constipation and abdominal pain.

Use for weight loss

There is a lot of debate about the possibility of losing weight on semolina. Proponents of the idea that you can lose weight by eating semolina point to its low calorie content. Of course, we are talking about cereals cooked in water or low-fat milk without adding sweeteners and oil.

However, most experts agree that such diets are irrational. Despite its low nutritional value and the ability to provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness, semolina contains few important vitamins and microelements. It’s fair to say that with most diets, the body experiences a deficiency.

In addition, consuming semolina in large quantities can cause digestive problems. It also threatens to reduce the calcium content in the body. Finally, semolina has a high glycemic index, which cannot be called beneficial, especially for overweight people.

Despite the arguments of nutritionists, there are mono-diets based on semolina, which can be classified as express methods of losing weight. They are designed for 1-3 days and offer semolina in water as the main component of the diet. The dish is combined with vegetables, lean meat, kefir, and herbal teas.

Such diets are allowed only in the absence of contraindications, and even in this case, resorting to them is allowed no more than once every 5-6 months.

For information on how to cook semolina porridge without lumps, see below.

Semolina is a product that in Soviet times was considered almost a complete replacement for breast milk. In the USSR, semolina was considered mega-healthy and they tried to feed it to everyone. If children refused to eat semolina, then parents, believing in the miraculous properties of semolina, often tried to force it into their children! And they were very upset if even this did not help.

However, in many families this attitude towards semolina porridge has survived to this day. But rumors have spread in the scientific community that semolina is not such a harmless porridge as it was previously considered. This means that it’s time to change blind faith in “manna from heaven” to real knowledge about the benefits and harms of semolina porridge for us and our children...

Chemical composition

The benefits and harms of semolina

So, semolina is a by-product that occurs during the production of wheat flour. In fact, these are fragments of refined grain, which carry almost as many benefits as premium wheat flour, which is a refined product that leads to obesity and a slowdown in metabolism in the human body.

After a detailed study of semolina, it turned out that the only useful thing about it is the ability to “clog” the stomach until the next meal.

Of course, for strictly defined groups of the population, semolina can be very useful. For example, people who have just undergone surgery and therefore do not cope well with protein foods cannot eat anything other than semolina porridge (without unpleasant consequences). The same applies to patients with chronic kidney failure, because their body is not able to effectively remove excess protein. However, even in these cases, doctors compare semolina with meat and other heavy foods (like eggs, cheese, nuts, etc.).

You can also include toothless people here who cannot chew anything. But this is not about the benefits, but about the convenience of eating food. Although, if you have a blender or meat grinder in your home, you can turn almost any product into “semolina porridge”.

However, semolina still contains nutrients, micro- and macroelements, as well as vitamins, so it deserves the attention of completely healthy adults who like the taste of this porridge. However, due to the fact that the composition of semolina is 3-5 times poorer than the composition of other cereals, semolina should not be eaten more than once a week. No one.

If we talk about the dangers of semolina porridge, then the list of contraindications is not so long. But know: every lover of dishes made from this grain suffers damage to a greater or lesser extent. So, semolina has only four harmful properties:

  • semolina removes active calcium from the blood (“thanks” to the presence of phytin, rich in phosphorus)
  • semolina contains gluten, which interferes with the absorption of many nutrients, including healthy fats, and also causes digestive problems in people with celiac disease (the inability to break down the gluten in grains)
  • high starch content, often called “empty carbohydrates” that cause obesity
  • harmful “neighborhood” with milk, which leads to the fact that semolina porridge interferes with the absorption of iron and calcium from other products

Use in cooking

In addition to the semolina porridge itself, which can be cooked in both milk and water, semolina is also used for making casseroles, manna pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, and also as a non-stick topping for all kinds of baked goods.

And if your diet includes baked goods made from refined premium wheat flour, then “worrying” about the benefits and harms of semolina is simply not advisable. Prepare and enjoy!

Today, it is perhaps impossible to find a person who does not know the taste of this porridge. This is one of the first porridges given to babies. It is a traditional breakfast or snack in all kindergartens and schools. This is a favorite dish for many and also hated by many. In tsarist times, this porridge was available only to nobles - as a divine delicacy. During the Soviet years it became food for the masses - as one of the cheapest products. Well, it seems there is no other more controversial mess than this. Nutritionists from different scientific schools argue about the benefits and harms of semolina. So what is semolina, the benefits or harm from it - now we will find out.

What is semolina made from?

Of course, semolina is not the biblical “manna from heaven,” as some sometimes “authoritatively” claim. This porridge did not “fall on the head” of humanity, but, as historians suggest, it was first prepared by the inhabitants of the Middle East around the 13th century from wheat grains.

Yes, it is wheat that serves as the raw material for semolina. In other words, semolina porridge is the same flour, but coarser. According to technology, a “grain of sand” of semolina is equal to about a quarter of a millimeter. Coarser grains are 3/4 millimeter grains.

But, in addition to the diameter, the quality of the wheat used also affects the type of semolina. Hard grains produce porridge labeled “T”, softer grains produce “M”, but the wheat mixture will eventually turn into white porridge labeled “MT”. By the way, semolina marked “T” makes better sweet dishes; it can be added to different types of minced meat. The “M” grade product is usually used for puddings, porridges and casseroles.

The nutritional value

Semolina is one of the foods whose digestion begins only in the lower part of the intestine. Therefore, it is recommended as a dietary food for people with diseases of the digestive tract.

Almost 70 percent of the total composition of semolina is. In addition to it, the cereal contains vitamins B, E, PP, and iron. Although in fairness it should be said that this porridge is not a leader in the amount of minerals and vitamins.

Nutritional value of 100 g semolina:

  • calorie content – ​​360 kcal;
  • – 10 g;
  • – 1 g;
  • – 70 g;
  • – 4 g;
  • – 15 g;
  • – 0.25 mg;
  • – 1.2 mg;
  • – 1.3 mg;
  • – 20 mg;
  • – 130 mg;
  • – 18 mg;
  • – 85 mg;
  • – 75 mg;
  • – 21 mg;
  • – 1 mg;
  • – 0.6 mg.

Semolina porridge: benefits and harms

Researchers have been arguing about the beneficial properties of semolina for several years now. Some claim the exceptional benefits of the product, others say that semolina is not a necessary food for healthy people. But in order to understand whether semolina is more harmful or beneficial, it is important to analyze how it affects the organs and systems of the body.

Gastrointestinal tract

The special consistency and chemical composition of semolina means that when it enters the body, it accelerates the healing of damage. This applies to microcracks in the intestines and ulcers in the stomach. The enveloping effect of porridge is useful for gastritis. Researchers have determined that this product is able to relieve spasms, soothe pain and inflammation of the digestive system. But only semolina cooked in water, without or salt, gives this effect.


Semolina has the property of absorbing toxins and accelerating the removal of toxins from the body. Thus, semolina eaten for breakfast will work in the body all day as a “sponge” collecting harmful substances.


People whose medical records include a diagnosis of kidney failure or another disease that requires restricting protein intake should pay attention to semolina. This product is on the list of permitted products for them.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

The high energy value of semolina makes it an excellent choice for people experiencing loss of strength and weakness. This high-calorie porridge will give you energy to fight fatigue.

Elderly age

The results of some studies suggest that semolina is beneficial for older people. There is an assumption that this cereal prevents cancer formations and excessive blood mineralization in elderly people.

Who is semolina porridge suitable for?

Knowing about the beneficial properties of semolina, we can say that this dish is healthy:

  • for gastrointestinal diseases;
  • underweight children;
  • elderly;
  • persons after operations, weakened by diseases;
  • to reduce swelling;
  • people with disorders of the nervous system;
  • with anemia.

Possible side effects

During the Soviet era, semolina porridge became an indispensable dish in all kindergartens and schools. One day, nutritionists noticed: children who are underweight on semolina recover quite quickly. So they fed all the children porridge, which was cooked in a matter of seconds, but cost a penny. But today nutritionists say that this was a mistake, because semolina can also be dangerous.

Proponents of this theory say that semolina is not suitable for the daily diet of healthy children, since it is a very high-calorie food (100 g of porridge contains as many calories as cakes). Cereals consist of so-called fast carbohydrates with a high glycemic index. This means that after a semolina meal, the level in the bloodstream quickly rises, but also quickly decreases, causing sharp spikes in sugar.

The second danger of semolina is phytin. This is an organic salt that interferes with the absorption of calcium. Consequently, if you feed babies semolina day after day, you can eventually lead a healthy child to obesity or rickets. In addition, due to calcium deficiency, the heart and other organs suffer.

Also, semolina (especially seasoned with sugar, butter, cream or full-fat milk) is not the best choice for diabetics. High caloric intake will cause hyperglycemia. Because of the calories, it is not advisable for overweight people to indulge in this cereal.

Another danger from frequent consumption of semolina is constipation, since it contains virtually no fiber.

This product is also contraindicated for persons with a gluten allergy (celiac disease). It is precisely because of the high gluten content in semolina porridge that nutritionists advise not to feed it to babies under one year of age. And older children should not be given semolina more than 2-3 times a week.

How to choose the right cereal

The taste and consistency of the finished semolina depends not least on the quality of the raw cereal. Today semolina is not in short supply, as in tsarist times, and you can buy it even in the smallest store. Dozens of manufacturers offer their “most delicious” semolina, although not all of them are so. Here are some tips on how to choose the right semolina.

First. Today, this cereal is usually presented in two forms: packaged in the manufacturer’s branded packaging and by weight. The latter is more prone to dampness. The consequence of improper storage is a bitter or sour taste in the finished porridge. Sometimes a product “by weight” may smell moldy and damp. Hence the advice - when buying semolina by weight, it would be useful to smell it.

Second. A serious danger of porridge is bugs, flies, moths and other insects that can be carriers of diseases. And having brought such uninvited guests into the house, in the future you will have to tinker for a long time to get rid of, for example, moths. And porridge with “living creatures”, of course, is no longer suitable for food.

Third. Sealing the packaging will minimize the risk of rot, mold or insects. Therefore, before purchasing, you need to carefully check the integrity of the package with porridge.

Lump-free porridge recipe

Many people love semolina porridge, but are not enthusiastic about the cooking process. More precisely, not so much from the cooking, but from the not always successful result, since the finished porridge often clumps into lumps and burns. But if you know a few secrets of the classic preparation of semolina, then cooking it is much more pleasant.

So, the first thing is maintaining proportions. To make the porridge of medium thickness, you need to take 500 ml of milk and 4 tablespoons (tablespoons, of course, and preferably with a slide) of cereal. If you want the porridge to be sweet, prepare a tablespoon of sugar. A more dietary option is with salt.

In order for the porridge to have a uniform consistency, you will first have to boil the milk. And only after boiling, very slowly pour the cereal into the milk. It is important to constantly stir the mixture. Also, stirring constantly, bring the porridge to a boil, then turn the heat to low, add sugar or salt, a little butter and stir again. In a word, the main secret of semolina porridge with a creamy consistency and without lumps is constant stirring. However, there is nothing complicated about this, because until the semolina is completely ready, it will take no more than 3 minutes from the moment the cereal is poured into the milk. Remove the finished dish from the heat, cover with a lid and let “rest” for a minute or two.

Some tips:

  1. If you replace milk with cream, you get a very delicate creamy porridge.
  2. The calorie content of the dish will be lower if the milk is diluted with water or replaced with it completely (however, in this case the porridge will lose its taste).
  3. Thin semolina for small children will turn out correct if the portion of cereal is halved.
  4. The finished semolina can be “improved” with slices of fruit, berries, dried fruits, cinnamon or chopped chocolate.
  5. You can add airiness to the finished porridge by adding butter and whisking the mixture with a broom.

There is another version of semolina porridge, which compares favorably with the usual semolina from the school canteen. This is a nice Guryev porridge. Its recipe appeared at the beginning of the 19th century, even when semolina was only a “delicacy of the bourgeoisie.” So the then financial minister of the State Council, Count Guryev, once visited his comrade Major Yurisovsky. The latter, knowing about his friend’s passion for delicious food, ordered Zakhar Kuzmin, his serf cook, to prepare something like that in order to surprise the count. And the cook prepared semolina porridge with nuts, dried fruits and creamy foam for dessert. They say that after the meal, the count bought the serf for an amount unimaginable at that time and made him his personal chef, and the porridge has since been called Guryev’s.

Guryev porridge recipe


  • milk – 1.25 l;
  • semolina - half a glass;
  • mixture of nuts - approximately 500 g;
  • bitter almonds – 10 pcs.;
  • jam (strawberry or cherry) - half a glass;
  • butter – 1 tablespoon;
  • cardamom;
  • lemon zest.

How to cook

Pour boiling water over the nuts, peel them, fry in a frying pan and mash in a mortar, adding a little warm water. Meanwhile, pour the milk into a cast iron bowl and place in the oven. As the liquid warms up, a rosy foam will appear, which should be removed into a separate bowl. Place the remaining milk on the stove and cook the semolina in it (without lumps). It should be a fairly thick porridge. Add chopped nuts, butter, sugar, spices. Place porridge (about 1 cm) on the bottom of an enamel bowl. The second layer is foam. The third is porridge again, which is also covered with foam. Make as many layers as possible. Mix the last part of the porridge with jam. Then place the dish in the oven for 10 minutes. Serve with nuts and jam in the same container in which it was baked.

Semolina is a porridge with perhaps the most controversial reputation. Our grandmothers are indignant when they listen to modern nutritionists: they say, their children were raised on semolina and it didn’t harm anyone. Young mothers re-read with fear what harm semolina can cause. It is probably difficult to definitively answer whose side is right. And most likely, as always, she is somewhere in the middle. And a plate of semolina certainly won’t do any harm if it is part of a balanced diet.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of semolina

Depending on the type of wheat used, it is divided into three brands:

  • From soft wheat - M.
  • From soft wheat with an admixture of 20% durum - MT.
  • From durum wheat - T.

Semolina contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, E, minerals calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron and phosphorus, as well as starch and proteins. It cooks quickly, so all the beneficial substances contained in the cereal are preserved.

100g of semolina contains:

  • Water – 14.
  • Proteins – 11.3.
  • Fats – 0.7.
  • Carbohydrates – 73.3.
  • Kcal – 326.

Beneficial properties of semolina and porridges prepared from it, as well as contraindications

  • For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and after operations on the intestines and stomach. It is the only one absorbed in the lower intestine, cleanses the body of mucus and removes fat.
  • Semolina has nutritional value, high calorie content and digestibility.
  • The cereal is enriched with gluten, a protein called gluten, which some people cannot tolerate. Gluten intolerance is a hereditary disease called celiac disease. Gluten can cause allergies, manifested by stool disorders.
  • Phytin and glyodine contained in semolina bind calcium salts and prevent them from entering the blood. It is therefore not recommended to give young children their first complementary foods in the form of semolina porridge, since frequent feeding of semolina porridge can lead to spasmophilia and rickets.
  • Semolina porridge is a high-calorie product in itself, so those who are watching their figure must remember that this delicacy can add weight, especially since it is prepared with milk with the addition of butter, jam and condensed milk.
  • Porridge is useful for a weakened body suffering from chronic fatigue, as well as for people with kidney failure.
  • It is better not to feed children semolina porridge before school, and in the future they should not get carried away with it, so as not to harm their health.

Semolina porridge on water

Semolina porridge with water is a dietary product that contains 70% starch, proteins, minerals and vitamins. There is little fiber in porridge, so it is recommended for chronic kidney failure, after surgery and for exhaustion.

This porridge is not recommended for young children. Mucopolysaccharide - glyodine, contained in the shell of cereals, causes necrosis of the intestinal villi that absorb nutrients. When used, iron absorption deteriorates. Therefore, preschool children are not recommended to include semolina porridge with water in their diet.

100g of semolina porridge with water contains:

  • Proteins – 2.5.
  • Fats – 0.2.
  • Carbohydrates – 16.8.
  • Kcal – 80.

Cooking semolina porridge in water. At a temperature of 90 degrees, semolina swells and boils within 30 seconds. When brewing porridge, you need to pour it into hot water and stir evenly. Add salt and sugar to taste, remove from heat and let steep. Porridge is served with jam, butter, and fruit.

Semolina porridge with milk

Cooked semolina porridge with milk is a nutritious and dietary product for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, kidney failure, it is useful for a depleted body. The porridge cooks quickly, so all the vitamins, microelements and proteins contained in the cereal are preserved. Semolina porridge with milk is not a product for daily consumption. When properly included in the diet, it will bring benefits and health.

100g of semolina porridge with milk contains:

  • Proteins – 3.
  • Fats – 3.2.
  • Carbohydrates – 15.3.
  • Kcal – 98.

Cooking semolina porridge with milk. To obtain tasty porridge, you must follow the following proportion: 0.75 cups of semolina and 500 ml of milk. Bring the milk to a boil and gradually add the semolina, stirring all the time. Boil for 2 minutes, then remove from heat and let sit for 15 minutes. After this, add butter, raisins and dried fruits.

Semolina is used to prepare not only porridges, but also soups and salads (catalyst). Wonderful casseroles, puddings, cakes, dumplings, etc. are prepared from it. National semolina dumplings are also prepared from semolina. The finished porridge can be flavored with cinnamon, honey, vanilla and not deprive yourself of the pleasure of pampering yourself and your household with delicious food.

Watch the video below to prepare semolina porridge with milk:

It is generally accepted that one of the best breakfast foods is porridge. The most popular are oatmeal or buckwheat. This is due to the fact that their composition is rich in vitamins and microelements, saturates and fills the human body with energy for the whole day. Opinions differ regarding semolina porridge and its benefits. Some argue that semolina porridge is very healthy and should be included in the diet regularly, others believe that porridge is too high in calories and is of little use.

What is semolina?

There is no such grain plant as semolina. It is made from wheat grains, which are ground in a certain way. As a result of this process, semolina is obtained, which can be coarsely ground or finely ground. Dishes made from finely ground cereals are more tender, so this product is good to add for preparing fluffy baked goods or thin porridge.

Since this product is the result of processing wheat grain, it contains very little fiber. This makes it inferior to other cereals: the benefits of fiber for the human body have long been known.

Nutritional and energy value

Semolina porridge is a high-carbohydrate product. In the proportion of BJU:

  • carbohydrates – 60 g;
  • proteins –11 g;
  • fat – 27 g.

It is necessary to pay attention to the glycemic index of this dish. The glycemic index shows the degree of change in blood sugar levels from eating a particular product. The lower the GI, the fewer sugar spikes. This indicator is especially important for those who control weight, as well as diabetics.

In its pure form, this cereal has a GI of 64. Moreover, it is the same for both dry cereal and after cooking. By adding butter, milk or cream, sugar, and other additives to this porridge, the GI increases significantly.

To reduce GI, many nutritionists advise:

  • add a spoonful of vegetable oil to the prepared dish;
  • choose coarse grains;
  • do not add sugar, but use a substitute;
  • combine the dish with food containing large amounts of proteins and fats.

Fast carbohydrates contained in semolina help satiate and replenish energy in the body. However, the feeling of fullness passes much faster than when eating foods containing slow carbohydrates. This dish, which contains a large amount of fast carbohydrates, can provoke weight gain if consumed regularly. Despite the relatively low energy value, porridge is not recommended to be consumed more than twice a week.

Calorie content

Semolina porridge is considered unsuitable for dietary nutrition due to its high calorie content. But it is not so. After all, it contains 320 calories per 100 grams of dry cereal. During the cooking process, semolina tends to swell very much. This means that to prepare a standard portion of semolina porridge, only a few spoons of dry cereal are required. If you cook cereal in water, then one large portion of the dish will contain no more than 100 kcal. Medium and small portions of the dish will contain about 60–80 calories per plate.

Whether porridge contains calories or not depends on the added products. Semolina is rarely boiled in water, since with this method of preparation it is rather tasteless. Most often, semolina porridge is prepared with milk, which improves its taste, but increases its calorie content. On average, a serving of porridge with milk will contain about 120 kcal. If you add a piece of butter to it, the calorie content of one serving will be approximately 140–150 calories.

Porridge with butter with its proportion of KBJU can hardly be called a dietary dish. Therefore, it is not recommended for people suffering from excess body weight to add oil to porridge. In extreme cases, you can add a very small portion.

To slightly reduce the calorie content of the dish, you can use skim milk, as well as butter with a low fat content. Or you can cook the porridge in water and add a spoonful of jam or a small amount of fruit or berries.

Benefits and harms

The chemical composition of this product is not limited to proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Semolina porridge has a high content of saturated fatty acids, monosaccharides and polysaccharides, dietary fiber, and starch. The product contains a lot of iron, potassium and phosphorus, as well as B vitamins and vitamin E. All these substances have a positive effect on the human body. Iron is involved in hematopoiesis processes and improves it. B vitamins are beneficial for the nervous system and brain activity. Vitamin E is beneficial for good skin condition

People with gastrointestinal problems, or those who have undergone surgery, will find this product useful: it gently envelops the walls of the stomach, helping to avoid many troubles with these ailments. Also, semolina porridge will be useful for problems with teeth, as it does not require thorough chewing.

Nevertheless, harmful properties are also present, and they are quite significant.

  • First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that consuming semolina porridge in large quantities is fraught with the removal of calcium from the body. This is due to the content of the substance phytin in the porridge.
  • Semolina porridge contains gluten, which interferes with the proper saturation of the body with useful substances and provokes difficulties in the process of digesting food. Due to gluten intolerance, some people need to eliminate this product from their diet.
  • Pediatricians do not recommend giving semolina porridge to babies under one year of age. For older children, semolina can be used in the diet, but it should not be on the daily menu.
  • Doctors also recommend limiting the consumption of the dish for pregnant women with late toxicosis.
  • The starch content in semolina porridge requires people with excess body weight to be careful when consuming it.

To make the semolina tasty, it is important to maintain the correct proportions, use only fresh ingredients for the dish and cook it strictly according to the instructions. While cooking semolina porridge, it is important to stir it constantly. This will protect against the possible appearance of lumps in the porridge, which will spoil the taste and appearance of the finished dish.

In addition to the traditional method of preparing semolina, you can slightly change the recipe and add cocoa powder or vanilla to the dish. You should cook a thick porridge, in this form the dish will look more like chocolate cream or pudding.

Some people may be intolerant to milk, and porridge with water may not always taste good. Therefore, it is worth trying to cook it with fruit juice. To prepare it, take apple or cranberry juice. Semolina is poured into heated juice, spices and butter are added. If desired, beat in a raw egg. The finished dish is decorated with fruits or ripe berries. A dish prepared according to this recipe will be less caloric than one cooked with milk and will enrich the body with vitamins.

Instead of sugar, you can add jam, raisins, and your favorite dried fruits to the dish. A pinch of lemon zest will give the porridge an extraordinary taste and aroma. By the way, Eastern cooks use cereals to prepare vegetable and meat dishes.

You will learn how to prepare semolina porridge without lumps in the following video.

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