Home General issues How to smoke sturgeon in a hot smoked smokehouse. Hot smoked sturgeon, features of cooking at home. Smoking sturgeon with liquid smoke

How to smoke sturgeon in a hot smoked smokehouse. Hot smoked sturgeon, features of cooking at home. Smoking sturgeon with liquid smoke

Winter, a peasant triumphing on firewood ... no, no, this is not about us. In the mountains it is true that snow is in great variety, but in the valleys it is relatively warm and it rains or sometimes RAIN. This is a local winter, the grass is turning green, the sun is shining, etc., but most importantly, fresh sturgeon appears in stores. At the end of January, it's time to go to a Chinese or Vietnamese store to purchase a piece of this beautiful fish, given to us by the Creator many thousands of years ago. In the store, we meticulously examine the carcasses, finally we find the one and only one that will later brighten up more than one evening for us, and ask us to cut off the middle part without the tail, fins and other accompanying ingredients that are not very necessary for this dish. This is naturally accompanied by dances and pantomime worthy of a kabuki theatre, since sellers, other than their native language, do not heed or pretend not to heed, and strive to cut off closer to the tail and leave more fins, etc. But we are seasoned fighters in battles with representatives of Southeast Asia, and in the end we get the right piece of sturgeon carcass. Further, only you and the sturgeon. The carcass is cut in half along the dorsal cartilage, the hard parts (cartilage, etc.) are cut out, the resulting two blocks are washed and dried. Then they are rolled and covered with a mixture of salt (preferably sea salt), ground shell nutmeg and juniper berries (quite a bit of the first and in reasonable quantities of the second). Composition (preferably in glass: I usually use a flat glass tray) - it should be noted here that the fish is skin-side up - it is wrapped in cling film and sent to the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, pieces of fish that have noticeably hardened and decreased in size are thoroughly washed with water and dried. Further (here you should not waste time on trifles) the fish is doused with whiskey (preferably bourbon, but whoever has something), is placed on a wire rack above the same glass tray, and sent to the refrigerator again for the night. In this case, the skin looks down accordingly. In the morning we charge the smokehouse and smoke it in a cold way (there is room for imagination: apple, cherry shavings or some other wood, whoever has what and what they like; the last time I smoked on alder - it turned out well, from my point of view) hours 14-16 . Then comes a very exciting moment of organoleptic acquaintance with the resulting product. Here you can’t do without a well-known drink (a glass, no more - you still need to reward yourself for three days of work, but how else?). A small piece of good black bread, a fresh little tail of a green onion from the garden, a good piece of the produced product and ... it cannot be described in words - this, this, what am I telling you, do your best, make yourself a holiday and a new facet of your worldview will open to you.

I really wanted to try to make hot smoked sturgeon myself. Before that, I made a sterlet. But it turned out to be crumbly, if that is how the fish can be described. The sturgeon meat is more elastic, so I still hoped to get with it a variant more similar to the purchased one. It turned out amazingly tasty, but not like a purchased one. At all. Also, as in the case of sterlet, the meat was tender and tended to crumble. No even pieces when cutting. The taste is also completely different. Not better, not worse, just different. Maybe it's the temperature, I thought? But I had it at 80 degrees. I don’t think that on an industrial scale they smoke at a lower temperature, because then it will no longer be hot smoked. Or I'm wrong? In general, I hope for the help of the collective mind. I'm posting the recipe anyway because it's so delicious.

Sturgeon chilled.
Freshly ground pepper.
Dry or fresh dill. In this case, dry gives more spice.
Juice of one lemon.
Sugar - a tablespoon.
Chips for smoking.

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I did clean the sturgeon, as it should, with the removal of mucus and "bugs". In vain. Since this well-cleaned fish, having a sufficient amount of gelatin in its skin, tightly stuck to the grate during smoking, as a result, I tore it off with difficulty. After that, I came to the conclusion that it’s better to smoke unpeeled, it will be easier to tear off and keep the presentation.

Part of the sturgeon went to my ear, and I put a couple of pieces in a deep container.

Prepared the marinade. Water was taken from the calculation so that it completely covered the fish. Warmed up.

Mixed and tried. Liked the taste. I cooled the marinade and poured it over the fish, so that the marinade completely covered it. You can, in principle, salt dry, but then it will take more time to marinate, and the fish salts better in water. Left it in the fridge overnight.

The next day I took out the fish, dried it with a towel. I lined the bottom of the cauldron with foil, a little wood chips on top, sprinkled it with water.

Grid on top.

Fish on her. I turned on the fire, covered it with a lid and smoked for an hour. Didn't open the lid. An hour later, I turned off the fire and left the fish to cool with the lid closed.

I opened it when the fish was almost cold.

A very tasty result.


Fans of a healthy diet, and just lovers of delicious food, will find it useful to learn how to smoke sturgeon in a smokehouse.

Why sturgeon? Because this fish is a storehouse of nutrients. It contains protein, which is completely absorbed by the body. The presence of sodium, chromium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, fluorine, potassium, calcium, nickel makes sturgeon a source of all the necessary substances for the human body. It also contains vitamins:

In addition, this fish contains healthy fatty acids in large quantities, which reduce blood cholesterol, and therefore reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. The presence of iodine, which is rich in sturgeon, contributes to the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

Preparing sturgeon for smoking

No matter how the sturgeon is cooked, it will always be tasty and healthy. However, fish cooked in a smokehouse will give gourmets an exquisite and sophisticated palette of tastes.

Only fresh fish is suitable for hot smoking. It must be cut into small pieces of about 5 cm. If the carcass is too large, you can cut it into half rings. Then pickle the chopped pieces in a ceramic or plastic dish.

For salting, you need 1 tbsp. l. salt, 1/2 tsp. sugar (proportions are indicated based on 1 kg of fish), as well as pepper and other spices according to individual preference. It is important not to overdo it with spices, in order not to interrupt the taste of sturgeon, they will be enough on the tip of a knife. Next, rub the fish well.

After the sturgeon is salted, it must be put in a container, covered with a lid and placed in the refrigerator for a day. After this time, pour 200 g of brandy over the sturgeon (you can also use white wine, it all depends on taste preferences) and place in the refrigerator for another 1 or 2 days.

After the fish has marinated and absorbed all the yummy, it is quite ready for hot smoking, it remains only to clean off the remaining excess salt from it.

The best way to hot smoke

An ideal option for hot smoking would be a small smokehouse. Since this requires a temperature of 80 °C, it is the easiest temperature to regulate. If smoking takes place on a gas stove, the temperature is regulated by reducing or adding fire, but if the smokehouse is located above the fire, it must be raised or lowered above the coals to regulate the temperature.

Cover the bottom of the smokehouse with wood chips, which must first be moistened by holding them in water for about half an hour. Place the pan, cover the fish with a lid and put it on the fire to smoke. As soon as smoke begins to appear from under the lid, reduce the heat and leave the fish to smoke for two hours. It can be cooked earlier, it all depends on the smoking temperature and the size of the sturgeon.

After the sturgeon has cooked, it must cool in a closed smokehouse. Then you can enjoy the incredible taste of healthy hot smoked sturgeon. Such a dish will not only delight lovers of delicious, but will also be a wonderful decoration for the festive table.

Hot smoked sturgeon in vacuum packaging

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Cooking cold smoked sturgeon in a smokehouse

Cold smoked sturgeon palatability nothing beats hot cooking. In order to get a tasty and properly cooked dish at the end, it is important to pay special attention to salting.

In order to smoke sturgeon in a cold way, you need a special smokehouse, which maintains a low temperature. This will allow not to boil the fish meat, but to soak it with smoke as it should. A smokehouse for cold smoking will be more voluminous than for hot, so it will be convenient to smoke in this way in a summer cottage or in the private sector.

Fresh sturgeon or sterlet must be washed, cleaned and cut into small pieces. Then the fish meat is rubbed with salt, folded into a container with a lid and sent for 4 days to a cool place until the fish releases juice. Then the pieces are washed and dried for two days in the open air.

Each piece of fish should be hung inside the smokehouse, closed with a lid and smoked for two days over low heat. Soaked sawdust of beech or alder is poured at the bottom, they will give a light fragrant smoke.

It is important to constantly monitor the temperature so that the fish meat does not dry out and is not digested, but only saturated with smoke. After smoking is completed, it should be aired for several hours.

Cooking sturgeon with liquid smoke

The initial stage of preparing sturgeon is the same as in hot smoking, only liquid smoke (1 tbsp) is added along with cognac or wine and placed in the refrigerator for two days.

To prepare sturgeon in this way, you will need a wire rack and a baking sheet on which it will fit. The bottom must be completely covered with brine, in which the fish meat was marinated and add another spoonful of smoke. It is important that the fish does not touch the liquid, but rests quietly on the grate.

Place the whole structure in the oven and cook at a temperature of 80–85 ° C for two hours. Such simple recipes will give refined tastes, will benefit the body and will decorate any table.

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Video: Recipe for smoking sturgeon (any fish) at home

Sturgeon has always been considered royal fish, its meat is nutritious and tasty. Of course, you can buy a finished product in the supermarket, but cooking smoked sturgeon at home is not difficult. It will come out cheaper and without the use of harmful additives in the cooking process.

Smoked sturgeon - gourmet dish that will delight family and surprise friends. To cook fish in any way, you must choose the right product. Carcasses should be purchased chilled, because frozen ones are not suitable in this case. In the refrigerator, fish can be stored for no more than two to three days.

When choosing any carcass, you need to pay attention to the eyes. If the pupil is normal and without turbidity, then the fish is fresh. If you press on either side and the dent disappears, you can safely buy the sturgeon. The size of the carcasses is not important, both small and large individuals are suitable for smoking.

The fish is first cleaned, gutted, the head and growths on the ridge are removed. Although the latter can be left - so on holiday table the product will look royal. If the fish is very large, it should be cut into pieces up to 5 cm in thickness.

Product pickling

Marinade for hot or cold smoked sturgeon at home can be of two types. Even the simplest brine makes the product a delicacy.


Products required:

  • 2 pcs. medium sized fish;
  • 1 cup soy sauce;
  • 1 glass of dry white semi-sweet wine;
  • 1 st. l. citric acid;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • spices - rosemary, thyme;
  • other spices to taste;
  • Bay leaf.

Wash the carcasses, peel, put in the refrigerator for an hour. All products, except bay leaf and spices, put in a container. Bring the composition to a boil, then cool.

Lavrushka put into transverse cuts in the carcasses, pour the marinade over the fish and place in the refrigerator for 10 hours. Before smoking, smear the product with spices.

Marinade for cold smoking

This method disinfects and disinfects the product. For 1 liter of water you need 100 g of salt. Place the carcasses in a container, pour water diluted with salt, send to the refrigerator for 12 hours. For 1 kg of product, 1.5 liters of water will be required.

Ways to cook sturgeon at home

Hot smoking

It is best to cook smoked sturgeon by hot smoking in a portable smokehouse. The temperature regime should be 80-85 degrees.

Wood chips are laid out on the bottom, previously aged for half an hour in water. Then a tray is placed on which the fish is placed, covered with a lid.

When the smoker fills with smoke, turn down the heat. Sturgeon should be smoked in a hot-smoked smokehouse for about two hours, but it is necessary to control the process so as not to dry the fish. The delicacy is not taken out immediately, they are allowed to cool for 30 minutes.

Cold smoking

The recipe for cold-smoked sturgeon involves drying carcasses for up to two days to get rid of excess moisture. The fish is placed in the main chamber of the smokehouse, smoke is sent there from a smoke generator or a home-made device, and chips are periodically changed.

It takes two days to smoke sturgeon in a cold-smoked smokehouse. It is necessary to monitor the carcasses so that they do not turn out to be overdried. The product is then ventilated outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.

Sturgeon in the oven

You can cook sturgeon in the oven. For 1 kg of product you will need:

  • 1 st. l. salt;
  • 0.5 tsp Sahara;
  • 70 g of cognac.

Cut the fish, rub with salt and sugar, put in the refrigerator for 10 hours. If the carcasses began to secrete juice, then they were salted. Add alcohol and put in a cold place for another 6 hours. Heat the oven to 80 degrees and place the fish. Be sure to turn on convection.

Tip: it is important to know that the cooking period depends on the size of the carcass, but is at least an hour.

You can use liquid smoke to enhance the taste in this method. To smoke sturgeon in this way, you will need an ordinary oven. Liquid smoke is called so because it has a specific aroma inherent in smoked products.

The fish is prepared in the same way as in the previous recipe, only with cognac add flavored smoke consistency in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. In the refrigeration unit, marinating time is two days. At the time of cooking on a baking sheet, you can still pour 1 tbsp. l. smoke fragrance. Carcasses are cooked in the oven for about two hours.

Composition and useful properties

The calorie content of fresh fish is 163 kcal per 100 g of the product, and cold-smoked sturgeon fillet is 173 kcal.

Sturgeon contains vitamins and minerals. Fish leads in sodium content, includes easily digestible proteins, fats, amino acids. Fish meat is considered a very nutritious food and is even used in weight loss recipes.

Prepare with skillful hands amazing dish It's about doing something nice for family and friends.

Table of nutrients in sturgeon:

NutrientQuantity per product
Calorie content (kcal)173
Protein (g)31.2
Fat (g)4.4
Carbs (g)
Vitamin A, RE (mcg)280
Vitamin B4, choline (mg)87.3
Vitamin B9, folates (mcg)20
Vitamin B12, cobalamin (mcg)2.9
Vitamin D, calciferol (mcg)16.1
Vitamin PP, NE (mg)11.1
Potassium, K (mg)379
Calcium, Ca (mg)17
Magnesium, Mg (mg)47
Sodium, Na (mg)739
Phosphorus, Ph (mg)281
Copper, Cu (µg)50

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