Home Preparations for the winter Pear banana pie. Pie with pears and bananas. Very fast

Pear banana pie. Pie with pears and bananas. Very fast

Many people may know him, but I only found out about him a couple of months ago. This cake has become one of my favorites. Children ask him to cook almost every day. Our favorite filling is pear + banana or pear + cottage cheese. In the original there was an apple, you can also have a berry. Here is the recipe itself. Yes, the pie is called Warsaw Apple Pie.
We will need
1 cup semolina
1 cup flour
0.5 cup sugar
0.5 tsp baking powder
100 gr butter
4 large pears
2 bananas (Filling can be any)

Dough: mix flour + semolina + sugar + baking powder. All!!! The dough is ready - this is a dry mix.
Filling: peel the pears, grate, squeeze the juice a little, add chopped bananas.

In the form, I have a detachable one, parchment on the bottom, pour 1/3 of the dry mixture, a little filling on top, again a mixture, again a filling. The last layer is dry mix. Put some butter on it. I bake at t 180° for 40-50 minutes. And a delicious cake is ready! Bon appetit!!! (The photo is not mine, I don’t have time to click mine. I just remember and it’s gone

Butter can be more, and a glass of any size. The first time I did it strictly according to the recipe and the glass was 200g. For our family 6 people. turned out to be few. Another time I took a glass of gr.320. and replaced the apples with pears and bananas. So I liked it more and enough for everyone. So, girls, you can experiment with the filling, the main thing is that it should not be liquid.

Some girls ask how dry dough is. Some write that it does not work. In general, today I did it and step by step

Products for the test

We combine dry products (everything except butter)

Products for the filling (half a pack of cottage cheese remained, I also added so that it would not disappear)

Three pears on a grater

Drain excess juice

We cut bananas

We take the form, I have a detachable d28, paper on the bottom (I bought siliconized parchment, I am very pleased)

Pour a little mixture at the bottom (I got 2 with a little ordinary zhmenki) and level

Some pears on her

Top with some banana

Recipe pear and banana pie:

To make this honey cake, first you need to beat an egg with white sugar and vanilla (if you like vanilla, or add a little ground cinnamon). Add honey, beat again.

Then pour in the kefir, beat the kefir-egg mixture well with a whisk. Make sure the sugar is completely dissolved. Add soda there, you don’t need to quench it with vinegar, since it is also perfectly quenched in an acidic kefir environment.

Now sift the flour and immediately add it to the pie dough.

The finished dough should not be very thick, just like regular pancakes, a little thicker.

Cut the washed pear with the peel into thin slices, pre-cut the twig and seeds, peel the banana, cut into thin slices.

Lubricate the form with a thin layer of high-quality butter, pour the dough into it gently, spread the pear on top, alternating it with a banana. By the way, you can use this kefir pie as a base, and choose the filling for it to your taste (apples, raspberries, currants, cherries, peaches, etc. will do).

Bake a pear and banana pie for no more than 20-25 minutes and only at 220C. You need to put the dough only in a hot oven on an average level.

This pastry can be served warm, it is perfectly in tune with hot tea, mulled wine and other drinks. Pear and banana pie is ready!

Chilled eggs must be beaten using a special kitchen whisk or mixer (you can also use a blender), without stopping beating, you need to gradually add sugar. As soon as the sugar is completely dissolved, it is necessary to add a little pre-sifted flour. It is very important that there are no lumps.

Charlotte with a banana turns out to be very tender and incredibly tasty, besides, it is prepared very easily and quickly. Bananas must be peeled, and then cut into not too thick circles. Pears are washed well, peeled, the seed box is removed, and they are cut into thin slices.

The baking dish is well greased with butter and lightly sprinkled with flour so that the charlotte does not burn. Sliced ​​fruits are neatly laid out at the bottom of the mold, and cooked dough is poured on top. The oven is heated to 180 degrees, then a form with dough is placed in it.

The charlotte is baked for 40 minutes, until an appetizing golden crust appears on the surface of the pie, it is advisable not to open the oven in the first 20 minutes of cooking so that the charlotte does not settle.

As soon as the charlotte is completely ready, the form with the pie is taken out of the oven, left for a few minutes to cool slightly, after which the pie is carefully turned over onto a dish so that the fruit is on top. The cake is sprinkled with a small amount of powdered sugar and dessert can be served at the table.

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