Home Product ratings Homemade rowan wine recipe. Rowan wine, prepared independently. Simple recipes from red and black rowan. Making fortified rowan wine at home

Homemade rowan wine recipe. Rowan wine, prepared independently. Simple recipes from red and black rowan. Making fortified rowan wine at home

For a long time, it has been customary to prepare preserves, jams, and wine from red rowan at home with a tart aroma. When fresh, the berries are bitter, but when processed as a homemade drink, they are endowed with healing properties and enriched with microelements and vitamins. What are the benefits and harms of wine? The best homemade recipes with the addition of honey, cinnamon, apples. During production, it is important to pay attention to the preparation of special containers, to sort out the berries in order to obtain an intoxicating, tasty and healthy product.

Useful and healing properties of red rowan

Red berry with a tart-bitter taste:

  • normalizes blood microcirculation;
  • increases immunity;
  • ennobles the work of the heart;
  • useful for people suffering from hemophilia;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • has a choleretic, hemostatic, diuretic effect.

The benefits and harms of homemade wine

The ubiquitous rowan is an excellent product. Prepared wine aged for a certain time:

  • regulates the functioning of the heart;
  • reduces the likelihood of stroke and myocardial infarction;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • increases appetite;
  • eliminates neuroses, depression, apathy;
  • enters the fight against excess weight;
  • reduces the level of bad cholesterol, the development of inflammatory processes within the body;
  • eliminates dry eyes, improves vision.

Homemade wine can cause harm to people suffering from cardiac ischemia and increased blood clotting. You should not use the liqueur if you have recently suffered a heart attack, stroke or hypertension, if the acidity is high. Of course, it is prohibited for women to use during pregnancy and lactation.

Necessary equipment and containers

To prepare homemade wine, you should prepare:

  • large capacity;
  • a wooden rolling pin, a spatula for squeezing juice;
  • fine mesh grinder;
  • gauze, a special press for squeezing juice, separating rowan slurry;
  • medical glove with holes;
  • thin hose to remove gases;
  • a dark glass bottle into which the drink will be poured directly for subsequent infusion in a dark place for several weeks.

Making rowan wine

Preparation of rowan wine - step by step:

  1. Preparing the berries.
  2. We get juice, improve properties.
  3. Preparing the wort.
  4. Let's ferment.
  5. We introduce yeast fungi into the wort.
  6. We are waiting for vigorous fermentation
  7. We carry out the first filtration and pour the drink into another container.
  8. We monitor the process of quiet fermentation, caring for the wort while aging in a dark place.
  9. We pour the wine a second time and wait for it to ripen.
  10. Clarify the drink and remove sediment.
  11. Getting ready for bottling.
  12. Pour into prepared container.
  13. We put it away for storage in a dark place.

The standard process for making a homemade drink is as follows:

  1. Separate the rowan slurry from the juice using gauze.
  2. Place the pulp in an enamel pan, add to water (80 g), stir.
  3. Leave the prepared wort for up to 5 hours, wait for it to cool.
  4. Add sugar (2 kg), squeezed juice.
  5. Mix carefully.
  6. Tie the neck with gauze, place in a dark place with air temperature +18+25 degrees.
  7. Wait for the first signs of fermentation until hissing and foam appear on the surface.
  8. Strain through cheesecloth, add remaining sugar.
  9. Place the bottle in a dark place for several days, wearing a medical glove with a hole on the top.
  10. Check the readiness of the wine until it turns light.
  11. Drain into a new container, install a thin hose to remove gases into the cap of the container.
  12. Place the other end of the tube over the jar of water.
  13. Maintain a fermentation period of up to 3 months.
  14. Pour homemade wine and put in a cool place.

The strength of the sweet and sour drink at the end will be approximately 14 degrees.

Preparation of raw materials

To get good wine, it is better to pick berries after the first frost to reduce the level of bitterness. You can also keep it in the freezer (2-3 hours) before cooking.

Before cooking, you need to extract the juice from the pulp from the ripe fruits, for which you scald with boiling water and mash with your hands or pass through a meat grinder.

When to pick berries?

It is important to collect berries for wine after the first frost at the time of maximum sugar content in the fruit. Otherwise, you can artificially freeze the berries by keeping them in the freezer for up to 3 hours.

Any rowan berry is suitable for making wine: cultivated, wild. Sweet varieties of berries make the drink much tastier and richer.

For cooking, do not select a variety that is too soft or juicy. To get 1 liter of good wine, you should prepare 4.5 kg of berries, peeled from the branches. Raisins and ammonium chloride are suitable for sourdough.

If you want to get a low-alcohol dessert drink, it is better to choose sweet varieties of berries: Burka, Lickernaya, Pomegranate.

Reference! It is important to use sterile containers when preparing, otherwise homemade wine may not turn out. It is imperative that the berries are hit by frost, which will increase their sugar content.

But it is not necessary to wash the products before preparing the wort. A truly tasty rowan liqueur is obtained by using ripe, juicy, red berries killed by the first frost.

Which rowan to take?

Any rowan is suitable for homemade liqueur: wild, domestic. The optimal varieties are sweet. The main thing is that the berries are whole, separated from the stalk.

How to make - step-by-step preparation steps

We start by preparing the dishes. Wash with soda solution to achieve sterility.

  1. Cooking the berries. Place in a wide container.
  2. Pour boiling water over it to remove tannins from it, leave for 5 minutes.
  3. Drain the water and repeat the procedure a second time.
  4. Rub the berries through a sieve or grind through a meat grinder until smooth.
  5. Squeeze the juice through clean gauze.
  6. Drain the juice and leave for a while.
  7. Transfer the resulting pulp into another container with a wide neck (deep bowl, saucepan).
  8. Pour boiled water (t-80 g) over the berries.
  9. Stir and leave the wort for several hours.
  10. Add squeezed juice, sugar (0.5 of the total volume, ammonium, raisins)
  11. Stir and wait until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  12. Cover the container with gauze and put it in a warm place for fermentation.
  13. Stir daily 2 times a day.
  14. We wait until the sour smell leaves the wort and foam forms on the surface.
  15. Pass through cheesecloth, mix with sugar, filter.
  16. Pour into glass jars, filling 2/3 of the volume, leaving room for foam.
  17. We put a medical glove or water seal on the neck of the container.
  18. We remove it for 5-6 weeks, leaving the drink alone.
  19. We wait for sediment to form, which can be determined by the swollen glove.
  20. Strain the wine through cheesecloth and taste it.
  21. Add sugar if it turns out to be sour.
  22. Pour the drink into small bottles, seal with a lid, and remove until ripening.
  23. We stand for another 1.5-2 months. Optimal t is 12-16 degrees.

The resulting wine should have a pale pink color and medium strength.

Reference! Rowan has a tart, bitter taste, which can be eliminated by adding enough sugar and freezing.

With viburnum

The red rowan wine recipe is similar to the classic version. Viburnum (2-3 tbsp) is added along with sugar for subsequent fermentation. The result is a playful liqueur of medium strength.

How to make dessert rowan wine?

The amber-colored dessert drink is easy to prepare. For preparation:

  • remove rowan branches, sort out the berries (10 kg);
  • grind in a convenient way;
  • squeeze out the juice;
  • place the cake separately in a pan;
  • add water and granulated sugar (0.5 parts of the total volume);
  • dissolve yeast (20g) in warm water;
  • add granulated sugar (3.5 kg);
  • fill with water (10 l);
  • put in a cool place for 4 days;
  • add berry juice, strain the wort, then add sugar (1 kg);
  • close the container with a rubber glove or seal;
  • stand for another 4 weeks in the dark;
  • strain without shaking the sediment;
  • taste, add more sugar if desired;
  • bottle;
  • Store in a cold place (cellar, basement) for up to 2 years.

How to make a tincture of ordinary red rowan?

To prepare a regular tincture with a tart taste you will need:

  • water (2 l);
  • red rowan (5 kg);
  • white sugar (2 kg);
  • wine yeast (10g).
  • freeze the berries, then defrost them;
  • rinse with water, remove spoiled berries;
  • pour boiling water, leave for 0.5 hours;
  • drain the water and repeat the procedure;
  • mash the berries;
  • heat the water to 75 degrees, pour into the container;
  • pour the berries into water with t-35 g;
  • add granulated sugar (1 kg), yeast to the prepared wort, mix;
  • cover the container with gauze;
  • put in a warm place for 3-4 days, drowning the pulp every 2-3 hours to prevent mold from appearing on the surface;
  • pass the drink through cheesecloth;
  • squeeze out the pulp;
  • add the remaining sugar;
  • pour the liquid into another fermentation container;
  • put a water seal on the neck of the bottle;
  • put in a dark place for prolonged fermentation;
  • wait until gas formation subsides and sediment appears;
  • pour into a new container, seal tightly;
  • remove for another 3 months for aging;
  • store for up to 3 years.

Ancient Old Church Slavonic recipe

The strength of this recipe is 30 degrees. This is the delicious, easiest recipe for red rowan wine. For preparation:

  • mash red rowan (1 kg);
  • pour into a 3 liter jar;
  • fill with warm water;
  • add sugar (0.5 kg);
  • put in a warm place for 1.5-2 months;
  • add residual sugar (0.5 kg);
  • withstand another 1.5 months;
  • pour the liquid into a metal container, covering it with a lid;
  • withstand frost up to -15 degrees;
  • discard the resulting liquid, strain the remaining wine and bottle.

Alcohol with mint

The tincture of moonshine with red rowan and mint is refreshing, mild in taste, and high in strength. To prepare:

  • sort out fresh rowan berries (500g);
  • rinse under running water;
  • pass through a meat grinder;
  • place in a glass vessel, fill with sorting vodka (1 l) or double-distilled moonshine;
  • let it brew in a warm place for up to 15 days;
  • strain through a fine sieve;
  • heat sugar (50g) in a frying pan, add to the tincture;
  • rinse the mint leaves, pour boiling water over them, leave for 15 minutes;
  • add mint (30g) to the infusion;
  • pour into containers;
  • keep in a dark place for up to 2 weeks.

With honey

Honey will give the intoxicating drink softness and healing properties. For preparation:

  • Separate red rowan (500g) from the seeds, rinse with water;
  • place in a glass container;
  • add honey (2 tbsp), stir, seal;
  • put in a cool place for 3 months;
  • strain through cheesecloth;
  • bottle;
  • leave until ripening for another 1 month.


Red rowan wine with cinnamon is prepared by analogy with the liqueur described above. Instead of honey, dry spice (2-3 tbsp) is added to give an unusual tart taste with bitterness.

How to properly make liqueur from red rowan?

Red rowan tincture at home (simple version) is prepared as follows:

  • keep the berries in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours to increase the sugar content;
  • separate ripe berries from spoiled, green ones;
  • pour boiling water over it, wait for it to cool;
  • repeat the procedure again to expel excess tannins;
  • grind the berries in a mortar;
  • squeeze out the juice;
  • separate the pulp from the resulting mass and transfer it to another pan;
  • add hot water, leaving for 2 hours;
  • pour rowan juice into the pan, add sugar (0.5% of the total volume);
  • add raisins, unwashed grapes;
  • leave the composition for 3 days, stirring daily with a wooden stick;
  • strain the suspension as soon as foam with a sour smell appears on the surface;
  • add granulated sugar;
  • close the container by putting on a rubber glove with a small hole on top;
  • put in a dark place for 2 weeks;
  • wait for lightening;
  • do not shake the drink so that sediment remains at the bottom;
  • to taste;
  • add sugar syrup if necessary;
  • leave the wine to mature for 2 months;
  • strain, bottle;
  • seal tightly.

The output should be up to 5 liters of healthy drink.


Red rowan liqueur with instant vodka is well prepared by unnatural fermentation or the addition of alcohol. As alcohol you can take ethyl alcohol (40%), moonshine, pure vodka. For preparation:

  • separate the berries (2 kg) from the branches;
  • rinse with running water, drain in a colander;
  • pour into the pan;
  • add sugar;
  • bring to a boil, simmer for 7 minutes, removing white foam;=;
  • pour syrup over berries, stir;
  • cool, pour into a container;
  • add vodka (1 l), stir;
  • seal with a lid to infuse in the dark for 25 days, shaking occasionally;
  • strain through cheesecloth;
  • pour into bottles, seal tightly;
  • put in the cellar.

Output strength is 15 – 18%.


A classic option for making homemade fortified wine. Recipe:

  • Separate rowan (10 kg) from petioles;
  • pour boiling water (4 l);
  • leave for 0.5 hours, repeat the procedure to expel tannins and eliminate astringency;
  • pass the berries through a meat grinder, then through several layers of gauze;
  • put the pulp into a wide-necked bottle;
  • fill with water (t-70 g);
  • cool to room temperature;
  • add rowan juice, granulated sugar (1 part), unwashed crushed grapes, responsible for fermentation as a whitish coating appears;
  • shake the bottle, tie the neck with gauze;
  • place the prepared wort in the dark (t -+13+18 degrees);
  • wait until foam appears on the surface;
  • filter, add sugar;
  • put the glove on the neck of the bottle, piercing 1 of the fingers with a needle;
  • put for 2 weeks for fermentation in the dark (t-+20+30 g);
  • wait until the bubbles disappear and sediment appears at the bottom;
  • pour the wine into a sterilized bottle without raising any turbidity;
  • remove the refrigerator, leave for 4 months until new sediment appears;
  • drain the sediment, close the bottle again, and place horizontally in a cool place.

The output should be 4 liters of a tart drink with a strength of 10-15 degrees. If you create the right storage conditions, the wine should not spoil for several years. The longer the aging, the richer the drink will be.

Experts advise:

  • make rowan liqueur with the addition of raisins so that the fermentation process takes place intensively;
  • Use apple juice instead of water when making wine;
  • sugar must be added in 2 doses to select the optimal sweetness for the wine and keep the fermentation process under control;
  • to obtain a sweeter intoxicating drink, the approximate dosage of sugar is 3-4 kg per 10 liters of water;
  • It is not worth pouring the tincture into bottles up to the neck, not forgetting that the solution will foam, becoming covered with a cap on the surface.


Recipes for red rowan wine for the winter are not difficult to prepare. You can first experiment to get a tasty product rich in microelements and vitamins. This is an excellent raw material for preparing hop liqueur at home, and simply and without the presence of technical industrial devices.

Red rowan is known throughout the world for its beneficial properties, and therefore the precious fruits are actively used in the preparation of delicious jams, viscous jams, refreshing fruit drinks and various infusions.

Among all the listed delicacies, one of the best preparations can be homemade rowan wine, the benefits and harms of which I want to talk about below.

I also want to invite you to study a couple of simple recipes for high-quality wine from juicy red rowan, which are obscenely easy to implement at home.


  • actively stimulates digestion, that is, irreplaceable as an aperitif;
  • significantly reduces the likelihood of stroke by participating in the control of normal heart function;
  • successfully fights apathy, neuroses, lethargy and depressive disorders;
  • Helps reduce dry eyes and improve vision;
  • takes an active part in supporting the immune system;
  • has a general strengthening effect on the body;
  • helps in the fight against excess weight;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • helps reduce chronic inflammatory processes.


Drinking rowan wine is strictly contraindicated for people:

  • have recently had a heart attack or stroke;
  • having coronary heart disease;
  • having increased blood clotting;
  • hypertensive patients, as well as those with high acidity;
  • pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Did you know? To make high-quality wine from red rowan, it is best to use fruits collected after the first frost, then the sugar content of the berries is at its maximum level. If you are not lucky enough to collect rowan within the specified time frame, then you need to resort to little secrets and artificially freeze the berries. To do this, we place them in the freezer for at least 2.5-3 hours, and then defrost them naturally - this will significantly improve the quality of the future wine and significantly reduce bitterness.

Recipe for red rowan wine without yeast

First, let's look at a traditional recipe for wine made from ripe red rowan without the use of artificial yeast, which can be easily implemented at home. The stunning taste of the future alcohol is ensured by using exclusively natural ingredients.

By strictly adhering to the described technology, you can prepare an amazing healing drink with a subtle characteristic note, in which the balance of astringency and bitterness is perfectly balanced.

Manufacturing process

  1. We pick rowan berries from the bunches, removing debris and spoiled fruits. Then we thoroughly rinse them with cold running water, after which we put them in a large bowl and completely fill the fruits with boiling water for about half an hour.
  2. Drain the cooled water and repeat the procedure a second time. Such heat treatment of the berries will significantly reduce the tannin content, which will make it possible to produce high-quality wine with the required level of astringency.
  3. After half an hour, drain the liquid and crush the berries to a pulp using a wooden rolling pin or by twisting them through a meat grinder with a fine nozzle.

  4. Carefully squeeze the resulting mass through a gauze cloth, trying to squeeze out the juice as much as possible.
  5. Place the squeezed pulp in an enamel container and add water preheated to 75-80 degrees.
  6. Stir the mixture thoroughly, then cover the container with gauze. Let the mixture sit for approximately 4.5-5 hours until the wort cools naturally to room temperature.
  7. After this period, add previously squeezed berry juice, half of the total sugar and unwashed raisins or crushed fresh grapes to the wort.
  8. Stir the mixture thoroughly and cover the container again with gauze to prevent insects from getting in. We send the wort to a dark, windproof room with a stable temperature of 20 to 24 degrees.
  9. Let the product steep for at least three days, stirring it daily with clean hands or a wooden spoon.
  10. When the first signs of fermentation occur (the presence of a sour smell, hissing and the appearance of foam), filter the fermented mass using a gauze filter.

  11. Mix the purified liquid with the remaining granulated sugar, then pour it into a fermentation vessel. We fill the fermentation container to a maximum of 75%, since we will need free space for foam and carbon dioxide.
  12. We install a hydraulic seal at the neck of the container and send the wort to ferment in a dark, dry place with a temperature of 20 to 28 degrees.
  13. Let the young wine steep for several weeks until the fermentation process is complete. The end of fermentation can be determined by several signs: the water seal stops releasing carbon dioxide, the liquid becomes noticeably lighter, a visible sediment forms at the bottom of the container and a noticeable sour smell appears.
  14. Carefully pour the alcohol into a clean vessel, being careful not to disturb the resulting sediment. This can be easily done using a thin silicone hose or tube, after first placing the fermentation container at a height of half a meter from the clean vessel.
  15. We taste the drink and, if desired, add sugar to add sweetness or high-quality vodka (medicinal alcohol) to make fortified wine.
  16. We seal the vessel with a lid and transfer it to a cool place with a temperature of 6 to 15 degrees.

  17. Let the alcohol mature for 3.5-4 months.
  18. We drain the finished alcohol again from the resulting sediment, then clean it through a gauze and cotton filter.
  19. Pour the rowan wine into glass containers up to the neck and seal tightly with corks or nylon lids.
  20. We return the intoxicating drink to its original cool place and allow it to ripen for another couple of weeks.

Did you know? If you follow the described instructions exactly, the result will be approximately 4-5 liters of a homemade alcoholic drink that has a light amber color, a sweet and sour taste with slight splashes of subtle notes of astringency. The strength of the wine ranges from 11 to 13 revolutions. Such alcohol is stored in a cellar or refrigerator for up to 2-2.5 years.

Recipe for red rowan wine and apple juice

I offer a proven recipe that made one young winemaker famous and is extremely popular among experienced winemakers.

His story is as follows: at that time, an inexperienced but brave young man experimented with various ingredients, trying to create a high-quality homemade wine, and as a result found the ideal combination - red rowan and apple juice.

The sweet notes of the fruit and the tart, bitter shades of the berry perfectly intertwined and produced an amazing homemade alcohol worthy of taking pride of place at any celebration.

List of required components

Manufacturing process

  1. Pour boiling water over the peeled rowan fruits and leave them in this form for about half an hour. Then we repeat the procedure a second time.
  2. Grind the berries through a meat grinder or using a wooden masher.
  3. In a separate bowl, heat the spring water to 25-29 degrees and pour it into a large enamel container.
  4. There we also place rowan pulp, half of the total mass of sugar, unwashed raisins and pour in apple juice.
  5. Stir everything thoroughly and cover the container with gauze, then transfer it to a warm, windless place, protected from direct sunlight.
  6. Let the wort steep for 2-3 days, and when hissing, sour smell and foam appear, filter the liquid through cheesecloth.
  7. Pour the purified juice into a fermentation vessel and add the remaining sugar there, stir.
  8. We install a water seal and allow the wort to ferment for 30-40 days.
  9. Once fermentation is over, repeat the filtration process.
  10. Pour the purified liquid into a clean vessel, seal it tightly and leave in a dark room with a temperature of 9 to 11 degrees for at least 2.5-3 months.
  11. After the specified period, filter the drink through a cotton and gauze filter, and then bottle it.
  12. We send the alcohol to a cool place to ripen for about a couple of weeks.

Red rowan wine recipe video

To better familiarize yourself with the technology for producing homemade wine from red rowan, I advise you to watch a video in two parts, in which an experienced winemaker presents in detail the entire process of making this exceptional, fantastic drink.

Part 1 "Preparation":


Part 2 “Fermentation, filtration, tasting”:


Helpful information

  • It has no less beneficial properties. The technology for preparing this miraculous alcohol is practically no different from what we are discussing today, but there are still differences.
  • The most economical and easiest way to pamper your loved ones with delicious wine at any time of the year is to cook.
  • It is unlikely that gooseberry wine can be compared with at least one type of homemade alcohol. Find out what its taste characteristics are and how it wins the hearts of serious connoisseurs of noble drinks.
  • For the holidays, I definitely recommend trying to make a gorgeous tangerine wine with your own hands, following a fairly simple recipe aimed at home use.

As you can see, making rowan wine does not require any special products. Rowan wine is an economical way to show yourself as an experienced and smart winemaker who understands the tastes of aristocratic wines and can easily prepare them yourself.

Good luck to you and new discoveries in the field of winemaking!

It is believed that red rowan wine is not the best in its organoleptic properties, but many people are looking for this recipe. Therefore, Vzboltay decided to share a couple of canonical step-by-step recipes that will definitely help you prepare this wine at a decent level at home.

They also make liqueur and tincture from rowan.

Tips before the start

  1. Use only fresh apple juice. Juice from the store will not work.
  2. Do not store rowan wine for more than 2 years.
  3. It is advisable to use frozen rowan.
  4. If the wort is too thick, add a little water.
  5. Remove the wine from the sediment in a timely manner.


  1. Ripe rowan – 10 kg
  2. Water – 4 l
  3. Sugar – 2-3 kg
  4. Raisins (unwashed fresh crushed grapes) – 100-150 g

Cooking method

  1. Place the peeled rowan berries in a saucepan and pour boiling water over them. After 20 minutes, drain the water and scald the berries with boiling water again. After 30 minutes, drain the water again.
  2. Red rowan contains a lot of tannins, which make the wine tart. Heat treatment partially eliminates this disadvantage.
  3. Now we need to crush our berries in any available way, but do not do it with a mixer, otherwise the seeds may add unnecessary bitterness to the drink.
  4. Squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass through a filter (any thick, clean cloth or gauze in 4 layers will do).
  5. Place the squeezed pulp in an enamel pan with a wide neck or a plastic bucket, add hot (70-80°C) water, mix well, leave for 4-5 hours until the wort has cooled to room temperature.
  6. Now pour in the squeezed juice and half the sugar (1.5-2 kg), two handfuls of raisins or fresh, unwashed crushed grapes. Raisins are needed to activate fermentation with wild yeast.
  7. Mix the contents of the container well, tie the neck with gauze (to prevent insects from getting in) and leave for 2-3 days in a dark place with a temperature of 18-25°C. Stir once a day.
  8. If signs of fermentation appear (foam, hissing, sour smell), filter the wort through a filter.
  9. Mix the fermented juice with the remaining sugar, pour into a fermentation container, and install a water seal or a medical glove with a hole on the neck. Fill the bottle to 2/3 of its volume, leaving room for foam and carbon dioxide. Transfer the container to a dark, warm (18-28°C) place and leave for several weeks.
  10. After fermentation is complete (the water seal does not release bubbles for 1-2 days, the glove has deflated, sediment has appeared at the bottom, and the wine has lightened), drain the young red rowan wine from the sediment through a thin tube into a clean container.
  11. Taste, add sugar for sweetness if desired, or fix with vodka (alcohol) in an amount of 3-15% of the volume.
  1. Close the bottle with a tight lid (if you added sugar, place the bottle under a water seal) and transfer it to a cool place with a temperature of 5-16°C for 3-4 months.
  2. After this, drain the finished wine from the sediment again, pour it into bottles and seal tightly with corks. Store in the basement or refrigerator.

Recipe with added apple juice


  1. Red rowan – 3 kg
  2. Water – 5 l
  3. Fresh apple juice – 3 l
  4. Sugar – 2-3 kg
  5. Raisins (crushed unwashed grapes) – 50-100 g

Cooking method

  1. Prepare the rowan as in the previous recipe.
  2. In an enamel saucepan or plastic bucket, mix rowan mass, warm (18-29°C) water, half the sugar and apple juice. Add raisins (fresh grapes), then stir well.
  3. Transfer the container to a dark place with a temperature of 18-25°C for 2-3 days. Cover the neck with cloth or gauze.
  4. If foam, hissing and a characteristic smell of fermentation appear, filter the wort through cheesecloth.
  5. Then pour the juice into a fermentation container, add a second portion of sugar and install a water seal or a pierced medical glove. 25% of the container volume should remain free.
  6. Transfer the bottle to a dark place with a temperature of 18-28°C.
  7. After 25-40 days, the water seal will stop gurgling (the glove will fall off), the wine will lighten, and sediment will appear at the bottom.
  8. Drain the wine from the sediment into another clean container, tightly close the container with a stopper (install the water seal again) and place it in a dark room with a temperature of 10-16°C for 2-3 months. If desired, you can add sugar or fix it with vodka.
  9. Pour rowan wine into bottles for storage and seal tightly. In a cool, dark place the drink can be stored for several years.

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Rowan wine recipes. Rowan wine at home

Rowan wine sounds unusual, doesn’t it? If you have ever tasted rowan berries, you are unlikely to like them. These berries are dry, tart, and unsweetened. It’s either raspberries or cherries, which are suitable for any drink – be it compote or liqueur. But is there really no other use for rowan besides children's beads? After all, the red rowan tree, sprinkled with snow, teases and invites you to try it. So why not?

The first frost is the time to collect rowan berries for wine. As soon as frost strikes, rowan berries acquire a more delicate and pleasant taste. There is also a little trick– if you don’t want to wait until frost, collect rowan during warm weather, and then keep it in the freezer for half a day, and you will get the same effect. The bitterness will go away, and the sweetish taste will become more pronounced. This rule works both for wild, more acidic rowan, and for garden rowan, although, of course, wine from garden varieties (for example, “Liquor” or “Pomegranate”) will be sweeter without additional cold treatment.

Red rowan berries Best suited for dessert and fortified drinks. The color of homemade wine can be either soft golden or deep red, depending on the type of berries and the strength of the drink. By the way, homemade red rowan wine is good because it can stand in bottles for a long time without losing its taste and beneficial qualities.

Making red rowan wine at home

To understand how to do rowan wine, let's look at several recipes in detail, starting with the simplest, which requires only the berries themselves, sugar and water, and ending with more complex ones, where red rowan juice is mixed with apple juice, and raisins or yeast are added for sourdough.

For any recipe The berries must first be separated from the branches, sort and wash. If the berries are strong, you can take a wide-toothed comb and gently run it through the branch, as if through hair, with a little pressure: the berries will come off. For homemade wine, it is better to choose large, beautiful berries; throw away dry or rotten ones. We wash thoroughly (this is especially important for wild varieties of red rowan). Scald with boiling water, leave in hot water for 15 minutes - by doing this, you will get rid of tannins, which impart excessive bitterness to the wine.

Basic recipe for homemade rowan wine

  • Red rowan – 2 kilos
  • Sugar – 2 kilos
  • Drinking water – 8 liters

For such a volume of liquid you will need a large glass bottle - about 15 liters in volume.

Grind the rowan berries along with the skin. You can mash the berries in a bowl with your hands., grind with a pestle or do this using a hand blender or food processor. Place the berry puree in a bottle and add half the amount of sugar according to the recipe. Fill with water and stir.

Now we need to put the wine wander around in a cool, dark place for 7 days. First, we plug the bottle with a so-called hydraulic outlet (a stopper with a long tube). A week later, cover the fermented wine with the remaining sugar, plug it again with a cork (put the tube into a glass of water) and put it away for another 10 days.

After 10 days filter the wine and bottle it, leave to be stored at a temperature no higher than 10 degrees. After a couple of weeks it is ready to eat.

This recipe uses only water, but some of it can be replaced with apple or cranberry juice (5 parts water to 3 parts juice).

Recipe for red rowan wine with raisins or fresh grapes

  • Red rowan – 5 kilos
  • Sugar – 1–1.5 kilos
  • Raisins or fresh grapes – 100 grams
  • Water – 2 liters

Just as in the previous recipe, the berries need to be mashed or crushed into a paste, after which the juice is squeezed out of them through cheesecloth. The juice is not poured out - it will be needed later.

The resulting slurry is used to make wort. Berries pour boiling water over and cool to room temperature. Add the juice obtained in the first stage and raisins. Cover with gauze and leave at room temperature in a warm place for 2-3 days. During this time, the wort will need to be stirred several times to prevent mold from forming.

After 2-3 days you will notice a sour smell and you'll see on the surface gas bubbles and foam. This means it’s time to pour the fermented juice into bottles, after filtering through a fine strainer or cheesecloth. We fill the bottles no more than 2 thirds full.

A rubber glove is put on the neck of each bottle, and in the gloves we make a hole in one of the fingers. Gas will escape through these holes. We put the bottles again in a dark, warm place and leave to ferment.

In a week or two you will see that gas stopped coming out of bottles, the gloves drooped, sediment appeared at the bottom of the bottles, and the wine became lighter. You need to carefully pour the wine into other containers, getting rid of the sediment. We plug the bottles with corks and hide them in a cool place for at least 3 months. During this time, the wine again forms a sediment, which again needs to be filtered. The resulting wine will be completely transparent. Keep it in the dark for a few more weeks to allow the wine to infuse. Now you can drink the wine.

Recipe for fortified red rowan wine with yeast starter

  • Red rowan – 2 kilos
  • Sugar – 500 grams
  • Dry yeast – 50 grams
  • Medical alcohol – 500 milliliters

First, let's make the starter. We dilute the yeast in warm water (about 100 ml), stir, and leave for half an hour. When bubbles appear, the starter is ready.

Now prepare the sugar syrup. Pour sugar with 1-2 glasses of water, boil, cook for 10 minutes. Pour sugar over rowan berries and mash to release the juice. Mix with yeast starter and send to ferment in a warm, dark place for a week. After a week, you need to squeeze the wort through cheesecloth and pour the resulting juice into a clean bottle. Fill with alcohol. Leave for about 6 months. Then strain again and bottle. Store in a cool place.

Beneficial properties of red rowan wine

Red rowan wine appreciated not only for its unusual taste, but also for useful qualities. Rowan berries are rich in vitamin C and iron, they also contain copper, zinc, magnesium, potassium and manganese. Please note that these elements are retained during the wine making process.

Moderate consumption of red rowan wine

  • prevents vitamin deficiency;
  • helps protect against colds, strengthens the immune system;
  • stimulates metabolism;
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • improves blood circulation, which is especially useful for those who suffer from anemia;
  • stabilizes blood pressure.

Carefully Such wines should be consumed by people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, as well as those who have suffered a stroke, heart attack or suffer from increased blood clotting.

The benefits of this wine are difficult to overestimate! Homemade red rowan wine is one of the most delicious and healthy wines.

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Ingredients and how to cook

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Cooking time: 17 days 3 hours 30 minutes

cooking method

Making good wine involves using only ripe berries. Before using the rowan, put it in the freezer for two to three hours.

After freezing the berries, cut them up and transfer the resulting mass to a large glass container, bottle or jar, it doesn’t matter. Fill the container with water and 3 liters of apple juice, as well as a kilogram of sugar. We fit a water seal onto the container, ensuring complete isolation of its contents.

We leave the mixture to ferment in the dark and warm for a whole week. Afterwards, open the container and add the second half of the sugar. After that, our homemade red rowan wine is left alone for 10 days.

Filter the resulting light wine through gauze to remove sediment. After filtering, pour into bottles and transfer to the refrigerator or cellar.

Homemade red rowan wine

Red rowan is famous for its beneficial properties; it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, improves blood microcirculation, and activates the immune system. This berry can be useful for almost everyone, except for people with hemophilia. Among the tasty and healthy preparations made from rowan berries, one of the best may be homemade red rowan wine.

You can prepare rowan wine in several ways, but a slight bitterness and astringency cannot be avoided, but you can reduce it as much as possible.

Rowan wine is a product of autumn, but no less valuable and tasty

About preparing berries

Before preparing wine, you need to neutralize the astringency of rowan juice and remove as much bitterness as possible. A few secrets when picking and preparing berries will help reduce bitterness. They will also allow you to obtain the largest yield of raw materials from berries.

Do not rush to pick berries in the fall; wait until the temperature drops to zero, let the berries freeze, and only then pick them. This will help significantly reduce bitterness levels.

If the berries have already been picked and there is no frost yet, place the bag with them in the freezer for 2-3 hours. This method works no worse than frost.

To get more juice, collect the berries, separate them from the stalks, rinse and pour boiling water over them. Hold for 5-10 minutes, and then drain the water, it is not needed, do this 2 or even 3 times.

After this, mash the berries with a masher, pass through a meat grinder or grind in a blender (any method will do). All that remains is to squeeze out the juice.

To get rid of the too strong taste of red rowan, it is recommended to increase the aging period to 8-12 months.

Rowan wine, Cahors type

For this simple wine recipe you will need:

  • 2.5 kg of juice (this is approximately 10 kg of berries);
  • 4 liters of clean water;
  • 2-3 kg of sugar;
  • 150 g of unwashed raisins or the same amount of ripe grapes (crush).

For this wine recipe, do not throw away the pomace, but fill it with water heated to +80 and leave for a day. Then the resulting infusion is drained and mixed with the previously extracted juice. Add sugar and raisins to the mixture, cover with a clean cloth and leave in a warm place (+20–24) for three to four days. When the liquid rises and the fermentation process begins, it is poured into a fermentation container (with a narrow neck) and closed with a water seal. The container is filled only ¾ full.

This wort ferments for 4 to 6 weeks. You need to keep it in a dark place with a constant temperature of about +23.

Advice. If there is no dark fermenter, leave the bottle in the pantry, or in extreme cases in the kitchen, just cover it with a dark cloth.

When the glove falls off, the wine can be bottled. This is done very carefully so that no sediment gets into the jars.

The yield from 2.5 liters of juice is about 5 liters of rowan wine, strength 10-12 degrees. If you need stronger wine, then after draining the sediment, you can add vodka to it at the rate of 1 liter of alcohol per 10 liters of young wine.

After this, the young wine is left in a cold place (+16) for a week, and then bottled and aged for at least 3 months.

Sweet red rowan wine

To prepare this drink, you will need to control the fermentation process.

We take the ingredients in the following proportions:

  • Rowan juice – 2.5-3 l (10 kg of berries);
  • Water – 4 l;
  • Sugar 3.5 kg;
  • Unwashed grapes – 200 g.

We extract the juice according to the method described in the previous recipe, fill the cake with water and leave for a day. Then mix the resulting infusion with juice, add grapes (pre-crushed) and ½ part sugar.

Place the mixture in a warm place for several days. The room should be dark. When the fermentation process becomes active, strain the wort through a thick cloth or multi-layer gauze and add sugar to the required level according to the recipe.

Now pour it into a fermentation container and place it in the designated place. Periodically shake the bottle to activate the fermentation process.

The ripening process takes up to 2-3 weeks. Then we drain the young wine (leaving the sediment) and put it to aging.

Red rowan and grapes

Wine made from rowan and grapes will be tart, with a bitter taste, while the taste of the grapes will only complement the notes of rowan, but will not overwhelm them.

  • 3 liters of rowan juice;
  • 5 liters of grape juice;
  • 2-2.5 kg of sugar;
  • 6 liters of water
  • 100 g wine yeast.

To begin with, prepare rowan juice and infusion, then mix rowan and grape, add water, sugar and yeast.

Advice. If you prepare grape juice yourself, do not use a juicer (it crushes the seeds), only a press. As a last resort, squeeze out the juice through a cloth. Rowan juice has a bitter taste, and grape seeds contain a lot of tannins - the wine will be tart.

Then the yeast is allowed to activate for 24 hours (the fermentation process will begin), and it is placed on a water seal.

This wine will mature quickly in 1-2 weeks.

Rowan taken by frost is ideal for winemaking - it is juicier and has less bitterness.

After which it is drained from the sediment, fixed as desired and sent for aging.

Important! Do not remove young wine from the water seal until the fermentation process is complete. Gases should stop being released (the glove will fall off or there will be no bubbles in the glass).

Wine made from apple juice and red rowan

This homemade red rowan wine will have a delicate aroma of apples and moderate astringency of rowan. To prepare you will need:

  • Apple juice – 6 l;
  • Rowan berries – 12 kg;
  • Sugar – 4-5 kg;
  • Grapes – 200-250 g.

Before making wine from red rowan and apple juice, you need to get as much juice as possible from the rowan. To do this, you should use the method described at the beginning, and then add apple juice to the resulting composition.

To the resulting mixture add ½ sugar and mashed grapes (the sweeter they are, the better).

We pour everything into a clean container and leave it in a dark but warm place to activate fermentation. Don't forget to cover the container with a cloth to keep insects away.

When gases and foam appear, the wort needs to be strained, then add the remaining sugar. Pour into a glass bottle and place on a water seal.

Fermentation will take from one to one and a half months. Then the wine is decanted, allowed to settle and bottled.

Aging for at least 2 months.

Try red rowan wine - perhaps it will become your favorite home wine

Red rowan wine made at home will lose its bitter taste as it ages. The longer it sits, the more bitterness will leave it.

If you want to try homemade wine with a pleasant sweet and sour taste, a slight bitterness and slight astringency, then red rowan will be the best raw material for such a drink. This berry is widespread throughout Russia and, in addition to cultivated varieties, there are a large number of wild trees, the berries of which are not inferior to cultivated ones and are perfect for making a light alcoholic drink. Let's look at a simple recipe for red rowan wine at home and recommendations for preparation.

Preparing Ingredients

When can you start picking berries? As a rule, rowan reaches full ripening in late autumn, and harvesting is best started after the first frost. By this time, the berries reach maximum ripeness and juiciness, and the sugar content is at its highest level. A similar effect can be achieved by placing the berries in the freezer for 3-5 hours, and then defrosting them naturally. But still, natural ripening is preferable. Wine is a drink that you shouldn’t rush into, so to get a wine with unsurpassed taste, you should be patient and wait for the berries to ripen and fill with juice and sugar in natural conditions.

Rowan is characterized by its astringent, bitter taste. To remove astringency from future wine, it is necessary to remove tannins from the berries, with which they are saturated in large quantities. There is nothing complicated about this, just soak the berries in hot water.

The soaking process occurs in two stages. The berries should be placed in a large container and filled with hot water. You should not use steep boiling water, since the goal is not to cook the raw material, but to get rid of the astringency. The water temperature should be between 90–95 degrees, that is, quite hot, but not boiling water. After 4 hours, the first batch of water is drained, since it has already cooled down, and the berry is filled with a new portion of hot water. After the second water has cooled, you can drain it completely.

At this point, the preparation of raw materials is completed. You can proceed to the analysissimple recipes for red rowan wine at home.

Red rowan wine: cooking

Homemade red rowan wine is prepared according to the classic recipe for homemade wine drinks. That is, the extraction is prepared, primary fermentation occurs, then the drink enters the stage of active fermentation, is drained from the sediment, sent for quiet fermentation and clarification, and then bottled. The difference in the process can only be due to the presence of ingredients that complement the drink. Here are some popular recipes that are in demand among winemakers, and based on them the most delicious wine is obtained.

Homemade rowan wine composition

This is the simplest recipe of all. To prepare, you will need a minimum of ingredients, but you should not expect that you will be able to quickly enjoy a tasty drink; wine does not need to be rushed.


  • red rowan – 5 kg;
  • water 2 liters;
  • sugar – 1-1.5 kg;
  • raisins or grapes – 100 gr.

The composition is proportional, so when the amount of the main ingredient changes, the quantitative composition of the entire recipe also changes.

Cooking steps

Cooking processred rowan wine at home using a simple recipe. All actions must be performed step by step in accordance with the recommendations. When starting to prepare, we assume that the berries have already been prepared in the manner described above.

  1. Rowan berries must be crushed in any available way. It is advisable that the juice does not touch a surface that can oxidize it, so it is better to choose the appropriate tools and containers. You can grind the berries with a special mortar, meat grinder, blender, and so on. The process doesn't matter much, it's the result that matters.
  2. Squeeze the resulting puree through cheesecloth or in another convenient way to separate the juice and pulp from each other.
  3. The pulp remaining after squeezing must be diluted with hot water (70-80 degrees, not boiling water) and left to cool.
  4. As soon as the wort has reached room temperature, pour the previously squeezed juice and half the amount of sugar into it. Mix thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved. You can pre-melt it by adding a little water and heating it.
  5. Add raisins or fresh grapes, which should be crushed first. There is no need to wash the grapes, since fermentation requires natural yeast, which is contained on the surface of the skin.
  6. Stir the resulting mixture and put it in a dark, warm place for primary fermentation. It is better to cover the neck of the container with gauze to prevent debris and insects from entering.

The main work of preparing the aromatic drink is completed. In the future, yeast, sugar and time will do their work. The wort must be stirred once a day to prevent mold from forming on the surface. After 3 days, when the signs of incipient fermentation are obvious, it is necessary to strain the wort, separate it from excess pieces of berries and pulp and transfer it to the active fermentation phase.

At this stage, it is important to prevent air from entering the container with future wine, but at the same time ensure the release of carbon dioxide. To do this, you need a water seal; it can be replaced with a pierced medical glove placed on the neck of a bottle or jar. Fill the container in which the wine will ferment no more than three-quarters full, so that there is room for foam. We send the prepared container again to a warm, dark place. You must wait for the process to complete. If the wine has brightened, the water seal has stopped producing bubbles, and the glove has deflated, then active fermentation is complete. This usually occurs after 4–6 weeks.

We remove the wine from the sediment, so as not to disturb the drink, it is better to do this with a rubber hose. Add the remaining sugar and mix. If necessary, you can fix the drink with alcohol, adding it in a ratio of 3–15% of the available volume of liquid. We reinstall the water seal and put the wine away, this time in a cool, dark place. The process of final formation of the drink takes 3–4 months. After this, you need to remove the drink from the sediment again and pour the finished rowan wine into bottles for storage.

From the specified amount of ingredients you get approximately 2 liters of homemade wine. The strength of the drink is 10-12 degrees, taking into account the added alcohol.

Apple-rowan homemade wine

One more no lessa simple recipe for red rowan wine at home. Thanks to apple juice, the wine loses the bitterness characteristic of pure rowan wine and becomes sweeter and less tart.


  • red rowan – 3 kg;
  • water 5 l;
  • freshly squeezed apple juice – 3 l;
  • sugar 2.5 kg;
  • raisins – 100 gr.

Mix chopped rowan, warm water (no more than 30 degrees), half the sugar, raisins and apple juice. Send for primary fermentation for 2-3 days. As soon as the process has begun, filter the wort and add the rest of the sugar, install a water seal and send it to wait for the active fermentation phase.

The complete process of forming the drink and the stages of its processing fully correspond to the algorithm described in the previous recipe. After about 4 months, the winemaker will receive a light, pleasant drink, practically without bitterness, with a strength of 11-14 degrees.

There are other simple recipes for homemade red rowan wine, as well. You can add honey instead of sugar or pear juice instead of apple juice. This results in different flavor variations. This drink can be stored for several years without loss of taste and quality. It is best to place bottles of finished wine in the cellar, the temperature of which does not exceed 10–16 degrees. Rowan wine will be an excellent treat and decoration for the holiday table.

Adhering to the right technology, you can make delicious wine from red rowan at home with subtle notes of bitterness. We'll look at two simple recipes. In the first case, only berries, water and sugar are used. In the second, rowan juice is mixed with apple juice.

To make wine, it is better to collect rowan after the first frost, when the sugar content of the fruit is maximum. If this is not possible, then the berries should be artificially frozen by placing them in the freezer for 2-3 hours and then defrosting. This will significantly improve the quality of the wine. Another important point is to add sugar; without it, the wine will not work.

Classic red rowan wine


  • rowan berries – 10 kg;
  • water – 4 liters;
  • sugar – 2-3 kg;
  • raisins (unwashed fresh crushed grapes) – 100-150 grams.

1. Place the peeled rowan berries in a saucepan and pour boiling water over them. After 20 minutes, drain the water and scald the berries with boiling water again. After 30 minutes, drain the water again.

Red rowan contains a lot of tannins, which make the wine tart. Heat treatment partially eliminates this disadvantage. We no longer need the drained water.

2. Crush the prepared berries with your hands, with a wooden rolling pin or by passing them through a meat grinder.

3. Squeeze the juice out of the resulting rowan slurry through cheesecloth or in any other way.

4. Place the squeezed pulp in an enamel pan with a wide neck or a plastic bucket, add hot (70-80°C) water, mix well, leave for 4-5 hours until the wort has cooled to room temperature.

5. Add the juice squeezed out at the third stage, half the sugar (1.5-2 kg), two handfuls of raisins or fresh, unwashed crushed grapes. On the surface of raisins (grapes) there is wild yeast, thanks to which the wine ferments.

Mix the contents of the container well, tie the neck with gauze (to prevent insects from getting in) and leave for 2-3 days in a dark place with a temperature of 18-25°C. Stir once a day.

6. If signs of fermentation appear (foam, hissing, sour smell), filter the wort through cheesecloth.

7. Mix the fermented juice with the remaining sugar, pour into a fermentation container, install a water seal or a medical glove on the neck with a hole in one of the fingers (the hole is made with a needle). Fill the bottle 2/3 full, leaving room for foam and carbon dioxide.

8. Transfer the container to a dark, warm (18-28°C) place and leave for several weeks.

9. After the end of fermentation (the water seal does not release bubbles for 1-2 days, the glove has deflated, sediment has appeared at the bottom, and the wine has lightened), drain the young red rowan wine from the sediment through a thin tube into a clean container.

Taste, add sugar for sweetness if desired, or fix with vodka (alcohol) in an amount of 3-15% of the volume.

10. Close the bottle tightly with a lid (place it under a water seal) and transfer it to a cool place with a temperature of 5-16°C for 3-4 months.

11. Drain the finished red rowan wine from the sediment again, pour it into bottles and seal tightly with corks. Store in the basement or refrigerator.

The result is 4-5 liters of yellowish homemade wine with a strength of 10-12 degrees. The taste is sweet and sour with tart notes.

Apple and rowan wine recipe


  • red rowan – 3 kg;
  • water – 5 liters;
  • fresh apple juice – 3 liters;
  • sugar – 2-3 kg;
  • raisins (crushed unwashed grapes) – 50-100 grams.

1. Scald the berries with boiling water, drain the water after 30 minutes.

2. Grind the rowan.

3. In an enamel saucepan or plastic bucket, mix rowan slurry, fresh warm (18-29°C) water, half the sugar and apple juice. Add raisins (fresh grapes), then mix well.

4. Transfer the container to a dark place with a temperature of 18-25°C for 2-3 days. Cover the neck with cloth or gauze.

5. If foam, hissing and a characteristic smell of fermentation appear, filter the wort through cheesecloth.

6. Pour the juice into a fermentation container, add a second portion of sugar and install a water seal (medical glove with a hole in the finger). 25% of the container volume should remain free.

7. Transfer the bottle to a dark place with a temperature of 18-28°C.

8. After 25-40 days, the water seal will stop gurgling (the glove will fall off), the wine will lighten, and sediment will appear at the bottom. This means it's time to move on to the next stage.

9. Drain the young apple and rowan wine from the sediment into another clean container, tightly seal it with a stopper (install the water seal again) and leave for 2-3 months in a dark room with a temperature of 10-16°C. If desired, you can add sugar or fix it with vodka.

10. Pour the drink into bottles for storage and close the caps tightly. In a cool, dark place the drink can be stored for several years.

It turns out 7-8 liters of wine with a strength of 11-14 degrees with an original light taste, the bitterness of which is almost not felt.

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