Home Fish Buckwheat with meat in a pot in the oven recipe. Culinary secrets. Buckwheat porridge with meat in pots How to cook buckwheat with meat in a pot

Buckwheat with meat in a pot in the oven recipe. Culinary secrets. Buckwheat porridge with meat in pots How to cook buckwheat with meat in a pot

How fun it is for meat eaters to live, so many dishes can be prepared from meat. And fried, and boiled, and baked. Well, of course, baked and stewed meat is much healthier than fried meat, and the taste is no worse. Today I suggest cooking meat in pots, where it will be baked and stewed at the same time. Why stew you ask? Yes, because we will add vegetables, mushrooms and delicious sauces to the meat. There will be so much juice and broth that the meat will be soaked and stewed in it through and through.

It is the combination of various products that makes this dish so tasty. And it’s easy to find something for every taste. Some with mushrooms, some with buckwheat, and my favorite is meat in pots with potatoes. Very filling, but amazingly tasty. You can’t eat such a dish every day, but on weekends and holidays you just have to indulge. By the way, it is also an ideal option for receiving a small number of guests.

Another big advantage of this dish is that it is very easy to prepare. After a little preliminary preparation of the ingredients, everything is put in layers in pots and sent to the oven for a period of half an hour if you are baking chicken, to an hour and a half in the case of beef. That is, there is a lot of free time, and lunch or dinner is truly royal.

What I like most is when the same dish can be prepared in different ways. After all, even the order of the layers will be important and the taste and speed of cooking will depend on it. Meat in pots can be the very first layer at the bottom, if it is placed raw, or maybe at the top, when we have previously fried it.

Pots in the oven with meat and potatoes - the simplest recipe

The simplest and most uncomplicated recipe for cooking meat in a pot. But in my opinion, this is its only big advantage, because the taste is excellent, and it takes very little time to prepare. A classic combination of meat, potatoes and some vegetables for flavor. The simplest ones: onions, carrots and garlic. It's hard to imagine it simpler.

You will need (for 6 pots per liter):

  • pork (neck, shoulder) - 600 g;
  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs;
  • carrots - 2 pcs;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • milk - 600 ml;
  • butter - 60 g;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • bay leaf - 6 pcs;
  • black pepper and salt to taste.


1. Wash a piece of fresh pork and pat dry with a paper towel. Cut it into medium-sized pieces, about 3-4 centimeters on each side. Or a little smaller than for kebab.

2. Cut the peeled onion into small cubes. To prevent the smell from causing tears to flow, pour ice water over the onion before slicing.

3. Cut the carrots into halves of rings 2-3 mm thick. You should not cut them too thin, otherwise the carrots will boil too much when stewing in a pot.

4. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil. Now put the chopped meat in it and lightly fry. It is necessary to form a light crust that will seal all the meat juices inside the pieces. This will also give the finished meat a brighter taste. You shouldn't fry it too much, but you can brown it until golden brown.

5. While frying, add onion to the meat first, let it fry a little, just a couple of minutes. After this, put the carrots in the frying pan. Stir. Salt and pepper the resulting mixture, fry a little for 1-2 minutes, and then simmer under the lid for another 3 minutes.

6. At this time, cut the peeled potatoes into large cubes. make the size of the pieces such that it will be convenient for you to eat. But don’t make them larger than meat, it’s better a little smaller so that all the products are cooked at the same time.

7. Take a large deep bowl and pour the chopped potatoes into it. Now add the meat from the pan along with the vegetables. Lightly salt it, since our potatoes are not yet salted. And stir.

8. Prepare pots for baking the dish. Divide the resulting mixture of potatoes and meat into each pot, equally. With a pot volume of liters, you get 6 full pots. Pour 100 ml of hot milk into each pot. There should be about half a pot of liquid.

9. Now add a knob of butter and a bay leaf to the top. After this, cover the meat in the pots with a lid and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

10. After about 40-50 minutes, check the potatoes and meat for doneness. If they are ready, then place a peeled clove of garlic in each pot. Cover with a lid and place back in the oven to simmer for 15 minutes. Turn off the oven, the residual heat will be enough.

The finished meat and potatoes can be served directly in pots, or you can put it on a plate. Homemade preparations, for example or, go very well with this dish.

This pot roast recipe will not only be tender and soft, but also incredibly tasty. The whole secret in cooking is that all the ingredients will be slightly fried in a frying pan before baking in pots. This may not be the healthiest way, but the result is so tasty that you want to forget about proper nutrition, even for a short time. The cheese crust on top of the contents makes eating such meat in a pot a pleasure comparable to opening a gift, or the pleasure of julienne, which we all love so much.

You will need for 4 pots of 0.5 l each:

  • pork (neck) - 800 g;
  • potatoes - 800 gr;
  • mushrooms (champignons or wild mushrooms) - 500 g;
  • sour cream - 4 tablespoons;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • onions - 2 pcs;
  • tomato - 1 large;
  • meat broth - 200 ml (can be replaced with water);
  • peppercorns;
  • Bay leaf;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste;
  • fresh herbs for serving, if desired.


1. As I wrote just above, all the ingredients of this pot roast will be fried in a pan. Let's start with pork. To prevent the meat from turning out dry, I do not recommend that you take pieces of ham or carbonate for this dish; they are very dry and will still remain tough and fibrous when stewed. To keep the meat tender, take something that is a little fattier, preferably in thin layers or marbling. The neck is best, although large pieces of fat are best trimmed from there too.

Cut the meat into cubes and place in a hot frying pan to fry. It is necessary to achieve a golden brown crust on all sides, but not to dry out the meat. It should remain juicy inside, so temperature is important.

2. Cook the mushrooms next. Wild mushrooms must first be washed well and then boiled, depending on the type of mushroom. Then fry until browned. Simply fry champignons or oyster mushrooms. To do this, cut them into large pieces so that they can be felt in the finished roast, because they fry a lot. And then fry them in oil until fully cooked.

3. Peel the potatoes and cut into large cubes. It also needs to be fried a little; you don’t need to do this until it’s ready, just to brown it a little. Fried potatoes, like meat, add great flavor to the dish.

4. Now you need to fry the vegetables. It will include onions, carrots and tomatoes. Chop the onion very finely with a knife, grate the carrots on a medium grater. The tomato needs to be peeled and cut into small cubes. First, put the onion in the heated oil in a frying pan, fry lightly, add the carrots and fry until they soften a little. Then add the tomato and simmer everything together for another 2-3 minutes. The roast is ready.

5. It’s time to assemble the filling of the pot from semi-finished ingredients. First, place half a bay leaf and 3 peppercorns on the bottom. Then add the first layer of potatoes to cover the bottom. The next layer is meat, add about a quarter of what you prepared.

After the meat, add 3 tablespoons of roasted vegetables. There is another layer of potatoes on top to cover the frying. Now pour in about 70-80 ml of water or broth. Cover the very top with a layer of grated cheese. It will become a tasty and crispy crust.

6. It's time to put the meat in pots in the oven. Cover all the pots with a lid and place on a baking sheet. Place them in a cold oven and only then turn it on to 180 degrees. Baking will take approximately 45-50 minutes.

Delicious meat in pots with mushrooms, potatoes and cheese is ready. Let it cool slightly and set the table. Bon appetit!

Delicious Bulgarian-style meat in pots with pumpkin - step-by-step video recipe

Meat in pots is prepared in so many countries, but they add their own flavor to it. This is made with local produce and vegetables. For example, in this Bulgarian recipe, sweet pumpkin and bell pepper appear, and in addition to them, beans and peas. The combination is amazing. Delicious baked beef and a whole explosion of vegetable flavor, but no potatoes. Nourishing and delicious. Be sure to try this roast. I haven’t regretted for a minute that I found and tried this recipe. It is even more appropriate when the pumpkin harvest season approaches. After all, everything tastes best when it’s fresh.

This is the kind of yummy you will definitely get.

It is not necessary to cook meat with a very wide variety of vegetables, but it can also be boring with ordinary potatoes and onions. I suggest adding eggplant to this recipe. This vegetable, beloved by many, is sold fresh almost all year round, thanks to suppliers from the south and greenhouses. Buy a few eggplants for this dish, or leave a couple of pieces after you have prepared a delicious eggplant salad for the winter.

Can be made with beef, pork or turkey. It will also be delicious with chicken; choose the type of meat that you like most. The recipe is almost universal. And I'll tell you how to cook it with beef.

Needed for 3 pots:

  • beef (tenderloin, shoulder) - 600 g;
  • potatoes - 3-4 pieces;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • eggplants - 2 pieces;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • fresh herbs - 1 small bunch;
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste.


1. First, clean and cut all the ingredients of the future dish. Potatoes and onions need to be cut into cubes. Wash the meat and cut into small pieces, but larger than potatoes. Peel the eggplants if desired, or leave the skins on. Cut them into half rings.

2. First of all, fry the meat. If you have beef, then place it in a heated frying pan with oil and fry, stirring, for 15 minutes. Fry the pork for 10 minutes until golden brown. The pan should be very hot. Salt and pepper the meat while frying.

3. At this time, you can fry the eggplants in another frying pan. The purpose of frying is a golden brown crust on both sides. Also fry the onion in oil until it turns slightly golden.

4. Now it’s time to layer the semi-finished ingredients into the pots. Place chopped potatoes on the bottom, salt them, then a layer of onions. The next layer is meat and eggplant. Then potatoes again. Alternate layers until the pots are full.

5. Pour 50 ml of water into the filled pots. Close the lids and place in a cold oven. This way the pots will heat up gradually and will not crack. Turn the oven to 180 degrees and bake for about 45-50 minutes. Check readiness by taste.

While the pots are baking, finely chop the garlic and herbs and mix them. 5-10 minutes before readiness, remove the pots and put a little herbs and garlic in each. Cover and bake for another 5 minutes.

Remove the finished pots from the oven, cool slightly and serve with tolu.

How to cook meat in a pot with buckwheat and mushrooms in sour cream sauce

Meat in a pot with buckwheat, I think, is one of the most delicious alternatives to roast with vegetables. Both the satiety and the dish are complete and not dangerous for the figure. Buckwheat is not only tasty, but also healthy for everyone without exception. Mushrooms, in our case champignons, only emphasize the taste. After all, both meat and buckwheat go well with them.

You will need:

  • meat (pork, beef) - 500 g;
  • buckwheat - 200 gr;
  • champignons - 400 gr;
  • sour cream - 200 gr;
  • onions - 2 pcs;
  • green onions - several arrows;
  • salt and pepper to taste.


1. When you cook meat in pots, it is best to fry it a little before. This reduces cooking time and prevents the remaining ingredients from boiling over. This is where it is best to start. Cut the meat into medium-sized cubes and fry in vegetable oil. As soon as the meat turns gray and begins to brown, reduce the heat, cover and simmer for 20 minutes.

2. Then cut the onion into quarter rings or cubes and add it to the meat. Fry them together a little until the onions become transparent.

3. At this time, you can cut the champignons. You can cut them in half, and then into slices or quarters if the mushrooms are small. Add the mushrooms to the frying pan with the meat and onions and stir. Continue simmering together for about 5-7 minutes.

4. Place sour cream in a frying pan and stir. Reduce heat so that the sour cream does not boil too much. Add salt and pepper and finely chopped green onions. Mix everything and remove after 2-3 minutes of simmering.

6. Now let’s fill the pots. Take dry buckwheat and place 4-5 tablespoons on the bottom of each pot. Fill the rest of the space with meat and mushrooms in sauce. Finally, pour water into each pot until the meat is barely covered. Buckwheat will absorb most of the water during baking, so the roast will not be liquid.

7. Cover the meat in the pots with lids and place in a preheated oven for 45 minutes.

Ready meat with buckwheat can be served both in a pot and on a plate. Decorate with herbs of your choice. Bon appetit!

This recipe may seem unusual to you, but that’s why I really like it. Meat and beans, vegetables and walnuts. Already sounds delicious. It’s worth trying and forming your own opinion about this dish. But I'm almost sure it will be positive.

Unlike previous recipes, here we will not pre-fry anything. Everything will be healthy, baked and absolutely harmless. At the same time, it’s delicious, so you won’t be able to pull it off by the ears. It will all be in the spices and nut sauce.

You will need:

  • pork (preferably neck) - 600-700 g;
  • beans - a glass;
  • potatoes - 2-3 pcs;
  • carrots - 2 pcs;
  • sweet pepper - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • walnuts - 100 gr;
  • heavy cream - 150 g;
  • cumin and ground coriander - 0.3 teaspoon each;
  • fresh parsley and cilantro (optional);
  • salt and pepper.


1. Prepare all the products for baking in a pot. Soak the beans in cold water for several hours in advance to swell them. Cut the meat into large cubes. Peel the potatoes and carrots.

3. Place meat on the bottom of the pot. Immediately divide it into as many equal parts as you have pots to get the same amount.

4. Place potato cubes and carrots in the next layer.

6. Peel the sweet peppers and cut them into cubes. Place the top layer in the pot. All these ingredients should fill it almost completely. Pour approximately 100 ml of water into each pot. Season with salt and pepper.

7. Now let's prepare the nut sauce. To do this, grind the walnuts in a blender, but not into dust, but into crumbs. You can crush the nut with a rolling pin or in a mortar. Place in the bottom of a dry saucepan or frying pan and fry briefly until the orchids begin to crackle.

8. Pour cream over lightly browned nuts, stir and remove from heat after 2 minutes. The cream should not boil. Add seasonings to the sauce.

9. Divide the sauce equally between the pots. Pour it on top. Now you can cover them with lids and put them in the oven to bake at 180 degrees for about 1 hour.

Determine readiness by the softness of the potatoes and meat. Sprinkle fresh herb mixture on top.

Serve hot. The wonderful meat in the pots is ready, urgently call everyone for lunch. Bon appetit!

Many will immediately say that there is nothing complicated about this. You just need to boil the cereal and add pieces of beef or pork to it. But that's not true. Creating a dish is a real art. Every little detail matters here. The result of your efforts will be a hearty and tasty porridge. We offer you two options for this dish. You can experiment by cooking them one at a time.

in pots

First we need to prepare all the necessary products. As for meat, it is recommended to use pork or chicken fillet. Buckwheat is taken at the rate of 100 g per one. We also need the following ingredients: butter, ground pepper (red or black), small carrots, bay leaves, salt or onions.

We rinse the meat with tap water, and then cut it into small pieces, after removing all the bones. Take a frying pan, pour oil into it and put it on fire. Place the meat pieces and fry until they are golden brown. After this, boldly add onions, chopped into thin half rings, as well as carrots, grated on a coarse grater. At this stage you can add salt and pepper. All these ingredients should be fried for no more than 5 minutes. As soon as you notice that the vegetables have browned a little, turn off the heat.

Let's start processing the buckwheat: we sort it out, clear it of debris and rinse it under warm water. Pour approximately 100 g of buckwheat into each of the 0.5 liter pots. Fill it with 200 ml of water. Salt to taste and pepper. Place pieces of meat fried with vegetables on top. To improve the taste, put one in each pot. Close the lids tightly and put the whole thing in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees. Buckwheat porridge with meat will be completely ready in 40 minutes.

When you take the pots out of the oven, you should open the lids and put a small piece of butter in each of them. It is best if it is medium fat. After completing this procedure, return the lids to their place and let stand for another 5 minutes.

Buckwheat porridge with meat is one of the favorite dishes not only of adults, but also of children. In addition to its unsurpassed taste, this cereal is considered very healthy. It contains amino acids, microelements (iron, phosphorus, calcium) and vitamins belonging to group B. So, we offer a recipe for tasty and nutritious porridge for babies from 1 year.

Baby porridge

For 2 servings you will need the following products:

Cooking process

We need to boil the meat (chicken or beef). To do this, put it in a pan of cold water and wait until it boils. It is recommended to cook the meat a little and pour the first broth into a separate bowl. After this, add boiling water and cook until fully cooked. About 20 minutes before the end of the process, add salt and pepper, add bay leaf and chopped onion.

Pass it through a meat grinder. Spread it in an even layer on the bottom of the clay pot. Sprinkle grated or chopped carrots and green peas on top. At the very end, you need to add well-washed buckwheat and pour in the broth. Close the lid and place in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for approximately 1 hour. Buckwheat porridge with meat is ready to eat. We wish you and your kids bon appetit!

Have you bought fireproof clay pots and don't know what you can cook in them? Buckwheat with meat in a pot is a dish that doesn’t require much effort and is sure to please your family. Any porridge in a pot turns out crumbly and aromatic, just like in a Russian oven. Buckwheat porridge with meat, prepared in the usual way, cannot compare with buckwheat in a pot. Your family gourmets will be pleased with the taste, and you will save a little time, because porridge with meat in a pot is served in the same container that is used to prepare it.

We will tell you how to cook buckwheat. Our recipes are for 4 0.6 liter pots. Before cooking, buckwheat must be sorted and washed; some housewives also heat it in a frying pan. Buckwheat can be cooked with beef. If you choose chicken for your dish, you will get a dietary option, and the most delicious buckwheat with pork. Choose pork neck or shoulder for porridge, which have small layers of fat, and you will not regret it.

To prepare a delicious dish you need:

  • buckwheat - 2 cups;
  • meat - 800 gr.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper (to taste).

Rinse the pork, cut into small pieces, place in a frying pan in hot sunflower oil. Constantly stirring the meat with a wooden spatula, fry it until an appetizing crust appears.

Wash and peel the vegetables. Cut the onion into cubes, carrots into strips. If you are too lazy to cut carrots, use a coarse grater. Reduce heat and add vegetable mixture to meat. If necessary, add oil and continue frying until the vegetables turn golden brown, do not forget to add salt and black peppercorns.

Evenly distribute the vegetables and meat into dry, warm pots. Place the cereal on top, pour hot boiled water over everything so that about half a finger remains to the top, and add salt. Cover the pots with lids and place in the oven for 30 minutes. If you pour cold water over buckwheat, the cooking time increases to 1 hour. After the specified time, you can turn off the stove, wait until the pots have cooled and serve.

Buckwheat recipe with meat and mushrooms

Mushroom lovers can cook buckwheat in a pot with meat and mushrooms.

To prepare 4 servings you will need:

  • meat - 600 gr.;
  • mushrooms - 500 gr.;
  • buckwheat - 1.5 cups;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper (to taste);
  • vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. l.

Cut the meat into small pieces. Place a thick-bottomed frying pan or saucepan on the fire, when it warms up, pour in vegetable oil, after a couple of minutes add the meat and fry until the pork is browned, do not forget to add salt and pepper. Then use a slotted spoon to scoop everything into clean, dry pots.

Cut the carrots into slices, and the onion – quite finely. Place the vegetables in the same frying pan (there is some oil left there) and fry until golden brown. Place vegetables in pots too. You can use any mushrooms for buckwheat: fresh, dry, salted. The last 2 types must be soaked before cooking.

Rinse the mushrooms, cut into small pieces, place in a clean frying pan and heat them until the juice appears, then transfer them to the frying pan where vegetables and meat were previously stewed, fry for 7 minutes. Then put everything into pots.

Add the washed buckwheat to the mushrooms and meat, pour in cold water so that it completely covers the grain and does not reach the top by about half a finger. Close the lids and place in a preheated oven. The porridge will take about 40 minutes to cook. At the end of this time, turn off the heat, add butter and leave in the oven to simmer for another 15 minutes.

You were able to make sure that buckwheat with meat in a pot is easy to prepare. Don't be afraid to add your own twist to this dish. Do your pots have no lids? Take food foil or make a dough from an egg, half a glass of milk and flour, roll it out thinly and use it instead of lids.

Delicious flatbreads will be eaten along with porridge. Some housewives add unpeeled garlic cloves along with buckwheat, others put sour cream rather than butter in the porridge. You can add chopped herbs to the porridge before serving.

Experiment, create your own signature dish, which every housewife should have.

The first thing I did was meat. I'm Korean. Trim off excess fat and cut into fairly large pieces.

I poured a little vegetable oil into a deep frying pan, heated it well and fried the meat until golden brown. At the end of frying, add salt, mustard and stir.

I divided the meat into pots in equal parts. My pots are 500 ml.

Lightly fry diced onion in the same oil.

I add carrots cut into strips to it.

And a tomato. I salt it all a little and simmer for about 10 minutes.

After that, I placed the vegetables on top of the meat.

I washed the buckwheat thoroughly in cold water to remove excess debris.

And divided them into pots in equal parts.

I poured water into each pot, covered it with a lid and put it in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees for about 1 hour.

A pleasant aroma began to spread throughout the apartment after about 20 minutes. Well, after another 40 minutes buckwheat with pork can be removed from the oven.

Buckwheat with pork in a pot is ready!

Bon appetit!

I took a couple of pictures, drooling on the lens, and pounced on one of the pots. Destroyed it literally in a matter of minutes with fresh vegetables. The dish turned out truly aromatic, tasty, homemade. I recommend…

That's all, but if you like more exotic dishes, then try preparing this exclusive:

Very original)) Bye everyone!

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Beef with buckwheat in pots in the oven is a very tasty, nutritious and healthy delicacy. It somehow immediately subconsciously associates with a warm hearth, a village and a Russian stove. We wanted to tell you in detail about the cooking technology, then you will find an excellent recipe with photos.

How to cook buckwheat in a pot in the oven with beef

The variety of kitchen utensils gives rise to the emergence of new interesting recipes, and today we paid attention to a dish that can be said to belong to the original Russian cuisine. It has undergone a change in that it is prepared not as before in a cast iron pot, but in modern ceramic dishes.

You can pre-marinate the meat with spices to give the dish a brighter, richer taste.

Cooking time is usually about 45 minutes. The beef is cut into small cubes, since if the pieces are large, you will have to increase the baking time, and this is undesirable for buckwheat. In this case, buckwheat can turn into jelly, the texture of the dish will be disrupted, and we absolutely do not need this.

Beef with buckwheat in pots in the oven - detailed recipe with photos

The set of ingredients for our dish is quite modest, with low cost. If you wish, you can add mushrooms and tomatoes, which will allow you to get new flavor shades. Products are designed to fill 4 clay pots:

  • Beef tenderloin – 500 g;
  • Buckwheat – 1.5 cups;
  • Carrots – 1 pc.;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • Bell pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Seasoning “mixed peppers” – ½ teaspoon;
  • Butter – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt to taste.

Rinse the meat with cool water, cut off the films and tendons. Then cut the beef into small pieces and place in a bowl with vegetable oil, spices, and salt. Mix all this and put it in the refrigerator for the time that we will spend preparing the remaining ingredients.

Cut the stalks off the peppers and remove the seeds and membranes with a knife. You can chop them into small cubes or strips.

Peel the carrots and onions and chop with a knife. Heat a little vegetable oil in a frying pan, sauté the onion for 5 minutes, then add the carrots, a couple of tablespoons of boiled water, and simmer for another 5 minutes.

Pour the cereal into a fine sieve and rinse under running cold water.

Now all that remains is to put the prepared ingredients in the pots in a certain order. First we put 4 tbsp. tablespoons of washed cereal, then 2-3 tablespoons of fried vegetables. After this, put several pieces of marinated meat into each vessel and again a layer of fried vegetables. Pour 100 ml of water into each pot, add half a spoon of butter and a little salt and spices.

Place the clay vessels with their contents in an oven preheated to 180-190°C for 1 hour.

Buckwheat with meat, cooked in pots, turns out incredibly tasty, crumbly, nutritious and healthy.

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