Home Products Fruit salad with whipped cream recipe with photo. Fruit salad - delicious recipes for an original dessert

Fruit salad with whipped cream recipe with photo. Fruit salad - delicious recipes for an original dessert

The word salad can be translated from Italian as salty. There are many variations of this dish. And although fruit salad with cream is not very suitable for the adjective salty, nevertheless it is still a salad.

In fruit salads, as well as in any salad, any ingredients can be used, but fruits are preferred. Sometimes, at first glance, products that are not compatible at first glance are used for their preparation. In Andalusia, which unites several provinces and is part of Spain as an autonomous association, it is customary to prepare salads that include fruits. One of them is ramokhon. It is made from oranges and olive oil. The roots of the dish are associated with Arabic cuisine. The pulp of a peeled orange is cut and sugar and butter are added to it if the salad is served as a dessert. If you put salt and oil in ramohon, then this option is a cold snack.

Fruit salad with cream

If other ingredients are added to orange ramohon, then Malaga salad is already obtained from it. This option, in addition to onions, olives and potatoes, contains very salty dry cod - bacalhau.

This salad composition based on fruits and cod is suitable for connoisseurs and lovers of Andalusian cuisine. For most cooks, cooking a more classic fruit salad with cream is closer.

All fruit salads can be prepared as an assortment of a variety of fruits with the addition of nuts, poppy seeds, honey. They can cut both ordinary apples and pears, as well as more exotic fruits, as well as berries, melons and watermelons. Fruit salad dressings can be yogurt, cream, ice cream, complex creams and sauces.

To prepare a fruit salad with cream yourself, you will need the following: products:

  • apple 1 pc.;
  • pear 1 pc.;
  • orange 1 pc.;
  • kiwi 2 pcs.;
  • banana 1 pc.;
  • grains from half a pomegranate;
  • cream 200 ml;
  • sugar, preferably brown, 50 - 70 g.



Kuhoman to help

Cooking fruit salad with cream has its own secrets:


The following steps will help you quickly prepare a fruit salad with cream dressing:

Fruit salad with cream is served on the table immediately after preparation. It should not be kept on the table for a long time, especially in the hot season.

Fruit salad can be a light breakfast or dessert that will appeal to eaters of all ages. In this article, we will share some original and classic recipes for this dish.

Fruit salad with cream

  • blueberries - 2 tbsp.;
  • melon - 200 g;
  • green grapes - 1 bunch;
  • strawberries - 2 tbsp.;
  • carambola - 1 pc.;
  • cream cheese - 200 g;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • whipping cream - 1/2 tbsp.;
  • sugar pud - 1/4 tbsp.;
  • pecans - 1/2 tbsp.

In a salad bowl, mix blueberries, diced melon, halves of grapes, peeled, strawberry rugs and pieces of carambola.

In a separate bowl, whip the cream until firm peaks form. Separately, beat cream cheese with powdered sugar and a little lemon juice.

If cream cheese was not at hand, you can prepare a fruit salad with whipped cream and cottage cheese, for this we first rub the cottage cheese with a fork, and then mix it with the rest of the ingredients.

Using a silicone spatula, combine whipped cream and curd mass. We spread the resulting mixture on top of the fruit salad.

We decorate the dish with a carambola star and chopped nuts.

Easy Creamy Fruit Salad Recipe

  • cream cheese - 90 g;
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • pineapple - 1 pc.;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • cherry - 1/2 tbsp.;
  • grapes - 1/2 tbsp.;
  • hazelnuts - 1/2 tbsp.;
  • marshmallow - 1 tbsp.;
  • whipping cream - 1/2 tbsp.

Whip the cream with a whisk until soft peaks form. Mix cream cheese with sour cream, lemon juice and sugar.

We combine both ingredients together.

We cut the core from the pineapple, and cut the pulp into small cubes. Cut the cherries and grapes in half and remove the pits.

We peel the orange, and cut off the films from the segments and disassemble them with our fingers into large pieces. Roughly chop hazelnuts with a knife. A glass of marshmallows or marshmallows, cut into small cubes.

We mix the prepared fruits, nuts and marshmallows in a salad bowl, pour generously with creamy dressing and mix. The finished salad can already be served at the table, or you can put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours, and then cut into portions.

In this recipe, you can use any favorite fruit, and you can serve the dish with fruit syrup or jam.

creamy fruit salad recipe

Shall we try?

  • Creamy ice cream - 500 g
  • Whipping cream.

We take out the hard core and seeds from the apple and pear, peel the kiwi and mango, remove the stone from the mango. Remove the grapes from the brush. We clean the banana.

Again, we repeat: choose fruits to your taste. You can completely limit yourself to an apple and a banana or grapes and a pear.

So, cut the prepared fruits into cubes, put them in a bowl and sprinkle with lemon juice. Wash citrus fruits, peel and cut into slices.

If possible, remove all white fibers and cut the slices into small pieces and add to the chopped fruit. Wash dried fruits thoroughly, changing the water several times. By the way, you do not need to pre-soak them.

There will be enough liquid in the finished salad to make the dried fruit soft. Cut the dried fruit into pieces and put in a bowl with the rest of the fruit.

Put the whole raisins into the salad.

We take out canned pineapples or peaches from the syrup and put them in a colander so that excess liquid is drained from them. We also cut these ingredients into pieces and put them in a bowl. We also put chopped nuts and pomegranate seeds there.

We cut a large block of creamy ice cream into cubes and put them on top of the fruit. Mix the salad and put it in the refrigerator.

Before serving, put the salad in a large salad bowl and decorate with whipped cream and fresh whole berries or pieces of berries. Another option is to serve this dessert in portions. In this case, the salad should be laid out in advance in bowls and put in the refrigerator.

Just before serving, top the salad with a topping of whipped cream and strawberries, cherries, or sweet cherries.

Canned fruits should also be quite hard and always “pale”. Because, for example, cherries from compote will color the entire dessert in unsightly bluish hues. But for decoration just need bright berries.

Strawberries will look especially impressive, and the very combination of strawberries and cream has long become a textbook. By the way, if you prefer to make whipped cream yourself, then do not forget to cool it before whipping.

Fruit salad recipe with whipped cream

She sent us the story and recipe. Oksana Popova, 24 years old. Irkutsk city

"This story is a memory from childhood. Many years have passed, but remembering this with my girlfriend, a smile does not leave our lips.

We have known Yulia since the cradle, every summer she came to our small town from the north. And we spent the whole summer together, climbed trees, rolled in the dust, treated broken knees with plantain, sang songs on the swings in a loud voice that even the neighbors complained about us!

We were friends and played mainly with the boys, in the evenings we gathered near a large stone block and told horror stories, and invented our own, and then they were afraid to go home.

Yulia and I always checked everything on our own experience to make sure whether this is the way adults tell us or not. One day the older sister said: "That the way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

Of course, among our friends, there were boys that we especially liked, but how could we check if they liked us.

Then we decided to conduct an experiment, each of us had to cook an unusual dish of fruits and berries. that grow in our garden and garden. We set to cooking.

We collected apples, raspberries, pears, currants, gooseberries, apricots, plums and began to think about what kind of dessert recipe to take.

It would be banal to cut and cook a salad from this just like that, so it was necessary to lay everything out, beautifully and appetizingly, because the dispute went beyond the heart of a man! Naturally, everything did not fit in our doll dishes, and we began to walk around the yard and look for suitable and beautiful plates.

We found such plates, despite the fact that they melted on the ground, they were completely clean, only slightly brushing them off the dust, we laid out our culinary masterpieces on them.

To keep everything fair, each dish was on a separate table, so that no one could guess who cooked what. The boys happily ate our salads.

Mine won by the majority of votes! I was glad, but, nevertheless, the boy, because of which this whole experiment was started, still preferred Yulia, so understand the men after that. My friend and I were sitting on a bench and vigorously discussing our experiment, at which time my mother went outside and asked us where all the cat bowls had gone.

It was then that we realized what kind of pretty plates we took for our salads.

Fruit and berry salad is the rich first dish cooked in my life, the life of my girlfriend. Of course, after that we did not stop our experiments with food.

Many years have passed, and now when we meet, we already prepare such a salad together, but not for competitive and experimental purposes. As before, we serve it in beautiful dishes, but not from the cat's inventory.

For the preparation of fruit and berry salad, you can use any ingredients to your taste, I really like this recipe:

1 apple and 1 pear, finely chopped;
Half a glass of raspberries;
Red Ribes;
A couple of handfuls of seedless grapes;

Mix everything and pour sour cream with sugar, or you can put everything in layers, each layer is generously greased with whipped sour cream with sugar.

Fruit salad with whipped cream (oranges, mangoes, apples, blackberries)

The beauty of this recipe is that in such a salad you can put any fruits and berries that are at hand. I usually made it with yogurt, but with whipped cream it turned out just divine.

For my fruit salad I took: one orange, one apple, one mango, a few blackberries for garnish.

For refueling: a glass of cream and powdered sugar (a third of a glass approximately).

So I took cream and sugar.

Beat with a mixer until the cream thickens.

I cut all the fruits in advance and began to lay out the salad. I put whipped cream on the bottom, a layer of oranges on top.

Then again cream and followed by apples without peel.

Fruit salads with cream

Cream is one of the most famous dairy products. They are a frequent guest in our refrigerators, because in the morning we drink coffee with cream, in the afternoon we put them in tea, and in the evening we season mixed salads.

The benefit of cream is that in terms of nutritional value, concentration of proteins and nutrients, they significantly outperform other dairy products.

In addition, they contain a whole range of vitamins A, B, PP and C, as well as unique trace elements zinc, fluorine, copper and iodine. It is important to note the presence of useful lecithin, which protects our blood vessels from the formation of plaques and blood clots.

When using cream together with other products, their digestibility improves to a much greater extent and the time of digestion of food is reduced. This is especially true for hard fruits and vegetables.

We are accustomed to using cream only mainly for drinks and as a decoration on cakes and holiday pies. But few people know that cream is also an excellent dressing for salads.

Of course, recipes with red fish or liver salads with them will not be so hot, but fruit salads turn out great.

Moreover, the cream can go into the salad itself, or serve as a simple decoration. Possibly both options at the same time. In any case, it is up to you to decide how to use the cream, our job is to introduce you to fruit salads with cream in this issue.

Cook and enjoy the delicate taste! Bon appetit!

Fruit salad with avocado and whipped cream

Ingredients for making Avocado Salad:

  • avocado 2 pcs.
  • apples 2 pcs.
  • grapes kishmish 160 g
  • pear 1 pc.
  • lemon juice 2 tablespoons
  • cream 50 ml
  • cherry for decoration

Squeeze juice from lemon. Add to the main components.

Whip the cream with a mixer. Mix the salad.

Decorate with whipped cream and cherries.

Berry and fruit salad with cream

Essential Ingredients for Fruit Salad:

  • raspberries 60 g
  • strawberries 60 g
  • black currant 60 g
  • white currant 60 g
  • gooseberry 60 g
  • apples 2 pcs.
  • kiwi 2 pcs.
  • banana 1 pc.
  • carnation
  • Melissa
  • cream 140 g

Cut bananas into slices. Cut apples into cubes of approximately the same size.

Peel the kiwi and cut into slices. Mix all ingredients.

Add raspberries, currants, gooseberries, strawberries. Fill with cream.

Mix carefully. Garnish with lemon balm leaves, sprinkle with chopped cloves.

Decorate with whipped cream.

Layered fruit salad with whipped cream

Ingredients needed to make a layered salad:

  • melon 150 g
  • gooseberry 50 g
  • apples 1 pc.
  • oranges 1 pc.
  • mango 1 pc.
  • cream

Put in a salad bowl in layers in the order in which they are listed in the recipe. Be sure to make a layer of cream between each layer.

Decorate with mint leaves.

Fruit salad with cream and raspberry syrup

  • cream 100 g
  • raspberry syrup 2.5 tablespoons
  • apples 1 pc.
  • tangerines 2 pcs.
  • watermelon 120 g
  • green leaf lettuce

Fruit salad with cream Cheerful citruses

Ingredients needed to make the salad:

  • oranges 2 pcs.
  • tangerines 2 pcs.
  • grapefruit 1 pc.
  • Melissa
  • fat cream 90 g
  • sugar to taste
  • bananas 1 pc.

Slices of oranges, tangerines, grapefruit cut into slices. Peel bananas, cut into slices. Combine everything.

Fill with cream. Mix dynamically. Tear the melissa leaves.

Sprinkle over. If too sour add sugar.

Fruit salad with cream and pineapple

Ingredients for Pineapple Salad:

  • canned pineapple 1 jar
  • canned peaches 1 jar
  • oranges 2 pcs.
  • apples 2 pcs.
  • cream

Cut pineapples and peaches into slices. Cut orange slices into cubes.

Cut apples into thin strips. Combine everything in a spacious salad bowl.

Top with cream and stir vigorously.

Fruit salad with Nordic berries and cream

Ingredients needed to make the salad:

  • cloudberry 70 g
  • blueberries 70 g
  • cranberry 70 g
  • apples 2 pcs.
  • bananas 1 pc.
  • cream 90 g
  • strawberry jam 2 tablespoons
  • cinnamon powder

Cut apples into cubes. Cut bananas into slices. Add fresh northern cranberries. cloudberries, blueberries.

Mix everything well. Fill with cream.

Mix carefully. Cool down.

Serve to the table, pouring strawberry jam.

Fruit salad with prunes topped with whipped cream

Ingredients needed to make Prunes Salad:

  • prunes 120 g
  • dried apricots 120 g
  • apples 1 pc.
  • oranges 1 pc.
  • dried pears 50 g
  • fat cream

Prunes, dried apricots soak in water. cut into strips. Cut apples into cubes.

Cut orange slices into thin slices. Pears cut into pieces. Combine the components of the future salad.

Pour in cream. Mix well.

Serve chilled.

Portioned fruit salad with cream - "Stuffed Pear"

Ingredients needed to prepare a portioned salad:

  • pears - 3 pcs.
  • strawberries 120 g
  • apricots 3 pcs.
  • Isabella grapes 90 g
  • cream 90 grams
  • granulated sugar 40 g

Pears cut into halves. Take out the core.

Chop the pulp of the pear. Cut strawberries into cubes.

Free the apricots from the stone, chop the pulp into strips.

Cut the grapes in half, if there are seeds, then they must be removed. Mix prepared ingredients. Sugar.

Mix. Gently fold into pear halves. Drizzle with cream.

Serve in portions of three pear halves.

Jelly fruit salad with whipped cream

Ingredients needed to make the salad:

  • granulated sugar 1.5 cups
  • jelly powder 3 sachets
  • kiwi - 2 pcs.
  • oranges - 1 pc.
  • sweet apples - 1 pc.
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • chopped walnuts 90 g
  • wild berries for decoration
  • cream

Dilute the jelly powder with water, mix. Cut bananas into slices.

Peel the kiwi and cut into slices. Slices of oranges cut into slices of the same size.

Grate sweet apples on a medium grater. Grind walnut kernels in a blender.

Put everything in a bowl, sugar. Pour in the jelly and stir.

Place in the refrigerator until completely solidified. Take out and decorate with whipped cream and wild berries.

Simple fruit salad with cream

Ingredients needed to make a simple salad:

Whip the cream with a mixer. Cut bananas into slices. Cut apples into thin strips.

Cut dried apricots into halves. Combine everything in a tall salad glass.

Mix carefully. Drizzle with cream.

Fruit salad with cream

Fruit salad with whipped cream, what should it be?

Delicious and light fruit salads bring us huge health benefits and are the perfect option for those who are watching their figure. This is a favorite delicacy of adults and children, a real vitamin explosion and a fountain of bright taste.

The composition of salads can include not only fruits, but also meat, cheese, nuts. A special note of taste and aroma will be added by spices of cloves, cinnamon, vanilla, ginger, mint
cream dessert recipe and exotic fruits will certainly please you with a fresh taste and invigorate. To prepare this fruit dessert, we will use coconut flakes.
Fruit salads should be prepared just before serving as the fruit drains quickly and the salad loses its appearance, and the addition of coconut flakes will help us hide these imperfections and it can be stored in the refrigerator for several hours before serving. This salad is especially good because the products for its preparation are available all year round.

Wash and peel fruits, cut into small cubes.

  • We spread the fruit in a glass glass in layers and sprinkle each layer with plenty of coconut flakes.

  • We decorate the top layer with whipped cream - a fruit salad with whipped cream is always a welcome dessert on the festive table.

  • Sprinkle with coconut.

    Fruit salad with cream. Recipe with photo.

    Fruit salad with cream is a good and cheerful start to the day, as well as a pleasant afternoon snack or low-calorie dinner. Preparing delicacies from fresh fruits will not burden you at all, and the result will bring a lot of pleasure, including aesthetic.

    Fruit Salad Ingredients (Servings 1-2):

    1 ripe banana;

    1 sweet orange;

    canned pineapple slices (can be rings) 150g;

    whipped cream in an aerosol can;

    chocolate sauce and orange zest as a decoration.

    Cooking method

    Wash and dry the orange and banana well; excess water in the salad is definitely not needed. Next, you need to remove the peel from the banana and cut it into circles, preferably thin.

    With a knife we ​​remove the peel of the orange, and then we chop the whole pulp into medium-sized cubes (try not to grind, as we let a lot of juice in the orange).

    Drain water from pineapples.

    Combine pineapple, banana and orange in a salad bowl, mix well.

    We shift the fruit into a bowl for serving (for convenience, you can take bowls for julienne). Top with plenty of cream, sprinkle with grated orange zest and pour chocolate sauce or melted milk chocolate.

    Fruit salad with cream should be served immediately to the table, as the beautiful pattern obtained by cream will fall in volume and the appearance of the dish will change. In addition, the salad releases juice quickly, so by delaying the serving, you run the risk of serving a floating salad.

    If you are on a diet, then you can replace the cream with a spoonful of lemon juice or not dress the salad at all. The list of ingredients can be expanded if desired (for example, you can add kiwi, lime, pomelo, persimmon, as well as an ordinary apple and other fruits).

    Enjoy your fruity appetite!

    Fruit salad with cream in 5 minutes

    Fruit salad is one of the most delicious and healthy desserts. Fruit salad with cream, strawberries, apples, kiwi, raspberries, apricots is especially popular in summer.
    Today, there are thousands of different varieties of fruit salads with a wide variety of ingredients. And each of these incredible recipes is a must-try! Fragrant, refined and delicious fruit salads just melt in your mouth.

    In addition, fruit salads are low-calorie diet dishes and allow you to lose weight and eat deliciously. This salad is ready in 5 minutes!

    I offer you a delicious recipe for a dietary fruit salad with cream.

    Fruit Salad Recipe Ingredients:

    200 grams fresh raspberries
    200 grams of fresh strawberries
    2 medium ripe kiwis
    1 can low calorie whipped cream
    1 tablespoon powdered sugar
    1 few sprigs of mint for garnish

    Preparation of fruit salad with cream:
    1. Wash the strawberries, let dry and cut into 4-6 small slices.
    2. Kiwi clean and cut into pieces.
    3. Carefully cut large raspberries in half.
    4. Divide into 4 parts and lay in layers in the chef's ring.
    5. The first layer is strawberries. Squeeze whipped cream on top of strawberries. The second layer of kiwi and cream again.

    Lay out the third layer of raspberries. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top and garnish with a sprig of mint.

    Carefully remove the chef's ring.
    Dessert is ready. Bon appetit!

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    Fruit salad with whipped cream

    We offer you a recipe for an amazingly delicious fruit salad. This dessert is designed for the refined taste of real gourmets, but will also appeal to both fruit lovers and ice cream lovers. Such a salad will decorate and complement any celebration, youth party or children's holiday.

    And best of all, this fruit salad with whipped cream and ice cream can be made any time of the year! So a festive feast or a celebration on the occasion of receiving a diploma is a great occasion to try such a refreshing salad.

    Shall we try?

  • Fresh fruits: apples, pears, kiwi, mangoes, bananas, grapes - depending on the season.
  • Citrus fruits: oranges, tangerines, grapefruit.
  • Dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots, prunes.
  • Canned fruits: pineapple, peach.
  • Berries for decoration: strawberries, raspberries, sweet cherries, cherries, pomegranate seeds /
  • Creamy ice cream - 500 g
  • Whipping cream.
  • Nuts: walnuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, etc.
  • As a matter of fact, everything that is listed is only an approximate and possible composition of fruit salad. And the ingredients can be combined, for example, like this: 1 apple, 1 orange, 1 banana, 1 can of canned pineapple, a handful of raisins, a handful of dried apricots, a handful of walnuts.

    The main condition for compliance with the recipe is the presence in the salad of all three types of fruits: fresh, canned and dried, as well as citrus fruits and nuts.

    There is no particular difficulty in preparing this salad. However, let's take a closer look at this simple process. First, wash and dry fresh fruit.

    We take out the hard core and seeds from the apple and pear, peel the kiwi and mango, remove the stone from the mango. Remove the grapes from the brush.

    We clean the banana. Again, we repeat: choose fruits to your taste.

    You can completely limit yourself to an apple and a banana or grapes and a pear.

    So, cut the prepared fruits into cubes, put them in a bowl and sprinkle with lemon juice. Wash citrus fruits, peel and cut into slices. If possible, remove all white fibers and cut the slices into small pieces and add to the chopped fruit.

    Wash dried fruits thoroughly, changing the water several times. By the way, you do not need to pre-soak them. There will be enough liquid in the finished salad to make the dried fruit soft.

    Cut the dried fruit into pieces and put in a bowl with the rest of the fruit. Put the whole raisins into the salad.

    We take out canned pineapples or peaches from the syrup and put them in a colander so that excess liquid is drained from them. We also cut these ingredients into pieces and put them in a bowl.

    We also put chopped nuts and pomegranate seeds there. We cut a large block of creamy ice cream into cubes and put them on top of the fruit.

    Mix the salad and put it in the refrigerator.

    Before serving, put the salad in a large salad bowl and decorate with whipped cream and fresh whole berries or pieces of berries. Another option is to serve this dessert in portions.

    In this case, the salad should be laid out in advance in bowls and put in the refrigerator. Just before serving, top the salad with a topping of whipped cream and strawberries, cherries, or sweet cherries.

    Try to combine soft and hard fresh fruits in your salad. For example, apple and banana, kiwi and pear, grapes and mango.

    Canned fruits should also be quite hard and always “pale”. Because, for example, cherries from compote will color the entire dessert in unsightly bluish hues.

    But for decoration just need bright berries. Strawberries will look especially impressive, and the very combination of strawberries and cream has long become a textbook.

    By the way, if you prefer to make whipped cream yourself, then do not forget to cool it before whipping.

    Try this fruit salad with creamy ice cream and whipped cream. You will definitely like it!

    We are found by requests: fruit salad with cream in a glass, are fruits with whipped cream high in calories, children's fruit salads recipes with photos, fruit salad with whipped cream

    Fruit salad with whipped cream and cottage cheese

    What do you usually eat for breakfast? Oatmeal or maybe cottage cheese mass with dried fruits?

    A good mood for the whole day is ensured if you add bright ingredients to ordinary cottage cheese and try a fruit salad with whipped cream and cottage cheese for breakfast. This delicate fruit and curd dessert is very easy to prepare, and it looks like a small cake, so that the morning will immediately become joyful and kind.

    And on the festive table, a fruit salad with cream and cottage cheese will take far from the last place and will be appreciated, especially by those who follow their figure and prefer light desserts.

    • Cottage cheese (200 grams) a small pack of cottage cheese.
    • Condensed milk (5-7 tablespoons)
    • Banana (2 pcs.)
    • Pears (2-3 pcs.)
    • Black raisins (2 tablespoons)
    • Whipped cream (to taste)
    • Berries (to taste) berries of raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries, viburnum, blueberries to decorate a fruit salad with whipped cream and cottage cheese.

    Peel the skin off the pears and remove the pits. Cut into cubes and add to the cottage cheese and fruit salad recipe with cream.

    Decorate a fruit salad with whipped cream and cottage cheese with fresh or frozen berries.

    How to make whipped cream

    For a fruit salad with whipped cream and cottage cheese, you can buy ready-made whipped cream sold in cans. But, unfortunately, it is quite difficult to find good whipped cream on sale, and what is in all stores belongs to the vegetable category, that is, made from palm milk, which means it is not cream.

    Much easier to make whipped cream at home. If you observe some subtleties, you will get an excellent cream with which you can decorate a fruit salad with cream and cottage cheese.

    So what to consider:

    • Buy fresh, not sour cream.
    • Their fat content must be at least 30%, otherwise they will not whip.
    • Before whipping, the dishes and the cream itself must be put in the freezer for a while.
    • Whip the cream for about 15 minutes. You need to start by setting the mixer speed to low and gradually increase it. It is important not to overdo it and not to whip the cream into butter.
    • How do you know that the cream has whipped to the right consistency? Raise the mixer, and if there are peaks of cream trailing behind it, then the necessary density has been reached.
    • To make whipping easier and the cream was sweet, gradually add sugar, and preferably powdered sugar.

    Berries for decoration

    What berries to take to decorate a fruit salad with whipped cream and cottage cheese? If you make it in the summer, then any fresh berries carefully grown in the garden - strawberries, raspberries, currants, cherries or wild strawberries, blueberries, blueberries, blackberries - are added. These berries can be frozen so that you can add them to a fruit salad with cream and cottage cheese even when it’s not berry season at all.

    How to do it right? Before freezing, you need to thoroughly wash and dry the berries well. Then put on a flat surface, for example, a tray, with a layer of one berry.

    Put the tray in the freezer (it's good if there is a quick freeze chamber). When the berries are frozen, they need to be packaged in bags or containers for storage. With this method of freezing, the berries will not freeze into a monolithic block.

    If you didn’t make berry stocks in the summer, but you want to decorate a fruit salad with whipped cream and cottage cheese with frozen berries, then feel free to go to the supermarket. There you can find everything you want at any time of the year, even fresh strawberries in winter.

    Choose frozen berries that are ice-free and crumbly so they can be easily separated from each other.

    Traditional recipe for whipped cream and fruit salad with it

    Whipped cream is not only a light and airy dessert, but also part of creams or toppings for cakes and pastries. Of course, today, when you can buy anything in the store, it is not difficult to buy a can of whipped cream of any fat content. But why do you need a product where additives and preservatives are guaranteed to be placed when you can cook a delicacy yourself.

    The recipe for whipped cream is simple and does not take much time, and you can adjust the fat content and the amount of sugar yourself. Isn't that what you need?

    Read on to learn how to make whipped cream.

    Making Classic Whipped Cream

    Many still remember how many years ago this dessert was served in a cafe, sprinkled with chocolate chips on top. Let's reproduce the taste of childhood and take the classic recipe for whipped cream as a basis, and you can decide on additives later. For dessert you will need:

    - the required amount of whipped cream 20-35% fat (let's take one glass for calculation);

    - half a glass of sugar, and best of all - powdered sugar.

    To get real whipped cream, you will need a blender and be sure to have a product with 20-35% fat. Cream with less fat may simply not whip. Place them in the refrigerator before starting the process.

    Getting started - pour the product into a container and start beating at the slowest speed. After a few minutes, it needs to be increased. Then add sugar in small portions, and it is better if it is powdered sugar: it dissolves well and does not weigh down the liquid.

    Keep whisking. The cream is ready when a strong foam has formed in the blender that does not drip from a spoon or whisk. After that, the dessert can be put into molds, sprinkled with grated chocolate and served.

    If you are using cream to decorate a cake, put it in a piping bag and squeeze out the required amount, drawing patterns. A little tip: to make your sweet dish even tastier, you can add a little vanilla sugar, a teaspoon of cognac, liquor or other flavorings.

    Knowing how to make whipped cream, the resulting light cream can be used to lubricate cake layers or as a filling for cakes.

    Fruit salad with whipped cream

    Those who prefer tasty, summery desserts will especially like this whipped cream recipe paired with fresh fruit. What could be better for a light afternoon snack? For it you will need:

    - fresh seasonal fruits - kiwi, bananas, cherries, cherries, raspberries, strawberries and so on (that is, those that are at hand);

    - citrus fruits - grapefruit, sweet lemons, oranges, tangerines, kumquats;

    - dried fruits - raisins, dried apricots, prunes, dried apples;

    - canned fruits - pineapples, peaches, apricots;

    - creamy ice cream - a couple of balls;

    - a glass of high-fat cream for whipping;

    - berries and nuts for decoration.

    Do not be confused by the number of listed ingredients, there is no need to combine them all. It is enough to take a couple of items from each category: 2 kiwi, 1 banana, orange, half a can of canned pineapple, a handful of raisins, a little nuts and raspberries for decoration. Wash all fruits, peel and, if necessary, cut into small pieces.

    Grind nuts in a coffee grinder or finely chop with a knife. Dried fruits are also cut into pieces, but raisins can be used whole. We throw the canned fruit into a colander to make a stack of syrup, and also cut it.

    After the ingredients are prepared, put them in a salad bowl in layers, put ice cream balls on top, beautifully decorate with cream (you will find the recipe for whipped cream above), berries and nuts. A bowl of salad should be kept in the refrigerator and divided into portions before serving.

    A delicious summer dish is ready, and cream has become its perfect complement.

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    Fruit salad with whipped cream - healthy recipes. How to make fruit salad with whipped cream

    The tradition of serving dessert has been around for a long time. In many countries, it is customary to finish the meal with sweets with tea or coffee.

    But often because of the delicacy, overeating occurs, so many consider dessert to be an extra dish. However, there are recipes for lightweight goodies that do not weigh down the stomach, but complement the meal.

    Fruit salad is a great dessert dish. It is suitable even for those who follow the figure and follow a strict diet.

    There are various recipes for such a salad, some even amaze true gourmets. For example, the combination of salty and sweet creates an interesting taste.

    How to do

    We suggest you prepare a fruit salad with whipped cream, which is perfect for the festive table. A snow-white hat of cream will decorate the dish and will look elegant and appetizing.

    You will need: red apples, pomegranate juice, oranges, pears, whipped cream. Remove the peel from the orange and cut it into segments.

    Cut the rest of the fruit into cubes. Take a deep dish and place a layer of orange slices on the bottom. Pour generously with pomegranate juice.

    Then place the pear cubes and pour over the juice again. The last layer is apples.

    Garnish the top with whipped cream and serve.

    Another sweet salad recipe suggests using whipped cream, golden and green kiwi, tangerines, honey, lemon juice, pine nuts, and fresh mint. First, peel the kiwi and cut into cubes. Then you need to divide the tangerine into slices and free from the seeds.

    Then you can do the sauce. Mix 2 tsp. honey and the same amount of lemon juice.

    Add cinnamon and season fruit salad with it.

    Sprinkle with nuts and garnish with whipped cream. Place a few mint leaves on top.

    As you know, there are a lot of fruits in the world. Therefore, it is not necessary to prepare salads only according to the recipes that we have indicated. Experiment!

    Use exotic fruits or those that grow in your garden. Consider sauces. Lime juice and mint leaves go well together, for example.

    You can make caramel from sugar syrup and pour it over the finished dish. And decorate the dessert with lightly whipped cream.

    By the way, if fatty (33%) cream is whipped with a mixer, they will keep their shape better than the finished product from a bottle sold in a store.

    The benefit of cream is that in terms of nutritional value, concentration of proteins and nutrients, they significantly outperform other dairy products.

    In addition, they contain a whole range of vitamins A, B, PP and C, as well as unique trace elements zinc, fluorine, copper and iodine. It is important to note the presence of useful lecithin, which protects our blood vessels from the formation of plaques and blood clots.

    When using cream together with other products, their digestibility improves to a much greater extent and the time of digestion of food is reduced. This is especially true for hard fruits and vegetables.

    We are accustomed to using cream only mainly for drinks and as a decoration on cakes and holiday pies. But few people know that cream is also an excellent dressing for salads. Of course, recipes with red fish or liver salads with them will not be so hot, but fruit salads turn out great.

    Moreover, the cream can go into the salad itself, or serve as a simple decoration. Possibly both options at the same time. In any case, it is up to you to decide how to use the cream, our job is to introduce you to fruit salads with cream in this issue. Cook and enjoy the delicate taste! Bon appetit!

    Fruit salad with avocado and whipped cream

    Ingredients for making Avocado Salad:

    • avocado - 2 pcs.
    • apples - 2 pcs.
    • kishmish grapes - 160 g
    • pear - 1 pc.
    • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons
    • cream - 50 ml
    • cherry for decoration

    Peel the avocado, remove the bone, cut the flesh into cubes. Cut the apples straight with the skin into slices. Cut the pear in the same way. Cut grapes into halves.

    Squeeze juice from lemon. Add to the main components. Whip the cream with a mixer. Mix the salad. Decorate with whipped cream and cherries.

    Berry and fruit salad with cream

    Essential Ingredients for Fruit Salad:

    • raspberries - 60 g
    • strawberries - 60 g
    • black currant - 60 g
    • white currant - 60 g
    • gooseberries - 60 g
    • apples - 2 pcs.
    • kiwi - 2 pcs.
    • banana - 1 pc.
    • carnation
    • Melissa
    • cream - 140 g

    Cut bananas into slices. Cut apples into cubes of approximately the same size. Peel the kiwi and cut into slices. Mix all ingredients.

    Add raspberries, currants, gooseberries, strawberries. Fill with cream. Mix carefully. Garnish with lemon balm leaves, sprinkle with chopped cloves. Decorate with whipped cream.

    Layered fruit salad with whipped cream

    Ingredients needed to make a layered salad:

    • melon - 150 g
    • gooseberries - 50 g
    • apples - 1 pc.
    • oranges - 1 pc.
    • mango - 1 pc.
    • cream

    Cut the melon into cubes. Peel apples, cut into strips. Cut oranges into cubes. Remove the pit from the mango and cut into slices.

    Put in a salad bowl in layers in the order in which they are listed in the recipe. Be sure to make a layer of cream between each layer. Decorate with mint leaves.

    Fruit salad with cream and raspberry syrup

    • cream - 100 g
    • raspberry syrup - 2.5 tablespoons
    • apples - 1 pc.
    • tangerines - 2 pcs.
    • watermelon - 120 g
    • green leaf lettuce

    Watermelon cut into cubes. Peel apples, cut into cubes. Cut mandarin slices into cubes. Combine salad ingredients. Drizzle with raspberry syrup. Top with heavy cream. To stir thoroughly. Garnish with lettuce leaves.

    Fruit salad with cream - "Funny citruses"

    Ingredients needed to make the salad:

    • oranges - 2 pcs.
    • tangerines - 2 pcs.
    • grapefruit - 1 pc.
    • Melissa
    • fat cream - 90 g
    • sugar to taste
    • bananas - 1 pc.

    Slices of oranges, tangerines, grapefruit cut into slices. Peel bananas, cut into slices. Combine everything. Fill with cream. Mix dynamically. Tear the melissa leaves. Sprinkle over. If too sour add sugar.

    Fruit salad with cream and pineapple

    Ingredients for Pineapple Salad:

    • canned pineapples - 1 jar
    • canned peaches - 1 jar
    • oranges - 2 pcs.
    • apples - 2 pcs.
    • cream

    Cut pineapples and peaches into slices. Cut orange slices into cubes. Cut apples into thin strips. Combine everything in a spacious salad bowl. Top with cream and stir vigorously.

    Fruit salad with Nordic berries and cream

    Ingredients needed to make the salad:

    • cloudberries - 70 g
    • blueberries - 70 g
    • cranberries - 70 g
    • apples - 2 pcs.
    • bananas - 1 pc.
    • cream - 90 g
    • strawberry jam - 2 tablespoons
    • cinnamon powder

    Cut apples into cubes. Cut bananas into slices. Add fresh northern cranberries, cloudberries, blueberries. Mix everything well. Fill with cream. Mix carefully. Cool down. Serve to the table, pouring strawberry jam.

    Fruit salad with prunes topped with whipped cream

    Ingredients needed to make Prunes Salad:

    • prunes - 120 g
    • dried apricots - 120 g
    • apples - 1 pc.
    • oranges - 1 pc.
    • dried pears - 50 g
    • fat cream

    Prunes, dried apricots soak in water, cut into strips. Cut apples into cubes. Cut orange slices into thin slices. Pears cut into pieces. Combine the components of the future salad. Pour in cream. Mix well. Serve chilled.

    Portioned fruit salad with cream - "Stuffed Pear"

    Ingredients needed to prepare a portioned salad:

    • pears - 3 pcs.
    • strawberries - 120 g
    • apricots - 3 pcs.
    • isabella grapes - 90 g
    • cream - 90 grams
    • granulated sugar - 40 g

    Pears cut into halves. Take out the core. Chop the pulp of the pear. Cut strawberries into cubes. Free the apricots from the stone, chop the pulp into strips.

    Cut the grapes in half, if there are seeds, then they must be removed. Mix prepared ingredients. Sugar. Mix. Gently fold into pear halves. Drizzle with cream. Serve in portions of three pear halves.

    Jelly fruit salad with whipped cream

    Ingredients needed to make the salad:

    • granulated sugar - 1.5 cups
    • jelly powder - 3 sachets
    • kiwi - 2 pcs.
    • oranges - 1 pc.
    • sweet apples - 1 pc.
    • banana - 1 pc.
    • chopped walnuts - 90 g
    • wild berries for decoration
    • cream

    Dilute the jelly powder with water, mix. Cut bananas into slices. Peel the kiwi and cut into slices. Slices of oranges cut into slices of the same size.

    Grate sweet apples on a medium grater. Grind walnut kernels in a blender. Put everything in a bowl, sugar. Pour in the jelly and stir. Place in the refrigerator until completely solidified. Take out and decorate with whipped cream and wild berries.

    Simple fruit salad with cream

    Ingredients needed to make a simple salad:

    • bananas - 1 pc.
    • apples - 2 pcs.
    • dried apricots - 50 g
    • cream - 90 g

    Whip the cream with a mixer. Cut bananas into slices. Cut apples into thin strips. Cut dried apricots into halves. Combine everything in a tall salad glass. Mix carefully. Drizzle with cream.

    Fruit salad with cream

    Detailed description: fruit salad with whipped cream recipe with photos of the available ingredients and detailed preparation information taken from several sources.

    In the hot summer, two opposing desires struggle in every housewife. On the one hand, I want to forget about cooking forever and go out to the kitchen only for another glass of cold compote. But what about household members who doomedly roam the rooms and ask with sighs for “something sweet”? Leave your loved ones to the mercy of fate or stand at the stove, like an open-hearth furnace, and give out cake after cake through force?

    No need for sacrifices, because you can always find a compromise! Let's get acquainted with the hit of the season - delicious, budget, easy to prepare and very healthy fruit salads.

    Fruit salad with yogurt: a simple recipe for children with a photo

    This recipe can be a real lifesaver if you've got unexpected guests, and all you have is a few fruits, a jar of yogurt, and some leftover raspberry jam in the fridge.

    • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
    • Servings: 4-5.
    • Kitchen tools: cutting board, knife, salad bowl, bowl for preparing dressing, spoon, bowls for serving (optional).


    • If you are cooking for a child, be sure to take into account the individual characteristics of the body. Some may be allergic to orange, and some to kiwi. Find out in advance the "reaction" to the fruit of your potential young eaters and, if necessary, eliminate the unfavorable ingredient or replace it with any other.
    • This dish will be even healthier if you make your own yogurt for dressing. Today it is very easy to do, just buy a special sourdough and strictly follow the instructions. If you do not have time or do not want to bother too much, you can buy yogurt in the store. But even in this case, give preference to a natural product with a minimum content of dyes.

    1. Rinse all fruits thoroughly under cool running water. Peel three or four apples, remove the core from them and cut into small cubes.

    2. Put the chopped apples in a salad bowl and sprinkle with the juice of one slice of lemon: this way the fruits do not darken and keep a presentable appearance until serving.

    3. Remove the skin from two pears and cut in the same way as the apples.

    4. Also cut the peeled orange into small cubes, but do not grind too much, otherwise all the juice will flow out on the cutting board.

    5. Cut two kiwis into small cubes, of course, without peel.

    6. Finally, chop two bananas, staying true to the same cubes.

    7. Place all chopped fruit in a salad bowl.

    8. Pour 200 g of natural yogurt into a bowl, add 2 tbsp. l. raspberry jam and stir.

    9. Season fruit slices with yogurt and mix gently. Arrange the dessert in bowls or portioned bowls and treat your guests!

    Video cooking recipe

    Fruit salad with ice cream: recipe with photo

    What could be better in the summer heat than vanilla ice cream?! Only a fabulously delicious and refreshing fruit salad with vanilla ice cream!

    • Cooking time: 15 minutes + 30 minutes in the refrigerator.
    • Servings: 3-4.
    • Kitchen tools: cutting board, knife; salad bowl, spoon, bowls for serving.


    How to choose the right ingredients

    • When choosing ice cream, opt for the classic unflavored vanilla ice cream. And if it contains only natural cow's milk, it will be generally wonderful.
    • You can vary the composition of this dish at your own discretion. However, do not overdo it with sour fruits, otherwise the taste of the dessert may deteriorate slightly.

    Step by step cooking recipe

    1. Wash all fruits under running water and peel. Cut the banana lengthwise into 4 pieces and cut into slices about ½ cm thick.

    2. With the rest of the fruits - pear, kiwi and nectarines - do the same.

    3. Put the chopped fruit in a salad bowl and sprinkle with a pinch of cinnamon.

    4. Toss the salad and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

    5. Before serving, put the chilled fruit in portioned bowls and decorate on top with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Bon appetit!

    Video cooking recipe

    Even a schoolboy can cope with such a simple dish. Invite your child to prepare treats for friends on their own, and so that the young cook does not get confused, provide him with this wonderful video instruction.

    Fruit salad with whipped cream

    If you belong to the category of people who cannot imagine any dessert without chocolate, do not refuse fruit salad so categorically. Just sprinkle it with chocolate chips - and you will have everything "in chocolate"!

    • Cooking time: 15 minutes.
    • Servings: 2-3.
    • Kitchen tools: cutting board, knife, salad bowl, spoon.


    How to choose the right ingredients

    • It is important to balance the ripeness of fruits: they should not be either greenish or overripe.
    • Choose any chocolate, depending on your taste preferences and habits.
    • This recipe involves using ready-made whipped cream, which is sold in the culinary section of any store.

    Step by step cooking recipe

    1. Peeled banana cut into oblique slices.

    2. Cut the apple into four parts, remove the core and cut into thin slices.

    3. Cut an orange in the same way as an apple.

    4. Grate 50 g of chocolate.

    5. Mix the fruits, put in a salad bowl, garnish with whipped cream and sprinkle with chocolate chips on top. That's all!

    Video cooking recipe

    Sometimes it’s worth watching a beautiful video to inspire a new culinary achievement, even if it is an ordinary fruit salad - easy to prepare, but no less tasty for that.

    How to serve fruit salad

    • This dessert will add a touch of celebration even to an everyday meal. Therefore, it is worth serving it in a special way, even if no one except you and your loved ones sees it. The ideal option would be portion serving in bowls, in cocktail glasses or simply in tall transparent glasses. By the way, in the latter case, a salad laid out in layers will look very nice.
    • For a festive table, you can come up with something even more interesting, for example, figuredly cut fruit with the help of special vegetable cutter nozzles.
    • Do you want to surprise your guests with originality? Serve a fruit dessert in half a fresh pineapple, from which the pulp is carefully removed beforehand. A coconut or half a ripe mango is also suitable for this purpose.
    • You can decorate the finished dish with multi-colored candied fruit, a pattern of whipped cream, mint leaves, fresh cherries or a scattering of seasonal berries.

    cooking secrets

    • Make sure all ingredients are at the same maturity level.
    • A few drops of lemon juice will help keep the color of the cut fruit.
    • If you think the salad needs a little sweetening, use granulated sugar: it dissolves quickly and won't squeak your teeth.
    • The original texture of the salad is guaranteed by crushed nuts or seeds added in a small amount.
    • How to dress fruit salad? To do this, you can use natural yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese or even cheese. You can give the dessert an original taste if you prepare a special dressing from honey and fragrant herbs such as basil, mint, lemon balm or tarragon. If you are preparing a salad for an "adult" holiday, you can add a little champagne, sweet liqueur or rum to its composition.

    cooking options

    Agree, salad is one of the best achievements of world cuisine. From a minimum set of components and without much effort, you can cook a dessert, an appetizer, and even a hearty dinner. Well, really, not only fruits! ..

    • The brother of the already familiar fruit dessert - fresh vegetable salad -. Such a dish will serve as an excellent side dish for meat or fish, as well as diversify a breakfast of scrambled eggs or a dinner of fried potatoes.
    • Of course, for those who are accustomed to eating densely and satisfyingly, vegetables and fruits alone are indispensable. But even in this case, there is a salad solution: meat salad and its best friend, which for some reason we remember only on New Year's Eve - the classic Olivier with sausage, rush to your aid.
    • There is no time for salads on a fish day, you say? And you will be wrong, because what could be tastier and healthier - vinaigrette with herring -! Complement this dish with fish soup and fish cakes, and believe me, your household will look forward to a fish day.

    Who doesn't love fruit salad? Probably such people simply do not exist! A homemade fruit salad is not only insanely delicious, but also definitely healthy.

    Fruit salad is a great option for a dessert on the festive table, when all the guests have already eaten heavily, there is not always the strength to eat a traditional cake with butter cream, in this case a light fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream will be appreciated by the guests.

    And if you are planning a children's holiday, then you definitely cannot find a more grateful audience for fruit salad than children. Dear friends, I bring to your attention original ideas for fruit salad recipes with photos that may come in handy in preparation for the holiday. Find your favorite fruit salad among these recipes!


    • 150–200 g of strawberries and raspberries
    • 2 large very ripe kiwis
    • 250 ml whipping cream 33%
    • 100 g mascarpone or other cream cheese
    • natural vanilla sugar on the tip of a knife
    • powdered sugar and mint
    • For sauce:
    • 100 g raspberries
    • 100 g sugar


    For the sauce, mix raspberries with sugar in a saucepan, put on medium heat, bring to a boil, rub through a sieve, cool. For the cream, whip the cream until firm. Mix mascarpone with whipped cream, seasoning with vanilla sugar.

    Cut strawberries into 6-8 slices, cut large raspberries in half. Peel and cut the kiwi into 1.5 cm cubes. Make 4 servings by layering the fruit and cream in the chef's ring.

    Remove the ring and drizzle with raspberry sauce.

    For such a salad, you can choose other combinations of seasonal fruits that you have on hand: peaches, plums, dense pears. Do not use only watermelons and melons - they will flow very quickly and destroy the entire structure.

    Fruit salad with ice cream "Emerald"


    • 2 medium green apples
    • 3 large kiwis
    • 300 g green grapes
    • vanilla ice cream


    Kiwi clean and cut into small cubes

    We cut the grapes from the branch. If it is with seeds, cut the berries in half and remove the seeds. If there are no pits, put them whole.

    We remove the core from apples, peel off the skin. cut into cubes

    We mix the fruits in a bowl, then lay them out in bowls. Decorate each serving with a scoop of ice cream.


    • Strawberries - 8 pcs
    • Kiwi - 2 pcs
    • Regular yogurt - 2 cups
    • Corn flakes - ½ cup
    • Honey (optional)


    Put a layer of yogurt (a couple of spoons) in 2 glasses on the bottom.

    Then lay out a layer of chopped strawberries, yogurt, kiwi and cereal.

    Again yogurt - cereal - kiwi - strawberries.

    Garnish with mint.

    For sweetness, you can put a little honey.


    For 2 servings:

    • Apricots - 4 pcs.
    • Peaches - 2 pcs.
    • Cottage cheese - 100g
    • Sour cream - 2 tablespoons
    • Banana (small) - 1 pc.
    • Honey - 2 tsp
    • Vanilla sugar - 0.5 tsp


    Wash apricots and peaches, dry them, remove the stone, cut into small cubes. In a bowl, combine cottage cheese, sour cream, grated banana, honey and vanilla sugar - beat everything with a mixer or blender until smooth.

    Put dessert into bowls or any other dessert container, alternating layers: peaches - cream - apricots - cream - peaches - cream - apricots.

    Salad must be kept in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

    When serving, you can sprinkle with nuts or grated chocolate.


    • cottage cheese - 300 g
    • sour cream - 150 g
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoon
    • gelatin - 1 tbsp. spoon
    • orange - 1 pc.
    • banana - 1 pc.
    • kiwi - 1 pc.


    To prepare a salad, add sour cream and sugar to the cottage cheese.

    Beat the curd mass with a blender.

    Peel the fruit and cut into circles and pieces as you like.

    Boil 100 ml of water and cool slightly. Gradually add gelatin, stirring constantly, stir until completely dissolved.

    Pour water with gelatin into the curd mixture and mix well.

    Put a layer of fruit in the mold.

    Pour over the curd mass and lay out a layer of fruit again.

    So repeat as much as necessary.

    The last layer in the salad should be a layer with curd mass. Decorate with the remaining slices of different fruits.

    Put the fruit salad in the refrigerator for half an hour to cool.

    A very tasty and light dessert salad that is liked by both children and adults. Serve best in a glass or dessert bowl (cremanka).


    • Dried apricots - 200g,
    • Raisins - 100g,
    • Mandarin - 2 pcs.,
    • Pine nuts - 50g,
    • Whipped cream - to taste
    • Ice cream cream or ice cream - 100g.
    • Cookies - for decoration.


    Pour hot water over dried fruits and leave for 15 minutes.

    Remove dried fruit from water. Finely chop dried apricots, combine with raisins and pine nuts.

    Peel the mandarin and divide into slices. Add whole mandarin slices to the salad. Transfer the salad to glasses or bowls.

    Cut the ice cream into cubes (after cooling it slightly), put it on the salad, and pour the whipped cream on top.

    The salad will look beautiful if sprinkled with cookie crumbs on top.


    • Banana - 1-2 pieces
    • Juicy apple (1-2 pieces depending on size)
    • Tangerines 2-3 pcs,
    • Peaches - 3-5 pieces,
    • Kiwi - 2-3 pieces,
    • Nuts (any, you can do without them) - 3-4 tbsp.
    • Dressing: yogurt, whipped cream, condensed milk or powdered sugar.


    In general, any fruit can be used for fruit salad. Just don't go overboard with sour fruits (grapefruit, sour apples, or oranges) or the taste of the salad might go bad. Add a little sour fruit.

    You can also use anything as a dressing. But if you want to lose weight, it is better not to use very sweet dressings, such as jam, preserves or condensed milk (for children, on the contrary, these dressings are best).

    If the salad turned out to be juicy, it is enough to sprinkle it with powdered sugar to remove the acid from the sour fruit. For a festive salad decoration, you can use ice cream and whipped cream as a dressing.

    I melt some of the ice cream and add it to the salad. And on top I spread a scoop of ice cream and along the edge of the salad - whipped cream. Beautiful and delicious!

    How to make fruit salad:

    Clean, cut, mix and season. Easy, fast and simple!

    Plus, it's delicious and healthy! Pamper yourself with such salads more often, you will look very good!

    Fruit salad with coconut flakes "Pina Collada"


    • 1 cup sour cream
    • 1 1/2 cups shredded coconut
    • 200g pineapples, canned in juice
    • 200g mandarin
    • 2-3 large ripe bananas


    Cut bananas into circles, divide tangerines into slices, put everything in a large bowl.

    Add chopped pineapples, season with sour cream, mix and add coconut flakes

    If the salad turned out watery, add more coconut flakes, it will absorb excess moisture.

    Put the finished salad in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.


    • lemon - 1 pc.
    • strawberries - 80-100 gr.
    • grapes - 80-100 gr.
    • kiwi - 80-100 gr.
    • apple - 80-100 gr.
    • banana - 80-100 gr.
    • sour cream - 400 g
    • cream - 3 tbsp. spoons
    • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
    • mint - 2 sprigs


    Scald the lemon and pat dry.

    Grate the zest.

    Squeeze the juice from the pulp of the lemon.

    Cut fruits into pieces.

    Beat sour cream with cream with a mixer until creamy, then flavor with vanilla sugar, lemon juice and grated zest.

    Arrange on plates along with pieces of fruit. Put the dessert in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Decorate the dessert with mint.


    • 2 cups of any chopped fruit
    • 100 grams of chocolate chip cookies
    • 250 ml whipping cream
    • 1 teaspoon powdered sugar

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