Home Second courses How pearl barley grows. What is pearl barley made from? Pearl barley: beneficial properties

How pearl barley grows. What is pearl barley made from? Pearl barley: beneficial properties

It is not for nothing that barley, from which pearl barley is actually made, was one of the main ingredients in the kitchen of our grandmothers. This porridge is one of the healthiest and has properties that strengthen the body. We often forget about this useful product, replacing it with others. Meanwhile, barley is one of the most ancient grains grown by humans. It is believed that almost 10 thousand years ago this culture grew on different continents. And it was especially appreciated where growing other, more demanding grains was impossible.

What is pearl barley

Pearl barley is a product made from barley by removing the bran from the grain, which is then ground and polished. The name of this porridge comes from the old Slavic word “perla”, that is, pearls. Pearl barley grains are oval-shaped and white (or with a yellowish tint).

Barley is generally considered to be one of the earliest “domesticated” crops and remains one of the main grains to this day. Ancient civilizations used this plant as food for themselves and animals. Mentioned in the Bible as one of the seven foods intended for sacrifice, the ancient Babylonians made wine from barley as early as 2800 BC. In addition, the ancients used barley for many medicinal purposes. In the Middle Ages, this crop gained its popularity due to the high cost of wheat. Many Europeans in those days baked bread from a mixture of rye and barley flour, and only on special occasions did wheat baked goods appear on the table.

This plant adapts well to any environmental conditions. We can say that barley grows even where nothing grows. By the way, the progenitor of modern barley still “lives” in Israel, Egypt, India, Pakistan, and China. For industrial purposes, this cereal is grown in the Russian Federation, Germany, Spain, France, Canada and the USA.

The nutritional value

Pearl barley is a leader in content, it is rich in vitamins and. This cereal contains, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. It contains (necessary for better absorption of calcium and phosphorus by the body), vitamins A and E, which are responsible for the beauty of nails, hair, skin, as well as vitamin K, necessary for normalizing blood clotting.

Among the microelements contained in pearl barley porridge, there are especially large reserves of iron, calcium and potassium. In addition, barley contains selenium, copper, zinc, manganese, and other beneficial components.

As for proteins, the proteins contained in barley are much richer than those in wheat. Pearl barley contains a lot of vitamins, which is involved in the synthesis of collagen (necessary for maintaining skin elasticity and protecting against the appearance of early wrinkles).

Nutritional value per 100 g of product
Calorie content 123 kcal
2.4 g
0.5 g
28.2 g
7 IU
0.81 mcg
0.12 mg
0.13 mg
2.12 mg
0.15 mg
0.13 mg
16.2 mcg
13.4 mg
11.2 mg
1.31 mg
22.2 mg
54 mg
93 mg
3.2 mg
0.81 mg
0.11 mg
0.33 mg
8.6 mcg

Benefits for the body

Pearl barley belongs to the porridges that do not contain gluten and do not have any serious contraindications for consumption. It is believed that pearl barley is especially useful for pregnant and nursing mothers, as well as for people:

  • with high coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis;
  • with inflammatory and other bowel diseases;
  • with weakened immunity.

This porridge is also recommended as a product that prevents the growth of malignant tumors, diseases of the genitourinary and nervous systems, and prevents anemia and gallbladder disease. Interestingly, barley groats improve lactation and also have antiviral properties.

Rich Source of Fiber

Barley is one of the best sources of fiber among cereals. But the main feature is that the dietary fiber in this porridge is presented in a fraction called beta-glucan. This is water-soluble fiber, which, when entering the body, absorbs moisture and provides a feeling of satiety. But this is not even the main advantage of beta-glucans. Studies have shown that these substances can significantly reduce cholesterol levels. According to the results of the experiment, people whose daily diet contains at least 3 g of beta-glucans have 19-24% lower cholesterol levels than people who do not consume barley.

By the way, beta-glucan can often be seen in the list of ingredients of various products. Meanwhile, experiments have shown that the “chemical” glucan is not as effective as the natural substance in pearl barley. Interestingly, 100 g of cereal contains approximately 4.3-5.3 mg of beta-glucan.

In addition, the special fiber contained in pearl barley improves metabolism, thereby preventing a sharp increase in blood glucose concentrations. For this reason, barley is considered a porridge good for diabetics.

Beneficial properties for the gastrointestinal tract

The special chemical composition of pearl barley makes it beneficial for the intestines. Pearl barley helps restore healthy microflora, on which, as is known, a person’s overall well-being and immunity depend. In addition, pearl barley porridge and a decoction from it have enveloping properties, which makes these products useful for people with ulcers and gastritis.

Healthy Bones

Iron, phosphorus, calcium, manganese, magnesium, zinc are the minerals that are necessary to maintain bone strength and proper bone structure. And all of them are contained in sufficient quantities in pearl barley. A balance of phosphate and calcium is essential for proper bone mineralization. Consuming too much phosphorus and not enough calcium leads to bone loss. But you don’t have to worry about this if you have room for pearl barley in your diet. In addition, manganese, as well as iron and zinc, are necessary for the formation of collagen in the body, which is important for maintaining healthy joints.

strong heart

Fiber, potassium, vitamins B6 and B9, which are part of pearl barley, are important components for maintaining heart health.

Barley, as noted, is an excellent source of fiber, which helps lower cholesterol, which in turn is important for preventing heart problems. On the other hand, a daily intake of 4 mg of potassium has been shown to reduce the risk of death from coronary heart disease by 49%. And vitamin B6 and folic acid, which are present in pearl barley, prevent the accumulation of a substance known as homocysteine. Its excessive amount leads to problems with blood vessels and heart muscle.

Porridge against cancer

Among the useful components that make up pearl barley is selenium. This substance plays an important role for the liver - it helps cleanse the tissues of this organ from carcinogenic compounds. In addition, selenium prevents inflammation, reduces the growth rate of malignant tumors, improves immunity and stimulates the body's production of so-called T-substances, which resist cancer cells.

Protection against gallstones

By following a diet rich in dietary fiber (and barley is one of them), you can avoid the formation of gallstones. This is according to a group of American scientists who conducted a study over 16 years with the participation of about 70 thousand women. Researchers have calculated that regular consumption of insoluble fiber reduces the risk of gallstones by 13-17%. Scientists believe that insoluble fiber from pearl barley promotes the movement of food through the intestines and reduces the secretion of bile acids, which, in fact, provoke the formation of stones.

For skin treatment

But as it turned out, not only pearl barley, but also the water in which the porridge was boiled or soaked brings benefits to humans. In this liquid, scientists found antibacterial substances, in particular hordecin. This substance is useful for treating fungal skin diseases.

The liquid in which the porridge was cooked was used by our ancestors as a medicinal remedy since ancient times. In folk medicine, this decoction enjoyed the fame of a remedy that:

  • improves lactation;
  • treats the liver;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • strengthens the body;
  • treats diseases of the mammary glands;
  • relieves coughs and colds.

In addition, today they say that this decoction helps prevent the growth of cancer.

Side effects

Barley is a grain that contains gluten. For this reason, people with celiac disease should avoid pearl barley porridge. It is also important to remember that pearl barley is an extremely fiber-rich product. This means that it is important for lovers of this porridge to take care of sufficient water consumption. Otherwise, constipation cannot be avoided. In addition, there is an opinion that excessive consumption of this porridge reduces libido in men.

Use in cooking

After heat treatment, barley grain acquires a nutty flavor, which makes it a product that goes perfectly with savory sauces, herbs, vegetables and even fruits. By the way, you can replace pearl barley without spoiling the taste of the dish.

To get the ideal consistency of the porridge, it is recommended to cook pearl barley in a proportion of 3 parts water and 2 parts porridge. Mix the ingredients in a saucepan, add a little oil and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat slightly, stir and cook under a closed lid for about 20 minutes (stir from time to time so that the porridge does not burn). Salt when the pearl barley is soft and almost ready.

Barley is a cereal loved by many cooks, since the porridge made from it is universal. It has a unique taste that allows it to be combined with both salty and sweet dishes.

Pearl barley porridge is harmonious with meat and vegetarian dishes. It is used to prepare desserts, milk soups, and casseroles. It is used to make stuffing for cabbage rolls, pancakes, and also added to minced meat.

Application in cosmetology

And pearl barley is a porridge of beauty. This is what women in many countries call this cereal. And they have every reason for this. Being a rich source of many vitamins, this product is extremely beneficial for skin, hair and nails. The easiest way to use it is to eat it. But this porridge can also be used to make masks, scrubs and tonics. Pearl masks restore the skin's former elasticity. Masks made from this miracle porridge are especially useful for the skin of the eyelids.

Mask for the face

Add milk to the pearl barley and cook (until a porridge is formed, the consistency of which resembles thick). While still warm, spread the finished mixture in an even layer over the skin of the face and décolleté. Keep for at least half an hour. Rinse off with warm water. Repeat this procedure at least 2 times a week for a month. The result is tightened, fresh skin without wrinkles.

Pearl tonic

Pour a tablespoon of ground pearl barley into a glass of boiling water and boil (cook for about 20 minutes over low heat). Cool the finished broth, strain, add a little vegetable oil and a few drops of lavender in the form of essential oil to the liquid. Use to cleanse and nourish the skin. This product is good for preventing early aging of facial skin.

Barley is an amazing grain with a versatile taste. When the weather outside is cold and humid, a large pot of aromatic pearl barley and meat will warm, satiate and replenish essential minerals, proteins and vitamins.

By its name, pearl barley goes back to the old Russian word “pearl”, which was used to call river pearls. What was the reason for this: appearance, color or size is not known for certain today. But pearl barley has a truly precious composition, including a large number of useful vitamins, amino acids, macro and microelements. It is not for nothing that it is called “porridge of health and beauty”; it has many benefits, and the price for it is minimal.

Cultivated cereals began to be grown in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa during the early Neolithic period. The porridge obtained from barley gave strength and energy, so it quickly gained popularity.

And pearl barley is called pearl barley in Russia. Some sources claim that such a beautiful name was invented by one of the Russian sovereigns, who loved everything French. Whether it was a king or a court cook who decided to replace the common people’s “yachka” with the noble “perlovka” is now impossible to find out. But at the gala reception on the occasion of the accession to the throne of Alexander III in 1883, one of the dishes was listed as “pearl barley soup.”

What grain is pearl barley made from?

The cereal, which received such a noble name, is produced from barley of the cereal family. Barley is an annual plant, the height of wild species ranges from 30 to 60 cm, cultivated varieties grow up to 90 cm. The stems of the cereal are straight with long, flat, smooth leaves 2–3 cm wide. The spike is usually 10 cm.

The unpretentious crop is grown in different regions of the world: from the northwestern regions of Russia to mountainous regions, as well as countries with hot climates. Seeds germinate at low temperatures of 1–3 °C, and 18 °C is enough for them to ripen. Barley is a fast-ripening cereal: its ripening period ranges from 48 to 110 days. It manages to ripen during the short northern summer and hot southern weather. The culture can withstand droughts and is not so demanding on moisture. Today winter and spring barley are grown.

Barley grains, purified in a special way, are such a useful, undeservedly forgotten pearl barley. It is produced at cereal factories, where triple sequential cleaning of grain from debris occurs. Next, the barley enters grinding machines for peeling. The grain is processed several times, periodically removing the husks in an aspirator.

The final stages are grinding and polishing, when the product acquires a marketable appearance. Now all that remains is to sort it by number and send it to the warehouse. According to their size, grains in Soviet commodity research were assigned to one of five numbers: an elongated shape with a longitudinal groove and rounded edges - these are products No. 1, 2, the other three numbers were assigned to grains of a more rounded shape.

Flour is made from barley. But it is not very popular among consumers due to its poor baking properties. Typically, such flour is appreciated by lovers of healthy eating.

And from purified and polished grain one of the following types of product is obtained:

  1. Regular cereal, where the husks have been removed from the grains. The finished dish is very tasty, but a bit harsh.
  2. Barley groats are crushed grains of barley of various shapes without films. Suitable for quick cooking of viscous, homogeneous porridges.
  3. “Dutch” - the purified grain is given a rounded shape. The porridge from it cooks faster and has a delicate consistency.

Helpful information

Pearl barley is the same barley, stripped of its grain shells. This unique culture fed people in deserts, the Arctic, mountains, and plains. Barley was mentioned in the Old Testament, Homer's Iliad, where goat cheese, onions and barley were served at meals.

Previously, a barley grain served as a certain measure. The English barleycorn, adopted in the British Isles several centuries ago, was equal to the length of an average barley grain. Today's inch is the length of three grains. She didn’t bypass the weight system either:

  • five grains (0.048 g) was 1 carat;
  • 70 grains - 14 carats;
  • 100 respectively 20 and so on.

Everyone enjoys this porridge, but there is one drawback: long cooking time. To get a swollen porridge you have to wait up to an hour and a half. Then you get a crumbly side dish, and the initial volume can increase up to five times. Housewives long ago came up with a trick: they placed washed grains in a thermos overnight, poured boiling water over them, and closed them tightly. In the morning, the rich crumbly pearl barley was ready.

Tsar Peter I loved porridge, one of which was called Dragomirovskaya. It was porridge prepared in a special way. The grains were poured with cold water overnight, and in the morning the swollen mass was poured into boiling milk. Everyone languished for two hours. Served with berries, honey, butter.

Today, pearl barley has been undeservedly ignored by chefs and housewives. Although it did not occupy the last place in traditional Russian cuisine. They prepared stews, pickles, and porridges with meat, poultry, mushrooms, and vegetables with it. What prevented its introduction in our kitchens was the prevailing stereotype about the cheapness and insignificance of the product that was fed to prisoners and soldiers in the Soviet Union.

But today the chefs paid attention to the royal porridge. Grains even began to be included in complex haute cuisine dishes. Ideal for stuffing. Newfangled cream soups and salads are prepared with it. There are many recipes for how to cook delicious pickle, meat dish or salad.

The grain is used in foreign cuisines. For example, mulgimaa is a popular Estonian dish, a calling card of expensive restaurants. For him, cereals are stewed with cabbage and meat. In Italy, orzotto is prepared from it, which, thanks to Julia Vysotskaya, received the name perlotto. This dish's recipe is similar to traditional risotto. Coq-a-licky is the name of a Scottish soup with chicken and prunes. In German and French cuisine, this product is included in minced sausages, and in Britain and North America it is one of the ingredients for soups and pates.

Composition of macro and microelements

Fans of this porridge are not at risk of vitamin deficiency; it contains almost all the beneficial substances necessary for humans. It is simply a storehouse of vitamins, macro and microelements, and also a cheap natural product given by nature.

It contains:

  1. Amino acids, including lysine, involved in the production of antibodies and hormones, and have an antiviral effect. It helps protect the body from various infections and slows down skin aging. Lysine is not often found; it is found in soy and red meat. But it is cereal that has the largest amount of this amino acid.
  2. Unique composition of minerals and trace elements. For example, 100 g of grains contain 93 mg of potassium, 22 mg of magnesium, 12 mg of iron, 54 mg of phosphorus, which is twice as much as its presence in other grains. Phosphorus is necessary for normal metabolism and good brain function. And this is not counting other minerals.
  3. The composition includes water-soluble B vitamins: from B1 to B6, B9, which affect the normal functioning of the central nervous system, vitamin K (0.8 mcg per 100 g of cereal), which plays a large role in the metabolic reactions of body tissues and helps in the absorption of calcium. Pearl barley contains beta-carotene, called the “source of youth and longevity”; there are 5 mcg of it per 100 g of product.

One hundred grams of barley contains 9.91 g of protein, 1.16 g of fat, 77.72 g of carbohydrates. This also includes 10 g of water, 15.6 g of dietary fiber. It is superior to wheat in protein and fiber content. This makes it possible to better remove waste and toxins resulting from the activity of opportunistic intestinal microflora.

Benefits and harms

Peter I’s favorite porridge is incredibly healthy, but it may have some contraindications that should be taken into account when preparing the diet of sick people, as well as when introducing new products into baby food.

Beneficial features

The benefits of pearl barley were known in ancient times. No wonder Ibn Sina argued that barley does an excellent job of cleansing the body. A bonus to using this product will be getting rid of allergies and clearing the skin of fungal infections.

The value is as follows:

  1. When treating diseases of the digestive system, pearl barley is able to envelop the mucous surface of the stomach, eliminating pain.
  2. It has a hepatoprotective effect, positively affecting the liver. And silicic acid helps break down kidney stones.
  3. Cereal decoctions can stop the growth of malignant tumors and have a general strengthening effect. Other beneficial properties include expectorant and diuretic qualities.
  4. I use pearl barley to increase lactation when feeding infants. Previously, semi-cooked barley was used to treat diseases of the mammary glands.
  5. Constant use can have a positive effect on vision, restore skin, and strengthen teeth enamel.
  6. The vitamin E contained in the product helps maintain youthful skin, as well as the whole body.


Due to the presence of a large amount of gluten, pearl barley should be consumed with caution by pregnant women, patients recovering from surgery. It is not recommended for high acidity of the gastric mucosa, which can cause indigestion and constipation. Porridge is introduced into baby food after four years of age.

When is the best time to eat pearl barley?

A proper diet allows you to eat pearl barley no more than three times a week. Then we can talk about a beneficial effect on the human body. Like many cereals, it is better to eat it for breakfast, since the carbohydrates it contains are absorbed slowly. Which allows you to feel full longer.

Soups and salads are usually eaten during lunch. It is not recommended to consume cereal at night. The ongoing digestion process can lead to insomnia.

Simple and delicious recipes

Barley is not only porridge, but also many delicious dishes, including soups, salads, cutlets, winter preparations, pilaf and even drinks. Experienced housewives usually soak the cereal overnight to get rid of excess stickiness. The barley cooks for a long time, almost an hour, then increases its volume five times. It goes well with meat, poultry, and fried vegetables.

Barley with chicken in a pot


  • 1 glass of cereal;
  • 600 g chicken;
  • 1 onion;
  • salt, black pepper, bay leaf.

Place fried onions on the bottom of the pot, then pieces of chicken. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Add washed cereal. Fill everything with water so that the liquid level is 1 cm above the grains. Place in an oven heated to 180° for 2.5 hours.

Barley with champignons


  • 500 g cereal;
  • 500 g mushrooms;
  • 1–2 onions;
  • 1 carrot;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Boil the cereal until crumbly. Fry the mushrooms, add chopped onions and grated carrots. Simmer everything together for another 10 minutes. Combine the ingredients, then keep them on low heat for 10 minutes.

Barley cutlets


  • 1 glass of cereal;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • oil for frying.

Boil the cereal and pass it through a meat grinder along with the vegetables. Add salt and pepper.

After mixing the resulting mass, form cutlets and roll them in flour.

Fry on both sides until golden brown. Then close the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.

Diet food and pearl barley

Pearl barley is one of the inexpensive products known for its dietary properties. The fiber it contains can cleanse the body of waste and toxins, and some components prevent the formation of fatty deposits.

The calorie content of cereal per 100 g is as follows:

  • dry product - 324 kcal;
  • porridge on water - 109 kcal;
  • with vegetables - 82 kcal;
  • with chicken - 103 kcal.

Moreover, the food turns out to be satisfying, leaving you feeling full for a long time.

The product is recommended by doctors for people with diabetes. Barley helps normalize sugar levels, but only a doctor should prescribe proper nutrition. Barley products are used in diets, as they contain a large amount of fiber and cleanse the body of harmful substances contained in it.

There is a special pearl barley diet, which is carried out for five days. During this time, cereals, fruits, boiled fish, and fermented milk products remain in the diet. The result of such nutrition can be the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, cleansing of the body, and the disappearance of several kilograms.

Barley is an affordable food, undeservedly forgotten by our contemporaries. The harm from it is minimal, but the benefits to the body are great. It allows you to normalize the functioning of many organs, lose excess weight, and look younger.

Cereals are beneficial for the body due to their high content of vitamins and proteins. Among them, pearl barley, or, as it is more often called, pearl barley, occupies a special place. It is one of the most popular healthy cereals present on our table. It is an excellent low-calorie, low-cholesterol food and a source of dietary fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals.

This cereal has been valued at all times. In Ancient Greece they believed that it strengthens intellectual abilities, lifts the mood, and invigorates. This is true, as confirmed by modern research by scientists.

Pearl barley types

The name of the cereal comes from the Old Russian word “pearls”, which means river pearls. The grain acquired such an unusual comparison due to its similarity in shape, shade and polished surface to precious pearls.

Among our great-grandfathers, pearl barley was considered a royal dish. This product has excellent nutritional value.

Pearl barley is obtained from barley. Barley is the oldest grain crop. It is grown in both temperate and subtropical climates. This grain crop is less demanding on soil compared to wheat. Externally, their grains are similar, only in barley they are smaller and rounder.

In order for the grain to be called pearl barley, they are cleared of the outer shell and polished, which facilitates further preparation.

Currently, several types of cereals are produced from barley:

Dutch pearl barley - during the production of this variety, barley grains are separated from the awning segments and formed into balls. Used to prepare porridge with a more delicate structure;

Whole grains, peeled from the outer shell. Used in preparing porridge, first courses and various fillings;

Yachka is finely ground pearl barley that has not undergone the grinding process. It is called barley groats.

Most often, when preparing everyday dishes, housewives use ordinary pearl barley made from polished, peeled barley.

Why is pearl barley useful? chemical composition

Cereal grains contain a wide range of useful substances, which makes the product superior to other grains in terms of medicinal properties and effects on the internal organs of the body. Barley is often called the “queen of porridges”, this is entirely due to its beneficial composition.

Among the elements found in pearl barley, the largest part are:

Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol);

Vitamin A (retinol);

B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic and folic acid, choline, pyridoxine);

Vitamin K (phylloquinone);

Macro- and microelements: zinc, molybdenum, fluorine, manganese, iron, copper, chromium, cobalt, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, sulfur.

In addition, it contains:

Alimentary fiber;

Complex carbohydrates;

Amino acids.

The calorie content of 100 grams of cereal is about 315-320 kilocalories.

Useful properties of pearl barley

Considering that pearl barley is made from barley, the cereal contains all the qualities of this cereal. The product contains a sufficient amount of natural fiber. It is known to be needed for normal intestinal function and acts as a panicle for the human body. Dietary fiber helps to effectively cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins and deposits accumulated on its surface, normalizes bowel movements and prevents constipation.

Barley decoction is used in the presence of inflammation in the stomach. This is especially true for recovery after surgical intervention in the peritoneal area.

You can use water or milk for preparation. The decoction is prepared as follows:

250 grams of washed cereal grains are poured with 1.5 liters of boiling liquid.

After boiling, boil for 15-20 minutes. The resulting product has the consistency of homemade sour cream. No need to strain. You can add salt or sugar to taste.

Take the decoction three times a day, 100–150 grams. The finished mixture can be stored for no more than 24 hours in the refrigerator.

With regular use of the product, the cholesterol-lowering effect is enhanced, thanks to which you can completely cleanse the body of it and bring its content back to normal.

Retinol contained in pearl barley is important for maintaining immunity. Without a well-coordinated immune system, it is impossible to resist viruses and various diseases.

Vitamin A helps protect the respiratory tract from pathogenic microbes and enhances the protective functions of mucous membranes. The daily requirement of this vitamin for an adult is 900 mcg, and 100 grams of pearl barley porridge contains 1.2 mcg of the substance.

Pearl barley contains a sufficient amount of silicic acid, which is very useful for the prevention of stones in the kidneys, gall bladder and bladder.

Cereals contain water-soluble vitamins that need to be constantly replenished with food or multivitamin complexes. But they are absorbed better and faster with food.

B vitamins normalize metabolic processes, speed up metabolism, and regulate the functioning of many other body systems. They are important for the nervous system and participate in the transmission of nerve impulses.

Pearl barley contains three times more of them compared to some other cereals. It is thanks to the presence of these vitamins that pearl barley dishes are recommended to be included in the diet during periods of stressful situations, tension, and overwork.

Phosphorus helps regulate the functioning of the circulatory system, improves the absorption of other useful elements and brain activity. It is involved in maintaining bone health.

Amino acids support heart function, participate in recovery processes, protect against viral infections, and promote the breakdown of fats.

Complex carbohydrates help keep you feeling full longer by releasing energy slowly.

The presence of two or three cereal dishes in the weekly menu will bring invaluable benefits to the body, helping to prevent various diseases. It is especially useful for allergies. It is used for poisoning and hangover.

Contraindications and harm

If consumed in excess, even the healthiest product can cause harm. With regard to pearl barley, the problem may be the gluten contained in the product, which, if the norm is exceeded, can lead to the leaching of calcium from the body.

Lack of calcium leads to the development of rickets in children under 6 years of age, and makes bones brittle and brittle in people over fifty.

Doctors advise using it with caution if you are prone to flatulence and frequent constipation.

During the period of exacerbation of peptic ulcers, it is better to completely abandon the use of pearl barley, because coarse fiber can lead to additional stress on the stomach and intestines.

Individual intolerance is possible, in which cereals are completely excluded from the diet.

In childhood, barley can be included in small portions in the diet after the age of three.

Use in cooking

Most often, pearl barley is used to prepare porridge and pickle. True, not everyone loves this porridge equally. It evokes the least delight among men who have served in the army and have eaten their fill of it.

Cereals can be used to make a variety of puddings, soups, and pickles. You can also add it to jelly and flour products.

Classic pearl barley harmonizes perfectly with meat, mushroom and fish dishes. In combination with a fresh salad or assorted vegetables, it will also suit your taste.

By adding a small amount of cereal to the goulash, the dish will acquire a delicate aroma and a pleasant thick consistency.

You can replace the usual rice with pearl barley in the process of preparing cabbage rolls.

Considering the ability of pearl barley to retain liquid, you can add it to the minced meat, which will make it soft and elastic.

For children's meals, cereals are prepared with the addition of milk, apples, dried apricots, quince or raisins. The presence of sweet and healthy ingredients will help feed even the most picky kids a healthy dish.

A pleasant surprise will be porridge cooked with honey, apple or cherry juice. The dish will turn out incredibly aromatic and pleasant to the taste.

How to cook pearl barley

In order for pearl barley to become both a tasty and healthy dish, it is important to know how to prepare it correctly.

To make the cereal tasty and healthy, you need to adhere to the following rules.

Carefully sort and clean from foreign inclusions;

Soak for several hours before cooking, preferably overnight;

Small grains (barley) do not need to be soaked;

Before cooking, it is best to fry it in a dry frying pan;

Do not stir the porridge during cooking;

It is best to cook over medium or low heat so that it heats and cooks evenly.

Pearl barley: how to choose and store

Pearl barley can be bought by weight or packaged in cardboard boxes or transparent plastic bags. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the purity of the cereal and the presence of foreign impurities in it.

The cost of cereal is not high, even lower than millet or semolina.

GOST 5784-60 for barley cereals was developed back in 1960 and has not been processed since then. The shelf life of cereals is determined by GOST R 51074-2003.

As a rule, the maximum shelf life, subject to storage rules, is from 12 to 18 months. For pearl barley from Belarusian producers – 24 months.

Pearl barley for weight loss

Despite the fact that 100 grams of pearl barley contains about 320 kilocalories, it is classified as a dietary product. Therefore, it is quite suitable for maintaining a figure and normalizing weight.

Barley is rich in amino acids and fiber, which improve and normalize the functioning of the digestive system and help remove waste and toxins from the body.

Carbohydrates break down slowly and relieve hunger, helping you stay energetic for a long time.

When consuming pearl barley, the body is saturated with many beneficial nutrients and gets rid of everything unnecessary.

A popular diet is called “Six Grains”, which is designed for one week during which you are allowed to eat only millet, wheat and barley groats, rice, oatmeal and barley. On the seventh day, porridge is prepared from all these grains.

All the beneficial properties of cereals for weight loss completely depend on the method of its preparation. Before cooking, it needs to be soaked overnight to activate the germination process.

You can add fresh fruits or berries, dried fruits, kefir, juice to it. The only thing that should not be there is salt and sugar.

Such a diet will get rid of extra pounds and will have a positive effect on health without causing severe stress to the body.

You can eat pearl barley when your liver hurts

Many nutritionists are against including cereals in the diet for liver and stomach diseases, arguing that they are heavy foods.

These statements are not entirely true. It has a positive effect on the entire body, including the liver. The main thing is to prepare it correctly.

Pearl barley for diabetes

Barley contains many useful substances that can serve as a preventive measure for type 2 diabetes. It is able to regulate and reduce blood sugar levels.

Pearl barley is, of course, a healthy and nutritious food product. To maintain and maintain good health, our menu should be as varied as possible. Cereals must be present in it, including pearl barley.

Test purchase: how to choose pearl barley

The beneficial properties of porridge depend on what grain pearl barley is made from. The product is made from barley grains, which are previously cleared of bran and polished. The plant is rich in vitamins, micro and macroelements, fiber. It is widely used in folk medicine to treat diseases of internal organs, as well as to get rid of excess weight.

There are several ways to process barley. Depending on what type is used in production, different cereals are produced:

Pearl barley

Cereals are simply barley grains cleared of unnecessary bran. It is easy and quick to prepare, has good taste, and is also able to quickly saturate the body. It is precisely this kind of processing that barley is introduced into the soldiers’ diet.


To make this type of porridge, peeled pearl barley is taken, then it is thoroughly crushed and ground. The finished barley porridge is softer and more uniform, unlike pearl barley.


A special type of pearl barley. The difference between porridge is in the shape of the grains; mature and peeled barley seeds are rolled out into a spherical shape. This does not change their taste in any way, but cooking is much faster.

Composition and benefits of pearl barley

Knowing what pearl barley is made from, you can calmly correlate its usefulness with the original product, that is, barley.

Its grains contain a huge range of vitamins and substances beneficial to the body that help the human body grow, develop and function:

  • Vitamin A– maintains immune defense at the proper level, prevents the accumulation of cholesterol, and has a positive effect on visual abilities. In addition, the vitamin participates in metabolic processes and accelerates the skin’s ability to regenerate.
  • Vitamins B– helps the nervous system function normally, improves the ability of nerve fibers to conduct impulses, stimulates memory. Also, some vitamins from this group are involved in the production of blood cells and contribute to the saturation of the blood with hemoglobin.
  • Vitamin E– improves the functioning of the immune system, prevents the development of seizures, cardiac ischemia and cataracts. It also has a great effect on the condition of the skin - it increases elasticity and inhibits aging mechanisms.

The high content of various elements of the periodic table makes pearl barley even more useful and attractive for people who monitor their diet and health:

  • Manganese– has a positive effect on reproductive health, promotes the growth and development of the human body as a whole.
  • Selenium– sufficient selenium intake guarantees the normal condition of the thyroid gland. People who regularly consume pearl barley are less susceptible to pathologies of this organ of the endocrine system.
  • Phosphorus– promotes the development, growth and strengthening of bone tissue. Also improves brain activity and muscle endurance.
  • Zinc– helps the human genital organs to develop properly, activates the body’s protective factors.
  • Calcium– is a building element for the skeletal system, in older age it maintains bone hardness and prevents frequent fractures.
  • Iron– participates in oxygen exchange and the creation of hemoglobin, thanks to which the blood carries oxygen to the tissues.
  • Magnesium and potassium– improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, maintain the myocardium (heart muscle) in the correct functional state, and also make blood vessels more elastic.

In addition, pearl barley porridge is rich in fiber and acquires a mucous structure during cooking. It helps to cope with problems of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis with different acidity (except for strongly acidic), ulcerative lesions, colitis.

Benefits for the male body

There is an opinion that pearl barley, regardless of how it is prepared, can increase potency in men. To achieve results, you need to eat barley porridge at least once a week. You can cook soups, pilaf, or simply boil cereals. After just 1-2 months, the duration of sexual intercourse and erection strength will improve.

You can achieve better results if, along with pearl barley, you introduce into your diet foods that have a positive effect on male strength:

  • garlic (can be added in large quantities to pearl barley pilaf);
  • olive oil (suitable for dressing salads, you can also add a little to the finished porridge);
  • seafood and fish;
  • spices (ginger, cinnamon, curry).

Benefits for women

Any girl wants to stay young and beautiful for as long as possible. Due to its lysine content, pearl barley can help in this matter. With regular consumption of cereals, the amount of collagen increases, as a result, the condition of the skin significantly improves and elasticity is maintained.

Due to the anatomical features of the structure of the genitourinary system, the weaker sex often suffers from cystitis. Barley has a diuretic effect; its frequent use cleanses the bladder and prevents inflammation from developing. In chronic cases, it is recommended to introduce pearl barley porridge into the diet to prevent exacerbation of the disease.

Nursing mothers can drink a decoction of barley. Daily consumption will improve the quality and increase the quantity of breast milk.

Barley for pregnant women

While carrying a child, a woman’s body consumes large amounts of vitamins and microelements every day. They are necessary for the proper development of the fetus. Barley contains almost all the substances that are needed for mother and baby.

Phosphorus improves metabolism and promotes the proper development of the child’s skeletal system. It also strengthens the skeleton of the expectant mother, which is susceptible to increased stress during pregnancy.

Vitamins normalize the general condition of the body and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of the pregnant woman and baby.

Potassium is needed for the functioning of the heart, which during this special period pumps blood not through one, but through two organisms.

The iron contained in pearl barley plays a special role. During pregnancy, iron deficiency anemia often develops, as a result the body of the mother and fetus suffers from oxygen starvation. Consumption of barley helps prevent iron deficiency.

Harm of pearl barley

What are the benefits and harms of pearl barley? If consumed carelessly, cereal can only cause disorders in the functioning of the digestive system or, extremely rarely, provoke the appearance of allergic reactions.

Since porridge is quite difficult to digest, there are groups of people who need to introduce it into their diet with great caution:

  1. For pregnant women, pearl barley porridge is useful both for the development of the baby and for herself. But if a pregnant woman’s body is not accustomed to such food, then eating pearl barley can cause heaviness in the stomach area, abdominal pain, and accumulation of gases.
  2. Children under three years of age - in young children, the digestive system is not yet mature enough, so it is difficult for it to cope with pearl barley.
  3. People suffering from flatulence.
  4. People who have very high acidity in the stomach.

When used correctly, without fanaticism, pearl barley shows its best qualities and brings exceptional benefits.

Application of cereals

Pearl barley porridge is used not only in cooking to prepare delicious dishes, but also for treatment in alternative medicine, weight loss, and also in cosmetology.

Diet with barley

Despite the fact that the caloric content of cereal is high, it is often used for weight loss. The product is rich in plant proteins, which, unlike proteins of animal origin, are completely absorbed and are not deposited in the body. With a balanced and properly selected diet, pearl barley porridge promotes rapid weight loss, but while preserving muscle tissue.

Barley also contains a lot of slow carbohydrates, they are gradually broken down and gradually absorbed, so after a bowl of cereal porridge, a person does not feel hungry for a long time.

Face masks made from pearl barley

Pearl barley masks have a tonic effect on the skin, tighten it, make wrinkles more invisible and restore elasticity to the eyelids.

  1. Grind the cereal into a fine paste and add hot water to form a thick paste. Wait until the mixture cools to room temperature. Soak cotton swabs in the finished mask and place on closed eyes; distribute the remaining mixture evenly over the surface of the face. Keep the mask for 30-40 minutes, after the time has elapsed, rinse the porridge with warm water.
  2. Grind 50 g of pearl barley porridge and beat the raw egg white into the resulting flour. Stir, add a tablespoon of tomato juice and blend thoroughly in a blender. After this, add a drop of chamomile oil. The mask should be applied to clean facial skin, kept for 20-30 minutes, and rinsed off with warm water. This procedure removes excess oil from the skin, making it matte and smooth.

Barley dishes

It is important to know how to cook pearl barley so as not to lose its beneficial properties and preserve its taste.

  1. Before cooking, it is better to soak the grains in cold water for at least 3 hours, preferably overnight. Soaking promotes better absorption of vitamins and microelements; in addition, the product will swell and its volume can be more accurately determined.
  2. It is necessary to maintain the proportion of water and grains. For liquid porridge the ratio is 1:4, for a more crumbly dish it is 1:2.5.
  3. The longer the porridge is cooked, the tastier it is. Previously, barley was cooked for about 6 hours; in the modern pace of life, it is difficult to devote so much time to the cooking process. For soaked cereal, 1.5-2 hours will be enough.
  4. The best dressing for barley is butter. But you can add it only when the porridge is completely ready.

When properly prepared and consumed, pearl barley porridge can bring enormous benefits. An undoubted advantage is that almost everyone can eat pearl barley. It has no contraindications.

Greetings to all my readers! Men who served in the army in Soviet times simply hated this cereal, or rather the porridge made from it, and called it tarpaulin. Because pearl barley was in their diet almost every day. Due to its unpopularity, in 2011 it was decided to change the diet of military personnel and use barley only as an addition to first courses. Although cheap pearl barley is still one of the food products in prisons. Maybe it was not for nothing that they gave this porridge to the soldiers then? Let's figure out what benefits, and maybe harm, there is from this cereal.

Pearl barley is produced from barley, a cereal plant similar to wheat or oats. Depending on the processing method, barley is made into pearl barley or barley groats. How are they different from each other?

  • Pearl barley- this is a whole grain that has undergone only primary processing and from which only the shell and awn (bran) have been removed, then the grain itself is polished. And the grain is called this because its color and shape are similar to freshwater pearls, and pearls in the common people have always been called pearls, hence the name - pearl barley.
  • Barley grits It is obtained as a result of further processing of barley - it is not polished, but simply finely crushed.

Pearl barley benefits and harm

Despite the fact that pearl barley is a relatively cheap cereal, it is still not very popular among housewives. But still in vain. Pearl barley is a traditional Russian product for making soups and porridges. They say that pearl barley porridge was Peter I’s favorite, and many restaurants still include pearl barley porridge and side dishes on their menu.

Research conducted by Japanese scientists has confirmed that barley is one of the most valuable natural sources of nutrients vital for the human body to grow and maintain health.

The value of pearl barley lies in its diverse effects on the human body. And all because it is a rich source of 12 essential and 8 non-essential amino acids, fatty acids, including Omega-3 and Omega-6, digestible carbohydrates, and fiber.

Cereals are rich in B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9) and vitamins PP, E, provitamin A, numerous minerals and trace elements.

Such a rich composition also determines its beneficial properties, and there are also many of them.

  • Fiber works like a whisk; it cleanses the intestines of toxins and fecal debris in the intestines, and helps cope with constipation.
  • The mucus in the decoction, obtained during the cooking of cereals, relieves inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity, so surgeons recommend using pearl barley decoction after such operations.
  • The polysaccharide b-glucan is useful for lowering blood cholesterol. If you often include soups or porridges with barley in your diet, you can gradually reduce your cholesterol levels to normal levels.
  • Provitamin A - retinol increases the protective functions of the respiratory tract from the effects of viruses and microbes and improves the body's overall immunity.
  • Vitamin B6 also helps maintain immunity, normalizes the processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system, and the proper formation of blood composition. Its deficiency negatively affects the condition of the skin, contributes to the development of anemia and loss of appetite.
  • Manganese is involved in the development of bone and connective tissue, improves carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and is part of the enzymes necessary for the synthesis of cholesterol.
  • The silicic acid contained in pearl barley has a destructive effect on conglomerates formed in the kidneys, gall and bladder.
  • Chromium regulates blood glucose levels, thereby enhancing the action of insulin and normalizing the glycemic index after consuming pearl barley.

And this is not all the medicinal properties of pearl barley, since each element in the composition plays a certain useful role for the health of the body.

Boiled pearl barley – calorie content

The energy composition of 100 g of product looks like this:

  • proteins – 9.3 g, 12% of the total and 37 kcal,
  • fats – 1.1 g, 3% of the total and 10 kcal,
  • carbohydrates - 66.9 g, 85% of the total and 268 kcal.

We are, of course, interested to know what the calorie content of boiled cereal is? It is relatively large - per 100 g of boiled cereal it is 315 kcal. But hardly anyone would prefer to eat it in its pure form. If it is porridge, then you will add milk and butter to it; even if you eat it as a side dish, you will still add butter or other fat, which means the calorie content of the final product will be higher.

The benefits of pearl barley for weight loss

Why is pearl barley useful for weight loss, since dishes containing it are relatively high in calories? However, pearl barley, if eaten regularly, will help you lose extra pounds. Why is this happening? The weight loss effect is achieved due to the effect of the amino acid lysine and fiber on the body.

  1. Firstly, the lysine contained in cereals causes a feeling of satiety and it lasts for quite a long time, which means hunger will not torment you for a long time.
  2. A properly prepared dish will help remove excess toxins from the body and cleanse the intestines of blockages, which means minus the extra pounds.
  3. Fiber will promote timely bowel movements.
  4. In folk medicine, barley, from which cereal is made, has diuretic properties.

Having lost extra pounds, lysine promotes the production of collagen and ensures the elasticity of the skin after losing weight.

Who is harmed by barley dishes?

Despite the enormous benefits, pearl barley also has contraindications. Eating pearl barley can be harmful to health when you have gastritis with high acidity. It is not recommended for pregnant women to eat a lot of dishes with pearl barley, as this leads to increased gas formation.

It is important to know that frequent consumption of pearl barley can lead to digestive problems and cause constipation. But if you are absolutely healthy, nutritionists recommend eating dishes with barley in moderation, but regularly.

How to choose the right pearl barley

In stores, pearl barley is sold both by weight and in ready-made packages.

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • the cereal should be a beautiful golden brown color, without various foreign impurities and inclusions;
  • the grains should not be glued together - glued grains indicate improper storage;
  • When buying cereal by weight, smell it; the smell should be pleasant, fresh, and there should be no rancid smell.

The shelf life of packaged cereals should be no more than two years; if you bought loose cereal, then its shelf life is no more than 3 months, so do not buy large quantities of cereal for future use.

How to cook pearl barley correctly

I once thought that nothing tasty could be made from pearl barley. But how wrong I was! It turns out that in order for dishes with pearl barley to turn out delicious, you need to know a few secrets.

I have already told you that first of all you need to buy good cereal. And before you start cooking, sort out the cereal and remove all foreign impurities from it. Rancid and old grains won’t make a tasty dish, that’s for sure!

Then be sure to prepare the cereal for cooking. You can do it in two ways.

Take the sorted cereal and add water at room temperature so that it completely covers it and leave overnight. In the morning, drain and rinse again before cooking.

Or do as I often do. Pour the sorted and washed cereal with water and put it on the fire and let it cook for about 20 minutes. Then drain the broth. If you do not drain the first water, the dish will turn out gray-blue and outwardly ugly.

If you are boiling pearl barley for the first course, drain the water from the broth and add the barley to the broth. If you cook porridge, then add the boiled cereal to the milk. If your cereal is intended for a side dish, then it should be filled with clean water again and cooked until tender.

In order for the pearl barley to boil well, it should still be simmered over low heat for 40-60 minutes. And porridge is best cooked in clay pots in the oven with the addition of oil or fat.

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