Home Preparations for the winter Home breweries. Home brewery - which one to choose, reviews of those who bought Home brewing apparatus

Home breweries. Home brewery - which one to choose, reviews of those who bought Home brewing apparatus

Why do people love beer?

As a matter of fact, there is no unambiguous answer why people like to brew and drink this particular foamy drink. Someone gets excited original taste and the flavor of it ancient drink, someone appreciates his ability to quench his thirst, someone likes a light, cheerful hop. And what about our ancestors?

They also complained about beer. In Russia, it was cooked in the 9th century. And the popularity of this drink does not weaken over time.

Despite the craze for affordable mass-produced beer, more and more people these days are coming to the conclusion that the best beer is live. That is, one that does not contain preservatives, dyes and did not lend itself to pasteurization. Beer brewed according to recipes verified over the centuries.

Beer with the warmth of human hands

In the 21st century, handmade items and products acquire special value. Indeed, everything that a person’s hand touches carries not only applied benefits, but also a special energy. Today, beer lovers and connoisseurs of eco-friendly life even have the opportunity to brew beer with their own hands!

Moreover, this can be done without the construction of a special facility and the purchase of expensive equipment. It's very simple: home mini breweries!

What is this beast, a home brewery?

Buying one of the kits under the general name "Home breweries", you get a compact installation in which the fermentation and post-fermentation of beer will take place, as well as bags with the necessary components and a set of bottles for bottling your homemade foamy drink.

A home mini brewery allows you to brew absolutely natural live beer with your own hands in a time of 1.5 weeks. By the way, you can brew up to 23 liters of excellent home-made beer at a time.

Where to buy a mini brewery for home or as a gift at an affordable price?

Before the holidays, the question always arises: what to give? And the choice of a gift for a man turns into a continuous torment. Enough shaving products and ashtrays. I have an idea original gift for a boss, a relative or for yourself: a home brewery! By the way, the price is quite affordable! The sale is carried out on our website.

How to brew your own beer?

The technology for making beer at home is very simple (assuming you use a microbrewery).

Inside the brewery itself, you need to pour a certain amount of clean water (tap or boiled water is not suitable). How much liquid you need is indicated in the instructions for a particular model. Hopped beer wort and yeast are also poured there (everything is attached to the installation or bought separately in our online store). The tank is tightly closed and sent to a dark place for several days - so that the beer ferments. During the active phase of fermentation, if you listen closely, you can catch gurgling sounds. They will soon stop.

This means that the next phase has come - the uniform development of yeast. After a certain period specified in the recipe, the mini brewery must be moved to a cool place where the fermentation processes will take place. After a few days, the drink is ready to drink!

Based on our experience and numerous customer reviews, the microbrewery is great in action! The main thing is not to experiment at the initial stage, but to strictly adhere to the recipe.

Where to buy a good quality small brewery?

You can choose a suitable model and buy a mini brewery for your home in the Firma Rost online store. Managers who not only sell breweries, but also train in their free time to make homemade beer, will be happy to advise you and help you make the right choice. We have a wide selection of microbreweries on our website.

Make an original and useful gift for yourself or a person you respect and want to congratulate in an original way!

Together with the brewery you get not only the opportunity to brew your own beer, but also get a unique experience, feel like a real brewing specialist and, of course, have many exciting gatherings with friends! Visiting our store, you will definitely choose a home microbrewery that suits you.

Until recently, making beer at home was considered an incredibly difficult and unpredictable undertaking, which was undertaken only by people who were brave and somewhat obsessed with the craft. Since then, a lot of water has flowed, and even more beer has flowed. If earlier beer enthusiasts had to deal with the manufacture of equipment and the search for raw materials from brewery suppliers, today all this can be bought in the form of ready-made kits for making beer at home, which are commonly called home breweries. There are a lot of such sets and choosing the first one becomes a real test for a beginner. Let's try to help him!

We understand the basic concepts: extract or malt

First you need to understand that beer can be brewed using two fundamentally different, so to speak, technologies: from malt extract or from malt and hops (a pure grain type of brewing, also known as all-grain). Before you start choosing your first microbrewery, and later you will realize that this is not so much about one piece of equipment, but about a combination of different tools and ingredients, you should decide on the degree of your involvement in the process and the level of skill. But let's go in order.

Beer from malt extract

Hopped extracts can be immediately diluted with water, added to the resulting wort with brewer's yeast and fermented. All beginners, without exception, are advised to brew at least a couple of batches of hopped malt extract beer to delve into the process and decide for themselves whether they like a new hobby or not. Later, you can move on to unhopped extracts, which need to be brewed with hops. And only after this experience you can try your hand at all-grain brewing. However, even experienced brewers stay forever with unhopped extracts and make drinks that easily take prizes in various beer masters competitions.

The main disadvantage of extract brewing is that the beer recipe has already been chosen for you and it is almost impossible to influence the result, especially when it comes to hopped malt extracts.

Beer made from malt and hops

In 1516, the Reinheitsgebot (Beer Purity Law) was passed in Germany, according to which beer must be brewed exclusively from barley malt, hops and water. This law was adopted more for economic reasons (there was a famine and a severe shortage of wheat in the country) and to a lesser extent to create a reference drink in terms of quality. There are fewer and fewer purists (adamant fans of the Reinheitsgebot) left, because the main value of all-grain brewing lies in its flexibility and the opportunity to express yourself. Along with being actively used, less often, etc., unmalted grains, fruits, berries, herbs and even mushrooms are added to the wort. Brewing has become a creative process.

The philosophy of all-grain implies saccharification of malt at home (what is done for extracts in production). This is a very time-consuming process that requires full dedication. The malt is ground, then mixed with water (mashing) at a certain temperature and in a certain proportion, after which well-defined temperature pauses are maintained, due to which the malt enzymes pass into the water and convert the starch into fermentable and non-fermentable sugars. This is followed by a painful for many stage of filtering the liquid fraction from the grains, and only after that the boiling of the wort with hopping follows. All this requires good theoretical training and, of course, good equipment.

Selecting an extract brewery

Beervingem Breweries

Extract minibrewery designed for beginners and small volume. Available in two versions: with a plastic barrel complete with extract and glass jar complete with malt, hops and yeast for grain brewing, which can easily be done at home in a small pot.

The most important difference from other breweries lies in the configuration and low price, thanks to which you can try the extract or grain method of making beer.

pros: low price, simplicity, depending on the configuration, try to brew beer in two different ways.

Minuses: not too rich equipment, lack of containers for secondary fermentation.

Breweries Grainfather

A completely different type and class of all-in-one grain breweries. is a brewing system for making all-grain beer, which is a 30-liter stainless steel tank with built-in heating elements (for 2000 and 500 W), a magnetic drive pump, a malt basket with a load of up to 9 kg, a recirculation pipe to maintain the temperature of the mash , a transparent tempered glass cover and, of course, automation, which can be controlled via Bluetooth via an application on a smartphone. This type of brewery will be a strong assistant to the experienced brewer who is used to comfort, brews beer often and loves to experiment.

pros: a full cycle of preparation of beer wort from malt and hops in one container, serious equipment of the wort boiler.

Minuses: price.

From all of the above, you should draw a very simple and obvious conclusion for yourself: anyone who is at least a little interested in the quality of this drink can start brewing beer in modern realities. Still in doubt? Start with a simple home extract brewery like Beer Zavodik, BrewDemon or Coopers. For a reasonable price, you will get almost everything you need to master the art of beer with malt extracts, and later you will be able to adapt the purchased equipment for brewing pure grain beer. If you know for sure that this craft was created just for you, feel free to buy MirBeer or FastFerment budget grain breweries and start the thorny path to your first perfect beer. The main thing to remember is that brewing is a creative process!

Having bought such an installation once, you can make a drink regularly. You do not need to be an expert in this field, the home microbrewery will do everything by itself.

The kit includes everything you need for cooking delicious drink- home breweries are immediately ready for work. All ingredients are completely natural. This allows you to be sure of the quality of the product you receive. No preservatives or chemicals! All reviews of beer machines say that you won’t want to return to store bottles.

Only useful material and natural natural taste of beer. The production time of a fresh product is 10-14 days - this is a full cycle, during which live beer matures. Now you can proudly treat your friends and surprise them every time with a new unusual taste. Our store also stocks a wide range of malt extracts and brewing blends that can be used to create hop bitterness or floral flavors and even citrus nuances.

In the assortment of our store home mini-breweries of different sizes and excellent quality. Feel like a real brewer and delight your family and friends with a delicious product created with love and warmth!

Today, making beer at home is a popular, modern hobby among lovers of quality spirits. This is an opportunity to prepare light, dark, unfiltered, real and most importantly your own beer.

Brewery for home - it's easy!

You do not need to have special knowledge or study the technology of making a foamy drink for a long time. In addition, if you decide to buy a brewery, you will receive detailed instructions for working with equipment and making beer at home. A home brewery will allow you to brew a foamy drink according to any recipe!

The classic home brewery is a special equipment designed for the production of natural malt beer. All components of the equipment presented in our store are made of high quality food grade stainless steel. The material is not whimsical, easy to care for, very reliable and durable. The wall thickness of the wort kettle is 1.5 mm. The thermocompensatory bottom of the brewery is perfectly combined with any type of cooker, including induction. If you are interested in how to brew craft beer (that is, a drink according to own recipe for personal enjoyment), the first step is to buy a classic homebrew.

If you wish, you can buy an automatic brewery, the peculiarity of which is to equip it with an electric heating element and an electronic control unit. This means that the brewing process will be more simplified due to the automation of some labor-intensive processes. With this equipment, you can brew beer in the traditional way using malt wort.

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