Home Vegetables Banana marshmallows on agar. Banana marshmallows on agar-agar. How to make banana marshmallows at home

Banana marshmallows on agar. Banana marshmallows on agar-agar. How to make banana marshmallows at home

Banana marshmallows are easy to make. This airy delicacy is not only tasty, but also healthy: homemade banana marshmallows are rich in fiber, microelements, and protein.

The principle of preparing this dessert is to beat fruit puree with egg white. Next, you need to mix this mass with glucose or sugar syrup, honey, molasses. The result is a light and beautiful delicacy that is an ideal addition to tea or coffee.

To make the marshmallows have a dense structure, apple puree is added to the banana puree. It contains pectin - a substance that allows you to stabilize the marshmallow mass and give it a clear and beautiful shape. Green, firm apples contain more pectin than red ones. To prepare marshmallows, it is recommended to use fruits of the Antonovka or Semerenko variety. In order for the marshmallow to harden, gelling components are used: agar-agar or gelatin (less often).

Confectioners give greater preference to agar when making banana marshmallows. This component of plant origin allows you to achieve quick and uniform thickening of the marshmallow mass. In addition, agar is easy to use and affordable: it can be purchased at any confectionery store.

To obtain banana puree, you can grind the fruit in a blender and weigh out the finished mass in accordance with the recipe. An alternative could be baby food: banana puree or a mixture of banana and apple. Before use, it is recommended to boil it to reduce it: this will help increase the pectin content in the finished product and achieve a denser marshmallow structure: the roses will not float when deposited and will retain their shape well.

Secrets of making banana marshmallows

Novice confectioners are hesitant to take up making marshmallows, since they associate this dessert with complex technology and the need to use a large amount of sophisticated equipment. However, this is not at all true: banana marshmallows are easy to make at home.

We will need:

  • blender,
  • mixer (preferably stationary),
  • dishes for heating syrup and agar,
  • culinary scales,
  • wooden spatula for mixing,
  • pastry bag,
  • "star" bag attachment
  • silicone mats or wooden boards for depositing marshmallows.


  • 250 g banana puree (or 125 g banana puree + 125 g apple puree),
  • 475+250 g sugar,
  • vanilla sugar - 1 packet (10 g),
  • 8 g agar-agar,
  • 150 ml water,
  • 1 large egg white.

Mix water with agar and wait 10-20 minutes. After this, put the mixture on the fire and bring to a boil. Add 475 g of sugar to the water and wait until it completely dissolves. The syrup should be quite thick: when stirred with a wooden spoon, it flows in a thin stream.

Boil the fruit puree until thick, weigh out 250 g.

Add the mixture to a deep mixer bowl and start beating. Add the egg white, continuing to beat the mixture vigorously. The mixture should increase in volume up to 4 times and lighten. After this, slightly cooled sugar syrup with agar is added to the resulting mixture. In this case, whipping continues until the marshmallow mass becomes thick, airy and dense. On the mixer whisk it will remain in the form of peaks without flowing down.

The mass is quickly transferred into a pastry bag and jigging begins. Agar hardens at room temperature within a few minutes, so the marshmallows must be deposited with precise and quick movements. The dessert is laid out on silicone mats or wooden boards. After this, the marshmallows should be left to dry for 24 hours. This will allow a tasty crust to form, while the inside of the delicacy will remain soft and tender, like a soufflé.

Delicate, delicious homemade apple and banana marshmallows. If you give it the shape of a Christmas tree, it will become a wonderful decoration for the New Year's table and will delight the kids, or you can give a box of homemade treats to relatives and friends.

Author of the publication

  • Recipe author: Daria Bliznyuk
  • After cooking you will receive 30 pcs.
  • Cooking time: 120 min


  • 2 pcs. apple
  • 2 pcs. banana
  • 550 gr. sugar
  • 10 gr. vanilla sugar
  • 9 gr. agar-agar
  • 160 ml. water
  • 1 PC. egg white
  • food coloring

Cooking method

    Cut apples in half, remove cores and seeds. Place cut side down on a plate and microwave (baking time in minutes is equal to the number of apples). The apples should become soft, this can be checked by piercing them with a fork or knife, they can also be baked in the oven at 180 degrees.

    Separate the pulp from the finished apples, peel the bananas and puree together with the apples using a blender. Transfer the puree to a saucepan, bring to a boil over low heat and cook for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the moisture has evaporated and the puree becomes thick. Measure out 250 grams of puree (the rest can be given to the children or eaten yourself), add 150 grams of sugar (set aside the rest of the sugar for making syrup) and vanilla sugar.

    Stir and set the puree aside to cool. Place the agar in a saucepan, add water and set aside for 10 minutes to allow it to swell.

    Place the soaked agar on the fire, bring almost to a boil so that the agar dissolves and becomes like starch. Add 400 grams of sugar, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer, stirring, for about 5-7 minutes. The temperature of the syrup should reach 110 degrees, the finished syrup stretches in a thin stream from the spatula to the bowl. While the syrup is cooking, start beating the applesauce.

    Place the cooled fruit puree with sugar into a mixer bowl and start beating; as soon as the mixture lightens, add the egg white in two additions and beat the puree into a fluffy, stable mass at medium-high speed. After the mixture becomes thick and dense (it should not move if you tilt or turn the mixer bowl too much), you can add dyes if your idea requires it (you can add a few drops of yellow and blue dye to give it a soft green color).

    Continuing to beat the protein-fruit mixture at medium-high speed, slowly pour in the hot syrup in a very thin stream, directing it to the center of the bowl. After adding the syrup, the mass will begin to greatly increase in volume, becoming fluffy, glossy, reminiscent of a beautiful meringue (meringue).

    Transfer the marshmallow mixture into a large piping bag fitted with the appropriate tip (this recipe used an open star tip) and pipe the marshmallows into a Christmas tree shape onto the parchment.

    This marshmallow mass can be placed on cookies or biscuit rounds, or made into caps for cupcakes.

    Leave to stabilize marshmallows for a day.

    After which, you can optionally sprinkle it with powdered sugar through a sieve.

    Bon appetit!

Tender, airy, melt-in-your-mouth marshmallows made at home cannot be compared to the store-bought version. Therefore, I strongly advise you to prepare it yourself. If you read the recipe to the end and do everything as described below, you will certainly get the right marshmallows.

I would like to note right away that to make marshmallows you need high-quality agar-agar. It is better to purchase it in confectionery stores. Another important point is properly prepared syrup. If it is not fully cooked, your marshmallow will not be stable or textured. And the last thing you need to pay a lot of attention to is a well-cooked puree. Excess liquid in its composition can also hinder a good result.

The marshmallow according to this recipe has a pronounced banana taste, and, despite the large amount of sugar, it is not cloyingly sweet.


  • banana puree – 140 g;
  • applesauce – 110 g;
  • agar-agar – 10 g;
  • sugar – 550 g;
  • water – 140 ml;
  • protein – 40 g.

How to make banana marshmallows for tea

We prepare the necessary ingredients. You can buy store-bought applesauce or make your own. To do this, you need to bake the apples in the oven and then grind them through a sieve. You can also peel the apple, remove the seeds, cut into cubes and cook in a saucepan with a small amount of water added. Next, the apples must be pureed in a blender and boiled to a thick puree.

Peel the banana and use a blender to puree it. Place it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Let's prepare the syrup. To do this, put agar-agar in a bowl and pour water into it.

When the mixture takes on the appearance of jelly, you can add sugar.

Cook the syrup on medium with constant stirring.

At the same time as cooking the syrup, we begin to beat the fruit purees and egg whites. All of them must be chilled.

The syrup bubbles a lot when cooking, so I advise you to take deep dishes.

Cook the sugar syrup until it flows in a continuous thread or reaches a temperature of 110 degrees.

Whipped puree with protein should turn white and become stable.

Next, pour the hot syrup into the whipped mixture in a thin stream, without stopping whipping. Beat for another 2 minutes. As a result, we get a very stable, airy marshmallow mass.

Place it in a piping bag fitted with a star tip.

Place marshmallows with a diameter of 4-5 cm into a silicone mat.

Let them dry for about 4-5 hours.

Banana marshmallows are easy to make. This airy delicacy is not only tasty, but also healthy: homemade banana marshmallows are rich in fiber, microelements, and protein.

The principle of preparing this dessert is to beat fruit puree with egg white. Next, you need to mix this mass with glucose or sugar syrup, honey, molasses. The result is a light and beautiful delicacy that is an ideal addition to tea or coffee.

To make the marshmallows have a dense structure, apple puree is added to the banana puree. It contains pectin, a substance that allows you to stabilize the marshmallow mass and give it a clear and beautiful shape. Green, firm apples contain more pectin than red ones. To prepare marshmallows, it is recommended to use fruits of the Antonovka or Semerenko variety. In order for the marshmallow to harden, gelling components are used: agar-agar or gelatin (less often).

Confectioners give greater preference to agar when making banana marshmallows. This component of plant origin allows you to achieve quick and uniform thickening of the marshmallow mass. In addition, agar is easy to use and affordable: it can be purchased at any confectionery store.

To obtain banana puree, you can grind the fruit in a blender and weigh out the finished mass in accordance with the recipe. An alternative could be baby food: banana puree or a mixture of banana and apple. Before use, it is recommended to boil it to reduce it: this will help increase the pectin content in the finished product and achieve a denser marshmallow structure: the roses will not float when deposited and will retain their shape well.

Secrets of making banana marshmallows

Novice confectioners are hesitant to take up making marshmallows, since they associate this dessert with complex technology and the need to use a large amount of sophisticated equipment. However, this is not at all true: banana marshmallows are easy to make at home.

We will need:

  • blender,
  • mixer (preferably stationary),
  • dishes for heating syrup and agar,
  • culinary scales,
  • wooden spatula for mixing,
  • pastry bag,
  • "star" bag attachment
  • silicone mats or wooden boards for depositing marshmallows.


  • 250 g banana puree (or 125 g banana puree + 125 g apple puree),
  • 475+250 g sugar,
  • vanilla sugar – 1 packet (10 g),
  • 8 g agar-agar,
  • 150 ml water,
  • 1 large egg white.

Mix water with agar and wait 10-20 minutes. After this, put the mixture on the fire and bring to a boil. Add 475 g of sugar to the water and wait until it completely dissolves. The syrup should be quite thick: when stirred with a wooden spoon, it flows in a thin stream.

Boil the fruit puree until thick, weigh out 250 g.

Add the mixture to a deep mixer bowl and start beating. Add the egg white, continuing to beat the mixture vigorously. The mixture should increase in volume up to 4 times and lighten. After this, slightly cooled sugar syrup with agar is added to the resulting mixture. In this case, whipping continues until the marshmallow mass becomes thick, airy and dense. On the mixer whisk it will remain in the form of peaks without flowing down.

The mass is quickly transferred into a pastry bag and jigging begins. Agar hardens at room temperature within a few minutes, so the marshmallows must be deposited with precise and quick movements. The dessert is laid out on silicone mats or wooden boards. After this, the marshmallows should be left to dry for 24 hours. This will allow a tasty crust to form, while the inside of the delicacy will remain soft and tender, like a soufflé.

After the banana marshmallows have dried, you can sprinkle them with powdered sugar or pour them over with chocolate icing. It is very simple to make: you need to mix 1 tablespoon of cocoa, 3 tablespoons of powdered sugar, 30 grams of butter and 2 tablespoons of milk. Heat the mixture slowly, then cool slightly and dip the marshmallows into it, returning it to the silicone mat. After this, the dessert can be placed in the refrigerator for a short time so that the glaze hardens.

The finished dessert should be stored in the refrigerator in a container tightly closed with a lid.

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