Home Drinks and cocktails Homemade blackberry liqueur. Blackberry liqueur and other berries with vodka Wine liqueurs blackberry liqueurs recipes

Homemade blackberry liqueur. Blackberry liqueur and other berries with vodka Wine liqueurs blackberry liqueurs recipes

Blackberry? a berry familiar and loved by everyone since childhood. Her appearance? Gray blackberries (Ozhina, Dereza, blind raspberries) are very widespread, growing both in forests and in water meadows, where they find suitable moisture conditions. You have to get tasty blue-gray berries in difficult thorny thickets. Payback for a harvest of delicate fruits with a subtle aroma? legs and arms scratched and bleeding.

Another variety of blackberry? modern garden hybrids, most of which were created in the USA and Europe. Abundant harvest, excellent taste, transportability, preservation of useful qualities and appearance when frozen have provided blackberries with a worthy niche in the assortment of homemade preparations, including in recipes for alcoholic beverages.

Useful properties of blackberries

The use of blackberries and tinctures from them, according to traditional healers, is effective in the following cases:

  • to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent;
  • with pneumonia;
  • for diseases of the bladder and kidneys;
  • in case of joint inflammation.

In addition to preparing tinctures, blackberries are eaten fresh and stored for future use in the form of juices, jams, and syrups. It is included in recipes for sauces for meat, game and poultry, desserts and baked goods.

Recipe for classic blackberry tincture with moonshine or alcohol

  • purified double distilled moonshine or alcohol 55? — 1 l,
  • sugar? 0.2 kg,
  • good filtered water? 0.5 l,
  • blackberry? 1 kg.

Load whole berries into a glass container, cover with sugar and pour in alcohol. Infuse for 4 days in the room, shake the bottle daily. Place on cheesecloth and separate the alcohol infusion from the pulp. Pour the strained berries with the specified amount of water, mix thoroughly and after 2-3 hours of exposure, filter again. Combine the water and alcohol parts of the drink and pass through the filter again (you can use cotton pads). Pour the tincture into glass bottles and store in a dark place.

Tincture recipe using frozen blackberries

The main rule for preparing homemade tincture using this recipe? do not defrost berries before
adding alcohol. When thawing, most of the already weak aroma is lost, and the color of the drink changes for the worse.

For 1 kg of blackberries, take 1 liter of alcohol or purified moonshine 50? strength, combine them in a glass jar and, without adding sugar, leave for 3 months at room conditions. When finished, strain and add 150 g of granulated sugar. The tincture is obtained with a strength of 30?.

Recipe for blackberry tincture with mint and lemon zest

  • fresh or frozen blackberries? 300 g,
  • alcohol or vodka 40? — 0.5 l,
  • fresh mint? 2-3 sprigs, or dried? 2 tsp,
  • zest? lemon,
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

Place the berries in a suitable bottle or jar and sprinkle with sugar to produce juice. Add mint, lemon zest, pour in vodka. Keep the tightly closed jar in a warm, dark place (for example, in a kitchen cabinet) for 2-2.5 weeks. Pour the finished filtered tincture into bottles and store in cool conditions.

Blackberry vodka recipe

Fruit and berry vodkas, brandy, can be prepared from a variety of raw materials. The basis of such recipes is the distillation of mash or wine made from selected fruits. Such drinks have a mild taste and retain the magnificent aroma of berries and fruits. The best of them compete in their qualities with cognac.

To prepare blackberry vodka, first add the wort for fermentation. Place in a large bottle mashed blackberries and sugar until mushy. The amount of sugar is determined using a saccharometer; the indicator should be 20%. Then alcohol or baker's yeast is added (12 g of dry yeast per 1 kg of berry raw materials).

Fermentation should take place under a water seal at a temperature not lower than 18°C. Optimal conditions? 20-25?C. The wort that has finished fermenting, along with the pulp, is distilled using a steam generator. If you filter the liquid fraction from the cake, you can distill it directly using the simplest moonshine still.

As in the production of moonshine from other fruits, when distilling blackberry mash, the head fraction should be carefully separated to avoid methyl alcohol getting into the berry vodka. The second distillation is not done, since the blackberry aroma will disappear.
The optimal strength of berry vodka is 30-36?.

Blackberry alcoholic drink

Is a special preparation made from berry and fruit raw materials? alcoholic or alcoholized fruit drink. It is also used in the industrial production of tinctures, and is used by craftsmen in their home alcohol laboratory. If you mix such preparations in different proportions, change the amount of sugar and the strength of the added alcohol? You can get new original recipes for tinctures.

To prepare blackberry alcoholic fruit drink you will need:

  • alcohol 45? — 1 l,
  • alcohol 30? — 0.7 l,
  • blackberry? 1 kg.

Place the whole berry in a glass container and add 45% alcohol. and leave for 7-8 days. Without squeezing the pulp, strain the infusion through a cloth. The resulting liquid fraction is called “first flush fruit drink”, its volume will be about 1.1 liters. Alcohol 30 is poured into the pulp. and keep the tincture for another 1 week, then filter in the same way. Both fractions are combined and stored in a dark place in a tightly closed container. Having such a preparation at home, you can always accurately reproduce the tincture recipe you like. Here is one of them:

Tincture using blackberry alcohol juice

Combine all ingredients, pour into bottles, let?rest? 2-3 days. The result will be a soft, sweet liqueur of rich color with a light blackberry aroma, 20% strength. High-quality alcoholic fruit drinks are obtained by using other fruits: raspberries, strawberries, cherries, blueberries, etc.

Blackberry Wine Recipe

Blackberry? raw materials for making excellent wine. It tastes like Cabernet grape wine. This drink goes well with meat dishes, cheeses and desserts. You can also distill it to make blackberry brandy.

Crush 6 kg of berries, add 1 liter of water, 0.6 kg of sugar, 2 g of dry yeast. After active fermentation for 1 week, separate the liquid from the pulp. Pour the wine into a vessel with a water seal, add another 0.5 kg of sugar and let it ferment quietly for 1-1.5 months. Every 2 weeks, decant the liquid from the sediment. If you send a young drink to a cellar for 1-1.5 years to age, this will turn it into a noble, aged wine that will appeal to the most fastidious connoisseurs.

Blackberries are the queen among berries. It is very beautiful, has a noble dark purple color and a pleasant aroma. It is somewhat reminiscent of raspberries, so it belongs to the same family. Suitable for preparing various desserts, baked goods, soups and cereals. However, many chefs prefer to prepare blackberry tincture at home. This drink is very tasty and healthy, and can be used to treat colds.

Where to get berries and which ones to use?

There are three places where you can get blackberries to make a tincture: in the store, in the forest, or in your own garden. In supermarkets, the berries are usually sold frozen. As a rule, it has already been selected and prepared for further use. Before cooking, all that remains is to let it melt at room temperature and wash.

Forest blackberries most often grow near rivers. It is easiest to collect for villagers who know the area like the back of their hand. City dwellers may not find it. When picking berries from bushes, you should be careful, the branches cling to clothes and are very prickly. The fruits must be used for cooking immediately, as they do not last long.

Another option is to pick blackberries from your garden. It is clear that for this it must first be planted and grown. The best varieties today are considered to be thornless - “Loch Ness”, “Navajo” and some others. Homemade blackberries are easy to pick and use and taste better. But you need to be prepared for the fact that it does not have the unique subtle aroma that the forest one has.

Whatever blackberries you use - forest, garden or store-bought, make sure they are ripe, dry and fairly firm. There should be no tails, damage, non-standard color, or mold on the berries. Otherwise, it will not be possible to make a good tincture based on them. She's just not worthy, she'll spoil.

Benefits of blackberry tincture

This drink, made with moonshine, alcohol or vodka, is considered healing. It helps the body improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the joints, and helps get rid of inflammatory processes, including in the kidneys and bladder. Can be used as an antipyretic.

This effect on the body is due to the presence in blackberries and any drinks made from them of a number of useful substances: organic acids (ascorbic, citric, nicotinic and malic), vitamins P and K, retinol, iron, manganese, calcium and so on. Thus, drinking the tincture a little at a time is very beneficial for health.

Cooking secrets

Blackberry tincture should be prepared immediately after picking or purchasing the berries. To do this, the berries must be washed and dried carefully, spread on paper towels. Then transfer to clean jars, add the amount of sugar indicated in the selected recipe, add, if necessary, other ingredients: a sprig of mint, a slice of lemon, and so on. Leave for up to 4 weeks, shaking occasionally. Pour through cheesecloth into a clean bottle. That's it, ready.

Moonshine recipe

This blackberry tincture effectively helps in the fight against colds and pneumonia, and helps cure joint inflammation. Can be used as a gargle for gum disease and simply to improve your mood.


  • purified moonshine - 1 l;
  • clean water - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 0.2 kg;
  • blackberries - 1 kg;
  • clean jar.


Wash the glass container with soda, sterilize and dry slightly. Place the berries in it along with sugar, pour in moonshine. Leave for 4 days, remembering to shake periodically. Filter the resulting liquid from the sediment using gauze. Pour water over the remaining berries on the fabric and leave for 4 hours. Mix everything, strain again. Pour into bottles and place on a shelf in the closet.

Alcohol recipe

A tincture prepared with alcohol tastes no worse than one made with moonshine. It is recommended for use in cases of atherosclerosis, the presence of inflammatory processes, and gastritis. It's quite easy to prepare.


  • mint leaves - 1-2 pcs.;
  • blackberries - 0.3 kg;
  • lemon zest - a little;
  • alcohol - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • clean sterilized jar.


To prepare a blackberry tincture with alcohol, you need to take a glass container and immerse clean and well-sorted berries, mint leaves and lemon zest into it, mix carefully (best with a wooden stick or spoon). Pour alcohol over all ingredients and leave for 1 month (a little more) in a cool, dark room. Then filter, pour into a clean bottle and refrigerate.

Vodka tincture recipe

You can add other berries to the blackberry infusion with vodka, for example, raspberries or black currants, as well as jam. This will only increase the usefulness of the drink. It will have relaxing and strengthening properties and can help with sore throat or flu.


  • blackberries - 0.2 kg;
  • vodka 40% - 1 l;
  • black currant (or jam) - 0.2 kg;
  • sugar - about 4 tbsp. spoons


The recipe for blackberry tincture with vodka is as follows: thoroughly wash an ordinary three-liter jar with soda, rinse, and sterilize for 15 minutes. Let it dry a little. Place berries and sugar in it, pour in vodka. Cover with gauze and put in a dark place. Leave for 1-1.5 months, making sure that no mold appears. To avoid its formation, it is recommended to shake the container periodically, at least once every 1-2 weeks. After the infusion time has passed, strain the drink through cheesecloth and pour into a dry bottle. Place in the refrigerator. Store for up to 5 years.

Blackberry tincture for rubbing

In addition to being used internally, blackberry tincture is often used for rubbing sore spots for rheumatism, back pain (if there are no chronic diseases), arthrosis, and so on. The leaves are traditionally used to create ointments from the berries.


  • fresh leaves - 50 grams;
  • vodka - 1 bottle.


The recipe for blackberry tincture at home in this case is very simple: you need to collect leaves that do not have any damage, wash them, pour boiling water over them, dry them a little, transfer them to a glass jar and fill them with vodka. Close the container and put it in a dark place for 7 days. Then pour into a dry bottle and put in the refrigerator.

Take note!

Whatever recipe you use to prepare blackberry tincture, it can be used for compresses to treat colds. To do this, soak dry, clean gauze in the drink and place it on the chest. Put on warm clothes or crawl under a thick blanket. Since you need to sweat a lot after this procedure, it is best to do it before bed. Since the compress is absolutely safe, it can also be used on small children, with the possible exception of newborns and allergy sufferers.

Blackberry tincture is one of the most amazing alcoholic drinks you can make at home. It has excellent taste and delicate aroma. In addition, if this tincture is consumed in moderation, it will bring significant benefits to your health.

This alcohol owes its beneficial properties to blackberries. It is not for nothing that in our country this berry has been considered since ancient times as a cure for many ailments and diseases.

I bring to your attention 2 proven recipes for blackberry tincture. Remember that the final beneficial properties of the product directly depend on the quality of the components used in its manufacture. At the end of the article you will find a section dedicated to the healing power of blackberries.

Classic recipe

We will need the following ingredients:

  • ethyl alcohol diluted with pure water (50-55 degrees) - 500 ml;
  • ripe blackberries – 500 grams;
  • clean water – 250 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 100 grams.

Well-purified double-distilled homemade moonshine is also suitable as an alcohol-containing base for this recipe.

Correct actions during cooking.

1. Gently but thoroughly wash the blackberries in clean, cool water. Let the berries dry. Then pour them into a three-liter jar, cover with granulated sugar, fill with the alcohol of your choice and close the lid tightly.

2. Transfer the jar to the pantry and leave at room temperature for 5-7 days. Every day you need to shake the container properly.

3. After this time, filter the infusion through double-folded gauze.

4. Place the remaining berries after filtering back into the jar, fill with water and stir. Close the lid and leave for 5-6 hours. After this, repeat the filtration and combine the resulting alcohol and water parts.

Our tincture made from blackberries is ready. It should be stored in hermetically sealed bottles in the cellar or refrigerator.

Refined Recipe

We will need the following ingredients:

  • high-quality vodka – 1 liter;
  • ripe blackberries – 500 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 120 grams;
  • fresh mint – 4 leaves;
  • zest of half a lemon.

You can also use store-bought frozen or dried berries for this recipe. Naturally, this will somewhat worsen the final taste of the tincture, but will not become critical. If you choose dried blackberries, 250 grams will be enough.

Correct algorithm.

1. Place the washed blackberries into a glass container of suitable size. There we also send thoroughly mashed mint, grated lemon zest and sugar.

It is important to remove only the yellow part of the lemon peel. The underlying white layer will give the tincture an unpleasant bitterness.

2. Fill all components with vodka, stir properly and seal tightly with a plastic lid.

3. We take the container to the pantry and let it sit for 1.5-2 months. Every 4 days you need to shake the tincture thoroughly.

4. Now all we have to do is strain the drink through a cotton-gauze filter.

The refined tincture is ready. I guarantee that you will be pleased with its wonderful taste. Have a nice tasting!

Useful properties of blackberries

The most famous physician of ancient Greece used blackberries as an effective medicine. Many ancient and medieval healers also did not hesitate to use its exceptional healing properties.

Blackberry tincture taken in small quantities allows you to:

  • lower blood pressure;
  • reduce the risk of cancer;
  • strengthen the heart and cleanse the blood vessels;
  • restore normal functioning of the biliary tract;
  • have a positive effect on the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • slow down the processes of premature aging;
  • improves hematopoietic function;
  • improve metabolic processes in the human body.

If you plan to use this tincture for health purposes, then the maximum daily dose should not exceed 50 ml.

In addition, you need to remember that official evidence-based medicine is skeptical about such forms of therapy and self-medication.

Blackberries have everything to strengthen the body and cure many diseases. Blackberry liqueurs have everything to soften a girl’s heart and make it more pliable. This article contains the best recipes for blackberry liqueurs for true fans of supple girlish hearts.

Blackberries are a natural multivitamin. They contain sufficient amounts of vitamins C, E, P, PP, K, provitamin A, and B vitamins. Blackberries are also rich in natural antioxidants, bioflavonoids, which simultaneously relieve inflammation, swelling and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. This berry is the best helper for the cardiovascular system.

Blackberry liqueurs are believed to have the same healing properties. But they have another significant advantage - they are incredibly beautiful, very fragrant and have a unique berry taste. This drink is a real delight for women’s taste buds and a faithful assistant for a heartthrob. For the lazy but patient heartthrob, making blackberry liqueurs at home is quite simple, but time-consuming. Much longer.

The berries should not be overripe. Fresh blackberries, picked on a sunny day, are best suited for liqueurs - wild yeast necessary for fermentation lives on such berries in abundance. The best alcoholic base for liqueur is cognac or well-purified double moonshine.

Rinse the blackberries, drain in a colander and dry with paper towels. Transfer them to a jar of suitable size and sprinkle with sugar, shake well. Cover the jar with gauze and leave in a warm place for 7-10 days so that the berries release their juice and ferment slightly. The berries need to be stirred a couple of times a day. Then pour in alcohol, close the jar tightly and leave for 10 days in a dark, cool place, remembering to stir the contents every day. Drain the resulting infusion and pour vodka over the berries for 7 days. Drain the vodka infusion and mix it with the alcohol infusion. Pour the finished liqueur into bottles and leave for long-term aging, at least six months.

Blackberry liqueur with honey

Rinse the berries, drain in a colander, dry and transfer to a large jar, sprinkling with sugar. Wait a couple of days until the sugar is completely dissolved, add honey, vodka and alcohol. Shake the jar well, close it tightly and place it on a sunny windowsill for a month. After this time, drain the liqueur through a sieve and filter through several layers of gauze. Wait 1-2 weeks until sediment settles at the bottom of the jar. Drain the drink from the sediment, filter if desired and bottle. Recommends six months aging. If sediment forms, the liqueur can be decanted.

By the way, beekeepers also know blackberry honey. It is clear like water and very tasty. It is used in the treatment of colds and kidney diseases.

Blackberry liqueur in alcohol with leaves

This recipe uses young blackberry leaves, which contain high amounts of vitamin C, tannins, minerals and antioxidants. In medicine, the leaves are used as a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, and astringent. Like blackcurrant leaves, they greatly affect the taste of the drink and, as a rule, for the better.

Wash the blackberries, drain in a colander, dry and pour into a jar of suitable size. Add blackberry leaves, spices and pour honey over everything. Wait 3 days until the first signs of fermentation, then add water and alcohol. Infuse for exactly a month in a dark, cool place, then pour the liqueur through a sieve, filter and into a bottle. During aging, a sediment will form, from which the drink must be carefully drained.

Blackberry liqueur with cognac (with wine)

Wash the berries, dry them, put them in a jar and mash them slightly to release the juice. Add wine and cognac, close the jar tightly and place in a cool, dark place. Maceration should take about a month. After this, the blackberry infusion must be drained through a sieve and filtered. Make simple syrup from sugar and water, wait until it cools and add to the infusion. The liqueur can be filtered again and bottled. It is better to store the finished drink in a cool place, for example, in the basement. Use exclusively for treating the weaker sex. The liqueur should be cooled before serving.

Blackberries also go well with rum...

Blackberry liqueur with rum and vodka No. 1

Wash the blackberries, dry them and put them in a jar. Add sugar and stir, cover the jar with gauze and leave on a sunny windowsill for 48 hours. The jar needs to be shaken from time to time. After two days, the sugar should dissolve - the resulting syrup must be drained. Pour the syrup into a small jar, add half the vodka, lemon juice and vanilla sugar. Close the jar and hide it out of sight. Pour the remaining berries with the second half of vodka and wait a week. Drain the infusion through a sieve, filter and combine with the alcoholized syrup. Add 200 ml of light rum, mix well, bottle and age for 6 months.

Blackberry liqueur with rum and alcohol No. 2

* here we mean any aniseed alcoholic drink with a strength of about 40%: anise liqueur, oriental arak, Turkish raki, Greek ouzo, etc.

Boil simple sugar syrup from water and sugar, cool and pour into a two-liter jar. Add blackberry juice and other berries. While stirring the contents of the jar, pour in alcohol. Add light rum or anise drink (the original recipe uses arrack). Close the jar tightly and store in a cool place for as long as possible.

The liqueur should be served no earlier than after 3 months of aging. There is no need to filter; you can drink directly from the pulp of the berries.

Blackberry liqueur has a pleasant rich taste and aroma. Unlike wine from this berry, it is easier and faster to prepare. This healthy drink has tonic properties. There are many recipes for its preparation - with and without alcohol.

Useful properties of blackberries

Blackberries are a storehouse of vitamins. It helps rejuvenate the body, speeds up metabolism, and strengthens the immune system. The berry is recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases. Blackberries contain:

  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • tannins;
  • magnesium;
  • pectins;
  • vitamins A, E, C, B, R.

Cooking recipes

To prepare the liqueur, just stock up on berries and sugar. Classic recipes for blackberry liqueur involve natural fermentation. The strength of this drink is 9-13 degrees. Lovers of strong alcohol can increase the degree by adding vodka, alcohol or moonshine at the end.

First you need to select ripe and overripe berries, remove spoiled and rotten ones, trim the stalks, rinse and dry. 1 kg of berries is poured into a glass container - a bottle or jar, and 300 grams of sugar is poured. They are left in a warm place with a temperature of 19-26 degrees or in the sun for 7 days. The neck of the bottle is covered with a gauze cap to prevent insects from getting into it. Every day, the blackberry liqueur at home must be shaken.

When carbon dioxide bubbles appear and the drink begins to “fizz,” this means it has fermented. At this stage, the gauze cover is replaced with a rubber glove with a small hole at the top. Instead, you can use a water solution. After this, the liqueur should be left alone for a month, placing it in a cool, dark place. At the end of the period, or as soon as the glove falls, the drink is filtered through cheesecloth, bottled and sealed.

Important! Before drinking, it is advised to keep the drink for a month in the refrigerator for a brighter taste. At low temperatures, the shelf life of the liqueur is 5 years.

On alcohol

The recipe for blackberry liqueur with alcohol has a larger number of ingredients. A kilogram of berries is sorted, washed and dried. Transferring them to a jar, add a few buds of cloves, a pinch of cinnamon, and three tablespoons of liquid aromatic honey. Three days later, when the infusion has fermented, add 160 ml of water and 740 ml of alcohol. The drink is infused for a month, after which it is filtered and poured into containers. It should be taken into account that during aging a sediment appears, which must be carefully removed. Fans of tart and aromatic alcohol will enjoy pouring blackberries with alcohol.

To prepare blackberry liqueur with vodka, you need to prepare a kilogram of berries and put them in a bottle. After pouring sugar into it and stirring, cover the bottle with a gauze bandage and place it on the windowsill for a couple of days. Shake it periodically. Two days later, when the sugar has dissolved, the syrup is poured into a separate jar. Add 500 ml of vodka, juice of one lemon, and vanilla sugar on the tip of a knife. The jar is hidden in a dark, cool place.

To the remaining liqueur you need to add high-quality vodka - 500 ml. The drink is infused for 7 days. The liquid should reach 1-2 cm to the neck of the container. The infusion is filtered through a sieve, then combined with vodka syrup. Once bottled, it is left to age for six months.

On cognac

A kilogram of ripe berries is sorted, washed and dried, lightly pressed in an enamel container until the juice appears. After this, the blackberries are poured into a jar and 0.5 liters of cognac are added. Having tightly sealed the container, it is left alone for a month. After the expiration date, the infusion is filtered through a sieve. After that, you need to pour 500 grams of sugar into 0.5 liters of water and cook the syrup. When it cools, it is poured into the infusion. If necessary, the drink is passed through a sieve again and bottled. The tincture is stored in the basement or refrigerator at a temperature of 3-4 degrees.

With mint and lemon zest

All branches are removed from 800 grams of ripe berries and poured into a deep bowl. Cover the blackberries with 400 g of sugar and add:

  • 10 mint leaves;
  • 1 lemon, sliced;
  • several branches of anise;
  • 5 g cardamom.

Mix everything until the mixture produces juice. Then it is transferred to a bottle and filled with a liter of vodka. The bottle is closed with a plastic cap and left in a cool place for 30 days. After this, the liqueur is filtered through three times folded gauze and poured into containers.

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