Home Second courses Bacardi types of rum. Black Bacardi (Bacardi black): description, types, cocktails. What snack is served with Bacardi rum?

Bacardi types of rum. Black Bacardi (Bacardi black): description, types, cocktails. What snack is served with Bacardi rum?

The Bacardi brand has long gained wide popularity due to the variety of alcoholic products it produces. Bacardi rum occupies a significant share in the company’s product range.

The history of the drink originates in Cuba. The authorship of the rum recipe belongs to the Spanish wine merchant, after whom Bacardi rum is named. Currently, this type of alcohol is produced in seven countries and sold throughout the world. Rum cannot be confused with any other drink due to its unique aroma and sweet notes of the sea tropics.

Variety of Bracardi rums

The product line includes a wide variety of alcoholic drinks: from exquisite white rum with a mild taste and low alcohol content to black rum with a rich aroma and serious turnover. The most popular types available in retail chains include:

– five-year-old alcohol with a bright taste. The share of ethyl alcohol is at least 40%. Belongs to the category of strong alcohol;

Black Bacardi– four-year-old rum with a rich taste and thick aroma. Belongs to the category of strong alcohol. This is the drink of mature men, true rum gourmets;

Gold Bacardi– rum aged two years. The share of ethyl alcohol is 40%. Thanks to its magnificent aroma and soft aftertaste, it is consumed as a solo drink. This type of rum is also often used for mixing cocktails;

– the strongest rum containing at least 75.5% ethyl alcohol. It is a rare connoisseur who dares to take this drink undiluted;

Oakheart Bacardi– the drink contains soft notes of smoke as it is aged in pre-charred oak barrels. The share of ethyl alcohol is no more than 35%. This rum has a unique bouquet of taste and aroma. Gourmets prefer to drink the drink undiluted;

Bacardi Mojito– the drink is a bottled cocktail made with Bacardi rum. Contains traditional ingredients: lime juice, mint extract;

Pina Colada and Daiquiri Bacardi (Pina Colada and Daiquiri Bacardi)– also present bottled cocktails made with Bacardi rum. The share of ethyl alcohol is 15%. Drinks belong to the low-alcohol group;

1873 Solera Bacardi– a three-year-old drink, positioned as a noble alcohol. The rich palette of taste and aroma has made it a favorite drink of rum connoisseurs, who prefer to drink it in its pure form;

Anejo Bacardi– alcohol aged six years, dark in color with a long aftertaste. The drink is a premium alcohol. The share of ethyl alcohol is 40%. Use undiluted.

What snack is served with Bacardi rum?

Rum differs from other alcoholic beverages in its high sugar content, which is found in maple syrup. Due to this, all types of rum contain sweet notes of varying degrees of saturation. It is usually served as a digestif, accompanied by a light snack or without it at all. The basic rules for drinking rum directly depend on the duration of aging.

The longer the alcohol is aged in barrels, the richer its aroma and taste. Bacardi aged three to six years is rarely used for cocktails. Gourmets prefer to enjoy the taste and aroma of this rum in its true form.

For a long time, rum was considered a traditional drink of sailors and residents of port cities. Therefore, it is customary to serve as a snack:

  • Sea fish with neutral taste and smell;
  • Salads from squid, oysters and other seafood;
  • All kinds of cheeses, including soft varieties and feta cheese;
  • Tropical fruits, herbs, mousses, soufflés, creams.

Undiluted rum and cocktails based on it are always served with ice.

The gastronomic accompaniment is designed to highlight the merits of Bacardi rum. The wrong choice of appetizer can overshadow the exquisite aftertaste. For this reason, it is considered unacceptable to serve the following dishes with tropical alcohol:

  • Smoked meats with spicy seasonings;
  • Too aromatic fish, like herring;
  • Fatty, high-calorie foods;
  • All types of vegetables.
  • Spicy sauces prepared with garlic, paprika, chili, coriander;
  • There should be no traditional bread on the table. In case of emergency, it is replaced with flatbreads with herbs, croutons, and tartlets.

Considering the high sugar content in rum, it would be more appropriate to offer dessert in the form of pastries and cakes.

Rum connoisseurs prefer not to mix rum with other types of alcohol, so as not to provoke a severe hangover. Instead, two-year-old rum is diluted:

  • Coca-Cola;
  • Soda;
  • Mineral water;
  • Fruit juices.

Stronger Bacardi rum aged three to six years is diluted exclusively with mineral water so as not to disturb the harmony of aroma.

Rum is widely democratic in terms of the choice of glasses. It is considered acceptable to serve strong rum in cognac glasses or whiskey glasses. Cocktails are served in special glasses or cone-shaped glasses with a high stem. All cocktails come with a straw.

Rum is widely used to make dessert cocktails. There are a number of world-famous cocktail recipes based on Bacardi rum.

Popular cocktails with Bacardi rum

Many cocktail recipes have a long history. Every bartender knows several legends about the origin of this or that cocktail with Bacardi rum. The most famous cocktails:

Mojito, prepared on the basis Superior Bacardi with lime, mint, sugar syrup and sparkling mineral water. The popular cocktail is also sold ready-made under the brand name MojitoBacardi;

Cuba Libre (Free Cuba) consists of Superior Bacardi, Coca Cola, lime;

Pina Colada (Pina Colada) is prepared on the basisBlack Bacardi with pineapple juice, coconut syrup, cream and pineapple pieces. The popularity of the cocktail led to the release of the finished drink in bottles;

Mai Tai is a strong cocktail because it is prepared by mixing Superior Bacardi, Black Bacardi, any liqueur. Lime, mint, almond syrup and vinu are added to the alcoholic mixture;

Dark n Stormy is prepared with Black Bacardi with the addition of lime, ginger ale, lime;

Banana Daiquiri is a truly feminine drink consisting of Superior Bacardi, whipped banana, lemon juice, cream and syrup;

“Burning Ferrari” looks very impressive; it is set on fire before serving. Prepare a burning cocktail based on 151-Bacardi, Black Bacardi, Grenadine and Blue Curaçao;

B-Black is made from Black Bacardi with the addition of ground cinnamon and orange. An orange slice is dusted with cinnamon and placed on a glass of Black Bacardi. Orange with spice serves as a snack for strong rum. There are several legends about the origin of this or that cocktail with Bacardi rum. do not disturb the harmony of the aroma.

All cocktails are prepared with the addition of ice, which is either added in pieces or shaken into crumbs with the rest of the ingredients.

Product of a famous alcohol production company. It has a strength of 37.5°, so its use in its pure form is not suitable for everyone. Light Bacardi Carta Blanca is used diluted with juices and cola. These mixtures are consumed in restaurants, nightclubs, and bars. Let's look at what attracts this species to its admirers.

The founder of the company was a native of Spain, Facundo Bacardi Masso. In 1862, he began manufacturing at his small factory on the island of Cuba. It was based on local rum, strong in strength and unpleasant in taste. As a result of hard work, he created a product that became known throughout the world.

The sign that distinguishes the family product is the bat. From the very beginning of its activities, these animals have taken up residence at the enterprise. According to Cuban belief, winged mice bring happiness and prosperity. The wife of the company's founder advised placing their image on the label for good luck. And so it happened. The brand has become recognized by millions of consumers

Tasting characteristics

Any wine product has its own characteristics and features that distinguish it from other products. It could be color, taste, aftertaste. Let's look at these differences.

Transparent like glass

Real white rum is clear and has no color. This is due to storage conditions: clean white oak barrels that do not add color to the contents. At the same time, such storage material softens and makes it more durable.

According to the technology, it is stored for exactly one and a half years, after which the contents are passed through carbon filter elements. This technology creates transparency.

Exotic aroma

This rum is loved because it has the aroma of exotic fruits, seasonings, and vegetation of distant islands. "White Card" is no exception. When you raise your glass, you smell:

  • tropical fruits,
  • forest herbs,
  • vanilla aroma,
  • sweet marzipans.

The combination of these scents creates a great aura that attracts consumers. Holding a glass in your hand and closing your eyes, you mentally feel like you are on a desert island, far from everyday worries and turmoil.

Inimitable taste

Unlike pirated drink, this product is easy to consume. The production technology makes the products soft and pleasant to eat. The aroma is felt in the taste: the same fruity-caramel pleasant nuances. This quality predetermined the purpose: light Bacardi is ideal for combining alcohol with other components.

Good aftertaste

The sugar cane component has virtually no aftertaste. If you think a little about this topic, you can catch a distant touch of anise.


For those who are intimidated by the fortress, there are two options. The first is to dilute with water. This is done in cases where there is nothing else at hand. The proportions are varied.

You can mix it, that is, add cola or juice to a strong alcohol base.

How to distinguish from a fake

Its popularity has led to the emergence of a large number of counterfeit goods of unacceptable quality. To distinguish real rum from “left” rum, you must adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Buy from reliable retail outlets.
  2. Check for the presence of a corporate logo - under the cork is the head of a bat, looking to the left.
  3. The bottle must have an excise sticker.
  4. Visually check the contents: This product must be transparent.
  5. Above both labels is the date – 1862, the year the brand was born.
  6. On the authentic product, below the stopper, the name of Facundo Bacardi, the founder of the company, is printed.
  7. Check the container's capacity mark. It is indicated in ml or cl (at the bottom of the bottle).

When purchasing, you should carefully inspect the bottle. The labels should be straight in place. They indicate the bottling date. If a seller offers products at a low price, beware. This product is not cheap.

How can I submit?

Used in cocktails for buffets and parties. For lovers of undiluted alcohol, it is better to drink Bacardi at the dinner table or while sitting in armchairs at the coffee table.


There are rules for its use in a certain part of the feast. Experts advise doing this before starting a meal. This will help you appreciate the taste and also whet your appetite.

What do they drink from?

According to the same rules, special utensils are required.

Let's list some:

  1. Hurricane glass (capacity 400-800 ml). A vessel with thickened walls, from which it is convenient to drink.
  2. "Colins" (230-340 ml). A tall and narrow glass of regular cylindrical shape.
  3. The best option for strong combinations.
  4. "Highball" (160-240 ml). Similar to the previous one. The bottom is made of thick glass.
  5. Served with various cocktails.
  6. “Shot” (up to 100 ml). A miniature stack with straight or faceted sides.

Used when consuming layered products with a small volume.

A correctly selected glass will allow you to understand all its charms.

Rules of use

This is a universal drink that is good at an official reception and friendly party. In cold, stormy weather, even doctors will advise you to sit closer to the fireplace with such contents.

How to drink?

Cocktails in which Blanca plays a major role are drunk through a special straw. Clean should be consumed from glasses. Some lovers, in the good sense of the word, wash down strong alcohol with water. This helps to understand the taste qualities.

Women, wanting to soften the strength of the drink, add pieces of ice.

What to drink with?

Let's talk about food products that can be on the table along with this popular alcohol:

  1. Undiluted Blanca should be combined with meat or fish dishes, hard cheese and fresh herbs.
  2. It is better to eat alcohol diluted with juices with seafood.
  3. For strong combinations, you can serve tropical fruits: avocado, papaya, pineapple, or familiar ones: cherries, melon
  4. Light drinks can be combined with ice cream.

By following these tips, you can enjoy your Carta Blanca more.

Cocktail range

Here's an example of our favorite options:

  • Carta Blanca plus cola, lime and ice. This recipe perfectly tones and refreshes.
  • "Mojito." A combination of lime juice, sugar, soda and ice cubes. The favorite drink of the great Hemingway.
  • "Daiquiri". Lemon juice, sugar. Just a good thing.
  • "Pina colada". White plus black Bacardi, coconut syrup, pineapple juice, lime juice, pineapple slice and ice. It is known that it was invented by a pirate captain at the beginning of the 19th century.
  • This is just a small part of the known combinations that are obtained when mixed with the famous light Carta Blanca.

Types of famous alcohol brand

There are several of them. Each of them enjoys considerable popularity. Let us list the types of these well-known products.


There are two options in the category: Carta Blanca and Superior. Both are perfectly perceived, transparent, and belong to the best drinks of the brand. For this reason, they are often used in various combinations, i.e. they make wonderful cocktails.


There are more options here:

  • Carta Oro.
  • Gold.
  • Bacardi 151.
  • Castillo Spiced Rum.
  • Anejo.

Such products captivate with their beautiful amber color, concentrated taste and wonderful aroma.

Dark species

The aging period reaches five years. Therefore, dark varieties are stronger than light ones. Let's call them:

  • Reserva.
  • Select.
  • Oakheart.
  • "Bacardi 8".
  • Negra.

All with a wonderful aroma and a wonderful aftertaste.

Types of popular alcohol

These are popular products in the segment. The product of distillation of cane and sugar syrup has been popular since ancient times. Each region of the world had its own raw materials and a special production process. As a result, the emergence of directions that differ from each other.

Let's name the ones in demand:

  1. Cuban. It is primarily represented by the Bacardi Carta Blanca brand. The brands Havana Club and Santiago de Cuba are in demand around the world.
  2. Jamaican. An original drink. The local variety of cane gives it its original taste. The following drinks are known: Captain Morgan, Appleton.
  3. Rum from the Dominican Republic. Original, with a soft, slightly sugary taste. Best representatives: Bermudez, Barcelo.
  4. Spanish. In this country, the first place among alcohol is wine. The local product also has good traditions. Among the brands, Jamaica and Dos Maderas stand out.

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Bacardi is one of the most recognizable rum brands in the world. This brand was founded in Cuba in 1862 and has been preserving its traditions for more than 150 years, developing and improving the production of rum and drinks based on it. After the Cuban Revolution, Bacardi's production facilities were moved outside Cuba and are currently located in Puerto Rico, Mexico and India.

Bacardi rum comes in several types depending on how it is made. The future product is particularly influenced by the origin of the molasses for the wort, its sweetness, the aging period of the resulting alcohol in oak barrels, the degree of burning of the barrels, the mixing of alcohols with different characteristics, and the filtration of rum using a mixture of charcoal and coconut shells.

Types of rum and their combinations

Each brand of Bacardi rum has certain taste and visual differences, as well as a unique bouquet of aromas that influence the options for its use. The manufacturers themselves and famous gourmets have put forward a number of recommendations with what to drink Bacardi of different varieties:

Bacardi Carta Blanca(Bacardi White) or Superior (Improved) is a white rum that has a light vanilla-fruity aroma and a mild taste, obtained during a short aging for a year in white oak barrels and careful filtration. This means that it will not be a dominant ingredient and is suitable for light cocktails such as mojitos. In its pure form, this rum is not particularly popular. Juice of lemon, orange, pineapple, etc., this is what they drink Bacardi white with most often.

Bacardi Carta Negra(Bacardi Black) is a dark rum with a rich aroma, noticeable notes of vanilla and tropical fruits. It can be aged for four years in heavily charred oak barrels. Connoisseurs prefer to drink black rum without a snack. The most popular accompaniment for drinking Bacardi Black is cola or fruit juices. It is considered to be good for parties and also as an after-dinner digestif. This type of rum does not get lost in the background of brightly flavored mixers, such as the coffee liqueur in the Nocturno cocktail.

Bacardi Carta Oro(Bacardi Gold) is aged for two years and cannot be filtered after the aging process is complete. This drink has a pleasant golden hue and a light taste of caramel and citrus. It is served neat as an aperitif, along with tropical fruits or diluted cola, as well as fruit juices. Bacardi Gold is the main ingredient in the Cuba Libre cocktail.

Bacardi Oakheart is a rum aged in oak barrels with the addition of a secret mixture of spices with a strength of 35%. It is recommended to drink it in its pure form, and to lower the temperature add plain water. Manufacturers recommend drinking this rum with ice, as well as in combination with cola.

Bacardi Ocho Anos is one of the most expensive and aged rums, which can be aged for at least 8 years. It has a strength of 40% and is drunk undiluted in small sips, which allows you to fully reveal its rich taste with notes of prunes, apricot and vanilla.

Popular cocktails with rum

Bacardi fans have long answered the question of what to drink Bacardi rum with. Standard combinations include cola, ice, fruit juices, and other alcoholic drinks. This gave rise to many cocktails that have earned popularity all over the world, such as Cuba Libre, Mojito, Daiquiri, Old Cuba and many others.

Responding to widespread demand, the Bacardi Corporation today produces a large number of alcoholic beverages based on its rum. These are actually cocktails in a bottle, including rum with grapefruit, lemon, raspberry, mango, pineapple, orange, cherry, coconut and other fruits, Mojito, Pina Colada, Danquiri, etc.

All these drinks are welcome at parties, as aperitifs and simply as refreshing cocktails.

Snacks for rum

Rum, as a rule, is drunk without snacking. But for a long feast, you can provide snacks that go well with Bacardi rum. This:

  • chocolate;
  • greens and cheese;
  • exotic fruits: papaya, pineapple, avocado;
  • seafood: lobster, oysters, mussels, squid, caviar.

Bacardi rum rightfully bears the title of the unofficial leader among strong alcoholic drinks, so the company producing this alcohol has to constantly maintain its brand. However, with the constantly growing demands of customers, it is impossible to please everyone by producing only a type of rum. Consequently, the manufacturing company supplies the market with a wide variety of types of drink, so that any consumer can choose the rum that suits him. The price of this alcohol varies depending on the brand of rum, starting from approximately from 1000 rubles and above.

The silhouette of a bat became the symbol of the enterprise. They say that after purchasing the plant, nocturnal inhabitants settled under the roof and the couple considered this a good omen. Indeed, in Spain, these mammals personify furor and harmony, and among the indigenous settlers they symbolize health and well-being.


Producer Rum Black Bacardi

The history of the brand began in 1862, when the Spaniard Facundo Bacardi moved to Santiago de Cuba, where he began producing alcohol. After experimenting with the recipe, the brothers Facundo and Jose managed to get a new Caribbean drink.

The first alcohol produced by the plant was Bacardi Suptrior. This is how the history of the Bacardi brand began, which has existed for more than 150 years.

Today, the Bacardi concern is a giant in the alcohol industry and has 31 production facilities, where more than 6,000 people work hard. Bacardi sells more than 200 million bottles a year and this alcohol can be purchased anywhere in the world. The goal set by the founder - to sell Bacardi in all establishments in the world - has been achieved.

Professionals in blending modern Bacardi alcohol have preserved production traditions to this day. Today the company is managed by the great-great-great-grandson of the founder.

Comparing the taste of Bacardi with other representatives of rum, the question involuntarily comes to mind - its composition and why it has such special taste characteristics.

The technological process for producing this alcohol has remained unchanged since the founding of the company. The drink is based on a special alcohol, which is obtained from black molasses (Molasses). Sugar cane is carefully cleaned and chopped into small pieces. Then it is put under pressure to extract juice. After this, the liquid is passed through specialized filters and poured into copper distillation devices, which ferments there for 30-35 days thanks to the added yeast. The name of this yeast culture is still kept secret.

Upon completion of the process, the resulting alcohol is passed through carbon filters, due to which it receives a high degree of biopurification.

Also, special attention is paid to the maturation of rum during the manufacturing process. The drink is aged in oak barrels from America, which are made by hand. The inner surface of which is fired, which subsequently affects the taste characteristics and bouquet of alcohol.

Despite technological progress, the workshops at the plant where alcohol is produced are not automated, and all stages of production are monitored by people.

How to distinguish the original bottle B acardiBlack

  1. Firstly, you need to pay increased attention to the engravings on the bottle. On the label under the cork is the name of the progenitor of the manufacturing company Facundo Bacardi.
  2. On the bottle itself, under the label, there should be a high-quality inscription of the Bacardi brand and the founding date - 1862. On the reverse side, under the control label, these engravings are also embossed and in addition the bottling date is indicated.
  3. At the bottom of the bottle, the volume is indicated, which is indicated in cl or ml, and the presence of a “slot”, which is used for centering, is unacceptable.
  4. The presence of errors and typos on the label and back label is unacceptable, and all labels are glued very neatly, without smudges of the adhesive base or bevels.
  5. The cork is decorated with the symbolism of a bat, always looking to the left.
  6. When purchasing alcohol, shake the bottle; the presence of sediment in it is unacceptable.
  7. You also need to make sure that you have a tax stamp.

How many degrees in Bacardi

The alcohol line includes 3 main types: Carta, soft Ocho and spicy Oakheart, which have differences in taste and color.

  • Bacardi Black. It has an intense amber color with a reddish tint. Black Bacardi is endowed with the taste of herbs and fruits with woody nuances. Maturation occurs in heavily charred barrels for 4 years. Belongs to the premium class. The alcohol content in the drink is 40 degrees.
  • Bacardi Carta Blanca. Refers to the classic version of white rum. The bouquet has accents of fruit, almond and vanilla, as well as caramel and pepper echoes. Rum Carta Blanca is endowed with mild flavor characteristics. The aging process lasts one and a half years.
  • Bacardi Reserva Superior. Refers to the dark species. Ripens for 8 years. Has an intense amber color. Rum Superior is endowed with a complex bouquet with echoes of vanilla, caramel and honey, and notes of dark chocolate. The taste characteristics are also filled with hints of plum, vanilla and apricot.
  • Bacardi Gold. Alcohol is golden in color. The maturation process lasts 2 years. Bacardi gold has a complex bouquet with hints of vanilla, notes of toffee and molasses. The taste is rich with hints of plum and apricot. Has a long aftertaste.
  • Bacardi Carta Oro. The drink is pale golden in color. The bouquet of rum consists of intertwined vanilla and oak accents with echoes of molasses and iris. Endowed with a soft taste with hints of plum and apricot. Alcohol has a pleasant but short-lived aftertaste.
  • Bacardi Carta Negra. Refers to the dark species. The alcohol content is 40 degrees. It has an amber tint with a red tint. The bouquet is imbued with oak notes and echoes of other types of wood. Endowed with rich taste with spicy and fruity nuances. The aftertaste is quite long. Maturing period is 4 years.
  • Bacardi Gran Reserva. The drink is dark in color with orange and amber tints. Endowed with a complex bouquet with accents of cinnamon, cloves and citrus. The taste of alcohol is deep, fragrant with nuances of vanilla, dried fruits, cloves, toast, nuts and oak. Maturing period is 8 years. Belongs to the premium class.
  • Bacardi Lemon. Color – white, transparent. The aroma contains bright tones of lemon with hints of wood and fruity nuances. The taste characteristics are bright with intertwined echoes of citrus. The aftertaste is long. The strength of the drink is 32 degrees.
  • Bacardi OakHeart. The drink has a warm amber hue. Endowed with an oak bouquet with nuances of smoke and dried fruits, as well as hints of orange zest, caramel and vanilla. It has soft and velvety taste characteristics with vanilla, honey echoes and nuances of maple syrup. Maturing period is 8 years.

Important! The correct technique for drinking this alcohol depends on the color scheme. White rum is mainly used to create cocktails, amber rum is drunk undiluted chilled, and dark rum is used both in its pure form and for making cocktails and various dishes.

There are 4 ways to drink:

  1. In its purest form. This method is preferred by the male half of the population.
  2. With ice. Representatives of the female half like it most. Ice cubes soften the bitter taste characteristics.
  3. In the form of cocktails. This method is mainly used by young people, but the real taste characteristics of the drink are lost in the cocktail.
  4. Diluted. This method is preferred by people who do not like strong alcohol.

Suitable snacks for rum include:

  • juice, Coca-Cola or soda;
  • bread;
  • berries and fruits;
  • seafood;
  • meat products;
  • chocolate;

Ready-made Bacardi cocktails

  • Bacardi Mojito. Manufactured since 2010. Alcohol content 14.9 degrees. The cocktail is light in color with a green tint. Bacardi Mojito is endowed with a pleasant and subtle bouquet of mint and lime. Drink undiluted or with the addition of ice, mint leaves and green lemon.
  • Bacardi Pina Colada. This cocktail is mainly preferred by the female half. The alcohol has a milky color, a sweetish taste and is endowed with a coconut nuance. The aftertaste is rich with creamy aftertaste. Serve undiluted with ice or with the addition of pineapple juice.
  • Bacardi Daiquiri. Alcohol content 14.9 degrees. The drink has a strawberry flavor. Drink neat or with the addition of ice cubes.

Cocktails with Bacardi rum: 5 recipes

Bacardi rum is used to create a variety of alcohol-based cocktails. Let us present to your attention several popular types.

Mojito cocktail at home.

  • green lemon – 1 piece;
  • mint leaves – 5-6 pieces;
  • sugar syrup – 20 ml;
  • soda or sparkling water;
  • sprite;

Creation method

Place mint in a cool highball glass and crush. Add ½ lemon, cut into slices and mash too. Pour rum and syrup into a glass, then add ice to the top rim. Mix thoroughly and pour in a small amount of cold Sprite and fill the glass to the top with soda. Garnish with a slice of lemon.


  • Bacardi white rum – 50 ml;
  • coconut milk – 30 ml;
  • pineapple juice – 100 ml;
  • for decoration: pineapple slices, coconut cream and cherries.

Directions: Mix all ingredients in a shaker and shake well. Place ice in a highball glass and pour out the contents of the shaker. Pour 2 tablespoons of coconut milk on top, garnish the glass with a pineapple slice and a cherry.

Bacardi with juice

A certain type of juice is suitable for each shade of rum, and the proportions are also different.

  • White rum harmonizes well with citrus, pineapple and apple juices, as well as coconut milk.
  • Amber bacardi is mixed with citrus and berry juices, and with cranberry juice.
  • Dark rum is combined with pomegranate or cherry juice, fruit drink made from black currants, plums, wild berries and cranberries.

Cocktail ingredients:

  • golden rum – 50 ml;
  • green lemon juice – 10 ml;
  • Coca-Cola – 140 ml;
  • crushed ice – 180 g;
  • for decoration - a slice of lemon.

How to create: Place ice in a highball glass. Add lemon juice and alcohol. Then top up the glass with cola. Mix everything well and garnish with lemon.

Pacha Ibiza


  • dark Bacardi – 50 ml;
  • Monin sugar syrup – 25 ml;
  • kiwi – 120 gr;
  • cherry berries – 10 g;
  • cherry jam – 50 g;
  • ice cubes – 60 gr.

Method of creation: place all ingredients in a container and beat thoroughly with a blender. Pour into a glass and garnish with cherries.

To truly experience the taste of free Latin America, you need to drink a glass of Bacardi rum. Once you've tasted this drink at least once, you won't be able to forget it. The company produces a huge variety of alcohol for every taste. But there is one point that unites all varieties of the brand - the high quality of the drink.


Transparent color.


Tones of tropical fruit, almond and vanilla with added notes of fresh grass and caramel.


Soft, clean taste, with light motifs of fruit and caramel.

It all started on February 4, 1862, when Don Facundo Bacardi Masso bought a small distillery in Santiago de Cuba on El Matadero Street for 3,500 pesos. In addition to the still, the distillery contained a colony of fruit bats. This gave Don Facundo's wife Amalia the idea of ​​using the image of a bat as a symbol for Bacardi rum to make it recognizable. Indeed, soon the rum produced by Facundo Bacardi became known as el Ron del Murcielago, i.e. "bat rum" Facundo Bacardi sought to create, instead of coarse and harsh local rums, a drink that would be as subtle as the best cognacs. Working to improve production technology, he not only introduced some European techniques for making alcoholic beverages, but also invented his own. In the cane fields he found a line of yeast, later named La Levadura Bacardi, that is still used in the production of Bacardi rum, helping to maintain its unique aromatic profile. To create a light and balanced drink, Facundo Bacardi came up with the idea of ​​making two types of alcohols. One of them, known as aguardiente, has a typical rum bouquet and forms the basis of Bacardi. The second - redestilado - is the product of several successive distillations and gives Bacardi lightness and delicacy. In addition, Facundo Bacardi was the first to use charcoal filtration and aging in oak barrels in the production of rum. His efforts did not go unnoticed. Bacardi rum was highly appreciated not only by amateurs, but also by experts at international competitions. Shortly after Bacardi rum received its third international award, Don Facundo retired, passing the reins of the company to his eldest son Emilio, and the secret of making rum to his middle son named Facundo. The younger Jose did not stand aside either. In the 1890s, he opened a sales office for Bacardi rum in Havana. Thanks to the efforts of the brothers and their successors, the fame of Bacardi rum crossed borders and the company became the first international corporation born in Cuba with production facilities in several countries in South and North America. Although in fairness, it should be noted that the popularity of Bacardi rum was greatly facilitated by the arrival of Americans to Cuba at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, who “invented” Bacardi Daiquiri and Bacardi with Cola. Foreign subsidiaries were the basis for Bacardi's revival following the nationalization of its island-based assets by Cuba's revolutionary government in 1960. Today, Bacardi has grown into the largest privately owned alcohol company in the world, owning a number of well-known brands.

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