Home Products Azerbaijani chicken soup. Azerbaijani recipes with chicken. Step by step recipe

Azerbaijani chicken soup. Azerbaijani recipes with chicken. Step by step recipe

Chicken dishes are present in all national cuisines, because chicken is the bird that we cook more often than others. The fillet makes low-fat dietary dishes that are useful for children and athletes, wings in breadcrumbs are grilled by home-made fast food lovers, and from the thigh part you can cook a delicious broth - the same one that cures colds so well. Recipes with chicken would not fit on the pages of the largest book: they are so varied that you can cook chicken dishes every day without fear that the taste of the bird may get boring. Juicy chicken tabaka glorified Georgian cuisine no less than satsivi and pkhali, chicken with apples is baked in European cuisine as often as turkey in America, and in Russia the filling for pancakes from finely chopped chicken in a creamy sauce has become almost a classic. Russian chefs never wonder what to cook with chicken: they know by heart hundreds of variations of cooking chicken with potatoes, mushrooms, buckwheat or in its own juice. The hit of the New Year's table is, of course, oven-fried chicken legs. Marinated in mayonnaise and spices, they are baked with a crispy, delicious crust, the taste of which is familiar to us since childhood. You can cook chicken in any way; during heat treatment, the meat becomes soft and absorbs the odors of other foods well. The cooked chicken can be served cold or hot. After cooling, its taste almost does not change, and at low temperatures, chicken dishes remain fresh for a long time. Our authors have shared many recipes for cooking chicken - from the simplest to the exotic with avocado, kiwi and pineapple.

Azerbaijani cuisine is surprisingly rich and varied. It absorbed the best culinary traditions of the Middle East, Western Asia and the eastern part of Europe, and at the same time, it exhibited bright national characteristics that made the dishes and their recipes original. Azerbaijani cuisine is always hearty and nutritious. They are prepared from young fatty lamb, veal and poultry. In this country of centenarians, they know how to handle fish, serve vegetables deliciously, and wisely add sweet fruits to main courses. Here they make sweet jams from white cherries and feijoas, pickle plums, prepare golden shirin-pilaf with raisins and dried apricots, shish kebab, buglama and crumbly shekerbura. Almost every region of Azerbaijan has its own traditional dish. In Baku they cook delicious hamrashes and dolma, in Lenkoran they bake chicken stuffed with nuts in a tandoor, and Absheron is famous for its kutabs. Azerbaijani cuisine has many recipes with various meat, dairy, and vegetable ingredients. Popular seasonings and herbs include sumac, cinnamon, parsley, vazari, reyhan, saffron and cilantro.

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Lyaviangi- this is the general name in Azerbaijani national cuisine for dishes stuffed with the filling of the same name, which gave them their name. It could be poultry, fish or even vegetables. The filling is very original, since it is prepared from ground walnuts, red onions ground in a meat grinder and lavashani (or plum paste). Sometimes raisins are added to the filling. Lavashanya is most often taken from wild cherry plum, i.e. the filling will be sour. But again, this is not for everyone; you can mix different types of lavashani, and you will get your own, special taste.

The birthplace of Lyavanga is the southern region of Azerbaijan, or rather the city of Lankaran. By the way, it’s a most beautiful place, I was there a very long time ago, back in the USSR, once, and then, unfortunately, “on the run.” A city on the shores of the Caspian Sea, mountains covered with pine trees. Local landscapes, in general, a picture, by the way, sturgeon kebabs also come from this wonderful region. Locals take great pride in their cuisine, and Lawangi is considered a symbol of hospitality.

If you have all the necessary ingredients, the dish is quite simple to prepare.

We will need:

  • - chicken – 1 pc.,
  • - shelled walnuts (kernels) - 100 g,
  • - onions (preferably red) - 200-250 g,
  • - ghee - 1 tbsp,
  • - lavashana (lavashana)* - 1 sheet (or 1.5-2 tsp plum paste),
  • - salt - to taste,
  • - ground black pepper - to taste.

*In the south of Russia, lavashana is called marshmallow. This Caucasian delicacy is prepared from boiled fruit puree, then dried in the form of a round and thin pancake, the size of a large frying pan. Lavashana comes in different varieties; the southern regions are rich in all kinds of fruits and berries. It is prepared from almost any available fruit, from apples to cherry plum and dogwood. Well, naturally, the taste of lavash is also different, depending on the fruits from which it was prepared, the range of tastes can be from sweet to sour (wild cherry plum is quite sour). In St. Petersburg, no matter how hard I tried, I could not find lavash, but in Stavropol, in the homeland of my wife, I saw what I was looking for without much difficulty at the first vegetable market. And now my wife’s mother regularly supplies me with this originally prepared dried fruit.

Lavashanya (marshmallow) is sold either in the department with spices, or in the department with nuts, dried fruits and churchkhela.
So, first you need to prepare the lavashani paste - finely tear (or cut with scissors) one leaf. At the time of preparation, I had dogwood lavash, quite sour in taste.

Place the lavashani pieces in a container of suitable volume and pour boiling water over them, stir and leave to soak. Then mix the soaked lavash to form a paste.
Pass the walnuts through a meat grinder; no need to try to grind them completely into powder, as for satsivi. It is advisable to pass through a large grill so that the nut crumbs can be tasted. Although this nuance is a matter of taste.

Peel the red onion and pass it through a meat grinder. Do not cut, but rather pass through a meat grinder. This is done so that the chopped onion produces juice.
Transfer the onion mass to a piece of gauze folded in several layers and squeeze the onion juice from the mass. The more juice you can squeeze out, the better. The resulting juice can be discarded, or, if you like to cook, you can use it to marinate meat or add it when frying meat or poultry in a pan. True, it is stored for a very short time, literally a couple of days, and then in a glass container with a lid and in the refrigerator. And we, in fact, need onion cake.
Onion pulp can be used as received. Or you can dry it in a dry frying pan over low heat until softened, literally three to five minutes, stirring constantly.

Place ground walnuts, lavashani paste, onion cake, a tablespoon of melted butter into a container of suitable volume, add salt and pepper to taste.
Stir the contents of the container until a more or less homogeneous mass is obtained. This is the filling of lavanga. In our case, for chicken lavangi. Taste the gruel; it should be sourish-salty, and a subtle bitter taste may be felt.
Prepare the chicken carcass, rinse it, make sure there are no feathers or their remains (if found, mercilessly epilate, gee-gee...), check whether the bird is well gutted. Remove the last phalanx from the bird's wings, as well as the tail (that is, the butt or tail) and the joints on the legs. In Azerbaijan they cook chicken without them, I don’t know why, but that’s how it is. Under the inside of the wings (armpits or whatever) pierce the carcass with a knife and put a tablespoon of filling into these cavities.

Leave a little filling, literally two or three tablespoons (for coating the bird), fill the chicken carcass with the rest of the filling and then secure the edges of the hole (simply sew it up with natural threads).

Coat the bird carcass on all sides with the remaining filling. Grease a baking dish with melted butter and place the chicken carcass in it.

Preheat the oven to 180⁰C, place the container with the chicken in it and bake for an hour or so. Depending on the weight of the chicken. Bake until golden brown. You can do a tricky move - cover the bird with a sheet of aluminum foil, matte side up, and bake for an hour, then remove the foil and continue baking until crispy.

The finished dish is served hot on the table. According to the Azerbaijani tradition, the finished bird is served whole on a platter; the owner of the house himself divides the carcass into parts and serves the guests pieces of chicken and part of the filling. By the way, this treat is delicious when served cold. The chicken carcass is soaked in a wonderful sauce and turns out very juicy and tender, because the sour plum juice softens the meat. In the homeland of this dish (in the original), it is prepared in a tandoor.

Sincerely, S. Zverev.

Chicken - a quick solution for the table

Very often we are faced with such a situation: guests will arrive soon, but we have nothing to treat. A competent housewife will never serve fried sausage and chopped vegetables. She immediately goes into a panic and creatively searches for dishes that she can quickly prepare while simultaneously surprising her guests with her cooking skills. There is no need to panic, culinary sites exist to help you in this difficult moment. The easiest solution would be to cook chicken. You can get acquainted with one of the simple and quick-to-prepare recipes for baking chicken in the oven. It looks very appetizing, and most importantly, it costs little and is very quick to prepare. Juicy and tender chicken covered with a golden brown crust will not leave your guests indifferent to this culinary masterpiece.

Our site invites you to get acquainted with another chicken dish, but for this dish you need to spend much more time, have the desire, some additional knowledge of Azerbaijani cuisine, which will pay off later. We invite you to find out how cook Azerbaijani stuffed chicken in the oven. The dish is not only beautiful to look at, but also has a hypnotic aroma that makes you want to immediately sink your teeth into this juicy chicken carcass.

Recipe for Azerbaijani stuffed chicken

  1. For cooking Azerbaijani stuffed chicken no need to take a very large and fatty chicken. The main thing is that it should be a fresh and not old medium-sized chicken. Don't take frozen ones. Frozen poultry loses all its real taste instantly. You can use a well-fed chicken instead of chicken. The chicken needs to be washed both outside and inside.
  2. Peel and rinse the red onion. Pass through a meat grinder with a medium grid. Lightly squeeze out excess juice. Peel the walnuts and finely chop them with a knife or pass through a meat grinder with the largest attachment. In a separate bowl, combine onion and nuts.
  3. We add Lavashan to these products. Lavashan is an ordinary pastille with a sour taste. Chop it and add it to the onions and nuts. If this product is not available nearby, then it can be replaced with such sour sauces as: tkemali, cherry plum sauce, dogwood sauce, plum sauce. If you use sauce, use no more than 4 tablespoons. Lavashan itself, finely chop and use whole. Mix all products thoroughly.
  4. Let's move on to the chicken. Rub the chicken carcass very carefully, but not excessively, with salt and ground black pepper, both outside and inside. Season the grated chicken with prepared aromatic minced meat. Leave some minced meat. Cover the chicken with toothpicks or thread to prevent the minced meat from falling out. Rub the remaining minced meat onto the carcass.
  5. Azerbaijani chicken stuffed with nuts cooked on coals or in the oven. Not many people can cook this dish over coals - choose an oven. To do this, while the chicken is marinating from the inside, we preheat the oven to 190 - 200 degrees. Place the chicken on a baking sheet and bake for 1.5 - 2 hours.
  6. Azerbaijani stuffed chicken ready in an hour and a half. It was covered with a golden brown crust, saturated with the aroma of nuts, and took on the sourness from Lavashan or sauce. We put it on a large and wide tray, cut it into portions and serve it on the table. Each person, at his own request, will choose the piece he likes and add the required amount of minced meat. Fresh vegetables are usually served as a side dish. The dish is decorated with finely chopped herbs and sometimes lightly sprinkled with 4% vinegar, and Caucasian sauces, served in a separate bowl, often only emphasize the unique qualities of the next culinary masterpiece of Caucasian cuisine.
Enjoy your meal!

Oriental cuisine is famous for its spicy and spicy dishes with extraordinary taste and aroma. If you decide to expand your culinary horizons, it's time to look behind the scenes of Azerbaijani cuisine. Chicken bozartma is the first dish that has won the hearts of hundreds of gourmets.

Festive soup on your table

Azerbaijani chicken bozartma is considered the first dish, which in this country is prepared exclusively for the holiday. Its special feature is its rich broth.

Most often, bozartma is prepared from poultry meat. You don't have to take chicken. You can cook broth from turkey or duck meat. It is important to give the dish a sour taste. This can be done using lemon slices, aromatic oriental herbs and spices.

If you decide to master the basics of Azerbaijani cuisine, then you will definitely like bozartma made from chicken legs.


  • 6-8 pcs. chicken legs;
  • 2 liters of filtered water;
  • 4-5 pcs. potato tubers;
  • ½ tsp. turmeric;
  • ½ pod of hot pepper;
  • salt and allspice to taste;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • ½ can of canned tomatoes;
  • lemon;
  • laurel leaves;
  • 5-6 pcs. prunes;
  • a bunch of cilantro;
  • 50 g butter.


  1. Let's prepare the products according to the list.
  2. First defrost the chicken legs and rinse thoroughly with water.
  3. Remove excess moisture with paper towels.
  4. Heat a frying pan and add butter. Let's melt it.
  5. Peel the onion and cut into half rings.
  6. Place the chopped onion in a frying pan and sauté over low heat.
  7. Cut the hot capsicum into pieces.
  8. Pour refined sunflower oil into another frying pan.
  9. Warm it up and lay out the chicken legs.
  10. Fry the chicken legs over maximum heat until golden brown. This process will take you about a quarter of an hour.
  11. Place the fried chicken legs in a thick-walled pan.
  12. Peel the potato tubers and wash them.
  13. Cut the potatoes into large pieces and add to the chicken legs.
  14. Photo 8
  15. Pour boiled water at room temperature over these ingredients.
  16. Place the pan on the stove and bring the liquid to a boil.
  17. Then reduce the heat to low.
  18. Meanwhile, chop the prunes.
  19. Wash the cilantro and finely chop the greens with a knife.
  20. As the soup boils, foam will appear on the surface of the soup; it must be skimmed off.
  21. Let's get back to preparing the dressing.
  22. Add chopped hot pepper to the sautéed onion.
  23. Add cumin, turmeric and canned tomatoes in their own juice.
  24. Mix everything well and simmer for 2-3 minutes.
  25. Add prunes to the dressing.
  26. Add the prepared dressing to the soup.
  27. Mix everything well.
  28. Boil for a few more minutes until the potatoes are fully cooked.
  29. Before serving, be sure to steep the soup in a sealed container.
  30. Place the bozartma into portioned plates, add cilantro and a lemon wedge.

Many housewives call bozartma a colorful dish. As already mentioned, it can be prepared not only from poultry meat. But if you still give preference to chicken, then the calorie content of such soup will be low and will be approximately 85 kilocalories per 100 g. Surprise your household by preparing an incredibly tasty oriental bozartma.


  • 1500 ml filtered water;
  • chicken carcass;
  • onions – 6 heads;
  • 1 tbsp. l. chopped cilantro;
  • 4 things. fresh tomatoes;
  • 1 tbsp. freshly squeezed pomegranate juice;
  • 3 tbsp. l. soft butter;
  • 1 tbsp. l. dill, parsley;
  • ½ tbsp. l. chopped thyme;
  • 4 things. garlic cloves;
  • 1 tsp. chopped mint;
  • 1 tsp. chili pepper;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Preparing the bird carcass.
  2. We cut it up, defrost it and chop it into portions.
  3. Place the chicken in a thick-walled bowl and fill it with boiled water, preferably hot.
  4. Add salt to taste and place the pan on the stove.
  5. Cook the broth for one hour.
  6. A fatty film will appear on the surface; remove it and place it in a bowl.
  7. Let's prepare the vegetables.
  8. Chop the onion into small cubes.
  9. Heat the pan, add chicken fat and butter.
  10. Sauté the onion until translucent and softened for 10 minutes.
  11. Wash the tomatoes and remove the film.
  12. Grind the tomatoes in a blender to a puree consistency.
  13. According to the recipe, rinse the greens with running water and dry.
  14. Finely chop the greens with a knife.
  15. Add some chicken broth to the pan with the onions.
  16. Pour freshly squeezed pomegranate juice, add tomato puree and chopped herbs.
  17. Mix everything well.
  18. We also add spices and spices here.
  19. Peel the garlic cloves and pass through a press.
  20. Add the prepared dressing to the broth.
  21. Boil for literally 3-5 minutes and set aside from heat.

According to many culinary specialists, bozartma is prepared only from meat broth, chicken fillet and onions. If you add potatoes to first courses, you should not change your gastronomic habits.

Chikhirtma is a traditional Azerbaijani dish. Can be made from chicken, lamb, veal. It should not be confused with the Georgian dish of the same name, which is a soup (although it contains similar ingredients). Sometimes Azerbaijani chikhirtma is called “chikhirtma”.

To prepare Azerbaijani chicken chikhirtma we take:

  • chicken – 600 g
  • onion – 400 g
  • butter – 50 g
  • chicken broth – 250 ml
  • tomatoes – 1–2 pcs.
  • lemon juice – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • eggs – 3 pcs.
  • turmeric – 1 teaspoon
  • greenery
  • salt pepper

You can take more chicken - even a whole chicken. This recipe just used a small amount, just three thighs. Accordingly, if we take more meat, then it is advisable to increase the volume of other products, especially onions.

Cooking chikhirtma in Azerbaijani style

There are many different recipes for chikhirtma. Most often it is prepared from meat or poultry in combination with vegetables and eggs. But there are also options without meat, only from vegetables. Some consider chyhyrtma as a Caucasian version of scrambled eggs or omelet, because eggs play a very important role in this dish. A thick sauce is prepared from them, forming a delicate soufflé.

Chicken chikhirtma is often prepared from boiled chicken. This is due to the need to use chicken broth for the dish. However, fried chicken tastes better than boiled chicken. Therefore, you can take ready-made chicken broth and fry the chicken pieces. Moreover, the chicken does not need to be completely fried, as it will then end up in the sauce. Simply fry the pieces of meat until you get a golden, appetizing crust.

Now about the salt. Since the broth is salty, salt is also added when frying the onions, and we add a little salt to the chicken pieces themselves before frying, it is important not to oversalt the dish during the cooking process.

The process of preparing chikhirtma with chicken

Cut the chicken into portions (we don’t need to do this, we have ready-made thighs). If you use boiled chicken, you still need to fry it a little in butter until you get a crust. Add salt and pepper to the chicken, place in a deep frying pan and fry.

All onions need to be finely chopped. We'll make it in time while the chicken is fried.

Take the fried chicken out of the pan, add butter and add chopped onion. In order for the onion to fry better and give off the smell, we immediately salt it.

We set the fire a little more than medium. The onion should not so much fry as simmer. Stir occasionally with a spatula. Lightly knead the onion so that the onion is homogeneous. It should become transparent and begin to caramelize.

Peel the tomatoes. We cut it, pour boiling water for 3-4 minutes, then cold water and immediately remove the skin. Chop the tomatoes finely, almost into porridge.

Our onions have already dried out and become transparent, gradually starting to fry slightly. At this point we add chopped tomatoes and lemon juice.

Pour 1/3 cup of broth into the pan. Mix.

Simmer the vegetables with the broth over low heat for about five minutes, continuing to mash the onion with a spatula.

Place the previously fried chicken pieces on top of the onion. Sprinkle with turmeric.

Pour the remaining broth into the pan, which should not completely cover the chicken pieces. Stir and cover with a tight lid.

That's it, now we leave our chihyrtma to languish. With the heat on low and the lid closed, this should take about 25-30 minutes. The chicken should simmer slowly. The heat needs to be very low so that the sauce, especially the onion, does not burn.

It is desirable that the sauce be as homogeneous as possible.

Chop the greens.

Break the eggs into a bowl and beat. Salt and pepper.

Here you can add the greens directly to the eggs, stir and then cook in the same way as the recipe given. Or you can add greens at the end, sprinkling them on the finished chikhirtma. We use the second option.

Important stage! You need to carefully pour the beaten eggs into the sauce. It is advisable to try to ensure that the eggs are distributed approximately evenly over the entire surface of the pan.

No need to stir!

Now, over low heat with the lid removed, you need to bring the sauce until it thickens. The sauce should not boil violently! You can't interfere with it either. To speed up the cooking process, you can pierce the sauce so that the moisture evaporates better.

The sauce should remain moist and should not be allowed to dry out.

As a result, we get delicious and aromatic stewed chicken, with soft and juicy meat. Chicken pieces are covered with a tender and delicious egg and onion soufflé.

That's it, our chikhirtma in Azerbaijani is ready! Place the chicken and sauce on plates and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Chikhyrtma is often served as a side dish for folding Azerbaijani pilaf. However, it will go perfectly as a separate dish.

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