Home Drinks and cocktails Fruit salad technology. Fruit salad is the most delicious options. I. Organizational moment

Fruit salad technology. Fruit salad is the most delicious options. I. Organizational moment

November 30, 2012 1:57 pm

Fruit, berry and jelly fillings

The consistency of the fillings must be uniform and viscous enough to ensure normal molding conditions at optimal temperatures. Fillings of all types should not be sugared and dissolve the caramel mass (except for soft caramel like “Moscow”), as well as go rancid and ferment during storage of the caramel. The temperature of the fillings should be 8-10 °C lower than the temperature mass, which prevents the seam from opening and the filling leaking out.

It is obtained by boiling pureed fruit pulp with sugar and molasses with various additions. The main factors determining the consistency of the filling are its moisture content and the pectin content in the fruit preparations.

The technological scheme for preparing fillings includes: pulp scalding or desulphitation of applesauce or other puree, rubbing of fruit and berry preparations, recipe preparation: mixtures, boiling and tempering of the filling (Fig. 6).

The puree is desulphated, and the pulp is scalded until soft, so that it can be wiped, in a closed scalder or open digesters with steam heating and a stirrer for 10-15 minutes.

The closed scalder is a trough-shaped stainless steel casing with a lid. Inside the casing there is a horizontal screw with a hollow axis, through the holes of which heating steam is supplied. The loaded pulp is moved by a screw along the length of the apparatus, subjected to heating by steam (0.50.6 MPa). The softened mass at the exit from the scalder is poured through a hole into a receiving collection - a grinder, where it is partially crushed by blades. Exhaust devices are attached to the scalder lid to remove steam and sulfur dioxide.

Processing of puree and pulp in an open digester is carried out as follows. After loading the pulp, water is poured into the boiler in an amount of 20-25% of the mass of the pulp (depending on the quality), the mixer and steam supply are turned on. During scalding, the boiler must be closed with a lid. A fan is connected to the boiler to remove sulfur dioxide. The duration of scalding is 30-50 minutes, depending on the type of fruit.

The scalded softened fruit mass or desulfitated puree enters a collection container, from which it is transferred to a rubbing machine.

The scalding of stone fruit and dried fruit and berry preparations (dried prunes, cherry plum and plum pulp, dry rowan, etc.) is carried out in an open digester.

The pulp or puree is rubbed in a grinding machine with blades rotating at a frequency of 120-140 rpm through a mesh (copper or stainless steel) with a mesh size of 1.5 mm. When wiping povarok, marmalade, preserves and jams, a mesh with a mesh size of 3 mm is used.

The scalded mass is fed for wiping by a pump or using a vacuum tank with a vacuum of 66.7-80 kPa, from which the mass flows by gravity into the loading funnel of the rubbing machine. The resulting puree goes into the receiving collection, then into the recipe mixer. Currently, aseptically packaged purees are widely used.

The recipe mixture is made up of fruit and berry puree, molasses and sugar syrup. The molasses and sugar syrup can be replaced with molasses syrup or caramel waste syrup. The mixture is prepared in a mixer equipped with a stirrer, which rotates at a frequency of 35-40 rpm. Components are loaded by weight or volume using special measuring cups. All components of the recipe mixture are pre-filtered. From the recipe mixer, the fruit mixture with a moisture content of 44-48% is pumped into a receiving container, individual for each cooker.

For boiling fillings, continuous-action coil vacuum apparatuses with a larger (compared to a caramel vacuum apparatus) remote evaporation chamber are used (heating surface 4.2 and 7.5 m²). Fillings are also boiled in coil columns with a steam separator and batch spherical filling apparatuses with or without a stirrer, a tilting cooking bowl and a bowl with a drain fitting.

When boiling fillings in coil vacuum devices, the filtered fruit mixture is continuously fed into the coil of the vacuum device, where it is boiled to a moisture content of 14-19% at a heating steam pressure of 0.6 MPa and a vacuum of 66.7-80 kPa. Boiling time is 3-4 minutes. The finished filling with a temperature of 80-85 °C is unloaded every 1.5-2 minutes into a receiving container, from which it is transferred to tempering machines by a gear pump. The filling in the amount of 35-40 kg is unloaded by automatic unloading or manually. In order for the filling to remain in the receiving container, it is recommended to make a conical bottom in it. When the pressure of the heating steam and the humidity of the fruit mixture change against the optimal parameters, the supply of syrup to the coil of the vacuum apparatus is changed accordingly. Due to short-term boiling, the filling turns out to be light, with high viscosity - in the range of 13-25 Pa with a temperature of γ = 6-7 sˉ¹ (depending on the pectin content in the fruit preparations and the humidity of the fillings). The hourly productivity of a coil vacuum device, depending on its heating surface, is from 900 to 1400 kg of filling.

At the end of boiling, the apparatus is washed and purged with steam in the same way as a caramel vacuum apparatus. At the end of the working week, the device is washed with a 3-6% solution of caustic soda (using the recirculation method) and a 2-3% solution (when pouring for 12-24 hours). Continuous feeding of the fruit mixture into the apparatus coil and boiling in a thin layer eliminates the possibility of significant soot formation.

When boiling fillings in a coil column without a vacuum, the filtered fruit mixture continuously enters the coil of the cooking column and is boiled (heating steam pressure no more than 0.6 MPa) to the specified recipe humidity. The finished filling, together with extra steam, continuously enters the steam separator. The temperature of the filling at the outlet of the steam separator is 103-108°C. The boiled filling continuously flows from the steam separator into the cooling machine and from there, at a temperature of 70-75 ° C, a gear pump is transferred through a ring system to the filling filler. The device must be warmed up before loading.

In a spherical batch filling apparatus, the fruit mixture is boiled (heating steam pressure up to 0.6 MPa and vacuum 66.7-73.3 kPa). The fruit and berry mixture is sucked into the apparatus under a vacuum of up to 66.7 kPa through a flexible hose with a mesh tip. By stirring with a stirrer during the boiling process, the circulation of the mass in the apparatus is enhanced, the evaporation of moisture is accelerated and the burning of the filling to the heating surface is reduced. Boiling lasts 30-45 minutes depending on the capacity of the apparatus. After this, the supply of heating steam is stopped and the wet-air pump continues to operate for 2-3 minutes to remove extra steam and reduce the temperature to 80-85 ° C. Next, the mass is unloaded through the lower fitting of the bowl or poured out of the inclined bowl into the receiving collection.

Concentrated curd whey with sugar (TU 49-798-81) is added to the finished filling in an amount of 14% of the total dry matter content per 1 ton of filling. Sugar consumption per 1 ton of filling must be reduced by 13.1%, lactic acid - by 0.9% by weight of dry substances. When introducing concentrated curd whey with sugar (65% dry matter), the filling is boiled to a dry matter content of 85%, concentrated curd whey without sugar (75% dry matter) - to 83%. After adding the whey, the filling is thoroughly mixed until smooth.

In order to ensure uniform and stable distribution of the filling in the caramel, it is recommended to replace up to 5% of the sugar solids in the filling with certain types of raw materials and semi-finished products, for example:

swelling corn starch for food;

flour after extrusion of various cereals and grains;

waffle crumbs, finely ground crumbs from gingerbread, cookies or corn sticks, etc.

They are introduced at the stage of preparing the fruit and berry mixture or tempering the filling.

The filling is tempered at 63-70°C in tempering machines. The tempering machine is heated by steam at a pressure of up to 0.4 MPa. Mixer rotation speed - 20 - 30 rpm. Kneading machines or open digesters with a stirrer can also be used for tempering.
With mechanized feeding, the tempered filling is pumped into the filling filler by a pump through a ring system.

If the process of transporting the filling is not mechanized, then the filling from the tempering machine is poured through a pipe into a container and manually loaded into the filling filler.

The addition of aromatic and flavoring substances is also done in a tempering machine. Fillings that are too hot must be cooled or diluted with colder ones. At the end of the work, the entire filling communication system is purged with steam.

Jelly fillings. The technological scheme for preparing fillings is shown in Fig. 7. They are boiled sugar-agar syrup with the addition of fruit and berry puree and various components. Soaked swollen and washed agar is dissolved in water (ratio of dry agar to water 1:10) in an open heated digester.

The sugar syrup is boiled in a vacuum apparatus to a humidity of 15-17%. The finished syrup is drained, filtered and an agar-aqueous solution is added and then fruit puree (if provided for in the recipe). The mixture is stirred, the finished filling is acidified, flavored and tempered at 63-68 °C.

Belov Sasha

Technology. 3rd grade. Lesson topic: “Fruit breakfast. Working with edible materials." Project on the theme “Fruit salad”.



Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 41"


Lesson topic: “Fruit breakfast.

Working with edible materials"

Project on the topic “Fruit salad”

The project was prepared by:

student of grade 3B,

Belov Sasha, 10 years old.


primary school teacher

Gorbunova Lyudmila Nikolaevna.

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 41, Saransk


Project on the topic “Fruit salad” (Slide No. 1)


1. What is fruit salad.

2. Dishes for serving desserts.

3. Making my salad.

4. Sources used.

1. What is fruit salad. (Slide No. 2)

Fruit salad is a dish made from a mixture of various fresh fruits, cut into small pieces. This is a dessert dish. Typically, sweet salads include fruit and berry mixtures, to which you can add a little sour milk (sour cream, kefir, yogurt, yogurt).

The traditional recipe includes apple, pear, orange, dessert banana. Sometimes seedless grapes, pineapple and tangerine are added. The fruit salad is sprinkled with regular or brown sugar or honey. Lemon juice is also sometimes added to fruit salads to add freshness to the salad and preserve the appearance of the fruit.

2. Dishes for serving desserts. (Slide No. 2)

There are bowls for serving desserts. A bowl is a special dish for serving sweet dishes and desserts - fruit salads, ice cream, mousses, jelly, cream with a capacity of one serving. Bowls can be made from various materials, such as transparent or frosted glass, porcelain, ceramics, metal, even plastic.

3. Making my salad. (Slide No. 3)

To prepare the salad you will need:

1. Orange - 1 pc.

2. Banana – 1 pc.

3. Pear – 1 pc.

4. Apple – 1 pc.

5. Yogurt – 1 b.

Salad recipe:

Let's take an apple. We cut it into cubes (you don’t have to peel the skin). Place in a salad bowl. To prevent the apple pieces from turning black, you need to sprinkle them with lemon juice.(Slide No. 4)

Let's take a pear. It is better to choose a medium-hard pear. We cut it into cubes (you don’t have to peel the skin). Place in a salad bowl.(Slide No. 4)

Let's take a banana. It is better to choose a firm, medium-sized banana. We peel it. Cut into pieces. Place in a salad bowl.(Slide No. 5)

Let's take an orange. We clean it, freeing each slice from the films. Cut into pieces. Place in a salad bowl.(Slide No. 5)

Take a jar of any yogurt, preferably sweet. Pour it into the salad bowl with the prepared foods. After pouring yogurt into the salad bowl, you need to mix everything carefully.(Slide No. 6)

Salad ready. We put it in dessert bowls, next to which there are dessert cutlery and paper napkins.

Bon appetit!(Slide No. 7)


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Slide captions:

Technology 3rd grade Lesson topic: “Fruit breakfast. Working with edible materials » Project using the “Fruit Salad” technology The project was prepared by a 3B class student, Sasha Belov, 10 years old. Head: primary school teacher Lyudmila Nikolaevna Gorbunova. Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 41, Saransk.

Fruit salad is a dish made from a mixture of fresh fruits, cut into small pieces. Fruit salad is a dessert dish. Dishes for fruit salads: glass porcelain metal

Preparing my salad. Procurement of products. To prepare fruit salad you will need: 1. Orange - 1 pc. 2. Banana – 1 pc. 3. Pear – 1 pc. 4 . Apple – 1 pc. 5. Yogurt – 1 b.

Preparing the salad (recipe for making fruit salad) Take an apple. We cut it into cubes (you don’t have to peel the skin). Place in a salad bowl. To prevent the apple pieces from turning black, you need to sprinkle them with lemon juice. Let's take a pear. It is better to choose a medium-hard pear. We cut it into cubes (you don’t have to peel the skin). Place in a salad bowl.

Preparing the salad (recipe for making fruit salad) Take a banana. It is better to choose a firm, medium-sized banana. We peel it. Cut into pieces. Place in a salad bowl. Let's take an orange. We clean it, freeing each slice from the films. Cut into pieces. Place in a salad bowl.

Preparing a salad (recipe for making fruit salad) Take a jar of any yogurt, preferably sweet. Pour it into the salad bowl with the prepared foods. After pouring yogurt into the salad bowl, you need to mix everything carefully.

Bon appetit! Salad ready. We put it in plates for dessert, next to which there are cutlery for dessert and paper napkins. Bon appetit!

Sources used 1 . Technology. 3rd grade. Textbook for general education institutions. /N.I. Rogovtseva, N.V. Bogdanova, N.V. Dobromyslova; Ross. Academician Sciences, Ross. Academy of Education, publishing house "Prosveshcheniye". –M.: Education, 2014. 2. Family photo archive. 3. ru.wikipedia.org 4 . restorator.name 5 . luminarc. su 6. AlleyPlates.ru 7. images.yandex.ru

Natalya Tertyshnikova

Subject: « Preparing fruit salad»

Kind of activity: educational – practical.

Educational areas: "Work", "Socialization", "Cognition", "Health", "Safety".

Target: create conditions for children to master the process making fruit salad.


To help clarify and generalize children’s ideas about the external and taste qualities of vegetables and fruit, about ways to eat them;

To consolidate ideas about the importance of fresh fruits for human health;

Learn to cook salad using a diagram-model of the labor process;

Foster hard work and a thrifty attitude towards food.

Preliminary work:

Conversations with children "Sunny Hotels", « Fruits are a source of health» , "Clean hands rule";

Di "Let's make compote", "Scullion", "Ascorbinka and her friends";

Reading poetry and learning poetry.

Activity plan:

DI "Define fruit taste» . / Control by result: guessed right or wrong. Evaluation – awarding chips for the correct answer/.

DI “Describe it – we’ll guess”. Guessing descriptive riddles compiled according to plan. / Control based on the result - post pictures, check comparison, evaluate - awarding chips for the correct answer. /

- What we can cook from these fr. (children's answers)

Today we will cook fruit salad.

Who knows how to do this? – this is goal setting.

Discussion of the process, based on the work process diagram making fruit salad. /Procedural and reflexive control/

Remind the rules security: cleanliness of hands, handling a knife, using an apron, headscarf.

Distribution of duties, preparing salad. /Control based on results. /

Reflection: Who wants to tell mom how we cooked? fruit salad? Who wants cook it at home?

Publications on the topic:

In September, as always, our theme for the month is “Gifts of Autumn. Harvest” And I decided to do something interesting with the children. Children really like it.

We continue the culinary theme: Today we are preparing a fruit salad. My daughter Stasenka helps me. 1. Study the recipe and select the fruits: 2. Us.

Summary of preparing vinaigrette in the middle group of kindergarten. Objectives: 1. To develop skills for safe handling of dangerous objects.

Summary of work activities of children of the senior group “Preparing autumn salad” Program content: * Strengthen children's skills in using a table knife and kitchen board; *Follow safety precautions during.

The decoration of my New Year's table was the Snake salad, a symbol of the coming New Year. To prepare this dish you will need the following.

Fruits for human health are, without exaggeration, a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements. As a rule, they are useful to everyone.

The caramel produced in our factories differs from each other not only in the shape, size, color and taste of the caramel shell, but also in the fillings, which are varied in structure and taste.

The variety of fillings is ensured by the use of different types of raw materials, methods of processing them, methods for obtaining fillings, and the use of flavoring and aromatic substances.

The fillings produced can be divided into the following main types: fruit and berry, honey, liqueur, fondant, milk, nut and chocolate, marzipan, butter and sugar and whipped.

All caramel fillings, regardless of their composition and preparation methods, must meet the following requirements:

1) the consistency of the fillings must be homogeneous and have sufficient viscosity to ensure normal conditions for caramel molding at a temperature of 60°C;

2) fillings must retain high taste qualities - do not go rancid, do not ferment or crystallize.

The required consistency of fillings is ensured by regulating its residual moisture within the limits specified by the standard, using molasses, which has a high viscosity, and fruit and berry raw materials containing 0.8-1.0% pectin substances.

The stability of fillings during storage of caramel is achieved:

The presence in the fillings of the required amount of anti-crystal lysates that prevent the crystallization of sucrose;

The absence of perishable fats and other types of raw materials that are unstable during storage in the filling recipe.

The main raw materials for preparing fruit and berry fillings are fruit and berry preparations in the form of pulp or puree, sugar and molasses. The pulp and puree are subjected to scalding and rubbing according to the technological scheme shown in Fig. III-5. In addition, preparations and supplies of highly aromatic fruits and berries are used. However, the main type of fruit raw material, which makes up the fruit part of almost all fillings, is applesauce, which, due to its content of about 1% pectin substances, allows the filling to be prepared in the form of a viscous thick mass.

The sugar part of the recipe mixture consists of sugar (in the form of a sugar solution with a moisture content of 20%), molasses and syrup from caramel waste.

The ratio between the fruit and sugar parts of the fillings for individual types of caramel is established by the recipes and is determined by the need to obtain a filling that is sufficiently viscous at a humidity of 16-19% with a pronounced taste and aroma. These requirements are met subject to certain ratios of the main parts of the recipe: sugar - 1 part, molasses - 0.5 parts, fruit puree - 1 part. Molasses can be partially or completely replaced with syrup from caramel waste.

If preparations and supplies are used to prepare fillings, then the sugar added to these semi-finished products is taken into account and the ratio established by the recipe for a given variety between the quantity and quality of the dry substances of the fruit part and sugar is maintained.

The prepared raw materials are loaded in the required proportions into the mixer, thoroughly mixed and pumped through a pipeline through filter 2 into collection 1 (Fig. 111-20). The prepared sugar-fruit mixture has a moisture content of 45-50%.

From collection 1, the sugar-fruit mixture is supplied by plunger pump 3 to the coil of cooking apparatus 4, heated by steam at a pressure of up to 450 kPa. The process of boiling the filling is short-term and lasts for

approximately 3 min. Along with the removal of 20 to 30% of moisture during boiling, processes such as hydrolysis of sucrose and the breakdown of reducing sugars occur according to a sequential reaction scheme. However, due to short-term boiling, the breakdown of sugars does not reach the formation of coloring and humic substances, and the fillings are light in color.

The final moisture content of fruit and berry fillings is 16-19%, which corresponds to a boiling temperature of 113-118°C.

The boiled filling together with extra steam enters the steam separator 5, from which the steam is sucked off by a fan, and the filling flows into the tempering machine 6.

The tempering machine is a cylindrical container equipped with a steam-water jacket and a stirrer with complex movement. The filling entering the machine is quickly cooled to a temperature of 65-68°C, the necessary flavoring and aromatic substances are added to it, as well as lactic or tartaric acid if the acidity of the filling is below 1%.

The filling, ready for caramel molding, is pumped by plunger pump 8 into a ring line passing above the filling fillers 9 of rolling machines 10. Excess filling is discharged through the return branch of the pipeline to the tempering machine.

The humidity of the filling is regulated according to the readings of a thermometer installed at the exit of the filling from the steam separator, by changing the pressure of the heating steam, and the temperature is regulated by changing the water flow in the jacket of the tempering machine.

If the filling cannot be used immediately due to production conditions, it must be cooled to a temperature of 20-25°C. Storing the filling in a hot state causes a deep breakdown of monosaccharides, the formation of dark-colored substances that deteriorate its quality.

Honey fillings are a mixture of sugar-treacle syrup and honey boiled to 82-86% dry matter. The required consistency and viscosity of the filling is achieved by increasing (up to 20%) the content of molasses or adding up to 20% apple, apricot and other pectin-containing fruit puree.

The amount of honey in the filling must be at least 25%. To preserve the honey taste and aroma, it is added at the end of boiling the filling.

Boiling of honey, liqueur, and milk fillings is carried out in spherical vacuum devices (Fig. 111-21).

The apparatus consists of a copper hemispherical bowl 1 placed in a steel steam jacket 2. A horizontal stirrer 15 rotates along the bottom of the bowl from the drive 4 at a frequency of 19 rpm.

Rice. Sh-21. Spherical vacuum device 31-A

The top of the bowl is closed with a copper cap 6, on which there are two viewing windows for monitoring the loading of the apparatus and the boiling process, as well as measuring instruments: thermometer 7, vacuum gauge 11, safety valve 14, pressure gauge 13.

The cap 6 ends with a pipe 10, which is connected by a pipe 9 to the mixing condenser of the wet-air vacuum pump. The apparatus maintains a residual pressure of 20 kPa.

The capacity of the lower bowl is 150 l. The recipe mixture from the collection is sucked into the cooking apparatus due to vacuum through pipe 5. After loading the apparatus, the stirrer is turned on, and heating steam at a pressure of 600 kPa is supplied to the steam jacket. The boiling process lasts 30-40 minutes. With such prolonged boiling in an acidic environment, substances of deep decomposition of sugars are formed, as well as interaction products of monosaccharides and nitrogenous substances, which cause the darkening of the filling and a change in its taste. In addition, pectin substances are destroyed, which reduces the viscosity of the filling. Therefore, the dry matter content of honey fillings, depending on the recipe composition, can vary between 82-86%.

Upon completion of boiling, stop the supply of steam to the steam jacket and cooling water to the condenser, turn off the vacuum pump and stirrer, open the air valve and unload the filling through the shutter 16.

Liquor fillings are prepared by boiling sugar-treacle syrup to 86-87% of dry matter, followed by adding liqueur, wine, and other flavoring and aromatic substances after cooling to 70-75°C. To ensure sufficient viscosity of the filling when molding the caramel, take 1 part molasses for 1 part sugar.

Fruit and berry puree can also be added to the sugar-treacle syrup. Depending on the quality of the puree and the content of pectin substances in it, the amount of molasses in the recipe mixture can be reduced. To avoid sugaring of the filling, the content of reducing substances in it should be about 30%.

Boiling of liqueur fillings is carried out in periodic vacuum devices or in open boilers with steam heating.

Fondant fillings are a crystalline mass consisting of two phases - solid and liquid. The share of the solid phase is about 55%, liquid - 45%. The solid phase is the smallest (no more than 20 nm) crystals of sucrose, and the liquid phase is a multicomponent solution of sugar and molasses.

Fondant mass is obtained by crystallizing sucrose from sugar-treacle syrup, gradually cooled in a crystallizer and boiled to 87-88% of dry matter. Depending on the workshop’s need for fondant filling, various devices can be used as a crystallizer. For small production volumes, it is convenient to use the ShPA fondant-churning station (Fig. 111-22).

The boiler is heated by steam pressure up to 400 kPa. With stirring and heating, the sugar dissolves, and the resulting syrup is boiled to a solids concentration of 86-88%.

Sugar-treacle syrup is passed through filter 2 into collection 3, from which it is fed into coil heater 5 by a plunger pump.
for additional boiling. From the heater, the syrup enters the rotary crystallizer 6. The syrup is distributed by a rotating disk along the inner wall of the apparatus and flows down in a thin layer. Each of the two sections of the apparatus has a water jacket into which cold water is supplied. Rapid cooling in a thin layer of syrup is also achieved due to intensive mixing by the blades of the rotor, which rotates at a frequency of 400 rpm.

When cooled, the boiled sugar-treacle syrup goes from an unsaturated state to a supersaturated state, crystallization of sucrose occurs in it, resulting in the formation of a fondant mass.

From the crystallizer, the mass is poured into a tempering machine, heated to 60-65°C, the necessary flavoring and aromatic substances are included in it, and then used as a fondant filling when molding caramel.

Dairy fillings are obtained by boiling sugar-milk syrup with molasses to 82-88% dry matter. During the boiling of the sugar-milk mixture, a sugar-amine reaction occurs, the end products of which are melanoidins. They are distinguished by high coloring ability. Therefore, the milk filling has a characteristic light cream color and has a special taste and aroma.

To avoid the formation of a large amount of melanoidins and strong darkening of the fillings, it is necessary to boil sugar-milk mixtures in vacuum devices.

If the milk filling is prepared with condensed milk, then to reduce the time of heat exposure on the sugar-milk mixture, the pre-prepared sugar-treacle syrup is boiled in a vacuum apparatus (Fig. III-21) to a moisture content of 12-13%, then the condensed milk specified in the recipe is added .

At the end of boiling, other components required by the recipe are introduced into the apparatus.

The cooked milk filling is pumped into a tempering machine, cooled to 70°C, flavoring and aromatic substances are added and used to form caramel.

Marzipan fillings are prepared by mixing ground nut mass (from unroasted oil-containing kernels) with powdered sugar or sugar syrup in a 1:1 ratio.

Oil-containing kernels prepared for production (almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, apricot kernels, etc.) are ground in a melanger in a three-roll mill. The nut mass is loaded into a kneading machine and mixed with powdered sugar for 20-30 minutes, flavoring and aromatic substances (ordinary marzipan) are added.

To obtain the custard marzipan filling, the nut mass is mixed in a kneading machine with hot sugar syrup (110-115°C), boiled to a content of 88-89% dry matter. After cooling the mass to 70-75°C, flavoring and aromatic substances are added to it.

Nut-chocolate fillings are prepared by mixing the nut mass from fried kernels with powdered sugar in a 1:1 ratio. To give the filling the required consistency, solid fats are added to the resulting mixture - cocoa butter, its substitutes or confectionery fat.

Roasting of oil-containing kernels to a moisture content of 2% is carried out in the same apparatus as for cocoa beans.

Melangers, roller mills, and mixing machines are used for grinding, grinding, and mixing.

To make the filling more uniform and distribute fat evenly, it must be kneaded for 30 minutes at a temperature of 40°C. The quality of the nut-chocolate filling depends on the degree of dispersion of solid particles, which should be at least 85%.

Depending on the recipe and the required consistency, the fat content in the filling can vary from 20 to 40%, the humidity of the fillings is 1-3%.

Butter-sugar fillings are made by mixing powdered sugar with coconut oil heated to 40°C. Powdered sugar can be partially replaced with glucose. Peppermint oil or mint essence is added as aromatic substances. The above-mentioned filling components are mixed in a mixing machine at a temperature of 40°C. The filling contains about 70% sugar and 30% fat.

Whipped fillings are made by mixing sugar-treacle syrup, boiled to 90% dry matter, with whipped egg whites.

The syrup, at a temperature of about 80°C, is gradually added to the whipping machine, which contains the pre-beaten egg white. At the end of churning, flavoring and aromatic substances are added to the resulting homogeneous mass.

Class: 6

Target: prepare fruit salad, observing sanitary and hygienic rules and safety rules when working.


  1. Updating knowledge about the benefits of fruits, the content of vitamins in fruits.
  2. Formation of skills in working with information, using technological schemes in practical work.
  3. Improving group work skills, communication and reflective skills, and safe work skills.
  4. Development of memory, attention, oral speech.
  5. Cultivating a conscious attitude towards one’s health, rational nutrition, as well as neatness and hard work.

Equipment: box for the game, a set of fruits, fruit costumes for the scene (cook, grapefruit, banana, apple, kiwi, tangerine, orange, Doctor Aibolit), table “Content of vitamins in fruits”, technological scheme for preparing fruit salad, magnets, aprons, scarves , knives, cutting boards, salad bowls, salad spoons, portion plates, ice cream by weight, signs with the names of salads for groups, a laptop (for musical accompaniment).

Form of organization of student activities: collective, individual, group.

Technologies, methods and techniques: health-preserving, game, story, conversation, dramatization, work with tables and diagrams, self-test and self-assessment, work in groups, practical work, reflection.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

Hello, sit down! Today for our lesson we will need a table “Content of vitamins in fruits” and a pen; as well as overalls (apron and scarf), fruit, dishes (cutting board, knife, salad bowl) and your good mood!

II. Communicating the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson

The topic of our lesson is “Preparing fruit salad.” Today in the lesson we will talk about the benefits of fruits, the content of vitamins in fruits; We will use the technological scheme in practical work; improve group work, communication and reflective skills.

III. Game “Guess the Fruit!”, filling out the table “Content of vitamins in fruits”

The teacher puts fruits in the box (apple, banana, kiwi, orange, grapefruit, tangerine). Students must guess what is in the box by asking questions. The questions are posed so that the teacher can only answer “YES” or “NO.” After the children correctly name the fruit, the teacher shows it and gives a short message about it.

I suggest you play. The game is called “Guess the fruit!”.

I have fruit hidden in a box. To find out what fruits I have hidden, you will ask me questions about color, taste, etc., and I will only answer “YES” or “NO”. But we will not only play, we will also learn about the benefits of certain fruits. To do this, you must listen carefully to my story and fill out the table that is on your desk. Let's look at the table.

(The table is pre-drawn on the board. The teacher explains and shows how to fill out the table correctly, pronounces the letter designation of vitamins.)

fruit fruit Vitamins

After the game we will check which of you listened to me carefully.


Banana pulp contains vitamin C, which will help cope with winter colds and infections. B vitamins An indispensable remedy against stress and insomnia. Found in bananas and vitamin E, it makes our skin smooth and elastic, and is also responsible for a good mood.


Apples contain vitamin A. This vitamin is necessary for normal metabolism and bone formation. Vitamin C has an anti-inflammatory effect, increases resistance to infections. B vitamins, are necessary for the body for the normal functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems. Also present in apples vitamin G. It is also called the “appetite vitamin.” It is necessary for normal digestion and growth.


Tangerine fruits contain a lot of vitamin C and B vitamins, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system; in addition to those mentioned, tangerines contain vitamin D, especially necessary in winter, and vitamin K for vascular health.


One kiwi fruit can provide a person with a daily dose of vitamin C. In addition, kiwi contains vitamins E, A, PP And group B. Kiwi helps normal digestion and is a wonderful anti-stress remedy. In addition, this fruit strengthens the human body's immune system and its blood vessels.


Oranges contain vitamin C, which helps reduce the risk of heart disease. Vitamin B present in oranges is involved in the production of hemoglobin, which is necessary for carrying oxygen to various parts of the body.


Grapefruit will satisfy a person's daily need for vitamin C, which we need to protect against colds and flu. In addition, grapefruit contains a lot vitamin PP, which helps fight insomnia and fatigue, as well as vitamin D

- So, you guessed all the fruits! Well done! As the game progressed, you filled out a table. Let's check how carefully you listened to me.

(Students check their data with the data in the table on the board and do a self-assessment. You can ask 1-2 people)

fruit fruit Vitamins
Orange + +
Banana + + +
Grapefruit + + +
Kiwi + + + + +
Mandarin + + + +
Apple + + + +


From 16 to 20 – WELL DONE!

From 11 to 15 – BE MORE CAREFUL!

– We learned that fruits are valuable food products, as they contain a large amount of various vitamins. Most vitamins are not formed in the human body, but enter it only with food. Remember that not all vitamins can withstand heat treatment, so it is better to eat fruits fresh.

Which fruits do you think are healthier? (Children's answers)

- Let's listen to what the fruits themselves have to say!

IV. Scene “Fruit dispute”


On an unusual night I fell from a shelf
In our library there is a magazine about nutrition.
On an unusual night, what will not happen!
I hit the floor and the pages opened...
And they rolled out cool from the pages
Bright fruits in different directions.
Do you want to hear their conversations?
So, come on, sit quietly!

(The fruits come out and start arguing)


Meet children, I'm grapefruit,
I am a large, juicy, tasty fruit.
I'm a little bitter, but it doesn't matter,
But I will always help
For those who want to lose weight,
For those who often get sick.
I will rejuvenate the body
I serve people with all my heart.


I am an overseas guest, banana,
I swam across the ocean.
The sun asked me
Transfer my power to you.


And I'm a ripe orange
Sunny's cheerful son.
I'm beautiful, naughty.
It will be fun with me
Jump, have fun,
Sing, play, frolic.


Under the rough skin
The juicy fruit is mine,
It's green and grainy
Tender, sweet and meaty.
I'm called Kiwi
My pulp is delicious -
A storehouse of valuable vitamins,
For the health of precious ones.


Me on New Year's Eve
Everyone invites you to your home.
I decorate the Christmas tree too,
And the kids are treated to food.
I keep it under the skin
The ball is juicy and sweet.
Slices in a ball - candy,
To make the children happy.


I am strong, crispy,
The miracle is real.
Yellow and red -
The skin is satin.
The apple is ruddy
All the best for children!

(Doctor Aibolit appears)


Enough! Can't listen to you again!
It's time to end the dispute!
To be healthy and strong,
Bright fruits love
All without exception!
Each has its own benefit and taste!
So that you are beautiful,
So as not to be whiny,
So that any business is in your hands
They argued and seethed,
So that the songs can be sung louder,
To make life more interesting
Everyone, both adults and children
Remember my advice:
All year round - winter and summer -
There is no life without fruits!

Banana(to orange) :

You and I are friends now,
Together we are one family!

Kiwi(apple) :

You're helpful and so am I.
Now we will help people!

Mandarin(grapefruit) :

We need to be chopped into a salad,
Get vitamins!

All fruits:

Vitamins are life!
Everyone needs to be friends with them!


Their dispute ended happily
This only made our food better!

– Thanks to all the fruits!

– We learned that all fruits are good for health.

– What fruit dishes do you know?

– Today we will prepare a fruit salad.

V. Study of the technological sequence of preparing fruit salad

In order to prepare fruit salad correctly and tasty, let's look at the technological sequence of its preparation.

(Students and the teacher name technological operations, the teacher gradually draws up a diagram on the board)

Where should we start preparing the salad? (from primary fruit processing)

Primary processing of fruits:

  • sort through, remove rotten and damaged fruits;
  • rinse with running water, rinse with boiled water;
  • remove inedible parts (stems, leaves), rinse again

– What will we do with the prepared fruits?

Subsequent processing of fruits:

  • orange
  • grapefruit peel, remove the partitions, leaving only the pulp, divide into pieces;
  • banana
  • kiwi peel, cut into cubes;
  • mandarin peel, divide into slices, cut into cubes;
  • apple peel, core, cut into cubes.

– What else needs to be done to get a ready-to-eat dish?

Final technological operations:

  • carefully combine the chopped fruits and mix;
  • place on serving plates;
  • add a scoop of ice cream;
  • serve

Technological sequence for preparing fruit salad

Fine. We have already prepared a fruit salad in words, but now let’s prepare it in practice.

VI. Division into two groups

A nursery rhyme is used to divide into groups:

We shared an orange
There are many of us, but he is alone.

To work, we need to split into two groups. Please all stand in a circle. I have prepared a counting rhyme for you. The student who completes the words of the counting rhyme leaves the circle and takes his place at the group’s desk. Groups are formed on a first-come, first-served basis.

(Division into groups)

Thank you, well done!

VII. Instruction, distribution of responsibilities in groups between students for operations

One group will prepare fruit salad "Om-Nom-nom- ka» , and the other - "Tutti Frutti".

– What products will you use to prepare the salad? (each group names its products)

– What kind of dishes will you use? (cutting board, knife, salad bowl)

– What sanitary, hygienic and safety rules will you follow when preparing salad?

  • wash your hands with soap;
  • put on an apron and scarf;
  • How will you use the knife?

Safety rules when working with a knife:

  • cut food carefully so as not to hurt your fingers;
  • do not lift the knife high above the cutting board;
  • if necessary, pass the knife only with the handle forward
  • After finishing work, clean the workplace, dishes, and wash your hands.

– Now, please, distribute the technological operations for preparing fruit salad in each group.

(The number of fruits in the salad corresponds to the number of students in the group, so each student must choose one fruit for himself. There are 8 people in total in the class.)

- So, let's get to work!

VIII. Practical work “Preparation of fruit salad”

Before doing work, students wash their hands with soap and put on aprons and scarves. The work is carried out according to the technological diagram, which lies on their tables. The teacher conducts targeted walk-throughs, monitoring compliance with safety rules when performing work.

IX. Lesson summary, reflection, assessment

Let's summarize our lesson.

– Why should fruits be consumed every day? (They contain vitamins and nutrients)

– Is it possible to use any other fruits to make a fruit salad? (Yes)

– I think that you will definitely try to make your own fruit salad at home. Moreover, there will be a holiday soon - March 8th and you will be able to please your mother with a delicious gift!

– Now reflect on your joint productive activities: what worked and what didn’t? (Ask one person from each group)

Our lesson was full of useful information that you will definitely need in life. You all worked actively, interestedly and deserve good marks, “A”! In addition to good grades, today you will enjoy a deliciously prepared salad! Well done!

X. Tasting of ready-made dishes

Let's try! (Guests can also be invited to try dessert)

XI. Cleaning workplaces

List of sources used:

  1. 1september.ru – script for the extracurricular event “Dispute between vegetables and fruits”.
  2. 1september.ru – an open lesson on technology in the 7th grade on the topic “Fruits and berries. Dishes made from them.”
  3. 1september.ru – technology lesson “Fruits and berries. Decorating dishes with fruits”
  4. medicall.ru – about the benefits of fruits
  5. sestnoe.ru – fruit salad recipe
  6. viki.rdf.ru ​​– children's presentations
  7. www.meals.ru – about the benefits of our favorite fruits
  8. www.say7.info – fruit salad recipe

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