Home Nutrition Delicious homemade ice cream sundae recipe. Recipes for making fruit ice cream. Coconut milk dessert

Delicious homemade ice cream sundae recipe. Recipes for making fruit ice cream. Coconut milk dessert

Delicious ice cream is a real joy for those with a sweet tooth. But store-bought products can be harmful to the stomach, and ice cream is no exception. This dessert contains harmful additives, and therefore it is included in the list of not very healthy products. But why buy it in a store, if you know the recipe for ice cream at home, you can prepare a real culinary masterpiece, and it will not only be safe, but also healthy for the stomach.

Homemade ice cream is a vast field for various experiments; it is especially pleasant to make it in the summer, when there are a lot of different fruits and berries. Therefore, many are interested in how to make ice cream at home and what needs to be taken into account during the preparation process.

What you need to make this dessert

It is advisable to buy a special device for making ice cream called a freezer, this is an ice cream maker. Then your dessert will come out soft and uniform in consistency. But even without this device, if you follow the preparation technology correctly, the ice cream will turn out no less tasty. Therefore, making ice cream with your own hands is very simple.

You just need to not be lazy and during the first two or three hours of freezing, carefully stir the ice cream at least once an hour. If you do this more often, the better. To do this, you need to take it out of the freezer and put it in a large, cooled bowl and then very quickly grind it with a fork or beat it with a mixer. And then put the mixture back into the container and place it in the freezer of the refrigerator.

Ice cream from a store can never be compared to a homemade dessert that is made with love and care. Therefore, we will tell you how to make homemade ice cream, but first of all, you need to consider the following recommendations:

  • For ice cream, you don’t need to use white sugar. Instead, natural high-quality honey or brown sugar is often used. Pasteurized store milk can be replaced with rural whole milk, you can also use homemade cream, the product will turn out even more aromatic and tastier;
  • By using different ice cream recipes at home, you will prepare a dessert that is safe in all respects. It will not contain cheap sugar substitutes, various preservatives, artificial flavors, trans fats and milk powder. Therefore, your household will never get a stomach ache from it, which cannot be said about a store-bought product, which can easily cause poisoning if it has been re-frozen;
  • The best decoration and addition to ice cream is grated chocolate, nuts, raisins, jam, cocoa or ground coffee. Experiment and you will find your own recipe for such a delicious dessert;
  • Do not store ice cream in the freezer for too long. Although it is in the freezer, the ice cream was prepared at home without preservatives, and therefore it needs to be eaten two or three days in advance. If you want to slightly extend its shelf life, cover the container with the dessert with a tight lid and do not think about freezing the melted product a second time;
  • in a slightly thawed dessert, the flavor palette will be much brighter. Therefore, it is recommended to keep the ice cream at room temperature for about ten minutes before serving.

Preparing crème anglaise

If you're wondering how to make ice cream at home, but don't know how to make crème anglaise, then you're missing out. This cream forms the classic basis of almost any ice cream.

To prepare it you need to do the following:

  1. For one liter of milk, add 100 g of sugar and heat the milk until the sugar is completely dissolved in it;
  2. beat five or six egg yolks separately. Slowly pour warmed milk into the whipped yolks. Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly and place it on the stove to thicken over low heat;
  3. Make sure that your cream does not boil on the stove. This is very important, after that you leave the cream to cool, and all that remains is to cool it.

If you freeze the finished cream in trays or small bowls, you will need to stir it every forty minutes, otherwise pieces of ice will form in the ice cream.

Cream and milk ice cream recipes

The recipes below will help you make the most authentic ice cream sundae at home. None of your family and guests will remain indifferent to such a dessert, and you will see for yourself. The most important thing is to take high-quality cream for dessert that will whip well; the fat content of the cream determines the fat content of the ice cream and how many ice cubes there will be in it. The higher the fat content, the less ice there will be in your product.

Standard ice cream recipe

You will need: 500 g of cream with a fat content of 30 percent, 100 g of fine sugar or powdered sugar and a pinch of vanillin.

Cooking process:

  1. Place chilled cream, sugar and vanillin in a deep bowl. We begin to beat the mixture with a mixer for five minutes, a fluffy and stable foam should appear;
  2. transfer the whipped mass into a plastic container;
  3. Place the container of ice cream in the freezer overnight.

All that remains is to get the finished product, let it thaw a little and you can put it in the bowls. You can make this ice cream at home in different ways: add cocoa or frozen berries to it. But the berries must first be pureed using a blender, then you put them in the whipped mass and beat again.

Vanilla dessert

You will need 625g whipping cream, a vanilla bean, 120g sugar and four egg yolks.

Pour the whipped cream into the pan. Open the vanilla pod and remove the core from it, then place the pod along with the core with the cream in a saucepan. Place the mixture on the stove and let it boil. Then remove from heat and leave aside for half an hour.

While the cream is infusing, beat the egg yolks with sugar, you should get a thick mass like cream. Now you can remove the vanilla bean from the cream and begin pouring it into the egg mixture in a thin stream, do not forget to stir all the time.

You have got a cream that needs to be rubbed through a sieve into another pan and put on low heat on the stove. Boil it for about fifteen minutes until thickened. Do not bring the cream to a boil, otherwise it will simply curdle.

Remove the cooked cream from the stove and cool for about one hour, stirring occasionally to prevent a film from forming on top. The process of making such ice cream with your own hands is coming to an end. All that remains is to transfer the cooled mass into an ice cream maker or place it in the freezer. After a couple of hours, when the dessert begins to harden around the edges, stir it or whip it and place it in the freezer again, where the ice cream will freeze for another three hours.

Vanilla dessert is one of the most delicious

Nut ice cream

If you are interested in how to make ice cream with nuts at home, this recipe is just for you. Take 100 g of walnuts, 300 g of whipped cream, 160 ml of maple syrup, 200 g of chilled condensed milk.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. finely chop the nuts;
  2. mix maple syrup with cream;
  3. Pour the condensed milk into a large bowl and whisk well. The milk should double in volume and thicken well;
  4. now begin to carefully pour maple syrup and cream into the whipped condensed milk;
  5. mix the resulting mass thoroughly and put it in the freezer for a couple of hours; there is no need to cover the container with a lid;
  6. After the allotted time has passed, take out the ice cream and whip it or grind it, then add nuts to it, and put it in the freezer again for a couple of hours.

Nuts are added to nut ice cream during the cooling stage.

If you want to make this homemade ice cream, it will definitely remind you of the taste of Soviet ice cream. You will need: a liter of milk, two glasses of sugar, 100 g of butter, five egg yolks and a teaspoon of starch.

Heat the milk and add the butter. Bring everything to a boil. In another bowl you need to combine starch, yolks and sugar, mix everything and grind until smooth. Next, add a little more milk there and eventually you should have a mass with the consistency of liquid sour cream.

Pour the yolk mixture into the boiling milk in a thin stream and slowly, stirring all the time. Let the mixture boil, and as soon as it boils, remove the pan from the heat and place in cold water. At the same time, stir everything constantly until the mass cools to a warm state. Now cool the ice cream, stirring occasionally, and pour it into molds, then put it in the refrigerator to freeze. So you have homemade ice cream with the taste of Soviet ice cream.

Coffee or chocolate milk ice cream

Cream ice creams are really very tasty, but not all the necessary products for preparation are at an affordable price. But you can save a lot of money if you use milk, rather than cream, as the main component for your ice cream sundae at home. And if you add coffee or cocoa to the mixture, it will turn out incredibly tasty!

Prepare the following foods:

  • five egg yolks - it is best to take them from domestic eggs;
  • a glass of prepared cocoa or coffee;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 0.5 liters of milk;
  • If you wish, you can add a little liqueur.

Wash the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the yolks with sugar with a mixer or whisk. Now take a heatproof bowl and pour milk and coffee or cocoa into it. Place this mixture on the stove and let it boil, but do not boil it.

Add white-beaten yolks with sugar to hot coffee with milk. Now you need to boil this mixture, do not boil it. If you wish, pour a little liqueur into the ice cream.

Place the container in water to cool and pour it into a container or ice cream maker and put it in the freezer.

If you add coffee or chocolate to ice cream it will be very tasty

Dairy ice cream

Homemade milk ice cream will be no less tasty than all the above desserts. Take a glass of sugar, 2.5 glasses of milk, you can add vanillin to taste, and you will also need four eggs.

Cooking method:

  1. sift the granulated sugar and carefully add the egg yolks into it. Grind them well and put vanillin in them;
  2. place the mixture in an enamel bowl and pour hot milk;
  3. Heat the mixture over the fire, stirring it constantly with a wooden spatula. As soon as you see that it has thickened and there is no foam on the surface, remove from heat;
  4. now you need to filter the mass through three layers of gauze or a sieve, then cool;
  5. Transfer the cooled ice cream into a container or container from an ice cream maker and freeze.

To decorate homemade milk ice cream, you can use mint leaves or frozen berries.

The most delicious ice cream

Homemade ice cream recipes suggest using a variety of ingredients. You will get a real culinary masterpiece, and all those with a sweet tooth will be delighted with this dessert.

Lemon dessert

Prepare 500 ml of homemade milk, a coffee spoon of starch, 125 g of sugar, five yolks, a sliver of vanilla, the zest of half a lemon and 180 ml of fresh lemon juice.

Beat the yolks with half the amount of sugar required, you will get a cream. In a second container, combine the lemon zest with starch, milk, the rest of the sugar and add vanilla there.

Place the mixture on the stove and cook it over low heat, but do not boil, just simmer until it thickens. Pour it into a bowl and mix thoroughly with lemon juice, then pour it into a mold and freeze. Every half hour, remove the ice cream from the freezer and stir slowly, this will prevent the formation of ice pieces.

Ice cream with kiwi curd

If you want to know how to make homemade ice cream from cottage cheese, then you will definitely be interested in this recipe.

Want something interesting?

Prepare the following products:

  • 400 g homemade fresh cottage cheese;
  • 400 ml kefir;
  • 240 g kiwi (in some recipes, kiwi is replaced with sour green apples);
  • 70 g crushed pistachios;
  • 140 g sugar;
  • a pinch of vanilla.

Peel the kiwi and cut it into pieces, then mix with sugar, cottage cheese and kefir. Beat this mass until the cream is smooth and transfer it to a container for freezing, cover with a lid and place in the freezer. Place the finished dessert into bowls and garnish with mint leaves and chopped pistachios on top.

Yogurt ice cream with pineapple and mint

Prepare the following products:

  • two sprigs of mint;
  • 280 ml thick natural yogurt;
  • a coffee spoon of lemon or lime juice;
  • 140 g honey or sugar;
  • a coffee spoon of mint extract or a teaspoon of mint liqueur;
  • 400 g fresh pineapple pulp.

Combine finely chopped mint leaves with sugar (honey), pineapple pieces and mint liqueur (extract). Set the mixture aside for a couple of hours, stirring occasionally with a fork. If you wish, you can grind the resulting cream through a sieve to get rid of the mint leaves, but they won’t hurt at all.

Beat yogurt with lemon (lime) juice and prepared fruit puree, then transfer the ice cream to a container and put it in the freezer. You can replace the pineapple with gooseberries, kiwi, melon or apples and you will have equally delicious popsicles at home.

Pineapple can be replaced with any other fruit if desired.

Banana dessert

You can make a delicious banana dessert based on the well-known creamy ice cream. Take three bananas, 150g sugar, three egg yolks and 750ml cream. Choose bananas that are ripe and soft; green ones are not suitable in this case.

Mash the bananas and add sugar and yolks to the banana pulp, after which all components are mixed well again. Now you can pour in the cream and set the mixture on the fire until it thickens completely. After further cooling, pour the ice cream into molds and place in the freezer for at least two hours.

Fruit ice

This is a quite interesting and tasty recipe for fruit ice cream at home. You can use absolutely any fruit, but the most delicious ice cream comes from bananas, peaches, raspberries and strawberries. You can vary this recipe by adding a couple of spoons of liqueur, and before serving, place pieces of fruit on top of the ice cream.

Cooking process:

  1. Place the selected fruits, sugar and fruit juice into the blender. Close it and turn it on, the mixture should be homogeneous;
  2. strain the resulting fruit mixture. This is necessary in order to get rid of the seeds and skin. If you decide that the mixture is thick, pour a little fruit juice into it;
  3. Place the fruit mixture in a rectangular baking container and place it in the freezer. The container with the mass should stand there until it hardens, and this will happen in about four hours;
  4. break frozen fruit ice into pieces. Prepare a bowl in advance and immediately transfer the ice there and start whisking it by hand or with a blender until smooth and thick. It is unacceptable for the mixture to melt.
  5. After the above steps, again transfer the whipped mixture into the mold and freeze until it is solid. Now you can serve ice cream in dessert vases.

How to make ice cream in an ice cream maker

With this automatic assistant, the cooking process turns into great pleasure. But before working with the ice cream maker, you need to make sure that the freezing bowl is completely cooled. Therefore, it would be ideal to put it in the freezer a day before cooking. Now you can consider the following ice cream recipes for the ice cream maker and choose any one that suits your taste.

An ice cream maker can make making ice cream a lot easier

Ice cream "tutti-frutti"

You will need one and a half cups of sugar, three yolks, two cups of milk, a cup of pre-whipped cream and two cups of any fresh fruit. Instead of fruit, you can use finely chopped candied fruits.

Grind the yolks with sugar, pour milk into them and add vanillin. The ingredients are stirred and heated over low heat until the mixture has completely thickened. The resulting mass needs to be cooled and placed in the ice cream maker for half an hour, then mixed with half a glass of whipped cream and again placed in the ice cream maker. Twenty minutes before the dessert is ready, add the rest of the cream and candied fruits or fruits - whatever you chose.

Instant vanilla ice cream

With this ice cream maker recipe, you can make a delicious dessert in no time. Take 600 ml of cream, three tablespoons of vanilla extract and 170 g of condensed milk. All these components are well whipped and poured into the ice cream maker. In thirty minutes the yummy will be ready.

Ice cream with raisins

From the products you will need 200 ml of heavy cream, ¼ of a glass of milk and sugar and three egg yolks.

Now let's get started with the actual preparation of ice cream:

  1. pour the cream into the bowl of the ice cream maker and let the machine whip it at low speed into a thick and soft foam;
  2. Beat the yolks a little with sugar and pour milk into them. Place this mixture on the stove to heat, stirring all the time. You will see that literally in a couple of seconds the sugar crystals will completely dissolve in the milk, and the mixture will begin to thicken right before your eyes, but it should not curdle;
  3. now move the saucepan with milk from the stove into a bowl of cold water and begin to cool, stirring all the time;
  4. beat the warm mass with a mixer for about seven minutes at medium speed, then the beating process begins at high speed;
  5. Pour the whipped yolks into the bowl of the ice cream maker. Now we begin to mix them with cream at low speed. Cover the ice cream maker and place it in the freezer. Two hours after the start of the freezing process, you can put raisins in the ice cream; the dessert will already be quite thick and the raisins should not settle to the bottom;
  6. after four hours the device will stop working. Now you can transfer the finished ice cream into a container and put it back in the freezer.

Now you know how to make ice cream at home and it’s not difficult. The most important thing is to take fresh food and your desire, and then you will arrange a real holiday for the whole family. Try, experiment and delight your loved ones with a delicious dessert from the kingdom of the Snow Queen.

No one can argue that this sweet delicacy is so loved by adults and children that they are ready to eat it in both hot and cold weather. The time of year has ceased to be a determining factor when choosing ice cream as a dessert. This can be confirmed by the always full freezers in stores, where even in the middle of winter there is a good selection of a variety of ice cream. Thanks to this, you can enjoy the taste of dessert at any time, but that’s not all. When you learn how to make ice cream at home, which will be tastier, easier and healthier than store-bought, there will be no obstacles left for you on the path to true taste bliss.

Honestly, I was skeptical for quite a long time about this possibility of making my own ice cream at home, believing that it couldn’t be so simple and tasty. I thought that it was not for nothing that large productions were so complex, and that the recipes were probably abstruse and inaccessible to the common man.

This is partly true, of course, recipes for store-bought ice cream are not available to us, but are they necessary? I was convinced that they were not needed. After several successful experiments with attempts to make ice cream at home, I realized that homemade ice cream recipes are incredibly simple, and the delicacy itself turns out much tastier and healthier, without chemicals, additives and all kinds of substitutes. All my household members unanimously abandoned store-bought ice cream in favor of home-cooked ice cream, and even began to take part in its preparation, adding their own ideas, flavors and decorations.

I’ll tell you which recipes I tried from my own experience and gave them solid A’s!

Let me start with the fact that I first tried to make the simplest creamy ice cream with my own hands. Or as it is also called ice cream. I think that this is a classic that is relevant for all times and is loved by almost everyone. Add fruits, syrups, chocolate to it and there is no tastier dessert, even for a holiday or on an ordinary day. Fresh berries from the garden, jam from stock, syrup from the store, chocolate chips - this is what can be added to the most ordinary creamy ice cream made at home.

How to make ice cream Sundae at home

For myself, I call this recipe for homemade ice cream “Ice cream according to GOST.” I cannot guarantee that this is how the recipe is presented in GOST, because I could not find the original document on the Internet, only its reprints and interpretations on many different sites. But the most important thing that was learned is that all products must be natural and no vegetable fats or substitutes.

The ice cream recipe according to GOST from recognized internet chefs includes:

  • cream 30-35% - 500 ml,
  • milk - 150 ml,
  • granulated sugar (or powdered sugar) - 150 grams,
  • egg yolks - 3 pieces,
  • vanilla extract/vanilla/vanilla sugar for vanilla flavor.

Making your own ice cream, step-by-step recipe:

1. A secret that I understood over time and now strictly follow it - the cream for making ice cream at home must be cooled. So put them in the refrigerator in advance.

2. Separate the egg yolks from the whites. In case you don’t remember how to do this, let me remind you: split the egg shell into two even halves and open it so that the yolk remains in one of the halves and the white flows into another container (cup, plate). The white will drain, but not completely, so while continuing to hold the egg over the cup, carefully pour the yolk from one half of the shell to the other, another part of the white will drain. Repeat again if the white remains until there is only one yolk in the shell. Place the separated yolk in another cup or saucer and do the same with the rest of the eggs.

If this “grandmother’s” method is difficult for you, now you can buy special devices for separating yolks in stores. Most of them look like a spoon with slits into which the white flows, while the yolk remains inside.

3. In a separate bowl, grind the yolks with sugar until smooth. Sugar cannot be completely dissolved, so many people use powdered sugar. But even if you have regular granulated sugar, it’s not scary, later you’ll understand why.

4. Pour milk into a bowl with eggs and sugar and stir with a whisk.

5. Pour the resulting yellowish mixture into a saucepan and place on the stove over low heat. It is necessary to heat the mixture, but do not let it boil, otherwise the eggs will cook. To make ice cream thick at home, this mixture must be heated to a maximum of 80 degrees and stirred constantly.

Gradually it will begin to thicken. Egg yolks will help her with this. If you don’t know, professional chefs use yolks to thicken anything from creams to sauces and gravies. This is a method that has long been known throughout the world using natural products.

Don't worry about using raw eggs in your ice cream; heating them this way will rid them of bacteria, being a homemade version of pasteurization. This same heating will help the sugar completely dissolve. Our homemade ice cream will not crunch on your teeth.

To understand that the mixture is ready, you need to dip a spatula or wooden spoon into it. The mixture should remain on the spoon, and if you run it with your finger or knife, the groove will not spread or run off. Something like this.

6. Now this mixture must be cooled to room temperature. To do this, take a larger saucepan and pour ice water from the tap into it, you can add ice cubes. Then place the saucepan with the egg mixture in it, as if you were going to cook in a water bath. Stir the mixture with a spoon for several minutes so that the lower cooled layers mix with the upper warm ones until the whole mass has cooled.

As it cools, the mixture will thicken a little more. Egg yolks keep working!

7. When the egg mixture is ready, remove the cream from the refrigerator and beat it in a large bowl until it forms a nice thick cream. The main thing is not to overdo it so that they do not thicken to the point of butter. This is unfortunately another problem that can arise when making ice cream at home.

I check the doneness of the whipped cream by the fact that it does not flow out of the bowl if it is tilted well, but remains motionless.

8. The next step is to mix the whipped cream and egg mixture. At the same time, add vanilla sugar (1 whole packet) or vanilla liquid extract (teaspoon) to give the ice cream a vanilla flavor.

Mix everything carefully with a spoon or spatula so as not to knock off the creamy foam. In this case, it is better not to use a mixer. You need to achieve a uniform texture and color. The result should be a thick cream that is delicately creamy in color (by the way, it tastes simply amazing. Tested by all household members who control the process).

9. Now the ice cream needs to be frozen. But this must be done taking into account the fact that you will have to take it out of the freezer several times and beat it with a mixer to break up the ice crystals and saturate it with air. This is the only way to get real soft ice cream at home.

Any large container in which it will be convenient to re-beat is suitable for freezing. It can also be the same bowl, covered with cling film (we don’t want extra odors from the freezer in the ice cream), or a plastic food container with a tight lid will do. Even plastic jars from store-bought food that have already been eaten will work. The main thing is to wash them thoroughly.

Cover the ice cream and place in the freezer for an hour.

10. In this recipe, I prepare ice cream at home without using a special ice cream maker, so after exactly an hour we take out the container with ice cream and beat it again with a mixer.

After an hour it will thicken only slightly and it will be easy to beat. Mix the ice cream thoroughly from the edges to the middle. Cover again and place in the freezer for another hour.

After an hour, repeat the procedure. The ice cream will become thicker and form lumps at the edges of the container. Stir until smooth with a mixer and put back in the freezer.

In my experience, you need to whip the ice cream this way at least 3-4 times, then it turns out airy, like the real thing. If you don’t do this, then its texture when frozen is so dense that it will be very difficult to get it out of the bowl even with a special spoon. Without whipping it makes a great butter brick.

11. After churning several times, leave the ice cream in the freezer for 8-12 hours. Ideally overnight. In the morning, an amazing treat will be waiting for you.

To get it out of the bowl, use special round spoons heated in boiling water. You can do this with a regular spoon. Just hold the spoon in a cup of hot water for just a couple of minutes.

This is how easy it is to make ice cream at home, and not just ice cream, but a real creamy ice cream! Help yourself, treat your guests and enjoy incredible deliciousness!

If this recipe seemed too long and complicated to you, move on to the second one, which is difficult to come up with simpler.

The simplest ice cream at home made from cream and condensed milk

I can’t help but tell you about this interesting homemade ice cream recipe. On the one hand, it can be called a recipe for the lazy, since a simpler way to prepare creamy ice cream at home has simply not been invented. But on the other hand, the result is very worthy.

The only thing about this recipe that I don’t even consider a minus is that the ice cream turns out very creamy and sweet. That is, completely non-dietary. But if you are not a follower of strict diets, this is simply unimaginably delicious. Of all the friends I treated to this ice cream, everyone was happy, and the children generally squealed with delight, because the delicacy is better than any candy.

What is the secret of this homemade ice cream recipe? The fact that only 2 ingredients are used, plus vanilla for taste.

  • natural cream 30-35% - 500 ml,
  • condensed milk - from 200 ml.
  • vanilla sugar or vanilla essence to taste.

Why is the measure “from” indicated for condensed milk? It's simple, the more condensed milk, the sweeter the ice cream will be.

After several tests, carried out with different quantities of the condensed half of the recipe, I identified a combination of products that was acceptable to our taste: 1 part condensed milk to 2 parts cream.

I started my tests with the simplest proportion of a standard half-liter package of cream and a standard 380 ml can of condensed milk. It turned out simply amazing, but much sweeter than the usual store-bought ice cream or the ice cream according to the recipe above, made from milk and cream. There was clearly less sugar there.

Another cooking feature: the taste and quality of ice cream at home will depend on the taste and quality of cream and condensed milk. Bad, cheap cream with a suspicious unnatural composition from little-known manufacturers spoiled everything. Condensed milk with vegetable fats and milk powder spoiled everything. No, we were not poisoned, but the taste suffered greatly. A strange powdery appearance appeared on the tongue or unpleasant vegetable fat settled on the lips.

Therefore, the most important principle of choice: always take proven tasty and high-quality cream and condensed milk with a good uniform consistency and sufficient thickness. 30% cream cannot be liquid like milk, it simply will not whip into an airy mass. Condensed milk that is not made from whole milk can spoil the taste and consistency. Choose everything wisely and it will turn out very tasty.

Making ice cream at home from cream and condensed milk:

1. Before preparing the ice cream, thoroughly cool both the cream and condensed milk. A couple of hours in the refrigerator, no less. This is necessary so that the products are well whipped into foam.

You can also cool the beaters of the mixer with which you will beat.

2. Whip the chilled cream until it is thick and airy until it is fluffy enough to not flow out of the plate. Well whipped cream is similar to cream.

3. Add vanilla sugar (1 sachet). Then, without ceasing to beat at low speed, pour in the condensed milk. You can mix the condensed milk with the cream with a wooden spoon or spatula until you get a homogeneous consistency. The mass will turn out to be a little more liquid than the cream was before, with a pronounced vanilla scent and a delicate creamy tint.

4. Pour the future ice cream into a container for freezing. A large bowl that can be covered with cling film, a plastic food container with a tight lid, or, for example, boxes and containers of store-bought ice cream that you have eaten a long time ago are suitable for this.

In fact, the main thing is that the container can be tightly closed and placed in the freezer. Foreign odors stick very easily to this creamy mixture.

5. Now the most important thing that will turn our delicacy into real ice cream - every hour it must be stirred or whipped at low speed with a mixer.

Why is this necessary and why is it so vital? The thing is that the secret of ice cream is that the creamy mass is filled with air. According to GOST of Soviet ice cream, up to 200% air in the mass of ice cream was allowed. Can you imagine how airy and delicious it turned out?

From my own experience, I will tell you that when I did not churn the ice cream at home at least three times, it turned out to be too hard and it was extremely difficult to remove it from the mold. One tablespoon was bent almost irrevocably, despite its pre-heating in boiling water. And eating ice cream that melts on your tongue is much tastier.

The whole process of mixing/churning comes down to the fact that you need to remove the ice cream from the freezer, open the lid and beat it thoroughly directly into the freezer container. Do this several times until you realize it has become too thick to whisk.

The freezing speed depends on the volume of the container and the power of the freezer, so it may be different for everyone. Small flat trays freeze much faster than a large bowl. For small containers, it is advisable to beat the mixture after half an hour, rather than an hour.

6. Ice cream at home from condensed milk will be ready in about 8-12 hours. You can serve it on the table!

Homemade creamy ice cream with Kit Kat and Oreo

This is how you can diversify this simple recipe for making homemade ice cream by adding your favorite Oreo chocolate chip cookies and Kit-Kat wafers.

It’s hard to find a person who doesn’t love ice cream; this wonderful dessert will not leave anyone indifferent. But few people know that making real ice cream at home is not so difficult. There are many recipes for this delicacy that even a novice housewife can implement. Ice cream is prepared with milk and cream with the addition of fruits, nuts, chocolate and candied fruits. In this article we have selected many recipes on how to make ice cream at home, cook deliciously with us!

How to make ice cream at home from milk and sugar

You will need:

  • Milk - 1 l
  • Sugar - 250 g (1 glass, faceted)
  • Vanillin
  • 4 eggs.

Making ice cream at home is quite simple, but there are small nuances that you need to understand before you get started. This dessert is prepared only using yolks; it is better to choose homemade milk, but if this is not possible, then it doesn’t matter, take store-bought milk with the highest percentage of fat content. Before making ice cream from homemade milk, it must be boiled - this will kill bacteria and make the product safe. To prevent the milk from “running away” during boiling, grease the edges of the pan with a piece of butter (in a circle).

Cook the ice cream over low heat, stirring constantly, without leaving for a minute, otherwise the yolks may curdle.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Take a clean enamel or glass pan, pour cooled boiled milk into it, add 100 g of sugar, and cook over medium heat. The milk just needs to be heated, it should under no circumstances boil.
  2. Next, break the eggs, carefully separate the yolks, grind them with sugar (150 g) until they turn white.
  3. Pour a little warm milk into the beaten yolks and mix well. Then pour the prepared yolk mass into a saucepan with milk, reduce the heat.
  4. Add a little vanilla, but do not overdo it, otherwise the ice cream will taste bitter. Cook, stirring constantly (until the mass thickens), otherwise there is a high probability of the eggs curdling. You should have a medium thick custard anglaise.
  5. After the first bubbles appear, remove the pan from the heat, let the cream cool, then pour the ice cream into a plastic container and place it in the freezer.
  6. After 30-40 minutes, the ice cream is mixed, the operation is repeated 4-6 times (until the dessert completely hardens). If you have a special ice cream maker, then the need for mixing disappears by itself.

Ice cream at home hardens in about 6-8 hours (depending on quantity). After which you can take it out and place it in bowls, decorate with candied fruits, chocolate chips, and mint leaves. You can add caramel, fresh fruit or syrup, thereby getting a new interesting taste every time.

How to make ice cream at home from milk in 5 minutes


  • Sugar – 1 tablespoon;
  • Salt – 6 tablespoons;
  • Vanilla - 1/4 spoons (if desired, you can prepare it without vanillin, with a different filling);
  • Milk - half a cup;

You will also need ice and two zip-top plastic bags to prepare. The packages should be of different sizes: one large, the other smaller.

Cooking method:

A large bag should be filled halfway with ice. Place 6 tablespoons of salt in an ice pack. It is better to use coarse salt, but if this is not available, you can replace it with fine salt. Next, ice and salt must be mixed and set aside for a while.

Then you need to prepare the ice cream mixture. To do this, take a small container, mix milk with sugar in it and add vanilla (or other filling that you have chosen for your ice cream). Carefully pour the resulting mixture into a small bag, making sure there is no damage in it. Close the bag well.

The small bag containing the formula is placed in a large ice pack. Make sure that the entire mixture is completely covered with ice. It is very important! The bags must be shaken for 5 minutes. This is how you make ice cream without a mixer.

How to make ice cream at home video

How to make ice cream at home from milk without cream

Almost all ice cream recipes include such a high-calorie product as cream, but today I want to tell you how to make ice cream at home without cream. It is easier to prepare than ice cream with cream and has fewer calories, and cream is not always on hand.

So, to prepare milk ice cream, we need the following ingredients: milk 700 grams, sugar 200 grams, 3 eggs, vanillin and that’s it.

Bring the milk to a boil and leave to cool. Beat eggs with sugar and transfer to a saucepan.

Stirring constantly, slowly add warm milk and place on low heat.

Stir continuously until the mixture thickens and boils. Now add vanillin and leave to cool.

After our ice cream has cooled, mix it again, put it in molds (I use ordinary silicone muffin molds) and put it in the freezer.

It hardens quite quickly. Before serving, remove from the molds and decorate to your taste, you can pour jam, jam, melted chocolate, sprinkle with nuts, as your imagination unfolds.

How to make ice cream at home without milk

As you know, milk, and especially cream, are very high-calorie foods. Yes, ice cream made at home with your own hands, according to a recipe using cream and milk, is the most delicious ice cream. But not the healthiest. Especially if you watch your figure or follow a diet in your diet. But still, how sometimes you want to please yourself with this best and most delicious dessert for children and adults.

That's why I'm writing this article, for those people who want to eat homemade ice cream in person. But at the same time they take care of their health, nutrition, metabolism, and figure. This article contains only those DIY homemade ice cream recipes that do not contain cream or milk (products and ingredients). The only exception is non-fat milk, but cream is all very fatty and high in calories.

Ice cream recipes without cream and milk

Basically, desserts that do not use dairy and cream products in their recipes are fruit, fermented milk, using various berries and fruits in their composition. For example, when the main composition of such ice cream includes mainly bananas and strawberries, nuts and berries. Making dessert at home yourself is not difficult if you have a mixer or blender in your kitchen. But the best thing, of course, is the ice cream maker. But not everyone has it, so we will select recipes that are not complicated.

What to use then if you can’t use milk and cream? For example, in recipes that require the presence of milk in products, it can be replaced with low-fat, or even completely skim, low-calorie milk from the store. There is no need to replace cream with anything; the Internet is full of recipes in which this very fatty and high-calorie product is not listed among the necessary ingredients for preparing the most delicious dessert at home.

How to make ice cream without milk and cream at home

By the way, instead of milk, you can also use juice from fruits and berries. So, what do we need to prepare and make ourselves, a simple dish, ice cream dessert.

  1. Milk about 400 ml. Low-fat or completely low-fat.
  2. Egg yolks from preferably domestic eggs. 4 pieces.
  3. Sugar or better powdered sugar. One small glass is enough, if there is powder, then of course a little less.
  4. Just a little vanilla.

Method for making ice cream without milk and cream

  1. Mix egg yolks with sugar (or powdered sugar). Mix well and for a long time. Stir until foam forms. Then add milk to the mixture and put the whole thing on the fire. Only low fire! To this mass, which cooks and becomes thicker and thicker every minute, add a pinch of vanilla.
  2. After the mixture has thickened over low heat, set it aside from the stove onto the table. Wait for the mixture to cool, pour it into the molds and then place it in the freezer of your refrigerator to cool and freeze. The mixture should cool for about 3-4 hours no more. Once an hour, take out the mixture and stir it. The first two times after the first half hour of freezing, and the second half hour of cooling.

Ice cream recipe without cream and without milk, with starch

  1. In order to prepare this delicious dessert, you need to take milk (500 ml) and divide it into 2 equal portions. Add 30 grams of starch to one serving. Stir this portion with starch for a couple of minutes.
  2. In the second portion, add sugar (as much as you like), a little sugar or powdered sugar. Stir the sugar in the milk until it dissolves in it, that is, about a couple of minutes of stirring.
  3. Then, pour one portion into another, mix both portions together. Place on low heat. During the cooking process, add one egg yolk to the vessel where the mixture is being cooked. And also a little vanilla. Cook the mixture until it thickens, stirring constantly over low heat.
  4. Remove the pan from the stove. We wait until the mixture cools down. Pour the cream into molds and put it in the refrigerator to freeze. Every half hour, take it out and stir. Do this 2 times, then stir once every hour and a half. After 3-5 hours of cooling, your most delicious dessert is ready to eat. Bon appetit to you and your children.
  1. By the way, a child will really appreciate homemade ice cream served to him, in some interesting and unusual, fun form. They can be ordered and purchased online. With an ice cream maker, by the way, the molds come with the device. There are also containers with lids for storing dessert in them.
  2. Also another tip for making your own ice cream at home. Store and freeze the mixture and cream only in closed containers. So that the delicacy does not pick up the tastes and smells of all the products stored in your refrigerator.
  3. Use only fresh products and ingredients included in the recipe. Buy everything not in the store, but at the grandmother’s market, so to speak. Homemade and natural, fresh and healthy. Homemade eggs and milk, cream if needed, berries and fruits used in the ice cream recipe. All products and ingredients are homemade, a hundred times tastier and fresher, healthier than those from the store.

Ice cream based on fruit juice

Fruit juice replaces milk. And it is used in the recipe for fruit and berry ice cream as a base. How to make the most delicious frozen juice.

  1. Take 700 grams of cherries, currants or raspberries, strawberries or other delicious fruit berries.
  2. Pour berries or fruits (cherries, raspberries, currants, strawberries, you just need to choose one from the list), so, pour 700 grams of berries or fruits into a blender, and grind them in the device.
  3. In addition to 700g of fruits or berries, add 270g of sugar to the blender. Beat it all until the sugar dissolves in the fruit mass. At the end of the procedure, add 180-200 mg of water to the mixture.
  4. If you are preparing popsicles for yourself and not for children or children, you can add a little liqueur to the mixture for a pleasant taste. Only a little (2-3 spoons), no more, so that the liqueur does not take over the entire taste and does not drown out the flavors of other ingredients in the recipe.

Place the finished fruit and berry cream in the refrigerator to cool until the cream is completely frozen. That's all, 700g of cherries, raspberries, strawberries, currants, something from this list. Mix with 260g of sugar, all in a blender. Beat, finally add 200 ml of water, liqueur if desired, freeze and the dessert is ready to eat. The child will be happy with such a delicious delicacy prepared by you personally at home. And if you pour the finished cream mixture into interesting molds to cool, then the children will be delighted with such fruit ice.

How to make ice cream delicious without cream and milk

So that your dessert does not suffer greatly from the absence of the main fatty and high-calorie foods in the recipe for any homemade ice cream. Namely milk and cream. You need to diversify its taste with some other elements. For example. A sprinkle of chocolate chips on top wouldn't go amiss. And if you add a little milk powder to the ice cream, it will make it tender and airy. You can also sprinkle the top of the dessert with not only chocolate but also nut shavings.

Also add a little liqueur or rum, cognac, or the cream of the preparing ice cream to the mixture. Stir well and beat with a mixer or blender, or an ice cream maker if you have kitchen equipment. Naturally, the addition of alcohol applies only to those cases when the dessert is not prepared for a child or children. And for adults, the share of liqueur or rum, cognac in the recipe should not exceed 2-3 tablespoons per kilogram of dish.

How to make ice cream in an ice cream maker

Choosing and buying an ice cream maker turned out to be not the most difficult thing. The hardest thing was to find a universal, simple, not expensive ice cream recipe for ice cream maker. The whole family liked the ice cream recipe, which is posted on this page. But this ice cream tastes best with the addition of milk chocolate. And the simplest and most delicious recipe was for fruit ice cream with banana.

Ice cream recipe for ice cream maker:

  1. 4 yolks
  2. 250 ml milk
  3. 250 ml cream (we use 15% condensed cream with sugar)
  4. 100 gr. Sahara (if we use condensed cream, then there is no need to add sugar)
  5. 1 pinch vanillin

We start preparing ice cream by preparing the eggs. According to the recipe, separate the yolks from the whites and beat until foamy. At the beginning, we used all the eggs (it was a pity to leave the whites, but then we started making a delicious mousse from the whites). Due to the rapid coagulation of egg whites, the ice cream mixture had to be strained, and the finished homemade ice cream ended up with grains.

Beat the yolks into a stiff foam.

Measure out 250 ml of condensed cream. Sometimes we use condensed milk prepared at home.

Then measure out 250 ml of milk.

Now mix everything and beat it well with a mixer.

Place the ice cream mixture over low heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Add vanilla.

Be sure to cool in cold water (this way the mixture does not become covered with a film). And then place the ice cream mixture in the refrigerator (cool). Using the cooled mixture, ice cream in ice cream maker expands well.

Pour the cooled ice cream mixture into the ice cream maker. The ice cream maker must be in the freezer for at least 12 hours at a temperature of minus 18 degrees or lower. (Since we make ice cream quite often, the ice cream maker is always in our freezer.)

Time making ice cream in an ice cream maker 30-40 minutes.

Place the finished ice cream out of the ice cream maker into a suitable container.
Ice cream in an ice cream maker It turns out soft, so it should be frozen in the freezer.

Everyone can make this ice cream. It can't fail. It’s best to start with it after purchasing an ice cream maker, so as not to be immediately disappointed. Banana ice cream with berries.

How to make ice cream from yogurt

If you want ice cream but don't feel comfortable buying it from the store, then there is a very quick and easy way for you to make yogurt ice cream at home.

Yogurt ice cream does not require many ingredients to prepare, but it turns out very tasty.

Ingredients for Yogurt Ice Cream:

Yogurt ice cream recipe

Pour drinking yogurt into a deep bowl. You can use any fruit yogurt of your choice. The basis was peach yogurt with a fat content of 2.5%. It has a delicate taste and even children will like it.

Now you need to pour granulated sugar into a bowl of yogurt. In principle, the yogurt itself already has some sweetness, so you shouldn’t add too much sugar. Add a few tablespoons if you still like sweet foods.

Ice cream is considered the favorite dessert of all times. This delicacy is enjoyed by people of all ages; everyone is not averse to pampering themselves with a delicious dessert, especially in the hot season. Some people have wondered more than once how to make ice cream at home, whether this requires special knowledge, tools or ingredients. An ice cream maker can be used to prepare dessert, but if one is not available, a refrigerator freezer or freezer will do. Interesting recipes and secrets of making ice cream with different flavors can be found below.

Recipes for making ice cream at home

Ice cream is a favorite treat, well known to everyone since childhood. The variety of flavors can please even the most fastidious gourmets. Classic ice cream, creme brulee with caramel flavor, exotic dessert with banana or pineapple flavor, chocolate or popsicle - everyone will like such delicious ice cream. The advantage of this dessert is the ability to prepare it at home with your own hands. This way you will get not only delicious ice cream, but also a fascinating process of creating it.

In order to make homemade ice cream, you need to know some secrets:

  • It is possible to make ice cream at home using special equipment - an ice cream maker. If you don’t have it, you don’t have to run to the store to buy the miracle appliance; a standard freezer, which is equipped with every refrigerator, will come to the rescue.

  • In order for ice cream made at home to be homogeneous and cool evenly, it must be constantly stirred every hour until completely frozen. If you make dessert using an ice cream maker, you can omit this item.
  • Carefully choose the ingredients for making ice cream at home: they must be fresh, natural, and of high quality. If possible, preference should be given to homemade eggs, berries, and dairy products. The taste and quality of the finished dessert directly depends on the selected ingredients.
  • Ice cream is a dessert for the preparation of which it is recommended to use products with a maximum fat content. Therefore, for those who care about the calorie content of their dishes or who are on a diet, this option is not suitable. When choosing ingredients (milk, cream) for a treat, preference should be given to the fattest ones, this will allow you to get a uniform texture without ice crystals.
  • Adding additional components to ice cream to add taste, color, aroma (nuts, flavorings, alcohol, chocolate pieces) is best done after the base has cooled.

  • To create fruit or berry ice cream, fresh or frozen products can be used.

Making creamy ice cream

A classic version of ice cream, well known to everyone, loved by many - creamy ice cream. In order to make this delicacy, no additional components are used to give it taste. However, the finished dessert can be topped with melted chocolate, delicious jam or topping. Preparation does not require any special skills or knowledge, the main thing is the availability of all the necessary products, compliance with proportions, proper mixing and the desire to create amazing ice cream at home.

Ingredients for making creamy ice cream:

  • one tsp. vanilla sugar;
  • 10 grams of corn starch;
  • 35 gr. powdered milk;
  • 90 gr. granulated sugar;
  • 250 ml cream with 35% fat content;
  • 300 ml of fresh milk with a high percentage of fat content.

How to make your own ice cream sundae at home:

  1. Combine dry milk and two types of sugar in a saucepan. Add 250 milliliters of milk gradually, stirring constantly to prevent the formation of lumps.
  2. Combine corn starch with the remaining fifty milliliters of milk.
  3. Bring the milk to a boil, then add the diluted starch. Mix thoroughly and keep on heat until the ice cream thickens.
  4. Remove the pan from the heat, strain the mixture to obtain a homogeneous consistency, cover with plastic, and let cool.
  5. Beat the chilled cream with a mixer or blender until soft peaks form, combine them with the cooled milk mass.
  6. Place the mixture in the freezer, stir every twenty minutes until completely thickened. Ready-made ice cream sundae, made at home, decorated with fruits, berries or poured with dark chocolate - an amazing delicacy is ready.

Chocolate ice cream lovers will love the following recipe, which makes it possible to make this treat at home. To prepare the dessert you will need the following ingredients:

  • yolks of three eggs;
  • chocolate – 120 grams;
  • water - three tablespoons;
  • powdered sugar - three tablespoons;
  • 1.3 glasses of milk;
  • cream - six tablespoons.

Homemade chocolate ice cream recipe:

  1. Grind the yolks with powdered sugar until light.
  2. Pour hot milk into the yolks in a thin stream, stirring the mixture with a wooden spoon to prevent the formation of lumps.
  3. Strain the resulting base, pour into a saucepan and cook until the base has a thick consistency over moderate heat.
  4. Whip the cream.
  5. Chop the chocolate into pieces and melt using a water bath.
  6. Add chocolate to the milk-egg mixture - mix well, and then add the whipped cream.
  7. Mix all the ingredients until combined, transfer the ice cream to an ice cream maker or container, and place in the freezer.
  8. A delicious dessert is ready. For a beautiful presentation, decorate it with a sprig of mint or a slice of chocolate. Look at the photo below for design options.


For lovers of unusual tastes, exotic banana ice cream is suitable. In addition, this option is suitable for those who count calories, since its preparation does not require foods high in fat. To make banana ice cream you will need:

  • cold water - four tablespoons;
  • sugar – 110 grams;
  • ripe bananas - 2-3 pieces (450 grams);
  • lemon and orange juice per dessert spoon.

How to make banana ice cream at home:

  1. Combine sugar and water. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and heat until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil, cook for another five minutes, then cool it.
  3. Mash the bananas until pureed, add juice, transfer to the cooled mixture, and mix everything.
  4. Place in the freezer and remove a few minutes before serving so that the ice cream is slightly warm at room temperature and is easy to remove. When serving, garnish with a sprig of mint and a slice of banana (sprinkle it with lemon juice to prevent it from darkening).

Fruit ice can quench your thirst during the summer heat and provide moments of pleasure. To make such a delicacy, you only need your favorite fruits or berries, a little patience, and a mold for pouring such ice cream. To make fruit ice at home you will need the following ingredients:

  • water – 400 ml;
  • lemon – 3 pieces;
  • watermelon – 250 grams;
  • orange - four pieces;
  • sugar – two hundred grams.

How to make popsicles at home:

  1. Boil water.
  2. Add sugar to the container and cook until it is completely dissolved.
  3. Remove the syrup from the heat and let cool.
  4. Preparing fruit for ice cream: squeeze juice from orange and lemon (into different containers); Grind watermelon (without seeds) in a blender until pureed.
  5. Add cooled syrup to the container with juice and puree: 100 ml to orange juice and watermelon, 200 ml to lemon juice.
  6. Pour the juice into molds and place them in the freezer. When the mixture begins to harden (after 15-20 minutes), insert wooden sticks.
  7. Before serving, remove the fruit ice from the container by lowering the molds into boiling water for a few seconds.

Sherbet without milk

Ingredients for making raspberry sorbet:

  • 450 grams of fresh raspberries;
  • one tablespoon of gelatin;
  • egg white;
  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • 175 ml chilled water;
  • lemon zest, lemon juice.

Step-by-step preparation of ice cream sherbet at home:

  1. Grind the washed raspberries to form a puree. Press the mixture through a sieve to remove the seeds.
  2. Soak gelatin in 50 milliliters of water until it swells, heat it over low heat until dissolved.
  3. Combine raspberry puree with gelatin, remaining water, lemon juice and lemon zest, and sugar. Mix everything thoroughly, transfer to a mold and place in the freezer.
  4. After 2 hours, remove the sorbet from the freezer and whisk it to break up any ice chunks that have formed. Using a mixer, beat the egg white until foam forms, add to the sherbet, mix, and place inside the freezer for an hour and a half.
  5. Beat the mixture again, pour into molds and place in the freezer for an hour. Before serving, garnish with fresh raspberries, a sprig of mint, and a slice of lemon.

Caramel Creme Brulee

Creme brulee is an amazingly delicious ice cream with a pronounced caramel flavor. Every housewife will be able to prepare it at home and delight her family and guests with an exquisite dessert. Ingredients for preparing the treat:

  • 330 milliliters of milk;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 8 grams of corn starch;
  • 95 ml cream with a fat percentage of 35%;
  • powdered milk – 30 grams.

Step-by-step preparation of caramel ice cream at home:

  1. To make the caramel base, you need to melt sugar (40 grams) until brown, then add milk (40 ml) and mix the ingredients. Cook the caramel over low heat until the mixture resembles condensed milk.
  2. Dilute starch in 30 ml of milk.
  3. In a separate container, combine the milk powder with the remaining sugar and mix everything, add the syrup and the rest of the milk.
  4. Strain the finished mixture and bring to a boil over moderate heat. Add starch and brew like jelly.
  5. Cool the resulting mixture slightly, cover with foil or film and place in the refrigerator to cool.
  6. Beat the cold cream with a mixer until soft peaks form, combine with the caramel mass, and beat again.
  7. Transfer the mixture to a special container and cool in the freezer.
  8. Before serving, sprinkle with caramel or condensed milk and garnish with mint.


In the summer, when there is an abundance of fresh berries, it is possible to make delicious strawberry ice cream. This delicacy recipe has obvious advantages: it is quick and easy to prepare, you can make it at home, thanks to the natural ingredients, children can also eat it, and the amazing taste will delight both children and adults. This ice cream is suitable for finishing a festive evening or simply for treating guests and loved ones.

Ingredients to make strawberry ice cream:

  • fresh strawberries – 300 grams;
  • condensed milk - three tablespoons;
  • cream 300 ml with fat content 12 percent.

How to make strawberry ice cream:

  1. Peel the strawberries and wash them well.
  2. Grind the strawberries to a puree consistency using a mixer or blender.
  3. Combine strawberry puree with cream, beat well again.
  4. Add condensed milk, beat until a thick, homogeneous mixture is formed.
  5. Pour the resulting mass into freezer containers and place in the freezer.
  6. Decorate the finished treat with fresh strawberries.


Vanilla ice cream is a simple but surprisingly tasty treat that can be easily prepared at home in your kitchen. To make the dessert, you will need milk, sugar, egg whites, cream and vanilla sugar (to obtain a rich aroma and taste, you can use a vanilla pod), sometimes vanilla oil is used. Having learned how to prepare such a base, experiment with various fillings and flavorings (for example, fruits, berries, nuts, chocolate). For step-by-step preparation of vanilla ice cream at home, watch the video below:

Everyone knows that when buying ice cream in a store, we risk purchasing a completely unnatural product with a bunch of unhealthy impurities that are especially harmful to a child’s body. All risks are negated if you prepare the delicacy at home in the kitchen from simple and affordable products. Our today's recipes tell you how to do it correctly.

How to make your own ice cream at home - recipe from milk


  • whole milk – 990 ml;
  • egg yolks – 5 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar – 400 g;
  • peasant butter – 110 g;
  • starch – 10 g;
  • vanillin - a pinch.


Combine the milk in a saucepan with butter and place it on the stove on the burner to warm up. After boiling, remove the pan temporarily from the heat. Mix the yolks with granulated sugar and starch and grind thoroughly until all crystals lighten and dissolve. Now pour just a little warm milk into the yolk mixture to get the consistency of liquid sour cream and stir until smooth.

Now put the saucepan with milk and butter back on the fire, pour in the yolks mashed with sugar in a thin stream and stir the mass intensively. Let the mixture boil and place in a wide container with cold water to cool. From time to time, stir the ice cream base and refresh the cold water. After cooling to room temperature, pour the mixture into ice cream molds or a container and place in the freezer for several hours. If you use one large container for freezing, you must periodically vigorously stir its contents to avoid the formation of large ice crystals.

How to quickly and easily make ice cream “Plombir” at home?


  • heavy cream (30% or more) – 560 ml;
  • powdered sugar – 120 g;
  • vanillin – 1 pinch.


To prepare ice cream “Plombir”, cream must be taken with a high percentage of fat content and thoroughly cooled beforehand. Now mix the ice product with powdered sugar, add a pinch of vanillin and process the mixture until dense and fluffy foam using a mixer. After about five minutes of operation of the device, transfer the resulting creamy mass into a container or other container suitable for freezing and place it in the freezer for seven hours. During this time, we break the contents of the mold a couple of times with a mixer.

How to make Fruit Ice ice cream at home?


  • any berries or mixed berries – 520 g;
  • granulated sugar – 140 g or to taste;
  • – 20 ml;
  • purified water.


Pour granulated sugar into a saucepan or ladle, pour in just a little purified water and place over moderate heat. Heat the mixture until all the crystals dissolve and boil, then remove from the heat and leave to cool. During this time, we prepare the berries properly. We wash them, sort them, grind them to a puree using a blender and, if desired, grind them through a sieve to get rid of any crusts and small seeds.

After the syrup has cooled, pour it into the berry mass, add lemon juice, mix and pour into small molds or one large ice cream mold. After a few hours in the freezer, the fruit ice will be ready.

How to make ice cream at home without cream with cottage cheese?


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