Home Soups How long to cook boletus mushrooms. Tips and tricks for preparing mushroom dishes

How long to cook boletus mushrooms. Tips and tricks for preparing mushroom dishes

Boletus is truly the king among mushrooms. While other fruiting bodies have to be boiled and then fried, the white one requires no preparatory cooking. Moreover, it almost does not decrease in size as a result of heat treatment. Central Russia is especially rich in porcini mushrooms. They are the basis of many dishes of Russian cuisine, and not only that. Due to their unique taste characteristics, boletus mushrooms can be easily prepared for the winter, so that later, during frosts and lack of plant food, you can enjoy the rich aroma and amazing mushroom taste. Therefore, many recipes have two options: with fresh or dried fruit bodies. Regardless of what kind of porcini mushrooms you use in cooking, the result will always be wonderful. Here we will look at how to cook delicious porcini mushrooms and give some basic recipes. And the photographs will help you distinguish boletus from other forest products that are not so tasty... or even inedible.

What does a porcini mushroom look like?

For its nutritional and taste qualities, many people call the white mushroom royal. Yes, in the mushroom hierarchy, only truffle is higher than white. But since you and I are unlikely to go to Perigueux, where the latter is grown, let’s still return to the topic of boletus mushrooms. The porcini mushrooms, photos of which you see in the article, have a dark cap and a white fleshy stem. On average, the diameter of the cap varies from 7 to 30 cm, it is convex, and its surface can be either smooth or slightly wrinkled. The stem of the mushroom is barrel-shaped, massive, thickened at the base. The porcini mushroom is difficult to confuse with any other species, especially the toadstool. However, there are beginners who still manage to do it. The opinion that poisonous mushrooms have a lamellar cap is not a panacea for fly agaric poisoning. There are also very dangerous “doubles”. Quite similar to the satanic boletus mushroom. The leg gives it away - reddish, purple. In boron moss there are also gall mushrooms - also with a spongy base of the cap. But one such mushroom in a basket with porcini mushrooms can hopelessly ruin the entire dish. The unbearable bitterness will not allow you to swallow even a piece. The sponge of the bitter mushroom is somewhat greenish, and the cap is light brown. Harvesting porcini mushrooms is a necessary thing, but it is unacceptable to collect them near highways and in radiation-contaminated areas. If you decide to buy boletus mushrooms, make sure that the crop was harvested recently. Mushrooms should smell pleasantly like forest. If you press on them, they crunch slightly.

White benefit

The saying “For a poor man, a mushroom is meat” refers to boletus mushrooms. Their calorie content, however, is quite low - 30 Kcal per 100 grams, but since this product is difficult to digest, it gives the effect of long-term saturation. An excellent solution to replace meat for those who are on a diet. And the benefits of porcini mushrooms are much greater than those of pork. They contain vitamin E, which is responsible for the healing and renewal of body cells, ascorbic acid, which strengthens the immune system, thiamine and riboflavin, which improve vision, increase tone and take care of nerve cells. Boletus mushrooms also contain other useful substances. Thus, nicotinic acid is responsible for redox processes, and folic acid is responsible for the health of the circulatory system. That's why you should prefer porcini mushroom to meat. Boletus dishes are nutritious, tasty and very healthy. So the choice is obvious.

Preliminary manipulations

Recipes indicate how to cook porcini mushrooms, but by default it is believed that the fruiting bodies have already been brought to the stage of heat treatment by a skillful housewife. But no matter what we do with the boletus mushrooms next - dry, salt or fry, they must first be washed and cleaned. Take a basin and fill it with cold water. Dissolve regular salt in it. Throw the contents of the basket into the water and leave for an hour. The salted liquid will force all the worms to leave their shelters in the fruiting bodies and float to the surface, the stuck blades of grass and moss will also fall off, and the dirt will dissolve. Peeling porcini mushrooms is not such a hassle as boletus mushrooms. Scrape the cap a little, and cut off the skin on the stem from old fruiting bodies. If there are dark spots, remove them too. Cut large mushrooms into several pieces, medium ones - in half. Leave the little ones as they are.

Storing boletus mushrooms

If you are not going to cook mushroom dishes right now, how long can you keep them raw? If you shake off dirt and dust from the boletus mushrooms and put them in a paper bag, they can safely stand in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator for about two days. Only if the mushrooms were picked in the rain, they should be dried a little with the warm oven door open for a few minutes. You can boil the boletus mushrooms, strain them and put them in a plastic bag. They can be kept in the freezer for at least a couple of months. The easiest way to store boletus mushrooms for a long time is to dry them. After cleaning, place them in a colander to drain thoroughly. After this, cut into pieces of the same size and string them on a fishing line or strong thread. Hang the bundle in a warm, dry and well-ventilated area. Fruit bodies should be cut lengthwise, not crosswise. Dried white mushroom differs from other types in that it does not lose its wonderful smell, does not crumble or break.

How to quickly cook porcini mushrooms for the winter

If you do not have the opportunity to keep the bunch hanging for a long time, for a week or two, there are other methods of drying. You can use an oven, including an electric one. Set the temperature to 50 degrees. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Place the chopped mushrooms in an even layer. Do not close the oven door! After six to seven hours, the boletus mushrooms can be placed in a dry, tightly sealed glass container. Another quick method is to use a microwave oven. Set the power to 150 W and the timer to twenty minutes. Then remove the plate with mushrooms and ventilate the microwave for some time. Then repeat the same manipulations 2-3 times until the mushrooms become hard.

Preparing boletus mushrooms for the winter using the traditional method

There are at least two ways to salt porcini mushrooms: cold and hot. The first one is simpler, but for it you need to choose young, small boletus. We clean them, wash them and dip them whole in boiling water. Bring to a boil twice and place in a sieve. Cool them with cold water and then dry them thoroughly, turning them several times to remove any moisture. Place boletus caps in prepared and well-wiped jars. Sprinkle each row of mushrooms with a layer of salt. Cover with a circle of cardboard and place a stone on top. In a few days the jar will be incomplete. Add fresh boletus mushrooms, sprinkling them with salt. Pour in lukewarm ghee and close the lid. Store in the cellar or in the refrigerator door. Before use, soak for several hours and rinse.

Hot salting method

We clean the boletus mushrooms, wash them, boil them, skimming off the foam, for 20-25 minutes. This method of salting porcini mushrooms is good because you don’t need to soak them for several days. Place the mushrooms on a sieve and dry. Transfer to prepared jars or enamel dishes. Prepare the brine separately. For every 10 kilograms of mushrooms we take 1.2 liters of water and 0.5 kg of salt, as well as one bay leaf. Bring it all to a boil, cool, pour in the boletus mushrooms. We place a clean cloth on the surface, a wooden circle and a heavy stone on it. Store in the cellar or refrigerator.

Marinated boletus

There are many ways to prepare porcini mushrooms for the winter. One of them is pickling. Delicious glazed mushrooms can be either an independent snack or an ingredient for winter salads. To do this, we clean, wash and coarsely chop 2 kilos of fresh boletus mushrooms. Fill with cold water (0.5 liters), add 10 bay leaves and cook over low heat for about half an hour. Place a colander on another pan and separate the mushrooms from the broth. In the liquid we put 4 soup spoons of salt and 2 sugar, as well as a pinch of spices: black pepper (ground or peas), cloves. Bring the broth to a boil, then pour in 120 ml of 6% vinegar and return the mushrooms to the pan. Cook for another 10 minutes, skimming off any foam that has formed. Scald the jars with boiling water. Cut a large onion into rings and place it on the bottom of a glass container. Evenly place the mushrooms and marinade there and immediately roll up the lids. Such porcini mushrooms should be stored in the refrigerator for the winter.


Many housewives believe that in order to avoid food poisoning, all mushrooms should be boiled. The method below will help you prepare a fragrant clear broth - the basis for the soup. But how to cook porcini mushrooms without losing their characteristic aroma? Pour washed and coarsely chopped boletus mushrooms with cold water and let stand for half an hour. Then put the pan on the fire. As soon as it boils, reduce the flame and cook for thirty to forty minutes, skimming the foam from time to time. In a steamer, porcini mushrooms will be ready in 40 minutes. The same time will be required if we use a multicooker. It needs to be set to “Baking” mode. Well, what about dried mushrooms? We remove them from the thread and soak them in a small amount of cold water for 3-4 hours. After this, pour this infusion into the pan and cook for about 20 minutes.

Boletus cream soup

Even if you plan to use boiled mushrooms to prepare a second dish, do not drain the liquid. You can add potatoes, carrots, parsley, celery root to this broth and please your family with a delicious and aromatic mushroom soup. And for the second course, serve buckwheat porridge or rice with boletus mushrooms. And here we will tell you how to prepare French cream of porcini mushroom soup. To do this, finely chop 2 onions and fry until golden in vegetable oil in a deep frying pan. Add to them 0.5 kg of fresh chopped boletus mushrooms. Fry for about 7 minutes, then pour in a glass of cream with 20% fat content. Add 2 large potatoes, cut into cubes. We wait another 20 minutes (over low heat), stirring slightly so that the cream does not “run away.” Pour into a saucepan and blend with a blender until smooth. Season with spices, herbs and serve.

Boletus sauce

If, as a result of a forest hunt, you have quite a few porcini mushrooms in your basket, you can make a sauce from the trophy. Just three or four boletus are enough to make buckwheat porridge, mashed potatoes or boiled rice fragrant and tasty. As the main ingredient for the sauce, you can also use dried white mushroom - one handful, only in this case you need to first soak the product in cold water for two hours. Boil finely chopped boletus mushrooms in a small amount of water for about 40-50 minutes. We strain, but save the broth. Finely chop the onion, fry in butter, add mushrooms and fry for about a quarter of an hour. In small portions (stir constantly to prevent lumps from forming), add 3 tablespoons of flour. Add enough broth to the pan to make a thick sauce. Separately mix chopped dill, salt and spices to taste with 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream. Pour this into the main sauce, stir, and heat thoroughly.

Boletus julienne

How to cook porcini mushrooms as a hot appetizer? If you have beautiful cocotte makers in your house, serve julienne to your guests. To do this, simmer 0.5 kg of peeled and coarsely chopped boletus mushrooms in butter for about 10 minutes. Using a spoon, collect the released mushroom juice into a cup, and add half rings of a large onion and another spoon or two of butter to the frying pan. After a quarter of an hour, prepare the following mixture in a separate bowl: shake 1 glass of sour cream with a tablespoon of flour, mushroom juice, salt and spices. Pour this creamy sauce into the pan and simmer for another 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Rub the inside of the cocotte makers with garlic, fill them with julienne, sprinkle the surface with grated Parmesan and place in an oven preheated to 200⁰ for a quarter of an hour.

Buckwheat with boletus

If you are wondering how to cook porcini mushrooms in the traditional Russian way, then there is nothing easier than cooking the most aromatic porridge. In a very deep frying pan in two tablespoons of vegetable oil, fry a finely chopped onion, 100 grams of bacon and diced carrots. When it all turns golden, add 200 g of porcini mushrooms. Fry for another 10 minutes. Season with salt and spices, add a glass of buckwheat and two tablespoons of finely chopped parsley. Stir and pour in three glasses of hot broth (or boiling water). When the liquid boils, cover with a lid and reduce the heat to low. Simmer the porridge for half an hour until the water boils away. After this, add 2 large tablespoons of butter, mix and let stand warm for another 15 minutes. Serve sprinkled with dill.

The most delicious dish of porcini mushrooms is the taste of zharakha (stewed potatoes with boletus mushrooms, dill and cream), familiar to everyone from childhood. You can prepare simple dishes from porcini mushrooms, adding various vegetables, sauces and herbs for variety. The page contains the most current recipes for delicious porcini mushroom dishes that will appeal to everyone without exception. The offered dishes of porcini mushrooms are suitable for dietary and festive tables, suitable as an appetizer and salad. Choosing a recipe for preparing porcini mushroom dishes is not always easy, since there are many ways to cook porcini mushrooms. In this regard, to prepare dishes from porcini mushrooms, you can take classical methods of culinary processing and supplement them with the necessary ingredients as desired.

The ingredients for the first course of porcini mushrooms are the following products:

  • 60 g fresh porcini mushrooms
  • 150 g potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 liter of water or broth
  • parsley
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of butter
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream
  • salt to taste

Peel and rinse fresh mushrooms. Chop the mushroom stems, sauté in oil and cook in a small amount of water for 30–40 minutes. Chop the onion and sauté with fat. Cut the potatoes into cubes. Place chopped mushroom caps, carrots, parsley, onions, potatoes into boiling broth or water and cook for 15–20 minutes. When serving, add sour cream and herbs to a plate with mushroom soup. Soup is the best porcini mushroom dish for a family dinner.

Look at other recipes for porcini mushroom dishes with photos further on the page, where different soup options are offered.

Hot dish of porcini mushrooms


  • 2 kg porcini mushrooms
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 60 g butter
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of flour
  • Tabasco (hot Mexican sauce) to taste
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of cream
  • 1 bunch of green onions
  • ground black pepper
  • salt to taste

Quickly but thoroughly rinse the mushrooms, peel and cut into pieces.

Boil salted water, adding a whisper of soda, and cook the mushrooms for about 15–20 minutes.

Remove the foam with a slotted spoon.

Remove the mushrooms from the broth and mash until pureed.

Do not pour out the broth.

Peel and finely chop the onion and garlic.

Sauté in melted butter.

Add mushroom puree, sprinkle everything with flour, mix well and heat through.

After this, add mushroom broth to taste and cook the soup, stirring frequently, for about 25 minutes.

Remove the pan from the stove, season the hot porcini mushroom dish with salt, pepper and Tabasco, add the yolk and cream.

Wash the green onions, chop, mix with soup and serve.

Dish of porcini mushrooms and potatoes


  • 150 g fresh porcini mushrooms
  • 1–2 carrots
  • 2–3 potato tubers
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 teaspoon butter
  • 2 eggs
  • ½ cup sour milk (yogurt)
  • ground black pepper or parsley
  • salt to taste

Sort and wash fresh mushrooms and cut into slices. Cut carrots into thin slices. Cook mushrooms and carrots together in salted water for about 20 minutes. Add diced potatoes and bay leaf. Bring the soup to readiness. Then remove from heat and add butter. Season a dish of porcini mushrooms and potatoes with eggs mixed with sour milk, ground black pepper or finely chopped parsley.

Dish of porcini mushrooms and potatoes


  • 500 g fresh porcini mushrooms
  • 7 potato tubers
  • 2–3 large carrots
  • 1 parsley root
  • 1 onion
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of butter
  • sour cream
  • dill and salt to taste

Chop and fry the mushrooms in oil, add hot water and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Then add chopped potatoes, parsley root, carrots, onions, salt, pepper, bay leaf and cook for another 20-30 minutes. When serving, add sour cream and dill to a dish of porcini mushrooms and potatoes.

What dish can be prepared from porcini mushrooms?


  • 10–12 fresh porcini mushrooms
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of tomato paste
  • 2 pickled cucumbers
  • 5 onions
  • 2–3 tbsp. spoons of butter
  • 12–16 olives
  • 2–3 tbsp. spoons of capers
  • ½ lemon
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of sour cream
  • ground black pepper
  • Bay leaf
  • pepper and salt to taste

If you don’t know what dish can be prepared from porcini mushrooms, then try a hodgepodge of boletus mushrooms. Wash the mushrooms, peel them, add water and cook until tender. At this time, peel the onion, rinse, chop and sauté in melted butter with tomato paste. Peel the pickled cucumbers, cut lengthwise, remove seeds, cut crosswise into thin slices and lightly simmer. Wash the olives well and remove the pits. Strain the mushroom broth and cut the mushrooms into slices. Place chopped mushrooms, cucumbers, sautéed onions, capers, bay leaves into the broth and let simmer for 8-10 minutes. Then season the hodgepodge to taste with salt, sour cream, add olives, dill and parsley. When serving, add 1 tablespoon of sour cream, a slice of lemon to the hodgepodge and sprinkle with chopped dill and parsley.

Recipe for fresh porcini mushrooms

For this recipe for a dish made from fresh porcini mushrooms, you need to take the following components:

  • 1 liter of broth (meat or chicken) or mushroom broth
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 parsley or celery root
  • 150 g fresh porcini mushrooms
  • noodles

For the noodles:

  • 160 g flour
  • 1 teaspoon melted butter
  • 2–3 tbsp. spoons of water

Knead the flour with other products until a viscous dough is formed, then roll it out in a thin layer on a board and cut into strips. The dough is easier to cut if it is allowed to dry slightly while rolled out. Place the chopped noodles in boiling salted water and cook until they float to the surface. If you do not need to cook all the noodles at once, then the rest should be dried. In this form it is well preserved. Place the roots and mushrooms cut into strips, cut in half or into four parts, into the boiling broth and cook until tender. Add separately boiled noodles to the finished soup.

Recipe for a dish of dried porcini mushrooms (with photo)

To use this recipe for dried porcini mushrooms, you need to gather the following ingredients:

  • 350–400 g soft beef
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of fat or butter
  • celery or parsley
  • 8–10 potatoes
  • 200 g fresh or 30 g dried porcini mushrooms
  • 2 small pickles
  • pepper
  • greenery
  • sour cream

Cut the meat across the grain into 4-5 pieces, beat and lightly fry on both sides. Then place it in a cooking pan, pour in 1 liter of boiling water and the liquid formed in the pan when frying the meat. When the meat becomes semi-soft, add the potatoes and cook until fully cooked. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped pickled cucumber, prepared and cut into pieces boiled mushrooms and seasonings, continue cooking. Serve the soup clear or with sour cream. Sprinkle with herbs on top.

Look at the recipe for preparing this dish from dried porcini mushrooms with a photo that clearly shows all the steps.

Porcini mushroom dish in the oven


  • 500 g porcini mushrooms
  • 100 g finely chopped bacon
  • 4 slices bread without crusts
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of milk
  • 4 things. canned anchovies (fillets)
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons chopped parsley
  • 1 pinch chopped basil
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper - to taste
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of crackers
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of olive oil
  • basil sprigs

Before preparing a dish of porcini mushrooms in the oven, you need to heat it to 200 °C and grease a large baking tray with oil. Place fresh bread in a small bowl, add milk and leave to soak. Remove the stems from the mushrooms and chop them finely. Place the anchovy fillets, garlic, beaten egg, parsley, basil, salt and pepper in a bowl with the bacon. Squeeze out the bread, add to the rest of the mixture and mix well. Divide mixture into upside-down mushroom caps, mounding. Place on a baking sheet and sprinkle with bread crumbs. Sprinkle with olive oil. Bake on the top rack of the oven for 20 to 30 minutes until the top is lightly browned. Remove and cool for a few minutes before serving and sprinkle with basil.

Cooking a dish of porcini mushrooms by simmering


  • 500 g porcini mushrooms
  • 1 kg potatoes
  • bulb onions
  • 1.5 cups young peas
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of cream
  • 200 ml water
  • dill or parsley - to taste
  • salt.

To prepare a dish of porcini mushrooms by simmering, you need to cut the peeled and washed boletus mushrooms into pieces and simmer in vegetable oil along with chopped onions until half cooked. Then add potatoes cut into rectangles, a little water or mushroom broth, salt and simmer for another 10-15 minutes. After this, add young peas and simmer until they are fully cooked (add overripe peas at the same time as the potatoes). A few minutes before it's ready, pour in the cream. Sprinkle with chopped herbs before use.

How to cook a dish of dried porcini mushrooms


  • 500 g dried porcini mushrooms
  • 250–300 g boiled or 60–70 g dried porcini mushrooms
  • 50 g smoked lard
  • 40 g fat
  • 1 onion
  • pepper
  • 2–3 tbsp. spoons of sour cream
  • 1–2 tomatoes
  • 10–12 potatoes
  • dill
  • parsley.

Before preparing a dish of dried porcini mushrooms, chop boletus mushrooms and onions, simmer in fat, add seasonings. Cut the potatoes into slices or cut into four parts, boil in a small amount of water, drain the water, place the potatoes in a fireproof pan or bowl. Place porcini mushrooms on top and simmer for a few minutes until the potatoes are soaked in the mushroom sauce. When serving, garnish with tomato slices and herbs.

Recipe for pickled porcini mushrooms

The composition of ingredients for preparing a dish of pickled porcini mushrooms is as follows:

  • 500 g fresh or 250 g canned porcini mushrooms
  • 50 g bacon
  • 1–2 onions
  • 8–10 boiled potatoes
  • caraway,
  • (bouillon)

According to the recipe for a dish of pickled porcini mushrooms, you first need to cut the boletus mushrooms into cubes, the bacon into cubes and simmer along with chopped onions, adding a little broth if desired. Cut the potatoes into cubes or slices, fry with the remaining bacon until a light crispy crust forms. Mix mushrooms with potatoes, season with salt and caraway seeds and fry for several minutes.

Stewed carrots or cabbage, as well as a salad of raw vegetables, are suitable as a side dish.

Dietary dish of porcini mushrooms


  • 500 g porcini mushrooms
  • 1 cup cream
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of butter

For a dietary dish of porcini mushrooms, peel, rinse and scald the boletus mushrooms, then cut into slices, add salt and lightly fry. After that, put them in a pot or pan and pour boiled cream over them. Tie the parsley and dill, putting cinnamon, cloves, pepper, bay leaf in the middle of the bunch, and put it in a saucepan - in the mushrooms. Salt the mushrooms, cover with a lid and place in a moderately hot oven for 1 hour to stew. When the mushrooms are ready, remove the bound greens and serve the mushrooms in the same bowl in which they were stewed.

Recipe for dry porcini mushrooms


  • 900 g porcini mushrooms
  • 1.2 kg potatoes
  • 80 g tomato puree
  • 180 g onions,
  • 140 g carrots
  • 50 g parsley
  • 160 g turnips
  • 200 g tomatoes
  • 20 g flour
  • 80 g vegetable
  • 20 g butter
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 1 bunch of dill
  • 1–2 bay leaves
  • a few black peppercorns
  • salt - to taste.

According to this recipe for a dish made from dry porcini mushrooms, they must first be washed, boiled, drained, cut into large pieces and fried in vegetable oil in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Then add hot mushroom broth, add tomato puree, a few black peppercorns, bay leaves and simmer for 10 minutes. Fry the potato wedges and separately, in vegetable oil, sliced ​​onions, carrots, parsley root and turnips. Dilute the flour sautéed in butter with chilled mushroom broth and mix with the mushrooms along with the prepared vegetables and potatoes. Mix everything well and continue to simmer over low heat for 15–20 minutes. At the end of the stew, add the tomatoes cut into slices and let it boil. Place the finished stew on a dish, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and dill.

Casserole with porcini mushrooms and pasta.


  • 200 g pasta or noodles
  • 400 g of salted or poached porcini mushrooms in their own juice
  • 2 onions
  • 60–80 g smoked loin
  • 2 eggs,
  • 1½ cups milk
  • salt,
  • pepper,
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of grated cheese
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of butter.

Place the pasta in hot salted water and cook until tender, discard in a colander, cut into pieces 2-3 cm long. Cut the smoked loin into small cubes and heat. Fry chopped mushrooms and onions in the resulting fat. Place the prepared products in layers in a mold so that the bottom and top layers contain pasta or noodles. Pour the egg-milk mixture seasoned with salt and pepper on top, brush with sour cream and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake at medium temperature (180–200 °C) until the dish is browned and cooked through. Serve stewed carrots and beet or tomato salad as a side dish. The casserole can be cooked in melted fat or margarine, in which case it is served with thinly sliced ​​ham.

Festive dish of porcini mushrooms


  • 200 g porcini mushrooms poached in their own juice
  • 150 g boiled or fried meat
  • 200 g pasta or 8 potatoes
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter or margarine
  • 2 glasses of milk
  • 2–3 eggs,
  • grated cheese or ground crackers

Boil pasta, potatoes can be raw or boiled. Place mushrooms, meat and other products in layers in a greased form so that the bottom and top layers are pasta or potatoes. Mix beaten eggs with milk, season and pour the mixture over the products placed in the mold, put pieces of butter on top and sprinkle with grated cheese or ground breadcrumbs. Bake at medium temperature until the festive porcini mushroom dish is cooked through and browned. If raw potatoes are used, the oven temperature should be slightly lower than when using boiled potatoes, as in this case the baking time will be longer (40-45 minutes). Serve the casserole with melted butter or sour cream and vegetable salad in a gravy boat.

Pork dish with porcini mushrooms


  • 200 g fresh, uncooked porcini mushrooms
  • 100 g fried or boiled meat
  • 100 g bacon pork
  • 1 onion
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 pickled cucumber
  • 1 parsley root,
  • Pepper
  • tomato puree
  • 1 glass of rice,
  • meat cube broth
  • ground crackers or grated cheese
  • butter.

Simmer porcini mushrooms, meat and seasonings cut into pieces in one bowl and season. Boil the rice separately in salted water until you get a crumbly porridge. Place most of the rice in a greased pan so that it completely covers the bottom and sides. Make a hole in the middle where to put porcini mushrooms stewed with meat, chopped tomatoes and cucumber. Cover the mixture with the remaining rice. If the products are too dry, lightly sprinkle them with broth. Sprinkle with ground breadcrumbs or grated cheese on top and put pieces of butter. Bake until the pork dish with porcini mushrooms is lightly browned. Serve with sour cream sauce, stewed vegetables and raw vegetable salad

Roast with porcini mushrooms.


  • 180 g beef tenderloin
  • 15 g dried porcini mushrooms
  • 140 g potatoes
  • 50 g onions
  • 25 g butter
  • 10 g cheese
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream
  • 3 g parsley
  • 20 g fresh tomatoes
  • pepper

Peel the meat from films, cut into pieces, add salt and pepper and fry in a hot frying pan on both sides. Separately, fry chopped cooked porcini mushrooms, onions and tomatoes. Boil and fry the potatoes, then place the meat in a frying pan, put mushrooms, onions and tomatoes on it, and next to it - fried potatoes, pour sour cream and sprinkle with grated cheese. Place in the oven to bake. Sprinkle with parsley before serving. Be sure to serve it in a frying pan.

Turkey with pickled mushrooms, baked in sour cream.


  • 500 g turkey
  • 1 cup pickled porcini mushrooms
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of butter
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of grated cheese
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of parsley or dill

Boil the turkey, cut the flesh except the fillet into strips, fry in butter, add sour cream (part of it) and heat through. Place this mass in a small frying pan, and put a piece of fillet on top, garnish with pickled porcini mushrooms cut into pieces, pour over the remaining sour cream, sprinkle with grated cheese, sprinkle with melted butter and bake in the oven. Before serving the dish, sprinkle it with chopped parsley or dill.

A dish of porcini mushrooms in a slow cooker


  • porcini mushrooms – 500 g
  • potatoes – 8 pcs.
  • onions – 1 pc.
  • butter – 50 g
  • black pepper,
  • parsley to taste

To prepare a dish of porcini mushrooms in a slow cooker, fry the chopped onion in a frying pan with butter until golden brown, then transfer it to the cooking bowl. Add mushrooms, cut into quarters, potatoes, cut into large cubes, and add 2 cups of water. Add salt, pepper and set the timer for 40 minutes in the STEW mode. Before serving, garnish the dish with parsley.

Porcini mushrooms in sour cream.


  • 500 g wild porcini mushrooms
  • 100 g sour cream
  • 2 onions
  • vegetable oil,
  • salt.

Wash and peel the porcini mushrooms, cut into pieces. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Pour a little vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl and cook in the “Baking” mode for 40 minutes. It is best to fry mushrooms with the lid open so that the dish does not turn out too liquid. In 20 minutes. add the chopped onion and continue cooking with the lid closed until the end of the program. Add sour cream and salt. Cook in the “Stew” mode for another 5 minutes. Serve sprinkled with herbs.

Porcini mushrooms with sauce.


  • 300 g porcini mushrooms
  • 1 onion
  • vegetable oil
  • cream
  • green onions
  • carnation
  • ground black pepper

Cooking time – 40 minutes.

Peel, wash and chop the onion. Peel and cut porcini mushrooms into slices. Place in the multicooker bowl and cook in the Stew mode until done. Place the mushrooms in a colander and let the water drain. Return the mushrooms to the multicooker bowl, add the onion, butter and fry in the Baking mode for 15 minutes. Then pour in the cream, add chopped green onions, cloves and cook for another 5 minutes in the same mode.

Porcini mushrooms with cream.


  • 500 g porcini mushrooms
  • 3 tbsp. l. butter
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 200 ml cream
  • 1 tsp. lemon zest
  • 3 tbsp. l. grated cheese
  • ground black pepper
  • grated nutmeg

Cooking time – 15 minutes.

Peel, wash and chop the mushrooms and garlic. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl, add porcini mushrooms and fry in baking mode for 10 minutes. , add garlic, cream, lemon zest, pepper, salt, nutmeg. Sprinkle cheese on top and cook for another 5 minutes in the same mode.

Dish of porcini mushrooms and chicken


  • 600 g chicken meat
  • 150 g of any boiled porcini mushrooms
  • 2 onions
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 100 ml vegetable oil
  • 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste
  • dill greens
  • ground black pepper

Rinse the chicken, cut into pieces and fry in vegetable oil. Peel the onion, rinse, finely chop and add to the chicken. Salt and pepper the roast, add porcini mushrooms, tomato paste and pour in a little water. 5 minutes before readiness, add minced garlic to the dish of porcini mushrooms and chicken and sprinkle with thoroughly washed and finely chopped dill.

Fried caps of fresh porcini mushrooms.


  • 600 g fresh porcini mushroom caps
  • 3–4 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil or fat,
  • 4–5 tbsp. spoons of flour
  • pepper.

Peel freshly picked porcini mushrooms dry. (If the mushrooms need to be washed, then they need to be dried on a napkin.) Cut off the stems of the mushrooms and use them to prepare some other dish. Heat the fat so that it smokes slightly, dip whole porcini mushrooms into it, lightly brown first on one side, then on the other. (If the porcini mushrooms crumble, roll them in flour. It adds some dryness to the surface of the porcini mushrooms.) Place the fried porcini mushrooms on a dish, sprinkle with salt and pour over the remaining fat after frying.

Serve the dish with fried or boiled potatoes and a salad of raw vegetables.

Fried dried porcini mushrooms.


  • 9–10 large dried porcini mushrooms
  • 250 ml milk
  • 1 egg
  • 4–5 tbsp. spoons of ground crackers
  • 3–4 tbsp. spoons of fat
  • pepper.

Rinse the porcini mushrooms thoroughly and soak in milk mixed with water for 3-4 hours. Then boil in the same liquid. (The broth is used to make soup or sauce.) Sprinkle the porcini mushrooms with seasonings, soak them in beaten egg, and then roll them in ground breadcrumbs with salt and pepper. Fry porcini mushrooms on both sides in hot fat until golden brown. Serve with fried potatoes (or mashed potatoes), horseradish sauce and cucumber and tomato (or red pepper) salad.

Porcini mushrooms “Ruddy”.


  • 600 g porcini mushrooms,
  • 200 g butter
  • 150 g flour
  • 1 onion
  • dill
  • carnation
  • Pepper
  • Sugar
  • vinegar

Peel, chop and place porcini mushrooms in a frying pan with melted butter. Salt, pepper, add sugar and vinegar. Fry the porcini mushrooms for 5-7 minutes, then add flour, add a little water, finely chopped dill, onion and cloves. Continue frying for 30 minutes over low heat. At the end of frying, remove the onion and sprinkle the finished side dish with vinegar.

Chicken appetizer with porcini mushrooms.


  • 500 g chicken fillet
  • 200 g porcini mushrooms
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cream,
  • 1 tbsp. spoon, mayonnaise
  • 1 soup spoon of tomato paste
  • ground black pepper
  • ground red pepper
  • sugar

Cooking time - 40 minutes

Place chicken fillet in a steamer and cook for 25–30 minutes. Place porcini mushrooms in a steamer for 20–25 minutes. Mix finely chopped porcini mushrooms and chicken meat, add salt.

Combine mayonnaise, cream, tomato paste and mix. Add salt and sugar. Pour this mixture over the meat with porcini mushrooms, sprinkle with red and black pepper and mix carefully.

Dish of porcini mushrooms in pots

The ingredients of a dish of porcini mushrooms in pots are the following products:

  • 1½ l mushroom broth
  • 200 g white cabbage
  • 2 potato tubers
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 30 g dried porcini mushrooms
  • 50 g tomato paste
  • 100 g sour cream
  • 1 bunch of dill
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • salt.

Method of preparation: Peel carrots and onions, wash, finely chop, sauté in a frying pan in vegetable oil. Wash the dill and parsley and chop finely. Wash the potatoes, peel them, cut them into cubes. Wash and chop the cabbage. Bring the broth to a boil in a pot, add pre-soaked porcini mushrooms, cook for 15 minutes, add potatoes and cabbage, add salt, cook for 10 minutes. Add sautéed vegetables and tomato paste and cook in the oven until done. When serving, season with sour cream and sprinkle with herbs.

Watch how to cook porcini mushroom dishes in the video, where all the culinary tricks and secrets are presented.

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Marinated boletus- one of the most common blockages in the winter. These mushrooms are not picky and do not require long oppression or infusion. These mushrooms can be eaten the very next day. And eat them just like that, with bread, make a salad out of them, or serve them as a side dish to the main dish. It is very easy to make such a blockage at home, even if you live in an apartment in the city center. Boletus mushrooms are sold in many stores.

Each clog recipe is unique, small details and minor spices can make a big difference in the overall flavor. This is why it is so interesting and interesting to prepare marinades according to new recipes. We prepared one of these.

A step-by-step recipe for preparing homemade pickled boletus mushrooms with photos will whet your appetite even as you read. And while cooking, you probably won’t be able to resist and appreciate the taste of the future pickling even before you put the mushrooms in jars.

We marinate mushrooms and delight our loved ones in winter with an amazingly delicious snack.


  • (1 kg)

  • (1 l)

  • (3 tsp)

  • (2 tbsp.)

  • (4 tsp)

  • (5-7 pcs.)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (2-3 pcs.)

  • (1 umbrella)

  • (2-3 cloves)

Cooking steps

    We have at our disposal 1 kg of fresh, strong boletus mushrooms, which we have to wash and prepare for pickling. Please note that if you have more mushrooms, then the content of the remaining ingredients must be increased proportionally.

    You shouldn’t crush the mushrooms too much: they will shrink in size and become a suitable shape during the cooking process. We separate the hard part of the stem and, if necessary, cut the cap with the stump into two equal parts.

    Separately cook the rough legs. They can be used in preparing other dishes. Therefore, we wrap the finished legs in cling film and freeze them.

    Cook the caps in another pan. Salt the water and wait until the mushrooms are half cooked. Pass the mushrooms and water through a sieve, cool with cold water and let dry.

    Take a separate pan for cooking the marinade. First mix water and vinegar. Add sugar, salt and a mixture of spices for the marinade: pepper, bay leaf, dill, cloves and garlic. Mix everything and add our mushrooms. Remember that the pieces should float freely in the marinade.

    Place the pan on the fire and cook the mushrooms until cooked for another 15 minutes.

    The marinade is almost ready, now you need to sterilize the jars. You can use any method you know. Let's say using a microwave. Place jars and a glass of plain water inside. After 5 minutes on high heat, the jars will be ready to seal. Place the cooled mushrooms in prepared jars to the top. Fill them with marinade. Before use, dip the lids in boiling water and then close them. Marinated boletus mushrooms are ready for winter! And you can eat them the very next day if you can’t wait.

    Bon appetit!

What to cook from porcini mushrooms (boletus) - delicious recipes from the magazine "site"

There is nothing more desirable for a passionate mushroom picker than filling a basket to the top with porcini mushrooms (another name is boletus mushrooms). These forest dwellers are tasty, nutritious, healthy and low in calories (only 30 kcal per 100 g of fresh mushrooms). Boletus is deservedly called the king of mushrooms. It owes its popularity to its impressive size, wide distribution area and excellent culinary qualities - impeccable taste, bright aroma and high nutritional value.

Dishes made from porcini mushrooms are very satisfying and incredibly aromatic. They are especially popular in Russian, Italian and French cuisine. Salads, soups, casseroles are prepared from porcini mushrooms; they are boiled, stewed, salted, dried and pickled. Julienne with sour cream sauce, salad with pumpkin seeds, spicy eggplant soup, cream soup with cream and many, many more unusual, very tasty dishes can be prepared from porcini mushrooms. Boletus mushrooms are ideal for gravies and soups: the broth they produce is clear, rich and incredibly aromatic.

There are no special secrets in porcini mushroom recipes, but to make the dishes truly tasty, knowing little tricks and culinary secrets won’t hurt.

How long to cook porcini mushrooms?

It is enough to boil very young and very small mushrooms for 20 minutes, and large and mature mushrooms should spend 35-40 minutes in boiling water. Thawed mushrooms are cooked for 30 minutes, dried mushrooms are first soaked in cold water and then boiled until they settle.

Mushrooms that crumble a lot after drying can be chopped - you get an unusually aromatic, tasty, and most importantly natural seasoning. Just one teaspoon of this powder will add delicious mushroom notes to creamy sauce, mashed potatoes, vegetable soup, cheese casserole, and will highlight the aroma of baked meat. And if you want to give dishes to which you add dried boletus a particularly delicate taste, soak them not in water, but in milk.

Recipes for dishes made from porcini mushrooms

Recipe 1.

You will need: 1 carrot, 50 g of dried boletus, 2 onions, herbs, salt, 3 egg yolks, a quarter of a stick of butter, 700 g of chicken, 1.5 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of flour, 150 ml of cream with 20% fat.

Place the chicken in a saucepan with a liter of water, let it boil, skim off the foam, and then add peeled vegetables to the broth: carrots and 1 onion (without chopping). Add salt and cook for 25 minutes. Remove the meat, cool slightly and cut into pieces. Strain the broth. Discard the onion and cut the carrots into pieces. Pour dry mushrooms with cold water for 10 minutes, place in 0.5 liters of salted boiling water and cook for 15 minutes. Remove the mushrooms and cut into strips. Finely chop the second onion, fry in butter, add flour, mix well, dilute in 40 ml of chicken broth and rub through a sieve. Mix chicken broth with mushroom broth, add onion sauce, diced egg yolks, chicken and mushroom pieces. Serve sprinkled with chopped parsley.

Recipe 2.

You will need: 30 g dried boletus, 300 g white cabbage, 4 potatoes, 4 beets, a handful of chopped parsley, 1 carrot, 1 tablespoon sugar, 50 g tomato paste, 70 g prunes, 2 teaspoons flour, 1 onion, 60 ml vegetable oil, 1 parsley root, 2 liters of water and salt to taste.

Soak the mushrooms in water for 1.5 hours, then cook for an hour and remove from the broth. Dissolve sugar in 2 glasses of water, add washed prunes and cook for 10 minutes. Wash and peel all vegetables. Cut the beets into strips and simmer over low heat for 10-12 minutes in half the vegetable oil, adding a tablespoon of mushroom broth and tomato paste. Saute the parsley root, chopped into thin strips, onions and carrots separately, adding the remaining butter, flour and tomato paste. Cut the potatoes into cubes. Chop the cabbage thinly. Place stewed beets, cabbage and potatoes into boiling mushroom broth. Cook after boiling for 15 minutes. Then add prunes along with the water in which they were boiled, chopped mushrooms, sauteed vegetables, favorite spices and cook for another 8-10 minutes. Serve sprinkled with chopped parsley.

Recipe 3.

You will need: 3 sweet peppers of different colors, 1 red onion, 180 g frozen green beans, 180 g asparagus, 2 tomatoes, 200 g pickled boletus, 1 fresh cucumber, juice of half a lemon, salt, pepper, half a glass of olive oil and honey to taste.

Wash all vegetables and dry on paper towels. Place the peppers in a refractory dish, sprinkle with a spoonful of oil and bake for a quarter of an hour at 200°. Peel the asparagus from hard stems and cook for 3 minutes in salted water. Boil the beans in water with salt for 7 minutes. Cut the cooled asparagus and beans into pieces. To make it easier to remove the skin, make cross-shaped cuts on the tomatoes, then plunge them into boiling water for half a minute and immediately pour them over with ice water. Remove the skin and cut the pulp into slices. Peel the baked peppers too, remove the core and cut into thin strips. Wash the mushrooms. Cut the cucumber into circles, the onion into thin rings. Combine the remaining oil with honey, pepper, salt and lemon juice. Combine asparagus, peppers, green beans, mushrooms, onions, cucumbers and tomatoes in a salad bowl and drizzle with dressing.

Recipe 4.

You will need: 10 medium-sized boletus mushrooms, 100 g of cheese, 100 ml of milk, 140 g of ham, 1 fresh tomato, two slices of loaf, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 eggs, a handful of herbs, spices and olive oil.

Wash the mushrooms thoroughly, dry them and cut off the stems near the cap. Peel the tomato (as in the previous recipe) and cut into small cubes. Finely chop the ham along with the mushroom legs, add finely chopped garlic. Cut the crust off the loaf, soak the pulp in warm milk, squeeze it out and combine with the mushroom filling. Then add cheese cut into small cubes, tomato, beaten eggs, salt and pepper and mix everything well. Stuff the caps with the resulting filling, place on an oiled baking sheet and bake in the oven until done. Serve garnished with chopped herbs.

Recipe 5.

You will need: 1 kg of boletus mushrooms (preferably small and equal in size), 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 onion, 2 dessert spoons of sugar, 4 buds of cloves, 4 allspice peas and 4 bay leaves, a teaspoon of mustard seeds and black peppercorns, 60 ml 6% vinegar (preferably white wine).

Wash the mushrooms. Small boletus mushrooms are pickled whole, but large ones need to be cut. Place the mushrooms in a deep saucepan, add a glass of water, let it boil and cook over very low heat, stirring constantly, for 15 minutes. Throw the boiled boletus mushrooms into a sieve, and add cloves, bay leaves, sugar, salt and black and allspice pepper to the resulting mushroom broth, bring to a boil, remove the bay leaves, pour in the vinegar and add the mushrooms to the broth. Cook for 10 minutes, remembering to stir and remove foam. Cut the onion into rings and place in sterilized jars. Send the boletus mushrooms there, pour in the marinade and seal. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket and let cool. Store in a cool place.

Recipe 6.

You will need: half a glass of dried boletus, 1 onion, 400 ml of water, 120 ml of homemade sour cream (or cream), a handful of chopped herbs (dill and parsley), 2 bay leaves and 4 black peppercorns, 3 tablespoons of flour, salt, 2 cloves of garlic , a pinch of nutmeg, a piece of butter.

Soak the boletus mushrooms for 1 hour in a small amount of cold water, then drain the liquid, cut the mushrooms into equal-sized pieces, add fresh water (400 ml) and cook for about an hour. Melt the butter in a frying pan and first fry the finely chopped garlic and onions until half cooked, then add the mushrooms and sauté for another 10 minutes. When the broth has cooled, pour 50 ml into a glass, add flour and stir thoroughly or whisk until smooth. Combine the flour mixture with the cooled broth in a saucepan, bring to a boil, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, add fried mushrooms, finely chopped herbs, salt, add black peppercorns, nutmeg and bay leaf, boil for 7 minutes, pour in sour cream and keep on the fire for another 3 minutes. The result is a very delicate and at the same time spicy sauce. It goes well with boiled pasta, mashed potatoes, buckwheat and rice porridge.

Recipe 7.

You will need: 5 boletus mushrooms, 2 corn cobs, 2 carrots, 1 young zucchini, 2 green bell peppers, 2 red onions, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, a handful of pine nuts, 80 ml olive oil, 4 green onions, 2 white onion stalks - leek, 20 ml of wine vinegar, pepper and salt.

Clean the mushrooms, wash and dry. Rinse all other vegetables too. Prepare a marinade from soy sauce, vinegar and finely chopped green onions (1 feather is enough) and dip mushrooms cut in half into it for 15 minutes. Cut the zucchini lengthwise into 4-5 pieces and make mesh-shaped cuts on the skin of each piece. Cut the peeled carrots in half lengthwise and blanch for 3 minutes in boiling water, remove with a slotted spoon and dry. Divide the onion into quarters. Cut the corn into pieces about 3 cm thick. Place the zucchini, carrots, onions, leeks and corn on a well-heated grill. Drizzle with a spoonful of oil and cook for 4 minutes on each side. Then place the mushrooms and quartered peppers on the grill (straight with the core, it will give the vegetables a special aroma), drizzle with a spoon of oil and cook for 6 minutes on each side. Salt and pepper all the vegetables and mushrooms, sprinkle with oil, place on a large flat plate and sprinkle with nuts.

Boletuses are noble mushrooms. Pamper your loved ones with new culinary experiments, prepare delicious, original and healthy recipes for porcini mushroom dishes and eat to your health!

Porcini mushrooms are loved by many for their exquisite taste. But in order to fully enjoy them, you need to know what to do with porcini mushrooms after collection, how to process them correctly. This is exactly what Popular About Health will tell its readers who love boletus mushrooms very much.

Primary processing of porcini mushrooms

Picking porcini mushrooms is an art. If you do not yet have much experience in this matter, then know that the processing of boletus mushrooms begins immediately after collection, right in the forest. What should you do with mushrooms?

1. After picking, porcini mushrooms must be cleared of debris - grass, leaves, pine needles, fragments of branches.

4. When placing boletus mushrooms in the basket, do not press them down; handle them carefully.

Once you get home, you have to immediately set aside time to process the product. Remember that all mushrooms spoil very quickly, so do not put off this work until later.

What to do after picking, how to process porcini mushrooms at home?

Carefully place the collected forest gifts into a basin and inspect again, removing any remaining debris. Then place the porcini mushrooms in cold water. This is necessary so that all the dirt on them gets wet and it is easier to remove. Mushrooms are very light and porous, they will float uncontrollably to the surface, so place a weight on top. After 15 minutes you can start cleaning them. To do this you will need a knife and a scraper or a brush with stiff bristles.

Use your hands to remove all debris adhering to the stems and caps. After this, the water should be changed to clean. Now arm yourself with a scraper and remove stubborn dirt with it. Then turn each mushroom over and use your fingers to massage away any grains of sand and dust from under the caps. A lot of small debris collects in the so-called gills. Rinse the mushrooms now in running water, removing suspicious dark fragments with a knife.

Place the mushrooms in a colander and let the water drain. Now porcini mushrooms should be subjected to temperature treatment after collection.

Attention! If you want to dry the collected forest gifts, you do not need to soak or wash them. It is enough to manually remove dirt and trim off damaged mushroom tissue.

How to properly dry porcini mushrooms?

Drying boletus mushrooms should be done at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees. This is very easy to do in the oven. Place baking paper on a baking sheet and place boletus mushrooms in one layer. Turn on the oven at 45-50 degrees, insert a stopper into the door so that it does not close. Dry the product for at least 6-7 hours. If you have a special drying chamber at your disposal, follow the instructions.

How to cook porcini mushrooms?

Heat treatment of boletus mushrooms is necessary to eliminate the possibility of poisoning by toxins. Place the product in salted water (a teaspoon of salt per liter) and bring to a boil. Be sure to remove the foam that forms on the surface. After boiling, set for 40 minutes. Place the finished mushrooms in a colander.

How to freeze boletus mushrooms?

For long-term storage of porcini mushrooms, freezing is often used. It is best to freeze the product already boiled. After the water has completely drained and the boletus mushrooms have slightly dried and cooled, place them in clean bags. Pack so that one package contains one portion of the product, which you can use at a time - it’s more convenient. Deflate the packages, tie the packages tightly, and then place the packages in a chamber with a super-freezing function for 2-3 hours. If you have other types of mushrooms in the freezer, it is better to label the packages so as not to confuse them later. After 2-3 hours, transfer the bags to the regular compartment of the freezer.

How to cook porcini mushrooms?

Boletus mushrooms are universal, they are used to make delicious snacks - pates, caviar, salted, pickled, fried, baked, and prepared soups. For pickling, choose either small mushrooms, or use only caps cut into several fragments. It is very important that the boletus mushrooms do not show the slightest sign of spoilage. Boletus legs are most often used to prepare mushroom caviar - this is truly a royal delicacy, and they are also fried. The frying time for porcini mushrooms that have been pre-boiled is 15 minutes.

And of course, these mushrooms are good when salted. From time immemorial, housewives salted them in large quantities in barrels; this tradition has been preserved to this day. It’s unlikely that anyone will be able to refuse such a delicious snack. For soup, it is better to take a dried product, as it has a richer aroma and taste. Dried boletus mushrooms are first soaked, washed thoroughly, and then boiled.

Porcini mushrooms are a luxury for many, but if you have already managed to collect them in the forest, then it is important to know exactly what to do with them, how to process them and prepare them for storage. Remember that the product deteriorates quickly, so do not put off cleaning, washing and further processing of mushrooms until later.

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