Home Product ratings Pumpkin jam: a golden collection of recipes. Pumpkin jam is the orangest preparation! Recipes for various pumpkin jams with citruses, zucchini, dried apricots, apples Pumpkin jam how much sugar to add

Pumpkin jam: a golden collection of recipes. Pumpkin jam is the orangest preparation! Recipes for various pumpkin jams with citruses, zucchini, dried apricots, apples Pumpkin jam how much sugar to add

Pumpkin jam is a juicy and bright preparation for the winter. You can taste it as a separate dish or add it as a filling when creating pies, pies, croissants, bagels, etc. By adding citric acid to this preservation, you add a citrus note to the taste of the jam. By the way, citric acid can be replaced with lemon or orange or tangerine juice.

If your children don’t want to eat pumpkin first and second courses, then they will definitely like pumpkin jam! Pumpkin jam prepared for the winter should definitely be either in your refrigerator or on the shelf of your pantry - you can even make a pumpkin latte macchiato from it.

So, let’s cut the purchased or grown pumpkin and clean its insides from pulp and seeds, rinse it (rinse the seeds and dry them in the oven - they are incredibly healthy)!

Peel the pumpkin from the hard skin and rinse it again, cut its flesh into portioned medium cubes.

Let's choose dishes with a thick bottom: a cauldron, a stewpan or a saucepan. Pour the chopped pumpkin cubes into it and add water.

Add granulated sugar and citric acid. Place the cauldron or saucepan on the stove and bring its contents to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer the contents of the container for about 15-20 minutes, until soft, stirring from time to time.

As soon as the cutting becomes soft, puree it with an immersion blender, trying not to splash everything around - the mass will be very hot!

Place the container on the stove again and boil the jam over low heat under the lid to the required thickness, which each of us is free to determine to our own taste. I simmered it for about 20-25 minutes, stirring occasionally.

If you plan to serve the jam immediately, then put it in bowls or bowls, leaving it to cool completely.

To seal pumpkin jam for the winter, sterilize the jars and lids with boiling water or in a water bath, pour the hot jam into them and immediately screw the lids on the containers. Let it cool at room temperature, and then transfer it to the pantry.

Our pumpkin jam is completely ready!

Cook pumpkin jam on the stove for 1 hour over low heat.

How to cook pumpkin jam

Pumpkin - 3 kilograms
Sugar - 2.5 kilograms
Citric acid - a quarter teaspoon

Food preparation
1. Cut the pumpkin in half. Remove (scrape out) the fibrous pulp with seeds inside with a large spoon. Using a knife, cut each half into 4 pieces.
2. Peel the pumpkin pieces. Soft and thin, it can be easily cut with a knife. In the case of a thick, hard peel, place a piece of pumpkin on a cutting board so that the side with the peel is on the right, and sequentially cut off small pieces of peel from top to bottom until the entire piece is peeled.
3. Cut the peeled pieces of pumpkin into small cubes.
4. Place the pumpkin cubes in a large deep bowl and cover with granulated sugar.
5. Leave the pumpkin pieces covered with sugar for 4 hours until the pumpkin gives juice.

How to cook pumpkin jam on the stove
1. Prepare a large, preferably wide, pan.
2. Place the contents of the bowl into the pan - pieces of pumpkin prepared for cooking with sugar and the released juice. If very little juice comes out, add a quarter glass of water.
3. Place the pan on low heat. Heat the contents for 20 minutes, stirring constantly, until the sugar syrup boils.
4. After the sugar syrup boils, cook the pumpkin pieces for 40 minutes over low heat, be sure to stir so that the jam (a thick, homogeneous mass formed from softening pieces of pumpkin and syrup) does not burn.
5. At the end of cooking, add a quarter teaspoon of citric acid, stir the jam and stop heating.
6. Place hot jam into dry, clean jars and screw on dry, clean lids.

How to cook pumpkin jam in a bread machine
1. Place the pumpkin pieces that have given juice, covered with sugar, into a bucket of a bread machine.
2. If the pumpkin has given too little juice, add three tablespoons of water.
3. Set the “Jam” mode. After approximately 1 hour 20 minutes the mode will be completed.
4. Take out a bucket of jam and, if desired, grind the contents with a blender.
5. Pour the finished jam into dry jars and close with lids.
When cooking jam in a bread maker, you need to take into account the volume of the bucket. For a 1-liter bucket, it is recommended to take 450 grams of pumpkin and 350 grams of sugar.

How to cook pumpkin jam in a slow cooker
1. Place pumpkin pieces sprinkled with sugar into a multicooker bowl.
2. Add 3 tablespoons of water if the pumpkin gives little juice.
3. Set the “Quenching” mode, which lasts about 2 hours.
4. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, open the multicooker lid and add citric acid. If the jam turns out to be liquid, add a gelling additive - pectin, marmalade or gelatin, at the rate of 10 grams per 1 kilogram of pumpkin.
5. After turning off the multicooker, take out the bowl of jam. If the pumpkin is not boiled, grind it in a blender.
6. Place the pumpkin jam into clean, dry jars and close the lids.
The amount of food to be added depends on the volume of the multicooker bowl. With a bowl volume of 3 liters, it is recommended to take 1.5 kilograms of pumpkin and 1.2 kilograms of sugar.

Store pumpkin jam at room temperature in a dark place. Store an open jar of pumpkin jam in the refrigerator.


- For jam, use ripened pumpkin with bright orange pulp.

If, 40 minutes after the start of cooking the jam, the pumpkin pieces continue to retain their shape and do not soften well, you need to use a blender and bring the mass to a homogeneous state. Then continue cooking the jam.

The zest of lemon or orange will add a pleasant flavor to pumpkin jam. You need to peel the topmost, brightly colored layer of the fruit skin using a fine grater and add it to the jam 10 minutes before the end of cooking. You can add a finely grated piece of ginger root or a little cinnamon.

It is worth remembering that pumpkin jam itself has a subtle, unique taste and aroma, so there should be very few flavoring additives, their task is only to highlight the taste of pumpkin.

Pumpkin jam is served on toast, pancakes, pancakes, and used as a filling for pie and pies.

The calorie content of pumpkin jam is about 250 kcal/100 grams.

If you cook pumpkin jam in a slow cooker or bread maker, it is recommended to wash the bowl and bucket immediately after emptying the finished product.

Pumpkin is rich in vitamins, but almost all of them are destroyed when heated; among the survivors is vitamin K, which improves blood clotting.

The benefits of pumpkin jam include a large amount of fiber and pectin fibers, which stimulate the intestines and help remove cholesterol, radionuclides, and toxins. These beneficial properties of pumpkin remain even after cooking the jam.

Continuing the theme of homemade preparations, it is absolutely impossible to ignore such an incredibly tasty and very healthy vegetable like pumpkin. It’s not for nothing that people call her the queen of autumn, because there are many recipes for preparing various dishes and preparations from her. Pumpkin jam is a special delicacy that is loved by both children and adults. It is prepared very simply and quickly; the most labor-intensive process of preparing jam will be peeling it. Here we need a comfortable sharp knife and a little patience.
If possible, choose brighter, orange colors for the pumpkin itself; it will be more aromatic and beautiful in the finished jam. To emphasize the subtle pumpkin flavor, we will add a little citric acid to the jam; it will highlight the sweet taste and give the delicacy a certain note of piquancy.
You can cover them with lids and store them all winter in a dry place, or you can serve them immediately as a simple homemade dessert. Just spread it on a fresh bun and enjoy drinking tea in a seed circle.
It can be served as a sweet sauce for pancakes, cheesecakes, and donuts. And if you decide to bake a pie with filling, then it’s quite difficult to find an alternative to pumpkin jam.
From the products indicated in the recipe, approximately 3 half-liter jars of finished jam are obtained.


- fresh brightly colored pumpkin, peeled -1.5 kg
- crystalline citric acid -1/2 tsp
- granulated sugar -1 kg

Peel the juicy fresh pumpkin and cut into small cubes.

Place the chopped pumpkin in a thick-bottomed saucepan or a large enamel basin, add granulated sugar as required, citric acid, mix thoroughly and leave for about 4-5 hours so that the pumpkin releases its juice.

If there is not enough juice, you will have to add water, otherwise, with further boiling, the pumpkin may burn.

Place the pan on low heat and simmer the jam for 1-1.5 hours, do not forget to stir and skim off the foam. If we don’t do this, our jam will spoil very quickly. And you can immediately spread the foam on the bread and enjoy the pumpkin taste.
The finished pumpkin jam becomes thicker and darker in color. To make sure it is ready, take a teaspoon of jam, cool it a little and put it on a plate. If the drop of jam has not spread and remains the same shape, then our delicacy is ready and we can safely eat it.

We put the hot jam into the jars prepared in advance, close the lids, turn it over, wrap it in a warm blanket and let it cool in this form.
Or you can serve immediately after cooling. Try cooking, it’s also very tasty, healthy and easy.

Bon appetit!
Starinskaya Lesya

Step 1: prepare the pumpkin for processing.

To make jam, it is better to choose overripe pumpkin of sweet varieties. Cut the pumpkin into halves or quarters. Using a spoon, scrape out the seeds and the fibrous pulp adjacent to them. Cut off the peel with a knife. Wash the pumpkin thoroughly and cut into cubes. The yield of already peeled pumpkin should be about one and a half kilograms.

Step 2: Boil the pumpkin and make a puree from it.

Place the chopped pumpkin in a large saucepan. Add 100 ml water and put it on fire. After boiling, boil the pumpkin for about 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally. During this time, the pumpkin cubes should become soft enough for further transformation into a puree. Remove from heat and let cool slightly. If there is a lot of liquid in the pan, it is better to drain it. To grind boiled pumpkin, it is best to use a blender. If you don't have one, a meat grinder will do. Pass the boiled pumpkin through a meat grinder or blender until a homogeneous paste is obtained.

Step 3: cooking pumpkin jam.

Pour the chopped boiled pumpkin into a bowl or pan. Add sugar and put on fire. To avoid jam sticking to the bottom, it is better to take a container with a non-stick coating. After boiling, leave the jam to simmer over low heat about half an hour. Don’t forget to stir frequently with a wooden spoon, paying special attention to the bottom of the container. While the jam is cooking, prepare the oranges. First, we thoroughly wash them and get rid of external defects. Then grate the unpeeled oranges very carefully on a fine grater so that only the orange peel is erased. You can immediately add it to the jam, remembering to mix it thoroughly again. Then cut the oranges, remove the seeds and grate the zest. We also add the chopped zest and drained juice to the jam. It's best to add oranges in 10 minutes jam until the end of cooking. The pumpkin-orange mixture should thicken during cooking and decrease in volume by about a third.

Step 4: check the readiness of the jam.

There are several proven ways to check jam for readiness. The easiest way is to run a wooden spoon along the bottom of the container. If the remaining track holds more than 10 seconds, The jam is considered ready. However, there is a more reliable method. The consistency of jam is much thicker than jam or jam. It should hold its shape and not spread. Using this principle, you can carry out the following test for readiness: place a small drop of jam on a clean, dry, level saucer. Let it cool. If the drop does not spread, the jam is ready. You can also turn the saucer over - the finished jam should not drip.

Step 5: roll the jam into jars.

To ensure proper storage, the jars containing the jam must be thoroughly washed and dried. Pour the finished jam hot into prepared jars, not adding about a centimeter to the edge. If you are using jars with screw-on lids, then simply screw the lids onto the jars tightly. If you use cans for sealing, it is better to boil the lids. We roll up the jars with a key as with normal canning. To check the tightness of the seal, turn the jars upside down - there should be no air bubbles coming from under the lids. If everything is done correctly, leave the jars to cool completely at room temperature. It is best to store cooled jars in a cool, dark place. When the time comes to drink tea or prepare a fragrant pie, all you have to do is open a jar of fragrant pumpkin jam.

Step 6: serve pumpkin jam.

After the jam is cooked, let it cool a little and brew, and then put a couple of spoons of fresh jam into a serving saucer. Now it can be served as a dessert. Any baked goods, cookies, or cottage cheese go well with jam as a side dish. Bon appetit!

To make jam, it is better to choose a heavy, elastic pumpkin of sweet varieties, ripened or even overripe. If the pumpkin is not too sweet, then the amount of sugar can be increased by 20%.

When preparing jam, citrus fruits can be replaced with citric acid at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 kilogram of raw materials.

The consistency of the finished pumpkin jam should be much thicker than jam. In this case, the mass should not be too coarse-grained and easily smeared.

For sweet pastries, it is better to use assorted pumpkin jam and, for example, apple or pear jam.

Proportions of products for cooking:

- pumpkin pulp - 800 gr.;

- apples - 1.2 kg;

— granulated sugar – 1 kg;

- orange peels - a quarter of a teaspoon.

How to make pumpkin jam with apples.

First, the peeled pumpkin must be stewed in a saucepan (until soft), and then the stewed pumpkin pulp must be crushed by any available means, for example, rubbed through a sieve or colander.

For sour apples, you need to remove the seeds and peel them, then simmer them until soft and rub them through a sieve while hot.

After that, put the apple and pumpkin mixture in one bowl. Pour in half the amount of sugar specified in the recipe, mix thoroughly until smooth and then simmer over low heat, not forgetting to stir in a timely manner.

The remaining sugar should be added at the end of cooking. Then add orange peels to our jam.

The homemade jam, boiled to the desired thickness, is then packaged in prepared sterilized jars and sealed with sterile lids.

If you don’t want to roll pumpkin jam, you can boil it a little longer until it leaves the bottom of the bowl. The jam boiled to such a thickness can not be rolled up, but transferred into sterile dry jars, which we first cover with gauze folded in half. And the next day we will cover the jars with wax paper soaked in vodka and tie them with twine.

In winter, such thick jam can be used to make various fillings for pies, pancakes and pancakes. Or you can simply spread it on fresh bread and serve for morning tea.

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