Home Product ratings Pomegranate bracelet salad with pork recipe with photo. Pomegranate bracelet salad Pomegranate bracelet salad classic recipe with pork

Pomegranate bracelet salad with pork recipe with photo. Pomegranate bracelet salad Pomegranate bracelet salad classic recipe with pork

I propose to prepare the popular “Pomegranate Bracelet” salad with pork, or rather one of its variants. This salad tastes very interesting, and it looks very impressive on a festive table. So I recommend...

To prepare the “Pomegranate Bracelet” salad with pork, prepare the ingredients: boil the potatoes and beets separately, you will also need ready-made pork, for example boiled-smoked, pomegranate, onions, prunes and (or high-quality store-bought).

Soak the prunes in hot water, then cut into strips. Peel and grate the potatoes. Place a glass in the center on a flat dish so that you later get a salad in the shape of a ring, i.e. bracelet Place the prunes in the first layer, and then a layer of potatoes. Add mayonnaise.

Make the next layer of pork pieces and add finely chopped onion. If desired and if necessary, the onion can be scalded, although it itself will marinate and soften in taste from the mayonnaise of the next layer.

Grate the beets and mix them with mayonnaise to taste. From this mass, make a layer of “Garnet Bracelet”.

Remove the seeds from the pomegranate and place them on top of the beetroot layer. Carefully remove the glass.

After this, let the salad stand in the refrigerator for a while to soak.

“Pomegranate Bracelet” salad with pork is ready for the celebration. Serve it up!

Recipes for Pomegranate Bracelet salad with chicken, beef and pork.

One of the most popular holiday dishes is the pomegranate bracelet. It has a rich taste and unusual ingredients. The name of the salad is due to its shape and the presence of pomegranate seeds. It is often prepared in the form of a ring.

Festive salad “Pomegranate Bracelet”: ingredients and step-by-step classic recipe with beef and cheese, without beets, layers in order

The Pomegranate Bracelet salad will be appreciated by those who do not like beetroot, but prefer spicy flavor combinations. There are no beets in the composition, as in the usual version. But it is still quite rich. The dish is popular among guests due to its unusual presentation.


  • 1 pomegranate
  • 300 g beef meat
  • Mayonnaise
  • Pickled onion
  • 3 boiled eggs
  • 150 g hard cheese
  • 2 boiled carrots
  • 2 boiled potatoes
  • Boil all the vegetables for the dish in advance. These are potatoes, carrots
  • Boil the beef in a separate bowl
  • Boil the eggs and marinate the onion in half rings in a vinegar solution
  • Cut the meat into strips and place in a bowl, and onion on top
  • After this, a layer of potatoes, followed by a ball of carrots
  • Next, lay out the grated eggs and cheese on top
  • Grease each layer with dressing, place pomegranate seeds on top of the mayonnaise cheese
  • This ball does not need to be greased with mayonnaise.
  • To make the dish shaped like a ring, you need to place a glass in the center of the dish and place the balls tightly against it
Salad “Pomegranate bracelet” without beets

So tasty cook “Pomegranate Bracelet” salad with chicken and walnuts: recipe in layers

This is a kind of interpretation of the salad ““. But the form is different and the ingredients are also somewhat different.


  • 1 boiled breast
  • 1 pomegranate
  • 1 onion head
  • Handful of walnuts
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • Small jar of pickled mushrooms
  • This is a cocktail salad that is prepared in several stages and layers.
  • To make the shape resemble a bracelet, you should use a silicone mold or just a dish with a glass in the center
  • The bottommost layer is boiled chopped chicken and pickled onions
  • After this, add grated boiled potatoes and mushrooms.
  • Rub carrots on top of the mushrooms, and nut crumbs on top of them
  • Walnuts are pre-roasted and crushed in a blender
  • Eggs are laid on top of the nuts, and pomegranate vitamin seeds are placed on them.
  • Each ball is coated with sauce
  • After completing the process, use a rotating motion to remove a cylindrical object from the food
  • Use a spoon to remove any unevenness. The back side can smooth out all the imperfections

Salad “Pomegranate bracelet” with chicken

How to deliciously prepare the Pomegranate Bracelet salad with chicken and prunes: recipe in layers

This dish is prepared very simply. In addition, prunes add piquancy to the dish. To make it soft and easy to chew, dried fruit should be heat treated.


  • 100 g nuts
  • 70 g prunes
  • Chicken breast
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 boiled beetroot
  • 2 potatoes
  • 1 pickled onion
  • 1 large pomegranate
  • 2 boiled carrots
  • Mayonnaise
  • Boil all the vegetables and remove the skins from them
  • Boil the chicken and cut it into small cubes, you can also tear it with your hands
  • Place a glass at the bottom of the vessel and lay out the chicken; place a layer of onion on top of it
  • After this, you need to lay out the potatoes, carrots, eggs in layers and coat each ball with sauce
  • Next, add nut crumbs and chopped prunes
  • Prunes are pre-soaked in boiling water and chopped
  • The topmost ball is a pomegranate; it is not covered with mayonnaise.

Salad “Pomegranate bracelet” with chicken and prunes

How to deliciously prepare Pomegranate Bracelet salad with ham: recipe in layers

A simple and versatile salad. Instead of chicken or beef, ham or sausage is used.


  • 200 g ham
  • 1 pomegranate
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 g cheese
  • Mayonnaise
  • 2 boiled potatoes
  • 2 boiled carrots
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • Boil all the vegetables and eggs. Remove skins and shells from these products.
  • Cut the ham into strips and set aside
  • Place a glass in the middle of a large-diameter flat dish and begin assembling the dish
  • Place grated potatoes on the bottom, and carrots, eggs and cheese on top
  • Don't forget to grease each ball with mayonnaise.
  • Add chopped garlic and ham to the cheese layer
  • The very last layer is pomegranate seeds

Salad “Pomegranate bracelet” with ham

How to deliciously prepare the Pomegranate Bracelet salad with chicken, eggs and champignons: recipe in layers

One of the most delicious options, which is better prepared without beet.


  • Boiled chicken breast
  • 2 eggs
  • Small jar of pickled champignons
  • 1 pomegranate
  • 1 processed cheese
  • 1 boiled carrot
  • 2 boiled potatoes
  • Mayonnaise
  • Poach vegetables and eggs. Boil the chicken in salted water
  • You can use the broth for preparing first courses, and cool the chicken and cut into strips
  • Place a glass in the center of the dish and place the chicken
  • Place grated potatoes, eggs, mushrooms and carrots on top of this ball
  • After this, sprinkle with cheese shavings and generously coat with mayonnaise at each stage.
  • The very last layer that is not coated with sauce is pomegranate seeds

Salad “Pomegranate bracelet” with chicken and mushrooms

How to deliciously prepare the Pomegranate Bracelet salad with tongue: recipe in layers

The tongue is a very delicate and unusual by-product. It is often used for snacks. Before slicing, it is boiled in water with spices and peeled from the film.


  • 1 boiled tongue
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • 1 onion
  • 2 potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 boiled beet
  • 1 pomegranate
  • Prepare the tongue and cut it into strips. Place fried onion on top
  • After this, lay boiled potatoes, carrots, cheese, eggs in layers
  • At each stage, coat the layers with dressing.
  • Place a layer of boiled and grated beets, brush with sauce
  • Sprinkle pomegranate vitamin seeds on top

How to deliciously prepare Pomegranate Bracelet salad with pork: recipe in layers

To learn how to prepare this dish, watch the video.

VIDEO: Recipe for salad with pork

How to deliciously prepare the Pomegranate Bracelet salad with pickled or pickled cucumber: recipe in layers

This is an unusual version of salad. It contains pickled cucumbers. Such products add additional piquancy and reduce the cost of the dish.


  • 300 g boiled pork
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 beet
  • 2 potatoes
  • Mayonnaise
  • 1 large pomegranate
  • Boil the pork and shred it into strips. To cut food, you can use kitchen appliances or a shredder.
  • Place on a plate with a glass in the middle and sprinkle with pickled onions
  • After this, add grated boiled potatoes, carrots and eggs.
  • Spread each layer with sauce. Beetroot and mayonnaise on top
  • Sprinkle the finished dish with pomegranate seeds

How to deliciously prepare the Pomegranate Bracelet salad with chicken and apple: recipe in layers

Dietary version of the salad. This dish is very healthy, especially if you replace the mayonnaise with homemade yogurt. Children can be treated to this dish.


  • 1 chicken breast
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 pomegranate
  • 2 boiled carrots
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • Yogurt
  • 2 apples
  • Lemon juice
  • Boil the chicken breast and tear it into fibers
  • Place on a plate with a glass in the center and spread yoghurt on top
  • After this, lay carrots and hard cheese in layers and grease with yogurt
  • Chop the apple and pour lemon juice on top, place the eggs on top
  • The last layer is vitamin pomegranate seeds, they are not greased with yogurt

Salad “Pomegranate bracelet” with chicken and apple

How to deliciously prepare Pomegranate Bracelet salad with smoked chicken: recipe in layers

This dish has a rich taste. This is due to the presence of chicken in the recipe. You should not add seasonings and spices to the dish. Smoked products have a rich taste. Additional seasonings may spoil the organoleptic characteristics.


  • 1 smoked chicken leg
  • Mayonnaise
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 boiled potatoes
  • 1 boiled carrot
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • 1 pomegranate
  • The dish does not contain beets, as they do not go well with smoked chicken.
  • It is necessary to boil vegetables, eggs and peel them
  • Next, tear the chicken leg into fibers and place on a plate with a glass
  • After this, lay out a layer of chopped potatoes, carrots and cheese, generously brushing with sauce
  • Place grated chicken eggs, brush with dressing and sprinkle with pomegranate

Pomegranate bracelet salad with smoked chicken

How to deliciously prepare the Pomegranate Bracelet salad with smoked sausage: recipe in layers

You can make a very tasty holiday salad using smoked sausage. It goes well with pickled mushrooms and cheese. The option can be considered fast. Ideal for cases when guests are on the doorstep and there is nothing to treat them with.


  • 210 g sausage
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 boiled potatoes
  • 2 boiled carrots
  • Mayonnaise
  • 1 processed cheese
  • Jar of mushrooms
  • Large pomegranate
  • The salad is prepared without beets. It is necessary to boil and clean all products
  • Boil and peel the eggs and cut the sausage into thin strips
  • Place grated potatoes on the bottom of a dish with a glass in the middle, then carrots, mushrooms and eggs.
  • Don't forget to soak each ball with sauce.
  • After this, lay out the processed cheese and vitamin pomegranate seeds on top of it

Salad “Pomegranate bracelet” with smoked sausage

How to deliciously prepare Pomegranate Bracelet salad with beef heart: recipe in layers

This is a simple and affordable version of the dish. Cheap offal is used instead of expensive meat. At the same time, the organoleptic characteristics of the food do not suffer.


  • Beef heart
  • 1 onion
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • 2 potatoes
  • 2 carrots
  • beet
  • 1 pomegranate
  • Mayonnaise
  • Boil the heart in salted water, and then cut into strips
  • Fry the onion strips in oil and place on a plate with a glass in the center
  • After this, gradually lay out the carrots, potatoes and eggs
  • After this, lay out the grated beets, do not forget to grease the layers with sauce
  • Sprinkle the salad generously with vitamin grains

Salad “Pomegranate bracelet” with beef heart

How to deliciously prepare the Pomegranate Bracelet salad with raisins and nuts: recipe in layers

An unusual salad with a rich taste.


  • 1 boiled chicken leg
  • Mayonnaise
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 boiled potatoes
  • 1 boiled carrot
  • 1 boiled beet
  • 1 vitamin pomegranate
  • 100 g raisins
  • 100 g nuts
  • Boil all the vegetables and peel them, boil the eggs and peel them
  • Place the boiled chicken meat on the bottom of the dish, disassembling it into fibers
  • Place raisins, carrots, potatoes and chicken eggs on top layer by layer.
  • After this, add the crushed nuts
  • Thoroughly soak each ball with sauce.
  • Place grated beets on top and brush with mayonnaise
  • Sprinkle some vitamin-rich pomegranate seeds

Salad “Pomegranate bracelet” with raisins and nuts

What can you replace chicken in the Pomegranate Bracelet salad?

There are many options for replacing chicken in salad. Depending on this, the taste of the salad changes beyond recognition.

Products to replace:

  • Boiled beef or pork
  • Boiled liver
  • Tuna or other canned food in a jar
  • Crab sticks
  • Sausage
  • Smoked or salted fish

Salad “Pomegranate bracelet”

How to beautifully decorate the festive salad “Pomegranate Bracelet” for New Year’s, birthdays, March 8, February 14, 23, weddings, anniversaries: ideas, photos

The recipe itself is very original, so additional decoration is not always necessary. Usually the dish is arranged in the form of a ring. To do this, you can use springforms or the option with a dish and glass.

Serving options:

  • In the form of a two-tier dish. In this case, the products are initially divided into two unequal parts. The first tier is large in size. The second tier is laid out on top of it in stages.
  • Ring. This is a standard option in which a glass or other cylindrical object is used. The balls are placed close to it. Next, the object is removed using rotating movements.
  • With flowers. They are usually made from boiled vegetables using a special housekeeper knife. The resulting shavings are laid out in the form of buds. Flower-shaped pasta is now available for sale. Recently, they have also often been used to decorate main courses and appetizers. They can be colored using vegetable juices and food coloring.
  • In portions. It makes sense to serve the dish this way if a small company is dining. Portion serving will save space on the table and make the table more tidy. To do this, it is better to use transparent bowls through which the layers will be visible. The brighter the products, the more interesting the dish looks.
  • Festive salad “Pomegranate Bracelet”: ideas

    Salad “Pomegranate bracelet”

    Decoration of the Pomegranate Bracelet salad

    Pomegranate bracelet is a popular dish that is a frequent guest on the holiday table. Take note of the recipe and please your guests.

    VIDEO: Salad “Pomegranate Bracelet”

Hello, dear friends!

Today, a classic holiday salad called Pomegranate Bracelet is offered to the reader's liking. Very tasty and quite simple. Look how luxurious it is!

Housewives argue not only about which recipe is classic, but also about what to do with pomegranate seeds, should they be eaten with seeds or not? Perhaps everyone will decide this for themselves. We can only advise you to choose pomegranate fruits with small seeds; such varieties have already appeared on sale.

And we should also note that in any version the dish has an amazing taste and stunning appearance. Therefore, it is the bright “sun” of the puff “Pomegranate Bracelet” that will allow housewives to perfectly decorate the New Year’s festive table, so that guests will gasp with delight.

❕ Here you will find classic recipes, and here your favorite one awaits you. Do not miss. ❤

Pomegranate bracelet salad - classic recipe with chicken

Let's look at the preparation step by step with illustrations for the best result. You will get such beauty.


  • Boiled chicken fillet - 350 gr.
  • Small boiled potatoes in their jackets - 3 pcs.
  • Medium-sized beets - 2-3 pcs.
  • Small onions - 2 pcs.
  • Large ripe pomegranate - 1 pc.
  • Walnuts - 150 gr.
  • Homemade mayonnaise.
  • Salt, pepper - add to taste.

The ingredients for the salad must be prepared in advance. We cook the potatoes in their skins for 20-25 minutes; you will have to tinker with the beets longer.

Depending on the size, cooking it takes from 40 minutes to 1 hour or more if the root vegetable is very large. But it’s better not to take such huge ones; boil several small ones and save time.

Boil the fillet in salted water until tender. Remove the skins from the onion and chop finely. Let's start cooking.

Step 1. Finely chop the onion and place it in a frying pan with a small drop of oil. Fry it until soft.

Step 2. As soon as the desired softness is achieved, the onion has become transparent, add chopped boiled fillet to it, add salt and fry everything together for about a minute. This is necessary so that the fillet is saturated with onion juice and together they form one layer.

Step 3. Place the coarsely grated potatoes in the first layer on a large dish around a tall glass. Level and apply mayonnaise mesh.

Step 4. Place a second layer of slightly browned fillet with onions. Mayonezim.

Step 4. Grate the beets on a coarse grater. We shape each layer with a spoon and, if desired, apply a thin mayonnaise mesh.

Walnuts can be chopped with a knife or chopped in a blender until the fraction is not too small.

Step 5. Sprinkle them on the beetroot layer.

Step 6. Cover the entire salad with mayonnaise. This is necessary so that the pomegranate seeds do not roll off, but stick evenly to the surface of our product.

Step 6. Peel the pomegranate seeds. It is desirable that the fruit is ripe, then its grains have a very bright color and they really glow like precious stones.

Step 7. Cover the surface of the workpiece tightly with grains so that there are no gaps left. Level with a spoon.

Let the salad sit in the refrigerator for about 1 hour. During this time, all layers will be saturated and the shape will “set” well.

Before serving, you need to take it out, remove the glass from the center and decorate this bright masterpiece to your liking. Roses made from vegetables or eggs look great. And the salad itself is simply delicious!

Bon appetit!

Recipe for Pomegranate bracelet with beef step by step

The version with beef shows itself to be very worthy and noble in taste. This composition is close to many people!


  • Beef (boneless) – 300 gr.
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.
  • Almonds (cashews or walnuts).
  • Pomegranate – 1-2 pcs. (depending on its size).
  • Medium size onion - 1 pc.
  • Beets – 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise (or low-calorie substitute) – 120-150 gr.
  • Spices and salt - to the hostess's taste.

As expected, at the first stage the beef is boiled. To do this, it is initially cleaned, washed, and then placed in a pan of boiling water. After the water boils again, you need to slightly reduce the heating intensity - the water in the pan should literally barely boil. And it is in this mode that you need to cook the meat for about 40-50 minutes. At the same time, add salt to the broth ten to fifteen minutes before the expected readiness. At the end of the process, the beef must be cooled and then cut into small pieces.

As expected, vegetables should be pre-cooked to the point of “softness” and peeled when cool. Then potatoes, beets and carrots need to be grated separately on a coarse or medium grater. After this, they are placed in different bowls. In turn, the pomegranate must be peeled and freed from veins.

This version of the “Pomegranate Bracelet” is formed on a large plate (platter), on which it will be served to the table. A glass or glass is placed in the center of the dish, which will help you achieve the desired neat shape of your favorite salad when assembling.

The first step is to lay a layer of potatoes. You need to lay the sauce (mayonnaise, sour cream or yogurt) on it in a “mesh”, and then spread it evenly with a spoon so that a fairly thin layer appears.

The second layer is boiled beef, which was disassembled into fibers and sprinkled with fried onions.

The third layer is tender boiled carrots, grated on a coarse grater. Cover this layer with mayonnaise.

And sprinkle chopped nuts on top. For this recipe you can use any.

They will need to cover the entire surface.

After assembly is complete, the finished salad should be refrigerated for a couple of hours to soak. At the end of the period, the salad must be removed from the refrigerator and the glass removed.

All! The classic Pomegranate bracelet with beef can be served!

If you want to add an interesting twist to a traditional recipe, then try prunes. It goes well with classic ingredients, and the taste of the salad becomes richer!


  • Chicken (thighs, drumsticks, part of the breast) – 200-250 gr. chicken meat.
  • Cheese (hard or semi-hard varieties) – 100 gr.
  • Prunes (pitted, of course) – 50 gr.
  • Selected chicken eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Medium potato tubers - 2-3 pcs.
  • Carrots (large, medium) – 1-2 pcs.
  • Beets – 1 pc.
  • Walnut kernels - half a glass.
  • Large pomegranate – 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise – 4-6 tablespoons.
  • Salt – a few pinches, to the hostess’s taste.
  1. Potatoes boiled in their jackets are grated on a grater (medium size). A little salt is added to it, and the future first layer of salad is thoroughly mixed.
  2. As expected, to give a special shape (ring, bracelet) to this themed salad, a cylindrical glass is placed on the plate where the salad will be collected. Afterwards, potatoes are laid out on the dish, with a thin mayonnaise layer on top.
  3. Then the pre-boiled beets must be finely grated and the resulting mass divided into two equal parts. The first of them should be placed on a layer of potatoes, and carefully sprinkled with walnut pieces on top.
  4. Next, the chicken is placed, previously boiled, separated from the bones and cut into strips.
  5. The prunes, softened in advance with boiling water, are cut into strips and carefully laid out on a layer with chicken. A layer of mayonnaise is applied on top.
  6. Then there is a layer of boiled grated carrots, smeared with mayonnaise on top. And then layers of hard-boiled eggs and grated hard cheese. All of them are again “watered” with mayonnaise sauce.
  7. Next, lay out the second part of the grated beets, covered with mayonnaise. And, as expected, the salad should be decorated with pomegranate seeds at the finish. All this splendor is placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours (more is possible). And at the right moment, the festive “Garnet Bracelet” is served to the table!

And here’s another thing, look what a beautiful option not only with prunes, but also with kiwi. Looks great:

Worth a try too! Such a beauty won’t last long on the holiday table.

Step-by-step recipe for Pomegranate bracelet salad with smoked chicken

Try the option with smoked chicken. It gives the salad interesting shades of taste.


  • Smoked chicken (thighs, drumsticks, part of the breast) – 250-300 gr.
  • Hard-boiled chicken eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Potatoes – 200-250 gr.
  • Carrots (large, medium) – 200 gr.
  • Onions – 150 gr.
  • Deodorized sunflower oil – 2-3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Pomegranate – 1 pc. (large size).
  • Mayonnaise and garlic - for coating the layers.
  1. Vegetables are boiled, cooled, and peeled. The onion is cut into thin quarters of its rings and fried in vegetable oil until golden brown. Hard-boiled eggs should be grated on a coarse grater. Then the smoked chicken is skinned, pitted and cut into thin cubes.
  2. A small amount of garlic, previously squeezed in a special press, is added to mayonnaise to taste.
  3. The salad is laid out in layers in the shape of a bracelet (a glass in the center of the dish). First comes potatoes, smeared with mayonnaise, then smoked chicken (possibly without mayonnaise). Fried onions are laid out on the chicken, followed by a layer of garlic mayonnaise. Next come carrots + mayonnaise sauce, as well as a layer of eggs.
  4. All this is covered with mayonnaise, and pomegranate is laid out. The process is completed by cooling the salad in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Salad ready!

Pomegranate bracelet with meat

A great salad can also be made with pork (see recipe with beef above).


  • Boiled pork (or tongue) – 400 gr.
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Boiled potatoes – 3 pcs.
  • Carrots (large) – 1 pc.
  • Beets (relatively large) – 2 pcs.
  • Salad (or onion) – 1.5 – 2 pcs.
  • Vinegar (9%) – 1 tablespoon.
  • Sugar – 1 teaspoon.
  • Sunflower oil – 2-3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Pomegranate – 2 pcs.
  • Salt – 1/2 teaspoon.
  • Mayonnaise (or sour cream), garlic, mustard - to taste.
  • Freshly ground pepper – a small amount.
  1. After preliminary work with the ingredients (boiling, peeling, slicing), the assembly of this version of the “Garnet Bracelet” begins according to the following scheme.
  2. First, potatoes cut into small cubes are placed on a large plate (with a cylindrical glass in the center). It is covered with mayonnaise or sour cream mixed with garlic and mustard (as an alternative to mayonnaise).
  3. At the second stage there is a layer of pickled onions, previously chopped into cubes and filled with a mixture of sugar, vinegar and cold water (100 ml.).
  4. Then peppered and salted pieces of chopped pork are laid out. It is also sprinkled with fragments of grated garlic on top.
  5. The next stage is a layer of grated eggs coated with sauce. Then the carrots are laid out, coated with mayonnaise and garlic. All this is covered with grated beets and, accordingly, pomegranate seeds.
  6. As expected, the salad is placed in the refrigerator for 1.5 hours. And then the “Pomegranate Bracelet” with pork is served at the festive table!

Delicious salad Pomegranate bracelet with walnuts

This is a delicious option with walnuts. It is similar to recipe No. 1, but there are significant differences - this salad is prepared with eggs and completely without onions.


  • Chicken breast fillet, legs – 350 gr.
  • Medium-sized potato tubers – 3 pcs.
  • Ripe pomegranate – 2-3 pcs.
  • Walnut kernels – 100 gr.
  • Beets - 2 pcs.
  • Hard-boiled egg - 3 pcs.
  • Freshly ground pepper.
  • Salt.
  • Refined (odorless) sunflower oil for frying ingredients.

By the time you start preparing such an appetizing salad dish, the ingredients (vegetables, chicken) that require heat treatment must be cooked and have time to lower their temperature to an acceptable one. A little secret to make the chicken more tender and flavorful:

The chicken must be placed in boiling water. It should be boiled for about 30 minutes. And to make boiled chicken meat the most juicy, aromatic and tasty, you need to add two or three peas of allspice, half a spoon with mustard seeds, a small part of celery or parsnip root, or parsley, and a bay leaf to the pan. You only need to add salt during the final cooking period. Because this is how the fibers will remain the softest. Take note.

After this cooled chicken fillet needs to be cut into small cubes. Grate the vegetables on a coarse grater.

Remove the seeds from the pomegranate. Walnut kernels should also be lightly dried in a frying pan without oil or in the oven and then chopped into smaller pieces.

And now, when all the available components are finally prepared, the most interesting and “magical” time comes - the final assembly of the salad. We collect the layers and coat them with dressing in this order:

  1. Boiled chicken meat.
  2. Grated carrots.
  3. Grated potatoes.
  4. Crushed walnuts.
  5. Boiled grated eggs.
  6. Grated beets.
  7. Coating with mayonnaise.
  8. Pomegranate seeds.

After all the procedures for assembling the salad, place it in the refrigerator for at least one hour. And the salad is ready. You can safely serve it to the table! Incredibly delicious.

Not everyone likes beets, and that's okay. There are salad options without it, it turns out no worse, very tasty!


  • Large pomegranate - 1 pc.
  • Boiled potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Pickled cabbage - 300 g.
  • Chicken breast - 300 g.
  • Walnuts - 50 g.
  • Dill, parsley.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.

Chop the onion and fry it until golden with a little oil. Mix it with chopped chicken breast.

Grate the boiled potatoes coarsely and place them in the first layer. Cover with mayonnaise mesh.

Place chicken breast mixed with onions on top of the potatoes, it’s very flavorful! We will also pour a thin layer of dressing.

Chop the pickled cabbage into small pieces. Finely chop the walnuts using a knife.

Mix the cabbage and nuts and place the resulting mixture on the third layer of salad. Cover with mayonnaise sauce.

Decorate the top with pomegranate seeds, densely distributing them over the entire surface.

Ready! Thanks to cabbage, this option has a bright taste that many will appreciate.

Salad recipe with chicken fillet and mushrooms

It is noteworthy that this version of the salad involves the use of not only fresh, but also pickled mushrooms. Honey mushrooms and champignons are suitable.

Of course, the taste of the salad will change somewhat. However, it will also be very interesting and tasty.


  • Ripe and large pomegranate – 1 pc.
  • Small potato tubers - 3-4 pcs.
  • Medium sized carrots – 2 pcs.
  • Beets (large size, within reason) – 1 pc.
  • Chicken breast (fillet) – 300 gr.
  • Fresh (marinated) mushrooms (champignons).
  • Mayonnaise – 150-200 gr.
  • Fine boiled salt - 3/4 teaspoon.
  • Onion - 1/2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - for frying ingredients.
  • A few sprigs of parsley to garnish the salad.

At the first stage, as expected, the vegetables used must be boiled and then cooled. For this, the best option is to boil the vegetables the night before. During the night, potatoes, beets, and carrots will calmly cool down, and therefore, during the main stage of preparing the salad, housewives will not have to take a serious break from work.

  1. Before cooking, mushrooms – champignons – should be thoroughly washed. If the skin is excessively dirty, you can simply remove it. Then you need to cut the mushrooms into not very large cubes and fry in heated vegetable oil until golden brown.
  2. You can also add salt (to taste), pepper and garlic, and finely chopped onion to the champignons. This is a classic combination and is used in many salads.
  3. The resulting fried mushrooms must be cooled.
  4. Boiled and already cooled vegetables are peeled and grated (large).
  5. Next, you need to assemble the salad like a bracelet. And in order to get the necessary neat hole in the center of the salad bowl, a cylindrical glass or (mug) without a handle is usually used.
  6. The first layer is potatoes, which need to be pressed down a little, but you shouldn’t tamp them down too hard.
  7. Next comes a small carrot-mayonnaise layer.
  8. Then small pieces of boiled chicken are placed, plus mayonnaise, which should not be too much - the main thing is that the salad layer does not drip or disintegrate.
  9. After the chicken comes the mushroom stage. Since mushrooms and onions are already quite fatty, there is no need to grease them with mayonnaise.
  10. Beets are placed behind the mushrooms, pre-mixed with mayonnaise and salt.
  11. And at the very finish, as expected, the salad should be decorated with a pomegranate surface. The top layer should be uniform, quite dense and, of course, beautiful. New Year's “Pomegranate Bracelet” with mushrooms is ready!

Tips for preparing Pomegranate bracelet salad

  1. It is better to prepare the meat and boil the vegetables in advance, so that on the day of preparing the snack you do not waste time on cooking.
  2. The pomegranate fruit should be ripe, with beautiful dark red grains and, preferably, small seeds.
  3. It is not necessary to thickly mayonnaise each layer; it is enough to cover with a mesh the components that themselves are a bit dry - for example, chicken meat.
  4. Boil chicken breast or fillet with spices and salt at the end, then it will be softer and more flavorful.
  5. Mayonnaise can be replaced with sour cream or unsweetened yogurt.
  6. You need to soak the salad for an hour in the refrigerator.
  7. Cook only in a good mood!

These are the recipes, friends! They are all gorgeous, nothing more or less. And which one is best you have to choose yourself. But, no matter what option you choose, your holiday table will be simply magnificent!

Recipes for Pomegranate Bracelet salad vary in preparation methods, ingredients and decoration methods. It can be prepared from chicken, meat, cheese, mushrooms, potatoes, beets, carrots, onions with the addition of walnuts, spices and much more. Traditionally, this salad is decorated with pomegranate seeds and made in the shape of a ring. But some recipes suggest adding herbs or grated cheese on top, and in exceptional cases the dish is made in the shape of a circle or heart.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

The last option causes indescribable delight among guests. It is not difficult to prepare such a dish, but the main thing is to follow the sequence so that it has all the necessary flavors. Please note in advance that in this case you will have to spend quite a lot of time on the preliminary preparation of the products, since they will have to be boiled one by one and grated by hand. But the result will certainly meet all expectations and will definitely delight guests at the holiday.

This elegant salad, under the charming name “Pomegranate Bracelet,” has long gained well-deserved popularity and is one of the top most popular salads for the holiday table. And the name of the salad is directly related to its appearance, because... The salad is made in the shape of a ring and decorated with pomegranate seeds, which ultimately gives an amazing resemblance to a woman's bracelet.
If you are looking for ideas on what to prepare for the New Year's table, then this salad will be a great solution. It will not only decorate the New Year's table, but will also pleasantly surprise you with its exquisite taste. The main thing is to choose tasty and high-quality ingredients for the salad, because... They are the ones responsible for the final taste of the salad. It is also worth keeping in mind that it is better to prepare chicken salad with beets and nuts in advance so that it has time to brew and soak well in the refrigerator.
In addition to the New Year, this salad is also perfect for Christmas, Easter, it can be prepared for birthdays and other occasions.
for numerous reasons.
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chicken breast fillet 250 g
potato 2 pcs
beet 2 pcs
carrot 1-2 pcs
eggs 3-4 pcs
bulb onions 1 pcs (or 200 g champignons*)
walnuts 2 tbsp.
garlic 1-2 cloves
pomegranate 1-2 pcs
vegetable oil for frying
freshly ground pepper
* In the video recipe, instead of a layer of fried onions, I put a layer of fried champignons (200 g)

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