Home General issues Recipe for stewed rabbit, carrot compote. Stewed rabbit with onions and carrots. Preparing rabbit meat

Recipe for stewed rabbit, carrot compote. Stewed rabbit with onions and carrots. Preparing rabbit meat

To prepare 6-7 servings you will need:

  • Rabbit -1.5kg,
  • Fresh carrots 0.5 kg,
  • Onions - 3 heads,
  • Butter -100 gr,
  • Tomato paste – 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • Non-fat sour cream 400g.
  • Water 2.5 glasses.
  • Pepper, salt and spices to taste,

Wash the rabbit and cut into portions. Pepper each piece, grate with spices and salt.

In a saucepan, fry the rabbit on all sides over high heat for 10-12 minutes.
Transfer the rabbit to the cauldron. In the saucepan where the rabbit was fried, pour water and bring it to a boil.
While the water is boiling, peel the carrots and onions. We cut everything into large rings. Add vegetables to the cauldron with the rabbit, pour in the boiling broth.
Place on low heat and bring everything to a boil. As soon as it boils, add sour cream and tomato paste, if there is not enough water to completely cover the rabbit, add a little water.
Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for an hour. Serve the stewed rabbit with onions and carrots, preferably with herbs and a low-fat side dish; potatoes are ideal.

Meat dishes


How to prepare stewed rabbit with onions and carrots: a classic recipe with step-by-step photos and a detailed video master class. Tips for preparation and presentation

4 servings

2 hours 30 minutes

122.2 kcal

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We present to your attention a simple recipe for the most tender stewed rabbit with onions and carrots in sour cream. In this article you will find a step-by-step recipe for preparing this tasty and low-calorie dish. You will learn how to cook rabbit meat tender and juicy, and what spices will best highlight its flavor.

Kitchen appliances and utensils: hob, large non-stick frying pan, bowl, knife, cutting board.


Step-by-step preparation

  1. Take a rabbit carcass weighing 1.5 kg. When choosing a rabbit, pay attention to the external characteristics of the meat. A fresh rabbit carcass has a pale pink color and elastic meat. Fresh meat has no foreign odors. To cut a rabbit, take a sharp knife and cut carefully along the white line running along the peritoneum down to the sternum bones. Remove the internal organs. The rabbit carcass must be cut at the joints, leaving the bones intact, since broken rabbit bones can form very small and sharp fragments.

  2. Starting with the front legs, fillet the ribs and backbone. Then separate the hind legs by cutting along the joint line. Pour cold water over the prepared rabbit meat and soak it for 1-1.5 hours. This will help remove all the blood and waste products from the meat.
  3. Peel 2 medium onions and cut them into half rings. Take 1 medium sized carrot, peel and rinse it. Cut the carrots into thin slices or grate them on a medium grater.

  4. Heat a non-stick frying pan and fry the rabbit meat without adding oil on both sides until golden brown.

  5. Add the chopped onion to the frying pan and continue frying over medium heat.

  6. Following the onion, add chopped carrots and 1-2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. We continue to fry the meat and vegetables, stirring occasionally.

  7. At this stage, you can add salt and pepper to taste. Sea salt will highlight the taste of the product.

    If you don't have sea salt, you can use any table salt. It is important to salt the meat at the end of cooking: if you salt it at the very beginning, the meat may become tough.

  8. Add 4-5 tbsp. l. sour cream and stir.

  9. To give the meat a spicy aroma, add 2 pinches of dried basil, 1 pinch of mixed herb seasoning and three bay leaves.

  10. Simmer the rabbit meat over low heat, covered, for 15 minutes, then mix thoroughly. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the meat for another 40 minutes until cooked. During this time, the rabbit meat will become soft, acquire a delicate creamy taste and absorb the aroma of spices.

The most tender rabbit in sour cream with onions, carrots and spices is prepared very simply and the main thing is not to rush while preparing this dish. Cook the rabbit over low heat, except for the initial frying of the rabbit pieces.

Preparing rabbit meat.

We start cooking the rabbit by preparing the rabbit meat, first rinse it in cold water, cut off the remaining fat and other parts that we don’t like. If you don't like the smell of the rabbit, then you can soak it in a weak solution of food vinegar for about one hour.

Then we cut the rabbit into pieces and dry them, placing them on paper napkins.

Fry the rabbit.

Heat a frying pan with refined deodorized sunflower oil, the amount of oil should be small.

Fry the rabbit pieces over high heat and place them either in the same frying pan or in another container, pan or cauldron. In a cauldron, the rabbit in sour cream with onions, carrots, and spices turns out to be the most juicy and tasty.

We stew the rabbit.

Peel the onion, chop it and add it to the rabbit meat, continue to fry the rabbit together with the onion until the juice releases.

Close the container with the rabbit meat with a lid, reduce the heat to the minimum possible and simmer for at least one hour.

We wash, peel and cut the carrots into strips, add them, after an hour, to the rabbit meat and onions. Add table salt, ground black pepper or black peppercorns, and if desired, you can add a couple of bay leaves.

We continue to simmer until the carrots are soft.

The carrots have become soft, which means it’s time for sour cream. Add sour cream to the rabbit meat and vegetables, mix, close the lid and heat for another twenty minutes.

Place the rabbit meat on plates and serve the rabbit dish in sour cream with onions, carrots and spices on the table!

For the second course Rabbit in sour cream with onions, carrots and spices, we purchase:

- rabbit (half carcass)

- onion (one head)

- carrot

- sour cream (two hundred and fifty milliliters)

- table salt (to taste)

- ground black pepper or black peppercorns

- Bay leaf

Wash and dry.

Some people consider meat to be a harmful product and therefore try to eat it as little as possible. This is partly true if you cook food from fatty meat and eat it in large quantities.

Therefore, it is worth paying attention to rabbit meat - meat that is considered dietary.

Rabbit meat is low in fat, but it is rich in proteins, which are absorbed almost completely. Also, rabbit meat contains few extractives and harmful cholesterol.

Rabbit meat contains a lot of potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin PP, thanks to which the brain functions normally, which has a positive effect on the overall mental state.

Various dishes are prepared from rabbit meat. It is fried, boiled, stewed, baked, smoked. To enhance the beneficial properties of rabbit meat, it is recommended to cook it with vegetables. They are rich in fiber, which helps in better digestion of food.

Rabbit stewed with vegetables: subtleties of preparation

  • When planning to stew rabbit meat, you need to remember that the front and back parts of the carcass require different heat treatments. The meat of the front part, which ends at the level of the last lumbar vertebra, has more connective tissue. Therefore, this meat is tougher and takes longer to cook. Usually it is not fried, but left for boiling or stewing.
  • The rabbit has a specific smell. To get rid of it, meat is soaked in cold water or marinated. The marinade is prepared from table vinegar diluted with water, into which chopped onions, peppers, bay leaves, and herbs are placed, and then boiled for several minutes. Pieces of rabbit meat are kept in this marinade for several hours. The holding time depends on the age of the carcass: the older the rabbit, the longer it should be in the marinade.
  • It is advisable to stew rabbit meat. It is tender, odorless, and cooks quickly. It can not be marinated, but can be immediately heat treated.
  • Rabbit meat is dry. But if, when stewing, you pour it not with water, but with wine, then it will turn out juicy and very soft.
  • The rabbit is stewed on the stove (in a saucepan, cauldron, in a pot), as well as in the oven. To prevent rabbit meat from drying out in the oven, it is recommended to stew it covered, placing it in a pot or wrapping it in foil.
  • Rabbit can be stewed with any vegetables, but it goes best with onions, carrots, and herbs.
  • Rabbit is often stewed with potatoes, but the end result is a rather high-calorie dish. If you can’t give up potatoes, you need to add more greens and onions to them.

Rabbit stewed with vegetables and herbs


  • rabbit – 0.5 kg;
  • red carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • large onions – 2 pcs.;
  • ghee – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • tomato paste – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 1/3 tsp;
  • salt - to taste;
  • thyme and oregano (dry) – a pinch each;
  • ground black pepper - a pinch;
  • water.

Cooking method

  • Chop the rabbit into portions, place in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and stir. Place in the refrigerator for 2 hours to marinate the meat.
  • Peel the onions and wash them. Cut in half, then cut each half into two more pieces. Chop into strips.
  • Peel the carrots and wash them. Cut lengthwise into two parts, each of which cut crosswise into thin slices.
  • Remove the rabbit from the refrigerator. Place butter in a deep saucepan and melt. Fry the meat on it until golden brown. Remove the meat to a plate and sauté the onion in the remaining oil. Then add carrots and fry lightly.
  • Remove some of the vegetables from the saucepan. Place the rabbit pieces on top of the remaining vegetables. Cover with the onions and carrots that you put in first.
  • In a container, mix tomato paste, sour cream, salt, sugar, and spices. Add a glass of water, mix well.
  • Pour this sauce over the rabbit and vegetables. The sauce should completely cover the contents of the saucepan. If there is not enough liquid, add a little more hot water.
  • Bring the meat to a boil over moderate heat, then reduce the heat to low. Simmer covered for about 1-1.5 hours.
  • Place the finished rabbit with vegetables on a dish, sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Video recipe for the occasion:

Rabbit stewed with vegetables in wine


  • rabbit – 0.5 kg;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • fresh tomatoes – 5 pcs.;
  • semi-dry red wine – 300 ml;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper – 1/5 tsp;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • spicy herbs (basil, oregano, marjoram, thyme) - to taste;
  • olive or sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  • Wash the rabbit carcass, divide it into pieces of 50-100 g. Since the meat will be stewed in wine, it is not pre-marinated. Sprinkle the meat with salt and pepper and leave for 20-30 minutes.
  • Prepare the vegetables. Wash the tomatoes, put them in a deep bowl, and pour boiling water over them. After 2 minutes, rinse the tomatoes with cold water and remove the skins. Cut the tomatoes into cubes.
  • Peel the onion, rinse with cold water, cut into half rings.
  • Wash the peeled carrots, cut in half lengthwise and cut crosswise into thin slices.
  • Pour one spoon of oil into a saucepan and heat it. Add the onion and fry until yellowish. Add carrots, stir, heat well.
  • In another frying pan, heat the remaining oil, add the rabbit pieces and fry them over high heat until golden brown.
  • Transfer the meat to a saucepan with vegetables. Pour in wine, add spices and herbs. Over moderate heat, bring the meat and vegetables to a boil. Reduce heat, cover the saucepan with a lid and simmer at a barely noticeable simmer for about an hour. Add hot water as the wine evaporates.
  • Serve the finished rabbit with vegetables with any side dish or as a separate dish, sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Rabbit stewed with vegetables in a pot in the oven


  • rabbit – 0.5 kg;
  • medium-sized carrots – 1 pc.;
  • medium-sized onion – 1 pc.;
  • red bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • potatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper – 1/3 tsp;
  • Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc. into each pot;
  • white wine – 1 tbsp.;
  • cream – 0.5 l.

Cooking method

  • Cut the processed rabbit carcass into portions and place in a bowl. Pour in wine, slightly diluted with water. Leave for 2 hours. If you are against alcoholic beverages, replace wine with water and vinegar. To do this, dilute 1-2 tbsp in 500 ml of water. l. vinegar and keep the meat in this marinade.
  • Peel the onion, rinse with water, cut into half rings or strips.
  • Peel the carrots, wash them, cut them into slices.
  • Wash the pepper, remove the seeds, cut into squares.
  • Peel the potatoes, wash them, cut them into four parts, and then cut them into not very thin slices.
  • Prepare ceramic pots. If you haven't used them for a long time, wash them, pour water into them and leave them for one hour. Then pour out the water and proceed to the next step.
  • Remove meat from marinade and pat dry with paper towel. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the pieces of meat until golden brown. Place them in pots.
  • Lightly fry the onions and carrots in the remaining oil. Mix them with bell peppers and potatoes. Add salt and black pepper, stir again. Place this vegetable mixture in the pots on top of the meat. Place one bay leaf in each pot.
  • Fill the contents of the pots with cream. You can add a little hot water. Close the lids loosely.
  • Place the pots in a low-heat oven, increase the heat to 180° and simmer for 1 hour. When the liquid boils away, add hot water. If this is not done, the potatoes may remain half-baked and tough.
  • Serve the rabbit stewed with vegetables directly in pots or place on plates. Sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Note to the hostess

Instead of marinating in wine or vinegar, the rabbit can be soaked in water to which citric acid or lemon juice has been added.

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