Home Product Ratings Real Alenka cake recipe at home. Cake "Alenka" on condensed milk. Cooking a cake without eggs "Alyonushka"

Real Alenka cake recipe at home. Cake "Alenka" on condensed milk. Cooking a cake without eggs "Alyonushka"

Friends I want to offer you great recipe cake Alenka with condensed milk. The cake is very tasty, tender and soaked. The cooking process itself is very simple and does not particularly require culinary skills. To make the cake fluffy and airy, follow step by step cooking and you will succeed. Consider the recipe for making Alenka cake with a photo:

Ingredients for Alenka cake:

  • Flour - two glasses
  • Eggs - two pieces
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Sour cream - 1 cup
  • Condensed milk - 1 can
  • Butter - 60 grams
  • Soda quenched with vinegar 1 tsp or two baking powder

For the cream we need:

  • Can of condensed milk

How to cook Cake Alenka with condensed milk in a slow cooker:

  1. The first step, using a mixer, beat the sugar with eggs well to get a fluffy homogeneous mass with foam.
  2. The next step, add sour cream, butter and slaked soda (soda can be quenched not only with vinegar, but also lemon juice), I use baking powder more often. Mix everything thoroughly. If you use baking powder, then it is better to add it to the flour.
  3. Sift the flour well so that the dough is beautiful and lush, without any lumps. Let the dough rest for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Let's move on to the multicooker. To prevent anything from sticking to it, grease it with butter and cover with baking paper. The slow cooker is ready!!! You can pour out the dough and set the “baking” mode for an hour and a half (1.30 minutes), bake for the first half hour at a temperature of 180, then an hour at 170 degrees. When the dough is ready, do not rush to open the slow cooker, let it brew for 15 minutes.
  5. If you have a container for steaming, we take out a ready-made, large cake. Evenly cutting it into three parts, spread each part with condensed milk, you can sprinkle the sides of the cake with nuts, you can add a little raisins in the middle. You can give the cake a little time to brew so that the condensed milk is a little absorbed. We prepared the Alenka cake at home, I wish everyone a pleasant tea party and see you for new recipes.

Hello dear readers of the culinary blog!

Today we will cook cake "Alenushka". I don’t understand and never understood why dishes are called by names, but there’s nothing to be done, because I won’t call him Ivanushka. Alyonushka is so Alyonushka. Well, now, let's move on to its preparation.

Cake Alyonushka recipe:

For test:

  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • sour cream - 1 glass;
  • condensed milk - half a can;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • vinegar;
  • vegetable oil.

For cream:

  • butter - 200 grams;
  • condensed milk - half a can.

For the frosting (this is optional):

  • sugar - 5 tablespoons;
  • sour cream - 4 tablespoons;
  • cocoa - 3 teaspoons.

Preparing the dough for our sweets. To do this, pour half a can of condensed milk into a bowl, beat in eggs, add sour cream and sugar. We mix everything.

Then add soda slaked with vinegar. Mix everything again.

Pour in 1.5 cups of flour and stir until smooth.

Lubricate the baking dish vegetable oil and pour the batter into it. We put it in the oven for 40-50 minutes, and bake at medium heat.

And at this time, you can prepare the cream. Mix the rest of the condensed milk with melted butter in a bowl. We mix everything with a mixer. I then put the cream in the refrigerator to harden a little.

This is the basis of the cake after baking in the oven. We take it out on the board and cut it in half lengthwise while still hot.

I also recommend trying to cook, and one more. All are very tasty!

We put the top on a plate and grease it with cream, then put the second part of the cake on top and grease it too. To be honest, this view (as in the photo) is not very impressive. But this recipe was originally described by the author of the old edition. And forgive me for my English, but the cake was very poor. I had no choice but to prepare a beautiful glaze for him.

Therefore, we proceed to its preparation. The ingredients are all in the photo. Those. mix cocoa with sugar in a small saucepan, and then add sour cream there.

We put the pan on the stove and cook the glaze over a very low heat. You have to stir it constantly so it doesn't burn. We cook until everything acquires a common thick mass. But do not bring to a boil.

Spread icing on top of the cake. Gently smooth it over the surface. Top can be sprinkled with confectionery decoration. Here it is ready cake "Alenushka". Let's put it in the fridge for some time.

This is one of my favorite cakes. As a child, my mother used to cook cake “Alyonushka” for every holiday, although eggs were included in that recipe. Having become a vegetarian, I redid it a little to remove them, and what is most interesting, it did not suffer at all from this, but even became better. I am happy to share this wonderful recipe with you and hope that it will also become a frequent guest on your holiday table.

Vegetarian cake without eggs “Alyonushka”


Glass - 250 ml


  • 100 gr. sour cream
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 2 full art. spoons of honey
  • 1 teaspoon of slaked soda
  • 2-2.5 cups flour


  • 300 gr. butter
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup sour cream 20%

As well as:

  • 100 gr. dried apricots + 50 gr. for decoration
  • 100 gr. pitted prunes + 50 gr. for decoration
  • 1.5 cups roasted walnuts

Cooking a cake without eggs "Alyonushka":

  1. The dough should be prepared 1 day before you bake the cake! First you need to mix sour cream, sugar, honey and add soda quenched with vinegar or lemon juice.

    Dough preparation

  2. Then gradually add flour and mix. The dough should be soft and sticky.

    Dough without eggs for cake

  3. Cover and leave in the kitchen for 1 day to make the dough porous.

    Dough after 1 day

  4. Make cream. To do this, first beat the softened butter and sugar a little, and then add sour cream and again beat everything well with a mixer. If the sugar is not completely dissolved - it's okay, it will melt while the cream stands.

    Cake cream

  5. Divide the dough into 4 balls.
  6. Grease a round form Ø 25 cm with butter and sprinkle with flour.
  7. Sprinkle the table with flour and roll one bun into a cake. Transfer to form. To prevent the dough from tearing, you can roll out the cake less than the required diameter, and already in the form with your fingers stretch it to the desired size.

    Cooking cakes

  8. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 ºС for 10 minutes until light brown.

  9. Remove the finished cake immediately from the mold and leave to cool.
  10. Bake three more cakes in the same way.
  11. Walnuts need to be chopped a little. This can be done, for example, with a pusher.

    crushed nuts

  12. Cut dried apricots and prunes (100 g each) into small cubes.
  13. Fold the cooled cakes on top of each other and cut off the edges with a knife (immediately from all). We need these crumbs for sprinkling.

    Cakes with cut edges

  14. Collect the scraps and grind with a pusher, rolling pin or blender into crumbs.


  15. Now let's start collecting the Alyonushka cake. Spread the first cake with cream. Calculate so that the cream is enough for 4 cakes and sides.

  16. Sprinkle 1/4 walnuts, 1/3 dried apricots and prunes on top.

    Cooking a cake without eggs "Alyonushka"

  17. Put the second cake on top and also spread with cream and sprinkle with nuts and dried fruits.
  18. Do the same with the third cake and cover with the last one.

    Assembled veggie cake

  19. Now spread the remaining cream on the top and sides of the cake. It is convenient to do this with a spoon with cream in one hand and a large knife in the other, with which to spread the cream on the sides from the bottom up.

    Cake with cream

  20. Sprinkle the cake with crushed crumbs. First the sides, and what remains is the top.

    Vegetarian cake "Alyonushka" is almost ready

  21. It remains dried fruits and nuts, as your fantasy tells you.

    decorated cake

  22. Leave the finished cake in the kitchen for several hours (or overnight) to soak, and then refrigerate to harden a little.

    "Alyonushka" - a delicious vegetarian cake without eggs

You can use any dried fruit of your choice. Even without them, with some nuts, it will be very tasty.

Try also based on this recipe - also a very tasty cake!

Bon appetit and tea drinking!

P.S. Subscribe to not to miss new recipes, as there will be a lot of interesting things ahead.

Sometimes you want to treat yourself and your guests to a sweet, tasty, and most importantly, healthy dessert without unnecessary dyes and additives. “Alenka” meets these criteria in the best possible way - a cake that does not require special skills and efforts in cooking. And, importantly, it contains organic products, which can be purchased at the store or even better - use homemade.

Cooking methods

Like all sweets of this kind, "Alenka" is a cake that consists of cakes, impregnation for them and cream. Depending on the amount of time that the hostess has, you can bake one cake, which then needs to be cut, or cook twelve to fourteen cakes separately. The latter option is more laborious, but it looks much more refined, and the cakes will be able to soak better, which will affect the tenderness of the dessert.

Let's consider the first option first.

Cake "Alenka". Recipe #1

For the test you will need:

Condensed milk (one can);

Chicken eggs (3 pieces);

Sour cream (200 ml, preferably 20% fat);

Granulated sugar (150 grams);

Soda (1 teaspoon, extinguished with a teaspoon of vinegar), or you can use 2 teaspoons of baking powder;

2 cups of flour.

We make cakes

First, turn on the oven and set the temperature on it to 180 degrees. While the oven is preheating, start preparing the dough.

To do this, beat the eggs with sugar, pour condensed milk into the resulting foamy mass, then sour cream, pour soda, quench it with vinegar (or simply pour the contents of a bag of baking powder). Mix everything thoroughly, add the sifted flour and mix again. The consistency of the dough should resemble thick sour cream and be uniform, without lumps.

Next, in the prepared greased with vegetable or butter, pour the resulting dough and level it. We bake first 25 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees, then another 25-30 minutes, reducing the heat to 160 degrees.

Recipe #2

"Alenka" is a cake that can be made in several versions, but the condensed milk in its cream remains unchanged.

This recipe differs only in the composition and quantity of cakes.

For the test we need:

Sour cream (thick, 300 grams);

Eggs (2 pieces);

Butter (100 grams, softened);

Soda (1 teaspoon, quenched with vinegar);

Flour (about 4 cups)

Cooking cakes

Add one egg each and sour cream with slaked soda to the oil, mix everything thoroughly and add a little flour. The dough should be elastic, because about 12 thin cakes will need to be rolled out of it.

We spread the resulting first thin cake on a baking sheet, greased with oil, pierce it a couple of times with a fork and send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for ten to twelve minutes.

The crust should be golden in color.

We repeat these steps with each of the cakes.

Impregnation preparation

Alenka is a cake that turns out to be very tender due to the condensed milk in its composition, but the impregnation of the cakes also plays an important role, which gives them special softness.

The time during which the cake is baked can be used to make cream and impregnation.

The composition of the impregnation is very simple, it includes ingredients such as:

Water (2 glasses);

Sugar (3 tablespoons or the same amount of fructose);

Cognac (3 tablespoons if the cake is prepared for adults).

It is necessary to boil water, add sugar to it, mix and, if desired, add alcohol to a slightly cooled liquid.

Making cream

Cream Ingredients:

Butter (200 grams);

A can of condensed milk (you can make your own).

In order to prepare the cream, you need to beat a little softened (but not melted) butter with condensed milk until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

During this time, the cake should be ready, carefully remove it from the oven, but do not remove it from the mold, you need to wait until it cools down a bit.

We cut the cooled cake lengthwise into three identical parts and lay them out on the boards.

Then, right on the dish, grease each of the cakes with cream.

The top of the resulting delicacy can be decorated with your favorite types of nuts or prunes.

In order for the homemade Alenka cake to turn out beautiful and especially tasty, use a few simple tips for making it:

1. It is better to take sifted flour for dough.

2. To mix the dough, it is better to use a whisk blender, but then the dishes should be with high and sufficiently strong sides (a saucepan, for example).

3. The surface of the baking dish can also be covered with parchment on top of the oil layer, but it will also need to be slightly covered with butter or vegetable oil.

4. The edges of the cakes are not always the same or even. To smooth them out visually, use a mixture of nut or cookie crumbs and leftover cream. Decorate the resulting cake on the sides with this mass.

Cake "Alenka" with condensed milk is ready. Bon Appetit!

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