Home General issues Recipe for salting caviar at home. How to salt river fish caviar at home. How to pickle red caviar at home correctly

Recipe for salting caviar at home. How to salt river fish caviar at home. How to pickle red caviar at home correctly

And what you need for this is quite simple. First of all, you need to purchase the fish itself with caviar and the salt necessary for preserving this valuable nutritious product.

Among the great variety of marine and freshwater fish, there is one from which anyone can prepare a wonderful delicacy, namely salted caviar. We are talking about river trout. The peculiarity of trout caviar is that after freezing it becomes unsuitable for frying, since with this method of processing it turns out to be very hard and dry. It’s ideal if you have fresh fish, but even if you bought frozen trout with caviar, salting it can be an excellent alternative to cooking it in a frying pan. Before you salt the caviar, you need to defrost it.

The caviar in this fish is located in special cavities called oysters. In the abdominal cavity, it is connected to each other by a thin film. The caviar is carefully removed from the belly of the fish. Before salting trout caviar, all eggs are carefully separated by rubbing them through a sieve with large mesh. This technology is not new, since this is exactly what is done in specialized factories. There is another way to separate the eggs before salting the caviar. With this method, a sleeve made of ordinary gauze (several layers) is used, which is tied on one side. The caviar removed from the fish is placed in it and they begin to thoroughly rinse it with water. As a result of these actions, the film covering the caviar is washed off and carefully removed.

Cleaned caviar is poured with brine solution, which is prepared from clean drinking water and table salt. When preparing it, a sufficiently large amount of salt and spices are mixed in water (for lovers of a piquant taste). The amount of salt is calculated as follows: per glass of water you need 2 tablespoons of salt. The prepared solution is brought to a boil over high heat and boiled until the salt is completely dissolved. The finished solution is cooled to a temperature of 18-20°C, after which the prepared caviar is placed in it for several hours. After salting, the brine is drained. Ready-made caviar has one drawback - it can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

Another fish whose caviar is popular among lovers of fish delicacies is pike. There is no clear answer to the question of how to salt pike caviar, since there are several salting methods. But the same for all cooking recipes is preparing it for salting. The caviar must be very carefully removed from the belly of the fish. Most often, it is carefully rubbed through a sieve with appropriate holes. When fully ripe, it is relatively easy to separate from the film.

Before salting, you need to prepare a saline solution. It is best to check the density of the solution using regular potatoes. After the salt has dissolved in hot water, a piece of raw potato is dipped into it. A good solution will not allow the potatoes to sink to the bottom, but will push them to the surface. The cooled solution is poured into the prepared caviar and mixed carefully. Salting time is 10-20 minutes, after which the solution is drained. Vegetable oil is added to the resulting caviar. This product can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 30 days.

Another quick way to salt pike caviar:

The caviar removed from the fish is poured with cold water so that it covers it by 1 cm;

The caviar is carefully stirred with a fork until all the films come off;

The water is drained and the caviar is scalded with boiling water;

Remove excess water and salt well, add a little lemon juice, mix and pour in vegetable oil;

After 24 hours, the caviar is ready to eat.

You can pickle any other caviar using similar methods. Bon appetit!

Delicious snack

Salted fish roe, spread in a thin layer on a sandwich with butter, is very healthy and has a wonderful taste. Caviar sandwiches can be safely served on a festive table - most guests will appreciate this dish. The cost of ready-made caviar in the store is quite high, even if we are not talking about expensive varieties, but about the caviar of the most common fish: herring, capelin, flounder. But you don’t have to buy caviar! It is quite possible to do it yourself.

Types of salted caviar

Raw fish caviar comes in several types: pressed, poached and granular.

The most common is granular caviar; this type also includes the most expensive types of caviar: red and black. Whole eggs are located separately from each other, granular caviar is easily applied to the base. The ovary caviar is dense, the eggs are in a film (the ovary). Most often, unripe fish eggs are salted this way. The recipe for salting pressed caviar is quite old. It has been preserved from those times when storage methods were not as diverse as they are today. For preservation, the caviar was immersed in strong brine, squeezed out several times, and pressed.

How to salt caviar for sandwiches

The caviar layers are carefully removed from the abdominal cavity of the fish, washed, and separated from the films before salting. If necessary, the caviar can be passed through a large sieve, being careful not to damage the eggs. In order to destroy the smell of mud, characteristic of many types of fish, sugar and vinegar are added to the caviar. Salt is added at the rate of 1 teaspoon per hundred grams of caviar. Salting time takes from 12 to 24 hours. This is a general recipe that works for most types of caviar.

Removing eggs before salting caviar

You can free the eggs from the films using an ordinary fork, but this method requires some skill and may be overwhelming for a beginner. The easiest way is to prepare hot water and pour it into the pits. Under the influence of temperature, the films will easily detach from the eggs.

How to wash caviar and prepare it for salting

Before salting, the caviar must be washed well. It would seem that this is simply impossible! But in fact, this is not at all difficult to do, even if the size of the eggs is very small. To do this, cover the bottom of the bowl with two layers of gauze. Caviar is laid out on gauze, the fabric is carefully tied into a bag. The bowl is filled with water so that you can rinse the bag of caviar. After washing, allow excess water to drain. To do this, lay the caviar along with gauze on a sieve. Ready!

How to pickle pike caviar

To salt pike caviar you will need boiling water and salt. There should be one and a half times more water than fish, and about 1 incomplete spoon (teaspoon) of salt per 100 grams of caviar. The eggs should be carefully ripped open and the eggs should be freed from the films, mixed with brine and allowed to brew for 24 hours. After a day, excess liquid can be filtered through cheesecloth.

How to salt trout caviar

Trout caviar freed from the spawn must be thoroughly washed and immersed in hot brine. For the brine you only need sugar and salt. The amount of brine, of course, depends on the amount of caviar, but the general proportions are as follows: for 500 g of water - 30 g of salt and 10 g of sugar. It is enough to immerse the caviar in brine for 1 hour, then place it in a colander covered with gauze and allow the liquid to drain. This caviar should be stored in a glass jar in the refrigerator.

It’s not often that you get to enjoy homemade red caviar. The other day I was incredibly lucky - I came across pink salmon with a “surprise” at the market. It was not difficult for me to distinguish a female from a male. The fish girl's muzzle is round, and the fish itself is prettier in appearance than the pointy-nosed male dad. Caviar found in the tummy must be immediately salted. It is unacceptable to use this product for frying.

To pickle red caviar for my favorite sandwiches, I chose quick dry salting. At first, fiddling with tiny balls of caviar scared me a lot, but what can’t you do for a tasty snack.

An hour of work and a storehouse of amino acids and protein are in my “pocket”.

So, let's figure out how to quickly salt red caviar at home... First, “catch” the red fish with caviar, and then stock up on salt. It is better not to use fine salt.

In fresh or fresh-frozen pink salmon, defrosted naturally, the abdomen is opened. This must be done especially carefully so as not to damage the fish film-yastyk.

When I found out that it is possible to salt caviar along with the roe, I was very surprised. The film is quite durable to the touch and difficult to remove.

To begin to identify (see) it, I lightly washed the caviar over a sieve. This needs to be done very quickly.

Now I need to be more patient. I'm moving on to the most interesting stage of salting red caviar. I remove each egg from the film. Carefully, so as not to crush it, I move step by step towards the final hundred grams of caviar. It took an hour, but for the sake of my favorite sandwiches with butter and caviar, I agree to anything.

You can resort to other methods of cleaning the film: twisting it on a fork, removing it by twisting it in gauze, but no. Considering that I have very little caviar, I liked the manual method. Egg to egg - on the way out.

I wash the remaining film with boiled cold water.

I transfer fresh caviar to any convenient glass container. I add salt. For my taste, the best thing for morning sandwiches is a little less than a teaspoon of salt per 100 g of pink salmon caviar.

After which the caviar is carefully mixed and sent to a cool place. Salting red caviar at home is complete. Caviar, salted in a dry quick way, can be eaten after 30 minutes.

I like to prepare a jar of salted red caviar in the evening, and in the morning treat myself to caviar sandwiches with sweet tea.

Quick homemade caviar does not last long. We eat everything in two days!

Today we will talk to you about how to pickle/salt fish caviar at home, caviar from pike, pink salmon, trout and black. Recipes for salting pink salmon and other fish caviar.

How to pickle caviar

Pike caviar is quite large compared to other varieties of river fish, and salted caviar turns out very tasty if you follow all the simple rules for salting it at home. And how to salt pike caviar ?

There are several most common recipes for salting pike caviar, and in order to do this, you need to have the right type of fish with caviar, then gut it and start salting. From the very beginning, everything is washed with running water, then the film is carefully torn and the caviar is rubbed through a colander or a sieve with a large mesh. We boil water in a volume exceeding one and a half times the mass of caviar, then you need to add salt to the water to taste, but do not oversalt, as this will be the brine for the caviar. Pour the prepared brine into the caviar, mix everything thoroughly and keep it in it for about 20 minutes, after which such caviar can be safely stored in the refrigerator for consumption.

The second recipe for salting pike caviar

For the second recipe for salting pike caviar you will need 300 grams. pike caviar: salt, deep bowl, 1.5 liters of boiling water, fork, colander, gauze and tablespoon.

You need to remove the caviar from the gutted fish and put it in a bowl of boiled water, rip open the bags of caviar, without removing the film, use a fork to stir the caviar for 3-5 minutes. If a film remains on the fork, it must be removed until all the eggs are separated from each other and have a light yellow color, and then drain the water.

Now, after hot water, you need to fill all the contents with cold water and mix everything thoroughly again, and so drain and pour new and clean water until the water becomes completely clear with caviar. At the same time, the remaining film is carefully removed, and the eggs should settle to the bottom of the bowl; the floating eggs should be removed along with the water. After thorough filtration, the water must be drained and the caviar dried. To do this, you will need gauze and a colander, spread gauze on the bottom, then pour out the caviar, after which you need to take the gauze in your hand and collect it, carefully squeezing out the water so as not to crush the eggs. When there is almost no water, the caviar can simply be spread on something flat and allowed to dry a little.

After all the preparatory stages, you can begin how to salt caviar from pike. To do this, you need to take iodized fine salt, then put the caviar in a bowl, gradually add salt to taste, a little vegetable oil and stir lightly, very carefully with a tablespoon. Caviar absorbs salt well and then swells a little and becomes larger. You need to take your time and do everything carefully, carefully and slowly. Foam may form at the end of the process, which is quite normal.

Now you can start packing the caviar into jars, but do not fill them to the very edge. Place the jars in the refrigerator and start using it after 6 hours. Ready-made pike caviar according to the recipe will be a real delicacy with amazing taste.

Pink salmon (red)

And so we read and apply the following recipe for salting pink salmon caviar. To properly salt pink salmon caviar at home, we need. Very often, when buying this type of fish, it comes across with caviar, which is not suitable for frying, since it turns out hard and pale, but is excellent for salting.
One of the main rules of the recipe for salting pink salmon caviar is so that water does not get into the caviar before you start salting it.

The first thing to do is to carefully separate the film from the caviar, which is very simple and easy to do. You need to take two layers of gauze and place the caviar on it, and place two deep plates or small bowls next to it. Pour boiling water into one of the containers and cold water into the other. It is good to collect the edges of the gauze in your hand and lower the caviar into boiling water, constantly stirring the contents in boiling water for 1 minute, then remove from the boiling water and lower into cold water. After all these manipulations, the film becomes boiled, and the pink salmon caviar begins to separate from the film on its own, but not all the caviar will be completely separated, so the remaining caviar must be completely separated using a fork or spoon.

Then a brine solution is prepared, for which you need to boil 2 times more water than caviar and after it has cooled a little, you need to put peeled raw potatoes on the bottom of a container with water, then add salt to the water until the potatoes float to the surface of the water.

Wait until the water has cooled completely and only then can you put the caviar into the brine, keeping it in the solution for up to 10 minutes so that the caviar is preserved longer and better. Afterwards, the caviar is carefully transferred to a colander and left until all the solution has drained, and then laid out on a towel or napkin to dry completely. The taste of the finished product depends on moisture; the less moisture left, the tastier the caviar.

Ready-made salted pink salmon caviar can be placed in sterilized jars and a small layer of olive or corn oil can be added on top, put in the refrigerator, and after 5 hours it can be eaten.

A very quick recipe for salting pink salmon caviar is to prepare a hot brine at 70-80 C (1.5 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water) and dip the caviar in film into it. Let stand for 10-15 minutes, stirring gently occasionally, and then remove and rub through a sieve or colander, collect the separated caviar with a spoon, put it in a jar, adding a little vegetable oil, and after an hour the caviar can be served. You can also salt pike caviar in the same way.


This trout caviar can easily be salted at home, and it will be even tastier than ready-made from the supermarket. And so a simple recipe for salting trout caviar. It's simple. Read below.

To do this, you need to take trout caviar and pour boiling water over it, then carefully rub it through a sieve or in gauze, separating it from the film, but so that the eggs remain intact. After washing the caviar, transfer it to a bowl or plate and add approximately 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, preferably sea salt, and stir until foam forms. You can add a little sugar, but this is a matter of taste, you need to stir for about 10 minutes. Having put the caviar in jars, put it in the refrigerator and after 12 hours the caviar is ready to eat, but according to this recipe there is no need to leave the caviar for a long time.

There is another recipe according to which you can pickle trout caviar. The first preparatory stage is the same as in the first recipe. The caviar, already pureed and cleared of film, is dipped in brine (1 liter of water, 50 g of salt and 15 g of sugar) for 15 minutes so that it is well salted. A sufficient amount of salt prevents caviar from the appearance of microorganisms in it, and penetrating into the eggs, salt extracts the remaining moisture from them, which will protect it from rapid spoilage. The minimum percentage of salt content in caviar must be at least 4%. Now the caviar is thrown into a colander to remove the brine and dried. The finished product is placed in jars and after 2 hours the caviar can be served.

Sevruga, sturgeon, beluga, sterlet

Recipes for salting black caviar from beluga or other sea fish. This family includes stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, beluga, sterlet and others, and the size of the eggs depends on the type of fish, but the largest black caviar is considered to be beluga caviar. In order to prepare salted black caviar from the listed types of fish, you need to have the fish itself with caviar, which must be very carefully removed from the belly of the fish and cleaned of adhering entrails. Then you can begin to remove the film; I carefully rub it through a sieve with a large mesh, leaving the eggs intact and unharmed. You need to stir until a natural brine is formed; with proper salting, the eggs are whole and separated from each other. If the caviar turns out to be lightly salted, then you should not keep it for a long time, but it is better to eat it quickly so that it does not spoil. And how to salt black caviar yourself if you have never done this before.

If the fish is very fresh and just caught, then it can be salted right at the joints, and then spread out for ventilation to dry. Then remove the film, remove all the veins and mucus, carefully separate with a masher, which gives the eggs density and a special taste acquired as a result of drying with impregnation with rich fresh and salty sturgeon fat.

Black beluga caviar is salted very simply without the use of brine. It is enough to take fine salt from 5 to 15% of the weight of fish roe, it all depends on taste. Mix thoroughly and carefully and place in clean and dry sterilized jars, close tightly with a lid and put in the refrigerator for 5 hours, after which the caviar will be ready for use.

How to pickle caviar (red)

Homemade red caviar

I recently bought pink salmon for salting, and it turned out to contain caviar! What a miracle! And I decided to make home-salted red caviar from it.

Unlike salting herring, which can be salted immediately with the caviar inside, red fish caviar must be removed from the fish and the fish and caviar must be salted separately. The cooking process is very simple. And the result is excellent! This is delicious!

Proportions for salting caviar

for caviar from 1 red fish (it will be about 200 g)

  • Water – 1 l;
  • Plain salt, coarsely ground – 4 level tablespoons;
  • Vegetable oil – 2/3 tablespoon.

How to salt caviar

Remove caviar from fish

  • If you have fresh frozen pink salmon with caviar, you need to defrost it, cut the belly and carefully remove the caviar. Wash in cool water.

Remove the yoke

Fish roe is enclosed in two oblong sacs called yastyk. The caviar must be freed from this film before salting.

  • Place the bags of caviar in a bowl and add hot water (80 degrees C).
  • After 2-3 minutes, drain the caviar in a colander and drain the water. And you will see that the egg has curled up and is easily separated from the caviar.

If you divide the caviar in the egg into smaller fragments, it will be easier to remove the shell from it. There are other ways to remove the jastik, but this one seems to me the easiest.

Salt the caviar

  • Prepare brine (brine): boil water with salt. Cool to 40 degrees (until warm).
  • Pour warm brine over the caviar. After 20-30 minutes the caviar is ready.
  • Drain the caviar in a colander and dry on a paper towel.

How to store finished caviar

  • Rinse the jar with a lid, scald with boiling water (as for canning). Transfer the caviar into it and add a little vegetable oil. Mix.
  • Store the finished caviar in the refrigerator (can be stored for several days, if you can resist, of course).

Try salting red fish caviar yourself, at home. Suitable caviar is pink salmon, chum salmon, coho salmon, trout, salmon and other red fish that are available to you. You will be very pleased!

Caviar from 1 pink salmon made enough for a 250 ml jar and a small 50 ml jar.

Sandwich with caviar

Method of salting caviar in pictures

How much caviar is inside 1 pink salmon fish Pink salmon caviar in a jar (film) Caviar in a jar, filled with hot water (to remove the film)
Drain the water, throwing the caviar in the shell into a colander. Yastik, removed from the caviar. Pour the red caviar with warm brine.
First, dry the finished caviar in a colander. Then dry the caviar on a paper towel. Rinse the jars and lids for caviar and pour boiling water over them.
Place caviar in a jar Add vegetable oil and stir Homemade red caviar

Delicious and beautiful pink salmon caviar

You can eat caviar just like that, without any sandwiches!

Home-salted pink salmon caviar and delicious sandwiches with homemade red caviar

Delicious homemade caviar on a sandwich

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