Home Preparations for the winter Is it possible to freeze greens for the winter? Greens for the winter - a review of the best methods of preservation and tips for freezing. What greens can be stored in the freezer?

Is it possible to freeze greens for the winter? Greens for the winter - a review of the best methods of preservation and tips for freezing. What greens can be stored in the freezer?

People have long learned to store plant products for the winter, the deficiency of which cannot be compensated for in winter. Fresh herbs are one of them. The spice contains vitamins A, B, C, magnesium, zinc, selenium, bioflavonoids, which activate the immune system and promote cell rejuvenation. Freezing is the best method of preservation, minimizing the loss of nutrients. In order to have a vitamin-rich product on the table throughout the cold season, you need to know how to freeze fresh greens for the winter correctly, without mistakes.

What greens can be frozen for the winter?

Not all greens can withstand freezing. Dill, parsley, cilantro, sage, tarragon, thyme, mint, lemon balm, arugula, sorrel, and leek retain their presentation and taste. Lettuce and green onions, on the other hand, become watery and unsightly after defrosting.

Rules for preparing for freezing

Only fresh herbs collected within the current day are suitable for freezing for long-term storage. It needs to be sorted out, withered leaves, thick stems and roots removed. Then rinse thoroughly with cold running water and dry on a thick paper towel. There is no need to keep the plant in the air for more than 2 hours, otherwise it will wither.

How to freeze greens for the winter

There are different ways to freeze fresh herbs for the winter: whole and chopped, with the addition of oil and in the form of ice cubes.


The simplest and fastest method of cold preservation is freezing the whole bunch. You need to take several branches of fresh herbs, untie them, wash them and dry them. Then place in a plastic bag, lightly seal, remove air, seal and freeze. Greens prepared in this way can be thawed for the winter either whole or in separate branches.

Often, when processing fresh greens, tough, coarse stems are left behind. Thrifty housewives do not throw them away, but freeze them in bags, tying them into bundles of 10–20 pieces. While cooking the soup, throw the bunch into the boiling broth for 15 minutes, then take it out and throw it away.


It is very convenient to prepare fresh chopped herbs for later use for the winter. Before freezing for the winter, it needs to be slightly dried by spreading it in an even layer on a cutting board. Then place in this form in the freezer for 1 hour. When fresh greens freeze, pour them into a prepared container or bag. Packed compactly, it takes up less space - you can easily take the right amount and put the rest back. It is permissible to add crushed spices to dishes without first thawing them.

Fresh herbs can be frozen individually or as mixtures. There are many options, here are some of them:

  • 500 g dill, 300 g parsley, 200 g celery;
  • 200 g of parsley and celery, 100 g of thyme and marjoram, 50 g of savory;
  • take dill, parsley, thyme and tarragon in equal parts;
  • sage, savory and basil in equal quantities.

Prepare fresh herbs using the classic method, chop, mix thoroughly and freeze as described above.

Important! When cutting fresh herbs, an oxidation process begins, which leads to a partial loss of vitamins. To better preserve the nutrients, the plant can be torn by hand.

Green ice cubes

This method of freezing fresh herbs is suitable for making soups during the long winter. The most commonly used raw materials are dill, parsley and sorrel. The prepared edible parts of the plants are crushed, placed tightly in ice trays and filled with water. When the liquid freezes, the ice is removed from the mold and placed in a separate bag. It is recommended to make a note on it about the contents and date of preservation. When preparing a soup, sauce or stew, you just need to take out a cube with the required contents and throw it into the boiling broth.

Attention! To pour fresh herbs into molds, you can use rich broth from meat, poultry or fish instead of water.

With butter

Freezing fresh herbs in oil cubes is suitable for tough herbs: basil, thyme, thyme, oregano, sage. This is necessary in order to subsequently season hot dishes with them. Only the most tender parts of plants - leaves and young twigs - should be planted. They need to be torn or cut into portions such as they will be added to food, tightly filled with ice trays and filled with any vegetable oil. The pieces will freeze for at least a day, after which they are put in a bag and left in the freezer until needed.

An extremely healthy, tasty and aromatic oil is obtained by mixing with chopped fresh herbs. You will need:

  • 200 g butter;
  • 1 bunch of dill with parsley;
  • salt.

Place the butter in a warm place until softened. Finely chop the spicy fresh herbs or grind them in a blender. Mix the ingredients, add salt to taste and freeze. If desired, you can add 1-2 cloves of garlic, passed through a press. The freezing container must correspond to the purpose of the workpiece. If you plan to flavor porridge or boiled potatoes with this oil, it is better to package it in ice cube trays. If you need to freeze green butter for sandwiches, it will be more convenient to place it in small containers or make briquettes using cling film.

A paste is prepared from aromatic fresh herbs and vegetable oil, mixing them in a 2:1 ratio, respectively.

Unusual recipes

You can use original recipes for freezing greens for the winter. It would be interesting to freeze flavored ice cubes to make drinks. Ingredients:

  • 2–3 branches of fresh mint or lemon balm;
  • 1 lemon;
  • water.

Place 2-4 leaves of aromatic fresh herbs into ice cells, add a few drops of lemon juice, add chilled boiled water and place in the freezer.

To prepare hot sauces, soups, stews, and gravies, fresh herbs can be frozen in tomato juice for the winter. The recipe contains the following products:

  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • basil;
  • arrows of young garlic;
  • tomato juice.

Fresh herbs should be chopped, mixed, and placed in ice trays. Pour in tomato juice and freeze.

Tarragon is included in recipes for various hot dishes and drinks. Wine-based cubes have a bright spicy aroma. You need to prepare:

  • 2–3 branches of tarragon;
  • 300 ml dry white wine.

Grind fresh tarragon, pour in wine, boil until half the volume evaporates. Once cool, pour into an ice tray, freeze and leave until winter.

Alternatively, you can freeze prepared pesto sauce for the winter. The following products will be required:

  • bunch of basil;
  • half a bunch of parsley;
  • half a bunch of arugula;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 100 g pine nuts
  • 100 g parmesan or any other hard cheese;
  • 150 ml olive oil;
  • 50 ml lemon juice.

Wash fresh greens, remove rough parts, and dry. Peel the garlic and pass through a press. Grate the cheese and combine with garlic. In a blender, first grind the nuts, then add herbs, cheese, butter, lemon juice one by one, grinding into a paste of homogeneous consistency. Add salt to taste, place in small containers and freeze.

Many people love dishes using garlic arrows. They can be frozen for the winter in small containers for one-time use. The arrows are cut into pieces 4–5 cm long, after removing the peduncles. Place in boiling water, cook for 3 minutes, cool and place in the freezer. In winter, defrost and add to hot dishes and side dishes.

How long can you store and at what temperature?

Fresh herbs frozen for the winter are stored at temperatures from -18 °C and below for up to 12 months. It is better to place the blanks in plastic food containers or plastic bags. When filling containers, it is necessary to remove air - vacuum packaging can be used for this purpose. The process must take place quickly, so the products must be placed in small portions 2-4 cm thick. You can defrost the workpieces only once - a repeated procedure is unacceptable.


The method of freezing fresh greens for the winter is determined by goals and personal preferences. It is good to add crushed spice or bunches to salads, ice and butter cubes to hot dishes. If you follow all the recommendations and follow the freezing rules, it will retain its freshness and healthy vitamins for a long time.

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Many people like to add a little fresh herbs to their food in addition to salt and seasonings. In restaurants and cafes, a variety of salads, steaks and other dishes are often served with a bunch of dill or parsley. It is not only a seasoning or decoration, but also a source of many useful substances. For example, parsley contains 4 times more ascorbic acid than lemon, and also contains vitamins B, A, E and a huge amount of minerals, one of which is inulin, which reduces the risk of cancer. Dill, in addition, also contains vitamin P.

In winter, greens will perfectly supply the body with all the necessary substances. But where can I get it? The one sold in stores is stuffed with nitrates and fertilizers, and is not so much useful as harmful to humans. Perhaps the best option is to freeze it. Nowadays, when almost every apartment has excellent refrigerators with spacious chambers and No Frost systems, freezing and storing greens at home does not pose a particular problem.

Recipe for freezing parsley


Servings: – +

  • parsley 200 g (4 bunches)

Per serving

Calories: 49 kcal

Proteins: 3.36 g

Fats: 0.35 g

Carbohydrates: 7.26 g

20 minutes. Video recipe Print

    The first step is to sort through the parsley, removing all dry, limp, yellow leaves with spots or dots. Next, thoroughly wash the greens.

    Then it must be dried well. To do this, place on paper towels or napkins and leave until completely dry. When freezing, it is very important that there is no moisture left at all.

    Chop the parsley. It is better to use only leaves without stems. A blender is also suitable for chopping, but it is still preferable to do this with a regular knife.

    We pack the chopped parsley in plastic bags (you can also use plastic containers). It is very important to release all the air from the bag; to do this, simply squeeze it slightly.

    Now, having tightly closed the package and signed it, we safely send it to the chamber, where the greens will freeze and retain their beneficial qualities for a long time.

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Recipe for freezing dill

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Number of servings: 4

Energy value

  • calorie content - 39.19 kcal;
  • proteins - 2.81 g;
  • fats - 1.03 g;
  • carbohydrates - 6.14 g.


  • dill - 200 g (4 bunches).

Step-by-step preparation

  1. First of all, the dill must be washed and sorted, leaving only fresh and unspoiled branches.
  2. Then we dry it so that not a drop of moisture remains on it. You can use paper towels or just hang the bunches over the sink.
  3. After the dill is completely dry, it must be chopped. This is best done with a regular knife. Some people use a blender, but after it the greens become more like puree. In general, it all depends on personal preference.
  4. Next, we pack the dill into bags. It is better to use special zip bags, but regular plastic bags are also possible. The most important thing here is to release as much air as possible so that the greens do not spoil during storage. This can be done simply by ironing the bag with your hands or a rolling pin towards the exit.
  5. Close the container tightly and put it in the freezer. There the greens will be perfectly stored all winter.

Advice: if you have very little time, you don’t have to bother yourself with cutting, but put the whole pre-processed bunches into the packaging. Then housewives simply break off the required amount of greenery and use it for its intended purpose.

Recipe for freezing parsley for the face

This herb is needed not only as a seasoning, it is an excellent cosmetic product. Parsley ice is especially popular. If you wipe your face with such a cube every morning, your skin will become more toned, elastic and brighter. In addition, ice is great for combating dry skin.

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Number of servings: 12

Energy value

  • calorie content - 4.9 kcal;
  • proteins - 0.4 g;
  • fats - 0 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0.8 g.


  • parsley - 100 g;
  • water - 250 ml.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. First of all, thoroughly wash the parsley.
  2. Grind through a blender or meat grinder. You can use a knife, but you need to cut it very finely so that you end up with a paste, so it’s much more convenient to do it with a technique.
  3. Then pour boiling water over the greens. For 100 g of parsley you need approximately 200-250 ml of water.
  4. Leave the resulting solution to cool and infuse for 20-30 minutes.
  5. Pour the infusion into ice molds and put it in the freezer. Once the cubes are completely frozen, you can transfer them to a regular plastic bag or plastic container. It is very important not to pour anything else into the used molds; the greens will leave a bitter, unpleasant aftertaste.

Dry freezing basil recipe

Before storing the grass, be sure to wash it and dry it well. Residual water on the leaves of the plant causes black spots to appear when defrosted.

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Number of servings: 6

Energy value

  • calorie content - 23 kcal;
  • proteins - 3.15 g;
  • fats - 0.64 g;
  • carbohydrates - 1.05 g.


  • basil - 300 g.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. First, wash the basil thoroughly (it doesn't matter if it's green or purple). We select damaged leaves and other debris.
  2. After this, it must be dried thoroughly. If water remains, it may spoil during storage.
  3. Then we chop the grass as you want - you can coarsely, finely, or do without it at all. It all depends on your personal preferences.
  4. Place the greens into bags. Before closing them, be sure to let out all the air.
  5. We put the basil in the freezer, where it will be stored for many months, preserving its appearance, taste and nutrients.

Recipe for freezing basil in oil

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Number of servings: 6

Energy value

  • calorie content - 430 kcal;
  • proteins - 5 g;
  • fats - 42 g;
  • carbohydrates - 6 g.


  • basil - 1 bunch;
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Wash the basil and dry it thoroughly. Peel the garlic.
  2. Remove the stems; they are not needed for freezing in oil.
  3. Cut the leaves into small pieces (you can use a blender if you prefer pureed basil).
  4. Then chop the garlic. You can grate it or use a garlic press.
  5. Take a deep plate. mix garlic with basil in it and add vegetable oil.
  6. Place the resulting mixture into ice trays. To make it stick better, you can add a little water to each compartment.
  7. Place the finished molds in the freezer. After everything is frozen, transfer the cubes to a regular plastic bag. If you want to add a frozen briquette to hot soup, it is not necessary to defrost it.

Recipe for freezing basil in broth

Cooking time: 1 hour 15 minutes

Number of servings: 15

Energy value

  • calorie content - 19 kcal;
  • proteins - 2.16 g;
  • fats - 0.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 1.6 g.


  • basil - 100 g (about 2 bunches);
  • chicken leg - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 350 ml.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Cook chicken broth. Then the cooked legs or breasts can be used at your discretion.
  2. Place the pan on the stove. When the meat boils, you need to remove the foam. Cook for an hour over low heat, then strain through a sieve and leave to cool.
  3. While the broth is cooking, make the basil. We wash it, remove stems, damaged leaves and other debris.
  4. The greens need to be kept in a colander for about half an hour so that all the water drains out. You can place the leaves on paper towels. This way they will dry much faster.
  5. Grind the basil in a blender or grind it in a meat grinder.
  6. Take an ice tray, put the aromatic basil puree into the compartments and fill everything with cold broth.
  7. All that remains is to put the molds in the freezer, where they will freeze. After this, you can transfer the cubes into a plastic bag and store them in the freezer.

Recipe for freezing cilantro

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Number of servings: 4

Energy value

  • calorie content - 23 kcal;
  • proteins - 2.13 g;
  • fats - 0.52 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0.87 g.


  • cilantro - 200 g (4 bunches).

Step-by-step preparation

  1. We wash the cilantro and remove the spoiled and yellowed branches.
  2. It is very important to dry the herb thoroughly before freezing. To do this, you can put it on napkins, paper or cotton towels and leave for 20-30 minutes.
  3. We don't need the stems, so we carefully separate the leaves from them. Chop the greens with a knife.
  4. Then we put the cilantro in regular plastic or zip bags, you can use plastic containers. The main thing in this process is to release all the air from the bags so that the cilantro does not spoil during storage. To do this, you can use a rolling pin (rolling it over the bag towards the exit) or your hands.
  5. We put the bags of greens in the freezer. There it will be perfectly preserved until the next season.

Many connoisseurs of herbs are interested in whether it is possible to freeze cilantro: as we see, it is possible. The only thing you need to take into account is that its inherent aroma will transfer to other products, so pack it correctly - so that the seal is complete, for example, wrap it in foil.

Freezing secrets

It is best to freeze greens in small portions. This is convenient if you need to defrost a small amount. When it is frozen in one piece, you have to take it out completely and pick at it with a knife for a long time, cutting off the required amount. In this case, you can accidentally damage the polyethylene or container.

The best way to remove air from bags of greens before freezing is to use a rolling pin, but don't press too hard or you'll see juice coming out, which isn't good. Greens can be frozen not only in chopped form. but also whole branches. Thanks to this, you can always use it exactly as you need it, for example, to decorate cooked dishes.

How long can you store

If the greens are well washed, dried and properly packaged (without air), then they can be stored for about 8 months. After this, the grass is also suitable, but after the expiration of the period, it begins to lose its taste, vitamins and minerals.

In what container should I store it?

The best storage option is to use special zip bags. They are very durable, have a clamp and are great for separating all your frozen greens into small portions.

But you can safely take ordinary plastic bags. The main thing is that they are dense enough and do not tear during storage, otherwise the air will begin to dry out the grass. Such freezing will not cause any harm to health, but there will be no benefit either. For insurance, it is better to wrap the bags with cling film. Plastic containers are also great for this purpose. Their huge advantage is the abundance of various shapes and sizes and compactness. Some housewives even use bottles.

You can freeze any spicy herbs: onions, celery root, tarragon, adding coriander to cilantro to enhance the effect, or pouring basil leaves with tomato. After watching the video with the nuances of the process, you can easily stock up on your favorite herbs. In what form to freeze greens (individually or assorted), in what and how to store them is everyone’s personal choice. But, undoubtedly, frozen greens simply must be in any home. Firstly, thanks to it, the taste of your dishes will be much richer and more enjoyable. Secondly, a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients is an excellent help for an organism weakened by a long winter. And finally, freezing greens is very easy and not at all expensive in terms of time and money.

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By freezing greens for the winter, we have the opportunity to use herbs throughout the year to prepare our favorite dishes and diversify our diet.

Preparing greens for freezing:

  • We place the well-washed plants so that excess water can escape. It is better to wash the plants rather than blanch them; there is a better chance of preserving vitamins.
  • With some freezing methods, the greens need to be dried a little. Place the greens on a towel to dry; We systematically rearrange the layers over the course of 2 hours, changing their places. We don’t keep it for a long time, otherwise the plants may wilt.
  • When packing greens tightly, they must first be doused with boiling water and the plants will become softer.
  • If desired, with certain freezing methods, the plants can be finely chopped.

We offer ways to freeze greens for the winter in the freezer:

Method for freezing greens Advantages of the freezing method Disadvantages of the freezing method
We freeze plants in whole bunches. After washing and drying the greens, place them in bunches in one layer in the freezer.

After 2 hours of freezing, place the bunches in special containers or bags.

The process of freezing and preparing for it takes a little time, and the housewife never has enough of this.

More nutrients are retained in plants.

Parts of a frozen plant - stems - that are not suitable for food take up additional space in the freezer.

Before cooking, we cut off unnecessary parts of frozen plants; this takes time.

To freeze the plants, wrap them in food foil. The freezing process occurs much faster, which affects the quality of the product. The packaging is not airtight. Frozen plants can absorb foreign odors.
Place the greens in a trimmed bottle and then into the freezer. Plants in a bottle do not wrinkle or get damaged, and look good after defrosting. The bottle takes up a lot of space in the freezer due to its shape.
Create ice cubes with herbs.

To do this, we place the washed and finely chopped plants tightly in containers intended for ice cubes.

Fill with water and freeze.

We save time on drying the greens after washing. The resulting cubes are beautiful and convenient for cooking.

It is rational to use them for preparing first courses.

A lot of time is spent on chopping and compacting the resulting green mass.

Note! If you use plastic molds to freeze greens, do not use them for other purposes. The plastic absorbs lingering green odors, and the ice cubes used to cool the water from these molds will have a strong odor.

Important! If you put greens in bags, you need to squeeze them to remove the air. Otherwise, the remaining air will turn into ice when frozen, and the greens will be difficult to separate from each other.

When freezing plants in the freezer, pay attention to the quick freeze function. If this function is not available, then you need to create conditions for quick freezing of greens by preparing small portions. The preservation of vitamins depends on this.

What greens can be frozen?

Housewives themselves choose what is more convenient for them - to freeze plants by individual species or to make spicy mixtures of herbs placed in one container for freezing. It depends on the experience and preferences of the cook herself.

When preparing greens for freezing in the freezer for the winter, pay attention to the following:

  • What specific plants do you use for food? Not all housewives use rosemary, but many use parsley.
  • Which greens are useful in large quantities, and which are not very popular in your kitchen. So, dill is added to many dishes, and you will need much more of it than tarragon.
  • In what quantities will greens be needed before its future harvest? It is possible to estimate approximately the total amount of use of herbs for cooking.

Important! You need to know what greens you can freeze. This is how lettuce leaves change their structure due to the cold and, when defrosted, look unappetizing - they are not suitable for food. And the parsley sprigs look fresh anyway.

Benefits and harms

The benefits and harms of frozen greens:

Correctly freezing and correctly using thawed greens means following the following rules:

  1. You cannot use containers for freezing plants made of metal, which oxidizes vitamins, or glass, which can crack at subzero temperatures. Use silicone, polyethylene or plastic utensils.
  2. The quality of frozen plants depends on how quickly they are frozen, so it is best if the greens are divided into small portions.
  3. When using greens for cooking, they do not need to be thawed.

For a good housewife, frozen plants will not compete with fresh ones, they will be just like fresh ones. And in composition, and in appearance, and in color, pleasing to the eyes. And, of course, the persistent smell.

Bon appetit and delicious dishes on your table!

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Dill greens 1 kg
- parsley 1 kg
-celery greens 1 kg
-hot pepper 2 pcs.
-sweet pepper 1 pc. big size
-salt 400 g

1. Wash parsley, dill and celery thoroughly in cold water and dry on napkins.
2. Chop the greens. Wash the peppers, remove seeds and stems and slice thinly. Mix everything well in a large bowl. Add salt and mix again.
3. Place the mixture tightly in sterilized jars, cover with paper and tie with twine. Keep refrigerated.

The recipe is simple, chop all the vegetables finely and mix, these are: tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, carrots and herbs. Can be used as a garnish. It’s really convenient, defrost it in the microwave and a delicious side dish is ready.

Simple ways to prepare greens for the winter

Pickling greens

To pickle spices for the winter we will need:

  • regular salt, without impurities 250 g
  • fresh greens 1 kg

Sort through the plants, remove all yellow leaves and long stems. Rinse under running water and shake to remove excess moisture. Finely chop and mix with salt. Place in small glass jars. Close with nylon lids.

For those who like spicier seasonings, you can do this:

Mix salt for preparation with 6-7 chopped cloves of garlic. Lay out the prepared ingredients in layers. After 18-20 hours, the spicy seasoning will settle. Add layers to the jar so that the last layer is salt.

Such preparations should be stored in the refrigerator, but in the positive zone.

When cooking, do not salt dishes to which you will add salted herbs.

When harvesting greens for the winter in this way, their shelf life is 9-10 months.

Preparing greens in oil

Wash freshly picked aromatic plants and chop finely. Can be passed through a meat grinder. Place in small jars and fill with vegetable oil. Stir the mixture with a wooden skewer. Add enough oil to cover the greens.

For a spicy taste, you can add half a red hot pepper or a few cloves of garlic.

Close the jar tightly and store in the refrigerator. Shelf life 6-9 months.

Unusual preparation of herbs and aromatic oil

You will need greens to suit your favorite taste:
olive or vegetable oil.
Wash all the greens well and dry on a towel.
Chop finely with a knife or grind with a blender.
Place the greens in prepared dry jars (do not compact them). Pour oil over the greens and stir gently so that the oil reaches the bottom and envelops all the greens.
Store in the refrigerator on the coldest shelf.
I really liked this method of preparing greens. Previously, I froze, dried and salted, but here I came across such a miracle. I hope you find it useful.

Pickled greens for the winter

Prepare the marinade:

For 800 ml of water, take 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 1 tablespoon of pure salt and 200 ml of vinegar 9%.

Rinse the prepared raw materials thoroughly, place them tightly in jars and pour boiling marinade over them. Roll up the jars and wrap them well until cool. Pickled greens can be stored for about six months.

Frozen greens

The easiest and most convenient way to preserve greens is to freeze them. It is better to freeze a bouquet of herbs. There are many ways that modern housewives use:

  • Wash the aromatic herbs, dry on a towel, then wrap in a plastic bag and freeze
  • Can be stored in vacuum containers, after cutting into small pieces
  • Chop 0.5 kg of fragrant herb and mix with 500 ml of water. Pour into ice cube trays and freeze

Frozen aromatic seasoning can be stored for up to two years.

Harvesting dill for the winter
Using this method, I compact the greens very tightly into molds for freezing ice (you can freeze them in pancakes, but “cubes” are more convenient to use) and add as much water as possible (as in the photo on the left).
You get cubes. Ice completely retains color and aroma. When I put this dill in soup in winter, it seems like it was just picked from the garden.

Harvesting green onions for the winter.

Recipes for green onions.

Green onions are tender greens and cannot be stored for long; they begin to wither and dry out.

Green onions can be prepared for the winter in several ways:

  • dry
  • pickle
  • to freeze

How to dry green onions for the winter.

Wash the green onions well, shake off excess water and let the onions dry completely.

Remove damaged and dried ends, cut off the white part, only green feathers are needed for drying. Chop the onion into pieces approximately 0.5 cm in size.

Place the chopped onions on white paper in one layer and dry in the shade (not in the sun).

When the onion is dry, place it loosely in a jar and close the lid.

Dried onions retain minerals and some vitamins, but lose their flavor and can be stored for a year.

How to pickle green onions for the winter.

You can salt all the green onions, along with the white part.

Wash the onion well, dry it, remove the dried ends and let the onion dry well.

Cut the onion into pieces and place in a sterilized jar in layers of 1.5-2 cm. Generously sprinkle each layer with salt and crush with a wooden pestle until the juice appears.

The amount of salt for about 1 kg of onion is 200 g of salt. Sprinkle a layer of salt on top and close the jar tightly.

Store salted green onions in the refrigerator; the optimal storage time is 6-8 months.

How to freeze green onions for the winter.

Method 1.

Wash the green onions well, remove the dried ends and dry completely, spreading them on a towel. The onions should be completely dry.

Cut the onion into pieces and place in a plastic container without crushing it.

Close the container tightly and put it in the freezer, if possible, using the blast freezing mode.

Using this method, frozen onions can be sprinkled on ready-made dishes in a plate or added to salads.

Method 2.

Wash the onion, shake off excess water and chop.

Fill ice cube trays with onions, add cold water and place in the freezer.

Remove the frozen cubes from the molds, put them in a tight bag, and tie the bag.

Add frozen onion cubes at the end of preparing soups or main courses.

Frozen onions retain all vitamins, minerals and flavors and can be stored for up to a year.

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