Home Porridge How to cook pasta so that it doesn't. Soup with noodles and potatoes. How many minutes to cook durum pasta?

How to cook pasta so that it doesn't. Soup with noodles and potatoes. How many minutes to cook durum pasta?

Do you like pasta? If not, then maybe you don’t know how to cook them deliciously, or don’t know how to cook pasta correctly? It’s not for nothing that Italian chefs consider pasta one of the most delicious foods.

  1. The main rule for successfully cooking pasta is a sufficient amount of water, at least 1 liter per 100 grams of pasta. If there is less water, the pasta will cook longer, become sticky, and may even stick together completely. By the way, do you know what kind of water you should cook pasta in? The water must be clean; if you use tap water, then it must at least be allowed to settle. Pasta must be placed in boiling and always salted water (10 g of salt per 1 liter of water); pasta cannot be salted during cooking.
  2. At what heat should you cook pasta? At first, while we wait for the water to boil, the fire may be at its largest. Then, after lowering the pasta into the pan and waiting for the water to boil again, the heat under the pan must be reduced.
  3. Long pasta should not be broken before cooking. It’s better to put it in the pan and lightly press on the protruding ends. Gradually the pasta will soften and be completely immersed in water. There is no need to cover the pan with pasta.
  4. How many minutes should you cook pasta? The cooking time depends on the quality of the pasta, and therefore is usually indicated on the package. But in order to cook the pasta the way you need it, 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking, the product is worth trying. You might like a firmer pasta.
  5. It is not recommended to rinse the pasta; just drain it in a colander and shake it several times. If you rinse the pasta, then due to a sharp temperature change the content of vitamins in the finished product will decrease.

How to cook pasta in the microwave?

If you need to cook pasta in the microwave, then you will also need to know how to do it correctly.

  1. Take a deep glass container. Pour in 2 times more water than the amount of pasta. Place the water in the microwave to boil.
  2. Place salt and pasta in boiling water, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of any vegetable oil so that the pasta does not stick together, and send it back to the oven.
  3. How many minutes to cook pasta in the microwave? Depends on their variety. The horns take a little longer to cook than the noodles. On average, cooking time takes 10 minutes, and you will need to select the specific time yourself. In order not to make a mistake with the time, we cook the horns at full power, and for the noodles, we reduce the power a little.
  4. Place the finished pasta in a colander and rinse.

How to cook nest pasta? Of course, in a frying pan. But the good thing about nests is that you can prepare a delicious dish based on them; you just need to prepare the filling. Therefore, it would be appropriate to consider not just how to cook nest pasta, but the recipe for the whole dish.


  • beef (pork) – 500 g;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • nest pasta;
  • vegetable oil;
  • water;
  • bouillon cube;
  • ketchup;
  • spices and salt to taste.


We pass the meat through a meat grinder along with onions and garlic. Add spices and salt and mix thoroughly. Grease a deep frying pan with oil and place nests in it. Place minced meat in the center of each nest. Next, pour water into the pan so that it covers the pasta, and dissolve the bouillon cube in the water. Cover the pan with a lid and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, drain the water, leaving it a little at the bottom, pour ketchup over the pasta, sprinkle with grated cheese and place in a preheated oven for 5-10 minutes.

How to cook rice pasta?

If you are allergic to the protein contained in wheat, you can only eat pasta if it is rice pasta. It’s good that you don’t need any additional equipment to cook them. All cooking rules for regular pasta also apply to rice pasta. Only the cooking time will be shorter, about 5-7 minutes.

I’ll tell you how to cook pasta a little later, now a few words about choosing pasta. Mainly pay attention to the brand - it must be well-known and popular. Now in Russia there are several manufacturers of pasta with the best price-quality ratio. You also need to pay attention to the composition of the product: pasta(or now more commonly pasta) must be made (partly) from durum wheat - durum. When dried, such pasta does not become brittle and brittle, and when cooked, it does not become slimy, does not boil into porridge and retains its structure.

A very high-quality pasta should have 15% protein; if the protein is less than 12%, this is no longer an excellent quality pasta. And it’s even better if they look like they’re sprinkled with flour and not shiny. This is exactly what Italian pasta is like, prepared using classical technology, that is, passed through copper plates. Such pasta is a little rough and any sauce sticks to it when added.

Shelf life of pasta

Homemade pasta or industrially made egg pasta spoils. And factory-made dry pasta has a very long shelf life. The fact is that according to the production technology, pasta is dried, there is practically no moisture left in it. This means that when interacting with oxygen, the paste does not oxidize and does not deteriorate.

How to cook pasta

How much pasta and water to cook to feed 3 people

There should be at least four, and preferably five times more water than the paste itself. For 3 servings you need about 3 liters of water. In restaurants, the standard portion of dry pasta is from 60 to 80 g. Since the pasta is boiled exactly 2 times, the resulting pasta is 150 g. Plus the sauce. The ratio of pasta and sauce in the dish should be 1:1. The exception is sauces with seafood. As a result, you get 300 g per person - quite enough.

How and how much to salt pasta when cooking

In restaurants and professional kitchens there is such a special unit called pastaballer. This is a large bathtub in which water is constantly boiling with several baskets of different pastas. Up to 10 grids of pasta can be cooked in the pastaballer at the same time. We do not add salt to the water in advance, since each pasta will have its own sauce. At home, everything also depends on the sauce or lack thereof. But pasta loves salt!

There is such a simple Italian dish with pasta - alio olio peperoncino , there is no sauce, the pasta is seasoned with olive oil, parsley, garlic and chili pepper. If you make this pasta without sauce, it is better to salt the water in advance. If you expect a rich sauce, then it is better not to salt the pasta. In this case, the sauce itself is added with salt, as they say, brought to taste. Just before serving, the pasta is simmered in the sauce for a minute to infuse the dish with flavors and aromas, including salt.

To stir or not to stir pasta while cooking

When pasta is cooked, you can stir it 1-2 times, no more. Otherwise, the pasta may produce mucus during cooking or even begin to fall apart.

To cover or not to cover the pot with pasta when cooking

No. If the pasta is covered with water, then overheating will occur under the lid and foam will appear, but the pasta does not need this.

How many minutes to cook pasta

It all depends on the structure of the pasta. There is pasta that takes 1 minute to cook, and there is pasta that takes 7 minutes. But on average, such popular types of pasta as spaghetti, penne , fuzili , fettuccine cook for 9-10 minutes until al dente (that is, not completely cooked, with a slightly hard center). You need to try other types of pasta if the time is not indicated on the package.

To rinse or not to rinse pasta after it is cooked

The water needs to be drained. But do not rinse the pasta under any circumstances! They need to be thrown into a sieve or colander.

What to do with the broth after cooking pasta

Save a little broth (about 100-150 ml) and thicken it, for example, tomato sauce for pasta. To do this, after frying the vegetables for the sauce, add the broth and tomato paste (or canned tomatoes). Boil the mixture, stirring, for a minute or two, and then add a little olive oil and remove from heat.

When should the pasta sauce be ready?

What sauces go with pasta?

Variety sauces go with pasta. You can't say for sure. But the situation has not changed fundamentally: we are still in the lead creamy sauces. Even though they are not the most useful. In Italy, tastes are completely different and pasta is prepared differently. They are mainly used vegetable sauces, light, fresh, low in calories, pasta is a balanced dish.

And in Russia, pasta is adapted to our taste - creamy. Our climate is cold, so we love rich sauces. The amount of sauce in pasta is a matter of personal taste. But as the Italians teach, there should be enough sauce in the pasta so that it lightly covers the pasta, but at the same time so that the plate remains dry when you eat the pasta.

All pasta recipes are doomed to fail if you don’t know how to cook pasta correctly.

Cooking pasta is very easy, it is much more difficult to cook it well!

8 secrets to making perfect pasta:

  1. The pan should be large. Even for a small portion of pasta, you need to take a capacious, tall pan, preferably with thick walls.
  2. There should be a lot of water. For every 100 gr. For pasta, you need to take at least 1 liter of water, but more is better. During the cooking process, pasta absorbs a significant part of the water and increases in volume, at the same time starch is released from the pasta and if there is not enough water in the pan, they will stick together (remember what we use to make paste).
  3. First the salt, then the pasta. Salt boiling water before adding pasta and never during the cooking process. Take about 10-12 grams of salt. for every liter of water.
  4. Pour pasta into boiling water, stirring. Wait for the water to boil vigorously again after salting and start pouring in the pasta, while stirring it with a spoon. After adding the pasta, the water will naturally stop boiling, immediately cover the pan with a lid and wait a few seconds until the water boils again. Now you can remove the lid, reduce the heat and stir them again.
  5. You need to cook pasta al dente. Any Italian will tell you that pasta needs to be cooked “al dente”, i.e. "by the tooth." What does this mean? During cooking, the pasta should be stirred periodically and tasted. Perfectly cooked pasta should be almost cooked but firm to the bite, and may have a thin, chalky layer in the center. This is where you need to turn off the heat, cover with a lid and let them sit until cooked, about 1-2 minutes. (Just in time to prepare the colander).
  6. Drain but do not rinse. Before draining them in a colander, pour 100g into a glass. broth, Place the pasta in a colander, shake it and let the water drain. It is not recommended to rinse pasta (unless you were preparing it for cold salads). Place the pasta back into the pan or into the warmed dish. If sauce is not served with them, pour 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil or broth that you poured into a glass and stir. After all, the pasta is still hot and continues to “cook”, which means it absorbs water, but if there is none, it can dry out and stick together!
  7. Don't leave the kitchen until you've cooked the pasta. Even Fast Food takes longer to cook than pasta. By " probability theory“Nothing can happen in 5-7 minutes that could force you to leave the kitchen. But if this happens then it takes effect "Sod's Law"and you will definitely overcook the pasta!
  8. Serve the pasta hot! Therefore, any meat, cutlets, salads and sauces should be ready even before you start cooking the pasta. The only thing you can do while cooking pasta is place the plates on the table (if it is in the kitchen!). As soon as you have drained the water, everyone at home is already sitting at the table and can’t wait for your MASTERPIECE!

Now you know how to cook pasta perfectly! Bon appetit!

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What could be easier than boiling pasta in a saucepan? But very often housewives are faced with a catch: pasta (horns, shells) stick to each other, forming a lump of sticky mass. To prevent this from happening, you need to know a couple of secrets that will allow you to always serve delicious pasta that holds its shape perfectly and does not stick together. I share the knowledge that my grandmother passed on to me. Take note of my step-by-step recipe with photos taken for illustration.

So, we need:

— pasta (horns) — 150 grams;
— water — 300 milliliters;
- salt (sea or regular) - 1 teaspoon;
- butter - 15 grams.

How to properly cook pasta in a saucepan

Before cooking, you need to choose the pasta to cook. This can be any type of pasta, such as: horns, stars, wheels, shells and so on. Today I made horns, which my family loves very much.

You need to pour 300 milliliters of water into the pan and put it on the fire. Turn on the fire to maximum power so that the water boils in a matter of minutes. After all, we often cook pasta when we need to cook something quickly and don’t have time to spend a long time fiddling around in the kitchen.

After boiling, add a spoonful of salt. I use sea salt, which is also a source of iodine, which is very necessary for our body. This point is very important, because salt interacts with boiling water, so add salt only to boiling water.

Add cones or other pasta to salted water. Stir with a spoon and wait until the water boils again over high heat.

After this, reduce the heat to low. Mix the horns well so that the starch that will be released is distributed evenly in the water and the pasta does not stick together. Cook the pasta in the pan for about five minutes.

Then turn off the heat and leave with the lid closed for another couple of minutes. Opening the lid, you can see that the pasta has swollen and increased in volume. Usually it looks like the one shown in the photo:

All that remains is to simply place the horns in a colander to drain all the liquid. Rinse under cold running water to remove any starch that can clump the pasta. The pasta rinsing time should not be long so that it does not cool down too much. After all, serving cold pasta to the table is not the best idea. Therefore, you need to rinse for a couple of seconds, this is quite enough.

Return the pasta to the pan, without liquid, adding a knob of butter. Stir the cones until the butter has dissolved and they are buttery and delicious. You can replace butter with vegetable oil, based on your personal taste preferences.

The entire process of properly preparing pasta takes no more than ten minutes, which is very convenient.

You can serve horns, stars, wheels, shells and other pasta with meat, cheese, ketchup, sausages and so on.

Knowing how to cook pasta, you will always get it very tender and tasty. Bon appetit and may your pasta always turn out great!

Although pasta is considered a classic Italian dish, it has become a part of many people's diets. In different countries, all kinds of dishes are prepared from pasta; they are present in restaurant menus. And there are a huge number of ways to prepare such food. You don't have to be a professional chef to cook pasta. But the kitchen always has its secrets, including cooking pasta.

Quick, simple and tasty: how to successfully cook pasta at home

Traditionally, a saucepan is used for cooking. In this case, you should take a voluminous one with dense walls. Pasta loves water and absorbs it abundantly during cooking. Therefore, it is important to calculate the required proportion. The ideal option is to take about 1 liter of water per 100 grams of pasta. The pasta will not absorb all the liquid, but it’s easy to drain the remaining liquid.

This dish cooks quickly, which must be taken into account when pasta becomes part of a large dinner. Before you put them in the pan, you should figure out the sauces and other treats that will be served along with the finished pasta. There will be no time to deal with any other dishes while cooking pasta, but if you are distracted, the pasta can easily be overcooked. Then they will lose their taste and attractive appearance.

You should not prepare them for future use. This dish should be consumed immediately; reheated pasta can become completely tasteless.

If you want to cook pasta correctly and so that it turns out very appetizing, you just need to follow the simple instructions presented below step by step.

  1. Pour a sufficient amount of water into the selected large saucepan and place it on a preheated burner. Add salt (about one tablespoon) and add pepper to taste. If desired, you can close the container with a lid; this way the water will boil faster. But you should make sure that it does not leak.
  2. Carefully pour the pasta into the bubbling water and stir immediately. This technique will reduce the risk of the pasta sticking together during cooking. It is absolutely not recommended to use the lid at this stage.
  3. Once the pasta is in the pan and the water returns to a boil, reduce the heat to medium.
  4. Cooking time for pasta varies. It all depends on both the brand and the type of product. Pasta that is not made from the highest grades of wheat flour can quickly boil over. Usually the time is indicated on the pack, but it should be reduced by 1-2 minutes. On average, pasta is cooked for 9-12 minutes, but to prevent it from being overcooked, it is better to taste it from the eighth minute, assessing the degree of readiness by taste.
  5. As soon as the pasta is ready both in appearance and in taste, but not yet overcooked, remove the pan from the burner, remembering to turn off the heat.
  6. The pasta is poured into a colander, having previously doused it with boiling water so that the cold metal does not immediately cool the pasta. Excess water is drained. Rinse the cooked pasta a little with running, clean water; it will not lose its taste or stick together.
  7. Having finished with the water, return the pasta to the selected container, after which either sauce or sunflower oil is added to it. This action will enhance the taste of the pasta and is necessary to prevent them from sticking together. After this, the finished dish should be thoroughly mixed, and the container should be covered with a lid so that the pasta can brew and “reach” until fully cooked. This will take no more than 5 minutes.
  8. The final touch is placing the pasta on a plate. Moreover, it is ideal if the dishes are heated. This trick will help keep the heat and flavor of the pasta longer.

In total, the process of preparing pasta does not take more than half an hour. And in some cases, for example, when vermicelli is cooked, the dish will be ready within 10-15 minutes.

What to cook pasta in?

The usual container for preparing “Italian delicacies” is a saucepan. It is with the help of it that most housewives prepare pasta. Another common option is to cook pasta in a frying pan, and the product can be both fried and boiled. They can also cook pasta in the microwave, slow cooker, double boiler, and even in an electric kettle. The cooking process is not much different from the usual cooking of pasta in a saucepan, but there are some subtleties depending on what the pasta is cooked in.

Pasta in the microwave. The dishes should be deep. Add enough boiling water so that it is slightly higher than the pasta (the more water, the softer the pasta can turn out). Salt and spices are added. Afterwards, the dishes are placed in the microwave, which is turned on at full power. Cooking time averages 10 minutes. When the pasta is ready, you can drain the remaining water, add oil or sauce to the dish, stir and leave covered for a couple of minutes.

Pasta in a steamer. This method is almost indistinguishable from cooking pasta in a saucepan. It takes about 15 minutes. You need to pour water into the steamer, fill the bowl itself with pasta and also with water so that it completely hides the pasta. Then add salt and pepper and spices. To prevent the pasta from sticking, you should immediately pour a tablespoon of oil (regular or olive) into the water.. And then cook with the lid closed. Place the finished pasta in a colander and strain.

Pasta in a slow cooker. Pasta is poured into the multicooker container, a sufficient amount of water is poured, and salt is added. In this case, you can again immediately pour in a spoonful of vegetable oil or add butter to the pasta so that they do not stick together and are appetizing. Then select the “pilaf”, “pasta” or “multi-cook” mode on the multicooker and wait for the dish to be ready, which will cook for 9 to 12 minutes (depending on the type of pasta and the cooking mode).

Pasta in a frying pan. Using a frying pan, you can not only fry, but also cook pasta. To cook pasta, you need a deep frying pan so that the water can completely cover the pasta poured into the container. Do not close the lid, otherwise they will boil. Cook the pasta for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

You can choose absolutely any method for cooking, the main thing is to take into account the type of pasta. Since, for example, it will simply be impossible to cook long, delicious spaghetti in a microwave oven, and small vermicelli in a frying pan can boil too quickly and turn into a kind of paste.

Secrets of cooking different types of pasta

Pasta is not only made from different types of different flours, but also comes in many shapes, and there are also pasta products with a ready-made filling.

Visually, pasta can be divided into the following groups:

  • long, straight pasta;
  • pasta in ribbons;
  • hollow;
  • curly, wavy, pasta in the form of curls or rings.
The taste of pasta differs depending on the flour. But the basis of preparation will remain the same, regardless of the form of these flour products. The main thing is to know exactly how long to cook certain pasta so that it doesn’t get overcooked, and also take into account the specific appearance. This will especially apply to, for example, tagliatelle (nests), and long pasta, the previously mentioned vermicelli or papperdelle (egg noodles). What are the secrets of preparing certain types of pasta?

Spaghetti. This is Italian pasta that should be cooked al dente. "Al dente" means "by the tooth". Such pasta should be elastic and not lose shape. This is achieved due to the fact that the pasta is removed from the heat a little earlier than the time indicated on the package. Then they retain their special taste, which is important for spaghetti. Another secret to prevent long pasta or spaghetti from sticking together: pour a tablespoon of oil, preferably olive oil, into the water. What else do you need to consider?

  1. Spaghetti should not be broken; it is usually cooked whole.
  2. You need to throw the pasta into the prepared, already boiling water and wait until it softens by about half. Then gently press on the dry ends of the spaghetti, immersing the entire pasta in the bubbling, salted water. Then the long pasta is mixed and placed around the perimeter of the container.
  3. Like any other pasta, the pasta is not salted during cooking. The water should already have added salt, pepper, and other spices.
  4. This type of pasta should not be washed with water, especially cold. Once the spaghetti is cooked and cooked for up to 10 minutes, you can immediately add sauce to it. Or pour a small amount of broth over them - the remnants of the water in which the pasta was cooked.
  5. In the case when this pasta will be served after baking, the pre-cooking process must be reduced by a few minutes. In this version, the paste should be quite hard.
Tagliatelle or nests. This pasta is not very popular among housewives. Nests often become boiled and fall apart. Tagliatelle is usually prepared in restaurants using special molds and served with thick sauces. If you don’t have the necessary molds in your kitchen, you can use a simple recipe for making nests using a regular frying pan and hand-made molds, for example, from metal high lids. Cooking options:
  1. fry the nests in a frying pan, placing them in purchased or independently created metal molds that are suitable in size;
  2. Carefully lower several nests into boiling water in a saucepan, but there should not be a lot of water; then cook like regular pasta, but without stirring; remove one at a time with a slotted spoon, carefully draining the water, or use wide tongs;
  3. undercooked nests removed from boiling water can be placed on a baking sheet; add sauce or filling to them, for example, meat, vegetables, and send them to finish baking in the oven;
  4. without using molds, place the tagliatelle in a deep frying pan; pour in about a glass of boiling water with seasonings and close with a lid for 5-8 minutes; then carefully turn the nests over, trying to prevent them from falling apart, and add a small amount of water into the frying pan, leaving it to simmer for 15-20 minutes over low heat, monitoring the degree of readiness of the dish.
Long pasta and lasagne. The process for making regular long pasta is the same as spaghetti. The only difference is that they are often broken in half; it is better not to do this with pasta.

The lasagna recipe is simple. The pasta is cooked until medium cooked and placed in a colander. Then they are placed in a pan with the addition of the finished sauce. And then after 2-3 minutes they “arrive.” And then the pasta with the filling is laid out on a baking sheet, sprinkled with cheese and baked until golden brown.

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