Home Salads and snacks The benefits of young pine shoots. Medicinal properties and contraindications of pine shoots. Pine - benefits for the body of its components

The benefits of young pine shoots. Medicinal properties and contraindications of pine shoots. Pine - benefits for the body of its components

- the most common tree in Europe, of those that form forests on sandy and sandy loam soils. This is a well-known unpretentious evergreen coniferous tree, which has a pleasant, specific and refreshing smell, and has a whole range of valuable medicinal properties.

For medicinal purposes, in addition to green cones of the first year, buds, pollen, pine needles and resin, young shoots are also successfully used, which, like other plant fragments, contain vitamins C, B, K, P, essential oils, carotene, tannins, starch, resins and a number of other useful substances.

After collection, the shoots, as well as pine buds and needles, are stored in paper bags and cardboard boxes in a dry, ventilated area, unlike pollen, which should be stored in wooden boxes. Raw materials can be stored for up to two years.

How and where are the medicinal properties of pine used?

Pine preparations are used for medicinal purposes as a tonic, anti-inflammatory, sedative, vasodilator, disinfectant, blood purifier, choleretic, diuretic, and anti-radiation agent. In addition, they are also used as means for the prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiency.

Harvesting of young shoots, as well as pine cones for medicinal needs, is carried out in May - June.

Young pine shoots and needles, as well as other parts of the tree, contain resinous substances.

Pine essential oil includes terpene compounds, bornyl acetate, borneol, aromatic substances and a number of others.

Recipes using pine

For cough and bronchitis They use a decoction of young shoots (or pine buds) with milk and honey, and such a decoction is especially useful for children.

To prepare a decoction for baths, (and hot pine baths are one of the best remedies for colds), add shoots (or pine needles) to ten liters of water and bring to a boil. After this, remove the dishes from the heat and let them sit aside for an hour. A cold does not last long after such baths.

For colds and other respiratory diseases Doctors advise drinking an infusion of young shoots with milk. Fifteen grams of the tops of pine shoots should be brewed with half a liter of boiled milk and left to steep for an hour. The product should be drunk hot, one hundred and fifty milliliters three times a day until recovery.


There are a number of contraindications for the use of pine preparations. You should not use tinctures, infusions, decoctions and other pine preparations for hepatitis, acute kidney disease, or during pregnancy. Baths made from pine needles should not be used for severe hypertension; they are also contraindicated for infectious diseases and skin cancer, and for cardiovascular diseases with circulatory disorders.

In case of individual intolerance, it is also better to refuse treatment with these drugs.

If pine drugs are abused, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines is possible.

However, this applies to the use of pine medicines internally. For external use of decoctions, infusions, and pine extracts, almost no contraindications have been identified.

The healing effects of pine buds have been established for a long time; this plant material is popular both in folk medicine and is recognized as standard medical practice. Not only the medicinal qualities of the kidneys, but also the main contraindications to their use have been experimentally identified. Therapy using this remedy is best started with the permission of a doctor, especially for young and elderly patients, as well as for allergy sufferers.

Pine buds: basic information

It is not for nothing that they say that even boron air has great healing power. Many health resorts in Russia are located among pine trees, this is especially true for sanatoriums where respiratory treatment is practiced. Medicines prepared on a substrate from pine buds (sometimes shoots, bark, and needles of these trees can be used) are medicines for colds, cystitis, skin diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, bile stagnation and general weakness of the body.

This medicinal plant is often included in breast mixtures and teas.

Chemical composition of pine buds

This raw material is endowed with beneficial properties due to the concentration of a large number of healing substances in it. Of particular value are:

  • resinous substances and resin;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • essential oil (turpentine);
  • tannins;
  • bitterness;
  • terpenes;
  • vitamins and minerals.

Therapeutic properties

The above complex of components makes herbal raw materials a good natural healer. The medicinal properties of the kidneys can be listed for a long time; the main effects from the use of products created on the basis of this raw material are:

  • antispasmodic;
  • disinfectant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • stimulating tissue regeneration;
  • expectorant;
  • antimicrobial;
  • diuretic;
  • vitaminizing;
  • antivirus;
  • restoring immunity and general strengthening.

To use pine buds as a medicine, you can purchase ready-made dried plant material at the pharmacy.

This effect of pine buds on the patient is widespread in herbal medicine, medicine and cosmetology.

Video: help of pine buds for various ailments

Pine buds are used as a healing agent among men and women, as well as in pediatrics. There is an opinion that it is advisable to use this raw material for women during menstruation to relieve excessive temper and irritability. Traditional medicine advises representatives of the fairer sex who want an early pregnancy to drink infusions prepared on the kidneys.

Reasons for prescribing pine buds as a healing agent

  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, larynx and vocal cords;
  • cold;
  • flu;
  • bronchitis in acute and chronic form;
  • pneumonia and bronchopneumonia;
  • angina;
  • cough;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin of a non-infectious nature (eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis);
  • allergic dermatosis, urticaria;
  • gout;
  • cystitis and urolithiasis;
  • bile stagnation;
  • neuralgia (pain caused by compression of a nerve);
  • rheumatism;
  • anemia;
  • tuberculosis, etc.

Cough relief

This is the most prescribed adjuvant in the treatment of pulmonary diseases. It is recommended to add pine buds to ready-made herbal preparations or use them in their pure form.

The therapeutic effect is achieved by stimulating secretory function, irritating the ciliated epithelium and dissolving sputum. In addition, medicines prepared using pine buds stop the progression of the inflammatory process in the lungs. For severe illnesses accompanied by cough (tuberculosis, asthma, pneumonia), it is advisable to use pine buds only as an additional remedy to complex therapy.

Time after stroke

Therapeutic effects on joints and tissues

Raw materials are prescribed for several diseases that affect human joints and muscles:

  • gout;
  • myositis (muscle inflammation);
  • neuralgia.

Pine buds cannot completely replace traditional medicine, but they can achieve a strong auxiliary effect

The effect is not quick, only a long course of using products from pine buds (from 3 months) gives a positive result. The tincture is especially useful, as it distracts the patient due to its irritating effect and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

A remedy with a pronounced choleretic effect are decoctions and tinctures of pine buds, which are relevant in the treatment of diseases of the liver, pancreas and gall bladder, progressive ulcerative processes and gastritis. The exception is hepatitis, in which the use of this folk remedy is contraindicated.

Diseases of the urinary system

Drugs based on pine buds provide a pronounced diuretic effect, and therefore it is advisable to prescribe them for urolithiasis, dropsy, and edema.

High blood pressure, atherosclerosis

Pine buds and products containing them are capable of bringing blood pressure back to normal, so they are prescribed in low dosages as an auxiliary therapy for hypertension. Also, such herbal medicine prevents the accumulation of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels and prevents progression. Additional effects when using this folk remedy are blood purification and stimulation of metabolic processes.

Pine buds as a soothing herbal remedy

Pine buds are used as anti-stress baths with the addition of decoctions or infusions, after which children and adults sleep better. Also, such remedies are used for migraines, to relieve irritation and relieve anxiety. Women during menopause and the premenstrual period can drink herbal preparations to improve their well-being, as well as take pine baths.

Such baths help with headaches, and also calm the nervous system, and have a beneficial effect on the female body.

Application in cosmetology

The benefits of pine buds as a cosmetic product are due to the high concentration of essential oils. The decoction is suitable for rapid hair growth, as a nail strengthener and as an additive to everyday face lotions to improve skin cleansing properties. By killing viruses and microbes, the decoction copes well with the problem of skin rashes, acne and comedones.

Kidney decoctions are useful to add to creams and lotions for cleansing facial skin.

Extracts and tinctures are added to creams or used in pure form to improve the regenerative function of the skin. Thanks to the high concentration of vitamin C, the kidneys stimulate the acceleration of epidermal cell renewal and are able to reduce wrinkles on the face.

Limitations and Side Effects

Do not forget about the dosage of medicinal raw materials when preparing traditional medicine; you must be careful when self-medicating and avoid an overabundance of the finished medicine.

Due to the tonic effect it has on the body, medications based on pine buds should not be used by patients with chronically high blood pressure.

Strict contraindications for consuming pine buds are pregnancy and hepatitis, early childhood and old age over 75 years.

If a patient is allergic to pollen and resin from coniferous trees, it is prohibited to use pine buds and products prepared with them. Also a contraindication is intolerance to all ready-made medications that contain pine.

Products based on this raw material are prohibited for acute and chronic kidney diseases, in particular glomerulonephritis and nephritis, and hepatitis.

Treatment with traditional recipes during pregnancy

The period of breastfeeding and gestation is not the time to use traditional medicine therapy based on pine buds. Despite the naturalness of the initial components, treatment with this herbal remedy can cause inflammation of the kidney parenchyma in a pregnant woman, since during gestation the load on these organs is already excessively increased. This raw material easily provokes allergies. Only after the doctor’s permission can a pregnant or nursing mother begin treatment with traditional methods.

Treatment of children

In pediatrics, the main purpose of remedies based on pine buds is to get rid of coughs and increase the body's resistance before the cold season, as well as during epidemics of influenza and ARVI. Syrups based on pine buds, infusions with honey and taking a bath are more often prescribed by pediatricians for children.

Despite the positive aspects and effectiveness of the traditional method of treatment, it is necessary to remember the allergenicity of this medicinal plant material: pine buds, especially in combination with honey, are contraindicated for children, who may be predisposed to developing a reaction to pine needles and bee products.

When preparing medicinal products on pine buds for a child under 12 years of age, the dosage of active substances should be halved. Preparations based on pine buds are contraindicated for children under two years of age.

It is better to start treatment with a small amount of medicine based on pine buds; if there is an allergic reaction, change tactics

The recipe for preparing products based on pine buds must be followed, as well as the duration of taking such medications. Pine buds contain turpentine, which has a negative effect on the functioning of the child’s stomach and its mucous membrane. When taken for more than a week, the drugs can trigger the onset of gastritis and colitis.

Side effects from using pine buds

Basically, the presence of side effects from the use of products based on pine buds is associated with the high concentration of turpentine in them.

With prolonged and frequent use of folk remedies externally, turpentine provokes redness of the skin, the appearance of blisters on the skin and areas of necrosis.

Long-term ingestion of teas and decoctions, as well as other drugs, may increase blood pressure and cause shortness of breath, and the development of gastritis. Also, due to the tonic effect, insomnia may develop.

Side effects indicating an overdose of the drug are:

  • headache;
  • pain in the abdomen, indicating inflammation in the stomach or intestines;
  • weakness and malaise;
  • pain in the lumbar region.

Collection and storage rules

If it is not possible to buy pine buds at a green pharmacy, or if you want to obtain high-quality raw materials yourself, it is important to know the rules for procuring this valuable material.

An important point is the beginning of the collection - it is necessary to choose the moment in early spring when the pine shoots turn brown-orange and the young buds have a pronounced pine smell. The buds must be closed, otherwise they are no longer so valuable and have lost their share of important substances. The buds should be cut off with a “crown”, several pieces at a time, together with a part of the stem no more than 3 mm long.

When collecting, it is better to protect your hands with gloves or mittens, as resinous traces are difficult to wash off the skin.

The collected material is thoroughly dried in a dry and ventilated place, protected from sunlight, for a period of 14 to 20 days. You cannot use ovens or electric dryers for this, otherwise the kidneys will lose their healing properties.

You can store finished raw materials for no more than two years, in a place with low humidity, protected from the sun and high temperatures. Cardboard boxes, paper and fabric bags can be used as containers.

Video: harvesting pine buds

Treatment with pine buds: folk recipes

The possibility of using the healing properties of pine for various diseases implies a variety of options for using this raw material, both as an external remedy, for example, baths and rubs, and for internal use in the form of teas, infusions, decoctions and tinctures.

Making a decoction

The main use of the decoction is as an adjuvant for the treatment of all types of cough, except allergic


  • pine buds - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 0.4 l.


  1. Pour the raw materials into a saucepan and add water.
  2. Place on the fire and simmer slowly with the lid closed for 30 minutes.
  3. Strain the finished product.

The decoction can be used internally, 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.

Tincture of pine buds

In the recipe, diluted alcohol can be replaced with more accessible vodka


  • pine buds - 350 g;
  • alcohol 40% - 500 ml.


  1. Prepare a glass jar with a capacity of 1 liter, add plant materials, previously crushed with a knife, into it.
  2. Pour alcohol over pine buds.
  3. Place the jar in a warm and dark place, after closing the lid. Prepare the tincture for a week, shaking the jar periodically.
  4. After 7 days, strain the tincture. The finished product turns brown.

The tincture prepared in this form is prescribed for the treatment of tuberculosis and osteochondrosis, cystitis and the development of pathogenic bacteria in the urinary tract. Drink the drink 25 ml three times a day, before meals.

There is another option for preparing pine bud tincture.

This product can be used as a natural immunomodulator


  • pine buds - 200 g;
  • alcohol 40% - 0.5 l;
  • 1 lemon;
  • honey - 300 g.
  1. To 150 grams of pine buds add 300 grams of honey and one chopped lemon, and then pour the other 150 grams with alcohol.
  2. Leave both of these remedies to infuse for a week in a dark and warm place.
  3. After the time has passed, remove the containers, strain, mix together and put them in the refrigerator for further infusion for 30 days.

The prepared product can be used in the treatment of influenza, sore throat, and colds accompanied by inflammatory processes in the larynx. The tincture is taken 1 tablespoon 5 times a day before each meal.

In my experience, a remedy based on pine buds and honey is the most useful for preparing the immune system for winter and a series of colds in young children. However, I would not like to give an alcohol tincture to children; ethanol is not at all the best choice for treating children. If your child is not allergic to honey and you want to get a preventive natural remedy during the cold season, then be sure to try pine honey. I learned this recipe from my grandmother, from whom we once rented a house on the Black Sea coast - there are a lot of pine trees there, and such a healing product is in demand.
You need to prepare pine honey yourself, because pine is not a honey plant. Having collected pine buds in March - April, you need to wash them and put them through a juicer. In a 1:1 ratio, add acacia honey to the ground buds - it does not crystallize longer than others and remains liquid. Mix the ingredients until smooth, then transfer to a jar with a lid and refrigerate for 5 days. You need to consume honey 1 teaspoon 2 times a day from October. If your child does not like the product in its pure form, you can dilute it with warm water and give it as a drink. The product is suitable for children from three years of age.

Infusion of pine buds


  • pine buds - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 300 ml.

Preparation of water infusion:

  1. Boil water and pour boiling water over pine buds.
  2. Leave the raw material to infuse under the lid for 2 hours.
  3. Strain the cooled infusion.

An infusion of pine buds should be used as a diaphoretic to reduce fever and get rid of phlegm.

Making tea

The use of pine bud tea is especially important during colds. This drink has an antiviral and diaphoretic effect, and is used for expectoration of difficult-to-separate sputum and disinfection of the upper respiratory tract. It is better to drink tea for adults hot, when healing steam emanates from it.

Tea made from pine buds copes well with bronchitis, pneumonia, cholelithiasis and kidney diseases


  • black tea - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • pine buds - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 500 ml.


  1. Pour boiling water over the mixture of plant materials.
  2. Infuse the tea with the lid closed for 15 minutes.
  3. If desired, you can add citrus peels, cloves, and sugar to the tea.

You need to take 150 ml of this tea 3 times a day until recovery. The composition of the product may vary depending on the disease, supplementing tea from pine buds with medicinal herbs, you can enhance its therapeutic effect: for cough and asthma, add 30 g of plantain, for cystitis and ICD - 20 g of bearberry.

Pine bud extract

The extract is used as a wound healing agent; you can also prepare a pine bath from it by diluting the prepared medicine in the required amount of water (up to 200 liters).


  • pine buds - 100 g;
  • water - 2 l.

Extract preparation:

  1. Pour pre-chopped pine buds into a pan of suitable volume.
  2. Pour water over the raw material and wait until it boils.
  3. Boil the raw materials over low heat, evaporating the water, until about half a liter of liquid remains in the pan.
  4. Remove the extract from the heat and wait until it cools.
  5. Strain the finished product.

The extract is used in the form of compresses for skin diseases, boils, ulcers, burns and injuries. Apply gauze soaked in medicine twice a day until signs of the disease disappear. The extract can also be used for stomatitis and other inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity as a rinse up to five times a day.

Therapeutic baths

The prepared extract obtained in the manner described above is added to the bath. The only difference is that after turning off the heat, it is necessary to infuse the resulting extract for another 3–5 hours. You can take a bath for extensive skin lesions, as well as to improve your own health, well-being, relieve headaches and calm the nervous system. The time spent in the bath is 15 minutes, the water should be at a comfortable temperature.

Steam inhalations

Inhalation of the decoction is used for tracheitis, bronchitis, as well as other inflammatory diseases of the throat and lungs.

To prepare an inhalation decoction, you need to take 20 g of raw material per glass of boiling water. It is recommended to pour the finished broth into a steam inhaler - this is the safest way to treat children, as opposed to using a hot pan and towel. The temperature of the decoction should not be higher than 40 degrees, the inhalation time should be 1–3 minutes.

Important: inhalation is prohibited at body temperature above 37.5 degrees

Video: 50 healing recipes for pine buds

Birch and pine buds are a very valuable medicine!

Medicinal properties and composition

Pine buds and other medicinal parts of coniferous trees are a must-have in every home. In the old days, the cleansing, refreshing, healing properties of unblown shoots - buds, as well as pine needles and cones - were highly valued. They tried to stock up on them first, and recipes for use for colds and joint pain were passed down from generation to generation.

The valuable properties of pine are also recognized by official medicine. More than 10 useful compounds were found in the plant, mainly essential oils, resins and tannins. Many synthetic drugs have appeared, but pine buds remain a sought-after natural product that is used to treat a number of diseases.

Decoction, infusion and tincture treat inflammation and pain of various origins. Used externally, it is effective in the treatment of neurology, arthritis, sprains and muscle strains.

Scots pine (Pinus silvestris) is an incredibly valuable tree!

The plant is easily distinguished from other evergreen coniferous and deciduous trees by the shape of the crown and the reddish color of the tall, straight trunk. Pine can hardly be called a native of only one region - it is a cosmopolitan that has mastered the vast expanses of the Eurasian continent. The Latin name of the plant “pinus” translated from the language of the ancient Celts means “mountain”. Typically, pine trees prefer well-lit mountain and hillsides. The tree grows to a height of 25-35 m and lives to be 300 years old.

Young pine bark is painted in brighter shades of red, and with age it acquires a gray tint and forms layered plates with deep cracks. The crown has a round or cone-shaped shape. Bright green or bluish needle-like leaves grow in pairs on short shoots. The length of the needles reaches 5-7 cm. The needles fall off after 3-4 years.

From May to June, reddish male and female pine spikelets develop on the same tree. In place of the latter, after pollination, green cones develop, about 7.5 cm in length. They mature within two years, become brown, and the scales harden. The tiny seeds are equipped with thin wings.

Pine buds are often coated with sticky resin. It has the properties of a natural preservative that protects it from rotting for decades. In the Middle Ages, pine symbolized immortality. Many of the medicinal properties of the plant are due to essential oils and phytoncides. Pine buds, needles, and cones contain biotherapeutic substances and have a cleansing and refreshing aroma.

Young needles contain resin, vitamins C, K, carotene (provitamin A), tannins and essential oils. Fresh pine needles are harvested for medicinal purposes. Dried raw materials are also used, which are collected and processed in the same way as pine buds.

The therapeutic components of pine needles prevent the formation of mucus in the bronchi and have a disinfecting effect. Even inhaling the vapors of tea from pine needles or smoke from burnt cones and shoots brings relief from sore throat and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The product has a wound-healing, disinfectant and decongestant effect, reduces painful irritation in the throat, and soothes inflamed bronchi.

The needles are infused and consumed as tea for coughs and bronchitis, as a vitamin remedy. The product has a slight diuretic effect and helps remove sand that accumulates in the kidneys and bladder. Very often these “deposits” lead to more serious problems - stones. Pine essential oil has a bactericidal effect and reduces inflammation of the urinary tract.


At the ends of pine branches in the form of a crown there are unblown shoots - buds. They accumulate essential oils, which include turpentine and borneol esters. In addition, it contains vitamins, tannins, and mineral salts. Buds are harvested mainly from young and middle-aged plants. It is more convenient to do this during logging in forests.

The time for collecting medicinal raw materials is from October to April-May, when the buds swell but do not yet bloom. Cut off the top of a pine branch from which young shoots grow. Lay out for drying in a thin layer in a ventilated room or under a canopy. The raw material should be pinkish-brown in color, covered with small droplets of resin, and emit a characteristic resinous aroma.

Preparations from pine buds have bacteriostatic, sedative, expectorant, diuretic and choleretic effects. The decoction is taken orally for diseases of the respiratory system, urination, and is used in the treatment of inflammation of the gallbladder, gout, and rheumatism.

Pine buds calm the nerves and relieve headaches and neuralgia. The decoction is taken orally and used for inhalation to treat colds and cleanse the respiratory tract. Apply the product as a compress to relieve headaches. Add to baths and steam baths for diseases of the skin, vascular system, age-related aging and fatigue.

A decoction of pine buds can be prepared in several ways:

  1. For oral administration, pour 10 g of raw material in a fabric bag with a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Take 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day;
  2. 1 tbsp. l. kidneys in a gauze bag are doused with boiling water and continued to be heated in a water bath (15 minutes), squeezed out and warm boiled water is added to the original volume. Take half a glass 3 times a day after meals.
  3. For inhalations, take twice as many buds for the same amount of boiling water;
  4. For a bath, you need to take 200 g of kidneys and pour 5 liters of boiling water for 30 minutes, strain and pour into the bath. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes (3 times a week).
  • Fresh needles (50 g) are ground, pour 2 tbsp. boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Drink up to 3 cups a day with a small amount of sugar or honey.

Pine needle extract is used along with bud decoction for medicinal baths. It has a calming and strengthening effect on neuroses and cardiovascular diseases, helps with rheumatism, gout, and skin diseases.

Preparing a decoction for the bath:

  • A large handful of fresh pine needles in a thin fabric bag is poured with 1 liter of boiling water, everything is brought to a boil. Cover with a lid and leave on low heat for half an hour. Add to bath water.

The properties of substances contained in pine buds are highly valued by traditional healers. They have a cleansing effect and neutralize pathogenic microbes. Externally, pine preparations are used in the form of baths, lotions, compresses for many diseases, as well as for cosmetic purposes. Tree essential oil is an unsurpassed remedy for treating the respiratory tract, eliminating problems of the body and scalp.

Scots pine is a good stimulant for people suffering from fatigue, lethargy and depression. Resins and essential oils have a refreshing effect, and the abundant vitamin C content helps cell regeneration. Aromas and preparations from pine buds, shoots, and pine needles relieve tension, give strength and energy.


Invigorating tea and pine baths should be used with caution by people suffering from high blood pressure. Contraindications for the use of medicinal products from pine are individual intolerance to the components, allergic reactions to tree resin.

You will learn more about pine buds and their harvesting rules by watching this video:

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The smell of pine needles while taking a bath is an amazing feeling! I had no idea that pine buds and needles are so beneficial! Thank you for the article!

I love the smell of pine needles, how beautiful the plant is - and how useful it is! Ninochka, thank you very much for the interesting article!

The smell of pine needles is certainly beyond words)

especially when you walk through the forest) such a useful thing, but I didn’t know) Thank you)

I heard that they even make healing jam from pine buds, for this you need small young buds. It would be interesting to know if anyone knows a recipe for such healthy jam?

And it's still winter here. It seems to be melting, but at the same time it is snowing! It doesn't smell warm yet. But soon it will be time to collect pine and pine buds. So the information is just in time. Thank you!

Last spring we collected pine cones and made jam from them, which has all the properties listed above. It's fun to eat, and it helps a lot with coughs. We will also be collecting this spring.

Yes, we can talk a lot about the benefits of pine buds and needles. I also want to try pine cone jam. They say it’s also tasty and healthy.

Thanks for the interesting information. I use pine buds only to treat colds. For me this is the most effective remedy.

And I love pine essential oil, I make soap with it, and then I get great pleasure from taking water treatments. I agree with Nina’s question about the recipe for making pine cones; we have a pine forest around the village, with more than enough raw materials.

I once prepared myself a pine bath. The sensations were incomparable, and I felt so light, it’s indescribable. This must be experienced.

Ninotchka! Congratulations to you and your entire family on Easter! All the best to you, joy, warmth, love - and most importantly - more strength and energy!

Nina Happy holiday to you! I wrote to you by email, but you haven’t responded for a long time. Are you OK?

Even the smell of pine needles heals. And I’ve already heard from lovers of herbal medicine that you can brew and drink pine needles.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to everyone for their comments and congratulations on EASTER! This is probably my favorite holiday of the year, which my family and I unfortunately spent away from home for the first time... Therefore, please excuse me for answering you in such a belated manner. But all's well, as they say, that ends well, and I'm back in touch.

All news and article publications are all ahead.

On my own behalf (better late than never) I congratulate all my friends and readers on CHRIST’S EASTER. And I wish all of us only peace and goodness in our homes, so that illness and sorrow are avoided. Love and peace reigned in the families!

Interesting article, thanks)

Thank you very much for the information. I received a lot of information that I needed. I love the smell of pine. Smells healthy.

Unfortunately, in our area there are no forests and no pine trees. I don’t know if pine buds are sold in pharmacies; they have very interesting properties. Thanks for the information.

Alexey, pine and birch buds can be found in any pharmacy

Ninotchka! Congratulations on all masked holidays! Spring is a troublesome time, probably there is no energy left for the site... Health to you and your children!

Hello Alexandra! Thanks for the congratulations... You must have lost us? We recently returned from the hospital, we spent a long time there, now everything is fine, we are making up for lost time.

I really love honey from pine cones, I always make it, I already have a tradition, I make honey every year.

Nina, very useful article. thanks for it. I also really love pine buds. I learned about their benefits a long time ago. Happy holiday everyone!

I became acquainted with pine buds a long time ago, when my son was little, he was often sick, and I brewed pine buds for his cough. And I’ve heard a lot about pine needles, but superficially, without going deeper, thanks for the information, we have pine trees growing not far from our dacha, and the place is clean

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Don't self-medicate! If you experience any symptoms of the disease, you should consult a doctor.

Pine shoots medicinal properties

Scots pine - medicinal properties, recipes, applications

Scots pine (forest) is the most famous and widespread tree in Russia, Ukraine, Europe and other countries, forming forests on sandy loam and sandy soils. Pine is an evergreen, unpretentious coniferous tree with a specific, pleasant and refreshing smell, which has valuable medicinal properties.

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very useful information, thanks to the site.

Somehow, without knowing it, she cured a child’s pneumonia with pine buds. The temperature remained at 40 for 5 days, the doctor came every day, and she only thought of taking a picture on the sixth day, by which it became clear that it was pneumonia. Of course, we were immediately admitted to the hospital, but almost healthy, with a temperature of 36. Thank God, our intuition told us what to do, otherwise with such unfortunate doctors, no one knows what would have happened.

I drink pine pollen for bronchitis, the cough goes away in 3 days. The sputum disappears quickly and a significant improvement is felt without antibiotics! Thanks to the forces of nature!

My grandfather, with the help of pine, got rid of stomach ulcers and often tormenting heartburn with the help of pine needles. He took a small-topped spoon, crushed with a knife, and poured it into a faceted glass of barely boiling water. He covered it and put it in a dark place. Strained before use. I drank 2/3 immediately after lunch, and the remaining 1/3 in the evening before bed. It helped him a lot. After about a week, the heartburn and stomach pain completely stopped. And he drank it for three weeks, three times a year: in autumn, winter and spring. I also drink pine from time to time (I have gastritis and heartburn). I can’t stand it for three weeks because the taste is very nasty. But after a week I stop drinking Gaviscon or Rhenium for heartburn. I add honey or sugar to the decoction of pine needles so that it’s not so disgusting to drink, but it’s better to have honey if you have it. I highly recommend that anyone with heartburn do not drink soda under any circumstances.

When I was young, I firmly believed in doctors, now I’m afraid of them. I raised 4 children, the youngest is 24 and I treat myself with herbs: for any age, when I have a cold, I put pine needles with twigs in a thermos, pour boiling water over it and after 5 minutes close the lid. Let it sit for 12 hours, drink the infusion at will, you can dilute it with water

I drink a decoction of pine buds for psoriasis: 1 tsp per glass of water. Boil for 30 minutes in a water bath. I drink 3-5 sips, 3 times a day, every 30 minutes. after meal. The result is visible on the 5th day.


Thanks for the recipe! I've been suffering from psoriasis for a long time, I'll try it.

This is the second year I’ve been drinking the decoction, pine tea, and I haven’t had the flu.

for cough, we make this infusion from pine cones: in the spring we prepare young and still green cones - cut them into 4 parts. Next, sprinkle them with sugar and place them in a dark place, for example in a basement. By winter, the cones release juice, so we use 1-2 teaspoons of it for coughs, it helps even with a severe cough.

By the way, about pine cones, a tincture of green pine cones is used for stomach ulcers: chop the cones and fill the jar 1/3 full, fill it to the top with vodka and put it in a dark and warm place, in a kitchen cabinet, for example. Leave for 1 week, then strain. Drink 1 tablespoon, diluted with boiled water, 3 times a day. course of treatment is 2 months.

I read that pine needles (to brew annual pagons) are useful for cardiovascular diseases, multiple sclerosis, cerebral dystonia, optic nerve atrophy, etc. and there is this recipe: take 5 tbsp. spoons of chopped pine needles, 2 tbsp. spoons meas. rose hips and 2 tbsp. spoons of onion peels, pour 1 liter of boiling water over it all, cook over low heat for 10 minutes, remove and leave until morning, strain. drink, for the above problems, from 0.5 to 1.5 liters of decoction per day in several doses

For the most part, young people experience headaches from overwork, especially office workers. Therefore, you need to take breaks, relax, perhaps drink herbal tea, do a light facial massage, and walk around.

But I found a recipe at home - from SPRUCE needles, for rheumatic arthritis: pour fresh spruce needles (twigs) with boiling water to cover, and leave until the infusion cools to °C. Then, pour the infusion into a basin (bath) and steam your legs or arms (whoever hurts) for 30 minutes, then wrap them warmly and lie down for an hour. The course of treatment is 5-7 baths.

A decoction of pine buds can be used now, in the cold season - for bronchitis. Pour 1 teaspoon of buds into an enamel mug, add 1 glass of water, cover with a lid and boil over low heat for 5 minutes, then remove from heat and leave for another 2 hours. Drink the decoction during the day in 3 doses for bronchitis.

Before using prescriptions, consult your doctor!

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Pine: medicinal properties and contraindications

Pine is an almost universal tree species. Her gifts are pine boards, tar, rosin and turpentine. Pine bark is an excellent material for making inert soil used in growing orchids. Pine is also an excellent alternative to a New Year tree: its needles practically do not fall off, which cannot be said about spruce. The value of pine also lies in its medicinal properties, which were noticed in ancient times, which were confirmed in ancient manuscripts.

Procurement of medicinal raw materials

For medicinal purposes, traditional medicine uses pine needles, young shoots and cones. The use of pine resin also has a place in folk medicine. There is no reason to consider the use of products obtained at pharmacological enterprises (turpentine, rosin, etc.), so it is advisable to focus on those parts of the plant that have practical use at home.

Pine buds are harvested at the very beginning of sap flow (early spring).

Pine cones are collected for medicinal needs in May - June, and young shoots are also harvested at the same time. You can harvest pine needles at any time of the year (even from a tree that was used as a “New Year tree”).

Chemical composition of medicinal raw materials

The needles and young shoots of pine, like all parts of the tree, contain resinous substances. In addition, pine needles are a rich source of ascorbic acid and were often used in ancient times to treat scurvy (vitaminosis caused by a lack of vitamin C). Pine needles accumulate a large number of chemical compounds, both organic and inorganic, which include macro- and microelements.

Essential oil of pine needles contains terpene compounds, borneol, bornyl acetate, aromatic substances, etc.

Pharmacological properties of pine preparations

Aqueous and alcoholic extracts of pine buds, cones and pine needles help thin the viscous mucus in the bronchi (expectorant effect) and increase diuresis (diuretic). Biologically active substances included in medicinal raw materials have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. All of the listed properties of pine preparations determine their use for the treatment of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system (bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc.). Pine preparations are often prescribed as additional drugs used to treat diseases associated with the formation of stones in the kidneys and bile ducts. Pine preparations are also used in dermatology.

In ancient medical publications (“Private Pharmacology”, 1847) information was found on the use of pine cones. “Pine cones have diuretic and diaphoretic properties; used in dropsy and chronic aching and rheumatic suffering, mucus discharge (for example, from the lungs). Previously they were also used against scurvy and venereal diseases.” The publication also gives instructions on the technology for preparing a complex pine tincture (tinc. pini composit., loco tincturae lignorum):

Pine cones - 90 g;

Guaiac wood shavings - 60 g;

Sassafras and juniper berries - 30 g each;

After infusion, the raw material is pressed out.

The tincture was prescribed poml for the treatment of rheumatism, and as an adjuvant against sexually transmitted diseases.

Medicinal properties of pine in folk medicine (recipes)

A popular recipe for premature aging in Moldova is pine pollen. To obtain pollen, young cones collected in the spring are dried in the sun so that their scales open and the pollen falls freely. Take this remedy 1 g (approximately) up to 3 times a day before meals.

- “Pine honey.” To prepare the product, underdeveloped pine cones (about 4 cm long) are used. Fresh cones are washed, placed in an enamel bowl, sprinkled with sugar (1 kg of sugar per 1 liter of water) and poured with water so that it covers them completely, and just above the surface. It is necessary to cook the composition for at least one and a half hours, making sure that the water does not boil over, and constantly removing the resulting foam. During the cooking process, the buds become “transparent”, and the syrup acquires a ruby ​​color and a viscous consistency.

With the light hand of Valery Tishchenko, the following recipe became widespread: 5 tbsp. pine needles (chopped), 3 tbsp. rose hips, 2 tbsp. onion peels per 700 ml of water. Cook for 10 minutes after boiling, pour into a thermos and leave overnight. The healer believes that such a decoction should be drunk from a liter or more per day (instead of water), thereby completely restoring the vascular system. The course of treatment with decoction is at least 4 months. With all due respect to the traditional healer, this recipe is not suitable for treatment, and, as practice has shown, use in such dosages can lead to serious exacerbations of heart disease. The maximum permissible dosage is 50 or 100 ml per dose, with two or three times of use!

Decoction for baths. Hot foot baths for colds. For 10 liters of water - 1 kg of pine needles (or shoots). After boiling, remove the dishes from the heat and leave for 1 hour. Used for foot baths for colds. For baths, decoctions of cones (crushed) are also used, of which 3 cups are taken per 10 liters. The cooking technology is similar to the previous one.

A medicinal infusion of pine needles helps with iron deficiency anemia. For a glass of warm water - 2 tbsp. pine needles, leave for 3 hours. Take frequently, 15 ml every hour.

Extracts prepared from pine needles are used to prepare baths. For 10 liters of water - 1 kg of pine needles, cook for half an hour and leave for an hour and a half. For every kilogram of extract, 2.5 kg of table salt is added. Pine-salt baths are recommended for patients suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system associated with salt deposition (osteochondrosis, ankylosing spondylitis, etc.). Baths have a good effect on various types of neuroses and joint pain.

Tincture of pine cones can be taken to treat gastritis, peptic ulcers, etc.

Contraindications to treatment with pine preparations

Internal use of pine preparations is not recommended during pregnancy, during exacerbation of kidney disease, or acute hepatitis. Individual intolerance also serves as one of the contraindications when treatment with pine preparations should not be resorted to.

Abuse of pine-based drugs can provoke unpleasant symptoms: headache, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. Pine pollen may cause allergic rhinitis.

For external use of infusions, decoctions and extracts, no special contraindications have been identified.

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Pine buds for cough are one of the most effective and safe natural remedies. Pre-prepared raw materials are ideal for decoctions, infusions, and inhalations. Due to the large number of positive properties, kidneys are successfully used in the treatment of various diseases in the respiratory and urinary systems. They are used both independently and as part of a natural collection.

Indications for the use of pine buds for cough

Buds appear in early spring. This is the optimal time for harvesting them, since during this period the concentration of nutrients is maximum. They contain: vitamins B and C, essential oils, tannins, resins, alkaloids. The combination of components gives pine buds anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antimicrobial, choleretic and diuretic effects. They stimulate the production of secretions produced by the epithelium of the respiratory organs.

Dried embryonic pine shoots do not lose their beneficial qualities for a long time; they are most often used for the following ailments:

  • upper respiratory tract diseases;
  • inflammatory lung diseases;
  • acute and chronic tonsillitis;
  • angina;
  • various acute respiratory infections.

Despite the fact that pine buds are mainly used for coughs, they can also help in other areas. Decoctions and infusions are used for urolithiasis, bleeding gums, and dermatological lesions. To relieve stress and normalize sleep, the product is added to the bath. The active components of the kidneys help the body recover after a stroke and have a beneficial effect on the entire cardiovascular system.

Rules for procurement of raw materials

In order for the treatment of cough and other diseases with pine buds to bring the desired positive result, it is necessary not only to follow the recipe for preparing the product, but also to correctly collect and preserve the raw materials.

Harvesting shoots is advisable when they have not yet blossomed. This is approximately February or March. A more precise date can be given only by knowing the climatic conditions of the place where the tree grows.

Scots pine is widespread in Siberia and the Caucasus. It has never been rare, so there is no shortage of raw materials. It is very important to choose a location remote from highways and industrial enterprises. Otherwise, in the future you may not only experience no benefit, but also cause harm. The buds are cut with scissors or pruning shears along with branches at least 5-6 cm long.

The future cough medicine should be dried in natural conditions - in the veranda or attic. It is necessary to arrange the branches in no more than one layer and mix them periodically. Electric dryers, ovens, and stoves are not suitable for preparing pine buds for cough. Elevated temperatures entail evaporation of essential oils, which means the benefits are significantly reduced. Dried pine shoots can be stored for no more than 2 years in porcelain, glass containers or boxes.

Detailed recipe for a decoction of pine buds for cough

The most common remedy made from pine buds is a cough decoction. It is very simple to prepare; all you need is to have the dried product and clean water on hand. It is effective against various inflammatory processes in the lungs and bronchi. Natural medicine recipe:

  1. Pour 1 tablespoon of kidneys into a glass of clean water and close the container with a lid.
  2. Place in a water bath and boil for 30 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat and let steep for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Strain through cheesecloth and squeeze everything out thoroughly.
  5. Add 1 glass of clean water and stir.

Take a decoction of pine buds, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, immediately after meals. The taste and smell of the product are quite pleasant, so therapy usually does not cause any difficulties. Using the same scheme, it is permissible to use pine shoots for bronchial asthma. It is worth noting that the decoction is not able to cope with such serious diseases alone, but it will effectively complement the main treatment and enhance the effect of medications.

For an immediate therapeutic effect, a tincture of pine buds is provided. If you add vodka, honey, lemon to the main raw materials and leave for at least 2 weeks, you will get a powerful cure for colds, bronchitis or sore throat. To get rid of a wet cough, pine honey is prepared, and for acute respiratory viral infections, kidneys infused with milk are effective. For inhalation, 2 tablespoons of buds are poured into half a liter of water and brought to a boil.

Contraindications to the use of the product

Contrary to popular belief that pine shoots are absolutely harmless, medicinal products prepared on their basis have a number of contraindications:

  • chronic liver diseases, including hepatitis;
  • renal failure;
  • individual intolerance to escapes;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age under 7 years and over 65.

All products, except the tincture, do not cause side effects. The alcoholic medicine has some side effects only due to the vodka content. An overdose often causes nausea, vomiting, migraines and dizziness. Allergy sufferers should take special care. If a characteristic allergic reaction occurs, kidney treatment for cough and other pathologies should be stopped immediately.

Pine buds for coughs have proven themselves many years ago. It is difficult to find negative reviews about them, since an undesirable effect can only be achieved by ignoring the recommendations for use. The decoction thins sputum, suppresses inflammation, kills pathogenic microorganisms, and disinfects. Treatment is recommended to be carried out over a course of 1 to 4 weeks. In the case of using kidneys for prevention, the dosage can be halved.

Video: Pine buds for cough

Got a cold? Need a good recipe? Pine buds for cough are a wonderful remedy. They have unique medicinal properties, which is why they are used quite often.

Recipes for pine buds for cough. Big variety

So, more details. There are many recipes for pine buds for coughs. They are all completely simple. Bronchitis, for example, is treated with a decoction of kidneys in milk. Asthma and lung diseases - with the help of pine honey. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract - with the help of tincture.

In short, the healing and refreshing aroma of a pine forest can cure many different diseases. A unique natural doctor gives a person healing buds and resin, green medicinal cones and soft needles. The evergreen beauty pine is a real magician! Its buds, needles, cones, bark, pollen are endowed with magnificent healing powers. All this is thanks to the unique composition of acids, mineral salts, phytoncides, bitter and tannins, essential oils, and resins.

In folk and traditional medicine

Recipes for pine buds for coughs are very popular. And this is not surprising. Their chemical composition easily copes with debilitating colds, bronchitis, cough in children, sore throat, pneumonia, bronchiectasis and urolithiasis.

Today, traditional medicine has also adopted the experience of treating various diseases with pine buds from traditional medicine. Moreover, this remedy is a great success. Most often used in the treatment of cough in children, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and lingering colds.

Medicinal recipes with pine buds allow you to prepare not only wonderful disinfectants, anti-inflammatory, expectorants, but also diuretics and choleretic agents. And what, one wonders, is the secret? Why does the drug help with cough? The fact is that tinctures and decoctions of pine gifts have a stimulating effect on the secretory activity of the upper layer of the respiratory tract and are able to perfectly dilute sputum. That is why kidneys are one of the most effective means intended for the treatment of diseases of the bronchi and lungs.

Pine buds have been used since ancient times. They have a beneficial effect on the entire body not only in the form of decoctions and infusions, but also in the form of alcohol tinctures and syrups.

The medicinal properties and contraindications have been well studied, since the drug has been used in medicine for a very long time. This pharmacological raw material is incredibly valuable due to its high turpentine content and irritating effect. True, it can cause migraines, stomach upsets and allergic reactions. If you are prone to these symptoms, it is better to consult your doctor before using the product.

Main indication for use

When will you need a pine bud recipe? An ideal cough remedy! By the way, this plant is often included in a variety of teas and infusions. Tinctures, infusions and decoctions from young shoots perfectly stimulate bronchial secretion and the epithelium of the mucous membrane. Also, herbalists and healers often prescribe pine buds to normalize the cardiovascular system, to restore the body after a stroke, ARVI, influenza and other diseases.

We prepare raw materials

A very important point. Pine buds for coughs receive positive reviews in most cases. The main thing is to know for what diagnosis they are needed, when to collect them, and to whom they are contraindicated.

Scots pine is a common and familiar coniferous tree in the middle and northern zone, the Caucasus and Siberia. In a word, no problems arise with the search for raw materials, and cannot arise. You just need to choose an ecologically clean zone in a forest belt, remote from roads and cities.

The next question is: how and if it is advisable to start harvesting the shoots before they bloom. That is, in February or March. It depends on the area and climatic conditions. The buds are cut together with branches approximately five centimeters in length using pruners or scissors.

The raw materials are dried on verandas, warm and dry attics - in natural conditions. To do this, you need to spread the shoots out in a thin layer and stir them periodically. Kidneys should not be dried in stoves, ovens or electric dryers. Otherwise, the essential pine oil will evaporate from them too quickly.

Pine shoots are stored in tightly closed glass and porcelain containers or boxes. However, they should be stored for no more than two years at low humidity and cool temperature.

In milk

Let's look at some cooking options. Got a cold? Need a strong remedy? Of course, you will need pine buds for cough. The recipe with milk is also useful in the treatment of bronchitis. So, let's get ready. A tablespoon of kidneys is poured into one glass of hot milk. Leave for about twenty minutes. Take two tablespoons three to four times a day half an hour before meals.

Pine honey

How can children be treated? How to prepare pine buds for their cough? A recipe for children who regularly suffer from coughs, colds, bronchitis and asthma - honey! Of course, from pine. Freshly harvested buds are poured with water at room temperature, infused for about six hours, and boiled for half an hour over low heat. The water is drained, the kidneys are wrung out, filtered through a couple of layers of nylon or gauze. Hot water is added to them to the original volume, sugar is added. All this boils for about ten minutes. Honey is removed from the heat and poured into jars. Per kilogram of kidneys there is a liter of water and about two kilograms of sugar. To prevent the pine honey from becoming sugary before the end of cooking, ten minutes before turning off the heat, add a quarter teaspoon of citric acid to the mixture. Honey is stored in the refrigerator.


The following recipe is used to treat the lungs and bronchi of adults and children. How to brew pine buds for cough? Pour a tablespoon of sprouts into a glass of water. Cover with a lid. Boil in a water bath for about half an hour, remove and leave for ten minutes. After this, strain through a couple of layers of gauze or nylon. Squeeze out what's left. Add two hundred milliliters of boiled water. Take a tablespoon three times a day after meals.


What is this type of preparation of pine buds for cough? The vodka recipe is intended, naturally, for adults suffering from sore throat, bronchitis, colds, and upper respiratory tract diseases. The effect is almost instant. To prepare you will need: lemon, a glass of honey, a bottle of vodka, 150 grams of pine buds.

The kidneys are divided into two parts. The first one is filled with vodka and placed in a dark place for two weeks. The second - a glass of boiled water, lemon juice and a glass of honey. The mixture is also infused for about two weeks. Next, both components must be strained, mixed, closed as tightly as possible and placed in the refrigerator for a month to ripen. Use the product three to five times a day, one tablespoon at a time.

Treatment of asthma, respiratory catarrh, sore throat

Pine bud cough syrup is very easy to prepare. When treating bronchial asthma, you must use the following recipe. Take one tablespoon each of coltsfoot, plantain and pine bud leaves. Stir. Pour one glass of boiled water. Leave to infuse for two to three hours at room temperature. Place in a water bath and heat for about fifteen minutes. Remove and leave for another ten minutes. Drain. Take small sips several times a day.

In order to cure a sore throat and catarrh of the respiratory tract, it is necessary to prepare an infusion of pine buds. A tablespoon of kidneys is poured into a glass of boiling water, wrapped warmly, infused for about twenty minutes, and filtered. Gargle your throat several times a day at the rate of two teaspoons of infusion per glass of warm water.


However, you should always be extremely careful with self-medication. In what cases is it contraindicated to use pine buds? When breastfeeding, pregnancy, individual intolerance, under the age of seven years. It is undesirable to use the drug in old age. It is strictly forbidden to use pine buds for patients with hepatitis. Those suffering from kidney and liver diseases should consult a doctor before use. There are cases of allergic reactions. High concentrations of essential oil can cause headaches, nausea and even vomiting.


So, pine buds are an incredibly effective remedy for coughs. Recipes usually receive very good reviews. Indeed, in most cases the drug can be used independently. Many people add pine buds to their breast mixtures. In traditional medicine, kidneys are often prescribed for bronchopneumonia, pneumonia, tracheitis, and bronchitis. The drug is able to perfectly stimulate secretory activity, dilute sputum, and irritate the ciliated epithelium. In addition, the kidneys have an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory healing effect. They are also prescribed in complex therapy for the treatment of asthma and pulmonary tuberculosis.

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