Home Drinks and cocktails What happens if you eat a lot of cheese? The benefits and harms of cheese for the body. How to choose cheese

What happens if you eat a lot of cheese? The benefits and harms of cheese for the body. How to choose cheese

In order for the body to work smoothly, you need to eat right. The daily menu should include a wide range of products filled with the daily requirement of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. And of course, dairy products are necessary in the diet of a healthy person. One of the tasty and healthy representatives of this food category is cheese.

Today, more than seven hundred varieties of the delicacy are known, differing in flavor and production methodology. This product, however, is rich not only in beneficial properties, but also has restrictions on use.

Composition and calorie content of cheese

Cheese is made from cow, goat or sheep milk, using a variety of technologies. Today there is a wide range of this product from which you can choose a taste according to your preferences.

The beneficial properties of cheese are due to its composition, which includes valuable elements, minerals and nutrients:

  • vitamins A, group B, E, PP, C;
  • amino acids that are not synthesized by human internal organs and systems: lysine, methionine, tryptophan;
  • potassium and , phosphorus and , and .

Cheese is perfectly absorbed in the digestive system of even a child’s body. Hence, including such food in your weekly diet is highly recommended by nutrition experts.

The calorie content of a dairy delicacy varies quite significantly depending on the variety and percentage of fat content. Dietary types like Adyghe cheese they have 240 kilocalories in every 100 g .

Bold options (Gouda, Maasdam, Dutch, Russian) contain 350-360 kcal. You can eat no more than 50 grams of such nutritious products per day, and 70 grams of low-calorie varieties.

Options for eating cheese

Cheese satisfies well and relieves hunger for a long time. Lately, they have become popular on holiday tables. cheese plates, formed from different versions of the product and presented with berry jam or flowing transparent honey.

In addition, cheese is served with red or white wine drinks and added to salads.

Its taste goes harmoniously with fruits and vegetables. Popular design type - canapes from pieces of dairy product alternating with green grapes or pear slices.

Useful characteristics of cheese

For most people, cheese is considered a very healthy food. It has absorbed the advantages of milk, on the basis of which it is created:

  1. The product is a supplier of protein, fats, amino acids, mineral elements and vitamins. This product is a godsend for individuals who are lactose intolerant and might be deprived of the nutrients contained in milk.
  2. Cheese is especially valuable as a source of calcium, necessary for the strength of the bone skeleton. Durum varieties can prevent caries. Dairy products can compensate for mineral deficiency in smokers and older people.
  3. Vitamins from group B, which are part of the product, are responsible for the mechanism of hematopoiesis, increase efficiency, and activate oxygen metabolism in tissues.
  4. It has been established that cheese helps reduce stress, prevents visual impairment, and normalizes blood pressure. The product also improves the quality of sleep, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, skin, nail plates, and improves metabolism.
  5. Cheese is indicated for tuberculosis.
  6. It is highly recommended during pregnancy and lactation. It is undoubtedly useful for children.
  7. The milk product will compensate for the lack of nutrients in cases of low blood pressure and anemia.

Potential harm of cheese to the body

Despite its undeniable beneficial properties, cheese can also cause damage to the body:

  1. Some varieties, for example, contain bacteria that cause listeriosis. This is dangerous for pregnant women, as it threatens fetal pathologies.
  2. The amino acid tryptophan, which is part of cheese, in excess amounts causes headaches, disturbances in night rest and nightmares.
  3. Eating too much cheese can cause you to gain extra pounds.
  4. Hard fatty varieties, spicy and too salty varieties are prohibited for children under 2 years of age.
  5. These same types of product are not recommended for those who have pathologies in the digestive system, as well as a tendency to hypertension.
  6. Some doctors claim that consuming more cheese than normal can cause the formation of kidney stones.
  7. Pathologies can be caused by this dairy product if its storage is not organized correctly and production methods are not followed.

The benefits and harms of certain types of cheese

Adyghe cheese

The popular Adyghe species can often be found on the table today. Its components are absolutely natural, the degree of salinity is quite low, and the number of calories puts the variety among dietary products. A slice of cheese for breakfast gives you a powerful boost of energy and helps you avoid gaining excess fat.

The Adyghe version has a lot of B vitamins and calcium, therefore, this variety will help in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, disruptions in the functionality of the nervous system and even cancer. This cheese improves mood, relieves despondency and insomnia.

It is well absorbed, therefore it is recommended for children and the elderly, nursing and pregnant ladies, athletes and patients during the recovery period. This variety is suitable for food with low acidity of the gastrointestinal tract, bone dystrophy, and anemia.

Harm Only those who cannot tolerate milk protein or eat the product in excess can benefit from eating Adyghe cheese. It is important to remember that this variety has a short shelf life, ignoring which can lead to serious poisoning.

Blue cheese

In terms of protein content, this variety is ahead of eggs and fish. The amino acids it contains help strengthen muscles, and calcium has a beneficial effect on bone structure.

Thanks to its savory component, blue cheese is well digestible and neutralizes the destructive effects of solar ultraviolet radiation.

However, no matter how beneficial noble mold is, the digestive system may not be able to overcome the bacterial flora. In addition, mold has a similar effect to antibacterial drugs, and therefore has a detrimental effect on the intestinal microflora.

Due to these risks, blue cheese should be avoided while expecting a baby.

The benefits of cheese for women

Cheese varieties with a fat content of less than 17% are considered dietary. They are allowed during weight loss courses. There is even a 10-day cheese diet, according to which you can lose about 10 kg in 10 days. The weight loss plan involves eating grated hard cheese in combination with milk, vegetables, herbs, legumes and meat dishes.

In addition, the beneficial characteristics of the dairy product have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails, and improve vision.

The benefits of cheese for men

The benefits of cheese for the stronger sex lie primarily in the content it contains. protein, which is the optimal “building material” for muscles. This is relevant for athletes and bodybuilding fans.

However, according to research by a Boston scientist, the female hormone estrogen contained in dairy products has a detrimental effect on male fertility, increasing the likelihood of infertility. This does not mean that cheese is contraindicated for gentlemen, it just needs to be eaten in moderation.

"Pros" and "cons" of cheese go hand in hand. However, the benefits of using the product are much greater than the potential harm. Moderate consumption of various types of such foods helps improve health and prevent the development of many pathologies.

If you regularly consume cheese, you should prefer varieties with low fat content, rich in calcium and vitamins. It is necessary to avoid low quality foods filled with sodium and all sorts of additives.

You can prepare this dairy product yourself, which will take a little time, but the benefits of the product will be absolutely guaranteed.

You can either love cheese or hate it. However, the product doesn’t have many “haters”; if you don’t appreciate it, it means you simply haven’t found “your” type of cheese. There are more than 500 species in the world, and as many as 2,000 varieties of this product. Almost every country and civilization has given us its own type of cheese. Greeks - soft feta, French - mature spicy cheeses, Russians - homemade cheese, Bulgarians - feta cheese. It won’t take long to “drown” in such a sea, but it’s definitely worth understanding the properties of cheese, if only because this product can be both very useful, almost healing, and quite harmful, and in some cases, almost toxic.

Useful properties of cheese

First of all, any cheese “inherits” the beneficial properties of the milk from which it is made. A complete amino acid composition, a wealth of “soothing” tryptophan, and a certain amount of milk fat - that’s all about cheese. By the way, you shouldn’t be afraid of cheese fats in moderation. Recent studies in the field of nutrition have proven that 20-30 g of cheese per day is an acceptable norm even for the most strict diet, because milk fat in small quantities can reduce appetite.

Cheese is rich in minerals - calcium, zinc and phosphorus. This combination allows this product to be considered indispensable in the diet of people who, for some reason, cannot tolerate whole milk, seafood, and fish. That is why cheeses are recommended for vegetarians who consume dairy products. In combination with green vegetables, a serving of cheese provides the effect of saturation with these minerals.

Some types of cheese are rich in vitamin A, while others are enriched with B vitamins, goat cheeses are especially famous for this. This is what allows most sources to believe that cheese is good for the skin, helps improve vision, and strengthen hair follicles.

The big advantage of cheeses is that many of them do not contain lactose, and therefore can be used in the diets of children and adults with allergies to this milk protein.

Few people know, but cheese is used not only for its intended purpose, but also as a component for numerous homemade beauty recipes. So, there is a nourishing mask - grate 200 g of fatty cheese, mix with 2-3 yolks, apply for 20 minutes to the skin of the face and neck, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Usually, in connection with the harm, they remember the high calorie content of cheese, and, as a result, the risk of gaining extra pounds if you indulge in it too much. This is true only for high-calorie cheeses such as Brie, fatty Camembert, and even the familiar “Rossiysky” and “Poshekhonsky”. If you are trying to lose weight, eat low-fat cheeses, ricotta and light versions of hard cheeses, trying to stay within the norm of 70-100 g per day for cheese, whose calorie content is closer to 100-200 kcal, and 30-50 g for higher-calorie products .

Very often, mature cheeses cause stomach upset because they contain types of bacteria that are not typical for our traditional diet. Some “cheese” bacteria can cause listeriosis, a rather dangerous disease. Therefore, exotic cheeses and blue cheeses are a product that should be avoided by people with sensitive stomachs, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. Ripe and spicy cheeses can also aggravate acne, so if you have skin diseases, you should avoid eating them. Sharp and spicy cheeses are also not recommended for stomach diseases, gastritis, colitis, and peptic ulcers of various natures.

The connection between the high milk fat content in some cheeses and increased “bad” cholesterol in the blood is also quite direct. Remember that even if you are not trying to lose weight and are not counting calories, eating 200 grams of fatty cheese a day is not a good idea, if only because it can cause an increase in cholesterol. Fatty cheeses are not recommended for people with liver diseases. And some scientists believe that an “overdose” of the amino acid tryptophan leads to sleep disturbances. Therefore, consume cheese in moderation and sleep well.

Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

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Cheese, everyone’s favorite product, is sometimes undeservedly pushed into the far corner of the refrigerator as extremely fatty and harmful to the figure... Did you know that cheese is the leader in calcium content! So, 100 grams of hard cheese contains 1300 mg of calcium, which is 130% of the daily requirement. And unlike milk, this product is 90% digestible! But cheese contains 50% fat, you say... So let's figure out what cheese is?

Cheese is made from milk, special lactic bacteria (ferment) and rennet. Butter is also added to some cheeses. It turns out that cheese is a protein product with a decent fat content. And processed cheeses are very fatty, but more on them later.

Cheese is a fatty product... or is it not?

As a rule, there are cheeses with 60, 50, 45 and 25% fat content. Most often we see two numbers on store shelves: 60% and 50%. And it seems to us that these are just crazy numbers, because you don’t want to eat extra fat! And for those who are on a diet, such fats seem sky-high. However, do not rush to conclusions. Manufacturers indicate the percentage of fat in dry matter, and in the finished product this fat content is reduced to 20-30%. And if you try and find cheese in which the percentage of fat in dry matter is 25%, then this is an extremely dietary product. But there are pitfalls here too!

Do full-fat dairy products contain more calcium, or do they not?

If you are told that full-fat dairy products are healthier because they contain more calcium, this is not entirely true. Calcium and fat are not interrelated; it even happens the other way around; manufacturers reduce the fat content of dairy products, but artificially enrich them with calcium. But don't fall for this trick!

The thing is that calcium is absorbed together with vitamin D. And this same vitamin D is absorbed with fats. Therefore, cheese (a product containing fat) brings so much calcium to our body, and at the same time vitamins A, E, D, B1, B12, essential amino acids and minerals!

Cheese consumption rate

Still, you shouldn’t overuse cheese, just like any other food. 30-50 grams of cheese per day is more than enough. And it’s better if you eat it separately from bread, and not as you are used to: in combination with sausage and a thick piece of loaf.

So what is the harm of your favorite cheese?

Everything is banal: there is a lot of salt in cheese. Yes, cheese is an extremely salty product. It is salt that spoils it, but, unfortunately, this product cannot be prepared without salt. The only thing you can do is soak the cheese before eating. It is enough to keep it in fresh milk or water for an hour so that some of the salt comes out. This also applies to other pickled cheeses.

Types of cheeses

Cheeses are divided into the following types (fat, protein and kcal are indicated per 100g):

Hard cheeses: Parmesan and its types, Swiss, cheddar, Maasdam, Emmental, Gruyere, etc. (fat - 28-35 g; proteins - 23-33; kcal: 340-420)

Semi-hard cheeses : Russian, Lithuanian, creamy, Dutch, gouda, etc. (fat - 22-30 g; proteins -22-28; kcal - 330-350)

Brine cheeses : suluguni, feta cheese, feta, Adyghe, mozzarella, etc. (fat -18-25; proteins - 17-25; kcal: 215-300)

Soft cheeses: all blue cheeses: Camembert, Brie, Gorgonzola, Roquefort, etc. (fat – 30; proteins – 20; kcal – 350-400)

Processed cheeses : processed cheeses are made from milk, butter, cottage cheese and any other ingredients. As a rule, these are quite high-calorie cheeses. Their main danger is that in addition to proteins and fat, they often also contain carbohydrates (sweet cheeses, or with various additives). That is why processed cheeses are not recommended for people who are overweight. Processed cheese is bad for your figure.

Published/updated: 2013-10-12 09:13:40. Views: 20038 |
How much cheese can you eat in a week? On store shelves you will find dozens of types and types of cheeses. They vary in color, type of manufacture or milk from which they were made. Usually, when choosing them, we are guided by taste or simply by habits acquired in the family. Buyers rarely pay attention to the nutritional content and their impact on our health.

Who can eat cheese in usual amounts?

A healthy person who does not suffer from hypercholesterolemia, arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis, or certain diseases of the digestive system, has no obstacles to consuming cheese from time to time in moderation. People on a diet can also eat cheese, but in small quantities, only as an additive to improve the taste of food, and not as one of the main ingredients. As a general rule, cheese is safe to eat 2-3 times a week in small portions, in addition to sandwiches, casseroles and pasta.
Why so rare? Most of us eat several pieces of cheese almost every day. After all, cheese is a dairy product. Unfortunately, cheese has not only advantages, but also disadvantages.

Why it's not advisable to eat a lot of cheese

The main advantage of this product is its high calcium content. One hundred grams of cheese (except cottage cheese) contains 400-800 mg. True, the calcium found in cheese is absorbed worse than that found in milk or yogurt. Cheese also provides our body with vitamins necessary for vision correction, and also contains vitamin B12, which is often deficient, especially in people who rarely eat meat. Also important, of course, is the taste, aroma and texture of the cheese.

Despite the obvious benefits of cheese, not only taste, but also nutrition, do not overdo it. People on a weight loss diet should be especially careful. One hundred grams of cheese, depending on the type, is from 215 to 380 kcal. Another disadvantage is the high cholesterol content - around 70 - 90 mg per 100 g, the recommended daily dose is less than 300 mg, and for those at risk or already suffering from atherosclerosis and hypercholesterolemia - less than 200 mg. But cholesterol also appears in many other foods that we eat every day - milk, cream, meat, butter, etc.

Excessive consumption of cheese can also have a negative impact on the health of our heart and blood vessels. This is due to the high fat content (60-80 percent), most of which is saturated fatty acids, which are a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Cheese consumption should also be limited due to its salt content. 100 g contains 850 - 1100 mg of this element. Meanwhile, it is better not to exceed the dose - 2000 - 3000 mg per day (and this is together with all foods and additional salt that we add to food). This is especially important and even necessary for people suffering from hypertension.

Types of cheeses and their benefits and harms

If you love cheese and cannot resist it, but at the same time want to maintain your health, you can find out the characteristics of the types and varieties and choose the ones that are most suitable for you.

This type of cheese has relatively few calories compared to yellow cheese, but has a low calcium content - less than 100 mg per 100 g of product. Contains less sodium, cholesterol and fat, making it a better choice for those who need to avoid these ingredients. However, if you are already choosing cottage cheese, it is better to buy low-fat cottage cheese, which contains much less fat and cholesterol, but almost as much protein and calcium. It is perfectly digestible and is recommended as part of the children's diet.

Smoked cheeses resemble typical yellow cheeses in their composition, but have a special composition of flavors. They are smoked in the traditional way - in the smoke of a smokehouse, or seasoned with a special preparation that gives the smell and taste of smoked meat. The natural method must be limited because the accumulation of smoke components in the intestines has a toxic effect on cells.

Unfortunately, processed cheese is most often a product that only contains cheese. It is highly processed and high in sodium, cholesterol and fat. In addition, it is a high-calorie product, and various additives are often added to its composition, which are not necessarily desirable for a healthy diet.

Probably the most popular in our country. Comes in a large number of species, contains a lot of calcium, but also sodium, cholesterol and fat. It can be used occasionally to enhance the flavor of casseroles, pasta, salads and sandwiches. It is better to use grated cheese, then it seems that there is more of it.

Blue cheese (blue cheese)
In this case, the aroma and flavor composition is created by mold growth. Unfortunately, these cheeses contain high levels of sodium and cholesterol and are therefore not suitable for people with hypertension or hypercholesterolemia. Besides. It does not poison well, so it should be avoided by people who have problems with the digestive tract or suffer from gastrointestinal diseases. Due to the frequent possibility of microbial contamination, blue cheese should be avoided by people with weakened immune systems, children and especially pregnant women, because listeriosis is dangerous for the fetus. It is better to eat such cheese only in rare cases.

It is a white, salty cheese typical of Mediterranean countries, especially Greece. Traditionally made from sheep's milk, sometimes with the addition of goat's milk. In our country, it is most often made from cow's milk. This cheese has the highest sodium content and should be avoided by people with hypertension. It also has less calcium than yellow cheese. Fat content typically ranges from 8 to 18 percent. Low-fat types can be consumed from time to time in salads and other vegetable dishes with which it goes best.

Mozzarella comes from the Apennine Peninsula. Traditionally it is made mainly from buffalo milk, but in our case it is made from cow’s milk. This is a relatively soft cheese and its nutritional values ​​are similar to Feta cheese, but it has about half as much sodium and, unfortunately, calcium. It doesn't contain as much fat as yellow cheese, so it's great for casseroles, pizza, and pasta.

Goat milk is considered to be easily digestible due to the fine structure of the fat. The most important difference, however, is the higher mineral content (calcium and potassium) of cow's milk. However, not everyone likes the sharp, characteristic taste and unique aroma. As for sheep's cheese, it has a slightly nutty aroma and distinct taste. Compared to cow's milk, they contain more minerals and protein, so goat and sheep milk cheeses have a higher biological value.

Sura Advice (reading with translation of meanings into Russian with subtitles).


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In fact, this effective cheese diet is a type of protein diet.

The dietary properties of cheese are determined by its composition. Cheese contains up to 27% protein, up to 50% fat (in dry matter), from 400 to 700 mg of mineral salts of calcium and phosphorus. This composition makes cheeses an important element in nutrition.

Cheese protein is a source of essential amino acids, including the most deficient ones, which are the main “building material” of the body. The most beneficial proteins for the body are those whose amino acid content is similar to that of human tissues and organs, and cheese protein generally meets these requirements. Moreover, it has the ability to enrich the amino acid composition of proteins in other foods. At the same time, cheese is among the top five food products in terms of protein content. And in the summer, when meat becomes a rather “heavy” product for the body, but protein reserves still need to be replenished, a cheese and vegetable diet would be an excellent solution.

8-00 - coffee without sugar (dry cream is possible);

10-00 - 1 boiled egg;

12-00 - 200 g of lean ham or meat;

14-00 - 100 g low-fat cheese;

16-00 - 250 g low-fat cottage cheese;

18-00 - a glass of low-fat kefir.

Choose low-fat dairy products. Cheese, for example, should be consumed with a fat content of no more than 10-12%.

Such a high-protein diet for 7-10 days will allow you to quickly lose excess weight, and, in addition, you will get used to eating food 5 times a day. And this is very important, it has been proven that when you eat often, but little by little, throughout the day, the body more successfully cleanses the blood of cholesterol and fat.

But, of course, a protein diet is not suitable for normalizing cholesterol levels and fat metabolism in general. Therefore, after completing the protein unloading, we recommend that you switch to a fractional diet, which will not only normalize cholesterol levels, but will also help you not gain back the kilograms you lost on the protein diet.
Your daily menu will look like this:

Breakfast: High-protein muffin, low-fat cream cheese, and a glass of orange juice.

Lunch: a piece of bread spread with peanut butter (a teaspoon) and one banana;

Lunch: chicken or fish (85 g), boiled broccoli, a small portion of spaghetti with tomato sauce, salad; or a bowl of soup, pita with cheese or turkey and lettuce, tomatoes and Brussels sprouts.

Afternoon snack: a few carrots and a dozen whole grain crackers with sauce.

Dinner: a glass of low-fat yogurt and fresh fruit (1-2 pcs.)

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