Home Bakery Meat diet for quick weight loss. Meat diet Meat diet for every day

Meat diet for quick weight loss. Meat diet Meat diet for every day

Hello friends. Glad to see you visiting again! Today we will talk about one very popular diet for weight loss. This article will be of interest primarily to girls, especially those who are involved in fitness. The Internet is now expanding every day with more and more new advice on how to lose weight and what diet to follow. In this article we will try to dispel the myth that it is impossible to combine meat with vegetables and lose excess weight. You will see that the meat and vegetables diet is truly effective for weight loss.

A diet based on protein foods and alternating different types of vegetables can suit everyone. The regime is especially recommended for use by people engaged in intense physical or intellectual work. The diet is very popular among mothers who dream of regaining the shape lost after the birth of a child. It will also help to restore strength after stress, illnesses, and strengthens bone and muscle tissue. Bodybuilders actively use it. Promotes the appearance of abs, gives a seductive shape to the buttocks and hips.

Many argue that if you follow the presented diet, you should not even approach flour products or confectionery. A meat and vegetable diet is also suitable for those with a sweet tooth. The diet course is designed for a fairly long period, so a complete refusal of foods containing carbohydrates can lead to undesirable consequences. You will block the body's access to the main source of energy, which is detrimental to the smooth functioning of organs. You can eat a small amount of oatmeal in the morning or drink coffee with a spoon of sugar. But then you will need to “work out” in the gym. Indulge in small treats that will help you develop willpower.

The essence of the diet and its benefits

By choosing the presented diet, you limit yourself to a few foods that contain few calories: lean meat, cooked in different ways, and vegetables. Vegetables can be consumed fresh or steamed or stewed. The use of low-fat dairy products is allowed. Compared to other diets, the meat-vegetable diet has many advantages:

  • Relatively minor dietary restrictions.
  • Balance.
  • Nutritional value.
  • The presence of proteins means supplying the body with the energy necessary for intense exercise and muscle toning.
  • Vegetables saturate the body with the required amino acids, vitamins, and fiber.
  • With this regime, you will not feel hungry and exhausted from physical activity.
  • The result becomes noticeable very soon.
  • Health safety is guaranteed, because you will receive all the substances necessary for the full functioning of all systems. You will never face the problem of dystrophy.


When starting any diet, you should carefully study the section on contraindications. After all, in the race for a gorgeous body, you can lose your health if you don’t follow the recommendations. A meat and vegetable diet is contraindicated for the following ailments:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Of cardio-vascular system.
  • During pregnancy.
  • For oncological diseases.
  • In case of problems with the kidneys and liver.

What foods should be excluded from the diet?

Despite the name of the diet, foods high in starch, fat, and sugar should disappear from your menu.

Well, it’s clear that baked goods and sweets in any form should not be frequent guests in your kitchen. But don’t get upset and give up this regimen because you can’t enjoy your favorite treats. After completing the course and achieving the desired result, previously prohibited foods will again be able to enter your life, which is facilitated by the greater effectiveness of meat and vegetable nutrition.

What products will become your favorites from now on?

  1. Remember! You are trying for yourself, so you should not avoid restrictions or make concessions to yourself. You won't fool anyone but yourself. You must be focused on high results, so pull yourself together and don’t stray from your chosen path.
  2. It is recommended to eat several times a day, but in small portions. This will speed up and the food will be better absorbed.
  3. Choose your meat carefully. Pay special attention to poultry, veal, and rabbits.
  4. Reduce the amount of fatty foods; fats should be consumed in the smallest quantities.

Diet options

Now let’s look at various nutrition plans that have proven to be quite effective and not very difficult to follow:

1) Chicken diet for seven days. You will need 800 grams of chicken fillet. Boil the meat in unsalted water, add onions and herbs for taste. Divide the prepared mixture into 5 parts and consume throughout the day. Try to drink plenty of fluids.

2) Chicken and vegetables. This is a balanced diet, since the body is saturated with protein and vital vitamins and microelements. Its duration is 9 days. During this time, you are allowed to eat boiled chicken and vegetables. It is better to steam vegetables, so they will bring maximum benefits.

3) Three-week diet. Eat 200 grams of boiled chicken breast every day. Fresh or stewed vegetables (in quantities not exceeding 400 grams) go well with meat. You can eat no more than three pieces of unsweetened fruit per day. Alcoholic drinks are prohibited.

4) Five-day regime. First day: you need to start with vegetables, preferably boiled ones. You can eat a few pieces of rye bread. Drinking tomato juice at the beginning is useful. Its quantity can reach 2 liters.

Second and third days: You can have tea and toast for breakfast. It is better to have lunch with low-fat chicken broth, boiled chicken or beef. Stewed cabbage is suitable as a side dish. For an afternoon snack, refresh yourself with tea, but not with sugar, but with a spoonful of honey. This will give you strength and satisfy your desire for sweets. For dinner, cook a couple of hard-boiled eggs or lean meat. You can eat a little (no more than 200 grams) low-fat cottage cheese.

Fourth and fifth days: Have breakfast with cottage cheese and fruit. At the same time, do not forget which ones contain a lot of sugar, avoid them. Your lunch at this stage will be vegetable soup; you can eat a slice of bread and one piece of fruit. You can eat it as an afternoon snack too. It is advisable to have dinner with salad and cottage cheese (no more than 150 g).

With this option you can lose about 4 kilograms.

5) 4 kilograms in 4 days. In the morning, drink some low-fat kefir. After some time, you can satisfy your hunger with another glass of kefir and cottage cheese (no more than 100 g). Lunch is allowed with vegetable soup and a low-calorie salad. Dinner should consist of lean meat (preferably boiled). For garnish - fresh vegetables. It is useful to brew tea from rose hips. It can provide you with the vitamin C necessary for recovery after exercise.

6) Weight loss of 2-3 kilograms. The course lasts 3-4 days. In this version, his fans are attracted by the fact that they are allowed to create their own diet for every day. The main thing is to include the following food products:

  • Boiled meat or fish in the amount of 100 g per day.
  • 1 hard-boiled egg daily.
  • 100 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Boiled ham (no more than 50 g).
  • Fresh or steamed vegetables.

Yes, and do not forget that any diet is not everything. Everyone knows that it is recommended to combine proper nutrition with a set of exercises, which will increase the effectiveness of the regimen. So fitness has not been canceled, dear ladies.

The first indicators of the effect of the diet will be loss of water and, as a result, loss of excess weight. But then there will be a period of “stopping” - the kilograms will stop falling off. The main thing is not to give up. At this time, the formation of the muscular skeleton simply occurs. Don't stop, keep training, the results will soon show themselves. The most important thing is that this diet will not lead to anorexia. The body will become fit and slimmer.

This concludes this note and I hope it was useful to you. If anyone has tried this diet on meat and vegetables, it will be interesting to know about it in the comments. Don't be shy and share your experience. See you again, friends!

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Text: Olga Kim

The meat diet should not be confused with the well-known Kremlin diet, although it is worth recognizing that the principle of nutrition and the list of permitted foods in these two diets are approximately similar. But there are also differences, the main one of which is that the Kremlin diet is more of a nutritional system, and the meat diet is designed for a shorter period and faster weight loss.

Meat diet: features, pros and cons

Everyone knows that dietary meat is the main source of animal protein necessary for the normal functioning of our body. Meanwhile, in order to assimilate this protein, the body often spends more calories than the meat actually contains. This is precisely what the meat diet is built on in the first place - by increasing the protein consumed and slightly reducing carbohydrates in the diet, the body begins to actively consume subcutaneous fats (from which it takes energy for the breakdown and absorption of protein).

Unlike most other protein diets, the meat diet still allows certain types of carbohydrates - to be precise - it allows "complex carbohydrates" (vegetables, some berries and fruits, cereals and durum wheat pasta). Meanwhile, all types of fast carbohydrates are categorically excluded - sweets, fast food, soda, flour products, white bread and other products are prohibited). Also excluded from the diet are foods high in starch, such as potatoes and rice.

It is best to prepare dishes for a meat diet by steaming them. You can also boil, bake in the oven, or grill. You can use spices and herbs, but you cannot use salt. Only lemon juice and olive oil are allowed as a dressing (no more than 1 teaspoon per meal).

Since the meat diet is a strict protein diet, it is not advisable to adhere to it for more than 10 days. When leaving the diet, it is necessary to gradually increase the daily “dose” of carbohydrates, but still at the expense of foods containing so-called healthy “slow carbohydrates” - that is, instead of chocolate and French rolls, you should eat porridge, legumes, vegetable dishes, and fruits.

Meat diet: approximate diet

Despite the variety of menus for a meat diet, this diet is quite strict. First of all, the meat must be lean, without fat, and it is best consumed boiled.

The basic principles of a meat diet are:

  • It is recommended to eat 4-5 times a day, and the portions should be the same;

  • You can only drink water, coffee and tea without sugar, and you can drink it only 30 minutes after finishing the meal;

  • Eating is prohibited 3-4 hours before bedtime;

  • You should consume no more than 450g of meat per day.

An example of a daily diet for a meat diet:

  • breakfast: a piece of boiled veal or chicken, 2 boiled eggs and coffee or tea without sugar;

  • second breakfast: vegetable juice or boiled chicken breast;

  • lunch: vegetable salad with lemon juice and olive oil, a piece of boiled veal or chicken;

  • afternoon snack: boiled or fried in olive oil cold cuts with herbs;

  • dinner: vegetable salad plus a piece of boiled fish, seasoned with lemon juice.

In 10 days of a meat diet you can lose up to 5-7 kg of excess weight. In addition, nutritionists often advise spending a fasting day on meat once a month - that is, for one day you eat exclusively boiled lean meat (turkey, rabbit or beef) without salt. In just one such fasting day you can get rid of 2 kg - although, alas, not fat, but water and so-called “food waste” (toxins, decay products, excess water, etc.).

Why do people hate losing weight? Because you have to give up your favorite products, with which you can “seize” any problem. However, there are workarounds that allow you to lose weight without such total sacrifices. For example, a meat diet is nutritious and satisfying.

Operating principle

It seems strange to some that a diet that involves eating enough fatty, high-calorie and nutritious foods can ultimately lead to weight loss. In fact, everything is explained as simply as possible. Any meat takes a very long time to digest: only one stomach has to “work” with it for about 4 hours. This kills two birds with one stone: a lot of energy is spent and prolonged saturation is felt.

Accordingly, no matter how long and severe the hunger strike, it is quite possible to hold out between main meals and not break into a snack. So this is a great chance to get rid of belly fat at home.

There are many options for this diet. Some allow you to eat any meat, others only allow you to eat dietary meat. For all these diet plans, there are quite long lists of prohibited foods. So don’t delude yourself that everything will be too easy.

To use a meat diet for weight loss, carefully study all the nuances. Get a medical examination. Print out lists of prohibited and permitted foods, and menus for every day. This will help you stay on track.

  • recommended methods of cooking meat: stewing, boiling, steaming, baking, grilling - frying is prohibited;
  • drink a lot of water (up to 2 liters per day);
  • do not wash down the meat with liquids - consume them only after half an hour;
  • daily norm of meat products - 500 g;
  • they must be divided equally into 5 meals (100 g each);
  • exclude from the diet: sweet fruits, potatoes, corn, alcohol, baked goods, sweets, fast food;
  • play sports (use ready-made sets of exercises);
  • limit your salt intake;
  • cook meat with fat-burning seasonings: turmeric, pepper;
  • do not go on a diet for more than 10 days.

Don’t expect miracles: a diet on meat products allows you to lose weight only in combination with other measures: healthy eating, physical activity, daily routine, etc. Therefore, try to put all this into practice.

About the harm

Recently, evidence has been increasingly published that meat is harmful to the human body. When digested in the stomach, it releases decay products that have poisonous properties.

Meat products are heavy food, and therefore they can disrupt the functioning of some internal organs. Especially if they are already functioning incorrectly. Therefore, nutritionists name a number of contraindications for such weight loss:

  • oncology;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • liver or kidney problems;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • young and old age;
  • any chronic diseases.

Having health problems, think about whether you can even lose weight with such data. If there is no categorical prohibition, it is worth finding out how eating large amounts of meat for a long time will affect your body.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Strengthening muscles;
  • nutritious food;
  • lack of hunger;
  • varied diet.


With prolonged consumption of large amounts of meat, intestinal dysbiosis may begin or kidney function may be impaired. Both complications can be avoided in two ways. Firstly, do not delay the diet: the maximum period is 10 days. Secondly, eat meat with vegetables: plant fiber facilitates the digestion of this heavy food and prevents the processes of rotting and fermentation.

You will also have to be extremely careful with physical activity. A minimum of carbohydrates can lead to a decrease not only in weight, but also in performance. Excessive exercise will quickly put you out of action.

Well, the downside of any low-carb diet is the lack of serotonin. Without the hormone of joy, even your favorite sausages will not lift your mood.


Decide which diet option is best for you.

Depending on the meat:

  • chicken: you can lose weight with boiled chicken breast without fat and skin or with broth;
  • beef;
  • You can only eat lean meats: chicken, turkey, beef and veal; fatty foods are not allowed: goose, duck, lamb;
  • All varieties are allowed (fat and lean), but meat by-products are not allowed;
  • You can eat all kinds of meat: any variety, offal, and even sausage and ham.

Depending on the timing:

  • For 3 days

Eat 500 grams of meat per day in small portions, supplementing them with a small amount of stewed or boiled vegetables.

  • For 5 days

In addition to meat and vegetables, there are boiled eggs, fermented milk products and 1 unsweetened fruit per day.

  • For 7 days

You can make up for the lack of carbohydrates with boiled brown rice or buckwheat a couple of times a week.

  • For 10 days

Eat fish, more fruits (up to 2 per day), carbohydrates in the form of cereals are required in minimal quantities at least every other day, a little.

Depending on other products:

  • Vegetable and meat

Does not allow dysbiosis, because it slows down the processes of putrefaction in the stomach. Any fresh, boiled or stewed vegetables are allowed, except potatoes and corn.

  • Dairy and meat

A protein diet that allows you to diversify your diet with kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, hard cheese, unsweetened yogurt with minimal fat content is an ideal option for men and anyone who likes to play sports.

  • Rice and meat

For each 100-gram serving of meat, add 50 grams of pre-steamed brown rice, which allows you to make up for the lack of carbohydrates - on such a diet you will not feel tired, but stomach upsets will make themselves felt if you do not include vegetables in your diet.

  • Meat diet

Allows you to eat nourishing, but low-calorie foods (including meat), which do not allow you to deplete your body physically and mentally.

Any of these options will prevent you from starving, but will also help you fight extra pounds.

Sample menu

The longest meat diet is 10 days. Already at the initial stage it will be difficult, because you will have to look for food options in order to at least somehow diversify your diet. An indicative menu for each day will greatly facilitate this task. It is not classified as strict, since for such a duration it is fraught with serious health consequences.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!

28 Mar 2017


The popular meat diet is based on the consumption of meat and other protein products; reviews on the Internet say that with the help of proteins you can easily lose weight in a short period of time. The advantage of such a diet over other systems is that you do not need to starve, and the number of meals per day is set individually for each person losing weight.

What is a meat diet

It is a diet using meat, a special nutrition system that helps reduce weight. It is based on avoiding foods containing carbohydrates and fats. Instead, it is recommended to eat foods rich in protein and fiber. The diet is popular not only among women, but also among men. Among the benefits, those losing weight name:

  1. No restrictions, satisfying the body's need to eat well throughout the day.
  2. The first result is visible already on the 3rd day.
  3. Cheerfulness and a surge of strength.

The diet also has disadvantages:

  1. Not suitable for everyone. In women over the age of 50 with a tendency to constipation, it provokes complications. Contraindications: people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and metabolic disorders.
  2. Cannot be used for more than 1 month. Without carbohydrates, the body begins to experience stress, which results in vitamin deficiency and headaches.

In addition to meat, a protein diet may include:

  • vegetables;
  • eggs;
  • mushrooms;
  • nuts;
  • fish and other seafood;
  • citrus fruit.

A separate group includes greens - parsley, spinach, cilantro, asparagus, mint. They are also rich in healthy vitamins and reduce appetite. While following this nutritional system, you should drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day to avoid problems with digesting food. Black coffee and tea should be replaced with lighter drinks that also give energy - hibiscus, juices, water, green tea.

Nutritionists who have developed a diet such as a protein diet for weight loss advise giving up some foods. These include:

  • cereals;
  • bread and buns;
  • potato;
  • milk;
  • fruits with high glucose content - apples, mangoes, bananas, grapes;
  • alcoholic drinks.

Fried and grilled meat is prohibited. This method reduces all efforts to a minimum, so it is better to steam, boil or bake food in foil. Then they will contain more useful substances. You will have to give up the salt and replace it with lemon juice. Food containing little salt helps remove excess fluid from the body.

Dukan meat diet

The basis of the Dukan meat diet is protein nutrition for weight loss. The developer, French doctor Pierre Dukan, claims that with proteins and protein products you can lose up to 10 kg per week. In order for this to happen, you do not need to reduce the calorie content and amount of food consumed, but replace it with healthy ones. Milk, fermented milk products and oat bran are also added to the traditional diet of meat. Weight loss is divided into stages - attack, alternation, consolidation and stabilization. On the last three, it is allowed to add other prohibited products in reasonable quantities.

Beef diet

When following a beef diet, you can eat only one type of meat, combining it with products from the list - vegetables, juices, citrus fruits. It is allowed to add low-fat kefir and cottage cheese. Beef or veal should not be with fat, because in this form the meat contains more cholesterol. The diet is designed for 12-14 days, during which time a person loses from 5 to 8 kg.

Meat and vegetable diet

This system refers to express diets. It is not necessary to follow it for several weeks; the optimal time to achieve results is 4-5 days. Vegetables can be used fresh, steamed or boiled. The main rules are to leave intervals between meals for at least 3 hours, avoid snacks, and drink only water and freshly squeezed juices. If you follow these conditions, a diet of vegetables and meat will help you lose 3-4 kg.

What kind of meat can you eat on a diet?

In order to achieve a quick effect, you need to take products with the right fat content. Knowing what meat you can eat on a diet, it’s easy to create a daily diet. Dietary varieties include:

  • beef;
  • chicken;
  • turkey;
  • rabbit meat;
  • veal.

Before cooking, the meat is removed from excess fat and films. When losing weight on proteins and meat products, you need to exclude fried chicken skin and offal from the menu. Lamb and pork are prohibited because these types of meat contain too much cholesterol. In addition, they contain fewer microelements and vitamins necessary for losing excess weight.

Meat diet menu

Weight loss occurs due to the fact that the body, without receiving carbohydrates, begins to use reserves in the form of fats and quickly burns them. There are rules that must be followed when creating a meat diet menu:

  1. Eat at least 500 g of protein every day.
  2. The minimum number of meals per day is 5 times.
  3. Do not fry the meat, but boil, stew or bake.
  4. Choose low-fat fish.
  5. Make servings no more than 200 g.
  6. Drink water 15 minutes before meals and 30 minutes after.
  7. Avoid salt or limit its consumption.

For 4 weeks

If you follow a protein diet for a month, a slight deviation from the strict system is allowed and dairy products are added. A meat diet for 4 weeks suggests that the menu is first drawn up for one week, and then it is repeated or another option is selected in compliance with nutritional rules. Approximate protein diet for a week:


  • first breakfast – green tea, cottage cheese casserole;
  • lunch – steamed beef with vegetable salad;
  • first breakfast – freshly squeezed grapefruit juice, oat bran;
  • second breakfast – a slice of cheese, 2 kiwis;
  • lunch – pollock baked in foil, Brussels sprouts puree;
  • afternoon snack - apple;
  • dinner – egg salad with bell pepper.

  • first breakfast – hibiscus tea, 100 grams of cottage cheese;
  • second breakfast – egg, salad with celery;
  • lunch – boiled chicken breast with cauliflower;
  • afternoon snack – spinach casserole with cheese, orange;
  • dinner – Greek salad, piece of chicken.
  • first breakfast – tomato juice, cottage cheese casserole;
  • second breakfast – 2 eggs, half an orange;
  • lunch – rabbit in yogurt filling with eggplant;
  • afternoon snack – a piece of cheese, grapefruit;
  • dinner – vegetables with cheese.
  • first breakfast – green tea, wheat bran;
  • second breakfast – 100 g of cottage cheese, half an orange;
  • lunch - turkey meat in a double boiler with stewed vegetables;
  • afternoon snack - a piece of cheese and the other half of an orange;
  • dinner – chicken breast salad with vegetables.
  • first breakfast - carrot juice, oat bran;
  • second breakfast – egg, half an orange;
  • lunch – steam beef, season Beijing watercress with lemon juice;
  • afternoon snack - a piece of cheese and the other half of an orange;
  • dinner – chicken breast salad with vegetables.


  • first breakfast – apple juice, cheese;
  • second breakfast – egg, half an orange;
  • lunch – veal stew with asparagus and cucumber salad;
  • afternoon snack – cottage cheese casserole, orange;
  • dinner – chicken breast salad with vegetables.

For 10 days

A meat diet for 10 days is considered the most optimal solution. During this period, the body has time to rebuild and adapt to the new nutrition system. To achieve good results, you don’t even have to do physical exercise. The stomach gets used to a small volume of portions and after switching to a regular diet, the effect persists for a long time.

For 7 days

When you urgently need to get your figure into the desired shape, a meat diet for 7 days helps a lot. You can use dishes prepared for a diet for a month. However, you will have to exclude cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, and olive oil. These products are high in calories. Instead, nutritionists recommend drinking more pure still water between meals.

For 5 days

A meat diet for 5 days is suitable for those people who cannot adhere to a certain diet for a long time and experience stress. A prerequisite for losing weight in such a short period of time is adding physical activity to the abdominal muscles. Women who are contraindicated for complex body-lifting exercises can replace them with breathing exercises.

When looking for a fast-acting diet for yourself, you should definitely take into account the proposed diet of foods. Many people who are losing weight tolerate the absence of meat products among the variety of vegetarian menus. However, meat lovers will not be able to live for 10 days without their favorite piece of protein. The 10-day meat diet has become very popular due to its ability to overcome the feeling of appetite.

The effectiveness of this method of losing weight is explained by the considerable energy consumption for protein digestion, due to the exclusion of carbohydrates from the menu. In other words, the body’s storehouses of fat deposits are spent on nutrition.

Benefits and contraindications

A meat diet for weight loss is followed for only 10 days, since an increase in the amount of protein substances often spoils health. The problem is that a meat diet contains nitrogenous inclusions, and an excess of them is undesirable for humans. Doctors advise eating 0.159 kg of meat several times a day.

As you know, living human cells are formed from protein, and without proteins, proper metabolism is impossible. Also, a meat diet for 10 days supplies the body with iron in the most easily digestible form and essential minerals with vitamins.

If you combine this meat diet with systematic exercise, you will be able to lose weight faster. With the help of a meat diet, the stomach receives small portions of food and reduces its volume. In the future, after the end of the meat period, there will be no desire to eat a lot.

Although there are contraindications to a meat diet:

  • the presence of serious diseases;
  • elderly age;
  • kidney disease;
  • undesirable consequences in the case of specific meat nutrition in the summer.

Adverse factors arising from the protein regime are associated with stomach and intestinal function and headaches with fatigue.

Meat diet menu

With a meat diet, the main sources of simple carbons are excluded. Naturally, the dishes offered on the menu will include various meat preparations. Sometimes it is additionally recommended to consume small portions of fish, chicken eggs and any seafood, and light vegetables.

Food should not be salty, but dried herbs are allowed to improve the taste.

Before starting a meal, it is better to drink 0.249 liters. water. Suitable liquids include homemade vegetable juices and freshly brewed herbal infusions. However, the norm of protein substances that make up the diet should not be more than 0.39 kg per day. In the evening after 8 o'clock it is forbidden to eat.

To get rid of 5000–7000 g for a long time, it is better to follow the meat diet menu for at least 10 days:

First day:

  • In the morning: cucumber salad; boiled pork – 0.12 kg.
  • Lunch: boiled creamy sausage – 0.059 kg; one egg.
  • Lunch: baked chicken breast – 0.12 kg.
  • Afternoon snack: hard cheese – 0.055 kg, low-fat yogurt – 0.075 l.
  • Dinner: fish – 0.12 kg.

Second day:

  • Breakfast: Lean veal – 0.12 kg.
  • Lunch meal: veal – 0.12 kg; one tomato.
  • Afternoon snack: Boiled creamy sausage – 0.059 kg.
  • Dinner: Baked white chicken meat – 0.21 kg.

The third day:

  • In the morning: chicken breast – 0.12 kg.
  • Lunch: boiled sausage – 0.059 kg; one egg.
  • Lunch: baked pork – 0.099 kg.
  • Afternoon snack: light salad – 0.049 kg.
  • Dinner: veal meat – 0.12 kg.


  • Breakfast: beef – 0.118 kg; light salad – 0.049 kg.
  • Second breakfast: creamy sausage – 0.059 kg; one tomato.
  • Lunch: beef – 0.118 kg.
  • Afternoon snack: cucumber salad – 0.059 kg, one egg.
  • Dinner: chicken – 0.118 kg.
  • In the morning: boiled pork - 0.118 kg.
  • Lunch: cucumber salad – 0.118 kg; one egg.
  • Lunch meal: baked raba - 0.059 kg.
  • Afternoon snack: vegetable salad – 0.059 kg.
  • Dinner: sausage – 0.059 kg.
  • Breakfast: boiled turkey – 0.059 kg.
  • Second breakfast: one egg.
  • Lunch: chicken breast - 0.118 kg; cucumber salad – 0.059 kg.
  • Afternoon snack: Green salad – 0.059 kg.
  • Dinner: Cream sausage – 0.118 kg.
  • Breakfast: fish – 0.118 kg.
  • Lunch: one egg.
  • Lunch meal: veal – 210 g.
  • Afternoon snack: one cucumber.
  • Dinner: chicken – 0.079 kg; vegetable salad – 0.059 kg.
  • In the morning: chicken – 0.118 kg.
  • Second breakfast: creamy sausage – 0.059 kg; one egg.
  • Lunch: chicken breast – 210 g;
  • Afternoon snack: fresh cucumber salad – 55 g.
  • Dinner: fish – 0.118 kg; one tomato.
  • Breakfast: beef – 0.118 kg; vegetable salad – 0.118 kg.
  • Lunch: creamy sausage – 0.059 kg.
  • Lunch: Pork – 0.191 kg.
  • Afternoon snack: cucumber and tomato salad – 0.055 kg.
  • Dinner: Fish – 0.118 kg; fresh salad – 0.059 kg.
  • In the morning: beef – 0.118 kg.
  • Second breakfast: lettuce leaves – 0.059 kg.
  • Lunch meal: chicken breast - 0.191 kg;
  • Afternoon snack: one tomato.
  • Dinner: cucumber and cabbage salad – 0.149 kg.

There is also a meat diet for 5 days, but it is practically no different from a ten-day diet.

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