Home Drinks and cocktails Almond macaron cake. Recipes with photos

Almond macaron cake. Recipes with photos

We all know that the French prefer croissants for breakfast. However, not many people are aware that representatives of this nation also have a favorite dessert - Macaroni cake. Despite the name, which in our understanding is associated more with spaghetti than with delicate sweetness, this culinary product is prepared from almond flour, whipped egg white and sugar. Today we invite you to take a closer look at this delicate dessert and learn how to make Macaroni cake.

Chocolate Macaroni: recipe

We bring to your attention an option for preparing a delicious dessert with a layer of bitter and Believe me, the Macaroni cake prepared in this way will not leave either your household or guests indifferent.


If you decide to treat yourself to a miracle dessert, then you need to make sure you have the following products in your kitchen. For the dough you need: almond powder, which is almonds ground in a coffee grinder and sifted - 110 g, powdered sugar - 225 g, cocoa powder - 25 g, egg white from four medium-sized chicken eggs, fine granulated sugar - 50 g. For ganache ( layers) you need: dark chocolate - 80 g, white chocolate - 100 g, cream 38% - 100 ml.

Cooking process

Heat the oven to 150 o C. Mix almond flour with powdered sugar and cocoa powder in a food processor for two minutes. Cover the baking tray with baking paper, pour the resulting dry mixture onto it, dry it in the oven for about five minutes, and then sift through a fine sieve.

Beat, adding sugar little by little, until shiny. Add the dry mixture of flour, cocoa and powdered sugar to the whites and carefully combine with smooth movements. You should have an egg mass with a viscous consistency. We put it in a round nozzle and place small, equal-sized mugs on a baking sheet previously covered with baking paper. Leave the baking sheet on the table for one hour. During this time, the dough should become crusty. If this is not done, then during the baking process cracks will form on the surface of the Macaroni.

We send our future dessert to the oven preheated to 150 o C for 12 minutes. After 6 minutes, you need to turn the baking sheet 180 degrees so that the dough bakes evenly. Remove the finished Macaroni halves. We prepare two types of layers: heat the cream with chocolate, and then grease the baked circles with it and combine. Delicious French Macaroni cakes with chocolate filling are ready! By the way, if you don’t want to bother with ganache, you can use, for example, Nutella for the filling.

How to make berry-chocolate Macaroni

With the photo we bring to your attention, cooking, of course, is not very easy and not at all fast, but the result will give you extremely positive emotions. A beautiful dessert will look great on the holiday table. In addition, if you pack the cakes in a beautiful box, they will become a great gift.

Required Ingredients

If you decide to treat yourself to the legendary French dessert, you will need to buy certain products. To prepare the dough we need: 110 g of almond powder, 225 g of powdered sugar, whites from four eggs, a pinch of salt, 50 g of fine granulated sugar and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. For filling No. 1: 300 g of any berries of your choice, 100 g of sugar, 10 g of starch, egg, juice from half a lemon and a leaf of gelatin. For filling No. 2: 100 g white chocolate and 100 ml heavy cream at 38%.

Let's move on to cooking

Mix almond flour with powdered sugar and sift through a very fine sieve. This mixture must be dry. If for any reason the mixture is not loose enough, then dry it in an oven preheated to 150 o C for five minutes. After this, thoroughly sift the flour and sugar again.

Beat the egg whites with salt and lemon juice until stiff, gradually adding sugar. Continue beating until the mixture becomes smooth and shiny. Then carefully stir in the almond-sugar mixture. If you want to make the cakes even more original, then at this stage you can add 10-12 g of natural food coloring.

We cover a baking sheet with baking paper and, using a culinary syringe or bag, squeeze out identical circles of small diameter. Don't forget to leave some free space between them so that they don't stick together during the baking process. We leave the future “Macaroni” to dry at room temperature for about an hour until a crust forms on them. To check readiness, touch the circle with your finger: if the dough does not stick, then you can proceed to baking. Preheat the oven to 150 o C and leave the dough for 10 minutes.

Let's move on to preparing the filling. First, let's deal with the berry layer. Using a blender, grind the prepared berries, transfer the resulting mass to a small saucepan, add starch, egg and lemon juice and cook for about five minutes until thickened, stirring constantly. Leave to cool.

To make white chocolate, heat the cream and dissolve the chocolate in it. Let cool.

Glue the cooled Macaroni halves together using a thick filling. It is advisable to then put them in the refrigerator for an hour. Delicious and tender “Macaroni” cake stuffed with berries and chocolate is ready! Bon appetit!

Of course, the options for preparing this dessert are by no means limited to the recipes listed. You can safely experiment with fillings and dyes.

"Macaroni" (cake): calorie content

If you are watching your figure, then, of course, you limit yourself to the consumption of baked goods and a variety of sweets. However, from time to time you can treat yourself to this delicious French dessert. After all, Macaroni cakes with fruit or nut filling contain no more than 75 calories. If the filling is chocolate or caramel, then no more than 80 calories. In addition, the main ingredient of the dough, almond flour, is more useful than its wheat counterpart.

Macaron is a delicate, small, round meringue cookie, usually no more than 3-5 centimeters in diameter. The bizet cookie recipe is based on white almond flour. There are a great variety of flavors and fillings for bizet macarons: creams, vanilla-based jams, chocolate, coffee, pistachios, raspberries, currants, coconut, mint, licorice root, cherry, lemon, etc. it all depends only on your preferences, and the masters of preparing such an exquisite dessert will try to please all your tastes. Although if you have time, you can easily prepare it yourself. Macaroni, because the recipe for this dessert is very simple and all the products are available on the market.

08/09/2014 at 16.38 hours

Macaron (macaroni, macaroni) is a delicate, small, round meringue cookie, usually no more than 3-5 centimeters in diameter. The bizet cookie recipe is based on white almond flour. There are a great variety of flavors and fillings for bizet macarons: creams, vanilla-based jams, chocolate, coffee, pistachios, raspberries, currants, coconut, mint, licorice root, cherry, lemon, etc. It can be fruit, nut or chocolate cream....

Historical remark.

Very controversial, but you can still take this version on faith since you understand there are many of them. Allegedly, macaroni cookies appeared in the Middle Ages somewhere in Italy, and subsequently, during the Renaissance, they were allegedly brought to France. And here there is disagreement whether it was brought by pirates who, as is understandable, were greedy not only for gold but also for spices and sweets, or as a maintenance or maintenance in monasteries, nuns began to prepare it and sell it to the local population. Although this version does not fit with the statement that this Macaroni dessert was very popular at the royal court, but it was also supposed to be available only to kings and queens. And this dessert was simply inaccessible to the common people. Which is actually more plausible. At the beginning of the 20th century, Pierre Defontaine, the grandson of the founder of the Ladure’e House, Louis Ernest Laduré, supposedly invented a method of gluing two bizets together using a filling. Currently, these cookies are popular and loved not only in France, but also in Canada, the USA, and Japan. Each country has its own vision of these sweets, which are distinguished by a variety of tastes.

Remark or digression.

There is a dessert culinary creation with the same sound - macaron. These desserts have a common origin and ancestor, but the recipe is different; the latter is made from coconut flakes; this is an American traditional delicacy.

Perhaps it is no longer so important where these wonderful cakes came from, because they can be prepared as a dessert yourself at home. At the same time, you will delight yourself, your friends and people close to you with an interesting recipe for Macaroni dessert.

We will describe in detail how to prepare Macaroni cake (recipe with photo).

The cooking process is simple. There are different cooking methods. We offer you one of them.

You will need the following ingredients for the recipe:

---60 g sugar,
--160 g crude protein,
--300 g of powdered sugar,
--190 g of almond powder, as well as food coloring and a variety of fillings.


So, let's begin! First of all, you need to mix the powdered sugar with almond sugar, then sift through a sieve. Add some of the protein and mix well. Next, take the remaining protein, add sugar and beat thoroughly. The result should be a not very thick, creamy foam. After this, add the prepared almond mass and beat everything together. To add color to the dessert, at this stage you need to add food coloring, or more natural dyes, such as cocoa, coffee...

Dessert macarons should be the same size. You can decide for yourself how to achieve this, using any method convenient for you. For example, you can draw circles of the same diameter on baking paper. We dose the protein-almond mixture from a pastry bag. The cake halves must be baked at 170 degrees for 10-12 minutes. Remember! Do not open the oven while the cakes are baking!!! Wait for the halves to cool. After this, we proceed to connect them, for this you will need the filling you have chosen in advance.

The filling can be anything. It all depends on your taste preferences. Try making the filling yourself.

For example, if you love coffee filling, it can be obtained by mixing 75 g of heavy cream with 1 tbsp of instant coffee, bring it all to a boil and add 15 g of liqueur and 200 g of marzipan. Beat everything thoroughly.

Try to do pistachio filling. To do this, take 30 g of pistachio paste, 80 ml of cream, bring to a boil and mix with 200 g of marzipan.

Lemon filling can be prepared from 150 g of sugar, 100 ml of lemon juice, 2 eggs and 0.5 tsp of starch. Bring everything to a boil, cool and add 200 g of butter.

The pasta recipe is simple, but preparing the delicacy requires skill. The first attempt may not be successful, often resulting in cakes that are flat, cracked, or too hard. There is no need to despair. Tender, crispy macarons deserve to be on your dessert menu. Try different versions of this delicacy and be sure to find your favorite flavor.

Macaroni is a true masterpiece of French confectionery art. Their history goes back several centuries. Once upon a time, cakes made from grated almonds were prepared in monasteries and served to the royal table. Today, macarons are sold in all French patisseries. Cakes are not cheap, because they are made from expensive natural ingredients, and the baking process is very labor-intensive.

Delicate cakes with a layer of soft cream or jam are prepared from grated almond kernels, egg whites, finely ground powdered sugar and various additives.

Properly baked pasta has a thin, crispy crust that melts in your mouth and contrasts pleasantly with the soft layer. The bright color of the cakes is also noteworthy: pink, brown, green, lilac, golden yellow.

There are dozens of types of pasta: pistachio, chocolate, raspberry, vanilla, blackcurrant, lemon. All of these options are quite possible to prepare at home.

The most common layer used for cakes is a version of thick French cream called ganache. Sometimes it is replaced with a thin layer of jam, then the cake acquires a slightly sour taste.

Double chocolate

Try making chocolate brownies with white chocolate ganache. Macaroni dessert has a delicate and balanced taste, moderate sweetness and high calorie content.

  • 110 g fine almond flour;
  • 225 g powdered sugar;
  • 50 g very fine granulated cane sugar;
  • 4 egg whites;
  • 25 g of natural cocoa powder.

For the ganache:

  • 100 g white chocolate;
  • 50 g heavy cream.

Peeled, scalded and dried almond kernels are turned into flour using a coffee grinder. Then the flour needs to be sifted, it should become very fine and homogeneous. Almond flour, powdered sugar and cocoa powder are mixed in a food processor. The finished mixture is poured onto a baking sheet lined with paper and placed in an oven preheated to 150°C. The almond mass is heated in the oven for about 5 minutes, then cooled and sifted.

Separate the whites from the yolks and beat them into a strong foam, adding sugar in small portions. Add dried almond flour with cocoa and powdered sugar to the whipped whites. Gently mix the resulting mass. It should become homogeneous and viscous.

Prepare the filling. Break the white chocolate into pieces, add cream and heat in a water bath, stirring constantly. The resulting mixture must be cooled well.

The baking sheet is covered with baking paper. To make the products perfectly even, you can use special stencils for pasta or draw a sheet of paper with a compass. The blanks in the form of flat cakes are deposited using a pastry bag. The cookies are left in the open air for about half an hour, during which time a characteristic thin crust forms on their surface. Then the baking sheet is placed in the oven, preheated to 170°C.

The products need to be baked for 5-6 minutes, then the baking sheet is turned over to the other side and placed in the oven again. This technique allows all the macaroni to bake evenly.

The baking sheet is removed from the oven, the pasta is lightly sprayed with cold water and separated from the sheet. Then the workpieces need to be cooled, after which assembly should begin. A layer of ganache is squeezed out of a pastry bag onto the workpiece, turned upside down. The pasta dessert is covered with the other half and placed on a plate. Finished products can be stored for several days, but they are usually eaten much faster.

Raspberry dessert: for those who like it sour

Raspberry macaroni with a layer of homemade jam has an original, sour berry taste.

To give them a bright color and rich taste, use safe food colors and flavors. According to the proposed recipe, you can prepare products with strawberry, lemon, orange, and cherry flavors. Instead of jam, you can use dark, milk or white chocolate ganache.

To prepare you will need:

  • 300 g white almonds, ground in a coffee grinder;
  • 300 g powdered sugar;
  • 110 g egg whites;
  • a few drops of dark pink dye;
  • 3-4 drops of raspberry essence.

For the Italian meringue:

  • 300 g fine granulated sugar;
  • 110 g egg whites;
  • 70 ml water.

For the raspberry layer:

  • 500 g frozen berries;
  • 10 g gelatin;
  • 225 g granulated sugar.

First prepare the raspberry layer. Place the berries in a saucepan, add half a portion of sugar and gelatin powder. Stir the mixture and add the remaining sugar. Stirring, cook the jam over medium heat for about 5-7 minutes, then remove from the stove and cool.

In the bowl of a mixer, combine crushed almonds and powdered sugar. Add egg whites, coloring and raspberry essence. Beat the mixture until completely smooth.

Prepare Italian meringue. To do this, sugar is dissolved in water and heated to 118°C with constant stirring. The whites left for the meringue are whipped and brewed with hot sugar syrup. It is important to maintain the temperature of the syrup so that the meringue is smooth and uniform. The mixture is whipped until it cools to approximately 40°C.

The meringue is mixed into the almond mass in portions. The mixture should become smooth, shiny and completely homogeneous. Using a pastry bag, pipe the macaroni blanks onto a sheet of stencils placed on a baking sheet. Then tap the back of the pan to give the cakes a more even shape. Let the products stand for 20-30 minutes and place them in an oven preheated to 170°C. If the cookies are placed in the oven without settling, the surface may crack.

The products are baked for about 12 minutes, then removed from the baking sheet and cooled. The cooled pieces are coated with raspberry jam and glued together in pairs. The finished pasta is laid out on a beautiful dish and served for dessert. They are especially delicious with strong black coffee or freshly brewed tea.

Have you already tried making macaroni cake according to the recipe? If the experiment was a success, continue the experiments, changing the filling, adding food coloring and interesting flavors. The peculiarity of macaroni cakes is not only their exquisite taste, but also their elegant appearance. Beautiful multi-colored products will become a real table decoration and a stylish gift for those closest to you.

This classic macarons recipe is based on Italian meringue, therefore, to prepare this cake, it is advisable to purchase a pastry thermometer, since it is very important to correctly determine the temperature of the syrup being prepared. Pasta made with Italian meringue is more stable. For French meringue, you do not need to cook the syrup; the whites are simply beaten with sugar.

Precision is important in preparing macarons; every gram of product is worth its weight in gold; be meticulous in weighing the ingredients. Accurate kitchen scales are not a whim, but a strict necessity.

In this case, aromatic ganache is used as a filling; it should be prepared the day before so that the ganache has time to settle and acquire the desired consistency.

So, first you need to mix almond flour and powder. Sift, heat for 3 minutes at 120 degrees.

Then add dye and protein No. 1. It is worth noting that to get a good result, you should not take fresh eggs, the whites must be “aged”, let the whites stand outside the refrigerator for at least a day, be sure to seal the container hermetically so that a crust does not form. In his book “Macaron,” Pierre Hermé advises aging the whites in the refrigerator for one week.

Now you need to boil the syrup. To do this, mix sugar and water and place the pan over medium heat.

Heat to 110-114 degrees.

Separately, start beating egg whites No. 2 until foam appears.
Start pouring the syrup in a thin stream, without touching the walls of the bowl and the mixer whisks, so that the syrup does not splatter. Beat until the meringue cools (7-10 minutes to a temperature of 30-35 degrees).

Mix the almond flour and the entire contents of the bowl. Add the meringue little by little. Knead until a “heavy ribbon” forms, clockwise, while twisting the bowl counterclockwise. Measurement is important here, the main thing is not to overmix; if the ingredients form a homogeneous mass, it flows down like a ribbon, stop kneading immediately.

Fill the pastry bag with a flat round nozzle with a diameter of 8-10 mm. Transfer the dough into a bag. Place the pasta in a checkerboard pattern (this will allow better air circulation and the pasta will bake evenly). To ensure that the macarons are the same size, you can draw circles on parchment paper and place the dough in them. Now there are special silicone mats for macarons; the boundaries of the cake are immediately outlined on them.

After depositing, be sure to tap each side of the baking sheet on the counter several times to spread the dough evenly and remove any tails and excess air. Some masters advise leaving the planted macarons at room temperature for about an hour to allow a crust to form. In my experiments this was not required, the cakes rose, a skirt formed, and the surface was smooth.

Preheat the oven to 145-150 degrees, convection mode (if equipped). Of course, here you need to know your oven thoroughly; you need to bake several times to understand which mode is suitable for baking these French cakes. Bake the pasta for twelve to fourteen minutes: first 7 minutes, and then rotate the baking sheet 180 degrees and bake for the remaining time.

Remove the sheets from the baking sheet after baking, wait until the pieces have cooled, and only then remove them from the paper (or silicone mat). While baking, you can watch the halves rise and form a skirt. If it is not there, then there may be a number of reasons for this: the ingredients were weighed incorrectly, the dough was not kneaded enough (too tight), the baking temperature was low.

Let's prepare the ganache. Grind the raspberries, put them in a blender, rub them through a sieve, add sugar to taste. Boil the cream, pour it over the dark chocolate, stir. Gently mix with raspberry puree. Beat. Cover with cling film and leave for a day, then the ganache will become plastic and hold its shape well.

Select the size of the pasta halves according to the classic recipe. Fill a pastry bag with ganache, squeeze ganache onto one half, and press down with the other half. It’s delicious to put fresh berries in the center of the filling, it will give a bright taste and aroma.

French cuisine is one of the most exquisite in the world. This is what real gourmets prefer. The aristocratic menu offers various desserts, but the pinnacle of taste is the macaroni cake. The Italians invented the recipe for pasta. This happened back in the 18th century.

The peculiarity of pasta that will not allow them to be confused with other desserts is its crispy crust and tender-soft middle. If you look at photos of such cakes, you will notice that they are always given a round shape. They are prepared from ordinary products that are used in confectionery. Thanks to unique technology, the dessert has turned into a true culinary masterpiece.

Crispy tender cookies are loved by sweet tooths all over the world. Many not only saw them in the photo, but also felt the amazingly delicate taste. Among them are our compatriots who are wondering: “How to make macaroni dessert?”

An authentic recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • egg whites (6 pcs.);
  • salt (1 pinch);
  • powdered sugar (400 gr.);
  • ground almonds (250 gr.);
  • dye (1 drop for different shades).

Some venerable culinary masters offer their own variations of the standard recipe. The following recipe is known:

  • almonds and powdered sugar (300 g each);
  • egg whites (110 gr.);
  • salt.

In order for the cake to acquire a characteristic appearance, you cannot do without dyes. The photo shows that the color palette is quite diverse. The components of the recipe remain unchanged; you can only improvise with their dosage. Each housewife can personally check which instructions are more successful. To do this, you just need to prepare a wonderful macaroni cake yourself.

How to make the right dough?

To get real macaroni (and not meringues or bouches), you need to prepare the dough according to the following algorithm:

Please note: all macarons must be the same size.

Achieving such precision is not easy. To do this, you can take the advice of experienced confectioners. You can draw circles of equal diameter on paper. There is another way. It consists of using special silicone sheets on which “zones” are already marked. They can be purchased at the store.

French dessert baking technology

There is no rush when preparing pasta. The cookie dough must be filled with air bubbles. This can be achieved by kneading it long and hard. It should become smooth and shiny. If this is not done, the dessert may be flawed. Cracks form on it. The use of low-quality powdered sugar also leads to such troubles.

It is necessary for the cakes to lie on the baking sheet for half an hour. This will make their tops harder. When the set time has passed, they are placed in the oven.

Baking time for pasta is 15 minutes at a temperature of 170 degrees.

Remove the finished cakes from the oven and cool without removing them from the baking sheet.

What is the filling made of?

It is simply impossible to list all the types of layers. At the moment, over 500 flavors have been invented. The recipe can be absolutely fantastic - there are cakes with lily of the valley or violet flavor. The most admirers are macaroni with chocolate, raspberry and strawberry fillings. You can use any fruit from which you want to make jam.

What you need for the strawberry-lemon-walnut filling:

  • powdered sugar (350 gr.);
  • vanilla (teaspoon);
  • butter (240 gr.);
  • cream (1 tbsp);
  • lemon zest and ground pistachios, strawberry jam and cocoa (one teaspoon each).

The recipe may include other ingredients (honey, dark chocolate). Their list depends on how the dessert should turn out.

The filling manufacturing process and its features

From the above components, four types of fillings and butter cream are obtained. It is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Beat butter and powdered sugar (can be replaced with sugar).
  2. Add cream and a pinch of vanilla.
  3. The resulting cream should be divided into four portions: jam is placed in one of these parts, lemon zest is placed in the other. The fillers for the third and fourth will be pistachios and cocoa.
  4. After cooling, the cookies can be filled with filling, maintaining the color scheme: Yellow cakes should be sandwiched with yellow cream.

To follow the traditions of decorating pasta, you can study photos and videos of such desserts.

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