Home Meat How to cook brown rice. Why you need to soak rice and how to do it correctly Soak rice to cleanse

How to cook brown rice. Why you need to soak rice and how to do it correctly Soak rice to cleanse


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Why is it important to steam?

Doctors are loudly trumpeting the dangers of rice for the figure - the high sugar content, prohibitive glycemic index and high calorie content have made it the main enemy of all slender girls. In addition, it is a pure source of quickly digestible carbohydrates, which tend to actively “fill up” even the thinnest. Not the best option for weight loss! But don’t rush to draw conclusions and put an end to this product: there is a way to neutralize harmful components and reduce its calorie content.

If you're unsure whether you should soak your beans, we'll give you some facts. The most harmful and calorie-rich thing in this dish is starch. Under the influence of high temperatures, it is digested into a thick sticky mass (which is why cooking crumbly porridge is a real art). If you use soaking instead of cooking, the starch is removed from the grains into the liquid, and all you need to do is drain off this water, and with it everything harmful.

As a result, you not only lose weight, but also improve the condition of your body. Judge for yourself - after a week you will notice the following changes in your body:

  • Losing weight by 3-5 kilograms;
  • Getting rid of salts, liquids, waste and toxins;
  • Normalization of digestion;
  • A surge of strength and vitality;
  • Acceleration of metabolism;
  • Reducing cravings for junk food;
  • Clean and glowing skin.

Cooking the perfect porridge

First you need to choose the right variety. Buy brown or unpolished, as they are much healthier for the body. The steamed or round variety will not work.

Since such grains cannot be steamed overnight, we will cook it for several days. To make this process more convenient, and for you to always have a ready-made portion at hand, use a special cooking system according to Malakhov:

  • Take glass jars of the same size, marked 1, 2, 3 and 4;
  • On the first day, pour four tablespoons of grains into jar No. 1 and fill with water;
  • On the second day, change the liquid in the first jar and pour a portion into the second;
  • On the third day we change it in two jars and make the preparation in the third in the same way;
  • Fill the last jar with cereal and change the water in the first three again;
  • On the fifth day you can start drinking the first portion. As soon as you empty it, fill it again and let it sit until ready, not forgetting to change the water every day.

This way, you will have prepared porridge on hand to eat on an empty stomach, and you won’t have to cook it until it’s ready. 3-4 tablespoons of grains is a conventional value, and you have the right to change this amount depending on your appetites and needs.

It doesn’t matter what kind of water you steam in – either cold or hot will do.

Video: Cleansing the body with rice

To cleanse the body, you should consume the product in the morning in this order:

  • After waking up early in the morning, drink a glass of herbal or green tea. It will start metabolic processes and “awaken” the stomach from sleep;
  • After half an hour, you can move on to your meal. It is prohibited to add butter, sugar or salt to the dish;
  • Then you cannot eat or drink anything for 3-4 hours.

For lunch and dinner you can afford whatever you want. The exception is fried and fatty foods, as well as alcohol and milk.

Choosing the right diet

Steamed rice is a kind of brush for our intestines, sweeping out all deposits, waste, toxins and other harmful substances.

It is best to clean for two weeks twice a year. The regime is easiest to tolerate in the fall and spring; moreover, this is a great way to tighten the body before summer or strengthen the immune system on the eve of winter.

It is worth mentioning that although this cleansing option has a beneficial effect on the body, it is more suitable for maintaining weight than for actively losing it. To significantly speed up this process, we recommend resorting to a more restrictive diet.

It represents three fasting days. All you can afford these days is one glass of grains per day. Don’t be scared - we are talking about dry cereal; when cooked, it increases in size several times, and you get a decent portion (700-800 grams). It must be prepared in the manner suggested above, and consumed in small portions throughout the day, washed down with herbal tea.

Rules for taking for weight loss

To bring your body back to normal, you must adhere to the recommendations of a healthy lifestyle and remember the features of eating rice given below:

  • Combination with fat, meat, sweet and spicy is prohibited. It is not forbidden to eat this during other meals - most importantly, in moderation;
  • Stock up on apple juice, green tea and clean water for these days - you will have to drink frequently and generously;
  • Consume foods rich in potassium regularly. You can find it in fruits, nuts, dried apricots, raisins and vegetables. By the way, the combination of cereals with dried fruits and nuts is very tasty! Just don't forget about the high calorie content;
  • You can’t overeat at night - your last meal should be at least three hours before bedtime;
  • The product does not tolerate harmful additives: salt, sugar, cream, butter and milk. No one is forcing you to eat dry cereal: if you want to dilute the taste, use spices and seasonings without artificial flavors and emulsifiers (lemon juice, curry, ginger, pepper, cinnamon or suneli hops).

This diet is contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women, and those suffering from cardiovascular diseases may be at risk (porridge leaches potassium, which can cause malaise and heart pain).

The following points should also be taken into account:

  • Causes constipation and bloating. To avoid being bothered by such “surprises”, use flaxseed oil or bran, which gives a mild laxative effect;
  • If you have a high degree of obesity, it is better to avoid this dish;
  • Extensive physical activity is contraindicated - there simply won’t be enough energy for it, and you will experience fatigue.

Do not worry about contraindications - if you follow the recommendations correctly, you will not have any problems with your health and well-being. An examination by a doctor the day before and during cleansing will insure you against poor health and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The best confirmation of our words are reviews from readers who, using this method, managed to achieve amazing results:

Osksana, 23 years old

Hi all! Despite my dislike for fast diets, losing weight on rice turned out to be easy and enjoyable for me. I spend fasting days several times a month. Then I gradually break out of their regime: I eat small portions of no more than 1200 kcal per day. As a result, the lost kilograms do not return, and I continue to lose weight without strict diets and constant restrictions.

Valentina, 38 years old

Hello! I decided to resort to cleansing with rice not to lose weight, but to cleanse the intestines and liver of toxins. In addition to the healing effect, after a few weeks of eating it for breakfast, I noticed that I managed to lose a fair amount of weight. The old things fit me more freely, and I felt younger and lighter.

That's all for us! If you are looking for a simple and safe way to lose weight, a rice cleanse is perfect for you. You will lose excess weight, improve your body health and go through a real shake-up, which will make it easy to lose weight in the future.

Pilaf is a wonderful dish that is especially loved in oriental cuisine. The dish is prepared differently, each nation adds its own spices and ingredients. However, one ingredient remains the same and that is rice. To prevent the cereal from sticking together and turning into a shapeless product, you need to know how to prepare it correctly.


There are three main types of rice: short grain, long grain and medium grain (medium grain). Among them there are hundreds more varieties.

  • Round grain has a high starch content, so the grains stick together when cooked.
  • Long grain takes much longer to cook. Low starch content makes cooked grains lighter, drier and crumbly.
  • Medium grain is a cross between these two varieties.

Rice is also differentiated by color.

  • White, although less nutritious, has some advantages over brown: it lasts longer and cooks faster.
  • Brown rice, in turn, has a special nutty flavor, more useful elements, but takes a long time to cook. The sweet brown grain is popular in Asian cuisine.
  • Black is a highly nutritious source of iron, vitamins, antioxidants and fiber. Interestingly, this rice turns purple when cooked.

Arborio rice is a starchy white grain most often used in risotto. It helps thicken the dish.

Glutinous is fine-grained, usually used in Asian cuisine, in the making of rolls and sushi. It is gluten free. There are other varieties that are more difficult to get in stores.

Why soak?

Before cooking rice, you can often see how some housewives soak it in water. Not everyone understands why this is needed and prefers to simply rinse the grain with water. In fact, the purpose of the procedure is to remove starch and dirt. The result is a product that is grain-to-grain, airy, non-sticky and perfectly infused with spices.

The grains become softer after soaking, and the cooking time is reduced. The need for this processing method depends on what exactly is being prepared. If it's sushi, then, of course, it's best to let the rice sit in water so that it cooks well and is sticky enough.

How to prepare for pilaf?

Here the opinions of culinary specialists differ greatly, since taste preferences also differ. Some people like the dish to be crumbly, while others prefer porridge with completely boiled cereal grains.

If the first option, then the soaking time cannot exceed thirty minutes, and, in general, it is advisable to simply rinse the rice with water. Salt is added to the soaking water, and the water itself must be cold, then you can end up with perfectly cooked cereal.

In the second option, the cereal does not need to be soaked.

Delicious recipe

To prepare pilaf, you can use pre-soaked rice. Plain water and various types of broths are allowed as a second base. In addition, you will need:

  • oil (olive or sunflower);
  • diced onion - green, white, yellow or red;
  • chopped vegetables: celery, carrots, mushrooms, zucchini;
  • spices;
  • pine nuts, peanuts, almonds or raisins.

You can prepare the dish in a rice cooker, cauldron, using fire, stove, or oven. Onions are added in large quantities, but depending on personal preference. Celery is highly recommended by professional chefs, carrots add beautiful color and pleasant taste, and mushrooms add color and aroma. There can be either a lot or a minimum of vegetables. The main ingredients are always carrots and onions, the rest are added individually.

Heat oil in a frying pan and throw vegetables into it until they turn golden. Additional spices are added to your choice. By this time, the rice should already begin to cook in the cauldron. Why is it advisable to take dishes with thick walls - in it the dish is completely steamed and saturated with the aromas of vegetables and seasonings.

Raise the lid from time to time and stir the contents of the pan, then close it again. If using nuts or fruits, wait until the rice is completely cooked to stir everything together.

If the rice is cooked on the stove or in the microwave, the frying is also prepared separately and stirred in a few minutes until the grain is completely cooked.

Methods of cooking cereals

You can cook the rice in plain water, but the broth adds a special flavor. Black rice is cooked in the proportion of one and a half to two glasses of liquid per one glass of rice. Rinse it in a colander until the water runs clear. Bring the water to a boil, cover with a lid and reduce the flame to low. Cook the cereal for 30-35 minutes or until most of the liquid has been absorbed. After the pan is removed from the heat, let the product brew for 5 minutes.

To cook wild rice, use 3 cups of liquid per 1 cup of rice. It is advisable to soak it before cooking. Bring the liquid to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 45 minutes.

To create risotto, you need 3 cups of liquid to 1 cup of rice. As with pilaf, the grains are first fried in oil. Then water is added to release the starch necessary for thickness.

The most difficult thing is to make sushi rice correctly. You need to use one glass of water per glass of cereal. Only short rice is used, which is brought to a boil over maximum heat, and then covered with a lid, and the temperature is reduced to a minimum. It will take about 20 minutes to be completely ready.

Parboiled rice does not need to be filled with water, since it has already been pre-processed. If the housewife knows these subtleties, she will be able to easily prepare a delicious side dish for meat, fish or high-quality pilaf.

You will learn more about how to soak rice for pilaf in the following video.

If you want to cook fluffy rice, you need to rinse it under cold water before cooking. This way you will get rid of starch, which is responsible for stickiness. Rinse the rice about five times or more until the water runs clear. It is most convenient to perform this procedure using a fine sieve.


Some dishes, such as, require sticky rice. In this case, there is no need to rinse it. As a last resort, you can limit yourself to one rinse to wash away all excess.

To make rice cook faster, you can soak it for 30–60 minutes. Then the cooking time will be reduced by almost half. However, in this case it is better to reduce the amount of water used for cooking.


It is generally believed that you need twice as much water to cook rice. But this is an approximate proportion. It is better to measure the amount of water based on the type of rice:

  • for long grain - 1: 1.5–2;
  • for medium grain - 1: 2–2.5;
  • for round grain - 1: 2.5–3;
  • for steamed - 1: 2;
  • for brown - 1: 2.5–3;
  • for wild - 1: 3.5.

Be sure to read the instructions on the package. The manufacturer knows exactly what kind of processing the rice has undergone and suggests the optimal amount of water for it.

Measure rice and water with a measuring cup - it’s much more convenient. A standard serving for one is 65 ml of dry rice.


It is better to cook rice in a saucepan with a thick bottom: the temperature is distributed evenly in it. You can also cook the rice in a large frying pan. A cauldron is traditionally used for pilaf.

Cooking rules

If you cook rice in a saucepan, first bring salted water to a boil, and then pour the cereal into it. Stir the rice once to prevent the grains from sticking to the bottom. Then wait until the dish begins to boil, reduce the heat to low and cover the pan with a lid.

Do not lift the lid during cooking, otherwise the rice will take longer to cook. If you want the rice to be fluffy, do not stir it (except for the first time). Otherwise, the grains will break and release starch.

The average cooking time depending on the type is:

  • for white rice - 20 minutes;
  • for steamed rice - 30 minutes;
  • for brown rice - 40 minutes;
  • for wild rice - 40–60 minutes.

When the rice is cooked, remove it from the heat and let it sit covered for 10-15 minutes. If there is any water left in the cooked rice, drain it or cover the pan with a dry towel: it will absorb excess moisture.

If you cook rice in a frying pan, use dishes with a diameter of 24 cm, high sides and a lid. Rice is cooked in it almost the same way as in a saucepan, with the exception of one nuance: the grains must first be quickly fried in vegetable oil. Do this for 1-2 minutes, stirring constantly so that the grains are covered with oil: then the rice will be crumbly. Then you need to pour boiling water over it and cook as described above.



The good thing about rice is that you can always change its taste a little. For example, using the following:

  • saffron;
  • curry;
  • cardamom;
  • cumin;
  • caraway;
  • cinnamon;
  • carnation.

Spices are added to the water during cooking or to a ready-made dish.

Rice can also be supplemented with the taste of herbs, citrus zest, or cooked not in water, but in meat or chicken broth.

Bonus: How to Prepare Sushi Rice

  1. Special Japanese rice is used to prepare sushi. You can replace it with regular round grain.
  2. Before cooking, rice should be washed 5-7 times. It is better to discard the floating grains.
  3. Pour washed rice with cold water in a ratio of 1: 1.5. You can add a piece of nori seaweed to the pan for flavor, but you need to remove it before boiling.
  4. Cook the rice covered: before boiling - over medium heat, after - at minimum for about 15 minutes. Then you need to remove the rice from the stove and let it stand for another 15 minutes.
  5. Ready rice must be seasoned with a special dressing. To prepare it, pour 2 tablespoons of rice vinegar into a separate pan, add 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt and heat the mixture over medium heat until the bulk ingredients are completely dissolved.
  6. Place the rice in a wide bowl, pour over the sauce and stir gently with a wooden spatula. After this, cool and start preparing sushi.

Do you know other ways to cook delicious rice? Share your secrets and recipes in the comments.

How to rinse it properly and do you need to soak rice to prepare pilaf? And if necessary, then how much? Do any cereals need to be pre-soaked and why is this necessary if today they sell steamed rice, ready for cooking? We will consider these and other questions together in the article.

How to wash rice

Do I need to wash rice before storing it? This is not an idle question; some people seriously believe that this is unnecessary, since everything in the pilaf will boil and be sterilized. But try one day to rinse the cereal well, rubbing especially dirty ones with your hands, and try the water washed off from it. The taste will be disgusting, the appearance will be unsightly, and some store-bought copies will even smell like kerosene. Try it and you will understand whether you need to wash the rice for pilaf or not.

Do I need to wash parboiled rice? It is necessary, because it is just as dirty and dusty as ordinary one, because it was processed, dried, and stored in a variety of places and conditions. So the answer to the question of whether it is necessary to rinse rice after steaming is obvious: it is necessary and thoroughly. But the question of how long to rinse and soak a particular variety is an interesting one.

If everything is clear with the question of whether it is necessary to wash steamed or any other rice, then there are different opinions on time. The fact is that different varieties absorb liquid differently: looser ones more intensely, denser ones more slowly. Here are examples:

  • soft varieties such as Krasnodar - 30 minutes for complete saturation;
  • hard varieties such as basmati or dev-jeera - up to 2 hours for maximum absorption of liquid.

Proportions and cooking time for rice
So judge for yourself: if you rinse for a long time, transferring from one water to another until the water becomes clear, then you can “drink” it with low-quality, or even chlorinated tap water.

So rinse quickly, drain frequently and several times until the grains are perfectly rinsed and ready to soak.

How to properly wash rice:

  • drain the water at least five times;
  • rub intensively with your hands, especially if the cereal is dirty or of questionable quality;
  • use cold water, because the grains absorb it more slowly than warm, and even more so hot.

It is very important to understand whether the rice is ready for cooking or not. After all, on the one hand, if you keep it in water, it will become fragile and simply digest, turning into a messy porridge. But you wanted tasty and crumbly pilaf? But there is no reason to add dry cereal.

Dry rice will absorb more oil than wet rice and will become higher in calories and heavier on the stomach.

The version from the point of view of physics is correct - rice really absorbs what you put it in. However, the fat content of the pilaf depends on the volume of oil taken, and not on the type of cereal you put in the pilaf - wet or dry.

Another thing is that, as the famous pilaf expert Stalik Khankishiev never ceases to convince us, pilaf is rice soaked in oil and cooked in it. And only proper washing and soaking can ensure that the cereal is saturated with oil and becomes a real pilaf. Or, if the outcome is unsuccessful, the oil will remain a separate, unintelligible substance dangling at the bottom of the cauldron, and the pilaf will be sticky, stuck together, and at the same time dry and tasteless. Why is this happening?

How to soak rice

To prepare pilaf, it is better to take good rice and be sure to soak it. Why soak? Rice is mostly starch, which, when cooked, is released into zirvak or water and becomes jelly in it. This paste blocks the entry of oil into the interior.

By washing and soaking rice, including steamed rice, we reduce the starch content, accordingly, we remove the stickiness and open up the access of oil inside.

So, if you soak it before cooking, and also rinse it well before soaking, the chances of getting the pilaf you want will increase sharply, and the result will be very good.

You should soak only in the best, cleanest water, because it will be part of your dish!

What temperature should the water be?

Some say that it is better to soak it in boiling water. Others are sure that rice should only be soaked in cold water. The third advises: “Soak the rice in hot water, and then pour in cold water” ... are there any rules that help prepare the most delicious, authentic pilaf?

Truth can be established by practice and experience. To ensure that the pilaf is crumbly and rich in oil and everything else, we recommend soaking it at a water temperature of only 60 degrees.

Hot water or boiling water will cause the cereal to swell quickly, but unevenly.

Then some will be hard, some will be loose, and the cooked pilaf will be sticky. After all, the starch was boiled quickly, did not go into the water with soaking, but was boiled down and turned into a paste in the dish. It is possible to eat, and even nutritious, but not appetizing.

Cold water is a good option, but it takes longer to soak. So it is better to take moderately hot water and well-washed cereals.

One more point: people begin to navigate the process of cooking pilaf with experience. While there is no such experience, know that if the rice suddenly becomes very swollen during soaking, then less zirvak (or water added to it) is needed; swollen rice absorbs little fat and broth.

    If you want to get soft rice, then it is better to soak it for at least 1-3 hours, but also do not overdo it with soaking, as it will then become completely boiled. But if you need to make a dish with hard rice, then soak it in water for about 20 minutes. If the rice is not soaked, then the cooking time increases, and, accordingly, the heat treatment of the product will also be longer, then what will be left of the useful stuff in this rice?

    I lived in Uzbekistan for a long time and never saw rice being soaked for pilaf. And there are masters of this dish!

    Therefore, when they write that soaking is in Eastern traditions, I have great doubts. Perhaps somewhere in Japan there is something like this...

    The same goes for preparing stuffed peppers. Many soak rice for the filling, but then it turns out like a sticky mass homogeneous with the meat.

    We never soak rice at home - not for any dish, everything turns out great.

    The longer the rice sits in water, the more water it absorbs and the less time it takes to cook it...

    In principle, when cooking, rice softens by absorbing water, i.e. The process is similar, only in cold water it takes longer. I read somewhere that if you soak rice in salt water, you don’t need to cook it. I haven’t tried it myself, but theoretically it’s possible...

    My opinion is that soaking rice is more good than bad...

    Rights vaieri (flashed) rice must be soaked and washed 5-6 times until the water is clear.. especially short grain.. containing more starch.. than long grain. I don’t consider steamed rice to be rice either.. the taste is not the same.. Well washed and soaked, pour boiling water in the ratio of 1 tbsp. rice - 1.5 tbsp. boiling water + 2 tbsp. spoons and cook for 7 minutes. In some recipes, the rice is not soaked and washed only briefly - for sushi and viscous porridges.

    Whether it is necessary to soak rice is a rather controversial issue; you can argue in favor of one or another cooking method. Whether to soak rice or not depends primarily on what to prepare. For example, I cook rice only by washing it with cold water, rinse it 2-3 times in water, add water in the ratio of two glasses of water per glass of rice, bring it to a boil, put it on low heat and let it cook for about ten minutes, at the end add butter. That is, I don’t soak the rice, and it turns out pretty well for me.

    But if you look at the chefs’ advice on how long to soak rice, especially before cooking pilaf, they advise doing this for 30 minutes, in which case it reaches the desired condition a little faster and requires a little less water to cook it.

    I really don’t like cooking rice 🙁

    I always wash it 5-6 times and fill it with water for 10-15 minutes.

    I don’t know why, but my grandmother always did this :)

    When the water boils, add a tablespoon and cook until tender.

    To be honest, I never soak rice. Just before cooking I rinse it well with cold water. I put it in boiling water, about two glasses of water per glass of rice. I salt the water just before it boils. The rice turns out fluffy and tasty. Beans, peas, and pearl barley must be soaked before cooking.

    Rice cooks so quickly, why soak it! Now there is steamed rice on sale - it does not lose its shape and does not boil, it turns out to be a beautiful side dish, but it is not suitable for milk porridge.

    The rice is washed, soaked, calcined until golden brown, it all depends on what it is for and for whom. Wash or soak for 20-30 minutes. This is for porridge with meat or milk. I was in Uzbekistan, for pilaf it is heated in a large frying pan. For diets (diabetes, etc.), it is soaked to dissolve starch for at least 10 hours. To cleanse the body, rice is soaked for five days, changing the water daily, it becomes porous like a sponge and when consumed, after cooking, it absorbs toxins...

    I learned to boil rice correctly only when I started intensively preparing rolls; when you buy rice for rolls, right on the label they have a detailed description of how to prepare the rice correctly, so I’ll share the secret..)) The rice needs to be soaked for about 20-25 minutes, in warm water with salt, then rinse the rice and add cold water, then put it on the fire, when the water boils, wait about 5 more minutes, and now the crumbly rice is ready!!!

    To soak or not to soak rice depends on what kind of rice you use and what kind of dish you are preparing. My diabetic friend always soaks rice and pearl barley for several hours, changing the water, this removes starch that is harmful to her. If you want the porridge to cook faster, you can soak the rice. For pilaf, rice is washed until the water is clear. I don't soak black, brown or brown rice for too long, otherwise it will take a long time to cook. There is a recipe for cleansing the body of salts, so rice is soaked in it for five days, changing the water, and consumed in this form without salt. I don’t soak or rinse steamed rice, I rarely cook with it, it’s tasteless.

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