Home Second courses Watermelon: the benefits and harms of melons for the human body. The benefits of eating watermelon, contraindications for inclusion in the diet Daily intake of watermelon

Watermelon: the benefits and harms of melons for the human body. The benefits of eating watermelon, contraindications for inclusion in the diet Daily intake of watermelon

Watermelon is a berry that belongs to the melon crops.

It is characterized by a high content of useful elements and low calorie content, so the value of watermelons for human health is quite high.

But there are also some contraindications that you should familiarize yourself with before eating this tasty and aromatic fruit.

Chemical composition

The benefits of watermelon are due to the elements it contains (per 100 grams of edible part) - vitamins:


  • 12 mg magnesium;
  • 110 mg potassium;
  • 14 mg calcium;
  • 16 mg sodium;
  • 7 mg phosphorus.

Microelements in berries are represented by iron (1 mg).

The nutritional value of the product lies in the content:

  • water - 92.6 g;
  • carbohydrates - 5.8 g;
  • di- and monosaccharides - 5.8 g;
  • proteins - 0.6 g;
  • dietary fiber - 0.4 g;
  • ash - 0.4 g;
  • fat and organic acids - 0.1 g each.

Watermelon is a low-calorie berry; one kilogram contains 380 calories.

Beneficial features

Watermelon is a juicy and sweet berry with aromatic pulp. Due to its diuretic properties due to its high water content, watermelon:

  • helps cope with swelling (how to brew lingonberry leaves during pregnancy is written),
  • remove excess fluid from the body.

Therefore, the berry is often used for weight loss (reviews of oat kvass are published in the article) and fasting days. In addition, it is useful:

The juice from the pulp of the subcortex (white) is more valuable than the red juice - it has a strong diuretic effect.

As a rule, it is mixed with apple or citrus juices to make the drink less concentrated and more tasty.

It should be consumed half a glass at a time, otherwise the diuretic effect may be too strong.

People with cardiovascular diseases should include watermelon in their menu.. The magnesium and potassium contained in the berry help improve the functioning of organs and prevent the deposition of salts.

These substances will help the body be in good shape, support the functioning of the nervous system, and relieve chronic fatigue and loss of strength.

The berry is also useful for hypertension, due to its diuretic properties. Watermelon is an excellent antidepressant; it will help improve sleep, relieve depression and normalize mood.

It is used for weight loss.
The minimum amount of calories contained, sweet pulp, which gives a feeling of satiety, and the removal of water from the body - these properties make watermelon indispensable in the fight against obesity (read about dried kelp for weight loss) and excess weight.

The berry should be eaten in case of dehydration or similar conditions. Watermelon juice is a tasty and aromatic drink that will quench your thirst on hot summer days and help digestion.

Watermelon rinds are useful for excessive swelling- dried and used in preparing an infusion:

The seeds of the berry are used as an anthelmintic, and if you grind them and mix them with milk, you get a folk remedy that helps stop uterine bleeding and restore the body.

Harm and caution

Despite the abundance of beneficial properties, watermelon can cause harm to the body. It's all about the use of nitrates by farmers when growing fruits.

Chemicals remain in the berries and, if consumed, can cause poisoning and cause significant damage to health.

Nitrates are applied to accelerate the growth of watermelon, it is fed with special fertilizers that accumulate in the pulp, subcortex, and seeds of the berry.

They accumulate in the pulp of the watermelon, which is facilitated by a lack of sunlight and an abundance of moisture.

When nitrates enter the gastrointestinal tract, they are converted into N-nitrose compounds and nitrites, which can cause the development of oncology.

If watermelon is stored for a long time, the conversion of nitrates into harmful substances can occur in the fruit itself.

Nitrites have a negative effect on the functionality of the blood, on hemoglobin, as a result of which hypoxia develops.

Watermelon poisoning is most poorly tolerated by children and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the excretory or respiratory system.

Contraindications for use

It is recommended to avoid eating watermelon, drinking juice from its pulp and using folk remedies based on the berry if:

  • dysfunction of urine excretion;
  • problems with kidney function;
  • diarrhea;
  • the presence of stones with a diameter of more than 5 mm;
  • colitis.

Consulting a doctor before eating berries is necessary for those who have problems with removing fluid from the body and cardiovascular diseases.

During pregnancy, especially in recent months, it is important to eat watermelon in moderation.

Daily norm

Watermelon is a healthy and tasty fruit, but even the high content of nutrients in it does not eliminate the need to eat the berry in moderation:

  • It is not recommended to include watermelon in the diet of children under two years of age;
  • for a child under 3 years old, the average daily intake of berries is 7-95 grams;
  • for children under 6 years old, up to 130 grams of pulp per day.

It is important to monitor the quality and degree of ripeness of the watermelon, since toxins, nitrates and microbes that may be contained in the fruit are dangerous for the child’s body.

How to choose ripe and sweet

Watermelons do not ripen until July if grown in the South or similar warm climates.

Russian watermelons reach ripeness only by the end of August - at this time it is recommended to buy berries.

Choosing a ripe and tasty fruit will become easier if you know certain secrets:

In addition to external signs, you can determine the ripeness of the fruit as follows:

  • when immersed in water, a ripe berry floats on the surface;
  • when you tap on the rind, a ringing sound is heard inside - for “thick-skinned” watermelons it is high, and for those with thin skin it is lower.

You should not buy watermelons with cracks, peeling rinds, cut or damaged.

Before eating, be sure to wash the berries under warm running water.

To store whole watermelons, the following conditions are needed:

  • cool, darkened room with a temperature of 0 - +5 degrees;
  • equipped shelves - watermelons are placed with their “tails” up, so that the fruits do not come into contact with each other.

Cut watermelons should be stored exclusively in the refrigerator, and the surface should be covered with cling film - such measures will prevent harmful bacteria from entering the watermelon and will keep the product fresh longer.

Eating mature, ripe watermelons in moderation will bring considerable benefits to the body, saturating it with vitamins and other useful elements.

You can not only eat watermelon when ripe, but also make jam and juice from it. Use for disease prevention and prepare homemade cosmetics. This berry is a real gift from nature to man.

Watch a video about the benefits and harms of watermelons and melons for human health.

Watermelon belongs to the melon family and is consumed in every country. The ancient Arabs considered it the most useful melon crop, washing away illness and harmful substances from the body. Let's consider the benefits and harms of watermelon for human health, where it is used and what calorie content it has.

Everyone loves watermelon without exception. Children are waiting for summer and autumn to enjoy its taste, and women to try new diets, thanks to its low calorie content.

Scientists have spent a lot of time studying the qualities of watermelon and its classification. As a result, it was established that the product is not a fruit or vegetable, but belongs to the melon berry family.

Also, scientists have identified the following beneficial properties of watermelon:

  • It is enriched with vitamins and minerals.
  • After consumption, beneficial substances interact with each other, accumulate energy and act as a sorbent that removes waste and toxins from the body.
  • Folic acid, which is part of watermelon, relieves stress, improves cerebral circulation and memory.
  • Fiber restores the functionality of the digestive system.

In addition, watermelon has diuretic properties. With regular consumption of watermelon, you can remove stones that appear in the gall and bladder.

The benefits of watermelon peel and seeds

Usually the peel and seeds are thrown away, because people do not know that not only the pulp has beneficial properties.

The benefits of watermelon seeds

The seeds are enriched with healthy fats: linolenic, linoleic, carboxylic acid. They make oil similar to vegetable oil.

Women use it for:

  • Restoration of hair structure, acid-base balance.
  • Removal of toxins.
  • Activation of kidney function.
  • Treatment or prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Enriching the body with vitamins, micro and macroelements.

It is very useful to eat watermelon for people who have problems with the nervous system or blood vessels, because the product contains niacin and arginine, which regulate blood pressure, normalize blood consistency and improve mood.

The benefits of watermelon rind

Watermelon peel is usually thrown away, not thinking that it is no less useful than the pulp.

In folk medicine, decoctions and infusions are prepared from it, which are used as:

  • Expectorant.
  • Choleretic.
  • Diuretic.
  • Painkiller.
  • Cleansing agent.

Watermelon peel has such properties thanks to its constituent amino acids, pectin, proteins, bioactive substances, chlorophyll and fiber. It has less moisture and sucrose, so it is considered more useful compared to pulp. Therefore, eating watermelon and using its peel is very useful to provide a restorative and healing effect to the body.

Calorie content of watermelon and use for weight loss

Watermelon is considered the most useful product used in medicine and cooking. It has a calorie content of 38 kcal and contains absolutely no harmful substances, so it is welcome for maintaining kidney function.

If you consume at least 1-2 days a week, 2-2.5 kg. watermelon, the stomach will feel full, and harmful substances will be released from the body, which will simplify the work of the kidneys and improve overall well-being.

Every 100 gr. watermelon contains the following useful elements:

  • Iron – 1 mg.
  • Magnesium – 224 mg.
  • Phosphorus – 7 mg.
  • Potassium – 65 mg.
  • Calcium – 14 mg.
  • Sodium – 16 mg.

Watermelon is used for dietary purposes, because it is able to saturate the body, having minimal energy value:

  • Fructose, sucrose, glucose – up to 13 mg.
  • Proteins – 0.7 g.
  • Fiber – 0.5 g.
  • Carbohydrates – up to 13 g.
  • Pectin – up to 1 g.

Therefore, by consuming watermelon regularly, you can quickly reduce body weight and improve your body health. However, you should not get carried away with melon berries. To achieve the goal, 2.5 kg is enough. watermelon per day. Exceeding this dose will begin to wash out not only harmful, but also beneficial substances.

Watermelon in the treatment of diseases

The entire watermelon can be used for medicinal purposes: pulp, rinds and seeds, because they all have their own effect. Their use can reduce fever, strengthen the body, improve intestinal performance and metabolism, relieve inflammation without burdening the body with medications.

  • A decoction of dried watermelon rinds is very useful for treating kidneys and gall bladder. You can dry the peel in the shade or oven, and then grind it into powder. The finished mass must be filled with water in the following proportions: per 1 tbsp. boiling water/1 tbsp. l. watermelon powder. The resulting liquid should be kept covered for half an hour in a warm place, and then drunk 20 minutes before meals.
  • People suffering from diabetes (even insulin dependent) will need to eat fresh watermelon. It has virtually no effect on the amount of sugar in the blood, but can improve your mood and have a strengthening effect on the body.
  • Crushed watermelon seeds are a good remedy for worms. Their regular use has a preventive and therapeutic anthelmintic effect.
  • For joint diseases, it is recommended to eat 3-4 slices of watermelon 2 rubles. per day. The berry will cleanse the body of salts that cause illness.
  • For liver and bile diseases, you should take 2-2.5 kg. watermelon per day. It will dissolve the stones and remove them, along with toxins and waste, in a painless way.
  • Intestinal inflammation is treated with a decoction of dried watermelon rinds. 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water, let it stand for 60 minutes, and then drink 1/3 cup, with intervals between doses of 1.5-2 hours.
  • Those suffering from osteochondrosis or vascular dystonia need to take baths with watermelon. Every other day you will need to take a bath in which 200 grams are placed. pulp and peel. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, but in severe forms of the disease, therapy can be extended for another 7-10 days.
  • To reduce body weight you will need to eat 0.5 kg daily. pulp.
  • In order to radically lose weight (from 10 kg), you need to switch to a “watermelon” diet once a week. You will need to eat watermelon 2 days in a row. Any other food is strictly prohibited. You are allowed to drink green tea.

This product is capable of providing the body with a comprehensive effect. That is why it is recommended that in addition to drug therapy, treatment with watermelons is recommended. However, in case of mild illness, for example, non-chronic vegetative-vascular dystonia that appears due to stress, it will be enough to eat a little watermelon and take a bath with it.

Beneficial properties during pregnancy

Considering the rich composition of watermelons, they should be consumed by every person, but it will be twice as useful for a pregnant woman.

Doctors working in the antenatal clinic strongly recommend that expectant mothers consume melon berries for the following reasons:

  • The berry removes fluid from the body, therefore, a woman who consumes it will not suffer from swelling.
  • Restores metabolism.
  • Removes harmful substances.
  • Has a preventive anti-constipation effect.
  • Has a good effect on the nervous system.
  • Normalizes hemoglobin levels (provided that they are not reduced to critical levels).

The vitamins contained in the berry will be supplied simultaneously to the expectant mother and the fetus, making it strong and healthy. This is the benefit of watermelon for pregnant women. But so that it does not harm, it is better to buy it during the ripening period - August - September. Purchased fruits before and after this period will most likely be saturated with nitrates, which are contraindicated for humans, especially pregnant women. Therefore, when choosing a melon crop for pregnant women, you need to squeeze it and, if it begins to crack when pressed, it means it is safe for consumption.

Use in cooking

Watermelon has good taste, so it is usually used as an independent product.

However, in modern cooking, dishes and drinks made from it are also in demand:

  • Jam. The unusual taste of this dish will surprise any guest or family members.
  • Watermelon honey is made according to a special recipe. It serves as an excellent addition to many dishes.
  • Salted watermelon goes well with meat products, pasta, and fried potatoes.
  • It is often added to salads to achieve a unique taste. Sometimes it is fried in a frying pan with ham and hard cheese.

In order not to throw away the crusts for which money was paid, and thereby pamper the children, they make candied fruits. They will support the child’s growing body and become a favorite treat.

How to choose a delicious watermelon?

Of all the known fruits and berries, watermelon is the most difficult to choose, because it looks the same both ripe and unripe.

In order for the fruit to bring maximum benefit and be tasty, when purchasing you will need to pay attention to several factors at once:

  • Appearance (shape, color).
  • The sound made by the berry.

It is also important to choose a product that has a minimum content of nitrates, because they can cause harm to the body. Let's take a closer look at how to choose the right tasty and ripe watermelon.

Choice by appearance

When choosing a watermelon by appearance, you first need to inspect it for damage, stem and size.

  • A high-quality fruit should not have cracks, even small ones, because through them bacteria enter the berry, leading to intestinal disorders.
  • Next you should pay attention to the stalk. If it is still green and not dry, then the fruit is not yet ripe and will be tasteless, so it is better to pay attention to another berry.
  • The size of the fruit is of great importance, because a too small watermelon may turn out to be green, and a very large one may be overripe, which affects the taste and usefulness of the fruit. It is best to choose medium watermelons, weighing 5-7 kg.

Watermelons are also divided into “girls” and “boys”. They differ in taste and shape. Boys have a flattened, elongated shape, and girls have a rounded shape. It is best to choose girls for the table, because they taste sweeter and have small bones.

Select by color

Every person pays attention to the color of the purchased product, including watermelon.

When buying based on color, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

  • There should be a yellow spot on the side of the fruit, 5-10 cm in size. It must be required, because it indicates that the fruit has ripened for a long period under the sun, and not in the shade.
  • The stripes on the watermelon rind should be clear and clearly distinguishable from the main color of the berry.
  • Uneven color may indicate cultivation in unsuitable conditions and damaged goods.
  • Small white spots on the watermelon indicate that it is ready to eat.

In general, the color and shape of a watermelon affect the taste of the fruit, but you should not rely only on these criteria. Additionally, you need to listen to what sounds the fetus makes.

Select by sound

Almost every buyer of a huge berry squeezes it in his hands and knocks on it, but only a few know what they want to hear.

Let's look at what sound coming from a watermelon indicates its ripeness:

  • The voiced one speaks of ripeness, and the deaf one speaks of an unripe or already spoiled product.
  • A cracking sound when pressed indicates that the product is ready for use.

To avoid an unpleasant purchase, it is recommended to purchase watermelons from sellers who have a quality certificate for the product being distributed. The document must contain information about the plantation where the fruit was grown, the amount of nitrates contained in the product, the timing of harvest, and whether it is suitable for consumption. You should also pay attention to the certificate itself. Printing on it should only be in color! A black and white print may turn out to be a fake, made using any graphics editor.

The benefits of watermelon for humans are obvious, but despite the fact that it consists of 85% water, it still has contraindications for use. However, this does not mean that people should avoid consuming it completely. They only need to take it in small doses.

  • People suffering from improper urine flow.
  • If you have pyelonephritis, you should consult your doctor about consuming the berries and determine the dosage.
  • If you have increased gas formation or diseases of the digestive system, you should not eat large amounts of melons at a time. You need to start with 1-2 skips and, if there is no deterioration, then you can add 1 skip to the diet.
  • If you are allergic to melons, watermelon is strictly prohibited.

We looked at the health benefits and harms of watermelon, and from this we can conclude that a person who has no contraindications to its use should consume it during the ripening period (late summer-early autumn). Then, melon berries are able to prepare the body for the winter regime and improve its health.

Watermelon is a fragrant, juicy and sweet “mega-berry”, the consumption of which can bring great benefits to our body! It should be noted that not only watermelon pulp has healing qualities, but also the rind with seeds. Intrigued? Then, let's take a closer look at this product.

The benefits of watermelon

The benefits and harms of watermelon for the body are difficult to overestimate! Its pulp is rich in folic acid, a substance that regulates the normal course of each of the chemical processes in the body and has a direct effect on the process of hematopoiesis. Surprisingly, the concentration of folic acid in watermelon is much higher than in other fruits, berries and vegetables! This alone is a reason to include it in your diet.

In addition, watermelon contains iron, which is incredibly important for people who suffer from anemia. Also, the benefits of watermelon for the body and for nursing mothers are enormous, because due to dietary restrictions they often have a deficiency of this element.

While enjoying this berry full of juice, do not forget about consuming other gifts of summer - for example, apricot, we described the health benefits and harms in the article at the link!

This berry also contains an incredible amount of liquid, which also has a positive effect on the amount of breast milk produced. The benefits of watermelon pulp are invaluable for diabetics. The “I'm Healthy” website recommends that people who suffer from atherosclerosis, gout and arthritis pay attention to this juicy product. This is due to one of the most remarkable properties of fiber - the removal of harmful cholesterol. With regular, long-term consumption of berries, progress can also be made in the treatment of such a common ailment as gastritis.

Let us remind you that watermelons are a wonderful diuretic. And this, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the cleansing processes of the genitourinary system. Including watermelon in your menu is useful for people with heart disease, liver and gallbladder diseases.

You can and should also consume fresh watermelon:

  • for the prevention and treatment of Botkin;
  • nosebleeds;
  • hypertension;
  • urolithiasis;
  • frequent stress and ailments of the nervous system.

Beta-carotene, which is part of watermelon pulp, is considered an indispensable element for weakened immunity and during weight loss on diets.

Elderly people should also consume this summer berry because it is an incredibly effective remedy for preventing Parkinson's disease. This result is achieved due to the presence in large quantities of the amino acid phenylalanine in watermelon, the deficiency of which causes this disease.

The presence of lycopene in watermelon helps reduce the likelihood of cancer of the breast, prostate, lungs, intestines and stomach. The high concentration of citrulline in the pulp is very important for protecting the cardiovascular system (cardiovascular system) and strengthening the body's immune forces.

The benefits of watermelon peel

The benefits and harms of watermelon for the body are not limited to just eating the sweet scarlet pulp. Watermelon peel also has healing qualities and is quite widely used for the prevention and treatment of various diseases in folk medicine. People have noticed that watermelon rinds applied to their temples help with throbbing, sharp headaches (they do the same with cabbage leaves).

Also, the peel of this berry is excellent for colitis. To do this, watermelon rinds (about one hundred grams) are poured with two glasses of boiling water and left under the lid for several hours. The finished product is drunk three to four times throughout the day. Course duration: from fifteen days.

Powder made from watermelon rind is used as a diuretic for:

  • chronic cystitis;
  • jade;
  • stones in the bladder, ureter and kidneys.

By the way, other “inhabitants” of the garden can also cope with these and other ailments - read the new article The benefits and harms of pumpkin for the body!

Watermelon seeds

Watermelon seeds are very similar in chemical properties to pumpkin seeds. For hundreds of years people have used them:

  • from jaundice;
  • against inflammatory processes;
  • to stop bleeding.

To do this, pour the crushed seeds with fresh milk in a ratio of 1:10, let it brew and take half a glass on an empty stomach.

To prepare “watermelon milk,” which allows you to effectively and quickly relieve high fever and relieve fever, you need to grind the seeds and mix the resulting mass with cold purified (required!) water in a ratio of 1:10. Now add a small amount of sugar and stir the drink thoroughly. Ready-made “milk” is taken three tablespoons every two hours.

Watermelon in cosmetology

Watermelon can benefit not only from the inside, but also from the outside. For example, quite often you can find positive reviews about a mask for skin rejuvenation.

So, to prepare it, we need to mix dry watermelon seed powder (grind in a coffee grinder) with vegetable oil to form a toothpaste. Now mix the finished mass with watermelon pulp and apply the mask to cleansed facial skin for 15 minutes.

Watermelon for a perfect figure

Scientists claim that fresh watermelon pulp has the unique ability to accelerate the body's metabolic processes, which contributes to rapid and effective weight loss.

Also, it is necessary to note the diuretic effect of eating the berry. Thus, our body gets rid of excess fluid, which often itself is a provocateur of obesity.

Having a low calorie content, watermelon relieves hunger perfectly and for a long time. In addition, this berry is very sweet. And according to recent research, it has been found that the sweet taste of food acts as a kind of “plug” in the brain for the feeling of fullness. That is, you eat once, and the brain “seals” information about satiety for the whole day. Therefore, it is much easier to endure fasting days on watermelon pulp than on cucumbers, pasta or even buckwheat.

Watermelon for husbands

Research from scientists at the Texas Fruit and Vegetable Research Center has been making headlines this year. It turns out that eating watermelon is much safer and more effective than using Viagra. The thing is that the chemical composition of the berry contains cirtulline, which is transformed as a result of metabolism into arginine, which is capable of activating the process of vasodilation.

Based on these statements, we can conclude that the benefits of watermelon for the body also include saturation of colors in sexual life.

Harm of watermelon to the body

I hope you understand everything about the positive effects of watermelon on the body. However, there are also negative qualities of using this product. This mainly applies to improperly grown berries.

Unfortunately, for faster growth and quick benefits, watermelons are often pumped with nitrates, which can produce both long-term and immediate toxic effects on humans. For example, in healthy people, these substances accumulate in the organs, often causing general weakness, irritability, insomnia and deterioration of defenses.

The situation is much worse with children, pregnant women and people with gastrointestinal problems. They may develop symptoms within a couple of hours after eating watermelon. Vomiting, nausea and dizziness appear.

Rules for choosing a healthy watermelon

Considering all the above information, benefits and harms of watermelon for the body depends on the right choice of berries. For example, the presence of nitrates in the pulp may be indicated by the following signs:

  • glossy smooth surface of the pulp;
  • its excessively scarlet color;
  • the presence of yellow internal fibers.

At the same time, in order to “reveal” the harmful watermelon, you can put its pulp in a glass of water. If the liquid turns pink, you can be sure that this is a nitrate berry, the consumption of which will not only not benefit the body, but can also cause serious harm to it.


Like any other product, watermelon has its contraindications. Here they are:

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Health and Beauty to you!

In your opinion, is watermelon a berry or a fruit? Or perhaps you consider it a vegetable, because it grows on the ground? People's opinions were divided for a long time until scientists determined that it was a melon crop with the morphological structure of a berry. In other words, pumpkin. A watermelon doesn’t really look like a berry, so you’re least likely to meet a person in line shouting to the seller, “weigh me that 3 kg berry...”.

The topic of our conversation is “The benefits of watermelon.” How healthy is it and for what diseases is it eaten? We will tell you about the composition of the largest berry in the world, its calorie content, the benefits of watermelon and what vitamins it contains. Watermelon also has contraindications, especially when the juicy fruit is consumed in unlimited quantities. You will find out what negative consequences of such unauthorized use a person can expect at the end of the article.

Is watermelon king or queen?

The origin of the berry has two versions, but both of them are based on the reliable fact that the first watermelon appeared in the wild even BC. in Africa.

Some consider the ancestor of the watermelon to be the wild colocynth, which still grows in South Africa. Another version says: DNA studies of the watermelon revealed that the ancestor of the watermelon is the “tsamma” melon, growing in the Kalahari Desert. To this day, this melon is a source of water for the Bushmen.

Surprisingly, the second version seems the most plausible. After all, watermelon is so juicy that it is impossible to eat it. But you can quench your thirst well. Even the ancient Romans and Egyptians enjoyed the gifts of nature and knew that watermelon had health benefits and valued the medicinal properties of red-fleshed pumpkin. Watermelon seeds were discovered in the 20th century BC. in the tomb of the pharaoh. Apparently, they were placed there as a means of nourishment for the soul and cleansing it.

Another interesting thing about watermelon seeds is said in one ancient Egyptian myth: “the first watermelon grew from the seed of the god Seth, who was madly in love with Isis...”. The romantic history and information about the seeds in the tomb allowed people to find medicinal components in watermelon seeds, and now they can successfully use this knowledge.

Later, the Chinese and Arabs became acquainted with watermelon. They believed that the benefits of watermelon for humans were colossal, supposedly this culture cleanses the body and soul, and removes illness from the body.

After some digression, let’s return to whether watermelon, a fruit given by nature, is healthy, because this is our main goal.

Watermelon - health benefits and harms

Watermelon is an ideal balance of minerals and vitamins. By interacting with each other in the body, they remove toxins and accumulate energy. The pulp, including subcutaneous pulp, peels, and seeds are used for medicinal purposes.

Fiber in the pulp improves digestion, and folic acid eliminates memory problems, improves cerebral circulation, and relieves nervous tension. And, of course, the diuretic properties of watermelon always stand above the rest. People have known about them for a long time and, with the help of watermelon, even fight the formation of stones in the urinary tract and gall bladder.

Watermelon seeds - benefits and harm

Watermelon seeds are beneficial and a real storehouse of healthy fats. They contain linoleic, carboxylic and linolenic fatty acids. Oil is extracted from the seeds, similar in composition to olive and almond.

The benefit of watermelon seeds is that they contain a special substance - arginine, which is good for the blood and regulates blood pressure, niacin - which benefits the nervous system.

The benefits of watermelon for the body. Watermelon - calories, benefits, and harm

The unique composition of watermelon, which contains absolutely no harmful acids and few natural salts, deserves special attention. But Mother Nature rewarded it with low calorie content (38 kcal) and alkaline elements - potassium and sodium.

Thanks to this, you can never harm your kidneys, but will only help them if you arrange fasting “watermelon days”. And the stomach, having had its fill, will only thank you. The main thing is not to overdo it; more than 2.5 kg of watermelon pulp per day is too much (in addition to cleansing, you can wash everything useful from the body).

100 grams of miracle berry pulp contains the following minerals:

  • Magnesium - 224 mg
  • Potassium – 65 mg
  • Sodium – 16 mg
  • Calcium 14 mg
  • Phosphorus – 7 mg
  • Iron – 1 mg

And, of course, here is the main composition of the fruit, allowing you to draw a conclusion about how watermelon is beneficial for the body and its dietary benefits:

  • Proteins – 0.7 g
  • Carbohydrates – 5-13 g
  • Pectin – about 0.7 g
  • Fiber – 0.5 g
  • Sucrose, glucose and fructose – from 5 to 13 mg

What vitamins are contained in watermelon?

It would seem, what is the benefit of watermelon and what vitamins can there be in watermelon, because it consists of 85% water... But as it turned out, watermelon pulp contains vitamins P, PP, C (ascorbic acid), B (thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid), A. The amount of each vitamin is minimal. But the vitamins in watermelon give us the right to say with confidence that the striped fruit is even more beneficial than we previously thought.

The beneficial properties of watermelon are manifested in gout, hypertension, arthritis, kidney stones, cystitis, nephritis, pyelonephritis. 1 glass with 1 tablespoon of honey should be taken in all of the above cases. This technique removes excess fluid, salts and toxins from the body.

Is watermelon a diuretic or not?

Even urolithiasis and cholelithiasis recede before this juicy and healthy fruit. The composition of vitamin watermelon is a healing union of water and magnesium, potassium and sodium.

If there are salts and sand in the kidneys and urine, then there will be no hope of salvation; watermelon juice flushes out all the excess that is unnecessary for the body. And even dissolves small stones in the gallbladder.

If you have kidney and bladder diseases, you need to be careful; it is not recommended to take more than one glass of juice at a time. The best treatment for uric acid diuresis is to eat watermelon in a warm bath, don’t be surprised, right in the water, on an empty stomach. In such conditions, the urinary ducts open better and salts, sand and small stones come out painlessly. Traditional medicine advises eating watermelon with black bread in the bath or after it. Watermelon goes better with white bread when you want to improve digestion rather than heal your kidneys.

We do kidney prevention every summer by taking vitamins contained in watermelon - from the end of summer until the end of autumn, what about you? The main thing is to avoid shopping until mid-August, especially if you do not have a nitrate meter with you.

By purchasing watermelons early, you may end up doing more harm than good. Read about how to choose a watermelon and to whom it is contraindicated at the end of the material. Now let’s talk about what other beneficial properties of watermelon are worth your attention.

Treatment of anemia

The presence of a vitamin complex and iron compounds makes watermelon an excellent assistant in the fight against anemia, that is, anemia. It will qualitatively increase hemoglobin without straining the gastrointestinal tract.

Chew watermelon and lose weight!

If you want to gain weight, then this trick will not work with watermelon, so watermelon can be called the No. 1 product of all those losing weight. Just 3-4 slices of watermelon are enough to feel your stomach full. Consumption of watermelon improves digestion and metabolic processes. There is a double benefit - the kidneys are cleansed, and waste products come out through feces and through sweating. This gets rid of excess cholesterol and constipation.

How is watermelon useful for a person if he has stomach problems? The advantage of watermelon is that it is an alkaline product and does not irritate the walls of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, it is most often prescribed to be eaten for gastritis and ulcers. True, as quickly as the stomach fills, hunger is felt just as quickly. Therefore, you need to be careful with the watermelon diet. A fasting day can be arranged once a week, with the exception of diabetics (they need to eat more often). This diet can help you lose 2-3 kg of weight in a month.

The opinion of nutritionists is that watermelon can greatly stimulate appetite. Therefore, there is a risk that people who are becoming overweight will end up eating to their heart's content some time later. The important thing here is the ability to restrain your impulses. If there is no sense of proportion, then it is recommended to eat watermelon before meals or instead of dinner, breakfast, and best of all, as an afternoon snack.

To treat the heart and cleanse the blood

Here, watermelon is strong due to the presence of folic acid, magnesium in large quantities and of course potassium. All these components together have a good effect on hypertensive patients; sometimes 150 grams of fruit is enough to lower blood pressure and improve the quality of life.

If you eat watermelons regularly, you can get rid of bad cholesterol, which destroys the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, adversely affecting the heart.

The benefits of watermelon for women

Women love watermelons with special frantic force, it’s all due to the subconscious desire to look perfect. Well, they were not mistaken in choosing a dietary product, because only watermelon can boast of the benefits that watermelon has for women!

But watermelon can also bring psychological benefits - it helps produce serotonin (the happiness hormone). It is useful if a couple in love tastes a few shares of the delicacy together, receiving a surge of endorphins in return. It follows that watermelon has a positive effect on the psychological state, calms the nerves, so it becomes clear why watermelon is useful for pregnant women, because their mood often changes.

How is watermelon beneficial for a woman’s body?

Lycopene protects the body from various cancers, which is excellent for women. And for cosmetic purposes, watermelon is also excellently used: women make masks, scrubs, crush the seeds and make a paste - they use it as a bleaching agent. A healing decoction is made from the crusts and drunk. This anti-edema medicine relieves and prevents age-related changes in the skin, making it elastic and radiant.

What are the benefits of watermelon for men?

The benefits of watermelon for men are manifested in the same properties as for all other people. And the presence of lycopene confirms that watermelon is excellent. It increases potency akin to Viagra, fights cancer and generally improves the body’s metabolic processes. So watermelon is good for men; they simply need to eat this berry!

Pay attention to the health of your kidneys, the presence of sand and pebbles is a warning that you need to consult a doctor before eating watermelon. After all, the ducts in males are much narrower than females and can become clogged with sand, after which surgical intervention may be required.

Is watermelon good for pregnant women?

Watermelons are good for children, the elderly, and of course, watermelon also has benefits for pregnant women. Can pregnant women eat watermelon, since they already have to be near the bathroom? Yes, this is true, but a moderate amount of watermelon juice or pulp will not harm, but will help you bear a healthy baby. In addition, the baby also needs the benefits of watermelon during pregnancy - folic acid for proper development, vitamins, and minerals.

But at what rate should you consume this healing product? Each pregnant woman has separate recommendations; some are allowed 2 slices at a time, while others are allowed to eat up to 1 kg.

It all depends on the state of pregnancy and of course on the quality of the watermelon and the time of day (not recommended in the evening). Watermelon is very good for preventing swelling. In order not to stock up on nitrates instead of vitamins, and also to find out which watermelon to choose for pregnant women, what benefits and harms there are from it, read the following recommendations.

Watermelon - benefits and harm to the body. How to choose the right berry?

Here's what experienced experts advise:

  • Never try watermelon if it's not in season (usually watermelons are very cheap during the season)
  • Do not try cut watermelon at the market, especially if it has been there for some time. Bacteria could have gotten inside
  • When you get home, wash the watermelon thoroughly under running water.
  • To check for the presence of nitrates, cut a piece and place it in a glass of water; if the water is colored, it means there are nitrates; if it’s just cloudy, you can eat the watermelon
  • The presence of yellow rather than white veins is a sign of nitrate content
  • It is better not to eat watermelon after meals for those who suffer from gas formation, especially pregnant women.
  • You cannot store watermelon for more than a day, even in the refrigerator. Watermelon can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days, or better yet alone. It tends to accumulate bacteria and lose taste during storage. It is necessary to turn the watermelon cut side down onto a tray and wrap the entire structure with cling film.

Watermelon, which has beneficial properties and contraindications, is completely prohibited for people with abnormalities of the genitourinary system, diabetics with type 2 diabetes mellitus, adenoma, colitis and diarrhea. You should also be more careful with fluid retention in the body; for such people, watermelon is both beneficial and harmful.

More often than not, those seeking the benefits of watermelon are interested in the question: what is healthier, watermelon or melon? There is only one answer to this question - they are almost identical in composition, and even the amount of water in them is the same. The only negative is for diabetics, they cannot eat melon due to the presence of a small amount of fat. Both melons are very healthy; nutritionists advise using them as an independent dish, without mixing them with anything else.

Most often, watermelon, the benefits and harms of which are described in the material, is consumed only as a delicacy. However, if you eat it regularly and every day for several months, at least 200–300 g per day, then the benefits of watermelon for the body are manifested as a diuretic and decongestant (due to its high water content). At the same time, both the fruits themselves and the peel and seeds have beneficial properties. Cosmetic oil is made from the seeds, which is useful due to its restorative properties, and confiture is made from the peels.

How to preserve watermelon?

Since watermelons are almost always large (5–6 kg or more), it is difficult to eat it at one time, even if consumed by a large family. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly store them in the refrigerator. Like any product containing sugar, oxidation and fermentation processes begin in them over time, especially after being in heat (carbohydrates, in particular glucose, begin to break down under the influence of anaerobic microorganisms). The refrigerator is able to slow down this process, since at low temperatures ( below +10 degrees), fermentation is not so active (it is active at a temperature of 10 degrees, and its speed doubles every time the temperature rises by 10 degrees). Therefore, the pulp and peels can only be stored in the refrigerator.

To preserve the taste and to prevent the pulp from drying out, after eating the berry (pumpkin) you can cover it with cling film and store it in the refrigerator in this form. Oxygen will not penetrate under it and the cut will not become dry. It is not necessary to tighten the surface of the crusts, since their taste characteristics are not important. It can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days (the rate of chemical reactions of fermentation and oxidation decreases when the product enters a cold environment, but they still occur and after 3-4 days the differences in the taste of pumpkin will become noticeable).

You also don’t have to throw away the pumpkin rind after it’s eaten. The crusts produce confiture with a sweetish-herbaceous taste. You also need to store the peels in the refrigerator, as they can also ferment. But unlike pulp, they can be stored for 5–10 days (their sugar content is lower, and therefore the fermentation processes are not as active).

Many consumers are interested in whether watermelon is healthy after long-term storage? If you store pumpkin in the refrigerator, the properties of the peels, seeds and pulp are preserved for some time, because at low temperatures no fermentation processes occur.

Urinary system

The beneficial properties of watermelon, its rinds and seeds for the kidneys and for gout are manifested in its diuretic effect. The positive effect on health lies in the high water content of the pulp. It has a diuretic effect, which helps to “wash” the kidneys of sand (if any) and does not allow infections to accumulate and stagnate in the kidneys and urinary tract (for example, with pyelonephritis). In addition, it is indicated after removal of the gallbladder and gout, because it removes harmful substances from the body (“bad” cholesterol, toxins are excreted in the urine).

An important aspect of why watermelon is good for the body in general and the kidneys in particular is that it has an alkaline environment, which means it does not irritate the kidneys and urinary tract. Since high blood pressure is often explained by edema (excess fluid puts pressure on the walls of blood vessels, reducing their lumen), this effect also explains whether watermelons and their rinds are good for a person with high blood pressure.

Eating pumpkin after pyelonephritis and infectious kidney diseases, removal of the gallbladder and for gout with benefits for the kidneys should be in accordance with the doctor’s instructions. He will tell you exactly how much of the product you can use. With pyelonephritis and after removal of the gallbladder, it is important not to “overload” the kidneys, which sometimes happens when drinking too much water.

If pyelonephritis and gallbladder removal have not occurred, pumpkin should not be consumed if you have kidney stones. An active flow of fluid can provoke the displacement of kidney stones and lead to blockage of the duct, which can provoke an attack.


How are watermelon and its rinds and seeds useful for blood vessels and blood pressure? The healing properties of watermelon are revealed only to those who suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure). Folic acid (8 mcg) and vitamin C (7 mg) have an anti-sclerotic effect, preventing the development of vascular atherosclerosis, that is, they do not allow cholesterol plaques to form on their walls. As a result, the patency of the vessels does not decrease and pressure does not increase.

Also, the benefits of watermelon and products made from its rinds and seeds for blood pressure (and gout) are explained by its diuretic effect. Thanks to it, excess water is removed from the body. Thus, when consumed daily, watermelon can eliminate swelling. How much should you take to get health benefits for hypertension and gout? You need at least 200–300 g per day (only in this case enough fluid will enter the body, but there will not be too much of it, so swelling will not appear). If you eat watermelon, the disappearance of swelling can help lower blood pressure in men and women, because excess water in the intercellular fluid puts pressure on the vessels, compressing them and reducing the lumen. The beneficial properties of watermelon for reducing edema also improve the condition during pregnancy, because during this period women often suffer from edema and high blood pressure. However, when breastfeeding, you should not eat it and products made from the crusts (as well as giving it to small children). And you should not abuse it during pregnancy (eat no more than 100 g per day). This is because watermelons sold in supermarkets contain nitrates, which have been added to the soil to speed up ripening. Nitrates accumulate in milk and can cause colic in the baby, because his gastrointestinal tract is not yet fully formed and can be irritated by chemicals.


If you take watermelon daily, the liver can be cleansed of excess fats, and the entire body of cholesterol and harmful toxins such as free radicals, oxidation and breakdown products formed as a result of oxidative and breakdown processes (which is good for gout) due to its diuretic effect . But in order for watermelon to have an effect on the liver, you need to eat at least 200 g of pulp per day (along with it, enough liquid will enter the body for the effect to occur). The benefit of watermelon and its rinds for cleansing the body of men and women lies in its fiber content (0.4 g per 100 g when measured in the watermelon with the rind). It enhances intestinal motility and activates its work. After this, the removal of harmful substances (oxidation and breakdown products, chemical and indigestible food components, “bad” cholesterol) is accelerated (which is useful after removal of the gallbladder, with pyelonephritis, gout, since toxins can accumulate in weakened organs and provoke relapses) .

Men and women who are concerned about their weight are wondering whether it is possible to gain weight from watermelon? The pulp of the fruit of this plant is used for weight loss. The benefits of pumpkin (berries) for weight loss are explained by the fact that 92% of its pulp is water. As a result, the product has a low calorie content (27 kcal per 100 g), but increases satiety and helps overcome hunger. There is relatively little sugar in its composition (5.8 g per 100 g in pulp). However, even this sugar content makes it a good alternative to dessert when losing weight.

Watermelon is good for ulcers. Whatever the origin, an ulcer often occurs in conditions of high acidity in the stomach. At the same time, significant acidity as such increases the likelihood of developing an ulcer. Regular (even minor) consumption of the juice of this pumpkin (berry) reduces acidity, so you can use watermelon for ulcers.

An alkaline environment also has a positive effect on teeth. After consuming any product with high acidity, tooth enamel begins to deteriorate. This happens until the acid-base balance of saliva is restored. Even a small piece of pulp will restore it and protect your teeth. The same environment is good for the kidneys during pyelonephritis and after removal of the gallbladder, because despite the diuretic effect, it does not irritate the mucous membrane.


Watermelon seed oil is used in cosmetology. This oil is obtained by cold pressing from pumpkin seeds (berries). Suitable for the face of people of all ages. It is characterized by restorative properties, because due to its alkaline environment it is able to restore the acid-base balance in hair tissue and facial skin.

As we age, free radicals accumulate in the skin cells of the face and body, causing it to lose its elasticity. The antioxidant content in the oil (beta-carotene 0.1 mg and vitamin A 17 mcg) prevents free radicals from penetrating into cells, settling there and accelerating aging. Using the product on the face gives good results at any age. Vitamin E (0.1 mg) promotes tissue restoration and rapid healing of microtraumas on the facial skin.

The product is applied directly to the face every evening.

Depending on the use, how much oil is needed is calculated. Before going to bed, you can apply it to the skin of your face in a thick layer, creating a kind of mask for better effects. There is no difficulty in how long to hold. When applied at night, wash in the morning. When applied during the day or early evening, the oil will be absorbed until the morning and there is no need to wash it off in the morning.

Important! In addition, there are edible varieties of oil. It is used for dressing salads and desserts. The oil gives dishes an unusual sweetish aroma. It must be stored in the refrigerator. It has a lower degree of purification and a liquid consistency for ease of use.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the benefits of watermelon (for the kidneys during pyelonephritis and removal of the gallbladder, gout), peels and seeds for health, there are also contraindications for use.

The benefits and harms of watermelon discussed in the material are not categorical. During breastfeeding and pregnancy, you can eat up to 100 g and rarely (during pregnancy it helps cope with swelling). Occasionally it is not prohibited to give to a young child. Each person must decide for himself whether or not to eat pumpkin (and at what age to give it to a child), how much is acceptable to consume, taking into account contraindications.

  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • I want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • problems with losing weight;
  • decreased appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, drooling;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • cough does not go away;
  • increased sweating;
  • acne on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or are in doubt about the causes of your ailments, you need to cleanse your body as quickly as possible. How to do it .

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