Home Salads and snacks Recipe for fried potatoes with mushrooms in a frying pan at home. Recipe for fried potatoes with mushrooms in a frying pan at home Potatoes stewed with mushrooms in cream

Recipe for fried potatoes with mushrooms in a frying pan at home. Recipe for fried potatoes with mushrooms in a frying pan at home Potatoes stewed with mushrooms in cream

Do you want to cook a dish that you can't tear yourself away from? Here you go, delicious potatoes with mushrooms in cream, which no one can resist. What a delicious aroma! What an amazing taste this dish has! Tender potatoes, juicy mushrooms and creamy sauce just drive you crazy! If you were looking for a recipe on how to cook potatoes in an unusual way, be sure to take this one. recipe for potatoes with mushrooms in cream with photo on a note. Moreover, I recommend preparing potatoes and mushrooms in exactly the same way as described in the recipe - the taste of this dish largely depends on this. Take the time to first fry the mushrooms and stew the potatoes in cream, and then bake all this beauty in the oven. As a result, you will have something aromatic and tasty for lunch.

Ingredients for cooking potatoes with mushrooms in cream

Step-by-step preparation with photos of potatoes with mushrooms in cream

  1. Cut the peeled potatoes into thin slices.
  2. Rinse the chopped potatoes with water to remove starch. Let it drain.
  3. Cut the champignon mushrooms into thin slices.
  4. Fry the mushrooms in a frying pan with 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Salt the mushrooms.
  5. Heat another pan or use the one in which you cooked the mushrooms. Fry the chopped potatoes for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Salt and pepper the potatoes to taste.
  6. Add chopped garlic to the potatoes. Pour the heavy cream over the potatoes until they are completely covered. You may need less cream.
  7. Simmer the potatoes in the cream for another 5 minutes. The cream will thicken a little and soak into the potatoes, making them very tender.
  8. Add fried mushrooms and finely chopped parsley to the creamed potatoes. Stir and taste to determine if more salt or pepper is needed.
  9. Place the potatoes with mushrooms and cream in the prepared pan and place in a preheated oven for 20-30 minutes.

Potatoes with mushrooms in cream are served hot with fresh or pickled vegetables. Bon appetit!

Greetings, dear friends and regular readers of the culinary site cookmen.ru. Today I want to cook with you for breakfast the well-known fried potatoes with mushrooms, but cream will add originality to this simple dish. Yes, I didn’t describe the cream exactly, I’m sure that for many fried potatoes in cream is something new, but I assure you, the dish is so tasty that you won’t be able to tear yourself away from the plate.

For breakfast fried potatoes with mushrooms in cream it will be just right, because upon waking up, you and your family, after a long night, are quite hungry, and there simply won’t be enough time to cook up some masterpiece, since you understand that soon you yourself will become the main dish to eat. Therefore, let’s not waste time and quickly peel the potatoes...

For fried potatoes with mushrooms we will need the following products:

    400 grams;
  • Potatoes - 8 pieces (not large);
  • Garlic - four cloves;
  • Parsley - a bunch;
  • Olive oil - 4 - 5 tablespoons;
  • Salt, to taste;
  • Heavy cream - 300 ml.

Cooking fried potatoes with mushrooms

So, let's start preparing the dish. First, we peel the potatoes, wash them well and cut them into thin slices; for this there are special graters for grating potatoes, but as I am used to doing everything with my hands, I use a knife to cut potatoes. I think there’s no need to talk about how to peel potatoes; probably, each of us has done this at least once in our lives and has an idea of ​​how to do it.

After cutting the potatoes into thin slices, they must be thoroughly washed to remove the starch that the potatoes produce. Then we place the potatoes in a special plate with slits in the bottom so that the potatoes drain well and there is no excess water left on them.

While the potatoes are getting rid of water, we will deal with the mushrooms. Wash it well and cut it into approximately the same flat slices as we cut the potatoes.

Next we will make potatoes, for this we will need a frying pan with a thick bottom. Heat the frying pan, add olive oil and pour the potatoes into the well-heated oil; there is no need to cover with a lid, since we need to fry the potatoes and not stew them; if we cover with a lid, the moisture that will be released during frying will get into the frying pan, which will bring it to stewing. There is also a point, we just need to brown the potatoes; we don’t need to cook them completely, since we will cook them until they are fully cooked in the oven.

While the potatoes are frying, we will fry the mushrooms in another frying pan. Add oil to a well-heated frying pan and add mushrooms to it.

As soon as the potatoes have become golden brown and fried a little, add salt and pepper to taste, and squeeze out the garlic, stirring well with a wooden spoon, being careful not to break the potato slices, add cream. Add a little cream, as shown in the photo, maybe a little less, cream adds fat to the potatoes, if you don’t like too fatty potatoes, then don’t overdo it with cream.

Turn off the heat and fry on low for about five more until the cream boils a little and deflates.

At this time, the mushrooms have already been fried quite well; you can also pepper and salt them, but do not overdo it, do not forget that the potatoes are already seasoned with spices.

As soon as you feel that everything is ready, remove the frying pan and the frying pan with the mushrooms. Pour the mushrooms into the potatoes, taste with salt and pepper, if there is not enough seasoning, you can add. After that, pour everything into a baking dish and send it to a well-heated oven for another ten minutes at 200?.

Take the potatoes out of the oven and place them on a plate.

OK it's all over Now fried potatoes with mushrooms ready in cream. Have fun enjoying your breakfast. See you again!!!

On foodnex.ru

  • Mushrooms (fresh, dry or frozen) - 350 g
  • Potatoes - 350 g
  • Milk - 200 ml
  • Cream (any) - 140 ml
  • Garlic - 1 tooth.
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Cheese - 100 g
  • Puff pastry - 250 g
  • Spices (salt, ground pepper, nutmeg - to taste)

Advice: you don't have one of the ingredients? Eliminate such recipes using the form on the left side of the screen!

Fried potatoes with mushrooms and cream

Step 1

To prepare you will need: potatoes, champignons, 20% cream, onions, oil for frying and herbs for decoration.

Step 2

champignons - cut differently." class="photo" />

Step 3

If you like other slices of champignons, cut them differently.

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Recipe for baked potatoes with mushrooms in sour cream

Potatoes with mushrooms in cream - hello, kitchen girl! step-by-step recipes with photos

About 8 medium sized potatoes

400 grams of mushrooms (champignons),

4 cloves of garlic,

a small bunch of parsley,

4-5 tablespoons of vegetable or olive oil,

sea ​​salt and freshly ground black pepper,

~ 300 ml heavy cream.

I found this one in Liska's journal. The original recipe does not contain mushrooms and there is twice as much cream (~ 400 ml), having prepared it strictly according to the recipe, it seemed to me that mushrooms were strongly suggested here, and the cream could be reduced. The recipe is from Richard Bertinet's book "Cook: in a Class of Your Own" and was accompanied by the following words - "Warning: this dish is addictive" (Warning: this dish is addictive), and it really is.


1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Peel and wash the potatoes, then cut into thin slices (2-3 mm).

2. Wash the potatoes well to remove starch and leave to drain.

3. Meanwhile, chop the mushrooms.

4. Heat the oil in a thick-bottomed frying pan over medium heat. Lay out the potato slices and stir with a wooden spoon until all the slices are coated with oil. Add salt and pepper. We continue stirring until we see the potato slices become sticky, because... potatoes begin to release starch

5. At the same time, heat the frying pan for the mushrooms, add one tablespoon of olive oil, add the mushrooms, and add salt.

6. As soon as the potato slices become sticky, add garlic and pour in cream, just enough to completely cover the potato slices, but no more (as practice has shown, less is possible), the taste will simply be less greasy, but still the same rich and creamy.

7. Reduce the heat and cook the potatoes for about five more minutes, until the cream thickens a little.

8. Remove the prepared mushrooms from the heat.

9. Finely chop the parsley.

10. Remove the frying pan with potatoes from the heat and check the spices for taste. At this point, you can add salt or pepper if the amount seems insufficient. Stir mushrooms and parsley into the dish.

11. Move everything together into a baking dish. Bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes. All! The dish is ready!

12. It turned out to be a wonderful, quite nutritious second course. The wonderful combination of potatoes, mushrooms and cream makes this dish very homey and cozy.

Potatoes with mushrooms in cream - culinary recipe

It is undoubtedly very tasty, but! Why bother so much? When you can prepare the same thing using the classic version of potato gratin with mushrooms. In this case, you only bother in advance with the mushrooms fried with onions)) and everything else releases starch on its own, thickens on its own, etc. already in the oven

Another practical tip... before greasing the mold with oil, you need to rub it thoroughly with garlic. To do this, a clove of garlic is cut in half lengthwise, a notch is made on the slices with a grid (so that the juice flows to the entire surface of the cut) and these garlic cloves are rubbed into the mold.. Then coated with softened butter.

Potatoes, as you correctly described, are cut into the same circles... and the mold is layered. in which they bake, like this:

the bottom layer is mushrooms (may be loose. Otherwise, dust it a little.. You’re not making it with mushroom cream)), cream (a little... so that it’s...

Then a layer of potatoes, they add salt, dust them with spices (it could be a little thyme/nutmeg/garlic powder..if you like garlic..if you don’t, don’t) and cover it with cream.

the remaining cream is poured boldly on top (and I would also bring it almost to a boil... before pouring... this will give the gratin fluffiness))..

In general, where there are mushrooms, it’s good to add parsley (fresh), as it brings out the mushroom flavor very well. Many people think that dill should be used for this, but no.. - it’s parsley).. Dill - the fish like it)

When all layers are completed...cover the baking dish with foil, in which, using a toothpick or some kind of stick...make 5-6 holes so that steam can escape through them...

Send it all into the oven and cook over high heat for about 20 minutes, then turn down the heat and simmer for another 20 minutes... then remove the foil... and brown the top. And you don't need to mix anything

As a rather lazy person, I prefer... the puff version of this wonderful dish)

PS: I also like to add cheese to the layers. Of the domestic ones for all kinds of heat treatments, I like the Bukovinian one the most. When baked it becomes very fluffy.

Potatoes with mushrooms in cream / potatoes with mushrooms in cream

%This is the second time I’ve prepared this dish, we really like it


About 8 medium sized potatoes

400 grams of mushrooms (champignons),

4 cloves of garlic,

a small bunch of parsley,

4-5 tablespoons of vegetable or olive oil,

salt and ground black pepper,

300 ml heavy cream.

We clean and wash the potatoes, then cut them into thin slices (2-3 mm). Rinse the potatoes well to remove starch and leave to drain.

Meanwhile, chop the mushrooms.

Heat the oil in a thick-bottomed frying pan over medium heat. Lay out the potatoes, stir with a wooden spoon so that all the slices are covered with oil. Add salt and pepper.

As soon as the potato slices become sticky, add the garlic and pour in the cream, just enough to completely cover the potato slices, but no more, the taste will simply be less fatty, but still rich and creamy.

We continue stirring until we see the potato slices become sticky, because... the potatoes begin to release starch. At the same time, heat the pan for the mushrooms, add 1 tbsp. olive oil, add mushrooms, salt

Mushrooms and potatoes are an excellent combination, and if you add cream, then you will get a simply wonderful dish that can satisfy the taste needs of everyone at home, because no one can resist its smell. But it’s worth considering that the taste of the potatoes will depend on the mushrooms purchased. You can buy champignons, chanterelles or porcini mushrooms. You can even buy canned food.

The potatoes according to the proposed recipe turn out unsurpassed and satisfying. You can change the quantity of products, so if you need to make less, buy not many ingredients. It is also worth noting that the dish is attractive in appearance, and also not very expensive. The end result is a nutritious and wonderful dish. And thanks to the combination of products such as cream, mushrooms and potatoes, it becomes very homely. In general, try it and enjoy!

Recipe ingredients:

  • Potatoes – 8 pcs.
  • Garlic – 4 cloves
  • Mushrooms – 400 gr.
  • Parsley - bunch
  • Oil (olive or vegetable) – 4-5 tbsp. lie
  • Heavy cream – 300 ml
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Salt - to taste

Cooking potatoes with mushrooms in cream

First preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Peel the potatoes, cut them into thin pieces (3 mm each).

Heat a frying pan with oil. Make the heat medium, and take a frying pan with a thick bottom. Place the potatoes there, stirring with a wooden spoon until all the pieces are coated with oil. Salt and pepper. Stir until potatoes become sticky.

Slice the mushrooms.

Heat a frying pan, add a tablespoon of oil, then add the mushrooms and salt.

When the potato pieces become sticky, add garlic, pour in cream - it should cover the potatoes, then the taste will not be so greasy.

Then reduce the heat and cook the potatoes for about 5 minutes until the cream begins to thicken. Remove cooked mushrooms.

Then finely chop the parsley.

Remove the pan from the potatoes and taste the spices. You can add a little salt or pepper if necessary. Then stir the mushrooms and parsley into the potatoes and transfer to the mold.

Bake in the oven for half an hour at 180 degrees.

When the specified time has passed, you can serve the delicious dish!

Cooking instructions

1 hour Print

    1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Peel and wash the potatoes, then cut into thin slices. Rinse well to remove starch and leave to drain. Tool Oven thermometer How the oven actually heats up, even if you set a specific temperature, can only be understood with experience. It is better to have a small thermometer on hand that is placed in the oven or simply hung on the grill. And it is better that it shows degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit simultaneously and accurately - like a Swiss watch. A thermometer is important when you need to strictly observe the temperature regime: for example, in the case of baking.

    2. Slice the mushrooms. Tool Ceramic Knife Japanese ceramic knives are made from zircon oxide, a material that falls midway between steel and diamond on the hardness scale. Moreover, they are lighter than metal ones, do not oxidize food, do not absorb odors and do not require sharpening for at least three years.

    3. Heat the oil in a thick-bottomed frying pan over medium heat. Add the potatoes and mix until all the slices are coated with oil. Salt and pepper. The Belgians of Green Pan rebelled against Teflon. With the passion of a preacher, they tell us that polytetrafluoroethylene heated to more than 260 degrees is toxic and even kills some birds on the spot. Instead, a new non-stick thermolon coating is offered, which does not contain harmful chemicals and allows you to fry in a small amount of oil.

    4. Continue stirring until we see the slices become sticky. At the same time, fry the mushrooms and add salt.

    5. As soon as the potato slices become sticky, add the garlic and pour in the cream to completely cover the potato slices.
    Crib How to prepare garlic

    6. Reduce heat and cook potatoes for another 5 minutes until the cream thickens. Remove mushrooms from heat.

    7. Finely chop the parsley. Remove the frying pan with potatoes from the heat and check the spices for taste. Stir mushrooms and parsley into the dish.

About 8 medium sized potatoes
400 grams of mushrooms (champignons),
4 cloves of garlic,
a small bunch of parsley,
4-5 tablespoons of vegetable or olive oil,
sea ​​salt and freshly ground black pepper,
~ 300 ml heavy cream.

I found this recipe in Liski's magazine. In the original recipe there are no mushrooms and twice as much cream (~ 400 ml), having prepared strictly according to the recipe, it seemed to me that fried mushrooms were strongly suggested here, and the cream could be reduced. The recipe is from Richard Bertinet's book "Cook: in a Class of Your Own" and was accompanied by the following words - "Warning: this dish is addictive" (Warning: this dish is addictive), and it really is.


1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Peel and wash the potatoes, then cut into thin slices (2-3 mm).

2. Wash the potatoes well to remove starch and leave to drain.

3. Meanwhile, chop the mushrooms.

4. Heat the oil in a thick-bottomed frying pan over medium heat. Lay out the potato slices and stir with a wooden spoon until all the slices are coated with oil. Add salt and pepper. We continue stirring until we see the potato slices become sticky, because... potatoes begin to release starch

5. At the same time, heat the frying pan for the mushrooms, add one tablespoon of olive oil, add the mushrooms, and add salt.

6. As soon as the potato slices become sticky, add garlic and pour in cream, just enough to completely cover the potato slices, but no more (as practice has shown, less is possible), the taste will simply be less greasy, but that’s it same rich and creamy.

7. Reduce the heat and cook the potatoes for about five more minutes, until the cream thickens a little.

8. Remove the prepared mushrooms from the heat.

9. Finely chop the parsley.

10. Remove the frying pan with potatoes from the heat and check the spices for taste. At this point, you can add salt or pepper if the amount seems insufficient. Stir mushrooms and parsley into the dish.

11. Move everything together into a baking dish. Bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes. All! The dish is ready!

12. It turned out to be a wonderful, quite nutritious second course. The wonderful combination of potatoes, mushrooms and cream makes this dish very homey and cozy.

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