Home Drinks and cocktails Storing marshmallows at home. Apple marshmallow at home: simple step-by-step recipes. How to store homemade apple marshmallow at home Apple marshmallow shelf life

Storing marshmallows at home. Apple marshmallow at home: simple step-by-step recipes. How to store homemade apple marshmallow at home Apple marshmallow shelf life

After harvesting apples, pears and plums, housewives prepare jams, jams and compotes. Apples can also be used for other home preservation - tomato sauces, salads and snacks. From the remaining fruits you can prepare a delicious marshmallow for evening tea with your family, and children will also love this delicacy.

Pastila began to be made in Rus' back in the 14th century with the addition of honey and hazelnuts. The form of pastila was very simple - it was boiled in a Russian oven, and then rolled into a thin flat cake, cut, and left for storage.

Properly prepared marshmallow from high-quality raw materials has a dense structure, does not stick to your hands, and does not stick together during storage. But how to store it correctly so that it does not lose its taste and remains appetizing in appearance?

What to consider

Initially, it may seem that it is not easy to preserve marshmallows at home so that they do not lose their original appearance. But if you comply with the storage conditions and do everything correctly, you can keep this healthy treat for a long time without losing its flavor and quality.

  • Glass jars with tight lids and metal clamps;
  • Canvas bags that are placed in tin containers;
  • Waxed paper (kitchen parchment, baking paper) and then place the “ball” in a plastic container.

The storage temperature of marshmallows at home should not exceed 15 degrees, and the humidity in the room should preferably be no more than 60%.

If the glass container is hermetically sealed, the storage of marshmallows increases to one and a half to two months at optimal temperature and humidity. Well, if you use a canvas bag, then it should be soaked in a strong salt solution and dried without rinsing.

Cellophane bags placed with marshmallows in the refrigerator are not suitable for storage. There, the healthy delicacy will become sticky and shapeless in a few days, and when it comes into contact with air, the marshmallow quickly dries out.

Belevskaya marshmallow differs from the usual one in that it is prepared using chicken eggs whipped into a strong airy foam. It can be stored much longer. If all conditions are met, the marshmallow remains fresh for up to a year.

5-6 months after preparation, before enjoying Belevsky marshmallow, it needs to be heated in the oven. Plum marshmallow has a softer consistency, so after cutting, it is recommended to roll it into portioned rolls and store it that way.

Storing the product in winter

Only properly prepared marshmallows will be stored for a long time without losing their appearance, taste or usefulness. The rolled sheet of cooled marshmallow is rolled into a long rope and then cut into portions. All that remains is to place the delicacy in an airtight container, and then the marshmallow can be preserved until the next apple harvest.

2 years ago


The fresh apple harvest season will begin very soon. It's time to stock up on recipes on how to prepare delicious benefits from apples. I think no one will remain indifferent to apple marshmallow. Probably few people cook pastila now. But in vain! It is not only very tasty, but also healthy, especially for children. An excellent replacement for store-bought sweets. I highly recommend stocking up for the winter. For anyone who wants to try it, I’ll tell you in detail how to make apple marshmallow at home.


  • apples
  • sugar (optional)

Apple pastille in the oven

Pastila can be made from any apples, even fallen ones, if you grow apple trees yourself. The quantity depends on what kind of container you will use for boiling apples. I have a 5-liter saucepan, so I cook as many apples in it as there are. I’ll say right away that enamel pans are not suitable for this. The apples in them burn when heated for a long time.

Remove the seeds from the apples and cut them into small pieces or slices. If the skin of the apples is hard and dense, then you can peel the apples.

I put the apples in a saucepan and add water. For this amount of apples, start with 1 cup. I put it on the fire, cover it with a lid and bring it to a boil. Add sugar 5 tablespoons. This is to taste and optional.

Stir the apples periodically to ensure they heat evenly. If there is very little liquid or it has evaporated, then add water little by little so that the apples do not burn.

I cook until the apples turn into almost mush.

Then I puree the apple mixture with an immersion blender. At the same time, I do not remove the pan from minimal heat.

I boil the resulting puree further to get rid of excess liquid - the mass should thicken. I do this while constantly stirring the apple mixture over low heat so that it does not burn. Now be careful! When the applesauce boils, it gurgles violently and produces hot splatters. I remove the pan from the heat.

How to make apple marshmallow

I line the baking trays with baking paper. I note that it is better to take thick paper. I don’t know if simple tracing paper is suitable for this, because it is very thin and, I think, will have time to get wet while the marshmallow is being prepared. Spread the apple mixture all over the baking sheet. layer no more than 0.5 cm. From this number of apples I get 2 baking sheets.

Important details!

  1. I put the apple marshmallow to dry in the oven at a temperature of 80-90 degrees. I turn on the lower and upper heating of the oven.
  2. Dry with the oven door slightly open. To do this, you can insert a pencil between the door and the oven body. This is necessary so that wet steam can escape.
  3. I turn on the convection mode so that the heating is even. Especially if I place 2 baking sheets at the same time.
  4. Preparing apple marshmallows at this temperature takes about 3-4 hours. And this is the fastest way.
  5. BUT, in order to preserve more vitamins, it is better to dry the marshmallow at a temperature of 60-70 degrees. This will take longer, approximately 5-6 hours.
  6. How to check the readiness of marshmallows? Take out the baking sheet and touch the pastille with your hand. The finished pastille does not stick to your hand and should not be soft. If there are such areas, then you still need to dry the marshmallow for some time.
  7. Since everyone’s oven is different, you need to control the process accordingly. This really shouldn't scare you. During the cooking process, you will definitely feel everything yourself - what quantity, in what mode and what time is needed for cooking in your oven. Do it once, the second time will be much easier.

Cool the finished sheet of apple marshmallow a little and carefully remove it from the paper. This is done quite easily.

If there is a need to dry the marshmallow sheet on the other side, then I turn it upside down, put it on a new sheet of paper and dry it in the oven again.

Homemade apple pastille in the oven is ready. Can be rolled and cut.

Keep chopped apple marshmallow can be stored in a closed, dry container. Rolls in a dry place.

Sweet option

You can grease a sheet of apple marshmallow with liquid honey, sprinkle with chopped nuts, roll and cut. This pastille is not for long-term storage.

P.S. Using the same principle - pureeing and drying - you can prepare marshmallows from various fruits and berries. No need to cook! Peel all fruits before pureeing.

Possible combinations:

  • pear, kiwi, banana
  • peaches, plums, apricots
  • raspberries, currants
  • strawberries, seedless grapes, etc.

Cook with pleasure and eat for health!

With love for you

Video used https://goo-gl.ru/BUq

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Pastila translated from Latin means “flatbread”. In other words, it is a confectionery product prepared by beating fruit and berry mass with egg whites and granulated sugar and then mixing with hot sugar syrup, molasses, agar or marmalade mass.

This airy and tender delicacy came to us a long time ago and has been known since the fourteenth century. Previously, only 2 products were used to prepare it: honey, which was later replaced with sugar, and Antonov apples. Pastila is not only a very tasty sweet, but also healthy. It does not contain fat at all, but it does contain pectins, which normalize cholesterol levels in the blood, remove salts from the body, prevent the occurrence of stomach ulcers and fight viruses. Let's find out with you how to store.

How to properly store marshmallows?

How to properly store marshmallows so that they do not spoil and always remain soft and fresh. Remember that marshmallows are very sensitive to moisture, so when purchasing, pay attention to the tightness of the packaging. Fresh and good marshmallow should be elastic and not crack when pressed. If it is sticky, it means that the product was stored incorrectly and was exposed to sunlight.

How to store apple marshmallows?

It is best to store dried in clean glass jars, after cutting it into portioned strips or rolling it into a roll. Properly dried marshmallows may feel slightly damp to the touch at first, but they should not stain your hands. When cutting, the delicacy should be cut softly and easily; if the pastille breaks, it means it is a little burnt or too dry. If the inside of the mass is raw and smears a little, then you need to cut the strips dry a little more.

How to store Belevsky marshmallow?

This pastille keeps well for a whole year. You just need to put it in an airtight container and place it in a dry and dark place. Under no circumstances should marshmallows be stored in a plastic bag, as it will quickly become sticky and spoil. To prevent insects from getting into the marshmallow, you can store it in canvas bags, pre-soaked in a saline solution. If the delicacy has been lying around for six months, then for prevention, warm it up in the oven. Pastila goes amazingly with coffee, tea and is used instead of sweets as a natural fruit treat.

Berry marshmallow is a simple, tasty and healthy treat..

Historical reference

The term "marshmallow" comes from the Latin word pastillus (flatbread). According to another version, the word “pastila” (postila, as they said until the beginning of the last century) denotes the principle of preparing the delicacy (fruit and berry puree is spread on a flat surface and dried).

Be that as it may, this confectionery product is an original Russian invention. Marshmallow appeared in the fourteenth century (presumably, the residents of Kolomna were the first to make it).

Kolomna marshmallow was made from grated apples of sour varieties, such as titovka, antonovka, etc. Over time, berries (lingonberries, currants, raspberries) also began to be used.

In addition to fruit or berry puree, honey was used when preparing marshmallows (it was eventually replaced with sugar).

Since the fifteenth century, egg white has become one of the ingredients of marshmallow. Thanks to this additive, the delicacy acquired high plasticity.

Russian pastila was dried in an oven (mashed potatoes mixed with honey were applied in a thin layer to fabric stretched on wooden frames). After the first drying stage, the product was subjected to a second procedure: the layers were layered on top of each other and placed in a cooling oven.

Beginning in the nineteenth century, marshmallows began to be exported to European countries. Over time, the delicacy began to be produced on an industrial scale.

Technology for making homemade marshmallows

Making homemade marshmallows is a fairly simple process. Many housewives do not even use sugar, honey or syrup (the level of acidity is determined by the selected fruits and berries).

At the first stage, the raw materials are sorted, washed and processed (ground into puree). Then it is boiled, removing excess moisture, placed in oiled flat trays or on paper-lined baking sheets and dried in an oven or dryer until plastic (the layer of puree at the edges is thicker than in the center of the tray). Sometimes the berries are preheated and only then ground.

The readiness of the marshmallow is determined by bending the dried layer. If it does not stick to your hands and at the same time remains elastic, the marshmallow is ready. If the layer breaks, the treat is overdried.

How to store marshmallows?

Most often, the finished product is stored in glass jars with tight-fitting lids or other sealed containers.

Before placing the marshmallow there, the layers are cut and sprinkled with powdered sugar. It also pays to store the marshmallow in the refrigerator (you don’t have to cut it, but roll it up). I store it mostly in plastic wrap in a dry place.

It is important to remember: berries with a lot of seeds make a fragile marshmallow. They should be combined with fruit puree.

Application of marshmallows

Pastila is not only a low-calorie snack and a favorite children's treat. It can be used to prepare sweet and sour berry sauces - to do this, just soak it in water or juice (the optimal proportion is 1:1). It is also quite acceptable to make jam from marshmallows (in this case, 3 parts marshmallow to 1 part boiling water). We mostly eat it as is)

Berry marshmallow recipes

Wash the required amount of berries and fruits, peel them (for example, peel bananas, pit cherries) and blend in a blender. Pour the resulting mass into a saucepan, add the remaining ingredients (sugar, honey, seeds, water) and heat to 30 degrees to melt the sugar. It is important not to overheat so as not to destroy the vitamins. Mix thoroughly. Pour the resulting mass onto sheets for drying and level it. The second option is marshmallow without sugar, water and heat, and in recent years I have been using this. It is suitable for marshmallows containing sweet and juicy ingredients: watermelon, banana, sweet apples, pears. And, perhaps, this is the most delicious and healthy marshmallow.

I cook pastille on the Isidri dryer. The recipe indicates the quantity of products for a sheet with a diameter of 34 cm. Drying time is 10-15 hours at a temperature of 50 degrees (medium).

Apple and watermelon pastille

  • 1.5 cups of apples
  • 1.5 mugs

Pastila from apples, watermelon, banana

  • 1 cup of apples
  • 1 mug of watermelon
  • 1 banana

Blackcurrant, grape and apple marshmallow

  • 1 mug
  • 1 mug of black seedless quiche
  • 1 cup chopped apples
  • 2 tablespoons sugar (no heaping)
  • 1 tablespoon water

Blackcurrant and banana pastille

  • 2 mugs of black currant
  • 2 bananas
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 tbsp. water

Lingonberry and melon pastille

  • 1 mug
  • 2 cups chopped melon
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 1 tbsp. water

To make the marshmallow multi-colored, heat the lingonberries separately with sugar and water and pour them onto a baking sheet with spoons, then pour the melon into the empty spaces. Move a spoon over the marshmallow to create streaks.

Gooseberry, melon and nut pastille

  • 1 mug
  • 2 cups chopped melon
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • nuts for decoration

When the marshmallow is dry but still sticky, add the nuts.

Cherry, banana, melon pastille

  • 1 mug
  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup chopped melon
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara

Cherry and melon pastille

  • 1 mug of cherries
  • 2 cups chopped melon
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara

Pastila from currants, bananas and apples

  • 1 cup of currants
  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup chopped apples
  • 3 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 tbsp. water

Pastila - croissant made from currants, bananas and apples

Raspberry and banana paste

  • 1 mug
  • 2 bananas
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 tbsp. water

Cherry, banana, sesame pastille

  • 1 mug of cherries
  • 2 bananas
  • 1 tbsp. honey
  • 1 tbsp. water
  • 2 tbsp. sesame

I roll some of the marshmallow into a tube and pack it in cling film and store it in the closet.

I cut some of the marshmallow into triangles (rolled like croissants), squares, etc., sprinkle with powdered sugar and store in containers.

Berry marshmallow is a delicacy that has a truly Russian character. This healthy sweet can replace high-calorie and low-health confectionery products.

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Pastila is a delicious dessert of Russian cuisine that is loved by both children and adults.

But if you buy marshmallows in stores, you may encounter low-quality and dangerous products.

And why do this if marshmallows are very easy to prepare at home.

Many of us in childhood tried thin, tender and aromatic apple marshmallow, which you want to eat and eat. But we can easily prepare this dessert at home, we just need to be patient, because apple marshmallow at home needs to be dried for a long time. But let's talk about everything in order.

To prepare this dessert you will need:

  • 3 kg. sweet apples;
  • 100 gr. clean water.

Try to take exactly sweet and juicy fruits, then the dessert will turn out to be the most tender and aromatic.


  • Wash the apples well, remove the core with seeds and cut into large pieces. After this, place the pieces of fruit in an enamel container and add a little water, otherwise the apples will burn.
  • If the apples are sweet enough, then you should not add sugar to them. If the fruit is sour or you need more sweetness, then add sugar - the amount is determined by taste.
  • Cover the container with a lid and place over very low heat and bring to a boil.
  • Cook the apples until they turn into puree. Stir them occasionally. Cooking fruit this way can take you from 60 to 90 minutes, but if you do it in a slow cooker, then cooking will take 40-45 minutes.
  • When the apples have become puree, let it simmer a little in its own juice, and then little by little put the mass into a sieve and intensively crush it with a masher. The sieve for such purposes should be quite fine.
  • As a result, you should get a homogeneous, tender mass, and discard what remains in the sieve.


A real, tasty marshmallow should be thin; to do this, when forming it, you need to use a knife with a rounded end or a dessert spatula.

  • Using a spatula or knife, spread the puree onto a baking sheet or flat ovenproof dish. The thickness of the puree should not exceed 5 mm. And remember, the thinner you put the puree, the faster it will dry.
  • Place the baking sheet in the oven and dry the puree for 180-200 minutes at 180 degrees.

If you have a dehydrator, it is better to dry it in it. In this machine, the pastille dries from 60 to 180 minutes.

There are housewives who advise drying marshmallows in the sun. You, of course, can do this, but, firstly, it is unhygienic, because when drying the puree, you cannot cover it with anything. And, secondly, you will have to wait for the preparation of such a dessert for at least a week, or even more - it all depends on the humidity outside and indoors. Therefore, we would not recommend this method to you.

Fresh apple paste

This dessert can be prepared not only from boiled, but also from fresh fruit. To prepare this dish you will need to take 2 kg. Sweet and very juicy apples.


  • Wash the apples, peel and core them, and then grate them using the finest grater.
  • Place the resulting puree on a baking sheet or other flat dish and dry in the oven or dehydrator. But keep in mind that this dessert will be quite sour despite the fact that the apples are sweet. This is due to the fact that when exposed to air, fruits oxidize, which affects both their appearance and taste.
  • If you want to make the marshmallow sweeter, add powdered sugar to the applesauce (you cannot replace it with sugar).

Thick and sweet marshmallow

Many in our country and in the post-Soviet space love not thin, but thick and sweet apple marshmallow. Making it is also not difficult, but preparing such a recipe requires a larger amount of products, namely:

  • 300 gr. apples;
  • 1 white from a large egg;
  • 100 gr. Sahara;
  • 60 gr. water;
  • 8 gr. agar-agar.

Preparation of marshmallows

  • First we prepare the fruit base. To do this, the apples are washed and removed from the skin and core.
  • Then the fruit is cut into thin slices and placed in a pan, preferably one with a thick bottom. You can put it in the multicooker bowl.
  • Bring the contents of the pan to a boil slowly. To prevent the fruit from burning, add a little water to it.
  • Boil the apples until pureed, remove from heat and let cool slightly.
  • Then press the applesauce through a sieve. Discard the remaining cake in the sieve.
  • Add egg whites and granulated sugar to the applesauce and mix everything with a blender. Stir until the mixture turns white.

Preparation of syrup

Now we need to prepare the syrup. This is done as follows:

  • Pour water into the agar-agar and leave it for a while to swell.
  • Then add sugar to the mixture and heat the mixture to 100 degrees.
  • Now the syrup needs to be cooled to 65-70 degrees and added to the puree, immediately beating the mass with a mixer at low speed.


  • If you did everything correctly, then you should have a fluffy and airy mass. It needs to be placed in a mold with high sides, previously covered with cling film.
  • Level the surface of the dessert with a spatula and leave for 12 hours.
  • After this time, the marshmallow should be transferred to a flat plate or baking sheet, carefully turning the form over.
  • Sprinkle the dessert generously with powdered sugar, cut into pieces and leave for another 3 hours.

The pastille will be ready when it is hard on top and sides, and soft on the inside and melts in your mouth. If you see that the top and sides have not hardened after 3 hours, then leave it for a few more hours.

How to store marshmallows

Homemade marshmallow, due to the lack of preservatives, does not last very long, and it retains its freshness best in the refrigerator. For storage, it should be wrapped in parchment paper or transferred to a fabric bag.

You can store it outside the refrigerator, but then put it in a dark place at room temperature. In this form, it can last for 1-2 weeks, but it is still better to either eat it within 2-3 days or keep it in the refrigerator, especially in the summer.

Pastila like store bought

Pastila from berries and fruits

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