Home Soups What is included in the spices Khmeli Suneli. Khmeli-suneli - what is it? What is included in hops-suneli from manufacturers

What is included in the spices Khmeli Suneli. Khmeli-suneli - what is it? What is included in hops-suneli from manufacturers

Not long ago, an extraordinary seasoning appeared on the shelves of grocery stores - suneli hops. The composition of the spice is absolutely natural. This seasoning came to us from Georgia. For many consumers it seemed unusual and exotic. At the end of the 20th century, most housewives knew only pepper, bay leaf and a couple of other seasonings. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a wide variety of spices at that time.

What is khmeli-suneli

The composition of this seasoning allows you to make any dish aromatic. The spice tastes spicy, but not spicy. The color of the seasoning is green-yellow. The unique taste allows you to use suneli hops for cooking potatoes, other vegetables, pasta, rice, meat, fish and so on. However, this seasoning goes best with legumes.

Pea soup can be cooked without meat or animal fat. Seasoning will make it tastier and more aromatic. However, if stored improperly, the spice may lose its properties. In stores, this seasoning is sold in foil or in a glass jar. It is best to store it not in a bag, but in a tightly closed container.

Khmeli-suneli: composition and proportions

The composition of the spice is indicated on the packaging. However, most housewives do not even know what some of the components of the seasoning are, for example savory, marjoram, fenugreek. And even basil is unfamiliar to many. It is worth noting that some manufacturers leave the spice composition complete, while some reduce the number of components. For what? Well, let's give both options.

So, what is included in the composition of khmeli-suneli? The seasoning, made according to the original recipe, contains in equal proportions such herbs as marjoram, parsley, peppermint, celery, bay leaf, dill, basil, coriander, savory, fenugreek, as well as 2% red hot pepper, 0.1% saffron .

The composition of the shortened version is significantly different. In this case, the seasoning contains equal amounts of coriander, basil, marjoram, dill, 2% hot pepper, 0.1% saffron.

All of the above components make the spice not only aromatic, but also healthy. It is worth noting that suneli hops can be used for medicinal purposes. Of course, this is only permissible if the seasoning is of high quality.

Properties of the spice

Khmeli-suneli seasoning, the composition of which is simply unique, has a number of useful qualities. When using this spice in reasonable combinations and quantities, you can get rid of swelling, diarrhea and flatulence, and alleviate diabetes and hypertension. It is worth noting that the seasoning improves the condition of blood vessels and heart function, protects against gastrointestinal diseases, colds, germs and viruses.

Spicy herbs contain substances that can relieve physical fatigue, increase muscle tone, improve mood, allow you to maintain excellent physical shape and strengthen the immune system.


This herb is known in our country as shambhala, or fenugreek. Fengurek has been used in medicine for a long time. It contains a large amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats. In addition, the plant contains saponins, lecithin, phytosterols, gum, bitterness, mucus, vitamins, minerals and other biologically active components. Fenugreek is commonly used as a bactericidal, expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent. This composition allows you to cope with purulent wounds, abscesses and colds.

Savory herb

Almost every kitchen has the seasoning khmeli-suneli. Its composition and properties are not even known to many. But it contains herbs that have a positive effect on health. Savory grass has anthelmintic, diaphoretic, tonic and antibacterial properties. The plant helps cure liver and kidney diseases, diabetes, ARVI, colds and runny nose. If you consume the herb in small quantities, you can improve your appetite as well as digestion. Thanks to its pronounced bactericidal properties, savory is able to extend the shelf life of food products. This plant is often added to medicinal preparations prescribed for diarrhea and flatulence.


Khmeli-suneli seasoning, the composition of which is described above, can not only improve the taste of your favorite dishes, but also eliminate some health problems. Basil has a disinfectant and bactericidal effect. This allows you to protect the body from infections and destroy fungi and viruses. In addition, the plant reduces body temperature during flu and colds. Basil is effective in the fight against acute respiratory infections and bronchitis, allows you to get rid of tuberculosis and asthma, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, reduce the effects caused by stress, normalize blood pressure, and calm the nervous system. But these are not all the beneficial properties of the plant. Basil refreshes and cleanses the oral cavity, heals ulcers in dental diseases, prevents tooth loss, promotes rapid dissolution of gallstones and kidney stones, reduces pain, and also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.



This plant has antioxidant properties. Saffron promotes the rapid dissolution of kidney stones, prevents the development of oncology and anemia, is a good diuretic, improves the functioning of the nervous system, eliminates pain and spasms, and removes radionuclides from the body.


Now you know what suneli hops are made from. The composition of the seasoning may be complete, or it may consist of only half of the components. But despite all this, the spice has excellent properties. Each ingredient in the seasoning has a healing effect. It is worth noting that hops-suneli has no contraindications. Therefore, almost everyone can use it. The exception is individual intolerance to certain components, as well as chronic liver diseases.

Unthinkable without seasonings. This is partly what gave rise to the stereotype that national Georgian dishes are too spicy. However, in fact, most seasonings in Georgia are intended to give dishes not spiciness, but a unique aroma. This also applies to the most famous of Georgian spices - khmeli-suneli.

general characteristics

In fact, khmeli-suneli is not one spice, but a mixture of them. It consists of six (in the basic version) or twelve ingredients (in the full version). At the same time, what is noteworthy is that there is no GOST that strictly regulates the composition of the seasoning - and therefore it often varies depending on the preferences of culinary specialists.

The word “khmeli-suneli” itself translated from Georgian means “dry spice”. Externally, it is a fine greenish-brown powder with a very bright, spicy aroma.

Suneli hops gained incredible popularity in the eighties of the last century. Then it first appeared on store shelves in the former Soviet republics and immediately gained a reputation as exotic. The thing is that in the USSR consumers were not spoiled with a special variety of spices: most residents of the country used exclusively pepper when preparing dishes. Therefore, housewives yearning for refined tastes began to add suneli hops to almost all dishes: meat, fish, legumes and vegetables, and pasta. And, oddly enough, Georgian spice suited all these culinary delights, forcing their taste and aroma to play in a new way. The only “but” in the case of khmeli-suneli is that you should not be overzealous when using it, since its aroma is so intense that if you overdo the dosage, the seasoning will interrupt the natural taste of the main components of the dish.

Nowadays, hops-suneli will not surprise anyone - the seasoning can be purchased at any store. Most often it is sold in foil packaging, but culinary experts are convinced that it is better to choose spices packaged in glass jars. Yes, they cost significantly more, but such containers have one significant advantage: they are airtight, and therefore you will have a chance to preserve the original taste and aroma of the seasoning. If you nevertheless bought suneli hops in ordinary soft packaging, then you should also pour it into a glass container.

Please note that a high-quality seasoning contains only spices - no substances marked “E” should be present. If, in addition to spices, the manufacturer included some additional ingredients, this may indicate that the seasoning does not contain some of the most expensive components, the lack of which they decided to “mask” in this way with flavorings.

Seasoning composition

As noted above, there are two options for the hop-suneli mixture: basic and full.

The basic composition contains only six ingredients. These are hot red pepper, coriander, and. In the full version of khmeli-suneli there are twice as many - it is a mixture of basil, coriander, hot red pepper, bay leaf, marjoram, dill, fenugreek (also known as shambhala or fenugreek), and saffron, or Imeretian saffron (marigold).

All of the above ingredients for the hop-suneli mixture are used in equal proportions. There are only two exceptions: red pepper and saffron. Pepper should make up one to two percent of the total weight of the mixture, and saffron one tenth of a percent. However, as noted above, there is no GOST standard for suneli hops, and therefore cooks, if they prepare the seasoning themselves and do not use store-bought ones, often change the proportions at their discretion.

Beneficial features

The unique composition of suneli hops gives this seasoning a wide range of beneficial properties. So, if used in reasonable quantities, it can normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminating such unpleasant phenomena as flatulence, diarrhea and fermentation in the intestines. In addition, hops-suneli helps remove excess fat from the body, as a result of which swelling goes away. Among other beneficial properties, one should highlight the ability to increase the body’s overall resistance to viruses and microbes and improve the condition of the cardiovascular system. In addition, in the Caucasus they are convinced that the use of suneli hops helps men increase their libido by stimulating the release of sex hormones.

And yet, since the beneficial properties of this seasoning are a combination of the beneficial properties of its ingredients, we should consider them in more detail - and above all those that are exotic for the post-Soviet space.

Let's start with fenugreek, also known as fenugreek or fenugreek. This plant has long been used in folk medicine. Thanks to the mucus it contains, it has an enveloping effect, improving intestinal motility and promoting the binding and natural removal of toxins and waste from the body. In addition, the same component of the chemical composition gives fenugreek expectorant properties, which makes it possible to use it in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. In addition, the high content of fenugreek has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, increasing the elasticity of blood vessels and helping to reduce blood pressure. Fenugreek is also useful for people suffering from diabetes, as it helps reduce blood levels. Finally, this plant is known as a powerful aphrodisiac - a drug that increases sexual desire. This is explained by the phytosterols it contains, which have properties similar to those of hormones. So, one of these substances, diosgenin, acts on the female body as estrogen.

Garden savory, a plant belonging to the same family as thyme, also boasts a wide range of beneficial properties. First of all, mention should be made of its extremely beneficial effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract. Savory stimulates appetite and improves the digestion process. It effectively fights flatulence, stopping putrefactive processes in the intestines - it is not surprising that this herb is one of the main components of medicinal preparations that gastroenterologists prescribe for digestive disorders and diarrhea. This plant also acts as an antispasmodic, relieving colic. In addition, savory has such pronounced bactericidal properties that it can even extend the shelf life of products. Due to its anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties, it is used for colds to remove mucus from the bronchi and trachea. This plant is also useful for disorders of the nervous system, as it helps relieve tension, relieves stress and depression, and also increases the overall tone of the body.

Basil is one of the record holders among plants for the number of beneficial properties, which is explained by its high content of and, as well as essential oil. This plant significantly increases the body's resistance and boasts a bactericidal and disinfectant effect thanks to the natural antibiotic phytoncides present in its composition. In addition, basil is an excellent antipyretic for colds and flu, and also helps to recover faster from bronchitis and acute respiratory infections. This plant is also extremely useful for diseases of the digestive system. In particular, it helps to dissolve stones in the kidneys and gall bladder, prevents fermentation in the intestines, and has a slight choleretic effect. Basil is useful for the nervous system: it helps to relax, reduces high blood pressure, and relieves stress. Basil is also an effective aphrodisiac, and therefore useful for people with problems in the intimate sphere. The seasoning owes it a slight cooling effect.

Khmeli-suneli also contains coriander, also known as cilantro. This plant has an anti-inflammatory effect due to the essential oil it contains, which is a powerful antiseptic. The consumption of green cilantro is indicated for ARVI and influenza, as well as for any diseases of the oral cavity: stomatitis, caries, gingivitis. The plant also has a diuretic and antimicrobial effect, helping to heal the kidneys and remove excess fluid from the body. In addition, cilantro is indicated for disorders of the nervous system: it has a relaxing effect, helps normalize blood pressure, and is useful for insomnia and depression with obsessive thoughts. Finally, this plant is known for its antirheumatic properties, the ability to relieve pain and inflammation in the joints. Khmeli-Suneli green cilantro gives a bitterish pleasant aftertaste.

It is not without reason that saffron is one of the most expensive spices in the world. There are more than enough reasons for this if we consider the beneficial properties of this plant. It is an incredibly powerful preventative against the development of cancer, and also has incredible antioxidant properties. Saffron promotes the production of serotonin - the same “hormone of joy”, and therefore helps overcome stress and brings relief from depression. This plant also helps normalize the blood formula, preventing the development of anemia. Thanks to its diuretic effect, saffron relieves swelling and removes excess fluid from the body. In addition, it promotes the dissolution of stones in the liver, kidneys, and gall bladder. It is also known about the radioprotective properties of saffron and its ability to remove radionuclides. Finally, this plant is a powerful aphrodisiac, equally effective for both male and female libido, normalizing hormonal levels and even helping with infertility.

Celery is a plant that is widely used in folk medicine as an effective natural remedy for lowering blood pressure and improving the condition of the cardiovascular system. It has anticoagulant properties, preventing the formation of blood clots, and also boasts a high content of phthalides - substances that prevent artery spasms. Thanks to its diuretic properties, celery helps get rid of edema, remove excess fluid from the body and reduce the load on the kidneys. Back in ancient Rome, men used this plant as a powerful aphrodisiac. Modern researchers have confirmed that celery actually increases libido due to the content of andosterone, which is released in sweat and is an effective pheromone. Celery is also useful for people who are overweight due to its so-called negative calorie content - in other words, during the digestion of this plant, the body receives fewer calories than it expends. This plant gives suneli hops a characteristic spicy flavor and a light woody aroma.

Mint is a plant that has antispasmodic and antiseptic properties. In addition, it effectively relieves vascular spasm, dilating them. Mint is incredibly useful for the gastrointestinal tract - it improves appetite and normalizes the digestion process, helps get rid of nausea, having a calming effect on the gastric mucosa. The essential oils present in mint are beneficial for the liver and gallbladder: they work as an effective choleretic agent and also promote the removal of stones. Mint also benefits the nervous system: it helps to relax and maintain composure in stressful situations, and normalizes blood pressure. It gives the seasoning a characteristic, slightly cooling taste.

Parsley is a plant that has a wide range of beneficial properties. First of all, parsley stimulates the production of collagen and increases the body's overall resistance to viruses and bacteria. In addition, the substances contained in the essential oil of this plant have an anti-inflammatory effect against arthritis and rheumatism. Bioflavonoids present in the chemical composition of parsley stimulate energy metabolism, tone blood vessels and help reduce blood pressure and blood sugar levels to an acceptable level. In addition, parsley is useful for high acidity, as it acts as an antacid. This plant is also valuable because it has diuretic properties, reducing swelling and relieving the kidneys. Finally, parsley is beneficial for anemia as it helps normalize blood levels.

Dill has proven itself to be an excellent remedy for preventing putrefactive processes in the intestines. It helps with flatulence and diarrhea due to the bactericidal properties of the essential oils included in its composition. These same oils can dilute mucus in the bronchi, as a result of which dill has expectorant properties. Other beneficial properties of dill include its ability to lower blood pressure and a mild diuretic effect. Finally, dill has a calming effect on the nervous system, preventing the development of angina and neurosis. It gives Khmeli-Suneli a special spicy flavor.

Bay leaf is a powerful natural antiseptic that has tremendous anti-inflammatory properties thanks to its formic and caproic acid, camphor and tannins. Therefore, its use is recommended during the “cold season”. This plant also has expectorant properties, facilitating the discharge of sputum in case of bronchial diseases. Bay leaf is useful for increased lability of the nervous system, as it has a calming effect and a slight hypnotic effect. In addition, “laurel” effectively removes stagnant fluid from the body and “accelerates” metabolism. The use of bay leaf is indicated for bleeding gums and other diseases of the oral cavity due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Finally, butyric acid, which is contained in bay leaves, prevents diseases of the large intestine.

Hot red pepper, due to its piquant, bitter taste, stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, promoting the synthesis of pancreatic enzymes. Also, ground red pepper has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, increasing the elasticity of blood vessels and helping to cleanse blood vessels. Another useful property of this spice is that it helps digest heavy foods, as a result of which the gastrointestinal tract is not overloaded. Red pepper is recommended during the “cold season” because it boosts immunity, improving the body’s resistance to viruses and bacteria.

Marjoram, which has a characteristic sweetish aroma, is recommended for hypovitaminosis, reduced immunity and low blood hemoglobin. It also alleviates conditions during ARVI, softening cough and promoting the removal of phlegm from the bronchi. It also helps the gastrointestinal tract cope with heavy and fatty dishes and is very useful for pancreatitis, as it relieves inflammatory processes.

Harm and contraindications

Like any other seasoning, suneli hops have certain contraindications for use. First of all, people who have been diagnosed with liver problems should not use this spice.

Since the seasoning contains a large number of components at once, it can cause individual intolerance. Therefore, people prone to allergies should be as careful as possible with this spice.

Due to the choleretic effect of the seasoning, you should not overuse it if you have stones in the gall bladder. The presence of hot pepper makes suneli hops not the best choice for people suffering from gastritis and peptic ulcers.

Use in cooking

In cooking, suneli hops are most often used to prepare Caucasian dishes. These are lobio, chakhokhbili, kharcho soup and other dishes. This seasoning is also added to legendary national sauces, including adjika and tkemali.

However, suneli hops can be used not only for preparing Georgian delicacies. It goes well with and, gives a piquant taste to salads and fish. Suneli hops are also used to add flavor to vegetable stews, porridges, pilaf, and pasta. This seasoning is also added to sauces and soups.

Taking into account the fact that none of the ingredients included in the seasoning require long-term heat treatment, it should be added to dishes a couple of minutes before removing them from the heat.

Cooking suneli hops at home

Since all the spices included in the seasoning can be easily purchased at the market or supermarket, suneli hops can be prepared at home. To do this, it is enough to grind each of the components separately in a mortar or special mill.

In a separate container, mix one tablespoon of all ingredients. Please note that you should not stock up on suneli hops for future use, as the seasoning may lose its fresh aroma.

Some sources recommend adding suneli hops to seasoning when making. However, culinary experts do not recommend doing this. Firstly, in this case there is a high risk that, using seasoning, you can oversalt the dish, and secondly, when mixed with salt, spices lose their flavor faster.

Cooking chicken in Georgian style

To prepare this dish you will need the following ingredients: two tablespoons of adjika, half a bunch of fresh cilantro, 650 g of chicken fillet, two onions, four tablespoons of refined vegetable oil, one, 600 g of tomatoes, salt to taste, three cloves and a teaspoon of the mixture khmeli-suneli.

Cut the onion into thin half rings. Cut the chicken into small pieces. Place chicken, onions in a saucepan, add adjika, half of the total amount of khmeli-suneli, and vegetable oil. Add some salt. Mix thoroughly with your hands and leave to marinate for an hour.

Cut the sweet pepper into squares, chop the garlic and cilantro. Prepare. Peel the skin and cut the tomatoes into cubes.

Heat the remaining oil in a saucepan and add the marinated meat and onions. Fry until the meat turns white. After this, add the tomatoes and simmer for half an hour.

Add chopped bell peppers, remaining seasoning, chopped cilantro and garlic. Simmer for ten minutes.

Georgian chicken is served with vegetables.

Cooking chicken carpaccio with satsivi sauce

To prepare this dish you will need 700 g of chicken legs, 10 g, salt and to taste, 200 g of kernels, 150 g of onion, two cloves of garlic, 50 g, 30 g, 1 g of ground coriander, the same amount of khmeli-suneli, 5 g black peppercorns, 200 ml chicken broth, 10 g cilantro.

Mince nuts, onions and garlic twice. Fry the mixture in butter, adding flour.

Pour in chicken broth, salt, add spices and bring to a boil. When the sauce thickens, remove it from the heat.

When the sauce has cooled, add chopped cilantro and stir.

Season the fillet with salt and pepper. Place in a bowl and add gelatin pre-soaked in cold water. Stir.

Wrap the meat with gelatin in cling film and form into a sausage. Steam for twenty minutes.

When the meat has cooled, cut the meat sausage into slices.

Place the sauce on a dish, place meat slices on top and garnish with herbs.

This spice is strongly associated with Caucasian cuisine, which has gained popularity all over the world. Khmeli suneli is not a spicy herb, but a whole mixture of dry seasonings. Their blend provides a combination of unusual aromas that stimulate the appetite. The seasoning has a slightly bitter taste, but this does not spoil the dishes, but gives them a special piquancy.

The seasoning includes many herbs growing in the Caucasus, and some of them are taken not only from the garden. The composition of Khmeli Suneli is not strictly limited - as many housewives make collections, there are as many variations of the aromatic spice. You can purchase ready-made spices or create your own recipe by selecting herbs to suit your own taste.

Name of herb What feature does spices give?
Fenugreek Gives the seasoning a special smell reminiscent of curry
Basil Gives a whole bouquet of aromas - menthol, lemon, anise
Coriander Gives the dish a lemon flavor
Marjoram Its bittersweet taste is somewhat similar to cardamom
Mint Gives the dish a refreshing aroma that tantalizes the taste buds
Saffron It is included in the composition a little (no more than 0.1% of the total amount) due to the strong richness of the bitter taste
Hyssop This is its camphor-spicy smell present in the spice
Savory Gives the seasoning a peppery bitterness
Hot red pepper The seasoning is quite hot, so for a spicy note take no more than 2%

The composition also includes things familiar to Russian housewives: dill, parsley, celery, which add aroma to the spices with essential oils. Well, where would we be without the ubiquitous bay leaf?

You can supplement or modify the list, while adhering to the basic rule - the total number of spices in the seasoning is 13. Two ingredients are taken in small quantities - hot pepper and saffron, the rest are present in equal proportions.

Each spice included in Khmeli Suneli gives the seasoning its own aroma and taste. These aromas, combined in one collection, are organically intertwined, and the spice acquires a nutty aroma. The seasoning has a pleasant bitter-burning taste with a slight sourness, giving oriental dishes a special spiciness.

Where and in what dishes is it added?

The seasoning is so popular in the Caucasus that it is difficult to imagine dishes where it is not necessary to add it. Meat culinary masterpieces from lamb, beef and chicken are definitely not complete without aromatic spices.

You can feel its taste and aroma in the following recipes:

  • traditional kharcho, lobio, satsivi, chakhokhbili;
  • Georgian sauces, where Khmeli Suneli complements the sour-fruit aromas;
  • fish in any form (heat-treated and salted);
  • fried (baked) vegetables and bean dishes;
  • even vegetable salads.

Spicy seasoning is also used in preservation. Thanks to the spice, original marinades are obtained.

How to replace Khmeli Suneli

It’s hard to imagine how to replace Khmeli Suneli, because the spice has such a rich composition. You can modify it somewhat and get a slightly distinguishable aroma and taste.

In Georgia, housewives sometimes, instead of a whole collection of herbs, take only the greenish seeds of fenugreek, which is the main component of the aromatic set. They have a tart, nutty taste and aroma.

To some extent, Curry can become an alternative to Khmeli Suneli. It contains identical ingredients. This seasoning has the same persistent pleasant aroma, but the taste is softer.

How to make at home

Many housewives prefer to experiment. So Khmeli Suneli for them has ceased to be a traditional spice of the Caucasus and has been reclassified as a branded “trick”. Below are 2 recipes: one of them is a simplified version of the seasoning, the other is the result of a culinary experiment.

Recipe No. 1

To prepare homemade seasoning, take fenugreek seeds (2 tsp), savory and coriander (1 tbsp each), dill (1.5 tsp), bay leaf (2 leaves), ground red pepper (0. 5 tsp).

Next they follow the following algorithm:

  • seeds and laurel are ground in a coffee grinder;
  • grind the remaining ingredients into powder;
  • All components are combined and mixed well.

A small composition and a minimum of effort will allow you to have on hand a fragrant seasoning that resembles Khmeli Suneli.

Recipe No. 2

Here is a more extensive list of components. They take not only fenugreek seeds, but also its leaves. The composition includes marjoram, thyme, savory, mint, bay leaf, turmeric. You will also need celery, dill and coriander seeds, a small cinnamon stick, sea salt and black pepper. Do not forget about essential saffron, but it should not contain more than 1 tsp.

To obtain a high-quality spicy seasoning, follow the sequence of combining components:

  • first grind bay leaf and cinnamon together;
  • then grind all the prepared seeds, salt, pepper and savory;
  • After mixing both powders, add turmeric;
  • At the end, add chopped herbs and mix everything well.

No matter how the composition of the prepared seasonings varies, fenugreek should always remain the main component. It’s hard to imagine Khmeli Suneli without its leaves or seeds. All herbs used in recipes must be thoroughly dried.

This is not just a seasoning that stimulates the appetite; Khmeli Suneli contains a large number of herbs that have medicinal properties. Therefore, the use of spicy spices can be regarded as a preventive measure to improve health (it’s not for nothing that they live so long in the Caucasus).

The richness of Khmeli Suneli with essential oils, mineral salts, and vitamins gives the spice anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antibacterial, and diuretic properties. The seasoning is an excellent antioxidant that will restore your metabolism and lift your mood. You can find out how the components included in the composition specifically affect the body from the table.

Useful properties of Suneli hops

Name of herb Benefits for the body
Fenugreek Increases appetite, is useful during lactation and plays a positive role in male potency
Basil Relieves stomach pain and inflammation in the body
Coriander Choleretic and laxative
Marjoram Often used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract
Mint Has a calming effect on the nervous system, dilates blood vessels
Saffron The strongest antioxidant with a numerous list of medicinal properties
Hyssop Useful for gastrointestinal disorders and used in the treatment of anemia
Savory Fights inflammation and bacteria, relieves stomach pain well
Hot red pepper Good appetite stimulant
Dill Laxative, diuretic, mucolytic agent
Parsley Improves digestion and has diuretic properties
Celery Has a beneficial effect on the hormonal and nervous systems, activates metabolic processes
Bay leaf A good immunostimulant. In combination with other seasoning components, it calms the central nervous system.

Despite this “track record”, there are also contraindications to the seasoning:

  • Although fenugreek is able to activate the production of breast milk, other components may be harmful to the baby. Therefore, it is better for a nursing mother not to get carried away with spicy dishes;
  • Spices are not recommended for pregnant women at all - they tone the uterus. This can trigger premature birth;
  • Those who have chronic diseases of the digestive system, kidneys, and liver will also have to give up the spicy pleasure;
  • Many of the components of Khmeli Suneli can provoke allergic reactions, and this must be taken into account when consuming the spice.

But even if there are no contraindications, you should not get carried away with spicy dishes. Everything is good in moderation.

More recently - some forty years ago - only residents of the Caucasus and the regions closest to them knew about suneli hops. And the other housewives got by just fine by adding parsley, dill, bay leaves, pepper and paprika to their dishes.

And when this seasoning appeared on store shelves, many found it so aromatic that even a small amount of it in a dish caused a storm of emotions. Some people liked it immediately, while others thought it was very spicy.

But in the Caucasus, hops-suneli are the most popular spice. Especially in Georgian cuisine. Although it would be more correct to call it not a spice, but a mixture of herbs. After all, this seasoning includes at least thirteen plants, each of which has a truly unique aroma and taste: basil, celery, red pepper, parsley, coriander (cilantro), bay leaf, dill, marjoram, savory, mint, saffron, hyssop , fenugreek

And in a bouquet, these herbs give any dish a special taste. Even an ordinary soup flavored with suneli hops becomes very tasty and piquant.

To understand the aroma of this spicy mixture, it is advisable to get acquainted with each of the herbs that make up its composition separately.


This spicy herb was known back in Ancient Greece. Moreover, it was used not only as a spice with a strong odor reminiscent of cloves or nutmeg, but also for medicinal purposes. Back in those days, basil was prescribed for nervous disorders, epilepsy, spasms, and even symptoms of mania.

  • This herb has antifever and carminative effects.
  • Young leaves of the plant are eaten fresh: added to salads, fish and meat dishes.
  • Basil leaves are added when pickling cucumbers and tomatoes.
  • It is dried and used as a seasoning for preparing many dishes. But most often it is used in dishes made from beef, lamb and wild game meat.
  • Thanks to its spicy, slightly cooling taste, dried and chopped basil can replace pepper, especially when combined with rosemary.
  • This spice is often used to make spaghetti and pizza.


Parsley is used in food very often, along with dill, which will be discussed below.

  • The leaves of this plant are rich in vitamins (especially ascorbic acid), carotene, fluorine, and essential oils.
  • Parsley juice promotes normal brain function and strengthens blood vessels.
  • This spice improves digestion, helps with flatulence, liver and kidney diseases.
  • Parsley is consumed both fresh and dried. It goes well with all vegetable and meat dishes, as well as sauces.


Dill is the most famous and widespread spicy plant. Its pleasant soft aroma and mild taste enrich any dish, be it vegetable or meat. But dill is also a very useful plant.

  • It reduces stomach pain, helps digestion, and relieves flatulence.
  • Dill seeds are recommended to be consumed as a decoction for cholelithiasis.
  • The juice of the grass and its greens, when consumed regularly, have a beneficial effect on vision.
  • Roasted seeds help clear your breath.
  • This spice goes well with all meat and vegetable dishes. Dry crushed dill seeds are used in a herb mixture for cooking vegetables in Indian cuisine.


This plant has been known in its wild form since ancient times. It is valued for its beneficial and nutritional qualities.

  • Celery is rich in vitamins B1, B2, PP, as well as calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium.
  • It is recommended for salt deposits, kidney disease, and gout.
  • The seeds have a strong spicy aroma, so they are added when cooking soups, broths, and sauces.
  • Greens are added to meat and vegetable dishes.


Coriander greens (cilantro) are a bit like parsley, but they are more flavorful, especially the seeds. It is popular in India and Asia.

  • The essential oils contained in this spice improve digestion and help absorb starchy foods.
  • Crushed seeds are added to salads, pates, and sausages. They add a spicy taste to any dish.

Bay leaf

It is famous in any kitchen. Leaves are used.

  • They contain essential oils and tannins.
  • A decoction of the leaves is beneficial for diabetes.
  • The range of uses of this spice is wide. Bay leaves are added when preparing soups, marinades, and stewing vegetable, fish, and meat dishes. Add when pickling vegetables.

Bay leaf does not tolerate prolonged heat treatment. And after the essential oils evaporate, it becomes bitter. Therefore, it is recommended to remove it from the finished dish.


It has a delicate, pleasant, refreshing aroma.

  • It is useful because it improves digestion, relieves nausea, and reduces headaches.
  • Mint is recommended for high stomach acidity.
  • In cooking, it is used to prepare drinks and confectionery. In small quantities it is added to game and salmon dishes.


It is also called oregano. They are used for food both fresh and dried.

  • It is rich in essential oils, carotene, vitamins, and tannins.
  • Improves digestion and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • Dried and crushed marjoram enriches the taste of compotes, juices, and is also used for preparing pepper mixtures and brewing tea (dried leaves).
  • It goes well with fish, meat and vegetable dishes. It is added to marinades and sauces.
  • In Europe it is used in sausages.
  • Marjoram goes well with rosemary.

Fenugreek (shambhala)

This spice consists of large bean pods that are filled with almost square seeds.

  • Shambhala has a strengthening effect on the muscles of the back and body.
  • The seeds are slightly bitter, so they should not be overcooked so as not to worsen the taste of the dishes.
  • This spice is most often added to marinades and sauces.


Hyssop is an excellent honey plant. Both flowers and leaves have a bitter-spicy taste. It is popular in the Caucasus and Central Asia.

  • This spicy plant with a very persistent odor is known as a remedy for debilitating coughs.
  • In cooking it is used both fresh and dried. It is added to meat, fish, vegetable dishes, salads and marinades.


This spice has a bright orange color and a pleasant smell, slightly reminiscent of anise.

Saffron is the oldest cultivated spice plant. It is very rarely found in the wild, so it is cultivated. Mainly in Azerbaijan, Dagestan, Crimea.

The stigmas of flowers, which bloom for only 3 days, contain coloring and flavoring substances.

  • Saffron is a good diuretic and analgesic for diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  • Used for heart diseases.
  • It helps with coughs, so it is used for respiratory diseases.
  • Most often it is added to rice dishes. Saffron is also a good aromatic addition to meat sauces.


This spicy plant is most often used to prepare bean dishes, which is why it is also called bean grass. Its aroma is reminiscent of marjoram and thyme.

  • Savory has a pungent taste and can replace pepper.
  • It is rich in essential oils, vitamins A, C, P.
  • It has bactericidal, diaphoretic and anthelmintic effects.
  • Savory is used dried and fresh in the preparation of meat, fish, vegetable and legume dishes.
  • It is added to pates, salads and marinades.
  • It is often included in pepper mixtures.

Hot red pepper

This spice is used for a pungent, “hot” taste.

Pepper improves appetite. But due to its pungent taste, it is used in minimal quantities.

Khmeli-suneli in cooking

This spicy mixture is not used except in baking, because almost all dishes of Caucasian cuisine are prepared using suneli hops.

  • This seasoning is added to lobio, a bean dish. And also in many snacks and salads made from legumes: beans, peas, lentils.
  • Can't do without khmeli-suneli and satsivi. Moreover, this dish is prepared both from fish or meat, and from eggplants.
  • Khmeli-suneli is an essential seasoning for preparing vegetable dishes. Ajapsandali, popular in Georgia, is always seasoned with this mixture.
  • Meat dishes also go well with this seasoning. For example, in chakhokhbili, along with onions, tomatoes, fresh parsley and basil, this spicy mixture is also present.
  • It is also added to first courses. It adds piquancy to borscht, and thanks to it, kharcho soup becomes very tasty and aromatic.
  • Khmeli-suneli is part of the famous spicy adjika paste.

How to prepare hops-suneli yourself

Any housewife can prepare this seasoning at home. To do this, you just need to know the proportions in which all the herbs are combined with each other.

Selected herbs are taken in equal proportions, crushed and then mixed. The only exceptions are red pepper and saffron.. The amount of pepper should be 1-2% of the total amount of the mixture. Saffron is taken only 0.1%. The color of the mixture should be greenish and the taste should be mild. The mixture is poured into a glass jar, tightly closed with a lid and stored for no more than two years.

Khmeli-suneli - a reason for improvisation

In addition to the herbal-rich composition described above, there is also a simpler version of the mixture. It contains only a few spices: dill, coriander, saffron, marjoram and red pepper.

But this does not mean that suneli hops can be prepared in only two ways.

Knowing the aroma of each of these herbs and taking into account your taste preferences, you can create an individual bouquet that will add spicy notes and a piquant taste to the dish.

Every housewife wants to add interesting shades of taste and aroma to her culinary masterpieces. Spices or combinations thereof are often used for these purposes. Georgian cuisine is especially rich in fragrant seasonings. The most common way to add flavor and benefits to food is to use a unique spicy mixture.

Khmeli-suneli - what is it?

When considering the question of what hops-suneli are, pay attention to the literal translation of this name from the Georgian language. It means "dry spice". This simple name characterizes one of the most common seasonings in Transcaucasian cuisine. Khmeli-suneli is a set of herbs mixed using a certain proportion. The appearance in the photo is characterized by a greenish color. The product not only gives dishes a delicious aroma, but also has benefits for the body.

What is included in hops-suneli

Every housewife who intends to use spices for cooking needs to understand what is included in suneli hops. The famous Georgian seasoning, when collected in the classic version, contains the following components:

  • chopped twigs, parsley leaves;
  • celery stalks;
  • dill;
  • marjoram;
  • leaves, stems of coriander (cilantro);
  • marigolds (Imereti saffron);
  • basil;
  • blue fenugreek (utskho-suneli);
  • red hot pepper;
  • Bay leaf;
  • hyssop;
  • mint;
  • garden savory.

Georgian spices and seasonings of this type consist of dry herbs, most of which are taken in equal proportions. Red pepper makes up approximately 2% of the total mixture, and saffron - 0.1%. There is also a stripped-down version of the seasoning, which includes parsley, basil, red pepper, saffron, dill, marjoram, and cilantro. If you are going to prepare Georgian seasonings yourself, you must remember that the process does not have a strict recipe. If you wish, you can remove an ingredient that you do not like.

Khmeli-suneli - where to add

The list of dishes to which suneli hops are added is topped by recipes from Georgian cuisine:

  • adjika;
  • satsivi;
  • soup kharcho;
  • Chakhokhbili;
  • sauces, marinades for barbecue.

In addition to this list, a set of herbs will help add new interesting shades of taste and aroma to dishes made from pork, vegetables, mushrooms and fish. The seasoning goes especially well with stews and soups. When using spices, you should remember that each herb from the components of the composition will give characteristic flavor and aromatic changes to the dish, so the use of spices for a particular product depends on your preferences and recommendations set out inside the recipes with photos.

Khmeli-suneli - benefits and harm

The benefits of suneli hops are based on the beneficial properties of the herbs contained within the mixture. However, remember that a folk remedy cannot replace medicine. Application of the fee will help with:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • infections caused by viruses;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • swelling;
  • diarrhea, flatulence;
  • caries;
  • fungi;
  • asthma;
  • malfunctions of the digestive tract.

The benefits of the spice are expressed in the following:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • maintaining physical fitness;
  • lifting your mood;
  • relieving fatigue syndrome;
  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • containing a large amount of essential substances (vitamins, essential oils, minerals, tannins).

However, like any product, seasoning if used excessively can cause harm to the body. Do not use the mixture if you are intolerant to one of the components. In such circumstances, a stripped-down version of the composition may help. The use of spices to give dishes the appropriate taste and aroma is strictly prohibited for people suffering from liver diseases. If you include this spice in your diet during illness, you will not receive any benefit, only harm.

Price of khmeli-suneli

How much khmeli-suneli costs is a pressing question for those who want to diversify the taste of their favorite dishes. You can make food even more aromatic and tasty by paying a small price for excellent seasoning. You can buy it on the counter of almost any store or order it from a catalog where photos are presented. In the Moscow region, the price of a seasoning package depends on the manufacturer and weight of the product. The average cost of a bag or plastic jar with a capacity of 0.5 kg is 200-250 rubles. When purchasing goods online, pay attention to promotions to buy inexpensively, but consider the cost of delivery.

How to replace suneli hops

Housewives who want to make their dishes tasty and healthy are interested in what can replace suneli hops. A large set of components makes the traditional Georgian seasoning almost irreplaceable. If the full composition of the mixture does not suit you or you cannot find all the components, use the shortened version. You can experiment by adding or eliminating certain ingredients until you get the taste and aroma that suits you. Each spice can be used separately; the dish will absorb the desired flavor notes.


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